Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2017, 2018 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation * * See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0 which is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-1.0 */ package org.eclipse.hono.adapter.mqtt; import; import java.util.Objects; import org.apache.qpid.proton.message.Message; import org.eclipse.hono.client.ClientErrorException; import org.eclipse.hono.client.MessageSender; import org.eclipse.hono.client.ServerErrorException; import org.eclipse.hono.client.ServiceInvocationException; import org.eclipse.hono.config.ProtocolAdapterProperties; import org.eclipse.hono.service.AbstractProtocolAdapterBase; import org.eclipse.hono.service.auth.device.Device; import org.eclipse.hono.service.auth.device.DeviceCredentials; import org.eclipse.hono.service.auth.device.HonoClientBasedAuthProvider; import org.eclipse.hono.service.auth.device.UsernamePasswordAuthProvider; import org.eclipse.hono.service.auth.device.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.eclipse.hono.util.Constants; import org.eclipse.hono.util.EndpointType; import org.eclipse.hono.util.EventConstants; import org.eclipse.hono.util.ResourceIdentifier; import org.eclipse.hono.util.TelemetryConstants; import org.eclipse.hono.util.TenantObject; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import io.netty.handler.codec.mqtt.MqttConnectReturnCode; import io.netty.handler.codec.mqtt.MqttQoS; import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult; import io.vertx.core.CompositeFuture; import io.vertx.core.Future; import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject; import io.vertx.mqtt.MqttAuth; import io.vertx.mqtt.MqttConnectionException; import io.vertx.mqtt.MqttEndpoint; import io.vertx.mqtt.MqttServer; import io.vertx.mqtt.MqttServerOptions; /** * A base class for implementing Vert.x based Hono protocol adapters for publishing events & telemetry data using * MQTT. * * @param <T> The type of configuration properties this adapter supports/requires. */ public abstract class AbstractVertxBasedMqttProtocolAdapter<T extends ProtocolAdapterProperties> extends AbstractProtocolAdapterBase<T> { private static final int IANA_MQTT_PORT = 1883; private static final int IANA_SECURE_MQTT_PORT = 8883; /** * A logger to be used by concrete subclasses. */ protected final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private MqttAdapterMetrics metrics; private MqttServer server; private MqttServer insecureServer; private HonoClientBasedAuthProvider usernamePasswordAuthProvider; /** * Sets the provider to use for authenticating devices based on a username and password. * * @param provider The provider to use. * @throws NullPointerException if provider is {@code null}. */ public final void setUsernamePasswordAuthProvider(final HonoClientBasedAuthProvider provider) { this.usernamePasswordAuthProvider = Objects.requireNonNull(provider); } @Override public int getPortDefaultValue() { return IANA_SECURE_MQTT_PORT; } @Override public int getInsecurePortDefaultValue() { return IANA_MQTT_PORT; } @Override protected final int getActualPort() { return server != null ? server.actualPort() : Constants.PORT_UNCONFIGURED; } @Override protected final int getActualInsecurePort() { return insecureServer != null ? insecureServer.actualPort() : Constants.PORT_UNCONFIGURED; } /** * Sets the metrics for this service. * * @param metrics The metrics */ @Autowired public final void setMetrics(final MqttAdapterMetrics metrics) { this.metrics = metrics; } /** * Sets the MQTT server to use for handling secure MQTT connections. * * @param server The server. * @throws NullPointerException if the server is {@code null}. */ public void setMqttSecureServer(final MqttServer server) { Objects.requireNonNull(server); if (server.actualPort() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("MQTT server must not be started already"); } else { this.server = server; } } /** * Sets the MQTT server to use for handling non-secure MQTT connections. * * @param server The server. * @throws NullPointerException if the server is {@code null}. */ public void setMqttInsecureServer(final MqttServer server) { Objects.requireNonNull(server); if (server.actualPort() > 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("MQTT server must not be started already"); } else { this.insecureServer = server; } } private Future<Void> bindSecureMqttServer() { if (isSecurePortEnabled()) { final MqttServerOptions options = new MqttServerOptions(); options.setHost(getConfig().getBindAddress()).setPort(determineSecurePort()) .setMaxMessageSize(getConfig().getMaxPayloadSize()); addTlsKeyCertOptions(options); addTlsTrustOptions(options); return bindMqttServer(options, server).map(s -> { server = s; return (Void) null; }).recover(t -> { return Future.failedFuture(t); }); } else { return Future.succeededFuture(); } } private Future<Void> bindInsecureMqttServer() { if (isInsecurePortEnabled()) { final MqttServerOptions options = new MqttServerOptions(); options.setHost(getConfig().getInsecurePortBindAddress()).setPort(determineInsecurePort()) .setMaxMessageSize(getConfig().getMaxPayloadSize()); return bindMqttServer(options, insecureServer).map(server -> { insecureServer = server; return (Void) null; }).recover(t -> { return Future.failedFuture(t); }); } else { return Future.succeededFuture(); } } private Future<MqttServer> bindMqttServer(final MqttServerOptions options, final MqttServer mqttServer) { final Future<MqttServer> result = Future.future(); final MqttServer createdMqttServer = mqttServer == null ? MqttServer.create(this.vertx, options) : mqttServer; createdMqttServer.endpointHandler(this::handleEndpointConnection).listen(done -> { if (done.succeeded()) {"MQTT server running on {}:{}", getConfig().getBindAddress(), createdMqttServer.actualPort()); result.complete(createdMqttServer); } else { LOG.error("error while starting up MQTT server", done.cause());; } }); return result; } @Override public void doStart(final Future<Void> startFuture) {"limiting size of inbound message payload to {} bytes", getConfig().getMaxPayloadSize()); if (!getConfig().isAuthenticationRequired()) { LOG.warn("authentication of devices turned off"); } checkPortConfiguration().compose(ok -> { if (metrics == null) { // use default implementation // which simply discards all reported metrics metrics = new MqttAdapterMetrics(); } return CompositeFuture.all(bindSecureMqttServer(), bindInsecureMqttServer()); }).compose(t -> { if (usernamePasswordAuthProvider == null) { usernamePasswordAuthProvider = new UsernamePasswordAuthProvider(getCredentialsServiceClient(), getConfig()); } startFuture.complete(); }, startFuture); } @Override public void doStop(final Future<Void> stopFuture) { final Future<Void> serverTracker = Future.future(); if (this.server != null) { this.server.close(serverTracker.completer()); } else { serverTracker.complete(); } final Future<Void> insecureServerTracker = Future.future(); if (this.insecureServer != null) { this.insecureServer.close(insecureServerTracker.completer()); } else { insecureServerTracker.complete(); } CompositeFuture.all(serverTracker, insecureServerTracker).compose(d -> stopFuture.complete(), stopFuture); } /** * Create a future indicating a rejected connection. * * @param returnCode The error code to return. * @param <T> The type of the returned future. * @return A future indicating a rejected connection. */ protected static <T> Future<T> rejected(final MqttConnectReturnCode returnCode) { return Future.failedFuture(new MqttConnectionException( returnCode != null ? returnCode : MqttConnectReturnCode.CONNECTION_REFUSED_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE)); } /** * Create a future indicating an accepted connection with an authenticated device. * * @param authenticatedDevice The device that was authenticated, may be {@code null} * @return A future indicating an accepted connection. */ protected static Future<Device> accepted(final Device authenticatedDevice) { return Future.succeededFuture(authenticatedDevice); } /** * Create a future indicating an accepted connection without an authenticated device. * * @return A future indicating an accepted connection. */ protected static Future<Device> accepted() { return Future.succeededFuture(null); } /** * Invoked when a client sends its <em>CONNECT</em> packet. * <p> * Authenticates the client (if required) and registers handlers for processing messages published by the client. * * @param endpoint The MQTT endpoint representing the client. */ final void handleEndpointConnection(final MqttEndpoint endpoint) { LOG.debug("connection request from client [clientId: {}]", endpoint.clientIdentifier()); isConnected().compose(v -> handleConnectionRequest(endpoint)) .setHandler(result -> handleConnectionRequestResult(endpoint, result)); } private Future<Device> handleConnectionRequest(final MqttEndpoint endpoint) { if (getConfig().isAuthenticationRequired()) { return handleEndpointConnectionWithAuthentication(endpoint); } else { return handleEndpointConnectionWithoutAuthentication(endpoint); } } private void handleConnectionRequestResult(final MqttEndpoint endpoint, final AsyncResult<Device> authenticationAttempt) { if (authenticationAttempt.succeeded()) { sendConnectedEvent(endpoint.clientIdentifier(), authenticationAttempt.result()) .setHandler(sendAttempt -> { if (sendAttempt.succeeded()) { endpoint.accept(false); } else { LOG.warn( "connection request from client [clientId: {}] rejected due to connection event " + "failure: {}", endpoint.clientIdentifier(), MqttConnectReturnCode.CONNECTION_REFUSED_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE, sendAttempt.cause()); endpoint.reject(MqttConnectReturnCode.CONNECTION_REFUSED_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE); } }); } else { final Throwable t = authenticationAttempt.cause(); if (t instanceof MqttConnectionException) { final MqttConnectReturnCode code = ((MqttConnectionException) t).code(); LOG.debug("connection request from client [clientId: {}] rejected with code: {}", endpoint.clientIdentifier(), code); endpoint.reject(code); } else { LOG.debug("connection request from client [clientId: {}] rejected: {}", endpoint.clientIdentifier(), MqttConnectReturnCode.CONNECTION_REFUSED_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE); endpoint.reject(MqttConnectReturnCode.CONNECTION_REFUSED_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE); } } } /** * Invoked when a client sends its <em>CONNECT</em> packet and client authentication has been disabled by setting * the {@linkplain ProtocolAdapterProperties#isAuthenticationRequired() authentication required} configuration * property to {@code false}. * <p> * Registers a close handler on the endpoint which invokes {@link #close(MqttEndpoint, Device)}. Registers a publish * handler on the endpoint which invokes {@link #onPublishedMessage(MqttContext)} for each message being published * by the client. Accepts the connection request. * * @param endpoint The MQTT endpoint representing the client. */ private Future<Device> handleEndpointConnectionWithoutAuthentication(final MqttEndpoint endpoint) { endpoint.closeHandler(v -> { close(endpoint, null); LOG.debug("connection to unauthenticated device [clientId: {}] closed", endpoint.clientIdentifier()); metrics.decrementUnauthenticatedMqttConnections(); }); endpoint.publishHandler(message -> onPublishedMessage(new MqttContext(message, endpoint))); LOG.debug("unauthenticated device [clientId: {}] connected", endpoint.clientIdentifier()); metrics.incrementUnauthenticatedMqttConnections(); return accepted(); } private Future<Device> handleEndpointConnectionWithAuthentication(final MqttEndpoint endpoint) { if (endpoint.auth() == null) { LOG.debug("connection request from device [clientId: {}] rejected: {}", endpoint.clientIdentifier(), "device did not provide credentials in CONNECT packet"); return rejected(MqttConnectReturnCode.CONNECTION_REFUSED_BAD_USER_NAME_OR_PASSWORD); } else { final DeviceCredentials credentials = getCredentials(endpoint.auth()); if (credentials == null) { LOG.debug("connection request from device [clientId: {}] rejected: {}", endpoint.clientIdentifier(), "device provided malformed credentials in CONNECT packet"); return rejected(MqttConnectReturnCode.CONNECTION_REFUSED_BAD_USER_NAME_OR_PASSWORD); } else { return getTenantConfiguration(credentials.getTenantId()).compose(tenantConfig -> { if (tenantConfig.isAdapterEnabled(getTypeName())) { LOG.debug("protocol adapter [{}] is enabled for tenant [{}]", getTypeName(), credentials.getTenantId()); return Future.succeededFuture(tenantConfig); } else { LOG.debug("protocol adapter [{}] is disabled for tenant [{}]", getTypeName(), credentials.getTenantId()); return Future.failedFuture(new ClientErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "adapter disabled for tenant")); } }).compose(tenantConfig -> { final Future<Device> result = Future.future(); usernamePasswordAuthProvider.authenticate(credentials, result.completer()); return result; }).compose(authenticatedDevice -> { LOG.debug("successfully authenticated device [tenant-id: {}, auth-id: {}, device-id: {}]", authenticatedDevice.getTenantId(), credentials.getAuthId(), authenticatedDevice.getDeviceId()); return triggerLinkCreation(authenticatedDevice.getTenantId()).map(done -> { onAuthenticationSuccess(endpoint, authenticatedDevice); return null; }).compose(ok -> accepted(authenticatedDevice)); }).recover(t -> { LOG.debug("cannot establish connection with device [tenant-id: {}, auth-id: {}]", credentials.getTenantId(), credentials.getAuthId(), t); if (t instanceof ServerErrorException) { // one of the services we depend on might not be available (yet) return rejected(MqttConnectReturnCode.CONNECTION_REFUSED_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE); } else { // validation of credentials has failed return rejected(MqttConnectReturnCode.CONNECTION_REFUSED_NOT_AUTHORIZED); } }); } } } private void onAuthenticationSuccess(final MqttEndpoint endpoint, final Device authenticatedDevice) { endpoint.closeHandler(v -> { close(endpoint, authenticatedDevice); LOG.debug("connection to device [tenant-id: {}, device-id: {}] closed", authenticatedDevice.getTenantId(), authenticatedDevice.getDeviceId()); metrics.decrementMqttConnections(authenticatedDevice.getTenantId()); }); endpoint.publishHandler( message -> onPublishedMessage(new MqttContext(message, endpoint, authenticatedDevice))); metrics.incrementMqttConnections(authenticatedDevice.getTenantId()); } private Future<Void> triggerLinkCreation(final String tenantId) { final Future<Void> result = Future.future(); LOG.debug("providently trying to open downstream links for tenant [{}]", tenantId); CompositeFuture .join(getRegistrationClient(tenantId), getTelemetrySender(tenantId), getEventSender(tenantId)) .setHandler(attempt -> { result.complete(); }); return result; } /** * Uploads a message to Hono Messaging. * * @param ctx The context in which the MQTT message has been published. * @param resource The resource that the message should be uploaded to. * @param payload The message payload to send. * @return A future indicating the outcome of the operation. * <p> * The future will succeed if the message has been uploaded successfully. Otherwise the future will fail * with a {@link ServiceInvocationException}. * @throws NullPointerException if any of context, resource or payload is {@code null}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the payload is empty. */ public final Future<Void> uploadMessage(final MqttContext ctx, final ResourceIdentifier resource, final Buffer payload) { Objects.requireNonNull(ctx); Objects.requireNonNull(resource); Objects.requireNonNull(payload); switch (EndpointType.fromString(resource.getEndpoint())) { case TELEMETRY: return uploadTelemetryMessage(ctx, resource.getTenantId(), resource.getResourceId(), payload); case EVENT: return uploadEventMessage(ctx, resource.getTenantId(), resource.getResourceId(), payload); default: return Future.failedFuture( new ClientErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "unsupported endpoint")); } } /** * Uploads a telemetry message to Hono Messaging. * * @param ctx The context in which the MQTT message has been published. * @param tenant The tenant of the device that has produced the data. * @param deviceId The id of the device that has produced the data. * @param payload The message payload to send. * @return A future indicating the outcome of the operation. * <p> * The future will succeed if the message has been uploaded successfully. Otherwise the future will fail * with a {@link ServiceInvocationException}. * @throws NullPointerException if any of context, tenant, device ID or payload is {@code null}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the payload is empty. */ public final Future<Void> uploadTelemetryMessage(final MqttContext ctx, final String tenant, final String deviceId, final Buffer payload) { return uploadMessage(Objects.requireNonNull(ctx), Objects.requireNonNull(tenant), Objects.requireNonNull(deviceId), Objects.requireNonNull(payload), getTelemetrySender(tenant), TelemetryConstants.TELEMETRY_ENDPOINT); } /** * Uploads an event message to Hono Messaging. * * @param ctx The context in which the MQTT message has been published. * @param tenant The tenant of the device that has produced the data. * @param deviceId The id of the device that has produced the data. * @param payload The message payload to send. * @return A future indicating the outcome of the operation. * <p> * The future will succeed if the message has been uploaded successfully. Otherwise the future will fail * with a {@link ServiceInvocationException}. * @throws NullPointerException if any of context, tenant, device ID or payload is {@code null}. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the payload is empty. */ public final Future<Void> uploadEventMessage(final MqttContext ctx, final String tenant, final String deviceId, final Buffer payload) { return uploadMessage(Objects.requireNonNull(ctx), Objects.requireNonNull(tenant), Objects.requireNonNull(deviceId), Objects.requireNonNull(payload), getEventSender(tenant), EventConstants.EVENT_ENDPOINT); } private Future<Void> uploadMessage(final MqttContext ctx, final String tenant, final String deviceId, final Buffer payload, final Future<MessageSender> senderTracker, final String endpointName) { if (!isPayloadOfIndicatedType(payload, ctx.contentType())) { return Future.failedFuture(new ClientErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, String.format("Content-Type %s does not match with the payload", ctx.contentType()))); } else { final Future<JsonObject> tokenTracker = getRegistrationAssertion(tenant, deviceId, ctx.authenticatedDevice()); final Future<TenantObject> tenantConfigTracker = getTenantConfiguration(tenant); return CompositeFuture.all(tokenTracker, tenantConfigTracker, senderTracker).compose(ok -> { if (tenantConfigTracker.result().isAdapterEnabled(getTypeName())) { final MessageSender sender = senderTracker.result(); final Message downstreamMessage = newMessage( ResourceIdentifier.from(endpointName, tenant, deviceId), sender.isRegistrationAssertionRequired(), ctx.message().topicName(), ctx.contentType(), payload, tokenTracker.result(), null); customizeDownstreamMessage(downstreamMessage, ctx); if (ctx.message().qosLevel() == MqttQoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE) { return sender.sendAndWaitForOutcome(downstreamMessage); } else { return sender.send(downstreamMessage); } } else { // this adapter is not enabled for the tenant return Future.failedFuture(new ClientErrorException(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN)); } }).compose(delivery -> { LOG.trace( "successfully processed message [topic: {}, QoS: {}] for device [tenantId: {}, deviceId: {}]", ctx.message().topicName(), ctx.message().qosLevel(), tenant, deviceId); metrics.incrementProcessedMqttMessages(endpointName, tenant); onMessageSent(ctx); // check that the remote MQTT client is still connected before sending PUBACK if (ctx.deviceEndpoint().isConnected() && ctx.message().qosLevel() == MqttQoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE) { ctx.deviceEndpoint().publishAcknowledge(ctx.message().messageId()); } return Future.<Void>succeededFuture(); }).recover(t -> { if (ClientErrorException.class.isInstance(t)) { final ClientErrorException e = (ClientErrorException) t; LOG.debug( "cannot process message for device [tenantId: {}, deviceId: {}, endpoint: {}]: {} - {}", tenant, deviceId, endpointName, e.getErrorCode(), e.getMessage()); } else { LOG.debug("cannot process message for device [tenantId: {}, deviceId: {}, endpoint: {}]", tenant, deviceId, endpointName, t); metrics.incrementUndeliverableMqttMessages(endpointName, tenant); onMessageUndeliverable(ctx); } return Future.failedFuture(t); }); } } /** * Closes a connection to a client. * * @param endpoint The connection to close. * @param authenticatedDevice Optional authenticated device information, may be {@code null}. */ protected final void close(final MqttEndpoint endpoint, final Device authenticatedDevice) { onClose(endpoint); sendDisconnectedEvent(endpoint.clientIdentifier(), authenticatedDevice); if (endpoint.isConnected()) { LOG.debug("closing connection with client [client ID: {}]", endpoint.clientIdentifier()); endpoint.close(); } else { LOG.trace("client has already closed connection"); } } /** * Invoked before the connection with a device is closed. * <p> * Subclasses should override this method in order to release any device specific resources. * <p> * This default implementation does nothing. * * @param endpoint The connection to be closed. */ protected void onClose(final MqttEndpoint endpoint) { } /** * Extracts credentials from a client's MQTT <em>CONNECT</em> packet. * <p> * This default implementation returns {@link UsernamePasswordCredentials} created from the <em>username</em> and * <em>password</em> fields of the <em>CONNECT</em> packet. * <p> * Subclasses should override this method if the device uses credentials that do not comply with the format expected * by {@link UsernamePasswordCredentials}. * * @param authInfo The authentication info provided by the device. * @return The credentials or {@code null} if the information provided by the device can not be processed. */ protected DeviceCredentials getCredentials(final MqttAuth authInfo) { if (authInfo.userName() == null || authInfo.password() == null) { return null; } else { return UsernamePasswordCredentials.create(authInfo.userName(), authInfo.password(), getConfig().isSingleTenant()); } } /** * Processes an MQTT message that has been published by a device. * <p> * Subclasses should determine * <ul> * <li>the tenant and identifier of the device that has published the message</li> * <li>the payload to send downstream</li> * <li>the content type of the payload</li> * </ul> * and then invoke one of the <em>upload*</em> methods to send the message downstream. * * @param ctx The context in which the MQTT message has been published. * @return A future indicating the outcome of the operation. * <p> * The future will succeed if the message has been successfully uploaded. Otherwise, the future will fail * with a {@link ServiceInvocationException}. */ protected abstract Future<Void> onPublishedMessage(MqttContext ctx); /** * Invoked before the message is sent to the downstream peer. * <p> * This default implementation does nothing. * <p> * Subclasses may override this method in order to customize the message before it is sent, e.g. adding custom * properties. * * @param downstreamMessage The message that will be sent downstream. * @param ctx The context in which the MQTT message has been published. */ protected void customizeDownstreamMessage(final Message downstreamMessage, final MqttContext ctx) { } /** * Invoked when a message has been forwarded downstream successfully. * <p> * This default implementation does nothing. * <p> * Subclasses should override this method in order to e.g. update metrics counters. * * @param ctx The context in which the MQTT message has been published. */ protected void onMessageSent(final MqttContext ctx) { } /** * Invoked when a message could not be forwarded downstream. * <p> * This method will only be invoked if the failure to forward the message has not been caused by the device that * published the message. In particular, this method will not be invoked for messages that cannot be authorized or * that are published to an unsupported/unrecognized topic. Such messages will be silently discarded. * <p> * This default implementation does nothing. * <p> * Subclasses should override this method in order to e.g. update metrics counters. * * @param ctx The context in which the MQTT message has been published. */ protected void onMessageUndeliverable(final MqttContext ctx) { } }