Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2013 AGETO Service GmbH and others. * All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, * and is available at * * Contributors: * Gunnar Wagenknecht - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.gyrex.common.identifiers.IdHelper; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Argument; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option; public class UpdateScheduleEntryCmd extends BaseScheduleStoreCmd { @Argument(index = 1, usage = "the entry id", required = true, metaVar = "ENTRYID") String entryId; @Option(name = "--queue-id", aliases = { "-queue" }, usage = "updates the queue id", metaVar = "QUEUEID") String queueId; @Option(name = "--reset-queue-id", aliases = { "-noqueue" }, usage = "unsets an entry specific queue id") Boolean removeQueueId; @Option(name = "--cron-expression", aliases = { "-cron" }, usage = "updates the cron expression", metaVar = "EXPR") String cronExpression; @Option(name = "--add-preceding-entry", aliases = { "-preceding" }, usage = "sets a dependency on another schedule entry id ", multiValued = true, metaVar = "OTHERENTRYID") List<String> precedingEntries; @Option(name = "--remove-all-preceding-entries", aliases = { "-nopreceding" }, usage = "unsets all dependencies on other schedule entries") Boolean resetPrecedingEntries; @Option(name = "--enable", aliases = { "-on" }, usage = "enables the schedule entry") Boolean enable; @Option(name = "--disable", aliases = { "-off" }, usage = "disables the schedule entry") Boolean disable; @Option(name = "--set-parameter", aliases = { "-set" }, usage = "sets a schedule paramater", multiValued = true, metaVar = "KEY=VALUE") List<String> parameterToSet; @Option(name = "--unset-parameter", aliases = { "-unset" }, usage = "unsets a schedule paramater", multiValued = true, metaVar = "KEY") List<String> parameterToRemove; /** * Creates a new instance. */ public UpdateScheduleEntryCmd() { super("<entryId> - Updates a schedule entry"); } @Override protected void doExecute(final String storageId, final String scheduleId) throws Exception { final ScheduleImpl schedule = ScheduleStore.load(storageId, scheduleId, true); if (schedule.isEnabled()) { printf("Schedule %s is enabled, please disable first!", scheduleId); return; } if (!IdHelper.isValidId(entryId)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid entry id"); final IScheduleEntryWorkingCopy entry = schedule.getEntry(entryId); String action; if ((null != enable) && enable) { // enable action = "Enabled"; entry.setEnabled(true); } else if ((null != disable) && disable) { // disable action = "Disabled"; entry.setEnabled(false); } else { // update action = "Updated"; // queue id if (null != queueId) { entry.setQueueId(queueId); } else if ((null != removeQueueId) && removeQueueId) { entry.setQueueId(null); } // cron if (null != cronExpression) { try { entry.setCronExpression(cronExpression); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "invalid cron expression, please see", e); } } // parameter final HashMap<String, String> newParameter = new HashMap<String, String>(entry.getJobParameter()); if (null != parameterToSet) { for (final String param : parameterToSet) { final String[] args = StringUtils.split(param, "=", 2); if ((null == args) || (args.length != 2)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("cannot parse parameter to set: %s; please check syntax", param)); newParameter.put(args[0], args[1]); } entry.setJobParameter(newParameter); } if (null != parameterToRemove) { for (final String key : parameterToRemove) { newParameter.remove(key); } entry.setJobParameter(newParameter); } // trigger after if (null != precedingEntries) { entry.setPrecedingEntries(precedingEntries.toArray(new String[precedingEntries.size()])); } if ((null != resetPrecedingEntries) && resetPrecedingEntries.booleanValue()) { entry.setPrecedingEntries(new String[0]); } } ScheduleStore.flush(storageId, schedule); printf("%s entry %s in schedule %s!", action, entryId, scheduleId); } }