Java tutorial
/** * <copyright> Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Springsite BV (The Netherlands) and others All rights * reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the * Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * Contributors: Martin Taal - Initial API and * implementation </copyright> $Id:,v 1.31 2010/03/28 09:20:26 mtaal Exp $ */ package org.eclipse.emf.teneo.util; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Adapter; import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.NotificationImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EMap; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAnnotation; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EDataType; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStoreEObjectImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStoreEObjectImpl.EStoreEList; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceSetImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.ExtendedMetaData; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMapUtil; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.EcoreResourceFactoryImpl; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xml.type.XMLTypePackage; import org.eclipse.emf.teneo.Constants; import org.eclipse.emf.teneo.PackageRegistryProvider; import org.eclipse.emf.teneo.TeneoException; import org.eclipse.emf.teneo.ecore.EModelResolver; import org.eclipse.emf.teneo.mapping.strategy.EntityNameStrategy; import org.eclipse.emf.teneo.type.PersistentStoreAdapter; /** * Contains different util methods. * * @author <a href="">Martin Taal</a> * @version $Revision: 1.31 $ */ public class StoreUtil { /** The logger */ private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(StoreUtil.class); /** Separator between package and the extension */ public static final char EXTENSION_SEPARATOR = '.'; /** Separator in package names */ private static final char PACKAGE_SEPARATOR = '.'; /** * Separator between segments of an identifying strucuralfeature or edatatype path */ public static final char PATH_SEPARATOR = '/'; /** The Annotation source name */ public static final String ANNOTATION_SOURCE = "http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData"; public static void resetSyntheticListInfo(EStructuralFeature eFeature, Object target) { if (target == null || eFeature instanceof EAttribute) { return; } PersistentStoreAdapter persistentStoreAdapter = StoreUtil.getPersistentStoreAdapter((EObject) target); persistentStoreAdapter.setSyntheticProperty(StoreUtil.getExtraLazyInverseIndexPropertyName(eFeature), null); persistentStoreAdapter.setSyntheticProperty(StoreUtil.getExtraLazyInversePropertyName(eFeature), null); } public static void setSyntheticListIndex(EStructuralFeature eFeature, Object target, Integer value) { if (eFeature instanceof EAttribute) { return; } PersistentStoreAdapter persistentStoreAdapter = StoreUtil.getPersistentStoreAdapter((EObject) target); persistentStoreAdapter.setSyntheticProperty(StoreUtil.getExtraLazyInverseIndexPropertyName(eFeature), value); } public static void setSyntheticListOwner(EStructuralFeature eFeature, Object target, Object owner) { if (eFeature instanceof EAttribute) { return; } PersistentStoreAdapter persistentStoreAdapter = StoreUtil.getPersistentStoreAdapter((EObject) target); persistentStoreAdapter.setSyntheticProperty(StoreUtil.getExtraLazyInversePropertyName(eFeature), owner); } public static String getExtraLazyInversePropertyName(EStructuralFeature eFeature) { return eFeature.getEContainingClass().getName() + eFeature.getName(); } public static String getExtraLazyInverseIndexPropertyName(EStructuralFeature eFeature) { return getExtraLazyInversePropertyName(eFeature) + "idx"; } /** Returns true if the passed EAttribute is a qname */ public static boolean isQName(EAttribute eAttribute) { final EDataType eDataType = eAttribute.getEAttributeType(); return eDataType == XMLTypePackage.eINSTANCE.getQName(); } /** Reads the epackages present in the passed ecore files. */ public static List<EPackage> readEPackages(String[] ecoreFiles) { final ResourceSet resourceSet = new ResourceSetImpl(); resourceSet.getResourceFactoryRegistry().getExtensionToFactoryMap().put("*", new EcoreResourceFactoryImpl()); final ArrayList<EPackage> epackages = new ArrayList<EPackage>(); for (String element : ecoreFiles) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Reading ecore file: " + element); } Resource res = resourceSet.getResource(URI.createFileURI(element), true); Iterator<EObject> it = res.getAllContents(); while (it.hasNext()) { final EObject obj =; if (obj instanceof EPackage) { final EPackage epack = (EPackage) obj; final EPackage currentEPackage = PackageRegistryProvider.getInstance().getPackageRegistry() .getEPackage(epack.getNsURI()); if (currentEPackage != null) { // use the existing epackage if (!epackages.contains(currentEPackage)) { epackages.add(currentEPackage); } } else { PackageRegistryProvider.getInstance().getPackageRegistry().put(epack.getNsURI(), epack); epackages.add(epack); } } } } return epackages; } /** * Returns true if the passed EStructuralFeature represents a map. Note that the method also handles EAttribute * (returns false) for convenience reasons. */ public static boolean isMap(EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature) { if (eStructuralFeature instanceof EAttribute) { return false; } final EReference eref = (EReference) eStructuralFeature; return isMapEntry(eref.getEReferenceType()); } /** Same method only for an eclass */ public static boolean isMapEntry(EClass eclass) { return eclass != null && eclass.getInstanceClass() != null && Map.Entry.class.isAssignableFrom(eclass.getInstanceClass()) && eclass.getEStructuralFeatures().size() == 2 && eclass.getEStructuralFeature("key") != null && eclass.getEStructuralFeature("value") != null; } public static boolean isEStoreList(Object o) { if (o == null) { return false; } if (o instanceof EStoreEList<?>) { return true; } if (o instanceof EStoreEObjectImpl.BasicEStoreEList<?>) { return true; } return false; } /** The nsprefix, eclass separator */ // private static final String NSPREFIX_ECLASS_SEPARATOR = "."; /** Returns the name of the entity used for this feature map entry */ public static String getEntityName(EntityNameStrategy nameStrategy, EStructuralFeature feature) { assert (FeatureMapUtil.isFeatureMap(feature)); return nameStrategy.toEntityName(feature.getEContainingClass()) + "_" + feature.getName(); } /** Returns a loggable string for a efeature */ public static String toString(EStructuralFeature efeature) { if (efeature == null) { return "NULL"; // possibly throw error } return efeature.getEContainingClass().getName() + "/" + efeature.getName(); } /** * Translates an ECLass to a string representation public static String getEClassURI(EClass eclass, String qualify) * { if (eclass == EOBJECT_ECLASS) { return EOBJECT_ECLASS_URI; } if (qualify == null || * qualify.compareTo(PersistenceOptions.QUALIFY_ENTITY_NAME_NO) == 0) { return eclass.getName(); } else if * (qualify.compareTo(PersistenceOptions.QUALIFY_ENTITY_NAME_NSPREFIX) == 0) { return * eclass.getEPackage().getNsPrefix() + "." + eclass.getName(); } throw new StoreException("Qualify type " + qualify * + " unknown"); } /** Returns an estructuralfeature on the basis of the name of the eclass and the name of the * feature itself. public static EStructuralFeature getEStructuralFeature(String eclassURI, String featureName, * EPackage[] epackages) { EClass eclass = getEClassFromURI(eclassURI, epackages); if (eclass == null) return null; * return eclass.getEStructuralFeature(featureName); } /* /** Translates an eclass uri back to an eclass / public * static EClass getEClassFromURI(String theEClassURI) { final Registry packageRegistry = Registry.INSTANCE; final * EPackage[] epacks = new EPackage[packageRegistry.size()]; int cnt = 0; for (Iterator it = * packageRegistry.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { final EPackage epack = (EPackage); epacks[cnt++] * = epack; } return getEClassFromURI(theEClassURI, epacks); } /** Translates an eclass uri back to an eclass / * public static EClass getEClassFromURI(String theEClassURI, EPackage[] epackages, EClassNameStrategy nameStrategy) * { if (theEClassURI.compareTo(EOBJECT_ECLASS_URI) == 0) { return EcorePackage.eINSTANCE.getEObject(); } String * nsPrefix = null; String eClassName = theEClassURI; if (eClassName.indexOf(NSPREFIX_ECLASS_SEPARATOR) != -1) { * nsPrefix = theEClassURI.substring(0, eClassName.lastIndexOf(NSPREFIX_ECLASS_SEPARATOR)); eClassName = * theEClassURI.substring(1 + eClassName.lastIndexOf(NSPREFIX_ECLASS_SEPARATOR)); } ArrayList eclasses = new * ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < epackages.length; i++) { EPackage epack = epackages[i]; if (nsPrefix != null && * epack.getNsPrefix() != null && epack.getNsPrefix().compareTo(nsPrefix) != 0) { continue; } EClassifier * eclassifier = epack.getEClassifier(eClassName); if (eclassifier instanceof EClass) { eclasses.add(eclassifier); } * } if (eclasses.size() == 1) { return (EClass) eclasses.get(0); } else if (eclasses.size() == 0) { return null; // * throw new StoreException("The uri " + eclassURI + " can not be translated to an eclass"); } else { StringBuffer * eclassList = new StringBuffer(); for (Iterator it = eclasses.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EClass eclass = * (EClass); eclassList.append(eclass.getEPackage().getNsURI() + "/" + eclass.getName()); } throw new * StoreException("The uri " + eClassName + " maps to multiple eclasses: " + eclassList.toString()); } /* int * lastIndex = eclassURI.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR); if (lastIndex == -1) { throw new * StoreAnnotationsException("The uri: " + eclassURI + " has an illegal format, it can not parsed to an eclass."); } * final String nsuri = eclassURI.substring(0, lastIndex); final String name = eclassURI.substring(lastIndex + 1); * final EPackage epack = PackageRegistryProvider.getInstance().getPackageRegistry().getEPackage(nsuri); if (epack * == null) { throw new StoreAnnotationsException("No package found for the nsuri: " + nsuri + * " using the eclassURI " + eclassURI); } final EClass eclass = (EClass)epack.getEClassifier(name); if (eclass == * null) { throw new StoreAnnotationsException("The nsuri " + nsuri + " and eclassname: " + name + * " does not resolve to an EClass"); } return eclass; / } */ /** Sends out a notification of an elist load */ public static void dispatchEListLoadNotification(final EObject notifier, final EList<? extends EObject> elist, final EStructuralFeature feature) { notifier.eNotify(new NotificationImpl(Constants.ELIST_LOAD_NOTIFICATION, null, elist) { @Override public Object getNotifier() { return notifier; } @Override public Object getFeature() { return feature; } @Override public int getFeatureID(Class<?> expectedClass) { return feature.getFeatureID(); } }); } /** * Returns the string which is used to store the unique identification of this structuralfeature in the db */ public static String structuralFeatureToString(EStructuralFeature structuralFeature) { // the unique id will consist of three part: 1) package NSURI, 2) EClass // Name, 3) StructuralFeature Name final String nsuri = structuralFeature.getEContainingClass().getEPackage().getNsURI(); final String eclassName = structuralFeature.getEContainingClass().getName(); final String featureName = structuralFeature.getName(); return nsuri + PATH_SEPARATOR + eclassName + PATH_SEPARATOR + featureName; } /** Returns true if the passed feature is a wildcard feature */ public static boolean isWildCard(EStructuralFeature feature) { EAnnotation eAnnotation = feature.getEAnnotation("http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData"); if (eAnnotation == null) { return false; } final String kind = eAnnotation.getDetails().get("kind"); final String wildcards = eAnnotation.getDetails().get("wildcards"); return kind != null && kind.compareTo("elementWildcard") == 0 && wildcards != null; /* * // todo optimise this with a cache final EAnnotation eannotation = feature * .getEAnnotation("http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData" ); if (eannotation != null) { final * String kind = (String)eannotation.getDetails().get("kind"); final String wildcards = * (String)eannotation.getDetails().get("wildcards"); if (wildcards != null && kind != null && * "elementWildcard".compareTo(kind) == 0) { return true; } } return false; */ } /** Returns true if the passed feature is a wildcard feature */ public static boolean isMixed(EStructuralFeature feature) { EAnnotation eAnnotation = feature.getEAnnotation("http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData"); if (eAnnotation == null) { return false; } final String kind = eAnnotation.getDetails().get("kind"); final String name = eAnnotation.getDetails().get("name"); return kind != null && kind.compareTo("elementWildcard") == 0 && name != null && name.compareTo(":mixed") == 0; /* * // todo optimise this with a cache final EAnnotation eannotation = feature * .getEAnnotation("http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData" ); if (eannotation != null) { final * String kind = (String)eannotation.getDetails().get("kind"); final String wildcards = * (String)eannotation.getDetails().get("wildcards"); if (wildcards != null && kind != null && * "elementWildcard".compareTo(kind) == 0) { return true; } } return false; */ } /** Translates a string to a structural feature */ public static EStructuralFeature stringToStructureFeature(String strid) { // this method expects a dbid consisting of three parts separated by / int lastIndex = strid.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR); int beforeLastIndex = strid.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR, lastIndex - 1); if (lastIndex == -1 || beforeLastIndex == -1) { throw new TeneoException( "The database id stored for a structuralfeature used in a featuremap entry is invalid, dbid: " + strid); } final String nsuri = strid.substring(0, beforeLastIndex); final String eclassName = strid.substring(beforeLastIndex + 1, lastIndex); final String featureName = strid.substring(lastIndex + 1); final EPackage epack = PackageRegistryProvider.getInstance().getPackageRegistry().getEPackage(nsuri); if (epack == null) { throw new TeneoException( "The dbid " + strid + " and nsuri: " + nsuri + " does not resolve to an epackage"); } final EClass eclass = (EClass) epack.getEClassifier(eclassName); if (eclass == null) { throw new TeneoException( "The dbid " + strid + " and eclassname: " + eclassName + " does not resolve to an eclass"); } final EStructuralFeature structFeature = eclass.getEStructuralFeature(featureName); if (structFeature == null) { throw new TeneoException("The dbid " + strid + " and featurename: " + featureName + " does not resolve to a structural feature"); } return structFeature; } /** * Returns the string which is used to store the unique identification of the passed edatatype */ public static String edatatypeToString(EDataType edatatype) { // the unique id will consist of two part: 1) package NSURI, 2) Name final String nsuri = edatatype.getEPackage().getNsURI(); final String name = edatatype.getName(); return nsuri + PATH_SEPARATOR + name; } /** Translates a string to an edatatype */ public static EDataType stringToEDataType(String strid) { // this method expects a dbid consisting of three parts separated by / int lastIndex = strid.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR); if (lastIndex == -1) { throw new TeneoException("The database id stored for a datatype is invalid, dbid: " + strid); } final String nsuri = strid.substring(0, lastIndex); final String name = strid.substring(lastIndex + 1); final EPackage epack = PackageRegistryProvider.getInstance().getPackageRegistry().getEPackage(nsuri); if (epack == null) { throw new TeneoException( "The dbid " + strid + " and nsuri: " + nsuri + " does not resolve to an epackage"); } final EDataType edatatype = (EDataType) epack.getEClassifier(name); if (edatatype == null) { throw new TeneoException( "The dbid " + strid + " and eclassname: " + name + " does not resolve to an EDataType"); } return edatatype; } /** * Based on the eobject and the fieldname returns the structural feature. Caching should be added here. */ public static EStructuralFeature getEStructuralFeature(EObject emfObj, String fieldName) { return getEStructuralFeature(emfObj.eClass(), fieldName); } /** * Returns all the direct content based on the eclass of the object, null content is not returned */ public static Object[] getObjectContent(EObject eo) { final ArrayList<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (EStructuralFeature estruct : eo.eClass().getEAllStructuralFeatures()) { final Object val = eo.eGet(estruct); if (val != null) { result.add(val); } } return result.toArray(new Object[result.size()]); } /** * Based on the eclass and the fieldname returns the structural feature. Caching should be added here. */ public static EStructuralFeature getEStructuralFeature(EClass eclass, String fieldName) { EStructuralFeature reserve = null; for (EStructuralFeature estruct : eclass.getEAllStructuralFeatures()) { String name = estruct.getName(); if (name.compareTo(fieldName) == 0) { return estruct; } if (name.compareToIgnoreCase(fieldName) == 0) { reserve = estruct; // use this if all else fails } else if ((name + "_").compareToIgnoreCase(fieldName) == 0) { // reserved // word reserve = estruct; // use this if all else fails } } if (reserve != null) { return reserve; } return null; // throw new StoreException("The fieldname " + fieldName + " is not // present as a ereference type in the class: " // + eclass.getName()); } /** * Returns a list of all ereferences with many of the emfObj. TODO add caching */ public static EReference[] getManyGroupEReferences(EObject emfObj) { final ArrayList<EReference> manyRefs = new ArrayList<EReference>(); for (EStructuralFeature estruct : emfObj.eClass().getEAllStructuralFeatures()) { if (estruct instanceof EReference && (((EReference) estruct).isMany() || isGroupFeature(estruct) || isWildCard(estruct))) { manyRefs.add((EReference) estruct); } } return manyRefs.toArray(new EReference[manyRefs.size()]); } /** Checks if a structural feature is a group feature */ public static boolean isGroupFeature(EStructuralFeature estruct) { final EAnnotation annotation = estruct.getEAnnotation(ANNOTATION_SOURCE); if (annotation == null) { return false; } final EMap<String, String> map = annotation.getDetails(); for (String key : map.keySet()) { final String value = map.get(key); if ("kind".compareTo(key) == 0 && "group".compareTo(value) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the name used for the group feature, if the feature is not a group then null is returned */ public static String getGroupName(EStructuralFeature estruct) { final EAnnotation annotation = estruct.getEAnnotation(ANNOTATION_SOURCE); if (annotation == null) { return null; } boolean isGroup = false; String name = null; final EMap<String, String> map = annotation.getDetails(); for (String key : map.keySet()) { final String value = map.get(key); if ("kind".compareTo(key) == 0 && "group".compareTo(value) == 0) { // can not return here because we also need to get the name isGroup = true; } if ("name".compareTo(key) == 0) { name = value; } } if (isGroup) { assert (name != null); return name; } return null; } /** Checks if a feature is an element of the passed group */ public static boolean isElementOfGroup(EStructuralFeature estruct, EStructuralFeature groupFeature) { final EStructuralFeature ef = ExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.getGroup(estruct); return ef == groupFeature; /* * final EAnnotation annotation = estruct.getEAnnotation(ANNOTATION_SOURCE); if (annotation == null) return * false; final EMap map = annotation.getDetails(); final Iterator keys = map.keySet().iterator(); while * (keys.hasNext()) { final String key = (String); final String value = (String)map.get(key); // for * a choice the groupName in the group element starts with # for substitution it // doesn't therefore the * endsWith if ("group".compareTo(key) == 0 && value != null && groupName.endsWith(value)) { return true; } } * return false; */ } /** Checks if a feature is an element of a group */ public static boolean isElementOfAGroup(EStructuralFeature estruct) { final EStructuralFeature ef = ExtendedMetaData.INSTANCE.getGroup(estruct); return ef != null && ef != estruct; /* * // group elements are always transient if (!estruct.isTransient()) return false; final EAnnotation annotation * = estruct.getEAnnotation(ANNOTATION_SOURCE); if (annotation == null) return false; final EMap map = * annotation.getDetails(); final Iterator keys = map.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { final String * key = (String); final String value = (String)map.get(key); if ("group".compareTo(key) == 0 && * value != null) return true; } return false; */ } /** * Returns the list of estructuralfeatures which belong to a certain feature map entry */ public static List<EStructuralFeature> getFeaturesOfGroup(EAttribute eattr) { final ArrayList<EStructuralFeature> result = new ArrayList<EStructuralFeature>(); for (EStructuralFeature efeature : eattr.getEContainingClass().getEStructuralFeatures()) { if (StoreUtil.isElementOfGroup(efeature, eattr)) { result.add(efeature); } } return result; } /** * Returns an array of epackages on the basis of a string with comma separated epackage ns uris */ public static EPackage[] getEPackages(String nsuris) { final String[] epacknsuris = nsuris.split(","); final EPackage[] epacks = new EPackage[epacknsuris.length]; for (int i = 0; i < epacknsuris.length; i++) { final EPackage epack = PackageRegistryProvider.getInstance().getPackageRegistry() .getEPackage(epacknsuris[i]); if (epack == null) { throw new TeneoException("EPackage with nsuri: " + epacknsuris[i] + " can not be found,"); } epacks[i] = epack; } return epacks; } /** Sets a field and wraps the exceptions */ public static void setField(Field field, Object obj, Object value) { try { field.set(obj, value); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new TeneoException( "IllegalAccessException " + obj.getClass().getName() + " field; " + field.getName()); } } /** * Determines the list of available mapping files on the basis of the suffix */ public static String[] getFileList(String fileName, String additionalLocation) { final ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(">>>> Building or descriptor file List"); } if (additionalLocation != null) { result.add(additionalLocation); } final String[] packagelist = buildPackagelist(); for (final String packagePath : packagelist) { final String filePath = packagePath + fileName; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Try path: " + filePath); } final URL url = StoreUtil.class.getResource(filePath); if (url != null) // file exists { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("!!Found!!"); } result.add(filePath); } } return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } /** Build list of possible or descriptor file paths */ private static String[] buildPackagelist() { // walk through all the classnames final ArrayList<String> newPackagePathList = new ArrayList<String>(); newPackagePathList.add(File.pathSeparator); // add the root package // TODO: move this to the EModelResolver! for (Class<?> clazz : EModelResolver.instance().getAllClassesAndInterfaces()) { final String className = clazz.getName(); final int classNameIndex = className.lastIndexOf(PACKAGE_SEPARATOR); final String trunkClassName = className.substring(0, classNameIndex); final String startPath = PATH_SEPARATOR + trunkClassName.replace(PACKAGE_SEPARATOR, PATH_SEPARATOR); buildPackagePathFromClassName(startPath, newPackagePathList); } return newPackagePathList.toArray(new String[newPackagePathList.size()]); } /** Take care of one class */ private static void buildPackagePathFromClassName(String path, ArrayList<String> newPackagePathList) { if (newPackagePathList.contains(path + PATH_SEPARATOR)) { return; } newPackagePathList.add(path + PATH_SEPARATOR); final int sepIndex = path.lastIndexOf(PATH_SEPARATOR); if (sepIndex == -1) { return; } buildPackagePathFromClassName(path.substring(0, sepIndex), newPackagePathList); } /** Copies a file */ public static void copyFile(File src, File dst) { try { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Copy file from " + src.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + dst.getAbsolutePath()); } InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dst); // Transfer bytes from in to out byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } in.close(); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TeneoException( "Exception while copying from/to " + src.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + dst.getAbsolutePath(), e); } } /** * Checks if an object has a HibernatePersistentStoreAdapter and if it doesn't creates one and returns it. */ public static PersistentStoreAdapter getPersistentStoreAdapter(EObject eObject) { for (Adapter adapter : eObject.eAdapters()) { if (PersistentStoreAdapter.class.isAssignableFrom(adapter.getClass())) { return (PersistentStoreAdapter) adapter; } } final PersistentStoreAdapter adapter = new PersistentStoreAdapter(); eObject.eAdapters().add(adapter); return adapter; } }