Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2010 BREDEX GmbH. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * BREDEX GmbH - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jubula.client.cmd; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.cli.BasicParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.OptionGroup; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.cmd.constants.ClientStrings; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.cmd.exceptions.PreValidateException; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.cmd.i18n.Messages; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.cmd.progess.HeadlessProgressProvider; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.ClientTestFactory; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.businessprocess.ClientTestStrings; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.communication.ConnectionException; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.communication.AutAgentConnection; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.errorhandling.ErrorMessagePresenter; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.errorhandling.IErrorMessagePresenter; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.model.IAUTConfigPO; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.persistence.locking.LockManager; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.preferences.database.DatabaseConnection; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.preferences.database.DatabaseConnectionConverter; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.preferences.database.H2ConnectionInfo; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.preferences.database.MySQLConnectionInfo; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.preferences.database.OracleConnectionInfo; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.preferences.database.PostGreSQLConnectionInfo; import org.eclipse.jubula.client.core.progress.IProgressConsole; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.osgi.util.NLS; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * @author BREDEX GmbH * @created Mar 12, 2009 */ public abstract class AbstractCmdlineClient implements IProgressConsole { /** <code>EXIT_CODE_ERROR</code> */ protected static final int EXIT_CODE_ERROR = 1; /** <code>EXIT_CODE_OK</code> */ protected static final int EXIT_CODE_OK = 0; /** error message */ protected static final String OPT_NO_VAL = Messages.NoArgumentFor + StringConstants.COLON; /** error message */ protected static final String OPT_UNKNOWN = Messages.UnrecognizedOption + StringConstants.COLON + StringConstants.SPACE; /** error message */ protected static final String JDBC_UNKNOWN = Messages.UnsupportedJDBC + StringConstants.COLON + StringConstants.SPACE; /** log facility */ private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractCmdlineClient.class); /** be quiet during processing */ private static boolean quiet = false; /** did an error occur during processing */ private static boolean errorOccured = false; /** is this a dry run* */ private boolean m_noRun = false; /** the command line representation */ private CommandLine m_cmd = null; /** external configuation file with parameters */ private File m_configFile; /** JobConfiguration created from configFile */ private JobConfiguration m_job; /** * @param name name of optione * @param hasArg option has an argument * @param argname name of the argument * @param text Text for help * @param isReq option sis required * @return Option opt */ protected static Option createOption(String name, boolean hasArg, String argname, String text, boolean isReq) { Option opt = new Option(name, hasArg, text); opt.setRequired(isReq); opt.setArgName(argname); return opt; } /** * cleanup of connection */ protected void shutdown() { try { if (!AutAgentConnection.getInstance().isConnected()) { printlnConsoleError(Messages.ConnectionToAutUnexpectedly); } } catch (ConnectionException e) {, e); } IAUTConfigPO startedConfig = m_job.getAutConfig(); if (startedConfig != null) { try { AutIdentifier startedAutId = new AutIdentifier( startedConfig.getConfigMap().get(AutConfigConstants.AUT_ID)); if (AutAgentConnection.getInstance().isConnected()) { ClientTestFactory.getClientTest().stopAut(startedAutId); } } catch (ConnectionException e) {, e); } } try { while (AutAgentConnection.getInstance().isConnected()) { ClientTestFactory.getClientTest().disconnectFromAutAgent(); TimeUtil.delay(200); } } catch (ConnectionException e) {, e); } // cleanup after connections closed if (LockManager.isRunning()) { LockManager.instance().dispose(); } } /** * * @param args * the command line * @throws FileNotFoundException * if config file is missing * @throws ParseException * if wrong options are present * @throws IOException * if io error * @return true to continue processing the commandline run; false to stop * processing further execution. */ protected boolean parseCommandLine(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, ParseException, IOException { String[] cloneArgs = args.clone(); Options options = createOptions(false); // Command line arguments parser CommandLineParser parser = new BasicParser(); try { // we will parse the command line until there are no // (more) errors int maxTrys = 5; Boolean parseNotOK = true; while (parseNotOK) { try { m_cmd = parser.parse(options, cloneArgs); parseNotOK = false; } catch (ParseException exp) { cloneArgs = handleParseException(args, exp); if (maxTrys-- < 0) { throw new ParseException(StringConstants.EMPTY); } } } if (m_cmd.hasOption(ClientStrings.HELP)) { printUsage(); return false; } // The first thing to check is, if there is a config file // if there is a config file we read this first, if (m_cmd.hasOption(ClientStrings.CONFIG)) { m_configFile = new File(m_cmd.getOptionValue(ClientStrings.CONFIG)); if (m_configFile.exists() && m_configFile.canRead()) { printConsoleLn(Messages.ClientConfigFile + m_configFile.getAbsolutePath(), true); m_job = JobConfiguration.initJob(m_configFile); } else { throw new FileNotFoundException(StringConstants.EMPTY); } } else { m_job = JobConfiguration.initJob(null); } // now we should have all arguments, either from file or // from commandline if (m_cmd.hasOption(ClientStrings.QUIET)) { quiet = true; } if (m_cmd.hasOption(ClientStrings.NORUN)) { m_noRun = true; } // then set attributes from command Line and check if parameter -startserver was called if (m_cmd.hasOption(ClientTestStrings.STARTSERVER)) { m_job.parseOptionsWithServer(m_cmd); } else { m_job.parseJobOptions(m_cmd); } // check if all needed attributes are set preValidate(m_job); } catch (PreValidateException exp) { String message = exp.getLocalizedMessage(); if (message != null && message.length() > 0) { printlnConsoleError(message); } printUsage(); throw new ParseException(StringConstants.EMPTY); } return true; } /** * method to create an options object, filled with all options * @param req * boolean flag must be true for an required option * this is only used for printing the correct usage * @return the options */ private Options createOptions(boolean req) { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption( createOption(ClientStrings.HELP, false, StringConstants.EMPTY, Messages.ClientHelpOpt, false)); options.addOption( createOption(ClientStrings.QUIET, false, StringConstants.EMPTY, Messages.ClientQuietOpt, false)); options.addOption(createOption(ClientStrings.CONFIG, true, ClientStrings.CONFIGFILE, Messages.ClientConfigOpt, false)); OptionGroup ogConnection = new OptionGroup(); ogConnection.addOption(createOption(ClientTestStrings.DBURL, true, ClientTestStrings.DATABASE, Messages.ClientDburlOpt, false)); ogConnection.addOption(createOption(ClientTestStrings.DB_SCHEME, true, ClientTestStrings.SCHEME, Messages.ClientDbschemeOpt, false)); options.addOptionGroup(ogConnection); options.addOption(createOption(ClientTestStrings.DB_USER, true, ClientTestStrings.USER, Messages.ClientDbuserOpt, false)); options.addOption(createOption(ClientTestStrings.DB_PW, true, ClientTestStrings.PASSWORD, Messages.ClientDbpwOpt, false)); extendOptions(options, req); return options; } /** * method to extend an options object, filled with all options * @param opt Predefined options. This options will be extended * during the method call. * @param req * boolean flag must be true for an required option * this is only used for printing the correct usage */ protected abstract void extendOptions(Options opt, boolean req); /** * Do any final work required before actually running the client */ protected void preRun() { // nothing in here - subclasses may override } /** * writes an output to console * @param text * Message * @param printTimestamp should a timestamp be printed */ public static void printConsoleLn(String text, boolean printTimestamp) { if (printTimestamp) { Date now = new Date(); String time = now.toString(); printConsole(time); printConsole(StringConstants.TAB); } printConsole(StringUtils.chomp(text)); printConsole(StringConstants.NEWLINE); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void writeErrorLine(String line) { printlnConsoleError(line); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void writeLine(String line) { printConsole(line + StringConstants.NEWLINE); } /** * writes an output to console * @param text * Message */ public static void printConsole(String text) { if (!quiet) { System.out.print(text); } } /** * writes an output to console * @param text * the message to log and println to sys.err */ public static void printlnConsoleError(String text) { errorOccured = true; log.error(Messages.AnErrorOcurred + StringConstants.COLON + StringConstants.SPACE + text); System.err.println(Messages.ClientError + StringConstants.NEWLINE + StringConstants.TAB + text); } /** * excute a job * @param args * Command Line Parameter * @return int * Exit Code */ public int run(String[] args) { Job.getJobManager().setProgressProvider(new HeadlessProgressProvider()); ErrorMessagePresenter.setPresenter(new IErrorMessagePresenter() { public void showErrorMessage(JBException ex, Object[] params, String[] details) { log.error(ex + StringConstants.COLON + StringConstants.SPACE + ex.getMessage()); Integer messageID = ex.getErrorId(); showErrorMessage(messageID, params, details); } public void showErrorMessage(Integer messageID, Object[] params, String[] details) { Message m = MessageIDs.getMessageObject(messageID); if (m == null) { log.error(Messages.NoCorrespondingMessage + StringConstants.COLON + StringConstants.SPACE + messageID); } else { String msgString = m.getMessage(params); if (m.getSeverity() == Message.ERROR) { printlnConsoleError(msgString); } else { printConsole(msgString); } } } }); try { if (!parseCommandLine(args)) { return EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } } catch (ParseException e) { log.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); return EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } catch (IOException e) { log.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); return EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } preRun(); try { int exitCode = doRun(); if (isErrorOccured()) { exitCode = EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } printConsoleLn(Messages.ClientExitCode + exitCode, true); return exitCode; } catch (Throwable t) { // Assume that, if an exception has bubbled up this far, then it is // a big enough problem to warrant telling the user and returning a // generic error exit code. log.error(t.getLocalizedMessage(), t); printlnConsoleError(t.getLocalizedMessage()); return EXIT_CODE_ERROR; } } /** * runs the job * @return int * Exit Code */ protected abstract int doRun(); /** * checks if all job arguments are present * @param job * contains the job configuration * @throws PreValidateException is arguments are missing */ private void preValidate(JobConfiguration job) throws PreValidateException { StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder(); errorMsg.append(Messages.ClientMissingArgs); if (job.getDbConnectionName() == null && job.getDb() == null) { appendError(errorMsg, ClientTestStrings.DB_SCHEME, ClientTestStrings.SCHEME + " OR"); //$NON-NLS-1$ appendError(errorMsg, ClientTestStrings.DBURL, ClientTestStrings.DATABASE); } if (job.getDb() != null && !(job.getDb().startsWith(OracleConnectionInfo.JDBC_PRE) || job.getDb().startsWith(MySQLConnectionInfo.JDBC_PRE) || job.getDb().startsWith(PostGreSQLConnectionInfo.JDBC_PRE) || job.getDb().startsWith(H2ConnectionInfo.JDBC_PRE))) { appendError(errorMsg, JDBC_UNKNOWN, job.getDb()); } if (job.getDbuser() == null) { appendError(errorMsg, ClientTestStrings.DB_USER, ClientTestStrings.USER); } if (job.getDbpw() == null) { appendError(errorMsg, ClientTestStrings.DB_PW, ClientTestStrings.PASSWORD); } extendValidate(job, errorMsg); if (errorOccured) { throw new PreValidateException(errorMsg.toString()); } if (job.getDbscheme() == null && job.getDb() == null) { List<DatabaseConnection> availableConnections = DatabaseConnectionConverter .computeAvailableConnections(); List<String> connectionNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (DatabaseConnection conn : availableConnections) { connectionNames.add(conn.getName()); } throw new PreValidateException(NLS.bind(Messages.NoSuchDatabaseConnection, new String[] { job.getDbConnectionName(), StringUtils.join(connectionNames, ", ") })); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * Do validation beyonf the baisc parameters * @param job configuration to check * @param errorMsgs storage for error messages from validation */ protected abstract void extendValidate(JobConfiguration job, StringBuilder errorMsgs); /** * * @param args * commandline * @param exp * exception * @return args modified */ public String[] handleParseException(String[] args, ParseException exp) { // if there is an error we will remove that token // and try it again int idx; String message = exp.getLocalizedMessage(); if (message != null && message.length() > 0) { printlnConsoleError(message); } if (message.startsWith(OPT_NO_VAL)) { idx = message.indexOf(StringConstants.COLON); message = message.substring(idx + 1); } else if (message.startsWith(OPT_UNKNOWN)) { idx = message.indexOf(StringConstants.COLON); message = message.substring(idx + 2); } for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].endsWith(message)) { args[i] = StringConstants.EMPTY; } } return args; } /** * * @param errorMsg Stringbuilder with message * @param msg1 the missing option * @param msg2 the missing option argument */ protected void appendError(StringBuilder errorMsg, String msg1, String msg2) { errorOccured = true; errorMsg.append(StringConstants.TAB); errorMsg.append(StringConstants.MINUS); errorMsg.append(msg1); errorMsg.append(StringConstants.SPACE); errorMsg.append(msg2); errorMsg.append(StringConstants.NEWLINE); } /** * printusage prints the command line syntax * */ private void printUsage() { Options options = createOptions(true); // The "-data" argument is parsed and handled by the Eclipse RCP // before we get a chance to see it, but we want to make sure that the // user is aware that it's an option. In order to accomplish this, we // add it to the options used in generating usage, but not the the // options actually used in parsing the command line. options.addOption(createOption(ClientTestStrings.WORKSPACE, true, ClientTestStrings.WORKSPACE_ARG, Messages.ClientWorkspaceOpt, false)); HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(getCmdlineClientExecName(), options, true); } /** @return the name of the executable for the commandline Client */ public abstract String getCmdlineClientExecName(); /** * @return the noRun */ public boolean isNoRun() { return m_noRun; } /** * @return the quiet */ public boolean isQuiet() { return quiet; } /** * @return the errorOccured */ public static boolean isErrorOccured() { return errorOccured; } /** * @return CommandLine * the command Line the client was started with */ public CommandLine getCmdLine() { return m_cmd; } /** * @return the job */ public JobConfiguration getJob() { return m_job; } }