Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2015 Bosch Software Innovations GmbH and others. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * */ package org.eclipse.hawkbit.simulator.ui; import; import; import org.eclipse.hawkbit.simulator.AbstractSimulatedDevice.Protocol; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.server.FontAwesome; import com.vaadin.server.Resource; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.FormLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.OptionGroup; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.Window; /** * Popup dialog window for setting the values of generating the simulated * devices, e.g. the amount. * * */ // Vaadin Inheritance @SuppressWarnings("squid:MaximumInheritanceDepth") public class GenerateDialog extends Window { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GenerateDialog.class); private final FormLayout formLayout = new FormLayout(); private final TextField namePrefixTextField; private final TextField amountTextField; private final TextField tenantTextField; private final TextField pollDelayTextField; private final TextField pollUrlTextField; private final TextField gatewayTokenTextField; private OptionGroup protocolGroup; private Button buttonOk; private final boolean dmfEnabled; /** * Creates a new pop window for setting the configuration of simulating * devices. * * @param callback * the callback which is called when the dialog has been * successfully confirmed. * @param dmfEnabled * indicates if the AMQP/DMF interface is enabled by * configuration and if the option DMF should be enabled or not */ public GenerateDialog(final GenerateDialogCallback callback, final boolean dmfEnabled) { this.dmfEnabled = dmfEnabled; formLayout.setSpacing(true); formLayout.setMargin(true); namePrefixTextField = createRequiredTextfield("name prefix", "dmfSimulated", FontAwesome.INFO, new NullValidator("Must be given", false)); amountTextField = createRequiredTextfield("amount", new ObjectProperty<Integer>(10), FontAwesome.GEAR, new RangeValidator<Integer>("Must be between 1 and 30000", Integer.class, 1, 30000)); tenantTextField = createRequiredTextfield("tenant", "default", FontAwesome.USER, new NullValidator("Must be given", false)); pollDelayTextField = createRequiredTextfield("poll delay (sec)", new ObjectProperty<Integer>(10), FontAwesome.CLOCK_O, new RangeValidator<Integer>("Must be between 1 and 60", Integer.class, 1, 60)); pollUrlTextField = createRequiredTextfield("base poll URL endpoint", "http://localhost:8080", FontAwesome.FLAG_O, new RegexpValidator("^(https?|ftp|file)://[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-zA-Z0-9+&@#/%=~_|]", "is not an URL")); pollUrlTextField.setColumns(50); pollUrlTextField.setVisible(false); gatewayTokenTextField = createRequiredTextfield("gateway token", "", FontAwesome.FLAG_O, null); gatewayTokenTextField.setColumns(50); gatewayTokenTextField.setVisible(false); createProtocolGroup(); createOkButton(callback); namePrefixTextField.addValueChangeListener(event -> checkValid()); amountTextField.addValueChangeListener(event -> checkValid()); tenantTextField.addValueChangeListener(event -> checkValid()); formLayout.addComponent(namePrefixTextField); formLayout.addComponent(amountTextField); formLayout.addComponent(tenantTextField); formLayout.addComponent(protocolGroup); formLayout.addComponent(pollDelayTextField); formLayout.addComponent(pollUrlTextField); formLayout.addComponent(gatewayTokenTextField); formLayout.addComponent(buttonOk); setCaption("Simulate Devices"); setContent(formLayout); setResizable(false); center(); } private void checkValid() { buttonOk.setEnabled(namePrefixTextField.isValid() && amountTextField.isValid() && tenantTextField.isValid() && pollDelayTextField.isValid()); } /** * Callback interface to retrieve the result from the dialog window. * * @author Michael Hirsch * */ @FunctionalInterface interface GenerateDialogCallback { /** * Callback method which is called when dialog closes with the OK * button. * * @param namePrefix * the parameter for name prefix for the simulated devices * @param tenant * the tenant for the simulated devices * @param amount * the number of simulated devices to be created * @param pollDelay * the delay poll time in seconds for DDI devices * @param basePollURL * the base http URL endpoint for DDI devices * @param gatewayToken * the gateway token header for authentication for DDI * devices * @param protocol * the protocol to be used for the simulated devices to be * generated */ void okButton(final String namePrefix, final String tenant, final int amount, final int pollDelay, final URL basePollURL, final String gatewayToken, final Protocol protocol); } private void createProtocolGroup() { this.protocolGroup = new OptionGroup("Simulated Device Protocol"); protocolGroup.addItem(Protocol.DMF_AMQP); protocolGroup.addItem(Protocol.DDI_HTTP);; protocolGroup.setItemCaption(Protocol.DMF_AMQP, "Device Management Federation API (AMQP push)"); protocolGroup.setItemCaption(Protocol.DDI_HTTP, "Direct Device Interface (HTTP poll)"); protocolGroup.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); protocolGroup.addValueChangeListener(event -> { final boolean directDeviceOptionSelected = event.getProperty().getValue().equals(Protocol.DDI_HTTP); pollUrlTextField.setVisible(directDeviceOptionSelected); gatewayTokenTextField.setVisible(directDeviceOptionSelected); }); protocolGroup.setItemEnabled(Protocol.DMF_AMQP, dmfEnabled); if (!dmfEnabled) {; } } private void createOkButton(final GenerateDialogCallback callback) { this.buttonOk = new Button("generate"); buttonOk.setImmediate(true); buttonOk.setIcon(FontAwesome.GEARS); buttonOk.addClickListener(event -> { try { callback.okButton(namePrefixTextField.getValue(), tenantTextField.getValue(), Integer.valueOf(amountTextField.getValue().replace(".", "").replace(",", "")), Integer.valueOf(pollDelayTextField.getValue().replace(".", "")), new URL(pollUrlTextField.getValue()), gatewayTokenTextField.getValue(), (Protocol) protocolGroup.getValue()); } catch (final NumberFormatException | MalformedURLException e) {, e); } GenerateDialog.this.close(); }); } private static TextField createRequiredTextfield(final String caption, final String value, final Resource icon, final Validator validator) { final TextField textField = new TextField(caption, value); return addTextFieldValues(textField, icon, validator); } private static TextField createRequiredTextfield(final String caption, final Property<?> dataSource, final Resource icon, final Validator validator) { final TextField textField = new TextField(caption, dataSource); return addTextFieldValues(textField, icon, validator); } private static TextField addTextFieldValues(final TextField textField, final Resource icon, final Validator validator) { textField.setIcon(icon); textField.setRequired(true); if (validator != null) { textField.addValidator(validator); } return textField; } }