Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2016, 2017 Bosch Software Innovations GmbH. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Bosch Software Innovations GmbH - initial creation */ package org.eclipse.hono.messaging; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message; import org.eclipse.hono.connection.ConnectionFactory; import org.eclipse.hono.util.Constants; import org.eclipse.hono.util.ResourceIdentifier; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult; import io.vertx.core.Future; import io.vertx.core.Handler; import io.vertx.core.Vertx; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonClientOptions; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonConnection; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonDelivery; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonHelper; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonQoS; import io.vertx.proton.ProtonSender; /** * A downstream adapter that provides support for sending messages to an AMQP 1.0 container. * */ @Component public abstract class ForwardingDownstreamAdapter implements DownstreamAdapter { /** * A logger to be shared with subclasses. */ protected Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); /** * The Hono configuration. */ protected HonoMessagingConfigProperties honoConfig = new HonoMessagingConfigProperties(); private final Map<UpstreamReceiver, ProtonSender> activeSenders = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, List<UpstreamReceiver>> receiversPerConnection = new HashMap<>(); private final List<Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>> clientAttachHandlers = new ArrayList<>(); private final Vertx vertx; private MessagingMetrics metrics; private boolean running = false; private boolean retryOnFailedConnectAttempt = true; private ProtonConnection downstreamConnection; private SenderFactory senderFactory; private ConnectionFactory downstreamConnectionFactory; /** * Creates a new adapter instance for a sender factory. * * @param vertx The Vert.x instance to run on. * @param senderFactory The factory to use for creating new senders for downstream telemetry data. * @throws NullPointerException if any of the parameters is {@code null}. */ protected ForwardingDownstreamAdapter(final Vertx vertx, final SenderFactory senderFactory) { this.vertx = Objects.requireNonNull(vertx); this.senderFactory = Objects.requireNonNull(senderFactory); } /** * Sets the global Hono configuration properties. * * @param props The properties. * @throws NullPointerException if props is {@code null}. * @throws IllegalStateException if this adapter is already running. */ @Autowired(required = false) public final void setHonoConfiguration(final HonoMessagingConfigProperties props) { if (running) { throw new IllegalStateException("configuration can not be set on running adapter"); } else { this.honoConfig = Objects.requireNonNull(props); } } /** * Sets the factory to use for connecting to the downstream container. * * @param factory The factory. * @throws NullPointerException if the factory is {@code null}. * @throws IllegalStateException if this adapter is already running. */ @Autowired @Qualifier(Constants.QUALIFIER_DOWNSTREAM) public final void setDownstreamConnectionFactory(final ConnectionFactory factory) { if (running) { throw new IllegalStateException("downstream container host can not be set on running adapter"); } else { this.downstreamConnectionFactory = Objects.requireNonNull(factory); } } /** * Sets the metrics for this service * * @param metrics The metrics */ @Autowired public final void setMetrics(final MessagingMetrics metrics) { this.metrics = metrics; } /** * Connects to the downstream container. * * @param startFuture The result of the connection attempt. * @throws IllegalStateException If the downstream container host is {@code null} * or the downstream container port is 0. */ @Override public final void start(final Future<Void> startFuture) { if (running) { startFuture.complete(); } else if (downstreamConnectionFactory == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("downstream connection factory is not set"); } else { running = true; if (honoConfig.isWaitForDownstreamConnectionEnabled()) {"waiting for connection to downstream container"); connectToDownstream(createClientOptions(), attempt -> { if (attempt.succeeded()) { startFuture.complete(); } else {; } }); } else { connectToDownstream(createClientOptions()); startFuture.complete(); } } } /** * Closes the connection with the downstream container. * * @param stopFuture Always succeeds. */ @Override public final void stop(final Future<Void> stopFuture) { if (running) { if (downstreamConnection != null && !downstreamConnection.isDisconnected()) { final String container = downstreamConnection.getRemoteContainer();"closing connection to downstream container [{}]", container); downstreamConnection.closeHandler(null).disconnectHandler(null).close(); metrics.decrementDownStreamConnections(); } else { logger.debug("downstream connection already closed"); } running = false; } stopFuture.complete(); } /** * Gets the name of the downstream AMQP 1.0 container this adapter is forwarding messages to. * * @return The name or {@code null} if this adapter is currently not connected. */ protected final String getDownstreamContainer() { if (downstreamConnection != null) { return downstreamConnection.getRemoteContainer(); } else { return null; } } private ProtonClientOptions createClientOptions() { return new ProtonClientOptions().setConnectTimeout(200).setReconnectAttempts(1) .setReconnectInterval(Constants.DEFAULT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL_MILLIS); } private void connectToDownstream(final ProtonClientOptions options) { connectToDownstream(options, null); } private void connectToDownstream(final ProtonClientOptions options, final Handler<AsyncResult<ProtonConnection>> connectResultHandler) { downstreamConnectionFactory.connect(options, this::onRemoteClose, this::onDisconnectFromDownstreamContainer, connectAttempt -> { if (connectAttempt.succeeded()) { this.downstreamConnection = connectAttempt.result(); metrics.incrementDownStreamConnections(); if (connectResultHandler != null) { connectResultHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(connectAttempt.result())); } } else {"failed to connect to downstream container: {}", connectAttempt.cause().getMessage()); if (retryOnFailedConnectAttempt) { reconnect(connectResultHandler); } else if (connectResultHandler != null) { connectResultHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(connectAttempt.cause())); } } }); } private void onRemoteClose(final AsyncResult<ProtonConnection> remoteClose) { if (remoteClose.succeeded()) { if (remoteClose.result() != downstreamConnection) { logger.warn("downstream container closed unknown connection"); return; } else {"downstream container [{}] has closed connection", downstreamConnection.getRemoteContainer()); } } else {"downstream container [{}] has closed connection: {}", downstreamConnection.getRemoteContainer(), remoteClose.cause().getMessage()); } downstreamConnection.close(); onDisconnectFromDownstreamContainer(downstreamConnection); } /** * Handles unexpected disconnection from downstream container. * <p> * Clears all internal state kept for the connection, e.g. open links etc, and then tries to * reconnect. * * @param con The failed connection. */ private void onDisconnectFromDownstreamContainer(final ProtonConnection con) { if (con != downstreamConnection) { logger.warn("unknown connection to downstream container has been disconnected"); } else { // all links to downstream host will now be stale and unusable logger.warn("lost connection to downstream container [{}], closing upstream receivers ...", con.getRemoteContainer()); for (UpstreamReceiver client : activeSenders.keySet()) { client.close(ErrorConditions.ERROR_NO_DOWNSTREAM_CONSUMER); metrics.decrementUpstreamLinks(client.getTargetAddress()); metrics.decrementDownstreamSenders(client.getTargetAddress()); metrics.submitDownstreamLinkCredits(client.getTargetAddress(), 0); } receiversPerConnection.clear(); activeSenders.clear(); downstreamConnection.attachments().clear(); downstreamConnection.disconnectHandler(null); downstreamConnection.disconnect(); metrics.decrementDownStreamConnections(); for (Iterator<Handler<AsyncResult<Void>>> iter = clientAttachHandlers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {"connection to downstream container failed")); iter.remove(); } reconnect(null); } } private void reconnect(final Handler<AsyncResult<ProtonConnection>> resultHandler) { if (!running) {"adapter is stopped, will not re-connect to downstream container"); } else { final ProtonClientOptions clientOptions = createClientOptions(); if (clientOptions.getReconnectAttempts() != 0) { vertx.setTimer(Constants.DEFAULT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL_MILLIS, reconnect -> {"attempting to re-connect to downstream container"); connectToDownstream(clientOptions, resultHandler); }); } } } @Override public final void onClientAttach(final UpstreamReceiver client, final Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> resultHandler) { if (!running) { throw new IllegalStateException("adapter must be started first"); } Objects.requireNonNull(client); Objects.requireNonNull(resultHandler); ProtonSender sender = activeSenders.get(client); if (sender != null && sender.isOpen()) {"reusing existing downstream sender [con: {}, link: {}]", client.getConnectionId(), client.getLinkId()); resultHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture()); } else { removeSender(client); // register the result handler to be failed if the connection to the downstream container fails during // the attempt to create a downstream sender clientAttachHandlers.add(resultHandler); Future<Void> tracker = Future.future(); tracker.setHandler(attempt -> { if (attempt.succeeded()) {"created downstream sender [con: {}, link: {}]", client.getConnectionId(), client.getLinkId()); } else { logger.warn("can't create downstream sender [con: {}, link: {}]: {}", client.getConnectionId(), client.getLinkId(), attempt.cause().getMessage()); } clientAttachHandlers.remove(resultHandler); resultHandler.handle(attempt); }); final ResourceIdentifier targetAddress = ResourceIdentifier.fromString(client.getTargetAddress()); createSender(targetAddress, replenishedSender -> handleFlow(replenishedSender, client)) .compose(createdSender -> { addSender(client, createdSender); tracker.complete(); }, tracker); } } /** * Invoked when a downstream sender receives link credit and/or a drain request from the downstream container. * <p> * The credits/drain request is forwarded to the corresponding upstream client. * * @param replenishedSender The downstream sender that has received the FLOW. * @param client The upstream client associated with the sender. */ public final void handleFlow(final ProtonSender replenishedSender, final UpstreamReceiver client) { logger.trace( "received FLOW from downstream container [con:{}, link: {}, sendQueueFull: {}, credits: {}, queued: {}, drain: {}", client.getConnectionId(), client.getLinkId(), replenishedSender.sendQueueFull(), replenishedSender.getCredit(), replenishedSender.getQueued(), replenishedSender.getDrain()); if (replenishedSender.getDrain()) { // send drain request upstream and act upon result of request to drain upstream client client.drain(10000, drainAttempt -> { if (drainAttempt.succeeded()) { replenishedSender.drained(); } }); } else { int downstreamCredit = getAvailableDownstreamCredit(replenishedSender); client.replenish(downstreamCredit); metrics.submitDownstreamLinkCredits(client.getTargetAddress(), downstreamCredit); } } private static int getAvailableDownstreamCredit(final ProtonSender downstreamSender) { return Math.max(0, downstreamSender.getCredit()); } private Future<ProtonSender> createSender(final ResourceIdentifier targetAddress, final Handler<ProtonSender> sendQueueDrainHandler) { if (!isConnected()) { return Future.failedFuture("downstream connection must be opened before creating sender"); } else { return senderFactory.createSender(downstreamConnection, targetAddress, getDownstreamQos(), sendQueueDrainHandler); } } /** * Associates a downstream sender with a corresponding upstream client. * * @param link The upstream client. * @param sender The downstream sender. */ public final void addSender(final UpstreamReceiver link, final ProtonSender sender) { sender.attachments().set(Constants.KEY_CONNECTION_ID, String.class, link.getConnectionId()); sender.setAutoDrained(false); // we need to propagate drain requests upstream and wait for the result activeSenders.put(link, sender); List<UpstreamReceiver> senders = receiversPerConnection.get(link.getConnectionId()); if (senders == null) { senders = new ArrayList<>(); receiversPerConnection.put(link.getConnectionId(), senders); } senders.add(link); metrics.incrementDownstreamSenders(link.getTargetAddress()); } /** * Removes all state kept for an upstream client. * <p> * Any downstream sender associated with the client is closed. * * @param link The upstream client. */ public final void removeSender(final UpstreamReceiver link) { List<UpstreamReceiver> senders = receiversPerConnection.get(link.getConnectionId()); if (senders != null) { senders.remove(link); } closeSender(link); } @Override public final void onClientDetach(final UpstreamReceiver client) { if (!running) { throw new IllegalStateException("adapter must be started first"); } Objects.requireNonNull(client); removeSender(client); } @Override public final void onClientDisconnect(final String connectionId) { if (!running) { throw new IllegalStateException("adapter must be started first"); } List<UpstreamReceiver> upstreamReceivers = receiversPerConnection .remove(Objects.requireNonNull(connectionId)); if (upstreamReceivers != null && !upstreamReceivers.isEmpty()) {"closing {} downstream senders for connection [id: {}]", upstreamReceivers.size(), connectionId); for (UpstreamReceiver link : upstreamReceivers) { closeSender(link); metrics.decrementUpstreamLinks(link.getTargetAddress()); } } } private void closeSender(final UpstreamReceiver link) { ProtonSender sender = activeSenders.remove(link); if (sender != null && sender.isOpen()) {"closing downstream sender [con: {}, link: {}]", link.getConnectionId(), link.getLinkId()); metrics.decrementDownstreamSenders(link.getTargetAddress()); metrics.submitDownstreamLinkCredits(link.getTargetAddress(), 0); sender.close(); } } @Override public final void processMessage(final UpstreamReceiver client, final ProtonDelivery upstreamDelivery, final Message msg) { if (!running) { throw new IllegalStateException("adapter must be started first"); } Objects.requireNonNull(client); Objects.requireNonNull(msg); Objects.requireNonNull(upstreamDelivery); ProtonSender sender = activeSenders.get(client); if (sender == null) { "no downstream sender for link [{}] available, discarding message and closing link with client", client.getLinkId()); client.close(ErrorConditions.ERROR_NO_DOWNSTREAM_CONSUMER); } else if (sender.isOpen()) { if (sender.sendQueueFull()) { if (upstreamDelivery.remotelySettled()) { // sender has sent the message pre-settled, i.e. we can simply discard the message logger.debug("no downstream credit available for link [{}], discarding message [{}]", client.getLinkId(), msg.getMessageId()); ProtonHelper.accepted(upstreamDelivery, true); metrics.incrementDiscardedMessages(sender.getTarget().getAddress()); } else { // sender needs to be informed that we cannot process the message logger.debug("no downstream credit available for link [{}], releasing message [{}]", client.getLinkId(), msg.getMessageId()); ProtonHelper.released(upstreamDelivery, true); metrics.incrementUndeliverableMessages(sender.getTarget().getAddress()); } } else { logger.trace( "forwarding message [id: {}, to: {}, content-type: {}] to downstream container [{}], credit available: {}, queued: {}", msg.getMessageId(), msg.getAddress(), msg.getContentType(), getDownstreamContainer(), sender.getCredit(), sender.getQueued()); forwardMessage(sender, msg, upstreamDelivery); metrics.incrementProcessedMessages(sender.getTarget().getAddress()); } } else { logger.warn( "downstream sender for link [{}] is not open, discarding message and closing link with client", client.getLinkId()); client.close(ErrorConditions.ERROR_NO_DOWNSTREAM_CONSUMER); onClientDetach(client); metrics.incrementDiscardedMessages(sender.getTarget().getAddress()); } } /** * Checks if this adapter has an open connection to the downstream container. * * @return {@code true} if the connection is open (and thus usable). */ @Override public final boolean isConnected() { return downstreamConnection != null && !downstreamConnection.isDisconnected(); } final void disableRetryOnFailedConnectAttempt() { retryOnFailedConnectAttempt = false; } /** * Checks if there are any downstream senders associated with upstream clients. * * @return {@code true} if there are. */ protected final boolean isActiveSendersEmpty() { return activeSenders != null && activeSenders.isEmpty(); } /** * Checks if there are any downstream senders associated with a particular upstream client connection. * * @return {@code true} if there are. */ protected final boolean isSendersPerConnectionEmpty() { return receiversPerConnection != null && receiversPerConnection.isEmpty(); } /** * Forwards the message to the downstream container. * <p> * It is the implementer's responsibility to handle message disposition and settlement with the upstream * client using the <em>delivery</em> object. * * @param sender The link to the downstream container. * @param msg The message to send. * @param delivery The handle for settling the message with the client. */ protected abstract void forwardMessage(final ProtonSender sender, final Message msg, final ProtonDelivery delivery); /** * Gets the Quality-of-Service type used for the link with the downstream container. * * @return The QoS. */ protected abstract ProtonQoS getDownstreamQos(); }