Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 *     Stephan Herrmann - Contributions for
 *                        bug 186342 - [compiler][null] Using annotations for null checking
 *                        bug 365519 - editorial cleanup after bug 186342 and bug 365387
 *                        Bug 417295 - [1.8[[null] Massage type annotated null analysis to gel well with deep encoded type bindings.
 *                        Bug 392238 - [1.8][compiler][null] Detect semantically invalid null type annotations
 *                        Bug 435570 - [1.8][null] @NonNullByDefault illegally tries to affect "throws E"
 *                        Bug 438012 - [1.8][null] Bogus Warning: The nullness annotation is redundant with a default that applies to this location
 *                        Bug 466713 - Null Annotations: NullPointerException using <int @Nullable []> as Type Param
 *        Andy Clement (GoPivotal, Inc) - Contributions for
 *                          Bug 409246 - [1.8][compiler] Type annotations on catch parameters not handled properly
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast;

import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeReference.AnnotationPosition;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.Constant;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*;

public class Argument extends LocalDeclaration {

    // prefix for setter method (to recognize special hiding argument)
    private final static char[] SET = "set".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$

    public Argument(char[] name, long posNom, TypeReference tr, int modifiers) {

        super(name, (int) (posNom >>> 32), (int) posNom);
        this.declarationSourceEnd = (int) posNom;
        this.modifiers = modifiers;
        this.type = tr;
        if (tr != null) {
            this.bits |= (tr.bits & ASTNode.HasTypeAnnotations);
        this.bits |= (IsLocalDeclarationReachable | IsArgument);

    public Argument(char[] name, long posNom, TypeReference tr, int modifiers, boolean typeElided) {

        super(name, (int) (posNom >>> 32), (int) posNom);
        this.declarationSourceEnd = (int) posNom;
        this.modifiers = modifiers;
        this.type = tr;
        if (tr != null) {
            this.bits |= (tr.bits & ASTNode.HasTypeAnnotations);
        this.bits |= (IsLocalDeclarationReachable | IsArgument | IsTypeElided);

    public boolean isRecoveredFromLoneIdentifier() {
        return false;

    public TypeBinding createBinding(MethodScope scope, TypeBinding typeBinding) {
        if (this.binding == null) {
            // for default constructors and fake implementation of abstract methods 
            this.binding = new LocalVariableBinding(this, typeBinding, this.modifiers, scope);
        } else if (!this.binding.type.isValidBinding()) {
            AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDecl = scope.referenceMethod();
            if (methodDecl != null) {
                MethodBinding methodBinding = methodDecl.binding;
                if (methodBinding != null) {
                    methodBinding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasUnresolvedArguments;
        if ((this.binding.tagBits & TagBits.AnnotationResolved) == 0) {
            resolveAnnotations(scope, this.annotations, this.binding, true);
            if (scope.compilerOptions().sourceLevel >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_8) {
                Annotation.isTypeUseCompatible(this.type, scope, this.annotations);
                scope.validateNullAnnotation(this.binding.tagBits, this.type, this.annotations);
        this.binding.declaration = this;
        return this.binding.type; // might have been updated during resolveAnnotations (for typeAnnotations)

    public TypeBinding bind(MethodScope scope, TypeBinding typeBinding, boolean used) {
        TypeBinding newTypeBinding = createBinding(scope, typeBinding); // basically a no-op if createBinding() was called before

        // record the resolved type into the type reference
        Binding existingVariable = scope.getBinding(, Binding.VARIABLE, this,
                false /*do not resolve hidden field*/);
        if (existingVariable != null && existingVariable.isValidBinding()) {
            final boolean localExists = existingVariable instanceof LocalVariableBinding;
            if (localExists && this.hiddenVariableDepth == 0) {
                if ((this.bits & ASTNode.ShadowsOuterLocal) != 0 && scope.isLambdaSubscope()) {
                } else {
            } else {
                boolean isSpecialArgument = false;
                if (existingVariable instanceof FieldBinding) {
                    if (scope.isInsideConstructor()) {
                        isSpecialArgument = true; // constructor argument
                    } else {
                        AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDecl = scope.referenceMethod();
                        if (methodDecl != null && CharOperation.prefixEquals(SET, methodDecl.selector)) {
                            isSpecialArgument = true; // setter argument
                scope.problemReporter().localVariableHiding(this, existingVariable, isSpecialArgument);
        this.binding.useFlag = used ? LocalVariableBinding.USED : LocalVariableBinding.UNUSED;
        return newTypeBinding;

     * @see org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractVariableDeclaration#getKind()
    public int getKind() {
        return (this.bits & ASTNode.IsArgument) != 0 ? PARAMETER : LOCAL_VARIABLE;

    public boolean isArgument() {
        return true;

    public boolean isVarArgs() {
        return this.type != null && (this.type.bits & IsVarArgs) != 0;

    public boolean hasElidedType() {
        return (this.bits & IsTypeElided) != 0;

    public boolean hasNullTypeAnnotation(AnnotationPosition position) {
        // parser associates SE8 annotations to the declaration
        return TypeReference.containsNullAnnotation(this.annotations)
                || (this.type != null && this.type.hasNullTypeAnnotation(position)); // just in case

    public StringBuffer print(int indent, StringBuffer output) {

        printIndent(indent, output);
        printModifiers(this.modifiers, output);
        if (this.annotations != null) {
            printAnnotations(this.annotations, output);
            output.append(' ');

        if (this.type == null) {
            output.append("<no type> "); //$NON-NLS-1$
        } else {
            this.type.print(0, output).append(' ');
        return output.append(;

    public StringBuffer printStatement(int indent, StringBuffer output) {

        return print(indent, output).append(';');

    public TypeBinding resolveForCatch(BlockScope scope) {
        // resolution on an argument of a catch clause
        // provide the scope with a side effect : insertion of a LOCAL
        // that represents the argument. The type must be from JavaThrowable

        TypeBinding exceptionType = this.type.resolveType(scope, true /* check bounds*/);
        boolean hasError;
        if (exceptionType == null) {
            hasError = true;
        } else {
            hasError = false;
            switch (exceptionType.kind()) {
            case Binding.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE:
                if (exceptionType.isBoundParameterizedType()) {
                    hasError = true;
                    scope.problemReporter().invalidParameterizedExceptionType(exceptionType, this);
                    // fall thru to create the variable - avoids additional errors because the variable is missing
            case Binding.TYPE_PARAMETER:
                scope.problemReporter().invalidTypeVariableAsException(exceptionType, this);
                hasError = true;
                // fall thru to create the variable - avoids additional errors because the variable is missing
            if (exceptionType.findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(TypeIds.T_JavaLangThrowable, true) == null
                    && exceptionType.isValidBinding()) {
                scope.problemReporter().cannotThrowType(this.type, exceptionType);
                hasError = true;
                // fall thru to create the variable - avoids additional errors because the variable is missing
        Binding existingVariable = scope.getBinding(, Binding.VARIABLE, this,
                false /*do not resolve hidden field*/);
        if (existingVariable != null && existingVariable.isValidBinding()) {
            if (existingVariable instanceof LocalVariableBinding && this.hiddenVariableDepth == 0) {
            } else {
                scope.problemReporter().localVariableHiding(this, existingVariable, false);

        if ((this.type.bits & ASTNode.IsUnionType) != 0) {
            this.binding = new CatchParameterBinding(this, exceptionType,
                    this.modifiers | ClassFileConstants.AccFinal, false); // argument decl, but local var  (where isArgument = false)
            this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.MultiCatchParameter;
        } else {
            this.binding = new CatchParameterBinding(this, exceptionType, this.modifiers, false); // argument decl, but local var  (where isArgument = false)
        resolveAnnotations(scope, this.annotations, this.binding, true);
        Annotation.isTypeUseCompatible(this.type, scope, this.annotations);
        if (scope.compilerOptions().isAnnotationBasedNullAnalysisEnabled
                && (this.type.hasNullTypeAnnotation(AnnotationPosition.ANY)
                        || TypeReference.containsNullAnnotation(this.annotations))) {

        if (hasError)
            return null;
        return exceptionType;

    public void traverse(ASTVisitor visitor, BlockScope scope) {

        if (visitor.visit(this, scope)) {
            if (this.annotations != null) {
                int annotationsLength = this.annotations.length;
                for (int i = 0; i < annotationsLength; i++)
                    this.annotations[i].traverse(visitor, scope);
            if (this.type != null)
                this.type.traverse(visitor, scope);
        visitor.endVisit(this, scope);

    public void traverse(ASTVisitor visitor, ClassScope scope) {

        if (visitor.visit(this, scope)) {
            if (this.annotations != null) {
                int annotationsLength = this.annotations.length;
                for (int i = 0; i < annotationsLength; i++)
                    this.annotations[i].traverse(visitor, scope);
            if (this.type != null)
                this.type.traverse(visitor, scope);
        visitor.endVisit(this, scope);