Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 BREDEX GmbH. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * BREDEX GmbH - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.tester; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.CompSystemConstants; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.driver.ClickOptions; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.driver.DragAndDropHelper; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.exception.StepExecutionException; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.tester.adapter.interfaces.IListComponent; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.util.SelectionUtil; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.util.IndexConverter; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.util.ListSelectionVerifier; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.util.MatchUtil; import org.eclipse.jubula.rc.common.util.Verifier; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author BREDEX GmbH * */ public class ListTester extends AbstractTextVerifiableTester { /** * Splits the enumeration of values. * @param values The values to split * @param separator The separator, may be <code>null</code> * @return The array of values */ private String[] split(String values, String separator) { String[] list = StringParsing.splitToArray(values, ((separator == null) || (separator.length() == 0) ? INDEX_LIST_SEP_CHAR : separator.charAt(0)), TestDataConstants.ESCAPE_CHAR_DEFAULT); list = StringUtils.stripAll(list); return list; } /** * @return The array of selected indices * @throws StepExecutionException If there are no indices selected */ private int[] getCheckedSelectedIndices() throws StepExecutionException { int[] selected = getListAdapter().getSelectedIndices(); SelectionUtil.validateSelection(selected); return selected; } /** * * @return the List Adapter */ private IListComponent getListAdapter() { return ((IListComponent) getComponent()); } /** * Verifies if the passed index is selected. * * @param index The index to verify * @param expectSelected Whether the index should be selected. */ public void rcVerifySelectedIndex(String index, boolean expectSelected) { int[] selected = getCheckedSelectedIndices(); int implIndex = IndexConverter.toImplementationIndex(Integer.parseInt(index)); boolean isSelected = ArrayUtils.contains(selected, implIndex); if (expectSelected != isSelected) { throw new StepExecutionException("Selection check failed for index: " + index, //$NON-NLS-1$ EventFactory.createVerifyFailed(String.valueOf(expectSelected), String.valueOf(isSelected))); } } /** * Verifies if the passed value or enumeration of values is selected. By * default, the enumeration separator is <code>,</code> * @param valueList The value or list of values to verify */ public void rcVerifySelectedValue(String valueList) { rcVerifySelectedValue(valueList, MatchUtil.DEFAULT_OPERATOR, true); } /** * Verifies if the passed value is selected. * * @param value The value to verify * @param operator The operator to use when comparing the * expected and actual values. * @param isSelected if the value should be selected or not. */ public void rcVerifySelectedValue(String value, String operator, boolean isSelected) { final String[] current = getListAdapter().getSelectedValues(); final ListSelectionVerifier listSelVerifier = new ListSelectionVerifier(); for (int i = 0; i < current.length; i++) { listSelVerifier.addItem(i, current[i], true); } listSelVerifier.verifySelection(value, operator, isSelected); } /** * Verifies if all selected elements of a list match a text. * @param text The text to verify * @param operator The operator used to verify */ public void rcVerifyText(String text, String operator) { String[] selected = getListAdapter().getSelectedValues(); final int selCount = selected.length; SelectionUtil.validateSelection(selected); for (int i = 0; i < selCount; i++) { Verifier.match(selected[i], text, operator); } } /** * Selects the passed index or enumeration of indices. The enumeration must * be separated by <code>,</code>, e.g. <code>1, 3,6</code>. * @param indexList The index or indices to select * @param extendSelection Whether this selection extends a previous * selection. * @param button what mouse button should be used * @param clickCount the click count */ public void rcSelectIndex(String indexList, final String extendSelection, int button, int clickCount) { final boolean isExtendSelection = extendSelection.equals(CompSystemConstants.EXTEND_SELECTION_YES); selectIndices(IndexConverter.toImplementationIndices(parseIndices(indexList)), ClickOptions.create().setClickCount(clickCount).setMouseButton(button), isExtendSelection); } /** * Selects the passed value or enumeration of values. By default, the * enumeration separator is <code>,</code>. * @param valueList The value or list of values to select * @param operator If regular expressions are used * @param searchType Determines where the search begins ("relative" or "absolute") * @param extendSelection Whether this selection extends a previous * selection. If <code>true</code>, the first * element will be selected with CONTROL as a * modifier. * @param button what mouse button should be used * @param clickCount the click count */ public void rcSelectValue(String valueList, String operator, String searchType, final String extendSelection, int button, int clickCount) { final boolean isExtendSelection = extendSelection.equals(CompSystemConstants.EXTEND_SELECTION_YES); selectValue(valueList, String.valueOf(VALUE_SEPARATOR), operator, searchType, ClickOptions.create().setClickCount(clickCount).setMouseButton(button), isExtendSelection); } /** * Verifies if the list contains an element that renders <code>value</code>. * @param value The text to verify */ public void rcVerifyContainsValue(String value) { Verifier.equals(true, containsValue(value)); } /** * Verifies if the list contains an element that renders <code>value</code>. * @param value The text to verify * @param operator The operator used to verify * @param exists if the wanted value should exist or not. */ public void rcVerifyContainsValue(String value, String operator, boolean exists) { Verifier.equals(exists, containsValue(value, operator)); } /** * Action to read the value of the current selected item of the JList * to store it in a variable in the Client * @param variable the name of the variable * @return the text value. */ public String rcReadValue(String variable) { String[] selected = getListAdapter().getSelectedValues(); SelectionUtil.validateSelection(selected); return selected[0]; } /** * Drags the passed value. * * @param mouseButton the mouseButton. * @param modifier the modifier. * @param value The value to drag * @param operator If regular expressions are used * @param searchType Determines where the search begins ("relative" or "absolute") */ public void rcDragValue(int mouseButton, String modifier, String value, String operator, final String searchType) { DragAndDropHelper dndHelper = DragAndDropHelper.getInstance(); dndHelper.setModifier(modifier); dndHelper.setMouseButton(mouseButton); Integer[] indices = findIndicesOfValues(new String[] { value }, operator, searchType); selectIndices(ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(indices), ClickOptions.create().setClickCount(0), false); pressOrReleaseModifiers(modifier, true); getRobot().mousePress(null, null, mouseButton); } /** * Drops on the passed value. * * @param value The value on which to drop * @param operator If regular expressions are used * @param searchType Determines where the search begins ("relative" or "absolute") * @param delayBeforeDrop the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait * between moving the mouse to the drop point and * releasing the mouse button */ public void rcDropValue(String value, String operator, final String searchType, int delayBeforeDrop) { DragAndDropHelper dndHelper = DragAndDropHelper.getInstance(); try { Integer[] indices = findIndicesOfValues(new String[] { value }, operator, searchType); selectIndices(ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(indices), ClickOptions.create().setClickCount(0), false); waitBeforeDrop(delayBeforeDrop); } finally { getRobot().mouseRelease(null, null, dndHelper.getMouseButton()); pressOrReleaseModifiers(dndHelper.getModifier(), false); } } /** * Drags the passed index. * * @param mouseButton the mouseButton. * @param modifier the modifier. * @param index The index to drag */ public void rcDragIndex(final int mouseButton, final String modifier, int index) { DragAndDropHelper dndHelper = DragAndDropHelper.getInstance(); dndHelper.setModifier(modifier); dndHelper.setMouseButton(mouseButton); selectIndices(new int[] { IndexConverter.toImplementationIndex(index) }, ClickOptions.create().setClickCount(0), false); pressOrReleaseModifiers(modifier, true); getRobot().mousePress(null, null, mouseButton); } /** * Drops onto the passed index. * * @param index The index on which to drop * @param delayBeforeDrop the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait * between moving the mouse to the drop point and * releasing the mouse button */ public void rcDropIndex(final int index, int delayBeforeDrop) { DragAndDropHelper dndHelper = DragAndDropHelper.getInstance(); try { selectIndices(new int[] { IndexConverter.toImplementationIndex(index) }, ClickOptions.create().setClickCount(0), false); waitBeforeDrop(delayBeforeDrop); } finally { getRobot().mouseRelease(null, null, dndHelper.getMouseButton()); pressOrReleaseModifiers(dndHelper.getModifier(), false); } } /** * @param value The value * @return <code>true</code> if the list contains an element that is rendered with <code>value</code> */ public boolean containsValue(String value) { Integer[] indices = findIndicesOfValues(new String[] { value }, MatchUtil.EQUALS, CompSystemConstants.SEARCH_TYPE_ABSOLUTE); return indices.length > 0; } /** * @param value The value * @param operator The operator used to verify * @return <code>true</code> if the list contains an element that is rendered with <code>value</code> */ public boolean containsValue(String value, String operator) { Integer[] indices = null; if (operator.equals(MatchUtil.NOT_EQUALS)) { indices = findIndicesOfValues(new String[] { value }, MatchUtil.EQUALS, CompSystemConstants.SEARCH_TYPE_ABSOLUTE); return indices.length == 0; } indices = findIndicesOfValues(new String[] { value }, operator, CompSystemConstants.SEARCH_TYPE_ABSOLUTE); return indices.length > 0; } /** * Selects the passed value or enumeration of values. By default, the * enumeration separator is <code>,</code>, but may be changed by * <code>separator</code>. * @param valueList The value or list of values to select * @param separator The separator, optional * @param operator If regular expressions are used * @param searchType Determines where the search begins ("relative" or "absolute") * @param co the click options to use * @param isExtendSelection Whether this selection extends a previous * selection. */ private void selectValue(String valueList, String separator, String operator, final String searchType, ClickOptions co, final boolean isExtendSelection) { String[] values = null; if (StringConstants.EMPTY.equals(valueList)) { values = new String[1]; values[0] = StringConstants.EMPTY; } else { values = split(valueList, separator); } Integer[] indices = findIndicesOfValues(values, operator, searchType); Arrays.sort(indices); if (!operator.equals(MatchUtil.NOT_EQUALS) && (indices.length < values.length)) { throw new StepExecutionException("One or more values not found of set: " //$NON-NLS-1$ + Arrays.asList(values).toString(), EventFactory.createActionError(TestErrorEvent.NOT_FOUND)); } selectIndices(ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(indices), co, isExtendSelection); } /** * Parses the enumeration of indices. * @param indexList The enumeration of indices * @return The array of parsed indices */ private int[] parseIndices(String indexList) { String[] list = StringParsing.splitToArray(indexList, INDEX_LIST_SEP_CHAR, TestDataConstants.ESCAPE_CHAR_DEFAULT); int[] indices = new int[list.length]; for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { indices[i] = IndexConverter.intValue(list[i]); } return indices; } /** * @param indices The indices to select * @param co the click options to use * @param isExtendSelection Whether this selection extends a previous * selection. If <code>true</code>, the first * element will be selected with CONTROL as a * modifier. */ private void selectIndices(int[] indices, ClickOptions co, boolean isExtendSelection) { Object list = getListAdapter().getRealComponent(); if (indices.length > 0) { try { if (isExtendSelection) { getRobot().keyPress(list, getSystemDefaultModifier()); } // first selection getListAdapter().clickOnIndex(new Integer(indices[0]), co); } finally { if (isExtendSelection) { getRobot().keyRelease(list, getSystemDefaultModifier()); } } } try { getRobot().keyPress(list, getSystemDefaultModifier()); // following selections for (int i = 1; i < indices.length; i++) { getListAdapter().clickOnIndex(new Integer(indices[i]), co); } } finally { getRobot().keyRelease(list, getSystemDefaultModifier()); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String[] getTextArrayFromComponent() { return null; } /** * * @return - */ protected int getSystemDefaultModifier() { return -1; } /** * Finds the indices of the list elements that are rendered with the passed * values. * * @param values * The values * @param operator * operator to use * @param searchType * Determines where the search begins ("relative" or "absolute") * @return The array of indices. It's length is equal to the length of the * values array, but may contains <code>null</code> elements for all * values that are not found in the list */ private Integer[] findIndicesOfValues(final String[] values, final String operator, final String searchType) { String[] listValues = getListAdapter().getValues(); int startIndex = getStartingIndex(searchType); final java.util.List indexList = new ArrayList(values.length); final MatchUtil matchUtil = MatchUtil.getInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { final String value = values[i]; for (int j = startIndex; j < listValues.length; j++) { final String listItem = listValues[j]; if (matchUtil.match(listItem, value, operator)) { indexList.add(new Integer(j)); } } } Integer[] indices = new Integer[indexList.size()]; indexList.toArray(indices); return indices; } /** * @param searchType Determines where the search begins ("relative" or "absolute") * @return The index from which to begin a search, based on the search type * and (if appropriate) the currently selected cell. */ private int getStartingIndex(final String searchType) { int startingIndex = 0; if (searchType.equalsIgnoreCase(CompSystemConstants.SEARCH_TYPE_RELATIVE)) { int[] selectedIndices = getListAdapter().getSelectedIndices(); // Start from the last selected item, if any item(s) are selected if (selectedIndices.length > 0) { startingIndex = selectedIndices[selectedIndices.length - 1] + 1; } } return startingIndex; } }