Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2016, 2017 Bosch Software Innovations GmbH. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Bosch Software Innovations GmbH - initial creation */ package org.eclipse.hono.service.auth; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.Objects; import org.eclipse.hono.auth.Authorities; import org.eclipse.hono.auth.AuthoritiesImpl; import org.eclipse.hono.auth.HonoUser; import org.eclipse.hono.util.AuthenticationConstants; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import io.jsonwebtoken.Claims; import io.jsonwebtoken.Jws; import io.jsonwebtoken.JwtException; import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult; import io.vertx.core.Future; import io.vertx.core.Handler; import io.vertx.core.Vertx; import io.vertx.core.eventbus.DeliveryOptions; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject; import io.vertx.proton.sasl.ProtonSaslAuthenticator; import io.vertx.proton.sasl.ProtonSaslAuthenticatorFactory; /** * A factory for objects performing SASL authentication on an AMQP connection. */ @Component public final class HonoSaslAuthenticatorFactory implements ProtonSaslAuthenticatorFactory { private final AuthenticationService authenticationService; /** * Creates a new factory for a Vertx environment. * <p> * Verifies credentials by means of sending authentication requests to address * {@link AuthenticationConstants#EVENT_BUS_ADDRESS_AUTHENTICATION_IN} on the Vert.x * Event Bus. * * @param vertx the Vertx environment to run the factory in. * @param validator The object to use for validating auth tokens. * @throws NullPointerException if any of the parameters is {@code null}. */ @Autowired public HonoSaslAuthenticatorFactory(final Vertx vertx, @Qualifier(AuthenticationConstants.QUALIFIER_AUTHENTICATION) final AuthTokenHelper validator) { this(new EventBusAuthenticationService(vertx, validator)); } /** * Creates a new factory using a specific authentication service instance. * * @param authService The object to return on invocations of {@link #create()}. * @throws NullPointerException if any of the parameters is {@code null}. */ public HonoSaslAuthenticatorFactory(final AuthenticationService authService) { this.authenticationService = Objects.requireNonNull(authService); } @Override public ProtonSaslAuthenticator create() { return new HonoSaslAuthenticator(authenticationService); } /** * An authentication service that verifies credentials by means of sending authentication * requests to address {@link AuthenticationConstants#EVENT_BUS_ADDRESS_AUTHENTICATION_IN} * on the Vert.x Event Bus. * */ public static final class EventBusAuthenticationService implements AuthenticationService { private static final int AUTH_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 3000; private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EventBusAuthenticationService.class); private final Vertx vertx; private final AuthTokenHelper tokenValidator; /** * Creates a new auth service for a Vertx environment. * <p> * * * @param vertx the Vertx environment to run the factory in. * @param validator The object to use for validating auth tokens. * @throws NullPointerException if any of the parameters is {@code null}. */ public EventBusAuthenticationService(final Vertx vertx, final AuthTokenHelper validator) { this.vertx = Objects.requireNonNull(vertx); this.tokenValidator = Objects.requireNonNull(validator); } @Override public void authenticate(final JsonObject authRequest, final Handler<AsyncResult<HonoUser>> authenticationResultHandler) { final DeliveryOptions options = new DeliveryOptions().setSendTimeout(AUTH_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MILLIS); vertx.eventBus().send(AuthenticationConstants.EVENT_BUS_ADDRESS_AUTHENTICATION_IN, authRequest, options, reply -> { if (reply.succeeded()) { final JsonObject result = (JsonObject) reply.result().body(); final String token = result.getString(AuthenticationConstants.FIELD_TOKEN); log.debug("received token [length: {}] in response to authentication request", token.length()); try { final Jws<Claims> expandedToken = tokenValidator .expand(result.getString(AuthenticationConstants.FIELD_TOKEN)); authenticationResultHandler .handle(Future.succeededFuture(new HonoUserImpl(expandedToken, token))); } catch (final JwtException e) { authenticationResultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(e)); } } else { authenticationResultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(reply.cause())); } }); } } /** * A Hono user wrapping a JSON Web Token. * */ public static final class HonoUserImpl implements HonoUser { private static Duration expirationLeeway = Duration.ofMinutes(2); private final String token; private final Jws<Claims> expandedToken; private final Authorities authorities; private HonoUserImpl(final Jws<Claims> expandedToken, final String token) { Objects.requireNonNull(expandedToken); Objects.requireNonNull(token); if (expandedToken.getBody() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("token has no claims"); } this.token = token; this.expandedToken = expandedToken; this.authorities = AuthoritiesImpl.from(expandedToken.getBody()); } @Override public String getName() { return expandedToken.getBody().getSubject(); } @Override public Authorities getAuthorities() { return authorities; } @Override public String getToken() { return token; } @Override public boolean isExpired() { // we add some leeway to the token's expiration time to account for system clocks not being // perfectly in sync return !; } @Override public Instant getExpirationTime() { return expandedToken.getBody().getExpiration().toInstant(); } } }