Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2015 Bosch Software Innovations GmbH and others. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * */ package org.eclipse.hawkbit.ui.common.grid; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Objects; import org.eclipse.hawkbit.repository.model.Action; import org.eclipse.hawkbit.ui.SpPermissionChecker; import org.eclipse.hawkbit.ui.components.RefreshableContainer; import; import; import org.eclipse.hawkbit.ui.utils.SPDateTimeUtil; import org.eclipse.hawkbit.ui.utils.SPUIDefinitions; import org.eclipse.hawkbit.ui.utils.UIMessageIdProvider; import org.eclipse.hawkbit.ui.utils.VaadinMessageSource; import org.vaadin.addons.lazyquerycontainer.LazyQueryContainer; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.ui.Grid; /** * Abstract grid that offers various capabilities (aka support) to offer * convenient enhancements to the vaadin standard grid. * * @param <T> * The container-type used by the grid */ public abstract class AbstractGrid<T extends Indexed> extends Grid implements RefreshableContainer { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected final VaadinMessageSource i18n; protected final transient EventBus.UIEventBus eventBus; protected final SpPermissionChecker permissionChecker; private transient AbstractMaximizeSupport maximizeSupport; private transient AbstractGeneratedPropertySupport generatedPropertySupport; private transient SingleSelectionSupport singleSelectionSupport; private transient DetailsSupport detailsSupport; /** * Constructor. * * @param i18n * @param eventBus * @param permissionChecker */ protected AbstractGrid(final VaadinMessageSource i18n, final UIEventBus eventBus, final SpPermissionChecker permissionChecker) { this.i18n = i18n; this.eventBus = eventBus; this.permissionChecker = permissionChecker; } /** * Initializes the grid. * <p> * * <b>NOTE:</b> Sub-classes should configure the grid before calling this * method (this means: set all support-classes needed, and then call init). */ protected void init() { setSizeFull(); setImmediate(true); setId(getGridId()); if (!hasSingleSelectionSupport()) { setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.NONE); } setColumnReorderingAllowed(true); addNewContainerDS(); if (doSubscribeToEventBus()) { eventBus.subscribe(this); } } /** * Subscribes the view to the eventBus. Method has to be overriden (return * false) if the view does not contain any listener to avoid Vaadin blowing * up our logs with warnings. */ protected boolean doSubscribeToEventBus() { return true; } /** * Refresh the container. */ @Override public void refreshContainer() { final Indexed container = getContainerDataSource(); if (hasGeneratedPropertySupport() && getGeneratedPropertySupport().getRawContainer() instanceof LazyQueryContainer) { ((LazyQueryContainer) getGeneratedPropertySupport().getRawContainer()).refresh(); return; } if (container instanceof LazyQueryContainer) { ((LazyQueryContainer) container).refresh(); } } /** * Creates a new container instance by calling the required * template-methods. * <p> * A new container is created on initialization as well as when container * content fundamentally changes (e.g. if container content depends on a * selection as common in master-details relations) */ protected void addNewContainerDS() { final T container = createContainer(); Indexed indexedContainer = container; if (hasGeneratedPropertySupport()) { indexedContainer = getGeneratedPropertySupport().decorate(container); setContainerDataSource(indexedContainer); getGeneratedPropertySupport().addGeneratedContainerProperties(); } else { setContainerDataSource(indexedContainer); } addContainerProperties(); setColumnProperties(); setColumnHeaderNames(); setColumnsHidable(); addColumnRenderes(); setColumnExpandRatio(); setHiddenColumns(); final CellDescriptionGenerator cellDescriptionGenerator = getDescriptionGenerator(); if (getDescriptionGenerator() != null) { setCellDescriptionGenerator(cellDescriptionGenerator); } if (indexedContainer != null && indexedContainer.size() == 0) { setData(i18n.getMessage(UIMessageIdProvider.MESSAGE_NO_DATA)); } } /** * Sets the standard behavior of columns to be hidable. If implementors * needs other behavior they have to concern about it. */ protected void setColumnsHidable() { // Allow column hiding for (final Column c : getColumns()) { c.setHidable(true); } } /** * Enables maximize-support for the grid by setting a MaximizeSupport * implementation. * * @param maximizeSupport * encapsulates behavior for minimize and maximize. */ protected void setMaximizeSupport(final AbstractMaximizeSupport maximizeSupport) { this.maximizeSupport = maximizeSupport; } /** * Gets the MaximizeSupport implementation describing behavior for minimize * and maximize. * * @return maximizeSupport that encapsulates behavior for minimize and * maximize. */ protected AbstractMaximizeSupport getMaximizeSupport() { return maximizeSupport; } /** * Checks whether maximize-support is enabled. * * @return <code>true</code> if maximize-support is enabled, otherwise * <code>false</code> */ protected boolean hasMaximizeSupport() { return maximizeSupport != null; } /** * Enables support for generated properties. This implies that the * standard-container has to be decorated and the generators have to be * registered for the generated (aka virtual) properties. * * @param generatedPropertySupport * that encapsulates behavior for generated properties */ protected void setGeneratedPropertySupport(final AbstractGeneratedPropertySupport generatedPropertySupport) { this.generatedPropertySupport = generatedPropertySupport; } /** * Gets the GeneratedPropertySupport implementation describing generated * properties by registering their generators and attaching them to a * wrapper-container. * * @return generatedPropertySupport that encapsulates registration of * generated properties. */ protected AbstractGeneratedPropertySupport getGeneratedPropertySupport() { return generatedPropertySupport; } /** * Checks whether support for generated properties is enabled. * * @return <code>true</code> if support for generated properties is enabled, * otherwise <code>false</code> */ protected boolean hasGeneratedPropertySupport() { return generatedPropertySupport != null; } /** * Enables single-selection-support for the grid by setting * SingleSelectionSupport configuration. * * @param singleSelectionSupport * encapsulates behavior for single-selection and offers some * convenient functionality. */ protected void setSingleSelectionSupport(final SingleSelectionSupport singleSelectionSupport) { this.singleSelectionSupport = singleSelectionSupport; } /** * Gets the SingleSelectionSupport implementation configuring * single-selection. * * @return singleSelectionSupport that configures single-selection. */ protected SingleSelectionSupport getSingleSelectionSupport() { return singleSelectionSupport; } /** * Checks whether single-selection-support is enabled. * * @return <code>true</code> if single-selection-support is enabled, * otherwise <code>false</code> */ protected boolean hasSingleSelectionSupport() { return singleSelectionSupport != null; } /** * Enables details-support for the grid by setting DetailsSupport * configuration. If details-support is enabled, the grid handles * details-data that depends on a master-selection. * * @param detailsSupport * encapsulates behavior for changes of master-selection. */ protected void setDetailsSupport(final DetailsSupport detailsSupport) { this.detailsSupport = detailsSupport; } /** * Gets the DetailsSupport implementation configuring master-details * relation. * * @return detailsSupport that configures master-details relation. */ public DetailsSupport getDetailsSupport() { return detailsSupport; } /** * Checks whether details-support is enabled. * * @return <code>true</code> if details-support is enabled, otherwise * <code>false</code> */ public boolean hasDetailsSupport() { return detailsSupport != null; } /** * Template method invoked by {@link #addNewContainerDS()} for creating a * container instance. * * @return new container instance used by the grid. */ protected abstract T createContainer(); /** * Template method invoked by {@link #addNewContainerDS()} for adding * properties to the container (usually by invoking { @link * Container#addContainerProperty(Object, Class, Object))}) */ protected abstract void addContainerProperties(); /** * Template method invoked by {@link #addNewContainerDS()} for setting the * expand ratio of the columns. */ protected abstract void setColumnExpandRatio(); /** * Template method invoked by {@link #addNewContainerDS()} for setting the * column names. */ protected abstract void setColumnHeaderNames(); /** * Template method invoked by {@link #addNewContainerDS()} for setting the * column properties to the grid. */ protected abstract void setColumnProperties(); /** * Template method invoked by {@link #addNewContainerDS()} for adding * special column renderers if needed. */ protected abstract void addColumnRenderes(); /** * Template method invoked by {@link #addNewContainerDS()} that hides * columns. If a column is hideable and hidden, it can be made visible via * grid column menu. */ protected abstract void setHiddenColumns(); /** * Template method invoked by {@link #addNewContainerDS()} for adding a * CellDescriptionGenerator to the grid. */ protected abstract CellDescriptionGenerator getDescriptionGenerator(); /** * Gets id of the grid. * * @return id of the grid */ protected abstract String getGridId(); /** * Resets the default row of the header. This means the current default row * is removed and replaced with a newly created one. * * @return the new and clean header row. */ protected HeaderRow resetHeaderDefaultRow() { getHeader().removeRow(getHeader().getDefaultRow()); final HeaderRow newHeaderRow = getHeader().appendRow(); getHeader().setDefaultRow(newHeaderRow); return newHeaderRow; } /** * Support for master-details relation for grid. This means that grid * content (=details) is updated as soon as master-data changes. */ public class DetailsSupport { private Long master; /** * Set selected master-data as member of this grid-support (as all * presented grid-data is related to this master-data) and re-calculate * grid-container-content. * * @param master * id of selected action */ public void populateMasterDataAndRecalculateContainer(final Long master) { this.master = master; recalculateContainer(); populateSelection(); } /** * Set selected master-data as member of this grid-support (as all * presented grid-data is related to this master-data) and re-create * grid-container. * * @param master * id of selected action */ public void populateMasterDataAndRecreateContainer(final Long master) { this.master = master; recreateContainer(); populateSelection(); } /** * Propagates the selection if needed. * */ public void populateSelection() { if (!hasSingleSelectionSupport()) { return; } if (master == null) { getSingleSelectionSupport().clearSelection(); return; } getSingleSelectionSupport().selectFirstRow(); } /** * Gets the master-data id. * * @return master-data id */ public Long getMasterDataId() { return master; } /** * Invalidates container-data (but reused container) and refreshes it * with new details-data for the new selected master-data. */ private void recalculateContainer() { clearSortOrder(); refreshContainer(); } /** * Invalidates container and replace it with a fresh instance for the * new selected master-data. */ private void recreateContainer() { removeAllColumns(); clearSortOrder(); addNewContainerDS(); } } /** * Via implementations of this support capability an expand-mode is provided * that maximizes the grid size. */ protected abstract class AbstractMaximizeSupport { /** * Renews the content for maximized layout. */ public void createMaximizedContent() { setMaximizedColumnProperties(); setMaximizedHiddenColumns(); setMaximizedHeaders(); setMaximizedColumnExpandRatio(); } /** * Renews the content for minimized layout. */ public void createMinimizedContent() { setColumnProperties(); setHiddenColumns(); setColumnExpandRatio(); } /** * Sets the column properties for maximized-state. */ protected abstract void setMaximizedColumnProperties(); /** * Sets the hidden columns for maximized-state. */ protected abstract void setMaximizedHiddenColumns(); /** * Sets additional headers for maximized-state. */ protected abstract void setMaximizedHeaders(); /** * Sets column expand ratio for maximized-state. */ protected abstract void setMaximizedColumnExpandRatio(); } /** * Grids that are used in conjunction with * {@link GeneratedPropertyContainer}, might use * {@link AbstractGeneratedPropertySupport} to get type-save access to the * raw container as well as the decorated container. */ protected abstract class AbstractGeneratedPropertySupport { /** * Gives type-save access to the wrapper container the grid works on. * This wrapper container attaches generated properties that are not * part of the raw container that encapsulates the database access. * * @return decorated container that includes the generated properties as * well as the native properties. */ public abstract GeneratedPropertyContainer getDecoratedContainer(); /** * Gives type-save access to the wrapped container that binds to the * database. The grid does not work directly with this container but * with a container that wraps and decorates it with generated * properties. * * @return raw container that gives access to the native properties. */ public abstract T getRawContainer(); /** * Adds the generated properties to the decorated container. Each * generated property has to be associated with a property generator * that is capable to calculate the value of the generated (aka virtual) * property. * * @return decorated container that includes the generated properties */ protected abstract GeneratedPropertyContainer addGeneratedContainerProperties(); /** * Decorates the raw-container by wrapping it. * * @param container * raw-container to be wrapped. * @return decorated container. */ protected GeneratedPropertyContainer decorate(final T container) { return new GeneratedPropertyContainer(container); } } /** * Support for single selection on the grid. */ protected class SingleSelectionSupport { public SingleSelectionSupport() { enable(); } public final void enable() { setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.SINGLE); } public final void disable() { setSelectionMode(SelectionMode.NONE); } /** * Selects the first row if available and enabled. */ public void selectFirstRow() { if (!isSingleSelectionModel()) { return; } final Indexed container = getContainerDataSource(); final int size = container.size(); if (size > 0) { refreshRows(getContainerDataSource().firstItemId()); getSingleSelectionModel().select(getContainerDataSource().firstItemId()); } else { getSingleSelectionModel().select(null); } } private boolean isSingleSelectionModel() { return getSelectionModel() instanceof SelectionModel.Single; } /** * Clears the selection. */ public void clearSelection() { if (!isSingleSelectionModel()) { return; } getSingleSelectionModel().select(null); } private SelectionModel.Single getSingleSelectionModel() { return (SelectionModel.Single) getSelectionModel(); } } /** * CellStyleGenerator that concerns about alignment in the grid cells. */ protected static class AlignCellStyleGenerator implements CellStyleGenerator { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final String[] left; private final String[] center; private final String[] right; /** * Constructor. * * @param left * list of propertyIds that should be left-aligned * @param center * list of propertyIds that should be center-aligned * @param right * list of propertyIds that should be right-aligned */ public AlignCellStyleGenerator(final String[] left, final String[] center, final String[] right) { this.left = left; = center; this.right = right; } @Override public String getStyle(final CellReference cellReference) { if (center != null && -> Objects.equals(o, cellReference.getPropertyId()))) { return "centeralign"; } else if (right != null && -> Objects.equals(o, cellReference.getPropertyId()))) { return "rightalign"; } else if (left != null && -> Objects.equals(o, cellReference.getPropertyId()))) { return "leftalign"; } return null; } } /** * Adds a tooltip to the 'Date and time' and 'Maintenance Window' columns in * detailed format. */ protected static class TooltipGenerator implements CellDescriptionGenerator { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final VaadinMessageSource i18n; public TooltipGenerator(final VaadinMessageSource i18n) { this.i18n = i18n; } @Override public String getDescription(final CellReference cell) { final String propertyId = (String) cell.getPropertyId(); switch (propertyId) { case ProxyAction.PXY_ACTION_LAST_MODIFIED_AT: case ProxyActionStatus.PXY_AS_CREATED_AT: final Long timestamp = (Long) cell.getItem().getItemProperty(propertyId).getValue(); return SPDateTimeUtil.getFormattedDate(timestamp); case ProxyAction.PXY_ACTION_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW: final Action action = (Action) cell.getItem().getItemProperty(ProxyAction.PXY_ACTION).getValue(); return action.getMaintenanceWindowStartTime().map(this::getFormattedNextMaintenanceWindow) .orElse(null); default: return null; } } private String getFormattedNextMaintenanceWindow(final ZonedDateTime nextAt) { final long nextAtMilli = nextAt.toInstant().toEpochMilli(); return i18n.getMessage(UIMessageIdProvider.TOOLTIP_NEXT_MAINTENANCE_WINDOW, SPDateTimeUtil.getFormattedDate(nextAtMilli, SPUIDefinitions.LAST_QUERY_DATE_FORMAT_SHORT)); } } /** * Converter that gets time-data as input of type <code>Long</code> and * converts to a formatted date string. */ public class LongToFormattedDateStringConverter implements Converter<String, Long> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1247513913478717845L; @Override public Long convertToModel(final String value, final Class<? extends Long> targetType, final Locale locale) { // not needed return null; } @Override public String convertToPresentation(final Long value, final Class<? extends String> targetType, final Locale locale) { return SPDateTimeUtil.getFormattedDate(value, SPUIDefinitions.LAST_QUERY_DATE_FORMAT_SHORT); } @Override public Class<Long> getModelType() { return Long.class; } @Override public Class<String> getPresentationType() { return String.class; } } protected String getActionLabeltext() { return i18n.getMessage(UIMessageIdProvider.MESSAGE_UPLOAD_ACTION); } }