Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2013 IBM Corporation and others.
 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 *     Perry James - nullStatus method improvement (165346)
 *     Stephan Herrmann - Contribution for
 *                        bug 383368 - [compiler][null] syntactic null analysis for field references
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast;

import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util;

public abstract class OperatorExpression extends Expression implements OperatorIds {

    public static int[][] OperatorSignatures = new int[NumberOfTables][];

    static {

     * OperatorExpression constructor comment.
    public OperatorExpression() {

    public static final void classInitialize() {
        OperatorSignatures[AND] = get_AND();
        OperatorSignatures[AND_AND] = get_AND_AND();
        OperatorSignatures[DIVIDE] = get_DIVIDE();
        OperatorSignatures[EQUAL_EQUAL] = get_EQUAL_EQUAL();
        OperatorSignatures[GREATER] = get_GREATER();
        OperatorSignatures[GREATER_EQUAL] = get_GREATER_EQUAL();
        OperatorSignatures[LEFT_SHIFT] = get_LEFT_SHIFT();
        OperatorSignatures[LESS] = get_LESS();
        OperatorSignatures[LESS_EQUAL] = get_LESS_EQUAL();
        OperatorSignatures[MINUS] = get_MINUS();
        OperatorSignatures[MULTIPLY] = get_MULTIPLY();
        OperatorSignatures[OR] = get_OR();
        OperatorSignatures[OR_OR] = get_OR_OR();
        OperatorSignatures[PLUS] = get_PLUS();
        OperatorSignatures[REMAINDER] = get_REMAINDER();
        OperatorSignatures[RIGHT_SHIFT] = get_RIGHT_SHIFT();
        OperatorSignatures[UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT] = get_UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT();
        OperatorSignatures[XOR] = get_XOR();

    public static final String generateTableTestCase() {
        //return a String which is a java method allowing to test
        //the non zero entries of all tables


        int[] operators = new int[] { AND, AND_AND, DIVIDE, GREATER, GREATER_EQUAL, LEFT_SHIFT, LESS, LESS_EQUAL,

        class Decode {
            public final String constant(int code) {
                switch (code) {
                case T_boolean:
                    return "true"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_byte:
                    return "((byte) 3)"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_char:
                    return "'A'"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_double:
                    return "300.0d"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_float:
                    return "100.0f"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_int:
                    return "1"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_long:
                    return "7L"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_JavaLangString:
                    return "\"hello-world\""; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_null:
                    return "null"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_short:
                    return "((short) 5)"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_JavaLangObject:
                    return "null"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                return Util.EMPTY_STRING;

            public final String type(int code) {
                switch (code) {
                case T_boolean:
                    return "z"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_byte:
                    return "b"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_char:
                    return "c"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_double:
                    return "d"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_float:
                    return "f"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_int:
                    return "i"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_long:
                    return "l"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_JavaLangString:
                    return "str"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_null:
                    return "null"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_short:
                    return "s"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case T_JavaLangObject:
                    return "obj"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                return "xxx"; //$NON-NLS-1$

            public final String operator(int operator) {
                switch (operator) {
                case EQUAL_EQUAL:
                    return "=="; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case LESS_EQUAL:
                    return "<="; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case GREATER_EQUAL:
                    return ">="; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case LEFT_SHIFT:
                    return "<<"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case RIGHT_SHIFT:
                    return ">>"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT:
                    return ">>>"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case OR_OR:
                    return "||"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case AND_AND:
                    return "&&"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case PLUS:
                    return "+"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case MINUS:
                    return "-"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case NOT:
                    return "!"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case REMAINDER:
                    return "%"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case XOR:
                    return "^"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case AND:
                    return "&"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case MULTIPLY:
                    return "*"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case OR:
                    return "|"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case TWIDDLE:
                    return "~"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case DIVIDE:
                    return "/"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case GREATER:
                    return ">"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                case LESS:
                    return "<"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                return "????"; //$NON-NLS-1$

        Decode decode = new Decode();
        String s;

        s = "\tpublic static void binaryOperationTablesTestCase(){\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$

                "\t\t//TC test : all binary operation (described in tables)\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$
                "\t\t//method automatically generated by\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$
                "\t\t//org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.OperatorExpression.generateTableTestCase();\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$

                "\t\tString str0;\t String str\t= " + decode.constant(T_JavaLangString) + ";\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                "\t\tint i0;\t int i\t= " + decode.constant(T_int) + ";\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                "\t\tboolean z0;\t boolean z\t= " + decode.constant(T_boolean) + ";\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                "\t\tchar c0; \t char  c\t= " + decode.constant(T_char) + ";\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                "\t\tfloat f0; \t float f\t= " + decode.constant(T_float) + ";\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                "\t\tdouble d0;\t double d\t= " + decode.constant(T_double) + ";\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                "\t\tbyte b0; \t byte b\t= " + decode.constant(T_byte) + ";\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                "\t\tshort s0; \t short s\t= " + decode.constant(T_short) + ";\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                "\t\tlong l0; \t long l\t= " + decode.constant(T_long) + ";\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                "\t\tObject obj0; \t Object obj\t= " + decode.constant(T_JavaLangObject) + ";\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                "\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$

        int error = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < operators.length; i++) {
            int operator = operators[i];
            for (int left = 0; left < 16; left++)
                for (int right = 0; right < 16; right++) {
                    int result = (OperatorSignatures[operator][(left << 4) + right]) & 0x0000F;
                    if (result != T_undefined)

                    //1/ First regular computation then 2/ comparaison
                    //with a compile time constant (generated by the compiler)
                    //   z0 = s >= s;
                    //   if ( z0 != (((short) 5) >= ((short) 5)))
                    //      System.out.println(155);

                        s += "\t\t" + decode.type(result) + "0" + " = " + decode.type(left); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                        s += " " + decode.operator(operator) + " " + decode.type(right) + ";\n"; //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-3$
                        String begin = result == T_JavaLangString ? "\t\tif (! " : "\t\tif ( "; //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$
                        String test = result == T_JavaLangString ? ".equals(" : " != ("; //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-1$
                        s += begin + decode.type(result) + "0" + test //$NON-NLS-1$
                                + decode.constant(left) + " " //$NON-NLS-1$
                                + decode.operator(operator) + " " //$NON-NLS-1$
                                + decode.constant(right) + "))\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                        s += "\t\t\tSystem.out.println(" + (++error) + ");\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$


        return s += "\n\t\tSystem.out.println(\"binary tables test : done\");}"; //$NON-NLS-1$

    public static final int[] get_AND() {

        //the code is an int, only 20 bits are used, see below.
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        int[] table = new int[16 * 16];

        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_byte] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_long] = (Byte2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_short] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_String]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_double]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_char] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_int] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_byte] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Byte2Long << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_long] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_short] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Short2Long << 4) + T_long;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_String]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_double]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_char] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Char2Long << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_int] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Int2Long << 4) + T_long;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_byte] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_long] = (Short2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_short] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_char] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_int] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_String]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_double]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_int]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_short]      = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_boolean]      = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_short]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_String]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_Object]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_double]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        table[(T_boolean << 4) + T_boolean] = (Boolean2Boolean << 12) + (Boolean2Boolean << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_byte] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_long] = (Char2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_short] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_char] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_int] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_byte] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_long] = (Int2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_short] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_char] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_int] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_short]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        return table;

    public static final int[] get_AND_AND() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        int[] table = new int[16 * 16];

        //     table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_short]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //     table[(T_byte<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_byte<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_byte<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_byte<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_byte<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_byte<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_byte<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_byte<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_byte<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_byte<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_byte<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_byte<<4)+T_int]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_byte<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //     table[(T_long<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_long<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_long<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_long<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_long<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_long<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_long<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_long<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_long<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_long<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_long<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_long<<4)+T_int]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_long<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //     table[(T_short<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_short<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_short<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_short<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_short<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_short<<4)+T_String]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_short<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_short<<4)+T_double]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_short<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_short<<4)+T_boolean]   = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_short<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_short<<4)+T_int]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_short<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //     table[(T_void<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_void<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_void<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_void<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_void<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_void<<4)+T_String]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_void<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_void<<4)+T_double]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_void<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_void<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_void<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_void<<4)+T_int]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_void<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //     table[(T_String<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_String<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_String<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_String<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_String<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_String<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_String<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_String<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_String<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_String<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_String<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_String<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_String<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //     table[(T_Object<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_Object<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_Object<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_Object<<4)+T_short]      = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_Object<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_Object<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_Object<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_Object<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_Object<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_Object<<4)+T_boolean]      = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_Object<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_Object<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_Object<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //     table[(T_double<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_double<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_double<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_double<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_double<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_double<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_double<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_double<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_double<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_double<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_double<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_double<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_double<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //     table[(T_float<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_float<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_float<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_float<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_float<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_float<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_float<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_float<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_float<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_float<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_float<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_float<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_float<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //     table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_short]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_String]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_Object]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_double]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        table[(T_boolean << 4) + T_boolean] = (Boolean2Boolean << 12) + (Boolean2Boolean << 4) + T_boolean;
        //     table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //     table[(T_char<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_char<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_char<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_char<<4)+T_short]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_char<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_char<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_char<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_char<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_char<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_char<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_char<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_char<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_char<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //     table[(T_int<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_int<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_int<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_int<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_int<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_int<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_int<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_int<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_int<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_int<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_int<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_int<<4)+T_int]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_int<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //     table[(T_null<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_null<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_null<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_null<<4)+T_short]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_null<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_null<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_null<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_null<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_null<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_null<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_null<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_null<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //     table[(T_null<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;
        return table;

    public static final int[] get_DIVIDE() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        //   int[] table  = new int[16*16];

        return get_MINUS();

    public static final int[] get_EQUAL_EQUAL() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        int[] table = new int[16 * 16];

        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_byte] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_long] = (Byte2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_short] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_String]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_double] = (Byte2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_float] = (Byte2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_char] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_int] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_byte] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Byte2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_long] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_short] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Short2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_String]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_double] = (Long2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_float] = (Long2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_char] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Char2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_int] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Int2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_byte] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_long] = (Short2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_short] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_double] = (Short2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_float] = (Short2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_char] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_int] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_String]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_double]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_int]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = /*String2Object                 String2Object*/
                (T_JavaLangObject << 16) + (T_JavaLangString << 12) + (T_JavaLangObject << 8)
                        + (T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_JavaLangObject] = /*String2Object                 Object2Object*/
                (T_JavaLangObject << 16) + (T_JavaLangString << 12) + (T_JavaLangObject << 8)
                        + (T_JavaLangObject << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_null] = /*Object2String                null2Object */
                (T_JavaLangObject << 16) + (T_JavaLangString << 12) + (T_JavaLangObject << 8) + (T_null << 4)
                        + T_boolean;

        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_short]      = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangObject << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = /*Object2Object                 String2Object*/
                (T_JavaLangObject << 16) + (T_JavaLangObject << 12) + (T_JavaLangObject << 8)
                        + (T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_JavaLangObject << 4) + T_JavaLangObject] = /*Object2Object                 Object2Object*/
                (T_JavaLangObject << 16) + (T_JavaLangObject << 12) + (T_JavaLangObject << 8)
                        + (T_JavaLangObject << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_boolean]      = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangObject << 4) + T_null] = /*Object2Object                 null2Object*/
                (T_JavaLangObject << 16) + (T_JavaLangObject << 12) + (T_JavaLangObject << 8) + (T_null << 4)
                        + T_boolean;

        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_byte] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Byte2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_long] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Long2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_short] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Short2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_double] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_float] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Float2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_char] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Char2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_int] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Int2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_byte] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Byte2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_long] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Long2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_short] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Short2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_double] = (Float2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_float] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_char] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Char2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_int] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Int2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_short]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_String]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_Object]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_double]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        table[(T_boolean << 4) + T_boolean] = (Boolean2Boolean << 12) + (Boolean2Boolean << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_byte] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_long] = (Char2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_short] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_double] = (Char2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_float] = (Char2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_char] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_int] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_byte] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_long] = (Int2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_short] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_double] = (Int2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_float] = (Int2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_char] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_int] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_short]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        table[(T_null << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = /*null2Object                 String2Object*/
                (T_JavaLangObject << 16) + (T_null << 12) + (T_JavaLangObject << 8) + (T_JavaLangString << 4)
                        + T_boolean;
        table[(T_null << 4) + T_JavaLangObject] = /*null2Object                 Object2Object*/
                (T_JavaLangObject << 16) + (T_null << 12) + (T_JavaLangObject << 8) + (T_JavaLangObject << 4)
                        + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        table[(T_null << 4) + T_null] = /*null2Object                 null2Object*/
                (T_JavaLangObject << 16) + (T_null << 12) + (T_JavaLangObject << 8) + (T_null << 4) + T_boolean;
        return table;

    public static final int[] get_GREATER() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        //   int[] table  = new int[16*16];
        return get_LESS();

    public static final int[] get_GREATER_EQUAL() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        //   int[] table  = new int[16*16];
        return get_LESS();

    public static final int[] get_LEFT_SHIFT() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        int[] table = new int[16 * 16];

        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_byte] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_long] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Long2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_short] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_String]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_double]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_char] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_int] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_byte] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_long] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Long2Int << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_short] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_long;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_String]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_double]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_char] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_int] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_long;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_byte] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_long] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Long2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_short] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_char] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_int] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_String]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_double]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_int]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_short]      = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_boolean]      = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_short]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_String]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_Object]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_double]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_byte] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_long] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Long2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_short] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_char] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_int] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_byte] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_long] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Long2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_short] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_char] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_int] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_short]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        return table;

    public static final int[] get_LESS() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        int[] table = new int[16 * 16];

        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_byte] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_long] = (Byte2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_short] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_String]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_double] = (Byte2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_float] = (Byte2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_char] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_int] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_byte] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Byte2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_long] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_short] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Short2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_String]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_double] = (Long2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_float] = (Long2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_char] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Char2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_int] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Int2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_byte] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_long] = (Short2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_short] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_double] = (Short2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_float] = (Short2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_char] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_int] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_String]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_double]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_int]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_short]      = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_boolean]      = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_byte] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Byte2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_long] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Long2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_short] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Short2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_double] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_float] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Float2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_char] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Char2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_int] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Int2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_byte] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Byte2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_long] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Long2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_short] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Short2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_double] = (Float2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_float] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_char] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Char2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_int] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Int2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_short]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_String]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_Object]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_double]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_byte] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_long] = (Char2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_short] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_double] = (Char2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_float] = (Char2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_char] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_int] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_byte] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_long] = (Int2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_short] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_double] = (Int2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_float] = (Int2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_char] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_int] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_boolean;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_short]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        return table;

    public static final int[] get_LESS_EQUAL() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        //   int[] table  = new int[16*16];
        return get_LESS();

    public static final int[] get_MINUS() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        int[] table = get_PLUS().clone();

        // customization
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_byte] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_long] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_short] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_void] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_JavaLangObject] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_double] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_float] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_boolean] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_char] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_int] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_null] = T_undefined;

        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_void << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangObject << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_boolean << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = T_undefined;
        table[(T_null << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = T_undefined;

        table[(T_null << 4) + T_null] = T_undefined;

        return table;

    public static final int[] get_MULTIPLY() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        //   int[] table  = new int[16*16];
        return get_MINUS();

    public static final int[] get_OR() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        //   int[] table  = new int[16*16];
        return get_AND();

    public static final int[] get_OR_OR() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        //   int[] table  = new int[16*16];
        return get_AND_AND();

    public static final int[] get_PLUS() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        int[] table = new int[16 * 16];

        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_String]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_undefined<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_byte] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_long] = (Byte2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_short] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = (Byte2Byte << 12) + (String2String << 4) + T_JavaLangString;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_double] = (Byte2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_double;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_float] = (Byte2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_float;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_char] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_byte << 4) + T_int] = (Byte2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_byte<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_byte] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Byte2Long << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_long] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_short] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Short2Long << 4) + T_long;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = (Long2Long << 12) + (String2String << 4) + T_JavaLangString;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_double] = (Long2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_double;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_float] = (Long2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_float;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_char] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Char2Long << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_long << 4) + T_int] = (Long2Long << 12) + (Int2Long << 4) + T_long;
        //   table[(T_long<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_byte] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_long] = (Short2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_short] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = (Short2Short << 12) + (String2String << 4) + T_JavaLangString;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_double] = (Short2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_double;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_float] = (Short2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_float;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_char] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_short << 4) + T_int] = (Short2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_short<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_short]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_String]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_Object]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_double]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_int]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_void<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_byte] = (String2String << 12) + (Byte2Byte << 4) + T_JavaLangString;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_long] = (String2String << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_JavaLangString;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_short] = (String2String << 12) + (Short2Short << 4) + T_JavaLangString;
        //   table[(T_String<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = (String2String << 12) + (String2String << 4)
                + T_JavaLangString;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_JavaLangObject] = (String2String << 12) + (Object2Object << 4)
                + T_JavaLangString;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_double] = (String2String << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_JavaLangString;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_float] = (String2String << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_JavaLangString;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_boolean] = (String2String << 12) + (Boolean2Boolean << 4)
                + T_JavaLangString;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_char] = (String2String << 12) + (Char2Char << 4) + T_JavaLangString;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_int] = (String2String << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_JavaLangString;
        table[(T_JavaLangString << 4) + T_null] = (String2String << 12) + (T_null << 8) + (T_null << 4)
                + T_JavaLangString;

        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_byte]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_long]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_short]      = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_JavaLangObject << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = (Object2Object << 12) + (String2String << 4)
                + T_JavaLangString;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_float]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_boolean]      = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_char]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_Object<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_byte] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Byte2Double << 4) + T_double;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_long] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Long2Double << 4) + T_double;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_short] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Short2Double << 4) + T_double;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = (Double2Double << 12) + (String2String << 4) + T_JavaLangString;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_double] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_double;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_float] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Float2Double << 4) + T_double;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_char] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Char2Double << 4) + T_double;
        table[(T_double << 4) + T_int] = (Double2Double << 12) + (Int2Double << 4) + T_double;
        //   table[(T_double<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_byte] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Byte2Float << 4) + T_float;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_long] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Long2Float << 4) + T_float;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_short] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Short2Float << 4) + T_float;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = (Float2Float << 12) + (String2String << 4) + T_JavaLangString;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_double] = (Float2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_double;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_float] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_float;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_char] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Char2Float << 4) + T_float;
        table[(T_float << 4) + T_int] = (Float2Float << 12) + (Int2Float << 4) + T_float;
        //   table[(T_float<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_short]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        table[(T_boolean << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = (Boolean2Boolean << 12) + (String2String << 4)
                + T_JavaLangString;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_Object]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_double]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_boolean<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_byte] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_long] = (Char2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_short] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = (Char2Char << 12) + (String2String << 4) + T_JavaLangString;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_double] = (Char2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_double;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_float] = (Char2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_float;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_char] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_char << 4) + T_int] = (Char2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_char<<4)+T_null]          = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_undefined]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_byte] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Byte2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_long] = (Int2Long << 12) + (Long2Long << 4) + T_long;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_short] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Short2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_void]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = (Int2Int << 12) + (String2String << 4) + T_JavaLangString;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_double] = (Int2Double << 12) + (Double2Double << 4) + T_double;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_float] = (Int2Float << 12) + (Float2Float << 4) + T_float;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_boolean]    = T_undefined;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_char] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Char2Int << 4) + T_int;
        table[(T_int << 4) + T_int] = (Int2Int << 12) + (Int2Int << 4) + T_int;
        //   table[(T_int<<4)+T_null]       = T_undefined;

        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_undefined]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_byte]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_long]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_short]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_void]          = T_undefined;
        table[(T_null << 4) + T_JavaLangString] = (T_null << 16) + (T_null << 12) + (String2String << 4)
                + T_JavaLangString;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_Object]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_double]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_float]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_boolean]       = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_char]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_int]          = T_undefined;
        //   table[(T_null<<4)+T_null]          = (Null2String<<12)+(Null2String<<4)+T_String;;

        return table;

    public static final int[] get_REMAINDER() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        //   int[] table  = new int[16*16];
        return get_MINUS();

    public static final int[] get_RIGHT_SHIFT() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        //   int[] table  = new int[16*16];
        return get_LEFT_SHIFT();

    public static final int[] get_UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        //   int[] table  = new int[16*16];
        return get_LEFT_SHIFT();

    public static final int[] get_XOR() {

        //the code is an int
        // (cast)  left   Op (cast)  rigth --> result
        //  0000   0000       0000   0000      0000
        //  <<16   <<12       <<8    <<4

        //   int[] table  = new int[16*16];
        return get_AND();

    public String operatorToString() {
        switch ((this.bits & OperatorMASK) >> OperatorSHIFT) {
        case EQUAL_EQUAL:
            return "=="; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case LESS_EQUAL:
            return "<="; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case GREATER_EQUAL:
            return ">="; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case NOT_EQUAL:
            return "!="; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case LEFT_SHIFT:
            return "<<"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case RIGHT_SHIFT:
            return ">>"; //$NON-NLS-1$
            return ">>>"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case OR_OR:
            return "||"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case AND_AND:
            return "&&"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case PLUS:
            return "+"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case MINUS:
            return "-"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case NOT:
            return "!"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case REMAINDER:
            return "%"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case XOR:
            return "^"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case AND:
            return "&"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case MULTIPLY:
            return "*"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case OR:
            return "|"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case TWIDDLE:
            return "~"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case DIVIDE:
            return "/"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case GREATER:
            return ">"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case LESS:
            return "<"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case QUESTIONCOLON:
            return "?:"; //$NON-NLS-1$
        case EQUAL:
            return "="; //$NON-NLS-1$
        return "unknown operator"; //$NON-NLS-1$

    public StringBuffer printExpression(int indent, StringBuffer output) {

        return printExpressionNoParenthesis(0, output).append(')');

    public abstract StringBuffer printExpressionNoParenthesis(int indent, StringBuffer output);