Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2016, 2018 Bosch Software Innovations GmbH and others. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Bosch Software Innovations GmbH - initial creation * Red Hat Inc */ package org.eclipse.hono.messaging; import static io.vertx.proton.ProtonHelper.condition; import static org.eclipse.hono.util.MessageHelper.getAnnotation; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.Symbol; import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.transport.AmqpError; import org.apache.qpid.proton.amqp.transport.ErrorCondition; import org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message; import org.eclipse.hono.service.amqp.AbstractAmqpEndpoint; import org.eclipse.hono.service.registration.RegistrationAssertionHelper; import org.eclipse.hono.util.Constants; import org.eclipse.hono.util.MessageHelper; import org.eclipse.hono.util.ResourceIdentifier; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import io.vertx.core.Future; import io.vertx.core.Vertx; import io.vertx.core.eventbus.MessageConsumer; import io.vertx.ext.healthchecks.HealthCheckHandler; import io.vertx.ext.healthchecks.Status; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonConnection; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonDelivery; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonHelper; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonQoS; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonReceiver; /** * A base class for implementing Hono {@code Endpoint}s that forward messages * to a downstream container. * * @param <T> The type of configuration properties this endpoint understands. */ public abstract class MessageForwardingEndpoint<T extends HonoMessagingConfigProperties> extends AbstractAmqpEndpoint<T> { private static final Symbol[] OFFERED_CAPS = new Symbol[] { Constants.CAP_REG_ASSERTION_VALIDATION }; private MessagingMetrics metrics; private DownstreamAdapter downstreamAdapter; private MessageConsumer<String> clientDisconnectListener; private RegistrationAssertionHelper registrationAssertionValidator; /** * Creates an endpoint for a Vertx instance. * * @param vertx The Vertx instance to use. */ protected MessageForwardingEndpoint(final Vertx vertx) { super(Objects.requireNonNull(vertx)); } /** * Sets the object to use for validatingJWT tokens asserting a device's registration * status. * * @param validator The validator. * @throws NullPointerException if validator is {@code null}. */ @Autowired @Qualifier("validation") public void setRegistrationAssertionValidator(final RegistrationAssertionHelper validator) { registrationAssertionValidator = Objects.requireNonNull(validator); } /** * Sets the metric for this service. * * @param metrics The metric */ @Autowired public final void setMetrics(final MessagingMetrics metrics) { this.metrics = metrics; } @Override protected final void doStart(final Future<Void> startFuture) { if (downstreamAdapter == null) {"no downstream adapter configured on endpoint"); } else if (config.isAssertionValidationRequired() && registrationAssertionValidator == null) {"no registration assertion validator has been set"); } else { if (!config.isAssertionValidationRequired()) { final String msg = new StringBuilder().append("validation of registration assertions is disabled, ") .append("all clients may publish data on behalf of any device").toString(); logger.warn(msg); } clientDisconnectListener = vertx.eventBus().consumer(Constants.EVENT_BUS_ADDRESS_CONNECTION_CLOSED, msg -> onClientDisconnect(msg)); downstreamAdapter.start(startFuture); } } @Override protected final void doStop(final Future<Void> stopFuture) { if (downstreamAdapter == null) { stopFuture.complete(); } else { clientDisconnectListener.unregister(); downstreamAdapter.stop(stopFuture); } } /** * Sets the downstream adapter to forward messages to. * <p> * Subclasses must invoke this method to set the specific * downstream adapter they want to forward messages to. * * @param adapter The adapter. * @throws NullPointerException if the adapter is {@code null}. */ protected final void setDownstreamAdapter(final DownstreamAdapter adapter) { this.downstreamAdapter = Objects.requireNonNull(adapter); } private void onClientDisconnect(final io.vertx.core.eventbus.Message<String> conId) { this.downstreamAdapter.onClientDisconnect(conId.body()); } @Override public final void onLinkAttach(final ProtonConnection con, final ProtonReceiver receiver, final ResourceIdentifier targetAddress) { if (!getEndpointQos().contains(receiver.getRemoteQoS())) { logger.debug( "client [{}] wants to use unsupported delivery mode {} for endpoint [name: {}, QoS: {}], closing link", con.getRemoteContainer(), receiver.getRemoteQoS(), getName(), getEndpointQos()); receiver.setCondition(ErrorConditions.ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_DELIVERY_MODE); receiver.close(); } else { receiver.setQoS(receiver.getRemoteQoS()); receiver.setTarget(receiver.getRemoteTarget()); if (config.isAssertionValidationRequired()) { receiver.setOfferedCapabilities(OFFERED_CAPS); } final String linkId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); final UpstreamReceiver link = UpstreamReceiver.newUpstreamReceiver(linkId, receiver); downstreamAdapter.onClientAttach(link, s -> { if (s.succeeded()) { receiver.closeHandler(clientDetached -> { // client has closed link -> inform TelemetryAdapter about client detach onLinkDetach(link); downstreamAdapter.onClientDetach(link); metrics.decrementUpstreamLinks(targetAddress.toString()); }); receiver.handler((delivery, message) -> { if (passesFormalVerification(targetAddress, message)) { forwardMessage(link, delivery, message); } else { rejectMessage(delivery, ProtonHelper.condition(AmqpError.DECODE_ERROR, "malformed message"), link); } });; logger.debug("establishing link with client [{}]", con.getRemoteContainer()); metrics.incrementUpstreamLinks(targetAddress.toString()); } else { // we cannot connect to downstream container, reject client link.close(condition(AmqpError.PRECONDITION_FAILED, "no consumer available for target")); } }); } } /** * Closes the link to an upstream client and removes all state kept for it. * * @param client The client to detach. */ protected final void onLinkDetach(final UpstreamReceiver client) { onLinkDetach(client, null); } /** * Closes the link to an upstream client and removes all state kept for it. * * @param client The client to detach. * @param error The error condition to convey to the client when closing the link. */ protected final void onLinkDetach(final UpstreamReceiver client, final ErrorCondition error) { if (error == null) { logger.debug("closing receiver for client [{}]", client.getLinkId()); } else { logger.debug("closing receiver for client [{}]: {}", client.getLinkId(), error.getDescription()); } client.close(error); } final void forwardMessage(final UpstreamReceiver link, final ProtonDelivery delivery, final Message msg) { if (assertRegistration(msg)) { downstreamAdapter.processMessage(link, delivery, msg); } else { logger.debug("failed to validate device registration status"); rejectMessage(delivery, ProtonHelper.condition(AmqpError.PRECONDITION_FAILED, "device non-existent/disabled"), link); } } private boolean assertRegistration(final Message msg) { if (config.isAssertionValidationRequired()) { final ResourceIdentifier address = ResourceIdentifier .fromString(getAnnotation(msg, MessageHelper.APP_PROPERTY_RESOURCE, String.class)); final String token = MessageHelper.getAndRemoveRegistrationAssertion(msg); if (token == null) { logger.debug("registration assertion validation failed due to missing token"); return false; } else { return registrationAssertionValidator.isValid(token, address.getTenantId(), address.getResourceId()); } } else { // validation has been disabled explicitly return true; } } private void rejectMessage(final ProtonDelivery deliveryToReject, final ErrorCondition error, final UpstreamReceiver client) { MessageHelper.rejected(deliveryToReject, error); client.replenish(1); } /** * Gets the delivery modes this endpoint supports. * <p> * The {@link #onLinkAttach(ProtonConnection, ProtonReceiver, ResourceIdentifier)} method will reject a client's * attempt to establish a link that does not match at least one of the delivery modes returned by this method. * <p> * Changes to the returned collection must not have any impact on the original data set. Returning an * unmodifiable collection is recommended. * * @return The delivery modes this endpoint supports. */ protected abstract Set<ProtonQoS> getEndpointQos(); /** * Registers a check that succeeds if this endpoint has a usable connection to its * downstream container. */ @Override public void registerReadinessChecks(final HealthCheckHandler handler) { handler.register(getName() + "-endpoint-downstream-connection", status -> { if (downstreamAdapter == null) { status.complete(Status.KO()); } else if (downstreamAdapter.isConnected()) { status.complete(Status.OK()); } else { status.complete(Status.KO()); } }); } }