Java tutorial
/*- * Copyright (c) 2012, 2016 Diamond Light Source Ltd. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * */ package org.eclipse.january.dataset; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.math3.complex.Complex; import org.eclipse.january.asserts.TestUtils; import org.eclipse.january.asserts.TestUtils.Verbosity; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.ComplexDoubleDataset; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.CompoundDataset; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.CompoundDoubleDataset; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.CompoundShortDataset; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.Dataset; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.DatasetFactory; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.DatasetUtils; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.DoubleDataset; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.IndexIterator; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.Maths; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.Random; import org.eclipse.january.dataset.Slice; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; public class MathsTest { private final static int SSTEP = 15; private final static int SITER = 3; private final static double ABSERRD = 1e-8; private final static double ABSERRF = 1e-5; private final static double RELERR = 1e-5; private final static int ISIZEA = 2; private final static int ISIZEB = 3; private final static int MAXISIZE = Math.max(ISIZEA, ISIZEB); @Before public void setUpClass() { classes = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); // classes.put("Boolean", Dataset.BOOL); classes.put("Byte", Dataset.INT8); classes.put("Short", Dataset.INT16); classes.put("Integer", Dataset.INT32); classes.put("Long", Dataset.INT64); classes.put("Float", Dataset.FLOAT32); classes.put("Double", Dataset.FLOAT64); classes.put("ComplexF", Dataset.COMPLEX64); classes.put("ComplexD", Dataset.COMPLEX128); classes.put("ArrayB", Dataset.ARRAYINT8); classes.put("ArrayS", Dataset.ARRAYINT16); classes.put("ArrayI", Dataset.ARRAYINT32); classes.put("ArrayL", Dataset.ARRAYINT64); classes.put("ArrayF", Dataset.ARRAYFLOAT32); classes.put("ArrayD", Dataset.ARRAYFLOAT64); TestUtils.setVerbosity(Verbosity.QUIET); } @After public void closeDown() { TestUtils.setVerbosity(Verbosity.QUIET); } private Map<String, Integer> classes; private void checkDatasets(Object a, Object b, Dataset c, Dataset d) { Assert.assertNotNull(c); Assert.assertNotNull(d); Assert.assertEquals("Dtype does not match", c.getDType(), d.getDType()); Assert.assertEquals("Size does not match", c.getSize(), d.getSize()); Assert.assertEquals("ISize does not match", c.getElementsPerItem(), d.getElementsPerItem()); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Shape does not match", c.getShape(), d.getShape()); final IndexIterator ci = c.getIterator(true); final IndexIterator di = d.getIterator(); final int is = c.getElementsPerItem(); final double abserr = (c.getDType() == Dataset.FLOAT32 || c.getDType() == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || c.getDType() == Dataset.ARRAYFLOAT32) ? ABSERRF : ABSERRD; if (is == 1) { while (ci.hasNext() && di.hasNext()) { double av = c.getElementDoubleAbs(ci.index); double bv = d.getElementDoubleAbs(di.index); double tol = Math.max(abserr, Math.abs(av * RELERR)); if (Math.abs(av - bv) > tol) { if (a != null) { if (a instanceof Dataset) System.err.printf("A was %s ", ((Dataset) a).getString(ci.getPos())); else System.err.printf("A was %s ", a); } if (b != null) { if (b instanceof Dataset) System.err.printf("B was %s ", ((Dataset) b).getString(ci.getPos())); else System.err.printf("B was %s ", b); } System.err.printf("at %s\n", Arrays.toString(ci.getPos())); } Assert.assertEquals( "Value does not match at " + Arrays.toString(ci.getPos()) + ", with tol " + tol + ": ", av, bv, tol); } } else { while (ci.hasNext() && di.hasNext()) { for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) { double av = c.getElementDoubleAbs(ci.index + j); double bv = d.getElementDoubleAbs(di.index + j); double tol = Math.max(abserr, Math.abs(av * RELERR)); if (Math.abs(av - bv) > tol) { if (a != null) { if (a instanceof Dataset) System.err.printf("A was %s ", ((Dataset) a).getString(ci.getPos())); else System.err.printf("A was %s ", a); } if (b != null) { if (b instanceof Dataset) System.err.printf("B was %s ", ((Dataset) b).getString(ci.getPos())); else System.err.printf("B was %s ", b); } System.err.printf("at %s\n", Arrays.toString(ci.getPos())); } Assert.assertEquals("Value does not match at " + Arrays.toString(ci.getPos()) + "; " + j + ", with tol " + tol + ": ", av, bv, tol); } } } } @Test public void testAddition() { Dataset a, b, c = null, d = null; Complex zv = new Complex(-3.5, 0); final double dv = zv.getReal(); long start; int n; int eCount = 0; for (String dn : classes.keySet()) { final int dtype = classes.get(dn); Random.seed(12735L); for (String en : classes.keySet()) { final int etype = classes.get(en); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("%s to %s, ", dn, en); n = 32; for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } if (etype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { b = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); b = b.cast(etype); } else { Dataset[] ab = new Dataset[ISIZEB]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEB; j++) { ab[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } b = DatasetUtils.cast(ab, etype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.add(a, b); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: %s\n\n", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); IndexIterator itb = b.getIterator(); int j = 0; if ((dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) && (etype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || etype == Dataset.COMPLEX128)) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, ((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).add((Complex) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index))); j += is; } } else if ((dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) && !(etype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || etype == Dataset.COMPLEX128)) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, ((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)) .add(new Complex(b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index), 0))); j += is; } } else if (!(dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) && (etype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || etype == Dataset.COMPLEX128)) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, new Complex(a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index), 0) .add((Complex) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index))); j += is; } } else { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8 && etype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, ((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue() + ((Number) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index)).doubleValue()); } } else { final double[] answer = new double[MAXISIZE]; final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); if (a.getElementsPerItem() < is) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { final double da = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index); for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEB; k++) { answer[k] = da + b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index + k); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } else if (b.getElementsPerItem() < is) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { final double db = b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index); for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) + db; } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } else { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { for (int k = 0; k < is; k++) { answer[k] = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) + b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index + k); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } } } if (d == null) break; start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by add for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(a, b, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } } Random.seed(12735L); n = 32; TestUtils.verbosePrintf("constant to %s, ", dn); for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n); a.imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.add(a, dv); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: %s\n\n", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); int j = 0; if (dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, ((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).add(zv)); j += is; } } else { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, ((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue() + dv); } } else { final double[] answer = new double[ISIZEA]; while (ita.hasNext()) { for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) + dv; } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += ISIZEA; } } } if (d == null) break; start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by add for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(a, dv, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } } if (eCount > 0) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Number of exceptions caught: %d\n", eCount); } } @Test public void testSubtraction() { Dataset a, b, c = null, d = null; Complex zv = new Complex(-3.5, 0); final double dv = zv.getReal(); long start; int n; int eCount = 0; for (String dn : classes.keySet()) { final int dtype = classes.get(dn); Random.seed(12735L); for (String en : classes.keySet()) { final int etype = classes.get(en); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("%s to %s, ", dn, en); n = 32; for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } if (etype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { b = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); b = b.cast(etype); } else { Dataset[] ab = new Dataset[ISIZEB]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEB; j++) { ab[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } b = DatasetUtils.cast(ab, etype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.subtract(a, b); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: %s\n", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); IndexIterator itb = b.getIterator(); int j = 0; if ((dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) && (etype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || etype == Dataset.COMPLEX128)) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, ((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)) .subtract((Complex) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index))); j += is; } } else if ((dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) && !(etype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || etype == Dataset.COMPLEX128)) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, ((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)) .subtract(new Complex(b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index), 0))); j += is; } } else if (!(dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) && (etype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || etype == Dataset.COMPLEX128)) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, new Complex(a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index), 0) .subtract((Complex) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index))); j += is; } } else { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8 && etype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, ((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue() - ((Number) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index)).doubleValue()); } } else { final double[] answer = new double[MAXISIZE]; final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); if (a.getElementsPerItem() < is) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { final double da = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index); for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEB; k++) { answer[k] = da - b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index + k); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } else if (b.getElementsPerItem() < is) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { final double db = b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index); for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) - db; } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } else { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { for (int k = 0; k < is; k++) { answer[k] = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) - b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index + k); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } } } if (d == null) break; start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by sub for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(a, b, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } } Random.seed(12735L); n = 32; TestUtils.verbosePrintf("constant from %s, ", dn); for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n); a.imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.subtract(a, dv); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: %s\n", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); int j = 0; if (dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, ((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).subtract(zv)); j += is; } } else { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, ((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue() - dv); } } else { final double[] answer = new double[ISIZEA]; while (ita.hasNext()) { for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) - dv; } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += ISIZEA; } } } if (d == null) break; start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by add for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(a, dv, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } Random.seed(12735L); n = 32; TestUtils.verbosePrintf("%s from constant, ", dn); for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n); a.imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.subtract(dv, a); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: %s\n", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); int j = 0; if (dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, zv.subtract((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index))); j += is; } } else { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, dv - ((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue()); } } else { final double[] answer = new double[ISIZEA]; while (ita.hasNext()) { for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = dv - a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += ISIZEA; } } } if (d == null) break; start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by sub for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(dv, a, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } } if (eCount > 0) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Number of exceptions caught: %d\n", eCount); } } @Test public void testMultiplication() { Dataset a, b, c = null, d = null; Complex zv = new Complex(-3.5, 0); final double dv = zv.getReal(); long start; int n; int eCount = 0; for (String dn : classes.keySet()) { final int dtype = classes.get(dn); Random.seed(12735L); for (String en : classes.keySet()) { final int etype = classes.get(en); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("%s by %s, ", dn, en); n = 32; for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } if (etype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { b = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); b = b.cast(etype); } else { Dataset[] ab = new Dataset[ISIZEB]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEB; j++) { ab[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } b = DatasetUtils.cast(ab, etype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.multiply(a, b); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: %s\n", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); IndexIterator itb = b.getIterator(); int j = 0; if ((dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) && (etype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || etype == Dataset.COMPLEX128)) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, ((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)) .multiply((Complex) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index))); j += is; } } else if ((dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) && !(etype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || etype == Dataset.COMPLEX128)) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, ((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)) .multiply(b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index))); j += is; } } else if (!(dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) && (etype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || etype == Dataset.COMPLEX128)) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, new Complex(a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index), 0) .multiply((Complex) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index))); j += is; } } else { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8 && etype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, ((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue() * ((Number) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index)).doubleValue()); } } else { final double[] answer = new double[MAXISIZE]; final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); if (a.getElementsPerItem() < is) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { final double da = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index); for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEB; k++) { answer[k] = da * b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index + k); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } else if (b.getElementsPerItem() < is) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { final double db = b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index); for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) * db; } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } else { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { for (int k = 0; k < is; k++) { answer[k] = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) * b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index + k); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } } } if (d == null) break; start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by mul for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(a, b, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } } Random.seed(12735L); n = 32; TestUtils.verbosePrintf("constant with %s, ", dn); for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n); a.imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.multiply(a, dv); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: %s\n", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); int j = 0; if (dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, ((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).multiply(zv)); j += is; } } else { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, ((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue() * dv); } } else { final double[] answer = new double[ISIZEA]; while (ita.hasNext()) { for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) * dv; } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += ISIZEA; } } } if (d == null) break; start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by mul for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(a, dv, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } } if (eCount > 0) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Number of exceptions caught: %d\n", eCount); } } @Test public void testDivision() { Dataset a, b, c = null, d = null; Complex zv = new Complex(-3.5, 0); final double dv = zv.getReal(); long start; int n; int eCount = 0; for (String dn : classes.keySet()) { final int dtype = classes.get(dn); Random.seed(12735L); for (String en : classes.keySet()) { final int etype = classes.get(en); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("%s by %s, ", dn, en); n = 32; for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } if (etype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { b = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); b = b.cast(etype); } else { Dataset[] ab = new Dataset[ISIZEB]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEB; j++) { ab[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } b = DatasetUtils.cast(ab, etype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.divide(a, b); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: %s\n", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); IndexIterator itb = b.getIterator(); int j = 0; if ((dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) && (etype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || etype == Dataset.COMPLEX128)) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, ((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)) .divide((Complex) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index))); j += is; } } else if ((dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) && !(etype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || etype == Dataset.COMPLEX128)) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { Complex z = (Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index); double br = b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index); Complex zr = z.divide(br); if (br == 0) { // CM's implementation is different to NumPy's zr = new Complex(z.getReal() != 0 ? z.getReal() / br : zr.getReal(), z.getImaginary() != 0 ? z.getImaginary() / br : zr.getImaginary()); } d.setObjectAbs(j, zr); j += is; } } else if (!(dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) && (etype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || etype == Dataset.COMPLEX128)) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, new Complex(a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index), 0) .divide((Complex) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index))); j += is; } } else { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8 && etype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { if (d.hasFloatingPointElements()) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, ((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue() / ((Number) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index)).doubleValue()); } } else { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { double bv = ((Number) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index)).doubleValue(); d.setObjectAbs(j++, bv == 0 ? 0 : ((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue() / bv); } } } else { final double[] answer = new double[MAXISIZE]; final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); if (a.getElementsPerItem() < is) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { final double xa = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index); if (d.hasFloatingPointElements()) { for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEB; k++) { answer[k] = xa / b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index + k); } } else { for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEB; k++) { final double v = xa / b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index + k); answer[k] = Double.isInfinite(v) || Double.isNaN(v) ? 0 : v; } } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } else if (b.getElementsPerItem() < is) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { final double xb = b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index); if (d.hasFloatingPointElements()) { for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) / xb; } } else { if (xb == 0) { for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = 0; } } else { for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) / xb; } } } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } else { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { if (d.hasFloatingPointElements()) { double v; for (int k = 0; k < is; k++) { v = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) / b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index + k); answer[k] = Double.isInfinite(v) || Double.isNaN(v) ? 0 : v; } } else { double v; for (int k = 0; k < is; k++) { v = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) / b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index + k); answer[k] = Double.isInfinite(v) || Double.isNaN(v) ? 0 : v; } } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } } } start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by div for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(a, b, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } } Random.seed(12735L); n = 32; TestUtils.verbosePrintf("%s by constant, ", dn); for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n); a.imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.divide(a, dv); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: %s\n", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); int j = 0; if (dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, ((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).divide(zv)); j += is; } } else { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, ((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue() / dv); } } else { final double[] answer = new double[ISIZEA]; while (ita.hasNext()) { for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) / dv; } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += ISIZEA; } } } if (d == null) break; start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by div for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(a, dv, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } Random.seed(12735L); n = 32; TestUtils.verbosePrintf("constant by %s, ", dn); for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n); a.imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.divide(dv, a); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: %s\n", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); int j = 0; if (dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, zv.divide((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index))); j += is; } } else { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, dv / ((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue()); } } else { final double[] answer = new double[ISIZEA]; while (ita.hasNext()) { for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = dv / a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += ISIZEA; } } } if (d == null) break; start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by div for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(dv, a, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } } if (eCount > 0) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Number of exceptions caught: %d\n", eCount); } } @Test public void testRemainder() { Dataset a, b, c = null, d = null; Complex zv = new Complex(-3.5, 0); final double dv = zv.getReal(); long start; int n; int eCount = 0; for (String dn : classes.keySet()) { final int dtype = classes.get(dn); Random.seed(12735L); for (String en : classes.keySet()) { final int etype = classes.get(en); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("%s by %s, ", dn, en); n = 32; for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } if (etype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { b = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); b = b.cast(etype); } else { Dataset[] ab = new Dataset[ISIZEB]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEB; j++) { ab[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } b = DatasetUtils.cast(ab, etype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.remainder(a, b); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: ", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ue) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: ", ue.getMessage()); continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); IndexIterator itb = b.getIterator(); int j = 0; if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8 && etype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, ((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue() % ((Number) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index)).doubleValue()); } } else { final double[] answer = new double[MAXISIZE]; final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); if (a.getElementsPerItem() < is) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { final double xa = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index); for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEB; k++) { answer[k] = xa % b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index + k); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } else if (b.getElementsPerItem() < is) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { final double xb = b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index); for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) % xb; } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } else { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { for (int k = 0; k < is; k++) { answer[k] = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) % b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index + k); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } } if (d == null) break; start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by rem for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(a, b, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } } Random.seed(12735L); n = 32; TestUtils.verbosePrintf("%s by constant, ", dn); for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n); a.imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.remainder(a, dv); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: ", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ue) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: ", ue.getMessage()); continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); int j = 0; if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, ((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue() % dv); } } else { final double[] answer = new double[ISIZEA]; while (ita.hasNext()) { for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k) % dv; } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += ISIZEA; } } start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by rem for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(a, dv, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } Random.seed(12735L); n = 32; TestUtils.verbosePrintf("constant by %s, ", dn); for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n); a.imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.remainder(dv, a); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: ", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ue) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: ", ue.getMessage()); continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); int j = 0; if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, dv % ((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue()); } } else { final double[] answer = new double[ISIZEA]; while (ita.hasNext()) { for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = dv % a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += ISIZEA; } } start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by rem for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(dv, a, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } } if (eCount > 0) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Number of exceptions caught: %d\n", eCount); } } @Test public void testPower() { Dataset a, b, c = null, d = null; Complex zv = new Complex(-3.5, 0); final double dv = zv.getReal(); long start; int n; int eCount = 0; for (String dn : classes.keySet()) { final int dtype = classes.get(dn); Random.seed(12735L); for (String en : classes.keySet()) { final int etype = classes.get(en); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("%s by %s, ", dn, en); n = 32; for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } if (etype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { b = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); b = b.cast(etype); } else { Dataset[] ab = new Dataset[ISIZEB]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEB; j++) { ab[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } b = DatasetUtils.cast(ab, etype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.power(a, b); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: ", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); IndexIterator itb = b.getIterator(); int j = 0; if ((dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) && (etype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || etype == Dataset.COMPLEX128)) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, ((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).pow((Complex) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index))); j += is; } } else if ((dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) && !(etype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || etype == Dataset.COMPLEX128)) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, ((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)) .pow(new Complex(b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index), 0))); j += is; } } else if (!(dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) && (etype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || etype == Dataset.COMPLEX128)) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, new Complex(a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index), 0) .pow((Complex) b.getObjectAbs(itb.index))); j += is; } } else { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8 && etype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, Math.pow(a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index), b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index))); } } else { final double[] answer = new double[MAXISIZE]; final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); if (a.getElementsPerItem() < is) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { final double xa = a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index); for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEB; k++) { answer[k] = Math.pow(xa, b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index + k)); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } else if (b.getElementsPerItem() < is) { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { final double xb = b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index); for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = Math.pow(a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k), xb); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } else { while (ita.hasNext() && itb.hasNext()) { for (int k = 0; k < is; k++) { answer[k] = Math.pow(a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k), b.getElementDoubleAbs(itb.index + k)); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += is; } } } } if (d == null) break; start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by pow for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(a, b, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } } Random.seed(12735L); n = 32; TestUtils.verbosePrintf("%s by constant, ", dn); for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n); a.imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.power(a, dv); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: ", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); int j = 0; if (dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, ((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).pow(zv)); j += is; } } else { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, Math.pow(((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue(), dv)); } } else { final double[] answer = new double[ISIZEA]; while (ita.hasNext()) { for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = Math.pow(a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k), dv); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += ISIZEA; } } } if (d == null) break; start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by pow for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(a, dv, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } Random.seed(12735L); n = 32; TestUtils.verbosePrintf("constant by %s, ", dn); for (int i = 0; i < SITER; i++) { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { a = Random.randn(n); a.imultiply(100); a = a.cast(dtype); } else { Dataset[] aa = new Dataset[ISIZEA]; for (int j = 0; j < ISIZEA; j++) { aa[j] = Random.randn(n).imultiply(100); } a = DatasetUtils.cast(aa, dtype); } start = -System.nanoTime(); try { c = Maths.power(dv, a); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Could not perform this operation: ", e.getMessage()); eCount++; continue; } start += System.nanoTime(); double ntime = ((double) start) / c.getSize(); d = DatasetFactory.zeros(c); start = -System.nanoTime(); IndexIterator ita = a.getIterator(); int j = 0; if (dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX64 || dtype == Dataset.COMPLEX128) { final int is = d.getElementsPerItem(); while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j, zv.pow((Complex) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index))); j += is; } } else { if (dtype < Dataset.ARRAYINT8) { while (ita.hasNext()) { d.setObjectAbs(j++, Math.pow(dv, ((Number) a.getObjectAbs(ita.index)).doubleValue())); } } else { final double[] answer = new double[ISIZEA]; while (ita.hasNext()) { for (int k = 0; k < ISIZEA; k++) { answer[k] = Math.pow(dv, a.getElementDoubleAbs(ita.index + k)); } d.setObjectAbs(j, answer); j += ISIZEA; } } } if (d == null) break; start += System.nanoTime(); double otime = ((double) start) / d.getSize(); TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Time taken by pow for %s: %s; %s (%.1f%%)\n", n, otime, ntime, 100. * (otime - ntime) / otime); checkDatasets(dv, a, c, d); n *= SSTEP; } } if (eCount > 0) { TestUtils.verbosePrintf("Number of exceptions caught: %d\n", eCount); } } @Test public void testDifference() { int[] data = { 0, 1, 3, 9, 5, 10 }; Dataset a = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(data); Dataset d = Maths.difference(a, 1, -1); int[] tdata; tdata = new int[] { 1, 2, 6, -4, 5 }; Dataset ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(tdata); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); Slice[] slices = new Slice[] { new Slice(3) }; d = Maths.difference(a.getSliceView(slices), 1, -1); ta = Maths.difference(a.getSlice(slices), 1, -1); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); slices = new Slice[] { new Slice(-2, null, -1) }; d = Maths.difference(a.getSliceView(slices), 1, -1); ta = Maths.difference(a.getSlice(slices), 1, -1); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); a = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(ComplexDoubleDataset.class, new double[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }); d = Maths.difference(a, 1, -1); ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(ComplexDoubleDataset.class, new double[] { 2, 2, 2, 2 }); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); d = Maths.difference(a.getSliceView(slices), 1, -1); ta = Maths.difference(a.getSlice(slices), 1, -1); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); a = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(2, CompoundDoubleDataset.class, new double[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }); d = Maths.difference(a, 1, -1); ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(2, CompoundDoubleDataset.class, new double[] { 2, 2, 2, 2 }); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); d = Maths.difference(a.getSliceView(slices), 1, -1); ta = Maths.difference(a.getSlice(slices), 1, -1); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); a = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 11 }); d = Maths.difference(a, 2, -1); ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { 0, 1, 1, 1 }); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); d = Maths.difference(a.getSliceView(slices), 2, -1); ta = Maths.difference(a.getSlice(slices), 2, -1); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); a = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(2, CompoundShortDataset.class, new short[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6 }); d = Maths.difference(a, 2, -1); ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(2, CompoundShortDataset.class, new short[] { 0, 0, 1, -1 }); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); d = Maths.difference(a.getSliceView(slices), 2, -1); ta = Maths.difference(a.getSlice(slices), 2, -1); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); a = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(2, CompoundDoubleDataset.class, new double[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6 }); d = Maths.difference(a, 2, -1); ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(2, CompoundDoubleDataset.class, new double[] { 0, 0, 1, -1 }); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); d = Maths.difference(a.getSliceView(slices), 2, -1); ta = Maths.difference(a.getSlice(slices), 2, -1); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Test public void testGradient() { double[] data = { 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 16 }; double[] tdata; Dataset a = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(data); Dataset d = Maths.gradient(a).get(0); tdata = new double[] { 1., 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5. }; Dataset ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(tdata); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); Slice[] slices = new Slice[] { new Slice(3) }; d = Maths.gradient(a.getSliceView(slices)).get(0); ta = Maths.gradient(a.getSlice(slices)).get(0); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); Dataset b = DatasetFactory.createRange(a.getShape()[0], a.getDType()); b.imultiply(2); tdata = new double[] { 0.5, 0.75, 1.25, 1.75, 2.25, 2.5 }; ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(tdata); d = Maths.gradient(a, b).get(0); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); d = Maths.gradient(a.getSliceView(slices), b.getSliceView(slices)).get(0); ta = Maths.gradient(a.getSlice(slices), b.getSlice(slices)).get(0); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); data = new double[] { 1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 5 }; a = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(data, 2, 3); List<? extends Dataset> l = Maths.gradient(a); tdata = new double[] { 2., 2., -1., 2., 2., -1. }; ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(tdata, 2, 3); checkDatasets(null, null, l.get(0), ta); tdata = new double[] { 1., 2.5, 4., 1., 1., 1. }; ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(tdata, 2, 3); checkDatasets(null, null, l.get(1), ta); b = DatasetFactory.createRange(a.getShape()[0], a.getDType()); b.imultiply(2); Dataset c = DatasetFactory.createRange(a.getShape()[1], a.getDType()); c.imultiply(-1.5); l = Maths.gradient(a, b, c); tdata = new double[] { 2., 2., -1., 2., 2., -1. }; ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(tdata, 2, 3); ta.idivide(2); checkDatasets(null, null, l.get(0), ta); tdata = new double[] { 1., 2.5, 4., 1., 1., 1. }; ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(tdata, 2, 3); ta.idivide(-1.5); checkDatasets(null, null, l.get(1), ta); a = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, 11 }); d = Maths.gradient(a).get(0); ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4 }); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); slices = new Slice[] { new Slice(-2, null, -1) }; d = Maths.gradient(a.getSliceView(slices)).get(0); ta = Maths.gradient(a.getSlice(slices)).get(0); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); a = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(ComplexDoubleDataset.class, new double[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }); d = Maths.gradient(a).get(0); ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(ComplexDoubleDataset.class, new double[] { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 }); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); d = Maths.gradient(a.getSliceView(slices)).get(0); ta = Maths.gradient(a.getSlice(slices)).get(0); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); a = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(2, CompoundShortDataset.class, new short[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6 }); d = Maths.gradient(a).get(0); ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(2, CompoundShortDataset.class, new short[] { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1 }); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); d = Maths.gradient(a.getSliceView(slices)).get(0); ta = Maths.gradient(a.getSlice(slices)).get(0); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); a = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(2, CompoundDoubleDataset.class, new double[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6 }); d = Maths.gradient(a).get(0); ta = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(2, CompoundDoubleDataset.class, new double[] { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2.5, 1.5, 3, 1 }); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); d = Maths.gradient(a.getSliceView(slices)).get(0); ta = Maths.gradient(a.getSlice(slices)).get(0); checkDatasets(null, null, d, ta); } /** * Test rounding */ @Test public void testRounding() { DoubleDataset t; DoubleDataset x; double tol = 1e-6; double[] val = { -1.7, -1.5, -1.2, 0.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 }; t = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(DoubleDataset.class, val); double[] resFloor = { -2, -2, -2, 0, 1, 1, 1 }; x = (DoubleDataset) Maths.floor(t); for (int i = 0, imax = t.getSize(); i < imax; i++) { assertEquals(resFloor[i], x.get(i), tol); } double[] resCeil = { -1, -1, -1, 1, 2, 2, 2 }; x = (DoubleDataset) Maths.ceil(t); for (int i = 0, imax = t.getSize(); i < imax; i++) { assertEquals(resCeil[i], x.get(i), tol); } double[] resRint = { -2, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 2 }; x = (DoubleDataset) Maths.rint(t); for (int i = 0, imax = t.getSize(); i < imax; i++) { assertEquals(resRint[i], x.get(i), tol); } } private void checkInterpolate(Dataset a, double x) { int s = a.getShapeRef()[0]; // double v = Maths.interpolate(a, x); double v = Maths.interpolate(a, new double[] { x }); if (x <= -1 || x >= s) { Assert.assertEquals(0, v, 1e-15); return; } int i = (int) Math.floor(x); double f1 = 0; double f2 = 0; double t = x - i; if (x < 0) { f2 = a.getDouble(0); } else if (x >= s - 1) { f1 = a.getDouble(i); } else { f1 = a.getDouble(i); f2 = a.getDouble(i + 1); } Assert.assertEquals((1 - t) * f1 + t * f2, v, 1e-15); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void checkInterpolate2(Dataset a, double x) { int s = a.getShapeRef()[0]; Dataset xa = DatasetFactory.createRange(s, Dataset.FLOAT64); double a1 = checkInterpolate2(xa, a, x, false); xa = DatasetFactory.createRange(s - 1, -1, -1, Dataset.FLOAT64); double a2 = checkInterpolate2(xa.getSliceView(new Slice(null, null, -1)), a, x, false); TestUtils.assertEquals("Flipped x - but reflipped", a1, a2); a2 = checkInterpolate2(xa, a.getSliceView(new Slice(null, null, -1)), x, true); TestUtils.assertEquals("Flipped x and flipped a", a1, a2); try { Random.seed(1231); xa = Random.randint(0, s, a.getShapeRef()); checkInterpolate2(xa, a, x, false);"No exception raised"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { } catch (Exception e) {"Wrong exception raised"); } } private double checkInterpolate2(Dataset xa, Dataset a, double x, boolean isXaReversed) { int s = a.getShapeRef()[0]; Dataset dv = Maths.interpolate(xa, a, DatasetFactory.createFromObject(x), null, null); double v = dv.getElementDoubleAbs(0); if (x <= -1 || x >= s) { Assert.assertEquals(0, v, 1e-15); return v; } int i = (int) Math.floor(x); double f1 = 0; double f2 = 0; double t = x - i; if (x < 0) { f2 = a.getDouble(isXaReversed ? s - 1 : 0); } else if (x >= s - 1) { f1 = a.getDouble(isXaReversed ? 0 : s - 1); } else { if (isXaReversed) { i = s - 1 - i; f1 = a.getDouble(i); f2 = a.getDouble(i - 1); } else { f1 = a.getDouble(i); f2 = a.getDouble(i + 1); } } Assert.assertEquals((1 - t) * f1 + t * f2, v, 1e-15); return v; } private void checkInterpolate3(Dataset a, double x) { int s = a.getShapeRef()[0]; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Dataset dv = Maths.interpolate(DatasetFactory.createRange(s, Dataset.INT32), a, DatasetFactory.createFromObject(x), 0, 0); double v = dv.getElementDoubleAbs(0); if (x <= -1 || x >= s) { Assert.assertEquals(0, v, 1e-15); return; } int i = (int) Math.floor(x); double f1 = 0; double f2 = 0; double t = x - i; if (x < 0 || x > s - 1) { } else if (x == s - 1) { f1 = a.getDouble(i); } else { f1 = a.getDouble(i); f2 = a.getDouble(i + 1); } Assert.assertEquals((1 - t) * f1 + t * f2, v, 1e-15); } private void checkInterpolateArray(CompoundDataset a, double x) { int s = a.getShapeRef()[0]; int is = a.getElementsPerItem(); double[] v = new double[is]; Maths.interpolate(v, a, x); int i = (int) Math.floor(x); double[] e = new double[is]; double[] f1 = new double[is]; double[] f2 = new double[is]; if (x <= -1 || x >= s) { } else if (x < 0) { a.getDoubleArray(f2, 0); } else if (x >= s - 1) { a.getDoubleArray(f1, s - 1); } else { a.getDoubleArray(f1, i); a.getDoubleArray(f2, i + 1); } double t = x - i; for (int j = 0; j < is; j++) e[j] = (1 - t) * f1[j] + t * f2[j]; Assert.assertArrayEquals(e, v, 1e-15); } private void checkInterpolate(Dataset a, double x, double y) { int s0 = a.getShapeRef()[0]; int s1 = a.getShapeRef()[1]; // double v = Maths.interpolate(a, x, y); double v = Maths.interpolate(a, new double[] { x, y }); if (x <= -1 || x >= s0 || y <= -1 || y >= s1) { Assert.assertEquals(0, v, 1e-15); return; } int i = (int) Math.floor(x); int j = (int) Math.floor(y); double t1 = x - i; double t2 = y - j; double f1 = 0, f2 = 0, f3 = 0, f4 = 0; if (y < 0) { if (x < 0) { f4 = a.getDouble(0, 0); } else if (x >= s0 - 1) { f3 = a.getDouble(s0 - 1, 0); } else { f3 = a.getDouble(i, 0); f4 = a.getDouble(i + 1, 0); } } else if (y >= s1 - 1) { if (x < 0) { f2 = a.getDouble(0, s1 - 1); } else if (x >= s0 - 1) { f1 = a.getDouble(s0 - 1, s1 - 1); } else { f1 = a.getDouble(i, s1 - 1); f2 = a.getDouble(i + 1, s1 - 1); } } else { if (x < 0) { f2 = a.getDouble(0, j); f4 = a.getDouble(0, j + 1); } else if (x >= s0 - 1) { f1 = a.getDouble(s0 - 1, j); f3 = a.getDouble(s0 - 1, j + 1); } else { f1 = a.getDouble(i, j); f2 = a.getDouble(i + 1, j); f3 = a.getDouble(i, j + 1); f4 = a.getDouble(i + 1, j + 1); } } double r = (1 - t1) * (1 - t2) * f1 + t1 * (1 - t2) * f2 + (1 - t1) * t2 * f3 + t1 * t2 * f4; Assert.assertEquals(r, v, 1e-15); v = Maths.interpolate(a, DatasetFactory.ones(a), x, y); Assert.assertEquals(r, v, 1e-15); } private void checkInterpolateArray(CompoundDataset a, double x, double y) { int s0 = a.getShapeRef()[0]; int s1 = a.getShapeRef()[1]; int is = a.getElementsPerItem(); double[] v = new double[is]; Maths.interpolate(v, a, x, y); if (x <= -1 || x >= s0 || y <= -1 || y >= s1) { Assert.assertArrayEquals(new double[is], v, 1e-15); return; } double[] f1 = new double[is]; double[] f2 = new double[is]; double[] f3 = new double[is]; double[] f4 = new double[is]; int i = (int) Math.floor(x); int j = (int) Math.floor(y); double t1 = x - i; double t2 = y - j; if (y < 0) { if (x < 0) { a.getDoubleArray(f4, 0, 0); } else if (x >= s0 - 1) { a.getDoubleArray(f3, s0 - 1, 0); } else { a.getDoubleArray(f3, i, 0); a.getDoubleArray(f4, i + 1, 0); } } else if (y >= s1 - 1) { if (x < 0) { a.getDoubleArray(f2, 0, s1 - 1); } else if (x >= s0 - 1) { a.getDoubleArray(f1, s0 - 1, s1 - 1); } else { a.getDoubleArray(f1, i, s1 - 1); a.getDoubleArray(f2, i + 1, s1 - 1); } } else { if (x < 0) { a.getDoubleArray(f2, 0, j); a.getDoubleArray(f4, 0, j + 1); } else if (x >= s0 - 1) { a.getDoubleArray(f1, s0 - 1, j); a.getDoubleArray(f3, s0 - 1, j + 1); } else { a.getDoubleArray(f1, i, j); a.getDoubleArray(f2, i + 1, j); a.getDoubleArray(f3, i, j + 1); a.getDoubleArray(f4, i + 1, j + 1); } } for (j = 0; j < is; j++) { f1[j] = (1 - t1) * (1 - t2) * f1[j] + t1 * (1 - t2) * f2[j] + (1 - t1) * t2 * f3[j] + t1 * t2 * f4[j]; } Assert.assertArrayEquals(f1, v, 1e-15); } @Test public void testLinearInterpolation() { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Dataset xa = DatasetFactory.createRange(60, Dataset.INT32); xa.iadd(1); double[] xc = { -1.25, -1, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 58.25, 59, 59.25, 60, 60.25 }; // double[] xc = {59}; for (double x : xc) { // System.out.printf("%g\n", x); checkInterpolate(xa, x); checkInterpolate2(xa, x); checkInterpolate3(xa, x); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Dataset xb = DatasetFactory.createRange(120, Dataset.INT32); xb.setShape(60, 2); xb.ifloorDivide(2); xb = DatasetUtils.createCompoundDatasetFromLastAxis(xb, true); for (double x : xc) { checkInterpolate(xb, x); checkInterpolate2(xb, x); checkInterpolate3(xb, x); } TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals( Maths.interpolate(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { 1, 2, 3 }), DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { 3, 2, 0 }), DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { 0, 1, 1.5, 2.72, 3.14 }), 3, 0), DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { 3., 3., 2.5, 0.56, 0. })); CompoundDataset cxb = (CompoundDataset) xb; for (double x : xc) { checkInterpolateArray(cxb, x); } xa.setShape(6, 10); xc = new double[] { -1.25, -1, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 5.25, 6, 6.25, 7 }; double[] yc = { -1.25, -1, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 8.25, 9, 9.25, 10, 10.25 }; for (double x : xc) { for (double y : yc) { // System.out.printf("%g %g\n", x, y); checkInterpolate(xa, x, y); } } cxb.setShape(6, 10); // xc = new double[] {-0.25, 0, 0.25, 5.25, 6, 6.25, 7}; // yc = new double[] {9.25, 10, 10.25}; for (double x : xc) { for (double y : yc) { // System.out.printf("%g %g\n", x, y); checkInterpolateArray(cxb, x, y); } } } @Test public void testBitwise() { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Dataset xa = DatasetFactory.createRange(-4, 4, 1, Dataset.INT8); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Dataset xb = DatasetFactory.createRange(8, Dataset.INT8); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3 }), Maths.bitwiseAnd(xa, xb), ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { -4, -3, -2, -1, 4, 5, 6, 7 }), Maths.bitwiseOr(xa, xb), ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { -4, -4, -4, -4, 4, 4, 4, 4 }), Maths.bitwiseXor(xa, xb), ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4 }), Maths.bitwiseInvert(xa), ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals( DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8 }), Maths.bitwiseInvert(xb), ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals( DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { -4, -6, -8, -8, 0, 32, -128, -128 }), Maths.leftShift(xa, xb), ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 10, 24, 56 }), Maths.leftShift(xb, xa), ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 8, 24 }), Maths.leftShift(xa, xa), ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { -4, -2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }), Maths.rightShift(xa, xb), ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2, 1, 0 }), Maths.rightShift(xb, xa), ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0 }), Maths.rightShift(xa, xa), ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { -4, 126, 63, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0 }), Maths.unsignedRightShift(xa, xb), ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 2, 1, 0 }), Maths.unsignedRightShift(xb, xa), ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }), Maths.unsignedRightShift(xa, xa), ABSERRD, ABSERRD); } @Test public void testDivideTowardsFloor() { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Dataset xa = DatasetFactory.createRange(-4, 4, 1, Dataset.INT8); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { -2, -2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1 }), Maths.divideTowardsFloor(xa, 2), true, ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, -2 }), Maths.divideTowardsFloor(xa, -2), true, ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals( DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { -1.6, -1.2, -0.8, -0.4, 0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2 }), Maths.divideTowardsFloor(xa, 2.5), true, ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals( DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new float[] { 1.6f, 1.2f, 0.8f, 0.4f, 0, -0.4f, -0.8f, -1.2f }), Maths.divideTowardsFloor(xa, -2.5f), true, ABSERRD, ABSERRD); } @Test public void testFloorDivide() { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Dataset xa = DatasetFactory.createRange(-4, 4, 1, Dataset.INT8); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { -2, -2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1 }), Maths.floorDivide(xa, 2), true, ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, -2 }), Maths.floorDivide(xa, -2), true, ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { -2, -2, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1 }), Maths.floorDivide(xa, 2.5), true, ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new float[] { 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -2 }), Maths.floorDivide(xa, -2.5f), true, ABSERRD, ABSERRD); } @Test public void testFloorRemainder() { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Dataset xa = DatasetFactory.createRange(-4, 4, 1, Dataset.INT8); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 }), Maths.floorRemainder(xa, 2), true, ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals(DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new byte[] { 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1 }), Maths.floorRemainder(xa, -2), true, ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals( DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new double[] { 1, 2, 0.5, 1.5, 0, 1, 2, 0.5 }), Maths.floorRemainder(xa, 2.5), true, ABSERRD, ABSERRD); TestUtils.assertDatasetEquals( DatasetFactory.createFromObject(new float[] { -1.5f, -0.5f, -2, -1, 0, -1.5f, -0.5f, -2 }), Maths.floorRemainder(xa, -2.5f), true, ABSERRD, ABSERRD); } }