Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2010 BREDEX GmbH. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * BREDEX GmbH - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.businessprocess; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceException; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.businessprocess.treeoperations.CheckIfComponentNameIsReusedOp; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.businessprocess.treeoperations.FindNodesForComponentNameOp; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.i18n.Messages; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IAUTMainPO; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ICapPO; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IComponentNameData; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IComponentNamePO; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.INodePO; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IObjectMappingAssoziationPO; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IProjectPO; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IReusedProjectPO; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.ITestSuitePO; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.PoMaker; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.CompNamePM; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.GeneralStorage; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.ISpecPersistable; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.IncompatibleTypeException; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.PMAlreadyLockedException; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.PMDirtyVersionException; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.PMException; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.PMObjectDeletedException; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.PersistenceUtil; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.ProjectPM; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.locking.LockManager; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.utils.StringHelper; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.utils.TreeTraverser; import org.eclipse.jubula.toolkit.common.xml.businessprocess.ComponentBuilder; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Acts as a Component Name cache for the master session. * * @author BREDEX GmbH * @created Apr 9, 2008 */ public class ComponentNamesBP extends AbstractNameBP<IComponentNamePO> implements IComponentNameCache { /** i18n key for the "unknown" component type */ public static final String UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_TYPE = "guidancer.abstract.Unknown"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * <code>log</code> logger for class */ private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ComponentNamesBP.class); /** * @author BREDEX GmbH * @created Apr 16, 2008 */ public enum CompNameCreationContext { /** ObjectMapping-Editor context*/ OBJECT_MAPPING, /** Overriden name context */ OVERRIDDEN_NAME, /** Test Step context */ STEP; /** for toString and forName */ private static final String OBJECT_MAPPING_CTX = "OBJECT_MAPPING"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** for toString and forName */ private static final String OVERRIDDEN_NAME_CTX = "OVERRIDDEN_NAME"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** for toString and forName */ private static final String STEP_CTX = "STEP"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * * {@inheritDoc} */ public String toString() { switch (this) { case OBJECT_MAPPING: return OBJECT_MAPPING_CTX; case OVERRIDDEN_NAME: return OVERRIDDEN_NAME_CTX; case STEP: return STEP_CTX; default: // nothing } Assert.notReached("Missing toString representation for CompNameCreationContext"); //$NON-NLS-1$ return StringConstants.EMPTY; } /** * * @param name a toString representation of a CompNameCreationContext. * @return a CompNameCreationContext */ public static CompNameCreationContext forName(String name) { if (OBJECT_MAPPING_CTX.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return OBJECT_MAPPING; } if (OVERRIDDEN_NAME_CTX.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return OVERRIDDEN_NAME; } if (STEP_CTX.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return STEP; } Assert.notReached("No CompNameCreationContext for '" //$NON-NLS-1$ + String.valueOf(name) + "'"); //$NON-NLS-1$ return null; } } /** The singleton instance */ private static ComponentNamesBP instance = null; /** * Singleton Constructor. */ private ComponentNamesBP() { // } /** * @return The singleton instance. */ public static final ComponentNamesBP getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new ComponentNamesBP(); } return instance; } /** * Adds the given NAME_PO to the chache.<br> * This method is null-safe! * @param compName namePO object */ public final void addComponentNamePO(IComponentNamePO compName) { addNamePO(compName); } /** * * @param guid a GUID */ public final void removeComponentNamePO(String guid) { removeNamePO(guid); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getGuidForName(String name, Long parentProjectId) { for (IComponentNamePO compName : getAllNamePOs()) { if (compName.getName().equals(name) && parentProjectId.equals(compName.getParentProjectId())) { return compName.getGuid(); } } return null; } /** * * @param guid the GUID of the Component Name. * @return the display name of the Component Name with the given GUID of * the current Project. */ public final String getName(String guid) { return getName(guid, GeneralStorage.getInstance().getProject().getId()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public final String getName(String guid, Long rootProjId) { // fallback, show uniqueId, if no name for component is available String name = guid; IComponentNamePO namePO = getNamePO(guid); if (namePO == null) { // try to get component name from used Projects final IProjectPO currProj = GeneralStorage.getInstance().getProject(); try { namePO = getCompNamePoImpl(currProj.getGuid(), guid, null, currProj.getMajorProjectVersion(), currProj.getMinorProjectVersion()); addComponentNamePO(namePO); } catch (JBException e) { throw new JBFatalException(e, MessageIDs.E_DATABASE_GENERAL); } } if (namePO != null) { if (namePO.getReferencedGuid() != null) { return getName(namePO.getReferencedGuid(), rootProjId); } name = namePO.getName(); } else { // This can happen legally if there is an unused overridden // Component Name which was formerly propagated. if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(Messages.EmptyComponentName + StringConstants.SPACE + StringConstants.EQUALS_SIGN + StringConstants.SPACE + rootProjId + " uniqueId = " + guid); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } return name; } /** * reads all paramNames of the current Project and its reused Projects * from database into names map * @throws PMException in case of an (unexpected) DB access problem */ public final void init() throws PMException { clearAllNamePOs(); final IProjectPO currProject = GeneralStorage.getInstance().getProject(); initCompNamesTransitive(currProject.getId(), new HashSet<Long>()); } /** * reads all paramNames of the given Project and its reused Projects * from database into names map * @param projectID an IProjectPO id * @param loadedProjectIds Accumulated IDs of reused projects that have * been loaded. * @throws PMException in case of an (unexpected) DB access problem */ private void initCompNamesTransitive(Long projectID, Set<Long> loadedProjectIds) throws PMException { if (projectID == null) { return; } readCompNamesForProjectID(projectID); for (IReusedProjectPO usedProj : ProjectPM.getReusedProjectsForProject(projectID)) { final String reusedGuid = usedProj.getProjectGuid(); final int reuseMajVers = usedProj.getMajorNumber(); final int reuseMinVers = usedProj.getMinorNumber(); try { final Long usedProjPo = ProjectPM.findProjectIDByGuidAndVersion(reusedGuid, reuseMajVers, reuseMinVers); if (usedProjPo != null && loadedProjectIds.add(usedProjPo)) { initCompNamesTransitive(usedProjPo, loadedProjectIds); } } catch (JBException e) { // Continue! Maybe the Project is not present in DB. } } } /** * reads all paramNames of the Project with the given ID from database * into names map * @param projId the Project ID. * @throws PMException PMException in case of any db problem */ private void readCompNamesForProjectID(Long projId) throws PMException { List<IComponentNamePO> names = CompNamePM.readAllCompNames(projId); for (IComponentNamePO compNamePO : names) { addNamePO(compNamePO); } } /** * reads all paramNames of the Project with the given ID from database * into names map * @param projId projId the Project ID. * @throws PMException PMException PMException in case of any db problem */ public final void refreshNames(Long projId) throws PMException { readCompNamesForProjectID(projId); } /** * * @return all IComponentNamePOs of the current project and its reused * Projects. */ public final Collection<IComponentNamePO> getAllComponentNamePOs() { return getAllNamePOs(); } /** * @param projId a Project ID * @return all IComponentNamePOs of the project with the given Project ID. */ public final Collection<IComponentNamePO> getAllComponentNamePOs(Long projId) throws PMException { return CompNamePM.readAllCompNamesRO(projId); } /** * @param projId a Project ID * @return all IComponentNamePOs of the project with the given Project ID. */ public final Collection<IComponentNamePO> getAllNonRefCompNamePOs(Long projId) throws PMException { Collection<IComponentNamePO> allCompNamePOs = getAllComponentNamePOs(projId); CollectionUtils.filter(allCompNamePOs, new Predicate() { public boolean evaluate(Object object) { if (object instanceof IComponentNamePO) { return ((IComponentNamePO) object).getReferencedGuid() == null; } return false; } }); return allCompNamePOs; } /** * Creates a new IComponentNamePO and puts it in the list of * IComponentNamePO to persist. * @param guid a GUID, can be null. If null, a GUID will be created. * @param name the name. * @param type the type * @param ctx the CompNameCreationContext. * @return a new IComponentNamePO. * @see #createComponentNamePO(String, String, CompNameCreationContext) */ public final IComponentNamePO createComponentNamePO(String guid, String name, String type, CompNameCreationContext ctx) { String nameGuid = guid; if (guid == null) { nameGuid = PersistenceUtil.generateGuid(); } final IComponentNamePO newComponentNamePO = PoMaker.createComponentNamePO(nameGuid, name, type, ctx, GeneralStorage.getInstance().getProject().getId()); addComponentNamePO(newComponentNamePO); return newComponentNamePO; } /** * Gets an IComponentNamePO from the database with the help of the given * Parameters. * @param compNameGuid The GUID of the IComponentNamePO which is to load. * @param compNameParentProjGuid The ParentProjectGUID of the * IComponentNamePO which is to load. * @return an IComponentNamePO or null if not found * @throws JBException in case of any db problem. */ public final IComponentNamePO getCompNamePo(String compNameGuid, String compNameParentProjGuid) throws JBException { final IProjectPO currProject = GeneralStorage.getInstance().getProject(); final String currGuid = currProject.getGuid(); if (currGuid.equals(compNameParentProjGuid)) { return loadCompNamePoImpl(compNameGuid, currGuid, currProject.getMajorProjectVersion(), currProject.getMinorProjectVersion()); } return getCompNamePoImpl(currProject.getGuid(), compNameGuid, compNameParentProjGuid, currProject.getMajorProjectVersion(), currProject.getMinorProjectVersion()); } /** * Gets an IComponentNamePO with the given Parameters. * @param projToSearchGuid The GUID of the Project to search for the * IComponentNamePO * @param compNameGuid The GUID of the IComponentNamePO which is to load. * @param compNameParentProjGuid The ParentProjectGUID of the * IComponentNamePO which is to load. * Can be null. If it is null, the search for the IComponentNamePO begins * in the used Projects of the Project with the given projToSearchGuid and * projMajVers and projMinVers. Otherwise the search start in the given * Project itself. * @param projMajVers the Major Version of the ParentProject of the wanted * IComponentNamePO. * @param projMinVers the Minor Version of the ParentProject of the wanted * IComponentNamePO. * @return an IComponentNamePO or null if not found. * @throws JBException in case of any db problem. */ private IComponentNamePO getCompNamePoImpl(String projToSearchGuid, String compNameGuid, String compNameParentProjGuid, Integer projMajVers, Integer projMinVers) throws JBException { if (compNameParentProjGuid != null) { IComponentNamePO compNamePo = loadCompNamePoImpl(compNameGuid, compNameParentProjGuid, projMajVers, projMinVers); if (compNamePo != null) { return compNamePo; } } List<IReusedProjectPO> reusedProjList = ProjectPM.loadReusedProjectsRO(projToSearchGuid, projMajVers, projMinVers); for (IReusedProjectPO reusedProj : reusedProjList) { final Integer reusedMajVers = reusedProj.getMajorNumber(); final Integer reusedMinVers = reusedProj.getMinorNumber(); final String reusedGuid = reusedProj.getProjectGuid(); IComponentNamePO compNamePo = null; if (StringUtils.equals(compNameParentProjGuid, reusedGuid)) { compNamePo = loadCompNamePoImpl(compNameGuid, reusedGuid, reusedMajVers, reusedMinVers); if (compNamePo != null) { return compNamePo; } } compNamePo = getCompNamePoImpl(reusedGuid, compNameGuid, reusedGuid, reusedMajVers, reusedMinVers); if (compNamePo != null) { return compNamePo; } } return null; } /** * Loads an IComponentNamePO * @param compNameGuid The GUID of the IComponentNamePO which is to load. * @param compNameParentProjGuid The ParentProjectGUID of the * IComponentNamePO which is to load. * @param projMajVers the Major Version of the ParentProject of the wanted * IComponentNamePO. * @param projMinVers the Minor Version of the ParentProject of the wanted * IComponentNamePO. * @return an IComponentNamePO or null if not found. * @throws JBException in case of any db problem. */ private IComponentNamePO loadCompNamePoImpl(String compNameGuid, String compNameParentProjGuid, Integer projMajVers, Integer projMinVers) throws JBException { IComponentNamePO compNamePO = null; final Long projId = ProjectPM.findProjectId(compNameParentProjGuid, projMajVers, projMinVers); if (projId != null) { compNamePO = CompNamePM.loadCompName(compNameGuid, projId); } return compNamePO; } /** * * {@inheritDoc} */ public final IComponentNamePO getCompNamePo(String guid) { return getCompNamePo(guid, true); } /** * * {@inheritDoc} */ public final IComponentNamePO getCompNamePo(String guid, boolean resolveRefs) { IComponentNamePO compNamePO = getNamePO(guid); if (compNamePO != null) { if (resolveRefs && compNamePO.getReferencedGuid() != null) { return getCompNamePo(compNamePO.getReferencedGuid(), resolveRefs); } return compNamePO; } return null; } /** * Gets the IComponentNamePO of the given name * @param name a name * @return an IComponentNamePO or null if not found. */ public final IComponentNamePO getCompNamePoByName(String name) { for (IComponentNamePO compNamePO : getAllComponentNamePOs()) { if (name.equals(compNamePO.getName())) { return compNamePO; } } return null; } /** * Updates the Component Type of the IComponentNamePO with the given guid. * @param guid the GUID of the IComponentNamePO to update. * @param componentType the Component Type. */ public void updateType(String guid, String componentType) { final IComponentNamePO compNamePo = getCompNamePo(guid); compNamePo.setComponentType(componentType); } /** * @param componentName The name of the Component Name for which the * the type should be computed. This is used to * determine if a default mapping exists and * should be used. * @param types The Component Types to be included in the computation. * @return The most concrete visible type of the given types, * or <code>null</code> if the types are incompatible. */ public String computeComponentType(String componentName, Set<String> types) { if (types.contains(null) || types.contains(StringConstants.EMPTY)) { // Used types contains at least one invalid entry return UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_TYPE; } CompSystem compSystem = ComponentBuilder.getInstance().getCompSystem(); Set<Component> components = new HashSet<Component>(); for (String compType : types) { Component comp = compSystem.findComponent(compType); comp = getMostConcreteVisibleAncestor(comp, compSystem); components.add(comp); } if (components.isEmpty()) { components.add(compSystem.getMostAbstractComponent()); } Component mostConcreteComponent = compSystem .getMostConcrete(components.toArray(new Component[components.size()])); if (mostConcreteComponent == null) { return null; } String compType = mostConcreteComponent.getType(); mostConcreteComponent = getMostConcreteVisibleAncestor(mostConcreteComponent, compSystem); // Use the most concrete visible type, if one is available if (mostConcreteComponent != null) { compType = mostConcreteComponent.getType(); } return compType; } /** * Find the most concrete visible ancestor of the given component. * * @param component The component for which to find the most concrete * visible ancestor. * @param compSystem The component system to use to perform the search. * @return the most concrete, visible ancestor of <code>component</code>, * which may be <code>component</code> itself. * Returns <code>null</code> if <code>component</code> and * its ancestors are all invisible. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Component getMostConcreteVisibleAncestor(Component component, CompSystem compSystem) { Component comp = component; while (comp != null && !comp.isVisible()) { Set<Component> realized = comp.getAllRealized(); comp = compSystem.getMostConcrete(realized.toArray(new Component[realized.size()])); } return comp; } /** * Checks whether the given checkable name is compatible with the * given component type. Returns <code>null</code> if the types are * compatible. * @param originalCompType The component type that determines the * compatibility. * @param checkableName The component name for which to check the * compatibility. * @param compNameMapper The mapper to use for Component Name information. * @param projectId The ID of the Project to be searched. May be * <code>null</code>. If this value is not * <code>null</code>, only Component Names belonging to * the Project with the given ID will be examined. * @param isSimpleMatch if <code>true</code> only the check for checkable * is compatible with original is done * @return appropriate error message if <code>checkableName</code> is a * reserved name or if <code>checkableName</code> is found in the * component names list and the component represented by * <code>checkableName</code> is incompatible with * <code>originalCompType</code>. Otherwise, <code>null</code>. */ public String isCompatible(String originalCompType, String checkableName, IComponentNameMapper compNameMapper, Long projectId, boolean isSimpleMatch) { IComponentNameCache compNameCache = compNameMapper.getCompNameCache(); Set<IComponentNameData> componentNameDataSet = compNameCache.getComponentNameData(); IComponentNameData compNameData = null; for (IComponentNameData cnd : componentNameDataSet) { if ((projectId == null || cnd.getParentProjectId() == null || cnd.getParentProjectId().equals(projectId)) && cnd.getName().equals(checkableName)) { compNameData = cnd; break; } } if (compNameData == null) { return null; } Set<String> usedTypes = compNameMapper.getUsedTypes(compNameData.getGuid()); final String computedType = ComponentNamesBP.getInstance().computeComponentType(checkableName, usedTypes); Component originalComponent = getComponent(originalCompType); Component checkableComponent = getComponent(computedType); if (checkableComponent.isCompatibleWith(originalComponent.getType())) { return null; } if (isSimpleMatch) { return NLS.bind(Messages.CompNameIncompatibleTypeDetail, new Object[] { checkableName, StringHelper.getInstance().get(checkableComponent.getType(), true), StringHelper.getInstance().get(originalComponent.getType(), true) }); } String compNameGuid = compNameCache.getGuidForName(checkableName); final IComponentNamePO namePO = compNameCache.getCompNamePo(compNameGuid); final boolean currProj = namePO == null ? false : namePO.getParentProjectId() == null || GeneralStorage.getInstance().getProject().getId().equals(namePO.getParentProjectId()); if (currProj && originalComponent.isCompatibleWith(checkableComponent.getType())) { return null; } if (UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_TYPE.equals(computedType)) { // Computed component type is "unknown" return NLS.bind(Messages.CompNameUnknownTypeDetail, namePO != null ? namePO.getName() : checkableName); } return NLS.bind(Messages.CompNameIncompatibleTypeDetail, new Object[] { namePO != null ? namePO.getName() : checkableName, StringHelper.getInstance().get(checkableComponent.getType(), true), StringHelper.getInstance().get(originalComponent.getType(), true) }); } /** * Checks whether the given checkable name is compatible with the * given component type. Returns <code>null</code> if the types are * compatible. * @param originalCompType The component type that determines the * compatibility. * @param checkableName The component name for which to check the * compatibility. * @param compNameMapper The mapper to use for Component Name information. * @param projectId The ID of the Project to be searched. May be * <code>null</code>. If this value is not * <code>null</code>, only Component Names belonging to * the Project with the given ID will be examined. * @return appropriate error message if <code>checkableName</code> is a * reserved name or if <code>checkableName</code> is found in the * component names list and the component represented by * <code>checkableName</code> is incompatible with * <code>originalCompType</code>. Otherwise, <code>null</code>. */ public String isCompatible(String originalCompType, String checkableName, IComponentNameMapper compNameMapper, Long projectId) { return isCompatible(originalCompType, checkableName, compNameMapper, projectId, false); } /** * Gets the Component with the given typeName. * @param typeName a type of a Component. * @return the Component with the given typeName. */ private Component getComponent(String typeName) { final CompSystem compSystem = ComponentBuilder.getInstance().getCompSystem(); if (typeName == null) { return compSystem.getMostAbstractComponent(); } return compSystem.findComponent(typeName); } /** * Sets the Component Name for the given Test Step. * * @param capPo The Test Step for which to set the Component Name. * @param compName The name of the Component Name to use. * @param ctx The creation context of the Component Name. * @param compMapper The Component Name mapper responsible for the given * Test Step. * @throws IncompatibleTypeException if the Component Type for the * Component Name to use is incompatible * with the Component Type of the given * Test Step. * @throws PMException if a database error occurs. */ public void setCompName(ICapPO capPo, String compName, CompNameCreationContext ctx, IWritableComponentNameMapper compMapper) throws IncompatibleTypeException, PMException { String oldName = capPo.getComponentName(); String oldGuid = compMapper.getCompNameCache().getGuidForName(oldName); if (StringUtils.isBlank(compName)) { compMapper.changeReuse(capPo, oldGuid, null); } else { String guidToSet = compMapper.getCompNameCache().getGuidForName(compName, GeneralStorage.getInstance().getProject().getId()); if (guidToSet == null) { final IComponentNamePO newComponentNamePO = compMapper.getCompNameCache() .createComponentNamePO(compName, capPo.getComponentType(), ctx); if (capPo.getParentProjectId() != null) { newComponentNamePO.setParentProjectId(capPo.getParentProjectId()); } guidToSet = newComponentNamePO.getGuid(); } compMapper.changeReuse(capPo, oldGuid, guidToSet); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void clear() { clearAllNamePOs(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Set<IComponentNameData> getComponentNameData() { Set<IComponentNameData> retVal = new HashSet<IComponentNameData>(); retVal.addAll(getAllComponentNamePOs()); return retVal; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Set<IComponentNameData> getLocalComponentNameData() { return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void updateStandardMapperAndCleanup(Long activeProjectId) { // This is the standard mapper, so do nothing. } /** * Finds all instances of reuse of a Component Name within the given * objects. * * @param specsToSearch The Test Cases and Categories to search * (recursively). * @param suitesToSearch The Test Suites to search. * @param autsToSearch The AUTs for which to search through the * Object Mapping. * @param compNameGuid The GUID of the Component Name for which to find the * instances of reuse. * @return <code>true</code> if the Component Name with GUID * <code>compNameGuid</code> is used within * <code>specsToSearch</code> and/or <code>autsToSearch</code>. * Otherwise, <code>false</code>. */ public boolean isCompNameReused(Collection<ISpecPersistable> specsToSearch, Collection<ITestSuitePO> suitesToSearch, Collection<IAUTMainPO> autsToSearch, String compNameGuid) { return !findAssocsOfReuse(autsToSearch, compNameGuid).isEmpty() || isCompNameReused(specsToSearch, suitesToSearch, compNameGuid); } /** * * @param specsToSearch The Test Cases and Categories to search * (recursively). * @param suitesToSearch The Test Suites to search. * @param compNameGuid The GUID of the Component Name for which to find * whether it is reused. * @return <code>true</code> if the Component Name with GUID * <code>compNameGuid</code> is reused within * <code>specsToSearch</code>. */ public boolean isCompNameReused(Collection<ISpecPersistable> specsToSearch, Collection<ITestSuitePO> suitesToSearch, String compNameGuid) { for (ISpecPersistable node : specsToSearch) { CheckIfComponentNameIsReusedOp op = new CheckIfComponentNameIsReusedOp(compNameGuid); TreeTraverser traverser = new TreeTraverser(node, op); traverser.traverse(true); if (op.hasFoundReuse()) { return true; } } for (ITestSuitePO ts : suitesToSearch) { CheckIfComponentNameIsReusedOp op = new CheckIfComponentNameIsReusedOp(compNameGuid); TreeTraverser traverser = new TreeTraverser(ts, op); traverser.traverse(true); if (op.hasFoundReuse()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Finds all instances of reuse of a Component Name within the given * objects. * * @param specsToSearch The Test Cases and Categories to search * (recursively). * @param suitesToSearch The Test Suites to search. * @param compNameGuid The GUID of the Component Name for which to find the * instances of reuse. * @param monitor The progress monitor for this operation. * @return all instances of reuse of the Component Name with GUID * <code>compNameGuid</code> within <code>specsToSearch</code> and * <code>autsToSearch</code>. */ public Set<INodePO> findNodesOfReuse(Collection<ISpecPersistable> specsToSearch, Collection<ITestSuitePO> suitesToSearch, String compNameGuid, IProgressMonitor monitor) { Set<INodePO> reuse = new HashSet<INodePO>(); monitor.beginTask(Messages.ShowWhereUsedSearching, specsToSearch.size() + suitesToSearch.size()); for (ISpecPersistable node : specsToSearch) { FindNodesForComponentNameOp op = new FindNodesForComponentNameOp(compNameGuid); TreeTraverser traverser = new TreeTraverser(node, op); traverser.traverse(true); reuse.addAll(op.getNodes()); monitor.worked(1); } for (ITestSuitePO ts : suitesToSearch) { FindNodesForComponentNameOp op = new FindNodesForComponentNameOp(compNameGuid); TreeTraverser traverser = new TreeTraverser(ts, op); traverser.traverse(true); reuse.addAll(op.getNodes()); monitor.worked(1); } return reuse; } /** * Finds all instances of reuse of a Component Name within the given * objects. * * @param autsToSearch The AUTs for which to search through the * Object Mapping. * @param compNameGuid The GUID of the Component Name for which to find the * instances of reuse. * @return all instances of reuse of the Component Name with GUID * <code>compNameGuid</code> within <code>autsToSearch</code>. */ public Set<IObjectMappingAssoziationPO> findAssocsOfReuse(Collection<IAUTMainPO> autsToSearch, String compNameGuid) { Set<IObjectMappingAssoziationPO> reuse = new HashSet<IObjectMappingAssoziationPO>(); for (IAUTMainPO aut : autsToSearch) { for (IObjectMappingAssoziationPO assoc : aut.getObjMap().getMappings()) { if (assoc.getTechnicalName() != null && assoc.getLogicalNames().contains(compNameGuid)) { reuse.add(assoc); } } } return reuse; } /** * Lock the TC if it is reused for the first time. This prevents deletion of * the TC while the editor is not saved. * * @param sess * DB session for locking purposes * @param refCompName * Component Name to be used as a reference. * @param isReferencedByThisAction * tells if there was a reference created by the current action, * i.e. there is one references even if no other TC in the db * references this one. * @throws PMAlreadyLockedException * if the TC is locked by someone else * @throws PMDirtyVersionException * if the TC was modified outside this instance of the * application. * @throws PMObjectDeletedException * if the po as deleted by another concurrently working user */ public static void handleFirstReference(EntityManager sess, IComponentNamePO refCompName, boolean isReferencedByThisAction) throws PMDirtyVersionException, PMObjectDeletedException, PMAlreadyLockedException { IComponentNamePO name = refCompName; if (name.getId() != null) { int minSize = 0; if (isReferencedByThisAction) { minSize = 1; } if (CompNamePM.getNumReuseInstances(sess, GeneralStorage.getInstance().getProject().getId(), name.getGuid()) <= minSize) { final EntityManager lockSession = sess; // make sure there is no old version // in the session cache try { lockSession.detach(refCompName); name = lockSession.find(name.getClass(), name.getId()); } catch (PersistenceException he) { // Continue since we are just refreshing the cache log.error(Messages.StrayPersistenceException + StringConstants.DOT + StringConstants.DOT, he); } if (!LockManager.instance().lockPO(lockSession, name, false)) { throw new PMAlreadyLockedException(name, Messages.OrginalTestcaseLocked + StringConstants.DOT, MessageIDs.E_OBJECT_IN_USE); } } } } }