Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2017, 2018 Bosch Software Innovations GmbH and others. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Bosch Software Innovations GmbH - initial creation * Red Hat Inc */ package org.eclipse.hono.service.auth.device; import; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.eclipse.hono.client.ClientErrorException; import org.eclipse.hono.client.CredentialsClient; import org.eclipse.hono.client.HonoClient; import org.eclipse.hono.client.ServiceInvocationException; import org.eclipse.hono.util.Constants; import org.eclipse.hono.util.CredentialsConstants; import org.eclipse.hono.util.CredentialsObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult; import io.vertx.core.Future; import io.vertx.core.Handler; import io.vertx.core.Vertx; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject; import io.vertx.ext.auth.User; import io.vertx.ext.healthchecks.HealthCheckHandler; import io.vertx.ext.healthchecks.Status; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonConnection; /** * A base class for implementing authentication providers that verify credentials provided by devices * against information on record retrieved using Hono's <em>Credentials</em> API. * */ public abstract class CredentialsApiAuthProvider implements HonoClientBasedAuthProvider { /** * A logger to be used by subclasses. */ protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private final Vertx vertx; private HonoClient credentialsClient; private AtomicBoolean shutdownInProgress = new AtomicBoolean(false); /** * Creates a new authentication provider for a vert.x instance. * * @param vertx The vert.x instance to use for scheduling re-connection attempts. * @throws NullPointerException if vertx is {@code null} */ protected CredentialsApiAuthProvider(final Vertx vertx) { this.vertx = Objects.requireNonNull(vertx); } /** * Sets the client to use for connecting to the Credentials service. * * @param credentialsServiceClient The client. * @throws NullPointerException if the client is {@code null}. */ @Qualifier(CredentialsConstants.CREDENTIALS_ENDPOINT) @Autowired public final void setCredentialsServiceClient(final HonoClient credentialsServiceClient) { this.credentialsClient = Objects.requireNonNull(credentialsServiceClient); } /** * Registers a check that verifies connection to Hono's <em>Credentials</em> * service. */ @Override public void registerReadinessChecks(final HealthCheckHandler readinessHandler) { readinessHandler.register("connected-to-credentials-service", status -> { Future<Boolean> checkResult = Optional.ofNullable(credentialsClient).map(client -> client.isConnected()) .orElse(Future.succeededFuture(Boolean.FALSE)); -> { if (connected) { status.tryComplete(Status.OK()); } else { status.tryComplete(Status.KO()); } return null; }); }); } /** * Does not do anything. */ @Override public void registerLivenessChecks(final HealthCheckHandler livenessHandler) { // nothing to do } /** * Connects to the Credentials service using the configured client. */ @Override public final Future<Void> start() { if (credentialsClient == null) { return Future.failedFuture(new IllegalStateException("Credentials service client is not set")); } else { return credentialsClient.connect(this::onDisconnectCredentialsService).map(connectedClient -> {"connected to Credentials service"); return (Void) null; }).recover(t -> { log.warn("connection to Credentials service failed", t); return Future.failedFuture(t); }); } } /** * Attempts a reconnect for the Hono Credentials client after {@link Constants#DEFAULT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL_MILLIS} milliseconds. * * @param con The connection that was disconnected. */ private void onDisconnectCredentialsService(final ProtonConnection con) { if (shutdownInProgress.get()) { log.debug("shut down in progress, not trying to re-connect to Credentials service"); } else { vertx.setTimer(Constants.DEFAULT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL_MILLIS, reconnect -> {"attempting to reconnect to Credentials service"); credentialsClient.connect(this::onDisconnectCredentialsService).setHandler(connectAttempt -> { if (connectAttempt.succeeded()) {"reconnected to Credentials service"); } else { log.debug("cannot reconnect to Credentials service"); } }); }); } } /** * Closes the connection to the Credentials service. */ @Override public final Future<Void> stop() { shutdownInProgress.set(true); Future<Void> result = Future.future(); if (credentialsClient == null) { result.complete(); } else { credentialsClient.shutdown(result.completer()); } return result; } /** * Gets a client for the Credentials service. * * @param tenantId The tenant to get the client for. * @return A future containing the client. */ protected final Future<CredentialsClient> getCredentialsServiceClient(final String tenantId) { if (credentialsClient == null) { return Future.failedFuture(new IllegalStateException("no credentials client set")); } else { return credentialsClient.getOrCreateCredentialsClient(tenantId); } } /** * Retrieves credentials from the Credentials service. * * @param deviceCredentials The credentials provided by the device. * @return A future containing the credentials on record as retrieved from * Hono's <em>Credentials</em> API. * @throws NullPointerException if device credentials is {@code null}. */ protected final Future<CredentialsObject> getCredentialsForDevice(final DeviceCredentials deviceCredentials) { Objects.requireNonNull(deviceCredentials); if (credentialsClient == null) { return Future.failedFuture(new IllegalStateException("Credentials API client is not set")); } else { return getCredentialsServiceClient(deviceCredentials.getTenantId()) .compose(client -> client.get(deviceCredentials.getType(), deviceCredentials.getAuthId())); } } @Override public final void authenticate(final DeviceCredentials deviceCredentials, final Handler<AsyncResult<Device>> resultHandler) { Objects.requireNonNull(deviceCredentials); Objects.requireNonNull(resultHandler); Future<Device> validationResult = Future.future(); validationResult.setHandler(resultHandler); getCredentialsForDevice(deviceCredentials).recover(t -> { final ServiceInvocationException e = (ServiceInvocationException) t; if (e.getErrorCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) { return Future.failedFuture( new ClientErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, "bad credentials")); } else { return Future.failedFuture(t); } }).map(credentialsOnRecord -> { if (deviceCredentials.validate(credentialsOnRecord)) { return new Device(deviceCredentials.getTenantId(), credentialsOnRecord.getDeviceId()); } else { throw new ClientErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, "invalid credentials"); } }).setHandler(resultHandler); } @Override public final void authenticate(final JsonObject authInfo, final Handler<AsyncResult<User>> resultHandler) { final DeviceCredentials credentials = getCredentials(Objects.requireNonNull(authInfo)); if (credentials == null) { resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture( new ClientErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, "malformed credentials"))); } else { authenticate(credentials, s -> { if (s.succeeded()) { resultHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(s.result())); } else { resultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(s.cause())); } }); } } /** * Creates device credentials from authentication information provided by a * device. * <p> * Subclasses need to create a concrete {@code DeviceCredentials} instance based on * the information contained in the JSON object. * * @param authInfo The credentials provided by the device. * @return The device credentials or {@code null} if the auth info does not contain * the required information. * @throws NullPointerException if auth info is {@code null}. */ protected abstract DeviceCredentials getCredentials(JsonObject authInfo); }