Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2010 BREDEX GmbH. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * BREDEX GmbH - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation *******************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /** * This Util class contains methods to zip and unzip directories * * @author BREDEX GmbH * @created 13.08.2010 */ public class ZipUtil { /** file extension for JAR files, in lower case */ private static final String JAR_FILE_EXT = ".jar"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** mapping from a ZIP file to its extracted temporary JAR files */ private static Map zipToTempJars = new HashMap(); /** * * @author BREDEX GmbH * @created 23.06.2011 */ public static interface IZipEntryFilter { /** * * @param entry The zip entry to filter. * @return <code>true</code> if the zip entry should be accepted. * Otherwise, <code>false</code>. */ public boolean accept(ZipEntry entry); } /** to prevent instantiation */ private ZipUtil() { //do nothing } /** * This method converts a directory into a zip file * @param directory The directory to zip * @param zip The destination zip file * @throws IOException */ public static final void zipDirectory(File directory, File zip) throws IOException { ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zip)); zip(directory, directory, zos); zos.close(); } /** * This method converts a directory into a zip file * @param directory The directory to zip * @param base The directory to zip * @param zos A ZipOutputStream * @throws IOException */ private static final void zip(File directory, File base, ZipOutputStream zos) throws IOException { File[] files = directory.listFiles(); byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; int read = 0; for (int i = 0, n = files.length; i < n; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) { zip(files[i], base, zos); } else { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(files[i]); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(files[i].getPath().substring(base.getPath().length() + 1)); zos.putNextEntry(entry); while (-1 != (read = { zos.write(buffer, 0, read); } in.close(); } } } /** * This method unzip's a zip file into a given folder * @param zip The zip file * @param extractTo The destination folder * @throws IOException */ public static final void unzip(File zip, File extractTo) throws IOException { unzipFiles(zip, extractTo, new IZipEntryFilter() { public boolean accept(ZipEntry entry) { return true; } }); } /** * Extracts all JAR files from the given ZIP file into temporary JAR files. * The directory structure of the extracted contents is not maintained. * A mapping from ZIP file to extracted JARs is maintained by this class, * so multiple calls to this method for a single ZIP file will extract JAR * files once and return references to those files for each subsequent call. * The extracted JAR files are deleted on VM exit. * @param srcZip The ZIP file to extract. * @return all extracted files. * @throws IOException */ public static File[] unzipTempJars(File srcZip) throws IOException { if (zipToTempJars.containsKey(srcZip)) { return (File[]) zipToTempJars.get(srcZip); } IZipEntryFilter filter = new IZipEntryFilter() { public boolean accept(ZipEntry entry) { return entry.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(JAR_FILE_EXT); } }; ZipFile archive = new ZipFile(srcZip); Enumeration e = archive.entries(); List extractedFiles = new ArrayList(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) e.nextElement(); if (filter.accept(entry)) { if (!entry.isDirectory()) { String prefix = entry.getName().substring(entry.getName().lastIndexOf("/") + 1, //$NON-NLS-1$ entry.getName().toLowerCase().lastIndexOf(JAR_FILE_EXT)); File file = File.createTempFile(StringUtils.rightPad(prefix, 3), JAR_FILE_EXT); extractedFiles.add(file); file.deleteOnExit(); unzipFile(archive, file, entry); } } } File[] files = (File[]) extractedFiles.toArray(new File[extractedFiles.size()]); zipToTempJars.put(srcZip, files); return files; } /** * Unzips the contents of the given zip file into the given directory. * * @param srcZip The zip file to extract. * @param targetDir The base directory for extracted files. * @param filter Only files accepted by this filter will be extracted. * @return all extracted files. * @throws IOException */ public static File[] unzipFiles(File srcZip, File targetDir, IZipEntryFilter filter) throws IOException { ZipFile archive = new ZipFile(srcZip); Enumeration e = archive.entries(); List extractedFiles = new ArrayList(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry entry = (ZipEntry) e.nextElement(); if (filter.accept(entry)) { File file = new File(targetDir, entry.getName()); if (entry.isDirectory() && !file.exists()) { file.mkdirs(); } else { if (!file.getParentFile().exists()) { file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); } extractedFiles.add(file); unzipFile(archive, file, entry); } } } return (File[]) extractedFiles.toArray(); } /** * * @param archive The zip file from which to extract. * @param targetFile The file to which the entry contents will be extracted. * @param entry The entry to extract. * @throws IOException */ private static void unzipFile(ZipFile archive, File targetFile, ZipEntry entry) throws IOException { InputStream in = null; BufferedOutputStream out = null; try { in = archive.getInputStream(entry); out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(targetFile)); byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; int read; while (-1 != (read = { out.write(buffer, 0, read); } } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } if (out != null) { out.close(); } } } }