Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2016 Obeo. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Obeo - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.Monitor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; /** * Class in charge of finding conflicting diffs for a given diff of type T. * * @author <a href="">Laurent Delaigue</a> * @param <T> * The type of diff for which conflict are researched */ public abstract class AbstractConflictSearch<T extends Diff> { /** The difference, never <code>null</code>. */ protected final T diff; /** The comparison that contains diff. */ protected final Comparison comparison; /** The index of the comparison. */ protected final ComparisonIndex index; /** The monitor to report progress to. */ protected final Monitor monitor; /** * Constructor. * * @param diff * The diff to search conflicts with, must not be <code>null</code> and have a non-null match * that belongs to a non-null comparison. It must also have a non-null {@link DifferenceKind} * and {@link DifferenceSource}. * @param index * Comparison index, must not be null * @param monitor * the monitor to report progress to, must not be null */ public AbstractConflictSearch(T diff, ComparisonIndex index, Monitor monitor) { checkNotNull(diff); if (diff.getMatch() == null || diff.getMatch().getComparison() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } comparison = diff.getMatch().getComparison(); checkArgument(diff.getKind() != null && diff.getSource() != null); this.diff = diff; this.index = checkNotNull(index); this.monitor = checkNotNull(monitor); } /** * Detect conflicts with {@link AbstractConflictSearch#diff} in its comparison. This will add or update * conflicts in <code>diff</code>'s comparison. */ public abstract void detectConflicts(); /** * Get the diffs in the same {@link Match} as diff. * * @return A never-null EList of differences in the same {@link Match} as diff, including diff. */ protected EList<Diff> getDiffsInSameMatch() { return diff.getMatch().getDifferences(); } /** * Specifies whether the given {@code diff1} and {@code diff2} are either {@link FeatureMapChange feature * map changes} or mergeable {@link AttributeChange attribute changes} of String attributes. * * @param diff1 * One of the diffs to check. * @param diff2 * The other diff to check. * @return <code>true</code> if it is a {@link FeatureMapChange} or a mergeable {@link AttributeChange}, * <code>false</code> otherwise. */ protected boolean isFeatureMapChangeOrMergeableStringAttributeChange(Diff diff1, Diff diff2) { return isFeatureMapChange(diff1) || areMergeableStringAttributeChanges(diff1, diff2); } /** * Specifies whether the given {@code diff} is a {@link FeatureMapChange}. * * @param toCheck * The diff to check. * @return <code>true</code> if it is a {@link FeatureMapChange}, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ protected boolean isFeatureMapChange(Diff toCheck) { return toCheck instanceof FeatureMapChange; } /** * Specifies whether the two given diffs, {@code diff1} and {@code diff2}, are both * {@link AttributeChange attribute changes} of String attributes and can be merged with a line-based * three-way merge. * * @see * @param diff1 * One of the diffs to check. * @param diff2 * The other diff to check. * @return <code>true</code> if the diffs are mergeable changes of a string attribute, <code>false</code> * otherwise. */ protected boolean areMergeableStringAttributeChanges(Diff diff1, Diff diff2) { final boolean mergeableStringAttributeChange; if (isStringAttributeChange(diff1)) { final AttributeChange attributeChange1 = (AttributeChange) diff1; final AttributeChange attributeChange2 = (AttributeChange) diff2; mergeableStringAttributeChange = isMergeable(attributeChange1, attributeChange2); } else { mergeableStringAttributeChange = false; } return mergeableStringAttributeChange; } /** * Specifies whether the given {@code diff} is a {@link AttributeChange} of a String attribute. * * @param toCheck * The diff to check. * @return <code>true</code> if it is a {@link AttributeChange} of a String attribute, <code>false</code> * otherwise. */ protected boolean isStringAttributeChange(Diff toCheck) { return toCheck instanceof AttributeChange && ((AttributeChange) toCheck).getAttribute().getEAttributeType() .getInstanceClass() == String.class; } /** * Specifies whether the two given attribute changes, {@code diff1} and {@code diff2}, can be merged with * a line-based three-way merge. * * @see * @param diff1 * One of the attribute changes to check. * @param diff2 * The other attribute change to check. * @return <code>true</code> if the attribute changes are mergeable, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ protected boolean isMergeable(final AttributeChange diff1, final AttributeChange diff2) { final String changedValue1 = getChangedValue(diff1); final String changedValue2 = getChangedValue(diff2); final EObject originalContainer = diff1.getMatch().getOrigin(); final EAttribute changedAttribute = diff1.getAttribute(); final String originalValue = (String) ReferenceUtil.safeEGet(originalContainer, changedAttribute); return isMergeableText(changedValue1, changedValue2, originalValue); } /** * Specifies whether the given three versions of a text {@code left}, {@code right}, and {@code origin} * are mergeable with a line-based three-way merge. * * @param left * The left version. * @param right * The right version. * @param origin * The original version. * @return <code>true</code> if they are mergeable, false otherwise. * @since 3.2 */ protected boolean isMergeableText(final String left, final String right, final String origin) { ThreeWayTextDiff textDiff = new ThreeWayTextDiff(origin, left, right); return !textDiff.isConflicting(); } /** * Returns the changed attribute value denoted by the given {@code diff}. * * @param attributeChange * The attribute change for which the changed value is requested. * @return The changed attribute value. */ protected String getChangedValue(final AttributeChange attributeChange) { final String changedValue; Match match = attributeChange.getMatch(); if (DifferenceSource.LEFT.equals(attributeChange.getSource())) { changedValue = (String) ReferenceUtil.safeEGet(match.getLeft(), attributeChange.getAttribute()); } else if (DifferenceSource.RIGHT.equals(attributeChange.getSource())) { changedValue = (String) ReferenceUtil.safeEGet(match.getRight(), attributeChange.getAttribute()); } else { changedValue = (String) attributeChange.getValue(); } return changedValue; } /** * This will be used whenever we check for conflictual MOVEs in order to determine whether we have a * pseudo conflict or a real conflict. * <p> * Namely, this will retrieve the value of the given {@code feature} on the right and left sides of the * given {@code match}, then check whether the two given values are on the same index. * </p> * <p> * Note that no sanity checks will be made on either the match's sides or the feature. * </p> * * @param match * Match for which we need to check a feature. * @param feature * The feature which values we need to check. * @param value1 * First of the two values which index we are to compare. * @param value2 * Second of the two values which index we are to compare. * @return {@code true} if the two given values are located at the same index in the given feature's * values list, {@code false} otherwise. */ protected boolean matchingIndices(Match match, EStructuralFeature feature, Object value1, Object value2) { boolean matching = false; if (feature.isMany()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Object> leftValues = (List<Object>) ReferenceUtil.safeEGet(match.getLeft(), feature); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Object> rightValues = (List<Object>) ReferenceUtil.safeEGet(match.getRight(), feature); // FIXME the detection _will_ fail for non-unique lists with multiple identical values... int leftIndex = -1; int rightIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < leftValues.size(); i++) { final Object left = leftValues.get(i); if (comparison.getEqualityHelper().matchingValues(left, value1)) { break; } else if (hasDiff(match, feature, left) || hasDeleteDiff(match, feature, left)) { // Do not increment. } else { leftIndex++; } } for (int i = 0; i < rightValues.size(); i++) { final Object right = rightValues.get(i); if (comparison.getEqualityHelper().matchingValues(right, value2)) { break; } else if (hasDiff(match, feature, right) || hasDeleteDiff(match, feature, right)) { // Do not increment. } else { rightIndex++; } } matching = leftIndex == rightIndex; } else { matching = true; } return matching; } /** * Checks whether the given {@code match} presents a difference of any kind on the given {@code feature}'s * {@code value}. * * @param match * The match which differences we'll check. * @param feature * The feature on which we expect a difference. * @param value * The value we expect to have changed inside {@code feature}. * @return <code>true</code> if there is such a Diff on {@code match}, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ protected boolean hasDiff(Match match, EStructuralFeature feature, Object value) { return Iterables.any(match.getDifferences(), and(onFeature(feature.getName()), valueIs(value))); } /** * Checks whether the given {@code value} has been deleted from the given {@code feature} of {@code match} * . * * @param match * The match which differences we'll check. * @param feature * The feature on which we expect a difference. * @param value * The value we expect to have been removed from {@code feature}. * @return <code>true</code> if there is such a Diff on {@code match}, <code>false</code> otherwise. */ protected boolean hasDeleteDiff(Match match, EStructuralFeature feature, Object value) { checkArgument(match.getComparison() == comparison); final Object expectedValue; if (value instanceof EObject && comparison.isThreeWay()) { final Match valueMatch = comparison.getMatch((EObject) value); if (valueMatch != null) { expectedValue = valueMatch.getOrigin(); } else { expectedValue = value; } } else { expectedValue = value; } return Iterables.any(match.getDifferences(), and(onFeature(feature.getName()), valueIs(expectedValue), ofKind(DELETE))); } /** * This will be called whenever we detect a new conflict in order to create (or update) the actual * association. * * @param other * Second of the two differences for which we detected a conflict. * @param kind * Kind of this conflict. */ protected void conflict(Diff other, ConflictKind kind) { // Pre-condition: diff and other are not already part of the same conflict if (diff.getConflict() != null && diff.getConflict().getDifferences().contains(other)) { return; } Conflict conflict = null; Conflict toBeMerged = null; if (diff.getConflict() != null) { conflict = diff.getConflict(); if (conflict.getKind() == PSEUDO && conflict.getKind() != kind) { conflict.setKind(kind); } if (other.getConflict() != null) { // Merge the two toBeMerged = other.getConflict(); } } else if (other.getConflict() != null) { conflict = other.getConflict(); if (conflict.getKind() == PSEUDO && conflict.getKind() != kind) { conflict.setKind(kind); } } else if (diff.getEquivalence() != null) { Equivalence equivalence = diff.getEquivalence(); for (Diff equ : equivalence.getDifferences()) { if (equ.getConflict() != null) { conflict = equ.getConflict(); if (other.getConflict() == conflict) { // See initial pre-condition return; } if (conflict.getKind() == PSEUDO && conflict.getKind() != kind) { conflict.setKind(kind); } if (other.getConflict() != null) { // Merge the two toBeMerged = other.getConflict(); } break; } } } else if (other.getEquivalence() != null) { Equivalence equivalence = other.getEquivalence(); for (Diff equ : equivalence.getDifferences()) { if (equ.getConflict() != null) { conflict = equ.getConflict(); if (conflict.getKind() == PSEUDO && conflict.getKind() != kind) { conflict.setKind(kind); } break; } } } if (conflict == null) { conflict = CompareFactory.eINSTANCE.createConflict(); conflict.setKind(kind); comparison.getConflicts().add(conflict); } final EList<Diff> conflictDiffs = conflict.getDifferences(); if (toBeMerged != null) { // These references are opposite. We can't simply iterate for (Diff aDiff : Lists.newArrayList(toBeMerged.getDifferences())) { conflictDiffs.add(aDiff); } if (toBeMerged.getKind() == REAL && conflict.getKind() != REAL) { conflict.setKind(REAL); } EcoreUtil.remove(toBeMerged); toBeMerged.getDifferences().clear(); } conflict.getDifferences().add(diff); conflict.getDifferences().add(other); } /** * Returns the MatchResource corresponding to the given <code>resource</code>. * * @param resource * Resource for which we need a MatchResource. * @return The MatchResource corresponding to the given <code>resource</code>. */ protected MatchResource getMatchResource(Resource resource) { final List<MatchResource> matchedResources = comparison.getMatchedResources(); final int size = matchedResources.size(); MatchResource soughtMatch = null; for (int i = 0; i < size && soughtMatch == null; i++) { final MatchResource matchRes = matchedResources.get(i); if (matchRes.getRight() == resource || matchRes.getLeft() == resource || matchRes.getOrigin() == resource) { soughtMatch = matchRes; } } checkState(soughtMatch != null, EMFCompareMessages.getString("ResourceAttachmentChangeSpec.MissingMatch", //$NON-NLS-1$ resource.getURI().lastSegment())); return soughtMatch; } /** * Provide the model element the given diff applies to. * * @param rac * The change * @return The model element of the given diff, or null if it cannot be found. */ protected EObject getRelatedModelElement(ResourceAttachmentChange rac) { Match m = rac.getMatch(); EObject o; switch (rac.getSource()) { case LEFT: o = m.getLeft(); // null if DELETE break; case RIGHT: o = m.getRight(); // null if DELETE break; default: o = null; } return o; } /** * Provide the non-null model element the given diff applies to. * * @param rac * The change * @return The model element of the given diff, cannot be null. */ protected EObject getValue(ResourceAttachmentChange rac) { Match m = rac.getMatch(); EObject o; switch (rac.getKind()) { case ADD: // Voluntary pass-through case CHANGE: // Voluntary pass-through case MOVE: switch (rac.getSource()) { case LEFT: o = m.getLeft(); break; case RIGHT: o = m.getRight(); break; default: o = null; } break; case DELETE: o = m.getOrigin(); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } checkState(o != null); return o; } // FIXME Move this elsewhere /** * This predicate will be <code>true</code> for any Match which represents a containment deletion. * * @return A Predicate that will be met by containment deletions. */ protected Predicate<? super Match> isContainmentDelete() { return new Predicate<Match>() { public boolean apply(Match input) { return input.getOrigin() != null && (input.getLeft() == null || input.getRight() == null); } }; } }