Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2017 Bosch Software Innovations GmbH. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Bosch Software Innovations GmbH - initial creation */ package org.eclipse.hono.service.auth.delegating; import java.util.Objects; import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.AmqpValue; import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.messaging.Section; import org.eclipse.hono.auth.Authorities; import org.eclipse.hono.auth.HonoUser; import org.eclipse.hono.connection.ConnectionFactory; import org.eclipse.hono.service.auth.AuthenticationConstants; import org.eclipse.hono.util.MessageHelper; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult; import io.vertx.core.Future; import io.vertx.core.Handler; import io.vertx.core.Vertx; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonClientOptions; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonConnection; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonMessageHandler; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonReceiver; /** * A client for retrieving a token from an authentication service via AMQP 1.0. * */ public final class AuthenticationServerClient { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AuthenticationServerClient.class); private final ConnectionFactory factory; private final Vertx vertx; /** * Creates a client for a remote authentication server. * * @param vertx The Vert.x instance to run on. * @param connectionFactory The factory. * @throws NullPointerException if any of the parameters is {@code null}. */ @Autowired public AuthenticationServerClient(final Vertx vertx, @Qualifier(AuthenticationConstants.QUALIFIER_AUTHENTICATION) final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { this.vertx = Objects.requireNonNull(vertx); this.factory = Objects.requireNonNull(connectionFactory); } /** * Verifies a Subject DN with a remote authentication server using SASL EXTERNAL. * <p> * This method currently always fails the handler because there is no way (yet) in vertx-proton * to perform a SASL EXTERNAL exchange including an authorization id. * * @param authzid The identity to act as. * @param subjectDn The Subject DN. * @param authenticationResultHandler The handler to invoke with the authentication result. On successful authentication, * the result contains a JWT with the the authenticated user's claims. */ public void verifyExternal(final String authzid, final String subjectDn, final Handler<AsyncResult<HonoUser>> authenticationResultHandler) { // unsupported mechanism (until we get better control over client SASL params in vertx-proton) authenticationResultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture("unsupported mechanism")); } /** * Verifies username/password credentials with a remote authentication server using SASL PLAIN. * * @param authzid The identity to act as. * @param authcid The username. * @param password The password. * @param authenticationResultHandler The handler to invoke with the authentication result. On successful authentication, * the result contains a JWT with the the authenticated user's claims. */ public void verifyPlain(final String authzid, final String authcid, final String password, final Handler<AsyncResult<HonoUser>> authenticationResultHandler) { ProtonClientOptions options = new ProtonClientOptions(); options.setReconnectAttempts(3).setReconnectInterval(50); options.addEnabledSaslMechanism(AuthenticationConstants.MECHANISM_PLAIN); factory.connect(options, authcid, password, null, null, conAttempt -> { if (conAttempt.failed()) { authenticationResultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture("cannot connect to authentication server")); } else { final ProtonConnection openCon = conAttempt.result(); final Future<HonoUser> userTracker = Future.future(); userTracker.setHandler(s -> { if (s.succeeded()) { authenticationResultHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(s.result())); } else { authenticationResultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(s.cause())); } ProtonConnection con = conAttempt.result(); if (con != null) { LOG.debug("closing connection to authentication server"); con.close(); } }); vertx.setTimer(5000, tid -> { if (!userTracker.isComplete()) {"time out reached while waiting for token from authentication server"); } }); getToken(openCon, userTracker); } }); } private void getToken(ProtonConnection openCon, final Future<HonoUser> authResult) { final ProtonMessageHandler messageHandler = (delivery, message) -> { String type = MessageHelper.getApplicationProperty(message.getApplicationProperties(), AuthenticationConstants.APPLICATION_PROPERTY_TYPE, String.class); if (AuthenticationConstants.TYPE_AMQP_JWT.equals(type)) { Section body = message.getBody(); if (body instanceof AmqpValue) { final String token = ((AmqpValue) body).getValue().toString(); HonoUser user = new HonoUser() { @Override public String getName() { return null; } @Override public String getToken() { return token; } @Override public Authorities getAuthorities() { return null; } @Override public boolean isExpired() { return false; } }; LOG.debug("successfully retrieved token from authentication server"); authResult.complete(user); } else {"message from authentication server contains no body"); } } else {"authentication server issued unsupported token [type: " + type + "]"); } }; openReceiver(openCon, messageHandler).compose(openReceiver -> { LOG.debug("opened receiver link to authentication server, waiting for token ..."); }, authResult); } private static Future<ProtonReceiver> openReceiver(final ProtonConnection openConnection, final ProtonMessageHandler messageHandler) { Future<ProtonReceiver> result = Future.future(); openConnection.createReceiver(AuthenticationConstants.ENDPOINT_NAME_AUTHENTICATION) .openHandler(result.completer()).handler(messageHandler).open(); return result; } }