Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2011, 2016 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *    Peter Chang - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation

package org.eclipse.january.dataset;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.text.Format;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.SummaryStatistics;
import org.eclipse.january.DatasetException;
import org.eclipse.january.IMonitor;
import org.eclipse.january.MetadataException;
import org.eclipse.january.metadata.ErrorMetadata;
import org.eclipse.january.metadata.MetadataFactory;
import org.eclipse.january.metadata.MetadataType;
import org.eclipse.january.metadata.internal.ErrorMetadataImpl;

 * Generic container class for data 
 * <p/>
 * Each subclass has an array of primitive types, elements of this array are grouped or
 * compounded to make items 
 * <p/>
 * Data items can be boolean, integer, float, complex float, vector float, etc
public abstract class AbstractDataset extends LazyDatasetBase implements Dataset {
    // pin UID to base class
    private static final long serialVersionUID = Dataset.serialVersionUID;

    protected int size; // number of items

    transient protected AbstractDataset base; // is null when not a view
    protected int[] stride; // can be null for row-major, contiguous datasets
    protected int offset;

     * The data itself, held in a 1D array, but the object will wrap it to appear as possessing as many dimensions as
     * wanted
    protected Serializable odata = null;

     * Set aliased data as base data
    abstract protected void setData();

     * These members hold cached values. If their values are null, then recalculate, otherwise just use the values
    transient protected HashMap<String, Object> storedValues = null;

     * Constructor required for serialisation.
    public AbstractDataset() {

    public synchronized Dataset synchronizedCopy() {
        return clone();

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj == null) {
            return false;
        if (!getClass().equals(obj.getClass())) {
            if (getRank() == 0) // for zero-rank datasets
                return obj.equals(getObjectAbs(0));
            return false;

        Dataset other = (Dataset) obj;
        if (getElementsPerItem() != other.getElementsPerItem())
            return false;
        if (size != other.getSize())
            return false;
        if (!Arrays.equals(shape, other.getShapeRef())) {
            return false;

        return true;

    public int hashCode() {
        return getHash();

    abstract public AbstractDataset clone();

    protected Format stringFormat = null;

    public void setStringFormat(Format format) {
        stringFormat = format;

    public Dataset copy(final int dtype) {
        if (getDType() == dtype) {
            return this;
        return DatasetUtils.copy(this, dtype);

    public <T extends Dataset> T copy(Class<T> clazz) {
        return DatasetUtils.copy(clazz, this);

    public Dataset cast(final int dtype) {
        if (getDType() == dtype) {
            return this;
        return DatasetUtils.cast(this, dtype);

    public <T extends Dataset> T cast(Class<T> clazz) {
        return DatasetUtils.cast(clazz, this);

    public Dataset cast(final boolean repeat, final int dtype, final int isize) {
        if (getDType() == dtype && getElementsPerItem() == isize) {
            return this;
        return DatasetUtils.cast(this, repeat, dtype, isize);

    abstract public AbstractDataset getView(boolean deepCopyMetadata);

     * Copy fields from original to view
     * @param orig
     * @param view
     * @param clone if true, then clone everything but bulk data
     * @param cloneMetadata if true, clone metadata
    protected static void copyToView(Dataset orig, AbstractDataset view, boolean clone, boolean cloneMetadata) { = orig.getName();
        view.size = orig.getSize();
        view.odata = orig.getBuffer();
        view.offset = orig.getOffset();
        view.base = orig instanceof AbstractDataset ? ((AbstractDataset) orig).base : null;

        if (clone) {
            view.shape = orig.getShape();
            copyStoredValues(orig, view, false);
            view.stride = orig instanceof AbstractDataset && ((AbstractDataset) orig).stride != null
                    ? ((AbstractDataset) orig).stride.clone()
                    : null;
        } else {
            view.shape = orig.getShapeRef();
            view.stride = orig instanceof AbstractDataset ? ((AbstractDataset) orig).stride : null;

        view.metadata = getMetadataMap(orig, cloneMetadata);
        int odtype = orig.getDType();
        int vdtype = view.getDType();
        if (DTypeUtils.getBestDType(odtype, vdtype) != vdtype) {
            view.storedValues = null; // as copy is a demotion
        if (odtype != vdtype && view.storedValues != null) {

    protected static Map<Class<? extends MetadataType>, List<MetadataType>> getMetadataMap(Dataset a,
            boolean clone) {
        if (a == null)
            return null;

        List<MetadataType> all = null;
        try {
            all = a.getMetadata(null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (all == null)
            return null;

        HashMap<Class<? extends MetadataType>, List<MetadataType>> map = new HashMap<Class<? extends MetadataType>, List<MetadataType>>();

        for (MetadataType m : all) {
            if (m == null) {
            Class<? extends MetadataType> c = findMetadataTypeSubInterfaces(m.getClass());
            List<MetadataType> l = map.get(c);
            if (l == null) {
                l = new ArrayList<MetadataType>();
                map.put(c, l);
            if (clone)
                m = m.clone();
        return map;

    public IntegerDataset getIndices() {
        final IntegerDataset ret = DatasetUtils.indices(shape);
        if (getName() != null) {
            ret.setName("Indices of " + getName());
        return ret;

    public Dataset getTransposedView(int... axes) {
        axes = checkPermutatedAxes(shape, axes);

        AbstractDataset t = getView(true);
        if (axes == null || getRank() == 1)
            return t;

        int rank = shape.length;
        int[] tstride = new int[rank];
        int[] toffset = new int[1];
        int[] nshape = createStrides(new SliceND(shape), this, tstride, toffset);
        int[] nstride = new int[rank];
        for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
            final int ax = axes[i];
            nstride[i] = tstride[ax];
            nshape[i] = shape[ax];
        t.shape = nshape;
        t.stride = nstride;
        t.offset = toffset[0];
        t.base = this;
        copyStoredValues(this, t, true);
        return t;

    public Dataset transpose(int... axes) {
        Dataset t = getTransposedView(axes);
        return t == null ? clone() : t.clone();

    public Dataset swapAxes(int axis1, int axis2) {
        int rank = shape.length;
        if (axis1 < 0)
            axis1 += rank;
        if (axis2 < 0)
            axis2 += rank;

        if (axis1 < 0 || axis2 < 0 || axis1 >= rank || axis2 >= rank) {
            logger.error("Axis value invalid - out of range");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Axis value invalid - out of range");

        if (rank == 1 || axis1 == axis2) {
            return this;

        int[] axes = new int[rank];
        for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
            axes[i] = i;

        axes[axis1] = axis2;
        axes[axis2] = axis1;
        return getTransposedView(axes);

    private boolean isContiguous() {
        if (stride == null)
            return true;

        if (offset != 0)
            return false;

        int s = getElementsPerItem();
        for (int j = getRank() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
            if (stride[j] != s) {
                return false;
            s *= shape[j];

        return true;

    public Dataset flatten() {
        if (!isContiguous()) { // need to make a copy if not contiguous
            return clone().flatten();
        return reshape(size);

     * Fill dataset from object at depth dimension
     * @param obj
     * @param depth
     * @param pos position
    protected void fillData(Object obj, final int depth, final int[] pos) {
        if (obj == null) {
            int dtype = getDType();
            if (dtype == FLOAT32)
                set(Float.NaN, pos);
            else if (dtype == FLOAT64)
                set(Double.NaN, pos);

        Class<?> clazz = obj.getClass();
        if (obj instanceof List<?>) {
            List<?> jl = (List<?>) obj;
            int l = jl.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                Object lo = jl.get(i);
                fillData(lo, depth + 1, pos);
            pos[depth] = 0;
        } else if (clazz.isArray()) {
            int l = Array.getLength(obj);
            if (clazz.equals(odata.getClass())) {
                System.arraycopy(obj, 0, odata, get1DIndex(pos), l);
            } else if (clazz.getComponentType().isPrimitive()) {
                for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                    set(Array.get(obj, i), pos);
                pos[depth] = 0;
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                    fillData(Array.get(obj, i), depth + 1, pos);
                pos[depth] = 0;
        } else if (obj instanceof IDataset) {
            boolean[] a = new boolean[shape.length];
            for (int i = depth; i < a.length; i++)
                a[i] = true;
            setSlice(obj, getSliceIteratorFromAxes(pos, a));
        } else {
            set(obj, pos);

    public IndexIterator getIterator(final boolean withPosition) {
        if (stride != null) {
            return base.getSize() == 1
                    ? (withPosition ? new PositionIterator(offset, shape) : new SingleItemIterator(offset, size))
                    : new StrideIterator(shape, stride, offset);
        return withPosition ? new ContiguousIteratorWithPosition(shape, size) : new ContiguousIterator(size);

    public IndexIterator getIterator() {
        return getIterator(false);

    public PositionIterator getPositionIterator(final int... axes) {
        return new PositionIterator(shape, axes);

    public IndexIterator getSliceIterator(final int[] start, final int[] stop, final int[] step) {
        return getSliceIterator(new SliceND(shape, start, stop, step));

     * @param slice
     * @return an slice iterator that operates like an IndexIterator
    public IndexIterator getSliceIterator(SliceND slice) {
        if (ShapeUtils.calcLongSize(slice.getShape()) == 0) {
            return new NullIterator(shape, slice.getShape());
        if (stride != null)
            return new StrideIterator(getElementsPerItem(), shape, stride, offset, slice);

        return new SliceIterator(shape, size, slice);

    public SliceIterator getSliceIteratorFromAxes(final int[] pos, boolean[] axes) {
        int rank = shape.length;
        int[] start;
        int[] stop = new int[rank];
        int[] step = new int[rank];

        if (pos == null) {
            start = new int[rank];
        } else if (pos.length == rank) {
            start = pos.clone();
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("pos array length is not equal to rank of dataset");
        if (axes == null) {
            axes = new boolean[rank];
            Arrays.fill(axes, true);
        } else if (axes.length != rank) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("axes array length is not equal to rank of dataset");

        for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
            if (axes[i]) {
                stop[i] = shape[i];
            } else {
                stop[i] = start[i] + 1;
            step[i] = 1;
        return (SliceIterator) getSliceIterator(start, stop, step);

    public BooleanIterator getBooleanIterator(Dataset choice) {
        return getBooleanIterator(choice, true);

    public BooleanIterator getBooleanIterator(Dataset choice, boolean value) {
        return new BooleanIterator(getIterator(), choice, value);

    public Dataset getByBoolean(Dataset selection) {

        final int length = ((Number) selection.sum()).intValue();
        final int is = getElementsPerItem();
        Dataset r = DatasetFactory.zeros(is, new int[] { length }, getDType());
        BooleanIterator biter = getBooleanIterator(selection);

        int i = 0;
        while (biter.hasNext()) {
            r.setObjectAbs(i, getObjectAbs(biter.index));
            i += is;
        return r;

    public Dataset getBy1DIndex(IntegerDataset index) {
        final int is = getElementsPerItem();
        final Dataset r = DatasetFactory.zeros(is, index.getShape(), getDType());
        final IntegerIterator iter = new IntegerIterator(index, size, is);

        int i = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            r.setObjectAbs(i, getObjectAbs(iter.index));
            i += is;
        return r;

    public Dataset getByIndexes(final Object... indexes) {
        final IntegersIterator iter = new IntegersIterator(shape, indexes);
        final int is = getElementsPerItem();
        final Dataset r = DatasetFactory.zeros(is, iter.getShape(), getDType());

        final int[] pos = iter.getPos();
        int i = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            r.setObjectAbs(i, getObject(pos));
            i += is;
        return r;

    public Class<?> getElementClass() {
        return DTypeUtils.getElementClass(getDType());

    public boolean hasFloatingPointElements() {
        Class<?> cls = getElementClass();
        return cls == Float.class || cls == Double.class;

    public int getElementsPerItem() {
        return DTypeUtils.getElementsPerItem(getDType());

    public int getItemBytes() {
        return DTypeUtils.getItemBytes(getDType(), getElementsPerItem());

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(final String name) { = name;

    public int getSize() {
        return size;

    public int[] getShape() {
        // make a copy of the dimensions data, and put that out
        if (shape == null) {
            logger.warn("Shape is null!!!");
            return new int[] {};
        return shape.clone();

    public int getRank() {
        return shape == null ? 0 : shape.length;

    public int getNbytes() {
        return getSize() * getItemBytes();

     * Check for -1 placeholder in shape and replace if necessary
     * @param shape
     * @param size
    private void checkShape(int[] shape, int size) {
        int rank = shape.length;
        int found = -1;
        int nsize = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
            int d = shape[i];
            if (d == -1) {
                if (found == -1) {
                    found = i;
                } else {
                    logger.error("Can only have one -1 placeholder in shape");
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only have one -1 placeholder in shape");
            } else {
                nsize *= d;
        if (found >= 0) {
            shape[found] = size / nsize;
        } else if (nsize != size && !(rank == 0 && size == 0)) {
            logger.error("New shape is not same size as old shape");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("New size is not same as the old size. Old size is " + size
                    + " new size is " + nsize + " and shape is " + Arrays.toString(shape));

    public void setShape(final int... shape) {
        int[] nshape = shape.clone();
        checkShape(nshape, size);
        if (Arrays.equals(this.shape, nshape)) {

        if (stride != null) {
            // the only compatible shapes are ones where new dimensions are factors of old dimensions
            // or are combined adjacent old dimensions 
            int[] oshape = this.shape;
            int orank = oshape.length;
            int nrank = nshape.length;
            int diff = nrank - orank;
            int[] nstride = new int[nrank];
            boolean ones = true;
            // work forwards for broadcasting cases
            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < orank || j < nrank;) {
                if (j >= diff && i < orank && j < nrank && oshape[i] == nshape[j]) {
                    nstride[j++] = stride[i++];
                } else if (j < nrank && nshape[j] == 1) {
                    nstride[j++] = 0;
                } else if (i < orank && oshape[i] == 1) {
                } else {
                    if (j < nrank)
                    if (i < orank)
                    ones = false;
            if (!ones) { // not just ones differ in shapes
                int[] ostride = stride;
                int ob = 0;
                int oe = 1;
                int nb = 0;
                int ne = 1;
                while (ob < orank && nb < nrank) {
                    int ol = oshape[ob];
                    int nl = nshape[nb];

                    if (nl < ol) { // find group of shape dimensions that form common size
                        do { // case where new shape spreads single dimension over several dimensions
                            if (ne == nrank) {
                            nl *= nshape[ne++];
                        } while (nl < ol);
                        if (nl != ol) {
                            logger.error("Subshape is incompatible with single dimension");
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subshape is incompatible with single dimension");
                        int on = ne - 1;
                        while (nshape[on] == 1) {

                        nstride[on] = ostride[ob];
                        for (int n = on - 1; n >= nb; n--) {
                            if (nshape[n] == 1)

                            nstride[n] = nshape[on] * nstride[on];
                            on = n;
                    } else if (ol < nl) {
                        do { // case where new shape combines several dimensions into one dimension
                            if (oe == orank) {
                            ol *= oshape[oe++];
                        } while (ol < nl);
                        if (nl != ol) {
                            logger.error("Single dimension is incompatible with subshape");
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Single dimension is incompatible with subshape");

                        int oo = oe - 1;
                        while (oshape[oo] == 1) {
                        int os = ostride[oo];
                        for (int o = oo - 1; o >= ob; o--) {
                            if (oshape[o] == 1)
                            if (ostride[o] != oshape[oo] * ostride[oo]) {
                                logger.error("Subshape cannot be a non-contiguous view");
                                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subshape cannot be a non-contiguous view");
                            oo = o;
                        nstride[nb] = os;
                    } else {
                        nstride[nb] = ostride[ob];

                    ob = oe++;
                    nb = ne++;

            stride = nstride;

        if (this.shape != null) {
            reshapeMetadata(this.shape, nshape);
            this.shape = nshape;

        if (storedValues != null)
            filterStoredValues(storedValues); // as it is dependent on shape

    public int[] getShapeRef() {
        return shape;

    public int getOffset() {
        return offset;

    public int[] getStrides() {
        return stride;

    public Serializable getBuffer() {
        return odata;

    public void overrideInternal(Serializable buffer, int... shape) {
        if (buffer != null) {
            odata = buffer;

        if (shape != null) {
            this.shape = shape.clone();
            size = ShapeUtils.calcSize(this.shape);

     * Create a stride array from dataset
     * @param a dataset
     * @param offset output offset
     * @return new strides
    public static int[] createStrides(Dataset a, final int[] offset) {
        return createStrides(a.getElementsPerItem(), a.getShapeRef(), a.getStrides(), a.getOffset(), offset);

     * Create a stride array from dataset
     * @param isize
     * @param shape
     * @param oStride original stride
     * @param oOffset original offset (only used if there is an original stride)
     * @param offset output offset
     * @return new strides
    public static int[] createStrides(final int isize, final int[] shape, final int[] oStride, final int oOffset,
            final int[] offset) {
        int rank = shape.length;
        final int[] stride;
        if (oStride == null) {
            offset[0] = 0;
            stride = new int[rank];
            int s = isize;
            for (int j = rank - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                stride[j] = s;
                s *= shape[j];
        } else {
            offset[0] = oOffset;
            stride = oStride.clone();
        return stride;

     * Create a stride array from slice information and a dataset
     * @param slice
     * @param a dataset
     * @param stride output stride
     * @param offset output offset
     * @return new shape
    public static int[] createStrides(final SliceND slice, final Dataset a, final int[] stride,
            final int[] offset) {
        return createStrides(slice, a.getElementsPerItem(), a.getShapeRef(), a.getStrides(), a.getOffset(), stride,

     * Create a stride array from slice and dataset information
     * @param slice
     * @param isize
     * @param shape
     * @param oStride original stride
     * @param oOffset original offset (only used if there is an original stride)
     * @param stride output stride
     * @param offset output offset
     * @return new shape
    public static int[] createStrides(final SliceND slice, final int isize, final int[] shape, final int[] oStride,
            final int oOffset, final int[] stride, final int[] offset) {
        int[] lstart = slice.getStart();
        int[] lstep = slice.getStep();
        int[] newShape = slice.getShape();
        int rank = shape.length;

        if (oStride == null) {
            int s = isize;
            offset[0] = 0;
            for (int j = rank - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
                stride[j] = s * lstep[j];
                offset[0] += s * lstart[j];
                s *= shape[j];
        } else {
            offset[0] = oOffset;
            for (int j = 0; j < rank; j++) {
                int s = oStride[j];
                stride[j] = lstep[j] * s;
                offset[0] += lstart[j] * s;

        return newShape;

    public Dataset getBroadcastView(int... broadcastShape) {
        AbstractDataset view = getView(true);

        if (!Arrays.equals(shape, broadcastShape)) {
            List<int[]> nShapes = BroadcastUtils.broadcastShapesToMax(broadcastShape, shape);
            view.stride = BroadcastUtils.createBroadcastStrides(view, broadcastShape);
            view.base = this;
            view.shape = broadcastShape.clone();
            view.size = ShapeUtils.calcSize(broadcastShape);
            if ( == null || {
       = "Broadcast from " + Arrays.toString(shape);
            } else {
       = "Broadcast of " + + " from " + Arrays.toString(shape);
        return view;

    public Dataset getSliceView(final int[] start, final int[] stop, final int[] step) {
        return getSliceView(new SliceND(shape, start, stop, step));

    public Dataset getSliceView(Slice... slice) {
        if (slice == null || slice.length == 0) {
            return getView(true);

        return getSliceView(new SliceND(shape, slice));

     * Get a slice of the dataset. The returned dataset is a view on a selection of items
     * @param slice
     * @return slice view
    public Dataset getSliceView(SliceND slice) {
        if (slice.isAll()) {
            return getView(true);

        final int rank = shape.length;
        int[] sStride = new int[rank];
        int[] sOffset = new int[1];

        int[] sShape = createStrides(slice, this, sStride, sOffset);

        AbstractDataset s = getView(false);
        s.shape = sShape;
        s.size = ShapeUtils.calcSize(sShape);
        s.stride = sStride;
        s.offset = sOffset[0];
        s.base = this;

        s.metadata = copyMetadata();
        s.sliceMetadata(true, slice);

        s.setName(name + BLOCK_OPEN + slice + BLOCK_CLOSE);

        return s;

     * Get flattened view index of given position 
     * @param pos
     *            the integer array specifying the n-D position
     * @return the index on the flattened dataset
    private int getFlat1DIndex(final int[] pos) {
        final int imax = pos.length;
        if (imax == 0) {
            return 0;

        return get1DIndexFromShape(pos);

    public int get1DIndex(final int... n) {
        final int imax = n.length;
        final int rank = shape.length;
        if (imax == 0) {
            if (rank == 0 || (rank == 1 && shape[0] <= 1))
                return stride == null ? 0 : offset;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("One or more index parameters must be supplied");
        } else if (imax > rank) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No of index parameters is different to the shape of data: " + imax
                    + " given " + rank + " required");

        return stride == null ? get1DIndexFromShape(n) : get1DIndexFromStrides(n);

    private static void throwAIOOBException(int i, int s, int d) {
        throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(
                "Index (" + i + ") out of range [-" + s + "," + s + "] in dimension " + d);

     * @param i
     * @return the index on the data array corresponding to that location
    protected int get1DIndex(int i) {
        if (shape.length > 1) {
            logger.debug("This dataset is not 1D but was addressed as such");
            //         throw new IllegalArgumentException("This dataset is not 1D but was addressed as such");
            return get1DIndex(new int[] { i });
        if (i < 0) {
            i += shape[0];
        if (i < 0 || i >= shape[0]) {
            throwAIOOBException(i, shape[0], 0);
        return stride == null ? i : i * stride[0] + offset;

     * @param i
     * @param j
     * @return the index on the data array corresponding to that location
    protected int get1DIndex(int i, int j) {
        if (shape.length != 2) {
            logger.debug("This dataset is not 2D but was addressed as such");
            //         throw new IllegalArgumentException("This dataset is not 2D but was addressed as such");
            return get1DIndex(new int[] { i, j });
        if (i < 0) {
            i += shape[0];
        if (i < 0 || i >= shape[0]) {
            throwAIOOBException(i, shape[0], 0);
        if (j < 0) {
            j += shape[1];
        if (j < 0 || j >= shape[1]) {
            throwAIOOBException(i, shape[1], 1);
        return stride == null ? i * shape[1] + j : i * stride[0] + j * stride[1] + offset;

    protected int get1DIndexFromShape(final int[] n) {
        return get1DIndexFromShape(shape, n);

    protected static int get1DIndexFromShape(final int[] shape, final int[] n) {
        final int imax = n.length;
        final int rank = shape.length;
        //      if (rank != imax) {
        //         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of position indexes must be equal to rank");
        //      }
        int index = 0;
        int i = 0;
        for (; i < imax; i++) {
            final int si = shape[i];
            int ni = n[i];
            if (ni < 0) {
                ni += si;
            if (ni < 0 || ni >= si) {
                throwAIOOBException(ni, si, i);
            index = index * si + ni;
        for (; i < rank; i++) {
            index *= shape[i];

        return index;

    private int get1DIndexFromStrides(final int[] n) {
        return get1DIndexFromStrides(shape, stride, offset, n);

    private static int get1DIndexFromStrides(final int[] shape, final int[] stride, final int offset,
            final int[] n) {
        final int rank = shape.length;
        if (rank != n.length) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of position indexes must be equal to rank");
        int index = offset;
        for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
            final int st = stride[i];
            if (st != 0) { // not broadcasted
                final int si = shape[i];
                int ni = n[i];
                if (ni < 0) {
                    ni += si;
                if (ni < 0 || ni >= si) {
                    throwAIOOBException(ni, si, i);
                index += st * ni;
        return index;

    public int[] getNDPosition(final int n) {
        if (isIndexInRange(n)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Index provided " + n + "is larger then the size of the containing array");

        return stride == null ? ShapeUtils.getNDPositionFromShape(n, shape) : getNDPositionFromStrides(n);

    private boolean isIndexInRange(final int n) {
        if (stride == null) {
            return n >= size;
        return n >= getBufferLength();

     * @return entire buffer length
    abstract protected int getBufferLength();

    private int[] getNDPositionFromStrides(int n) {
        n -= offset;
        int rank = shape.length;
        if (rank == 1) {
            return new int[] { n / stride[0] };

        int[] output = new int[rank];
        int i = 0;
        while (i != n) { // TODO find more efficient way than this exhaustive search
            int j = rank - 1;
            for (; j >= 0; j--) {
                i += stride[j];
                if (output[j] >= shape[j]) {
                    output[j] = 0;
                    i -= shape[j] * stride[j];
                } else {
            if (j == -1) {
                logger.error("Index was not found in this strided dataset");
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index was not found in this strided dataset");

        return output;

    public int checkAxis(int axis) {
        return checkAxis(shape.length, axis);

     * Check that axis is in range [-rank,rank)
     * @param rank
     * @param axis
     * @return sanitized axis in range [0, rank)
    protected static int checkAxis(int rank, int axis) {
        if (axis < 0) {
            axis += rank;

        if (axis < 0 || axis >= rank) {
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Axis " + axis + " given is out of range [0, " + rank + ")");
        return axis;

    protected static final char BLOCK_OPEN = '[';
    protected static final char BLOCK_CLOSE = ']';

    public String toString() {
        return toString(false);

    public String toString(boolean showData) {
        final int rank = shape == null ? 0 : shape.length;
        final StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();

        if (!showData) {
            if (name != null && name.length() > 0) {
                out.append("Dataset '");
                out.append("' has shape ");
            } else {
                out.append("Dataset shape is ");

            if (rank > 0) {
            for (int i = 1; i < rank; i++) {
                out.append(", " + shape[i]);
            return out.toString();

        if (size == 0) {
            return out.toString();

        if (rank > 0) {
            int[] pos = new int[rank];
            final StringBuilder lead = new StringBuilder();
            printBlocks(out, lead, 0, pos);
        } else {
        return out.toString();

     * Limit to strings output via the toString() method
    private static int maxStringLength = 120;

     * Set maximum line length for toString() method
     * @param maxLineLength
    public static void setMaxLineLength(int maxLineLength) {
        maxStringLength = maxLineLength;

     * @return maximum line length for toString() method
    public static int getMaxLineLength() {
        return maxStringLength;

     * Limit to number of sub-blocks output via the toString() method
    private static final int MAX_SUBBLOCKS = 6;

    private final static String SEPARATOR = ",";
    private final static String SPACE = " ";
    private final static String ELLIPSIS = "...";
    private final static String NEWLINE = "\n";

     * Make a line of output for last dimension of dataset
     * @param start
     * @return line
    private StringBuilder makeLine(final int end, final int... start) {
        StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder();
        final int[] pos;
        if (end >= start.length) {
            pos = Arrays.copyOf(start, end + 1);
        } else {
            pos = start;
        pos[end] = 0;

        final int length = shape[end];

        // trim elements printed if length exceed estimate of maximum elements
        int excess = length - maxStringLength / 3; // space + number + separator
        if (excess > 0) {
            int index = (length - excess) / 2;
            for (int y = 1; y < index; y++) {
                line.append(SEPARATOR + SPACE);
                pos[end] = y;
            index = (length + excess) / 2;
            for (int y = index; y < length; y++) {
                line.append(SEPARATOR + SPACE);
                pos[end] = y;
        } else {
            for (int y = 1; y < length; y++) {
                line.append(SEPARATOR + SPACE);
                pos[end] = y;

        // trim string down to limit
        excess = line.length() - maxStringLength - ELLIPSIS.length() - 1;
        if (excess > 0) {
            int index = line.substring(0, (line.length() - excess) / 2).lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR) + 2;
            StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(line.subSequence(0, index));
            out.append(ELLIPSIS + SEPARATOR);
            index = line.substring((line.length() + excess) / 2).indexOf(SEPARATOR) + (line.length() + excess) / 2
                    + 1;
            out.append(line.subSequence(index, line.length()));
            return out;

        return line;

     * recursive method to print blocks
    private void printBlocks(final StringBuilder out, final StringBuilder lead, final int level, final int[] pos) {
        if (out.length() > 0) {
            char last = out.charAt(out.length() - 1);
            if (last != BLOCK_OPEN) {
        final int end = getRank() - 1;
        if (level != end) {
            int length = shape[level];

            // first sub-block
            pos[level] = 0;
            StringBuilder newlead = new StringBuilder(lead);
            printBlocks(out, newlead, level + 1, pos);
            if (length < 2) { // escape

            out.append(SEPARATOR + NEWLINE);
            for (int i = level + 1; i < end; i++) {

            // middle sub-blocks
            if (length < MAX_SUBBLOCKS) {
                for (int x = 1; x < length - 1; x++) {
                    pos[level] = x;
                    printBlocks(out, newlead, level + 1, pos);
                    if (end <= level + 1) {
                        out.append(SEPARATOR + NEWLINE);
                    } else {
                        out.append(SEPARATOR + NEWLINE + NEWLINE);
            } else {
                final int excess = length - MAX_SUBBLOCKS;
                int xmax = (length - excess) / 2;
                for (int x = 1; x < xmax; x++) {
                    pos[level] = x;
                    printBlocks(out, newlead, level + 1, pos);
                    if (end <= level + 1) {
                        out.append(SEPARATOR + NEWLINE);
                    } else {
                        out.append(SEPARATOR + NEWLINE + NEWLINE);
                out.append(ELLIPSIS + SEPARATOR + NEWLINE);
                xmax = (length + excess) / 2;
                for (int x = xmax; x < length - 1; x++) {
                    pos[level] = x;
                    printBlocks(out, newlead, level + 1, pos);
                    if (end <= level + 1) {
                        out.append(SEPARATOR + NEWLINE);
                    } else {
                        out.append(SEPARATOR + NEWLINE + NEWLINE);

            // last sub-block
            pos[level] = length - 1;
            printBlocks(out, newlead, level + 1, pos);
        } else {
            out.append(makeLine(end, pos));

    public void setDirty() {
        if (storedValues != null)

    public Dataset squeezeEnds() {
        return squeeze(true);

    public Dataset squeeze() {
        return squeeze(false);

    public Dataset squeeze(boolean onlyFromEnds) {
        final int[] tshape = ShapeUtils.squeezeShape(shape, onlyFromEnds);
        final int[] oshape = shape;
        if (stride == null) {
            shape = tshape;
        } else {
            int rank = shape.length;
            int trank = tshape.length;
            if (trank < rank) {
                int[] tstride = new int[tshape.length];
                if (onlyFromEnds) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
                        if (shape[i] != 1) {
                            for (int k = 0; k < trank; k++) {
                                tstride[k] = stride[i++];
                } else {
                    int t = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
                        if (shape[i] != 1) {
                            tstride[t++] = stride[i];
                shape = tshape;
                stride = tstride;

        reshapeMetadata(oshape, shape);
        return this;

    public boolean isCompatibleWith(final ILazyDataset g) {
        return ShapeUtils.areShapesCompatible(shape, g.getShape());

    public void checkCompatibility(final ILazyDataset g) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        ShapeUtils.checkCompatibility(this, g);

    public Dataset reshape(final int... shape) {
        Dataset a = getView(true);
        try {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            a = a.clone();
        return a;

     * @param start
     * @param stop
     * @param step
     * @return number of steps to take
    protected static int calcSteps(final double start, final double stop, final double step) {
        if (step > 0) {
            return (int) Math.ceil((stop - start) / step);
        return (int) Math.ceil((stop - start) / step);

    public boolean isComplex() {
        int type = getDType();
        return type == COMPLEX64 || type == COMPLEX128;

    public Dataset getReal() {
        return this;

    public Dataset getRealView() {
        return getView(true);

    public Dataset getSlice(final int[] start, final int[] stop, final int[] step) {
        return getSlice(new SliceND(shape, start, stop, step));

    public Dataset getSlice(Slice... slice) {
        return getSlice(new SliceND(shape, slice));

    public Dataset getSlice(IMonitor monitor, Slice... slice) {
        return getSlice(slice);

    public Dataset getSlice(IMonitor monitor, SliceND slice) {
        return getSlice(slice);

    public Dataset getSlice(IMonitor monitor, int[] start, int[] stop, int[] step) {
        return getSlice(start, stop, step);

     * Get a slice of the dataset. The returned dataset is a copied selection of items
     * @param slice
     * @return The dataset of the sliced data
    public Dataset getSlice(final SliceND slice) {
        SliceIterator it = (SliceIterator) getSliceIterator(slice);
        AbstractDataset s = getSlice(it);
        s.metadata = copyMetadata();
        s.sliceMetadata(true, slice);
        return s;

     * Get a slice of the dataset. The returned dataset is a copied selection of items
     * @param iterator Slice iterator
     * @return The dataset of the sliced data
    abstract public AbstractDataset getSlice(final SliceIterator iterator);

    public Dataset setSlice(final Object obj, final SliceND slice) {
        Dataset ds;
        if (obj instanceof Dataset) {
            ds = (Dataset) obj;
        } else if (obj instanceof IDataset) {
            ds = DatasetUtils.convertToDataset((IDataset) obj);
        } else {
            int dtype = getDType();
            if (dtype != Dataset.BOOL) {
                dtype = DTypeUtils.getLargestDType(dtype);
            ds = DatasetFactory.createFromObject(getElementsPerItem(), dtype, obj);

        return setSlicedView(getSliceView(slice), ds);

    public Dataset setSlice(final Object obj, final int[] start, final int[] stop, final int[] step) {
        return setSlice(obj, new SliceND(shape, start, stop, step));

     * Set a view of current dataset to given dataset with broadcasting
     * @param view
     * @param d
     * @return this dataset
    abstract Dataset setSlicedView(Dataset view, Dataset d);

    public Dataset setSlice(Object obj, Slice... slice) {
        if (slice == null || slice.length == 0) {
            return setSlice(obj, new SliceND(shape));
        return setSlice(obj, new SliceND(shape, slice));

    public boolean all() {
        return Comparisons.allTrue(this);

    public BooleanDataset all(final int axis) {
        return Comparisons.allTrue(this, axis);

    public boolean any() {
        return Comparisons.anyTrue(this);

    public BooleanDataset any(final int axis) {
        return Comparisons.anyTrue(this, axis);

    public Dataset ifloorDivide(final Object o) {
        return idivide(o).ifloor();

    public double residual(final Object o) {
        return residual(o, null, false);

    public double residual(final Object o, boolean ignoreNaNs) {
        return residual(o, null, ignoreNaNs);

    public static final String STORE_HASH = "hash";
    protected static final String STORE_SHAPELESS_HASH = "shapelessHash";
    public static final String STORE_MAX = "max";
    public static final String STORE_MIN = "min";
    protected static final String STORE_MAX_POS = "maxPos";
    protected static final String STORE_MIN_POS = "minPos";
    protected static final String STORE_STATS = "stats";
    protected static final String STORE_SUM = "sum";
    protected static final String STORE_MEAN = "mean";
    protected static final String STORE_VAR = "var";
    protected static final String STORE_COUNT = "count";
    private static final String STORE_INDEX = "Index";

     * Get value from store
     * @param key
     * @return value
    public Object getStoredValue(String key) {
        if (storedValues == null) {
            return null;

        return storedValues.get(key);

     * Set value in store
     * <p>
     * This is a <b>private method</b>: do not use!
     * @param key
     * @param obj
    public void setStoredValue(String key, Object obj) {
        if (storedValues == null) {
            storedValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        storedValues.put(key, obj);

    protected static String storeName(boolean ignoreNaNs, String name) {
        return storeName(ignoreNaNs, false, name);

    protected static String storeName(boolean ignoreNaNs, boolean ignoreInfs, String name) {
        return (ignoreInfs ? "inf" : "") + (ignoreNaNs ? "nan" : "") + name;

     * Copy stored values from original to derived dataset
     * @param orig
     * @param derived
     * @param shapeChanged
    protected static void copyStoredValues(IDataset orig, AbstractDataset derived, boolean shapeChanged) {
        if (orig instanceof AbstractDataset && ((AbstractDataset) orig).storedValues != null) {
            derived.storedValues = new HashMap<String, Object>(((AbstractDataset) orig).storedValues);
            if (shapeChanged) {

    private static void filterStoredValues(Map<String, Object> map) {
        List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String n : map.keySet()) {
            if (n.contains("-")) { // remove anything which is axis-specific
        for (String n : keys) {

     * Calculate minimum and maximum for a dataset
     * @param ignoreNaNs if true, ignore NaNs
     * @param ignoreInfs if true, ignore infinities
    protected void calculateMaxMin(final boolean ignoreNaNs, final boolean ignoreInfs) {
        IndexIterator iter = getIterator();
        double amax = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        double amin = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        double hash = 0;
        boolean hasNaNs = false;

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            final double val = getElementDoubleAbs(iter.index);
            if (Double.isNaN(val)) {
                hash = (hash * 19) % Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                if (ignoreNaNs)
                hasNaNs = true;
            } else if (Double.isInfinite(val)) {
                hash = (hash * 19) % Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                if (ignoreInfs)
            } else {
                hash = (hash * 19 + val) % Integer.MAX_VALUE;

            if (val > amax) {
                amax = val;
            if (val < amin) {
                amin = val;

        int ihash = ((int) hash) * 19 + getDType() * 17 + getElementsPerItem();
        setStoredValue(storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, STORE_SHAPELESS_HASH), ihash);
        storedValues.put(storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, STORE_MAX),
                hasNaNs ? Double.NaN : fromDoubleToNumber(amax));
        storedValues.put(storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, STORE_MIN),
                hasNaNs ? Double.NaN : fromDoubleToNumber(amin));

     * Calculate summary statistics for a dataset
     * @param ignoreNaNs if true, ignore NaNs
     * @param ignoreInfs if true, ignore infinities
     * @param name
    protected void calculateSummaryStats(final boolean ignoreNaNs, final boolean ignoreInfs, final String name) {
        final IndexIterator iter = getIterator();
        final SummaryStatistics stats = new SummaryStatistics();
        //sum of logs is slow and we dont use it, so blocking its calculation here
        stats.setSumLogImpl(new NullStorelessUnivariateStatistic());

        if (storedValues == null || !storedValues.containsKey(STORE_HASH)) {
            boolean hasNaNs = false;
            double hash = 0;

            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                final double val = getElementDoubleAbs(iter.index);
                if (Double.isNaN(val)) {
                    hash = (hash * 19) % Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                    if (ignoreNaNs)
                    hasNaNs = true;
                } else if (Double.isInfinite(val)) {
                    hash = (hash * 19) % Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                    if (ignoreInfs)
                } else {
                    hash = (hash * 19 + val) % Integer.MAX_VALUE;

            int ihash = ((int) hash) * 19 + getDType() * 17 + getElementsPerItem();
            setStoredValue(storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, STORE_SHAPELESS_HASH), ihash);
            storedValues.put(storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, STORE_MAX),
                    hasNaNs ? Double.NaN : fromDoubleToNumber(stats.getMax()));
            storedValues.put(storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, STORE_MIN),
                    hasNaNs ? Double.NaN : fromDoubleToNumber(stats.getMin()));
            storedValues.put(name, stats);
        } else {
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                final double val = getElementDoubleAbs(iter.index);
                if (ignoreNaNs && Double.isNaN(val)) {
                if (ignoreInfs && Double.isInfinite(val)) {


            storedValues.put(name, stats);

     * Calculate summary statistics for a dataset along an axis
     * @param ignoreNaNs if true, ignore NaNs
     * @param ignoreInfs if true, ignore infinities
     * @param axis
    protected void calculateSummaryStats(final boolean ignoreNaNs, final boolean ignoreInfs, final int axis) {
        int rank = getRank();

        int[] oshape = getShape();
        int alen = oshape[axis];
        oshape[axis] = 1;

        int[] nshape = new int[rank - 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < axis; i++) {
            nshape[i] = oshape[i];
        for (int i = axis + 1; i < rank; i++) {
            nshape[i - 1] = oshape[i];

        final int dtype = getDType();
        IntegerDataset count = new IntegerDataset(nshape);
        Dataset max = DatasetFactory.zeros(nshape, dtype);
        Dataset min = DatasetFactory.zeros(nshape, dtype);
        IntegerDataset maxIndex = new IntegerDataset(nshape);
        IntegerDataset minIndex = new IntegerDataset(nshape);
        Dataset sum = DatasetFactory.zeros(nshape, DTypeUtils.getLargestDType(dtype));
        DoubleDataset mean = new DoubleDataset(nshape);
        DoubleDataset var = new DoubleDataset(nshape);

        IndexIterator qiter = max.getIterator(true);
        int[] qpos = qiter.getPos();
        int[] spos = oshape.clone();

        while (qiter.hasNext()) {
            int i = 0;
            for (; i < axis; i++) {
                spos[i] = qpos[i];
            spos[i++] = 0;
            for (; i < rank; i++) {
                spos[i] = qpos[i - 1];

            final SummaryStatistics stats = new SummaryStatistics();
            //sum of logs is slow and we dont use it, so blocking its calculation here
            stats.setSumLogImpl(new NullStorelessUnivariateStatistic());

            double amax = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
            double amin = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
            boolean hasNaNs = false;
            if (ignoreNaNs) {
                for (int j = 0; j < alen; j++) {
                    spos[axis] = j;
                    final double val = getDouble(spos);

                    if (Double.isNaN(val)) {
                        hasNaNs = true;
                    } else if (ignoreInfs && Double.isInfinite(val)) {

                    if (val > amax) {
                        amax = val;
                    if (val < amin) {
                        amin = val;

            } else {
                for (int j = 0; j < alen; j++) {
                    spos[axis] = j;
                    final double val = getDouble(spos);

                    if (hasNaNs) {
                        if (!Double.isNaN(val))

                    if (Double.isNaN(val)) {
                        amax = Double.NaN;
                        amin = Double.NaN;
                        hasNaNs = true;
                    } else if (ignoreInfs && Double.isInfinite(val)) {
                    } else {
                        if (val > amax) {
                            amax = val;
                        if (val < amin) {
                            amin = val;

            count.setAbs(qiter.index, (int) stats.getN());

            max.setObjectAbs(qiter.index, amax);
            min.setObjectAbs(qiter.index, amin);
            boolean fmax = false;
            boolean fmin = false;
            if (hasNaNs) {
                if (ignoreNaNs) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < alen; j++) {
                        spos[axis] = j;
                        final double val = getDouble(spos);
                        if (Double.isNaN(val))

                        if (!fmax && val == amax) {
                            maxIndex.setAbs(qiter.index, j);
                            fmax = true;
                            if (fmin)
                        if (!fmin && val == amin) {
                            minIndex.setAbs(qiter.index, j);
                            fmin = true;
                            if (fmax)
                } else {
                    for (int j = 0; j < alen; j++) {
                        spos[axis] = j;
                        final double val = getDouble(spos);
                        if (Double.isNaN(val)) {
                            maxIndex.setAbs(qiter.index, j);
                            minIndex.setAbs(qiter.index, j);
            } else {
                for (int j = 0; j < alen; j++) {
                    spos[axis] = j;
                    final double val = getDouble(spos);
                    if (!fmax && val == amax) {
                        maxIndex.setAbs(qiter.index, j);
                        fmax = true;
                        if (fmin)
                    if (!fmin && val == amin) {
                        minIndex.setAbs(qiter.index, j);
                        fmin = true;
                        if (fmax)
            sum.setObjectAbs(qiter.index, stats.getSum());
            mean.setAbs(qiter.index, stats.getMean());
            var.setAbs(qiter.index, stats.getVariance());
        setStoredValue(storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, STORE_COUNT + "-" + axis), count);
        storedValues.put(storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, STORE_MAX + "-" + axis), max);
        storedValues.put(storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, STORE_MIN + "-" + axis), min);
        storedValues.put(storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, STORE_SUM + "-" + axis), sum);
        storedValues.put(storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, STORE_MEAN + "-" + axis), mean);
        storedValues.put(storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, STORE_VAR + "-" + axis), var);
        storedValues.put(storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, STORE_MAX + STORE_INDEX + "-" + axis), maxIndex);
        storedValues.put(storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, STORE_MIN + STORE_INDEX + "-" + axis), minIndex);

     * @param x
     * @return number from given double
    abstract protected Number fromDoubleToNumber(double x);

    private SummaryStatistics getStatistics(boolean ignoreNaNs) {
        boolean ignoreInfs = false; // TODO
        if (!hasFloatingPointElements()) {
            ignoreNaNs = false;

        String n = storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, STORE_STATS);
        SummaryStatistics stats = (SummaryStatistics) getStoredValue(n);
        if (stats == null) {
            calculateSummaryStats(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, n);
            stats = (SummaryStatistics) getStoredValue(n);

        return stats;

    public int[] maxPos() {
        return maxPos(false);

    public int[] minPos() {
        return minPos(false);

    private int getHash() {
        Object value = getStoredValue(STORE_HASH);
        if (value == null) {
            value = getStoredValue(STORE_SHAPELESS_HASH);
            if (value == null) {
                calculateMaxMin(false, false);
                value = getStoredValue(STORE_SHAPELESS_HASH);

            int ihash = (Integer) value;
            int rank = shape.length;
            for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
                ihash = ihash * 17 + shape[i];
            storedValues.put(STORE_HASH, ihash);
            return ihash;

        return (Integer) value;

    protected Object getMaxMin(boolean ignoreNaNs, boolean ignoreInfs, String key) {
        if (!hasFloatingPointElements()) {
            ignoreNaNs = false;
            ignoreInfs = false;

        key = storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, key);
        Object value = getStoredValue(key);
        if (value == null) {
            calculateMaxMin(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs);
            value = getStoredValue(key);

        return value;

    private Object getStatistics(boolean ignoreNaNs, int axis, String stat) {
        if (!hasFloatingPointElements())
            ignoreNaNs = false;

        boolean ignoreInfs = false; // TODO
        stat = storeName(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, stat);
        axis = checkAxis(axis);
        Object obj = getStoredValue(stat);

        if (obj == null) {
            calculateSummaryStats(ignoreNaNs, ignoreInfs, axis);
            obj = getStoredValue(stat);

        return obj;

    public Number max(boolean... ignoreInvalids) {
        boolean igNan = ignoreInvalids != null && ignoreInvalids.length > 0 ? ignoreInvalids[0] : false;
        boolean igInf = ignoreInvalids != null && ignoreInvalids.length > 1 ? ignoreInvalids[1] : igNan;
        return (Number) getMaxMin(igNan, igInf, STORE_MAX);

    public Dataset max(int axis) {
        return max(false, axis);

    public Dataset max(boolean ignoreNaNs, int axis) {
        return (Dataset) getStatistics(ignoreNaNs, axis, STORE_MAX + "-" + axis);

    public Number min(boolean... ignoreInvalids) {
        boolean igNan = ignoreInvalids != null && ignoreInvalids.length > 0 ? ignoreInvalids[0] : false;
        boolean igInf = ignoreInvalids != null && ignoreInvalids.length > 1 ? ignoreInvalids[1] : igNan;
        return (Number) getMaxMin(igNan, igInf, STORE_MIN);

    public Dataset min(int axis) {
        return min(false, axis);

    public Dataset min(boolean ignoreNaNs, int axis) {
        return (Dataset) getStatistics(ignoreNaNs, axis, STORE_MIN + "-" + axis);

    public int argMax() {
        return argMax(false);

    public int argMax(boolean ignoreInvalids) {
        return getFlat1DIndex(maxPos(ignoreInvalids));

    public IntegerDataset argMax(int axis) {
        return argMax(false, axis);

    public IntegerDataset argMax(boolean ignoreNaNs, int axis) {
        return (IntegerDataset) getStatistics(ignoreNaNs, axis, STORE_MAX + STORE_INDEX + "-" + axis);

    public int argMin() {
        return argMin(false);

    public int argMin(boolean ignoreInvalids) {
        return getFlat1DIndex(minPos(ignoreInvalids));

    public IntegerDataset argMin(int axis) {
        return argMin(false, axis);

    public IntegerDataset argMin(boolean ignoreNaNs, int axis) {
        return (IntegerDataset) getStatistics(ignoreNaNs, axis, STORE_MIN + STORE_INDEX + "-" + axis);

    public Number peakToPeak() {
        return fromDoubleToNumber(max().doubleValue() - min().doubleValue());

    public Dataset peakToPeak(int axis) {
        return Maths.subtract(max(axis), min(axis));

    public long count() {
        return count(false);

    public long count(boolean ignoreNaNs) {
        return getStatistics(ignoreNaNs).getN();

    public Dataset count(int axis) {
        return count(false, axis);

    public Dataset count(boolean ignoreNaNs, int axis) {
        return (Dataset) getStatistics(ignoreNaNs, axis, STORE_COUNT + "-" + axis);

    public Object sum() {
        return sum(false);

    public Object sum(boolean ignoreNaNs) {
        return getStatistics(ignoreNaNs).getSum();

    public Dataset sum(int axis) {
        return sum(false, axis);

    public Dataset sum(boolean ignoreNaNs, int axis) {
        return (Dataset) getStatistics(ignoreNaNs, axis, STORE_SUM + "-" + axis);

    public Object typedSum() {
        return typedSum(getDType());

    public Object typedSum(int dtype) {
        return DTypeUtils.fromDoubleToBiggestNumber(getStatistics(false).getSum(), dtype);

    public Dataset typedSum(int dtype, int axis) {
        return DatasetUtils.cast(sum(axis), dtype);

    public Object product() {
        return Stats.product(this);

    public Dataset product(int axis) {
        return Stats.product(this, axis);

    public Object typedProduct(int dtype) {
        return Stats.typedProduct(this, dtype);

    public Dataset typedProduct(int dtype, int axis) {
        return Stats.typedProduct(this, dtype, axis);

    public Object mean(boolean... ignoreNaNs) {
        boolean ig = ignoreNaNs != null && ignoreNaNs.length > 0 ? ignoreNaNs[0] : false;
        return getStatistics(ig).getMean();

    public Dataset mean(int axis) {
        return mean(false, axis);

    public Dataset mean(boolean ignoreNaNs, int axis) {
        return (Dataset) getStatistics(ignoreNaNs, axis, STORE_MEAN + "-" + axis);

    public Number variance() {
        return variance(false);

    public Number variance(boolean isDatasetWholePopulation) {
        SummaryStatistics stats = getStatistics(false);

        return isDatasetWholePopulation ? stats.getPopulationVariance() : stats.getVariance();

    public Dataset variance(int axis) {
        return (Dataset) getStatistics(false, axis, STORE_VAR + "-" + axis);

    public Number stdDeviation() {
        return Math.sqrt(variance().doubleValue());

    public Number stdDeviation(boolean isDatasetWholePopulation) {
        return Math.sqrt(variance(isDatasetWholePopulation).doubleValue());

    public Dataset stdDeviation(int axis) {
        final Dataset v = (Dataset) getStatistics(false, axis, STORE_VAR + "-" + axis);
        return Maths.sqrt(v);

    public Number rootMeanSquare() {
        final SummaryStatistics stats = getStatistics(false);
        final double mean = stats.getMean();
        return Math.sqrt(stats.getVariance() + mean * mean);

    public Dataset rootMeanSquare(int axis) {
        Dataset v = (Dataset) getStatistics(false, axis, STORE_VAR + "-" + axis);
        Dataset m = (Dataset) getStatistics(false, axis, STORE_MEAN + "-" + axis);
        Dataset result = Maths.power(m, 2);
        return Maths.sqrt(result.iadd(v));

     * Set item from compatible dataset in a direct and speedy way. Remember to setDirty afterwards.
     * @param dindex
     * @param sindex
     * @param src
     *            is the source data buffer
    protected abstract void setItemDirect(final int dindex, final int sindex, final Object src);

     * @return error broadcasted to current shape
    private Dataset getBroadcastedInternalError() {
        ILazyDataset led = super.getError();
        if (led == null)
            return null;

        Dataset ed = null;
        try {
            ed = DatasetUtils.sliceAndConvertLazyDataset(led);
        } catch (DatasetException e) {
            logger.error("Could not get data from lazy dataset", e);
        if (led != ed) {
            setError(ed); // set back
        return ed.getBroadcastView(shape);

    public Dataset getError() {
        Dataset ed = getBroadcastedInternalError();
        if (ed == null)
            return null;

        return ed;

    public double getError(final int i) {
        Dataset ed = getBroadcastedInternalError();
        if (ed == null)
            return 0;

        return ed.getDouble(i);

    public double getError(final int i, final int j) {
        Dataset ed = getBroadcastedInternalError();
        if (ed == null)
            return 0;

        return ed.getDouble(i, j);

    public double getError(int... pos) {
        Dataset ed = getBroadcastedInternalError();
        if (ed == null)
            return 0;

        return ed.getDouble(pos);

    public double[] getErrorArray(final int i) {
        Dataset ed = getBroadcastedInternalError();
        if (ed == null)
            return null;

        return new double[] { getError(i) };

    public double[] getErrorArray(final int i, final int j) {
        Dataset ed = getBroadcastedInternalError();
        if (ed == null)
            return null;

        return new double[] { getError(i, j) };

    public double[] getErrorArray(int... pos) {
        Dataset ed = getBroadcastedInternalError();
        if (ed == null)
            return null;

        return new double[] { getError(pos) };

    protected Dataset getInternalSquaredError() {
        Dataset sed = getErrorBuffer().getBroadcastView(shape);
        return sed;

    public Dataset getErrorBuffer() {
        ErrorMetadata emd = getErrorMetadata();
        if (emd == null)
            return null;

        if (!(emd instanceof ErrorMetadataImpl)) {
            ILazyDataset led = emd.getError();
            Dataset ed;
            try {
                ed = DatasetUtils.sliceAndConvertLazyDataset(led);
                emd = MetadataFactory.createMetadata(ErrorMetadata.class);
            } catch (MetadataException me) {
                logger.error("Could not create metadata", me);
            } catch (DatasetException e) {
                logger.error("Could not get data from lazy dataset", e);

        return ((ErrorMetadataImpl) emd).getSquaredError();

     * Set a copy of the buffer that backs the (squared) error data
     * @param buffer can be null, anything that can be used to create a DoubleDataset or CompoundDoubleDataset
    public void setErrorBuffer(Serializable buffer) {
        if (buffer == null) {

        IDataset d = (IDataset) createFromSerializable(buffer, false);
        ErrorMetadata emd = getErrorMetadata();
        if (!(emd instanceof ErrorMetadataImpl)) {
            try {
                emd = MetadataFactory.createMetadata(ErrorMetadata.class);
            } catch (MetadataException me) {
                logger.error("Could not create metadata", me);
        ((ErrorMetadataImpl) emd).setSquaredError(d);