Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2019 IBM Corporation and others.
 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 *     Stephan Herrmann <> - Contributions for
 *                     bug 319201 - [null] no warning when unboxing SingleNameReference causes NPE
 *                     bug 292478 - Report potentially null across variable assignment
 *                     bug 335093 - [compiler][null] minimal hook for future null annotation support
 *                     bug 349326 - [1.7] new warning for missing try-with-resources
 *                     bug 186342 - [compiler][null] Using annotations for null checking
 *                     bug 358903 - Filter practically unimportant resource leak warnings
 *                     bug 370639 - [compiler][resource] restore the default for resource leak warnings
 *                     bug 365859 - [compiler][null] distinguish warnings based on flow analysis vs. null annotations
 *                     bug 388996 - [compiler][resource] Incorrect 'potential resource leak'
 *                     bug 394768 - [compiler][resource] Incorrect resource leak warning when creating stream in conditional
 *                     bug 395002 - Self bound generic class doesn't resolve bounds properly for wildcards for certain parametrisation.
 *                     bug 383368 - [compiler][null] syntactic null analysis for field references
 *                     bug 400761 - [compiler][null] null may be return as boolean without a diagnostic
 *                     Bug 392238 - [1.8][compiler][null] Detect semantically invalid null type annotations
 *                     Bug 392099 - [1.8][compiler][null] Apply null annotation on types for null analysis
 *                     Bug 427438 - [1.8][compiler] NPE at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ConditionalExpression.generateCode(
 *                     Bug 430150 - [1.8][null] stricter checking against type variables
 *                     Bug 453483 - [compiler][null][loop] Improve null analysis for loops
 *     Jesper S Moller - Contributions for
 *                     Bug 378674 - "The method can be declared as static" is wrong
 *                     Bug 527554 - [18.3] Compiler support for JEP 286 Local-Variable Type
 *                     Bug 529556 - [18.3] Add content assist support for 'var' as a type
 *        Andy Clement (GoPivotal, Inc) - Contributions for
 *                     Bug 409250 - [1.8][compiler] Various loose ends in 308 code generation
 *                     Bug 426616 - [1.8][compiler] Type Annotations, multiple problems 
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast;

import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ExpressionContext.ASSIGNMENT_CONTEXT;
import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ExpressionContext.VANILLA_CONTEXT;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeReference.AnnotationCollector;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.flow.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.RecoveryScanner;

public class LocalDeclaration extends AbstractVariableDeclaration {

    public LocalVariableBinding binding;

    public LocalDeclaration(char[] name, int sourceStart, int sourceEnd) { = name;
        this.sourceStart = sourceStart;
        this.sourceEnd = sourceEnd;
        this.declarationEnd = sourceEnd;

    public FlowInfo analyseCode(BlockScope currentScope, FlowContext flowContext, FlowInfo flowInfo) {
        // record variable initialization if any
        if ((flowInfo.tagBits & FlowInfo.UNREACHABLE_OR_DEAD) == 0) {
            this.bits |= ASTNode.IsLocalDeclarationReachable; // only set if actually reached
        if (this.initialization == null) {
            return flowInfo;
        this.initialization.checkNPEbyUnboxing(currentScope, flowContext, flowInfo);

        FlowInfo preInitInfo = null;
        boolean shouldAnalyseResource = this.binding != null && flowInfo.reachMode() == FlowInfo.REACHABLE
                && currentScope.compilerOptions().analyseResourceLeaks
                && FakedTrackingVariable.isAnyCloseable(this.initialization.resolvedType);
        if (shouldAnalyseResource) {
            preInitInfo = flowInfo.unconditionalCopy();
            // analysis of resource leaks needs additional context while analyzing the RHS:
            FakedTrackingVariable.preConnectTrackerAcrossAssignment(this, this.binding, this.initialization,

        flowInfo = this.initialization.analyseCode(currentScope, flowContext, flowInfo).unconditionalInits();

        if (shouldAnalyseResource)
            FakedTrackingVariable.handleResourceAssignment(currentScope, preInitInfo, flowInfo, flowContext, this,
                    this.initialization, this.binding);
            FakedTrackingVariable.cleanUpAfterAssignment(currentScope, Binding.LOCAL, this.initialization);

        int nullStatus = this.initialization.nullStatus(flowInfo, flowContext);
        if (!flowInfo.isDefinitelyAssigned(this.binding)) {// for local variable debug attributes
            this.bits |= FirstAssignmentToLocal;
        } else {
            this.bits &= ~FirstAssignmentToLocal; // int i = (i = 0);
        if (currentScope.compilerOptions().isAnnotationBasedNullAnalysisEnabled) {
            nullStatus = NullAnnotationMatching.checkAssignment(currentScope, flowContext, this.binding, flowInfo,
                    nullStatus, this.initialization, this.initialization.resolvedType);
        if ((this.binding.type.tagBits & TagBits.IsBaseType) == 0) {
            flowInfo.markNullStatus(this.binding, nullStatus);
            // no need to inform enclosing try block since its locals won't get
            // known by the finally block
        return flowInfo;

    public void checkModifiers() {

        //only potential valid modifier is <<final>>
        if (((this.modifiers & ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccJustFlag) & ~ClassFileConstants.AccFinal) != 0)
            //AccModifierProblem -> other (non-visibility problem)
            //AccAlternateModifierProblem -> duplicate modifier
            //AccModifierProblem | AccAlternateModifierProblem -> visibility problem"

            this.modifiers = (this.modifiers & ~ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccAlternateModifierProblem)
                    | ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccModifierProblem;

     * Code generation for a local declaration:
     *   i.e.&nbsp;normal assignment to a local variable + unused variable handling
    public void generateCode(BlockScope currentScope, CodeStream codeStream) {

        // even if not reachable, variable must be added to visible if allocated (28298)
        if (this.binding.resolvedPosition != -1) {
        if ((this.bits & IsReachable) == 0) {
        int pc = codeStream.position;

        // something to initialize?
        generateInit: {
            if (this.initialization == null)
                break generateInit;
            // forget initializing unused or final locals set to constant value (final ones are inlined)
            if (this.binding.resolvedPosition < 0) {
                if (this.initialization.constant != Constant.NotAConstant)
                    break generateInit;
                // if binding unused generate then discard the value
                this.initialization.generateCode(currentScope, codeStream, false);
                break generateInit;
            this.initialization.generateCode(currentScope, codeStream, true);
            // 26903, need extra cast to store null in array local var
            if (this.binding.type.isArrayType() && ((this.initialization instanceof CastExpression) // arrayLoc = (type[])null
                    && (((CastExpression) this.initialization)
                            .innermostCastedExpression().resolvedType == TypeBinding.NULL))) {
  , false);
            if ((this.bits & ASTNode.FirstAssignmentToLocal) != 0) {
                /* Variable may have been initialized during the code initializing it
                   e.g. int i = (i = 1);
        codeStream.recordPositionsFrom(pc, this.sourceStart);

     * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractVariableDeclaration#getKind()
    public int getKind() {
        return LOCAL_VARIABLE;

    // for local variables
    public void getAllAnnotationContexts(int targetType, LocalVariableBinding localVariable,
            List allAnnotationContexts) {
        AnnotationCollector collector = new AnnotationCollector(this, targetType, localVariable,
        this.traverseWithoutInitializer(collector, (BlockScope) null);

    // for arguments
    public void getAllAnnotationContexts(int targetType, int parameterIndex, List allAnnotationContexts) {
        AnnotationCollector collector = new AnnotationCollector(this, targetType, parameterIndex,
        this.traverse(collector, (BlockScope) null);

    public boolean isArgument() {
        return false;

    public boolean isReceiver() {
        return false;

    public TypeBinding patchType(TypeBinding newType) {
        // Perform upwards projection on type wrt mentioned type variables
        TypeBinding[] mentionedTypeVariables = findCapturedTypeVariables(newType);
        if (mentionedTypeVariables != null && mentionedTypeVariables.length > 0) {
            newType = newType.upwardsProjection(this.binding.declaringScope, mentionedTypeVariables);
        this.type.resolvedType = newType;
        if (this.binding != null) {
            this.binding.type = newType;
        return this.type.resolvedType;

    private TypeVariableBinding[] findCapturedTypeVariables(TypeBinding typeBinding) {
        final Set<TypeVariableBinding> mentioned = new HashSet<>();
        TypeBindingVisitor.visit(new TypeBindingVisitor() {
            public boolean visit(TypeVariableBinding typeVariable) {
                if (typeVariable.isCapture())
                return super.visit(typeVariable);
        }, typeBinding);
        if (mentioned.isEmpty())
            return null;
        return mentioned.toArray(new TypeVariableBinding[mentioned.size()]);

    private static Expression findPolyExpression(Expression e) {
        // This is simpler than using an ASTVisitor, since we only care about a very few select cases.
        if (e instanceof FunctionalExpression) {
            return e;
        if (e instanceof ConditionalExpression) {
            ConditionalExpression ce = (ConditionalExpression) e;
            Expression candidate = findPolyExpression(ce.valueIfTrue);
            if (candidate == null) {
                candidate = findPolyExpression(ce.valueIfFalse);
            if (candidate != null)
                return candidate;
        if (e instanceof SwitchExpression) {
            SwitchExpression se = (SwitchExpression) e;
            for (Expression re : se.resultExpressions) {
                Expression candidate = findPolyExpression(re);
                if (candidate != null)
                    return candidate;
        return null;

    public void resolve(BlockScope scope) {

        // prescan NNBD
        handleNonNullByDefault(scope, this.annotations, this);

        TypeBinding variableType = null;
        boolean variableTypeInferenceError = false;
        boolean isTypeNameVar = isTypeNameVar(scope);
        if (isTypeNameVar) {
            if ((this.bits & ASTNode.IsForeachElementVariable) == 0) {
                // infer a type from the initializer
                if (this.initialization != null) {
                    variableType = checkInferredLocalVariableInitializer(scope);
                    variableTypeInferenceError = variableType != null;
                } else {
                    // That's always an error
                    variableType = scope.getJavaLangObject();
                    variableTypeInferenceError = true;
        } else {
            variableType = this.type.resolveType(scope, true /* check bounds*/);

        this.bits |= (this.type.bits & ASTNode.HasTypeAnnotations);
        if (variableType != null) {
            if (variableType == TypeBinding.VOID) {
            if (variableType.isArrayType() && ((ArrayBinding) variableType).leafComponentType == TypeBinding.VOID) {

        Binding existingVariable = scope.getBinding(, Binding.VARIABLE, this,
                false /*do not resolve hidden field*/);
        if (existingVariable != null && existingVariable.isValidBinding()) {
            boolean localExists = existingVariable instanceof LocalVariableBinding;
            if (localExists && (this.bits & ASTNode.ShadowsOuterLocal) != 0 && scope.isLambdaSubscope()
                    && this.hiddenVariableDepth == 0) {
            } else if (localExists && this.hiddenVariableDepth == 0) {
            } else {
                scope.problemReporter().localVariableHiding(this, existingVariable, false);

        if ((this.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccFinal) != 0 && this.initialization == null) {
            this.modifiers |= ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccBlankFinal;
        if (isTypeNameVar) {
            // Create binding for the initializer's type
            // In order to resolve self-referential initializers, we must declare the variable with a placeholder type (j.l.Object), and then patch it later 
            this.binding = new LocalVariableBinding(this,
                    variableType != null ? variableType : scope.getJavaLangObject(), this.modifiers, false) {
                private boolean isInitialized = false;

                public void markReferenced() {
                    if (!this.isInitialized) {
                        this.type = null;
                        this.isInitialized = true; // Quell additional type errors

                public void markInitialized() {
                    this.isInitialized = true;
        } else {
            // create a binding from the specified type
            this.binding = new LocalVariableBinding(this, variableType, this.modifiers, false /*isArgument*/);
        // allow to recursivelly target the binding....
        // the correct constant is harmed if correctly computed at the end of this method

        if (variableType == null) {
            if (this.initialization != null) {
                this.initialization.resolveType(scope); // want to report all possible errors
                if (isTypeNameVar && this.initialization.resolvedType != null) {
                    if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(TypeBinding.NULL, this.initialization.resolvedType)) {
                        variableTypeInferenceError = true;
                    } else if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(TypeBinding.VOID, this.initialization.resolvedType)) {
                        variableTypeInferenceError = true;
                    variableType = patchType(this.initialization.resolvedType);
                } else {
                    variableTypeInferenceError = true;
        if (variableTypeInferenceError) {
        boolean resolveAnnotationsEarly = false;
        if (scope.environment().usesNullTypeAnnotations() && !isTypeNameVar // 'var' does not provide a target type
                && variableType != null && variableType.isValidBinding()) {
            resolveAnnotationsEarly = this.initialization instanceof Invocation
                    || this.initialization instanceof ConditionalExpression
                    || this.initialization instanceof SwitchExpression
                    || this.initialization instanceof ArrayInitializer;
        if (resolveAnnotationsEarly) {
            // these are definitely no constants, so resolving annotations early should be safe
            resolveAnnotations(scope, this.annotations, this.binding, true);
            // for type inference having null annotations upfront gives better results
            variableType = this.type.resolvedType;
        if (this.initialization != null) {
            if (this.initialization instanceof ArrayInitializer) {
                TypeBinding initializationType = this.initialization.resolveTypeExpecting(scope, variableType);
                if (initializationType != null) {
                    ((ArrayInitializer) this.initialization).binding = (ArrayBinding) initializationType;
                    this.initialization.computeConversion(scope, variableType, initializationType);
            } else {
                this.initialization.setExpressionContext(isTypeNameVar ? VANILLA_CONTEXT : ASSIGNMENT_CONTEXT);
                TypeBinding initializationType = this.initialization.resolvedType != null
                        ? this.initialization.resolvedType
                        : this.initialization.resolveType(scope);
                if (initializationType != null) {
                    if (TypeBinding.notEquals(variableType, initializationType)) // must call before computeConversion() and typeMismatchError()
                        scope.compilationUnitScope().recordTypeConversion(variableType, initializationType);
                    if (this.initialization.isConstantValueOfTypeAssignableToType(initializationType, variableType)
                            || initializationType.isCompatibleWith(variableType, scope)) {
                        this.initialization.computeConversion(scope, variableType, initializationType);
                        if (initializationType.needsUncheckedConversion(variableType)) {
                            scope.problemReporter().unsafeTypeConversion(this.initialization, initializationType,
                        if (this.initialization instanceof CastExpression
                                && (this.initialization.bits & ASTNode.UnnecessaryCast) == 0) {
                            CastExpression.checkNeedForAssignedCast(scope, variableType,
                                    (CastExpression) this.initialization);
                    } else if (isBoxingCompatible(initializationType, variableType, this.initialization, scope)) {
                        this.initialization.computeConversion(scope, variableType, initializationType);
                        if (this.initialization instanceof CastExpression
                                && (this.initialization.bits & ASTNode.UnnecessaryCast) == 0) {
                            CastExpression.checkNeedForAssignedCast(scope, variableType,
                                    (CastExpression) this.initialization);
                    } else {
                        if ((variableType.tagBits & TagBits.HasMissingType) == 0) {
                            // if problem already got signaled on type, do not report secondary problem
                            scope.problemReporter().typeMismatchError(initializationType, variableType,
                                    this.initialization, null);
            // check for assignment with no effect
            if (this.binding == Expression.getDirectBinding(this.initialization)) {
            // change the constant in the binding when it is final
            // (the optimization of the constant propagation will be done later on)
            // cast from constant actual type to variable type
                    ? this.initialization.constant
                            .castTo(( << 4) + this.initialization.constant.typeID())
                    : Constant.NotAConstant);
        // if init could be a constant only resolve annotation at the end, for constant to be positioned before (96991)
        if (!resolveAnnotationsEarly)
            resolveAnnotations(scope, this.annotations, this.binding, true);
        Annotation.isTypeUseCompatible(this.type, scope, this.annotations);

    void validateNullAnnotations(BlockScope scope) {
        if (!scope.validateNullAnnotation(this.binding.tagBits, this.type, this.annotations))
            this.binding.tagBits &= ~TagBits.AnnotationNullMASK;

     * Checks the initializer for simple errors, and reports an error as needed. If error is found,
     * returns a reasonable match for further type checking.
    private TypeBinding checkInferredLocalVariableInitializer(BlockScope scope) {
        TypeBinding errorType = null;
        if (this.initialization instanceof ArrayInitializer) {
            errorType = scope.createArrayType(scope.getJavaLangObject(), 1); // Treat as array of anything
        } else {
            // Catch-22: isPolyExpression() is not reliable BEFORE resolveType, so we need to peek to suppress the errors
            Expression polyExpression = findPolyExpression(this.initialization);
            if (polyExpression instanceof ReferenceExpression) {
                errorType = TypeBinding.NULL;
            } else if (polyExpression != null) { // Should be instanceof LambdaExpression, but this is safer
                errorType = TypeBinding.NULL;
        if (this.type.dimensions() > 0 || this.type.extraDimensions() > 0) {
            errorType = scope.createArrayType(scope.getJavaLangObject(), 1); // This is just to quell some warnings
        if ((this.bits & ASTNode.IsAdditionalDeclarator) != 0) {
            errorType = this.initialization.resolveType(scope);
        return errorType;

    public void traverse(ASTVisitor visitor, BlockScope scope) {

        if (visitor.visit(this, scope)) {
            if (this.annotations != null) {
                int annotationsLength = this.annotations.length;
                for (int i = 0; i < annotationsLength; i++)
                    this.annotations[i].traverse(visitor, scope);
            this.type.traverse(visitor, scope);
            if (this.initialization != null)
                this.initialization.traverse(visitor, scope);
        visitor.endVisit(this, scope);

    private void traverseWithoutInitializer(ASTVisitor visitor, BlockScope scope) {
        if (visitor.visit(this, scope)) {
            if (this.annotations != null) {
                int annotationsLength = this.annotations.length;
                for (int i = 0; i < annotationsLength; i++)
                    this.annotations[i].traverse(visitor, scope);
            this.type.traverse(visitor, scope);
        visitor.endVisit(this, scope);

    public boolean isRecoveredFromLoneIdentifier() { // recovered from lonely identifier or identifier cluster ?
        return == RecoveryScanner.FAKE_IDENTIFIER
                && (this.type instanceof SingleTypeReference || (this.type instanceof QualifiedTypeReference
                        && !(this.type instanceof ArrayQualifiedTypeReference)))
                && this.initialization == null && !this.type.isBaseTypeReference();

    public boolean isTypeNameVar(Scope scope) {
        return this.type != null && this.type.isTypeNameVar(scope);
