Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2015 Kiel University and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     Kiel University - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.elk.layered.p5edges.splines;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;

import org.eclipse.elk.core.math.KVector;
import org.eclipse.elk.core.math.KVectorChain;
import org.eclipse.elk.core.options.PortSide;
import org.eclipse.elk.core.util.IElkProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.elk.core.util.Pair;
import org.eclipse.elk.layered.ILayoutPhase;
import org.eclipse.elk.layered.IntermediateProcessingConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.elk.layered.graph.LEdge;
import org.eclipse.elk.layered.graph.LGraph;
import org.eclipse.elk.layered.graph.LGraphUtil;
import org.eclipse.elk.layered.graph.LLabel;
import org.eclipse.elk.layered.graph.LNode;
import org.eclipse.elk.layered.graph.LPort;
import org.eclipse.elk.layered.graph.Layer;
import org.eclipse.elk.layered.graph.LNode.NodeType;
import org.eclipse.elk.layered.intermediate.IntermediateProcessorStrategy;
import org.eclipse.elk.layered.p5edges.PolylineEdgeRouter;


 * Implements a way of routing the edges with splines. Uses the dummy nodes as reference points for
 * a spline calculation, but the dummy nodes do not lay on the edge. They are only approximated.
 * <dl>
 *   <dt>Precondition:</dt>
 *     <dd>the graph has a proper layering with assigned node and port positions</dd>
 *     <dd>the size of each layer is correctly set</dd>
 *   <dt>Postcondition:</dt>
 *     <dd>each node is assigned a horizontal coordinate</dd>
 *     <dd>the bend points of each edge are set such that they can be interpreted as Bezier splines</dd>
 *     <dd>the width of the whole graph is set</dd>
 * </dl>
 * @author tit
public final class SplineEdgeRouter implements ILayoutPhase {

    // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    // Constants and Variables

    /** An edge is drawn as a straight line if the y-difference of source/target is lower than this. */
    private static final double MAX_VERTICAL_DIFF_FOR_STRAIGHT = 0.2;
    /** X-difference between two vertical segments. May be overwritten. */
    private double edgeSpacing = SplinesMath.THREE;
    /** Avoiding magic number problems. */
    private static final double ONE_HALF = 0.5;
    /** Default dimension of an edge-spline. */
    private static final int DIMENSION = 3;
    /** Defines the gap between a node and the first vertical segment of an edge. */
    private static final double NODE_TO_VERTICAL_SEGMENT_GAP = 10;
     * Defines the gap between the source/target anchor of an edge and the control point that is
     * inserted to straighten the start/end of the edge-spline.
    private static final double NODE_TO_STRAIGHTENING_CP_GAP = 5;

    // Hyper-Edge Constants

     * Defines the fraction of the outer y position of a hyper-edge for defining the "point of overlap"
     * of two hyper-edges. 1.0 means the point lays on the outer border of the hyper-edge.
    private static final double RELEVANT_POS_OUTER_RATE = 0.9;
    private static final double RELEVANT_POS_MID_RATE = 1 - RELEVANT_POS_OUTER_RATE;

    // Intermediate processing configurations

    /** additional processor dependencies for graphs with self-loops. */
    private static final IntermediateProcessingConfiguration SELF_LOOP_PROCESSING_ADDITIONS = IntermediateProcessingConfiguration

    /** additional processor dependencies for graphs with center edge labels. */
    private static final IntermediateProcessingConfiguration CENTER_EDGE_LABEL_PROCESSING_ADDITIONS = IntermediateProcessingConfiguration

    /** additional processor dependencies for graphs with possible inverted ports. */
    private static final IntermediateProcessingConfiguration INVERTED_PORT_PROCESSING_ADDITIONS = IntermediateProcessingConfiguration

    /** additional processor dependencies for graphs with northern / southern non-free ports. */
    private static final IntermediateProcessingConfiguration NORTH_SOUTH_PORT_PROCESSING_ADDITIONS = IntermediateProcessingConfiguration

    /** additional processor dependencies for graphs with head or tail edge labels. */
    private static final IntermediateProcessingConfiguration END_EDGE_LABEL_PROCESSING_ADDITIONS = IntermediateProcessingConfiguration


     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void process(final LGraph layeredGraph, final IElkProgressMonitor monitor) {
        monitor.begin("Spline edge routing", 1);
        // Retrieve some generic values
        final float nodeSpacing = layeredGraph.getProperty(InternalProperties.SPACING);
        edgeSpacing = nodeSpacing * layeredGraph.getProperty(Properties.EDGE_SPACING_FACTOR);
        double xpos = 0.0;

        final Iterator<Layer> layerIterator = layeredGraph.iterator();
        Layer leftLayer = null;
        Layer rightLayer;

        // A mapping pointing from an edge to it's succeeding edge, together with their connected 
        // friends, they form a long-edge.
        final Map<LEdge, LEdge> successingEdge = Maps.newHashMap();

        // a collection of all edges that have a normal node as their source
        final List<LEdge> startEdges = Lists.newArrayList();

        boolean externalLeftLayer = true;
        boolean externalRightLayer = true;

        do {
            rightLayer = layerIterator.hasNext() ? : null;

            // Creation of the SplineHyperEdges//
            // some variables we need
            final List<SplineHyperEdge> hyperEdges = Lists.newArrayList();
            final List<LEdge> edgesRemaining = Lists.newArrayList();
            final Set<LPort> leftPorts = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
            final Set<LPort> rightPorts = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
            final Set<LEdge> selfLoops = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();

            // fill edgesRemaining and PortToEdgesPairs
            fillMappings(Pair.of(leftLayer, rightLayer), Pair.of(leftPorts, rightPorts), edgesRemaining,
                    successingEdge, startEdges, selfLoops);

            // create the hyperEdges having their start port on the left side.
            createHyperEdges(leftPorts, rightPorts, SideToProcess.LEFT, true, edgesRemaining, hyperEdges);
            createHyperEdges(leftPorts, rightPorts, SideToProcess.LEFT, false, edgesRemaining, hyperEdges);

            // create the hyperEdges having their start port on the right side.
            createHyperEdges(leftPorts, rightPorts, SideToProcess.RIGHT, true, edgesRemaining, hyperEdges);
            createHyperEdges(leftPorts, rightPorts, SideToProcess.RIGHT, false, edgesRemaining, hyperEdges);

            // remaining edges are single edges that cannot be combined with others to a hyper-edge
            createHyperEdges(edgesRemaining, leftPorts, rightPorts, hyperEdges);

            // Creation of the dependencies of the SplineHyperEdges
            final ListIterator<SplineHyperEdge> sourceIter = hyperEdges.listIterator();
            while (sourceIter.hasNext()) {
                final SplineHyperEdge hyperEdge1 =;
                final ListIterator<SplineHyperEdge> targetIter = hyperEdges.listIterator(sourceIter.nextIndex());
                while (targetIter.hasNext()) {
                    final SplineHyperEdge hyperEdge2 =;
                    createDependency(hyperEdge1, hyperEdge2);

            // Apply the topological numbering//
            // break cycles
            breakCycles(hyperEdges, layeredGraph.getProperty(InternalProperties.RANDOM));

            // assign ranks to the hyper-nodes

            // Place right layers's nodes. This needs to be done before calculating the bendPoints.
            double rightLayersPosition = xpos + NODE_TO_VERTICAL_SEGMENT_GAP;
            if (rightLayer != null) {
                externalRightLayer = rightLayer == null
                        || Iterables.all(rightLayer.getNodes(), PolylineEdgeRouter.PRED_EXTERNAL_WEST_OR_EAST_PORT);

                int maxRank = -1;
                for (final SplineHyperEdge edge : hyperEdges) {
                    maxRank = Math.max(maxRank, edge.rank);

                if (maxRank > 0) {
                    // The space between each pair of edge segments, and between nodes and edges
                    double increment = (maxRank + 1) * edgeSpacing;

                    // If we are between two layers, make sure their minimal spacing is preserved
                    if (increment < nodeSpacing && !externalLeftLayer && !externalRightLayer) {
                        increment = nodeSpacing;
                    rightLayersPosition += increment;
                } else if (!(externalLeftLayer || externalRightLayer || layerOnlyContainsDummies(leftLayer)
                        || layerOnlyContainsDummies(rightLayer))) {
                    // If all edges are straight, use the usual spacing 
                    //   (except when we are between two layers where both only contains dummy nodes)
                    rightLayersPosition += nodeSpacing;

                LGraphUtil.placeNodesHorizontally(rightLayer, rightLayersPosition);

            // Self loops are already calculated. All we have to do is add the node offset
            // to the bend points and the edge labels.
            for (final LEdge selfLoop : selfLoops) {
                final KVector offset = selfLoop.getSource().getNode().getPosition();


                for (final LLabel label : selfLoop.getLabels()) {

            // Calculate the NubSpline control points.
            for (final SplineHyperEdge edge : hyperEdges) {
                // SplineHyperEdges that are just straight lines don't need any control-points
                if (edge.isStraight) {
                    calculateNUBSBendPointStraight(edge, xpos);
                } else {
                    calculateNUBSBendPoints(edge, xpos, rightLayersPosition);

            // proceed to next layer
            if (rightLayer != null) {
                xpos = rightLayersPosition + rightLayer.getSize().x + NODE_TO_VERTICAL_SEGMENT_GAP;
            } else {
                // When handling the last layer
                // add spacing for the last routing area after the node
                // Calculation taken from inter layer spacing calculation
                int maxRank = -1;
                for (final SplineHyperEdge edge : hyperEdges) {
                    maxRank = Math.max(maxRank, edge.rank);
                if (maxRank >= 0) {
                    xpos += (maxRank + 2) * edgeSpacing;
            leftLayer = rightLayer;
            externalLeftLayer = externalRightLayer;

        } while (rightLayer != null);

        // all layers are processed, now we can calculate the bezier bend-points for all edges
        for (final LEdge edge : startEdges) {
            calculateBezierBendPoints(edge, successingEdge);

        layeredGraph.getSize().x = xpos;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public IntermediateProcessingConfiguration getIntermediateProcessingConfiguration(final LGraph graph) {
        // Basic configuration
        final IntermediateProcessingConfiguration configuration = IntermediateProcessingConfiguration.createEmpty();

        final Set<GraphProperties> graphProperties = graph.getProperty(InternalProperties.GRAPH_PROPERTIES);

        if (graphProperties.contains(GraphProperties.SELF_LOOPS)) {

        if (graphProperties.contains(GraphProperties.CENTER_LABELS)) {

        if (graphProperties.contains(GraphProperties.NON_FREE_PORTS)
                || graph.getProperty(Properties.FEEDBACK_EDGES)) {


            if (graphProperties.contains(GraphProperties.NORTH_SOUTH_PORTS)) {

        if (graphProperties.contains(GraphProperties.END_LABELS)) {
        return configuration;

     * Checks if the two Y coordinates are resulting in a straight edge.
     * @param firstY First Y coordinate.
     * @param secondY Second Y coordinate.
     * @return True, if the two Y coordinates result in a straight edge. 
    private static boolean isStraight(final double firstY, final double secondY) {
        return Math.abs(firstY - secondY) < MAX_VERTICAL_DIFF_FOR_STRAIGHT;

     * Initially fills the mappings, collection and sets: allEdges, preceedingEdge, endingEdges
     * and selfLoops. leftRightLayer and leftRightPorts are pairs to prevent a "more than seven
     * parameters" message.
     * @param leftRightLayer A pair of the current left and right Layer.
     * @param leftRightPorts A pair of current ports on the left and right layer involved in current
     *          iteration.
     * @param allEdges A list that will hold all edges.
     * @param succeedingEdge A mapping from each edge to its successor edge.
     * @param startingEdges A list of all edges that are not successor of another edge.
     * @param selfLoops A set of all selfLoops starting in one of the given ports.
    private void fillMappings(final Pair<Layer, Layer> leftRightLayer,
            final Pair<Set<LPort>, Set<LPort>> leftRightPorts, final List<LEdge> allEdges,
            final Map<LEdge, LEdge> succeedingEdge, final List<LEdge> startingEdges, final Set<LEdge> selfLoops) {

        final Layer leftLayer = leftRightLayer.getFirst();
        final Layer rightLayer = leftRightLayer.getSecond();
        final Set<LPort> leftPorts = leftRightPorts.getFirst();
        final Set<LPort> rightPorts = leftRightPorts.getSecond();

        // iterate over all outgoing edges on the left layer.
        if (leftLayer != null) {
            for (final LNode node : leftLayer.getNodes()) {
                for (final LPort sourcePort : node.getPorts(PortSide.EAST)) {

                    for (final LEdge edge : sourcePort.getOutgoingEdges()) {
                        // Self-loops are handled in the right-layer section below.
                        if (edge.isSelfLoop()) {

                        // Add edge to set of all edges and find it's successor
                        findAndAddSuccessor(edge, succeedingEdge);

                        // Check if edge is a startingEdge
                        final NodeType sourceNodeType = edge.getSource().getNode().getType();
                        if (sourceNodeType == NodeType.NORMAL || sourceNodeType == NodeType.NORTH_SOUTH_PORT) {


                        // Check port-side of target port
                        final LPort targetPort = edge.getTarget();
                        final Layer targetLayer = targetPort.getNode().getLayer();
                        if (targetLayer.equals(rightLayer)) {
                        } else if (targetLayer.equals(leftLayer)) {
                        } else {
                            // Unhandled situation. Probably there are incoming and outgoing edges on
                            // the same port. This is not supported.

        if (rightLayer != null) {
            for (final LNode node : rightLayer.getNodes()) {
                // handle all self-loops, no matter on witch port-side they are.
                for (final LPort port : node.getPorts()) {
                    for (final LEdge edge : port.getOutgoingEdges()) {
                        if (edge.isSelfLoop()) {

                // iterate over all outgoing edges on the right layer
                for (final LPort sourcePort : node.getPorts(PortSide.WEST)) {

                    for (final LEdge edge : sourcePort.getOutgoingEdges()) {
                        // self-loops have been handled before
                        if (edge.isSelfLoop()) {

                        // Add edge to set of all edges and find it's successor
                        findAndAddSuccessor(edge, succeedingEdge);

                        // Check if edge is a startingEdge
                        final NodeType sourceNodeType = edge.getSource().getNode().getType();
                        if (sourceNodeType == NodeType.NORMAL || sourceNodeType == NodeType.NORTH_SOUTH_PORT) {


                        // Check port-side of target port
                        final LPort targetPort = edge.getTarget();
                        final Layer targetLayer = targetPort.getNode().getLayer();
                        if (targetLayer.equals(rightLayer)) {
                        } else if (targetLayer.equals(leftLayer)) {
                        } else {
                            // Unhandled situation. Probably there are incoming and outgoing edges on
                            // the same port. This is not supported.

     * Finds the predecessor {@link LEdge} of given edge. It is assumed that the source node of an
     * edge with a predecessor only has one incoming edge. Otherwise the first incoming edge of the
     * source node is added as the predecessor.  
     * @param edge The {@link LEdge} those predecessor to find.
     * @param succeedingEdge A mapping to add the link to.
    private void findAndAddSuccessor(final LEdge edge, final Map<LEdge, LEdge> succeedingEdge) {
        final LNode targetNode = edge.getTarget().getNode();

        // if target node is a normal node there is no successor
        if (targetNode.getType() == NodeType.NORMAL) {

        // otherwise take the first outgoing edge of target node
        final Iterator<LEdge> iter = targetNode.getOutgoingEdges().iterator();
        if (iter.hasNext()) {

     * Creates a "one-edge" hyper-edge for each edges in the collection. The hyper-edges are added to 
     * the hyperEdges collection.
     * @param edges The edges to process.
     * @param leftPorts The left ports of the current situation.
     * @param rightPorts The right ports of the current situation.
     * @param hyperEdges The new hyper-edges will be added to this collection.
    private void createHyperEdges(final List<LEdge> edges, final Set<LPort> leftPorts, final Set<LPort> rightPorts,
            final List<SplineHyperEdge> hyperEdges) {

        for (final LEdge edge : edges) {
            final LPort sourcePort = edge.getSource();
            SideToProcess sourceSide;

            if (leftPorts.contains(sourcePort)) {
                sourceSide = SideToProcess.LEFT;
            } else if (rightPorts.contains(sourcePort)) {
                sourceSide = SideToProcess.RIGHT;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source port must be in one of the port sets.");

            SideToProcess targetSide;
            final LPort targetPort = edge.getTarget();

            if (leftPorts.contains(targetPort)) {
                targetSide = SideToProcess.LEFT;
            } else if (rightPorts.contains(targetPort)) {
                targetSide = SideToProcess.RIGHT;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target port must be in one of the port sets.");

            hyperEdges.add(new SplineHyperEdge(edge, sourceSide, targetSide));

     * Creates hyperEdges. The created hyperEdges all have one port on their source side (if reversed
     * is {@code false}) or on their target side (if reversed is {@code true}). Also only hyperEdges 
     * starting in one of the leftPorts (if sideToProcess is {@code LEFT}) or one of the right ports (if 
     * SideToProcess is {@code RIGHT}) will be created.
     * @param leftPorts The ports on the left side of current between-layer segment.
     * @param rightPorts The ports on the right side of current between-layer segment.
     * @param sideToProcess Either {@code LEFT} or {@code RIGHT}. 
     * @param reversed {@code true}, if hyperEdges for reversed edges shall be created.
     * @param edgesRemaining Only hyperEdges pointing to a set of ports in this collection will be 
     *          created. 
     * @param hyperEdges The collection of hyperEdges that the created edges will be added to.
    private void createHyperEdges(final Set<LPort> leftPorts, final Set<LPort> rightPorts,
            final SideToProcess sideToProcess, final boolean reversed, final List<LEdge> edgesRemaining,
            final List<SplineHyperEdge> hyperEdges) {

        Set<LPort> portsToProcess = null;
        if (sideToProcess == SideToProcess.LEFT) {
            portsToProcess = leftPorts;
        } else if (sideToProcess == SideToProcess.RIGHT) {
            portsToProcess = rightPorts;
        } else {
            assert false : "sideToProcess must be either LEFT or RIGHT.";

        // Iterate through all ports on the side to process.
        for (final LPort singlePort : portsToProcess) {
            final double singlePortPosition = singlePort.getAbsoluteAnchor().y;
            final Set<Pair<SideToProcess, LEdge>> upEdges = Sets.newHashSet();
            final Set<Pair<SideToProcess, LEdge>> downEdges = Sets.newHashSet();

            // Find edges we could construct a hyper-edge from. If the edge is in the 
            // edgesRemaining set, there is no hyper-edge that represents this edge. 
            for (final LEdge edge : singlePort.getConnectedEdges()) {
                if (edge.getProperty(InternalProperties.REVERSED) != reversed) {
                if (edgesRemaining.contains(edge)) {
                    // find the target port
                    LPort targetPort;
                    if (edge.getTarget() == singlePort) {
                        targetPort = edge.getSource();
                    } else {
                        targetPort = edge.getTarget();

                    // check if this edge should get drawn as a straight edge
                    final double targetPortPosition = targetPort.getAbsoluteAnchor().y;
                    if (isStraight(targetPortPosition, singlePortPosition)) {

                    // add the edge to the correct set of up/down-edges 
                    if (targetPortPosition < singlePortPosition) {
                        if (leftPorts.contains(targetPort)) {
                            upEdges.add(Pair.of(SideToProcess.LEFT, edge));
                        } else {
                            upEdges.add(Pair.of(SideToProcess.RIGHT, edge));
                    } else {
                        if (leftPorts.contains(targetPort)) {
                            downEdges.add(Pair.of(SideToProcess.LEFT, edge));
                        } else {
                            downEdges.add(Pair.of(SideToProcess.RIGHT, edge));

            // Create some hyper edges. 
            // We are creating only hyper-edges that have more than one real edge.  
            if (upEdges.size() > 1) {
                hyperEdges.add(new SplineHyperEdge(singlePort, upEdges, sideToProcess));
                for (final Pair<SideToProcess, LEdge> pair : upEdges) {
            if (downEdges.size() > 1) {
                hyperEdges.add(new SplineHyperEdge(singlePort, downEdges, sideToProcess));
                for (final Pair<SideToProcess, LEdge> pair : downEdges) {

     * Calculate the "must lay left of" dependency for two SplineHyperEdges.
     * @param edge0 First hyper-edge to compare.
     * @param edge1 Second hyper-edge to compare.
    private void createDependency(final SplineHyperEdge edge0, final SplineHyperEdge edge1) {
        if (edge0.topYPos > edge1.bottomYPos || edge1.topYPos > edge0.bottomYPos) {
            // the two hyper-edges do not share a vertical segment
        int edge0Counter = 0;
        int edge1Counter = 0;

        for (final LPort port : edge0.rightPorts) {
            if (SplinesMath.isBetween(port.getAbsoluteAnchor().y, edge1.topYPos, edge1.bottomYPos)) {
        for (final LPort port : edge0.leftPorts) {
            if (SplinesMath.isBetween(port.getAbsoluteAnchor().y, edge1.topYPos, edge1.bottomYPos)) {
        for (final LPort port : edge1.rightPorts) {
            if (SplinesMath.isBetween(port.getAbsoluteAnchor().y, edge0.topYPos, edge0.bottomYPos)) {
        for (final LPort port : edge1.leftPorts) {
            if (SplinesMath.isBetween(port.getAbsoluteAnchor().y, edge0.topYPos, edge0.bottomYPos)) {

        if (edge0Counter < edge1Counter) {
            // edge0 should lay left of edge1
            new Dependency(edge0, edge1, edge1Counter - edge0Counter);
        } else if (edge1Counter < edge0Counter) {
            // edge0 should lay right of edge1
            new Dependency(edge1, edge0, edge0Counter - edge1Counter);
        } else {
            // in either ordering there would be the same number of crossings
            new Dependency(edge1, edge0, 0);
            new Dependency(edge0, edge1, 0);

    // Cycle Breaking

     * Breaks all cycles in the given hypernode structure by reversing or removing
     * some dependencies. This implementation assumes that the dependencies of zero
     * weight are exactly the two-cycles of the hypernode structure.
     * @param edges list of hypernodes
     * @param random random number generator
    private static void breakCycles(final List<SplineHyperEdge> edges, final Random random) {
        final LinkedList<SplineHyperEdge> sources = Lists.newLinkedList();
        final LinkedList<SplineHyperEdge> sinks = Lists.newLinkedList();

        // initialize values for the algorithm
        int nextMark = -1;
        for (final SplineHyperEdge edge : edges) {
            edge.mark = nextMark--;
            int inweight = 0;
            int outweight = 0;

            for (final Dependency dependency : edge.outgoing) {
                outweight += dependency.weight;

            for (final Dependency dependency : edge.incoming) {
                inweight += dependency.weight;

            edge.inweight = inweight;
            edge.outweight = outweight;

            if (outweight == 0) {
            } else if (inweight == 0) {

        // assign marks to all nodes, ignore dependencies of weight zero
        final Set<SplineHyperEdge> unprocessed = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(edges);
        final int markBase = edges.size();
        int nextLeft = markBase + 1;
        int nextRight = markBase - 1;
        final List<SplineHyperEdge> maxEdges = Lists.newArrayList();

        while (!unprocessed.isEmpty()) {
            while (!sinks.isEmpty()) {
                final SplineHyperEdge sink = sinks.removeFirst();
                sink.mark = nextRight--;
                updateNeighbors(sink, sources, sinks);

            while (!sources.isEmpty()) {
                final SplineHyperEdge source = sources.removeFirst();
                source.mark = nextLeft++;
                updateNeighbors(source, sources, sinks);

            int maxOutflow = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
            for (final SplineHyperEdge edge : unprocessed) {
                final int outflow = edge.outweight - edge.inweight;
                if (outflow >= maxOutflow) {
                    if (outflow > maxOutflow) {
                        maxOutflow = outflow;

            if (!maxEdges.isEmpty()) {
                // if there are multiple SplineHyperEdges with maximal outflow, select one randomly
                final SplineHyperEdge maxEdge = maxEdges.get(random.nextInt(maxEdges.size()));
                maxEdge.mark = nextLeft++;
                updateNeighbors(maxEdge, sources, sinks);

        // shift ranks that are left of the mark base
        final int shiftBase = edges.size() + 1;
        for (final SplineHyperEdge edge : edges) {
            if (edge.mark < markBase) {
                edge.mark += shiftBase;

        // process edges that point left: remove those of zero weight, reverse the others
        for (final SplineHyperEdge source : edges) {
            final ListIterator<Dependency> depIter = source.outgoing.listIterator();
            while (depIter.hasNext()) {
                final Dependency dependency =;
                final SplineHyperEdge target =;

                if (source.mark > target.mark) {

                    if (dependency.weight > 0) {
                        dependency.source = target;
               = source;

     * Updates in-weight and out-weight values of the neighbors of the given node,
     * simulating its removal from the graph. The sources and sinks lists are
     * also updated.
     * @param edge node for which neighbors are updated
     * @param sources list of sources
     * @param sinks list of sinks
    private static void updateNeighbors(final SplineHyperEdge edge, final List<SplineHyperEdge> sources,
            final List<SplineHyperEdge> sinks) {
        // process following edges
        for (final Dependency dep : edge.outgoing) {
            if ( < 0 && dep.weight > 0) {
       -= dep.weight;
                if ( <= 0 && > 0) {

        // process preceding edges
        for (final Dependency dep : edge.incoming) {
            if (dep.source.mark < 0 && dep.weight > 0) {
                dep.source.outweight -= dep.weight;
                if (dep.source.outweight <= 0 && dep.source.inweight > 0) {

    // Topological Ordering

     * Perform a topological numbering of the given SplineHyperEdges.
     * @param edges list of SplineHyperEdge
    private static void topologicalNumbering(final List<SplineHyperEdge> edges) {
        // determine sources, targets, incoming count and outgoing count; targets are only
        // added to the list if they only connect westward ports (that is, if all their
        // horizontal segments point to the right)
        final List<SplineHyperEdge> sources = Lists.newLinkedList();
        final List<SplineHyperEdge> rightwardTargets = Lists.newLinkedList();
        for (final SplineHyperEdge edge : edges) {
            edge.inweight = edge.incoming.size();
            edge.outweight = edge.outgoing.size();

            if (edge.inweight == 0) {

            if (edge.outweight == 0 && edge.leftPorts.isEmpty()) {

        int maxRank = -1;

        // assign ranks using topological numbering
        while (!sources.isEmpty()) {
            final SplineHyperEdge edge = sources.remove(0);
            for (final Dependency dep : edge.outgoing) {
                SplineHyperEdge target =;
                target.rank = Math.max(target.rank, edge.rank + 1);
                maxRank = Math.max(maxRank, target.rank);

                if (target.inweight == 0) {

        /* If we stopped here, hyper nodes that don't have any horizontal segments pointing
         * leftward would be ranked just like every other hyper node. This would move back
         * edges too far away from their target node. To remedy that, we move all hyper nodes
         * with horizontal segments only pointing rightwards as far right as possible.
        if (maxRank > -1) {
            // assign all target nodes with horzizontal segments pointing to the right the
            // rightmost rank
            for (final SplineHyperEdge edge : rightwardTargets) {
                edge.rank = maxRank;

            // let all other segments with horizontal segments pointing rightwards move as
            // far right as possible
            while (!rightwardTargets.isEmpty()) {
                final SplineHyperEdge edge = rightwardTargets.remove(0);

                // The node only has connections to western ports
                for (final Dependency dep : edge.incoming) {
                    SplineHyperEdge source = dep.source;
                    if (!source.leftPorts.isEmpty()) {

                    source.rank = Math.min(source.rank, edge.rank - 1);

                    if (source.outweight == 0) {

     * Collects all bend-points defined for any edge in a chain of edges and converts them to bezier
     * bend-points.
     * @param edge The last edge of the chain of edges we want the bezier CPs to be calculated for. 
     * @param succeedingEdge A mapping pointing from an edge to it's successor.
    private void calculateBezierBendPoints(final LEdge edge, final Map<LEdge, LEdge> succeedingEdge) {
        // in this chain we will put all NURBS control points.
        final KVectorChain allCP = new KVectorChain();
        // We will temporarily store north- or south-bendpoints here.
        KVector northSouthBendPoint = null;

        // Process the source end of the edge-chain. 
        LPort sourcePort = edge.getSource();
        final NodeType sourceNodeType = sourcePort.getNode().getType();

        // edge must be the first edge of a chain of edges
        if (sourceNodeType != NodeType.NORMAL && sourceNodeType != NodeType.NORTH_SOUTH_PORT) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The target node of the edge must be a normal node " + "or a northSouthPort.");

        // Calculate the NubSpline bend-point for a north or south port and reroute the edge.
        if (sourceNodeType == NodeType.NORTH_SOUTH_PORT) {
            final LPort originPort = (LPort) sourcePort.getProperty(InternalProperties.ORIGIN);
            northSouthBendPoint = new KVector(originPort.getAbsoluteAnchor().x, sourcePort.getAbsoluteAnchor().y);
            sourcePort = originPort;

        // add the source as the very first CP.

        // Add a control-point for a straight segment at the very start of an edge-chain to prevent
        // the edge from colliding with self-loops or the like inside the margin of the node. This also
        // ensures the correct initial direction of the edge.
        double gap = Math.max(NODE_TO_STRAIGHTENING_CP_GAP,
                SplinesMath.getMarginOnPortSide(sourcePort.getNode(), sourcePort.getSide()));
        KVector offsetOfStraightening = new KVector(SplinesMath.portSideToDirection(sourcePort.getSide()));

        // Add the calculated north/south port bend-point, if there is one.
        if (northSouthBendPoint != null) {
            northSouthBendPoint = null;

        // Process the inner segments.
        LEdge currentEdge = edge;
        LEdge lastEdge = edge;
        KVector lastCP = null;
        boolean addMidPoint = false;

        while (currentEdge != null) {
            // read the stored bend-points for vertical segments, calculated by calculateNUBSBendPoint.
            final KVectorChain currentBendPoints = currentEdge.getBendPoints();

            if (!currentBendPoints.isEmpty()) {
                // add a CP in the middle of the straight segment between two vertical segments to
                // get a more straight horizontal segment
                if (addMidPoint) {
                    addMidPoint = false;
                } else {
                    addMidPoint = true;
                lastCP = currentBendPoints.getLast().clone();
            lastEdge = currentEdge;
            currentEdge = succeedingEdge.get(currentEdge);

        // Process the end of the chain of edges.
        LPort targetPort = lastEdge.getTarget();

        // Calculate and add a NubSpline bend-point for a north or south port and reroute the edge.
        if (targetPort.getNode().getType() == NodeType.NORTH_SOUTH_PORT) {
            final LPort originPort = (LPort) targetPort.getProperty(InternalProperties.ORIGIN);
            allCP.add(new KVector(originPort.getAbsoluteAnchor().x, targetPort.getAbsoluteAnchor().y));
            targetPort = originPort;

        // Add a control-point for a straight segment at the very start of an edge-chain to prevent
        // the edge from colliding with self-loops or the like inside the margin of the node. This also
        // ensures the correct final direction of the edge.
        gap = Math.max(NODE_TO_STRAIGHTENING_CP_GAP,
                SplinesMath.getMarginOnPortSide(targetPort.getNode(), targetPort.getSide()));
        offsetOfStraightening = new KVector(SplinesMath.portSideToDirection(targetPort.getSide()));

        // Add the targetPort as a NubSpline bend-point.

        // convert list of control points to bezier bend points.

        // create the NubSpline for the control-points
        final NubSpline nubSpline = new NubSpline(true, DIMENSION, allCP);

        // Calculate the bezier CP and set them as the bend-points (without source and target vector). 

     * Adds a single bendPoint to a straight edge.
     * @param hyperEdge The hyper edge, those edges shall be processed.
     * @param startPos The start x position of current between layer gap.
    private void calculateNUBSBendPointStraight(final SplineHyperEdge hyperEdge, final double startPos) {
        final Set<LEdge> edges = hyperEdge.edges;
        if (edges.size() > 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("In straight hyperEdges there may be only one edge.");

        edges.iterator().next().getBendPoints().add(new KVector(startPos, hyperEdge.centerYPos));

     * Calculates the bend-points of the edges of given {@link SplineHyperEdge}.
     * If the target node of an {@link LEdge} that is part of the hyperEdge is NOT 
     * {@link NodeType#NORMAL}, NubSpline control-points are added to the edge, 
     * as it still has successors. 
     * If finally the end node is reached, the mapping preceedingEdge is used to find the whole edge 
     * through the graph. All NubSpline control-points are taken from the edges and the final bezier 
     * bend-points are calculated and added the the last edge part.
     * @param hyperEdge
     *            The hyper edge, those edges shall be processed.
     * @param startXPos
     *            The start x position of current between layer gap.
     * @param endXPos
     *            The end x position of current between layer gap.
    private void calculateNUBSBendPoints(final SplineHyperEdge hyperEdge, final double startXPos,
            final double endXPos) {
        // the center position is the same for all edges
        final double centerXPos = startXPos + (hyperEdge.rank + 1) * edgeSpacing;
        final double centerYPos = hyperEdge.centerYPos;
        final KVector center = new KVector(centerXPos, centerYPos);

        for (final LEdge edge : hyperEdge.edges) {
            final KVector sourceVerticalCP = new KVector(centerXPos, edge.getSource().getAbsoluteAnchor().y);
            final KVector targetVerticalCP = new KVector(centerXPos, edge.getTarget().getAbsoluteAnchor().y);

            // Add a bend point for the horizontal inner-layer segment in the left layer
                    new KVector(startXPos - NODE_TO_VERTICAL_SEGMENT_GAP, edge.getSource().getAbsoluteAnchor().y));

            // add the NubSpline control points to the edge, but in revered order!
            if (hyperEdge.edges.size() == 1) {
                // Special handling of single edges. They don't need a center CP.
                edge.getBendPoints().addAll(sourceVerticalCP, targetVerticalCP);
            } else {
                edge.getBendPoints().addAll(sourceVerticalCP, center, targetVerticalCP);

            //Add a bend point for the horizontal inner-layer segment for the right layer
            edge.getBendPoints().add(new KVector(endXPos, edge.getTarget().getAbsoluteAnchor().y));

     * Check if the layer contains only non-{@link NodeType#NORMAL} nodes.
     * Big node dummies are considered to be 'normal' nodes here, as we regard the spacing during
     * node splitting.
     * @param layer The layer to check.
     * @return {@code true}, if the layer only contains dummy nodes.
    private boolean layerOnlyContainsDummies(final Layer layer) {
        for (final LNode n : layer.getNodes()) {
            if (n.getType() == NodeType.NORMAL || n.getType() == NodeType.BIG_NODE) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Splines only support 1:n directed hyperEdges. Also all ports on the n-side must lay on the same 
     * SideToProcess, looking from the single port. So in a left to right routing, it is not possible to
     * create a hyperEdge from an edge going upwards and an edge going downwards.
     * Furthermore only hyperEdges are considered for vertical alignment of edges. All other edges
     * are assumed to go straight to the target port.
     * @author tit
    private static final class SplineHyperEdge implements Comparable<SplineHyperEdge> {
        /** A sets of ports, determining the ports left of the hyper-edge. */
        private final Set<LPort> leftPorts = Sets.newHashSet();
        /** A sets of ports, determining the ports right of the hyper-edge. */
        private final Set<LPort> rightPorts = Sets.newHashSet();
        /** A set of all LEdges that are combined in this hyper-edge. */
        private final Set<LEdge> edges = Sets.newHashSet();
        /** If true, the hyper-edge has no vertical segment, connecting two ports by a vertical edge. */
        private boolean isStraight;
        /** This positions represent the upper position of the vertical segment. */
        private double topYPos;
        /** The center of the hyper edge. */
        private double centerYPos;
        /** This positions represent the lower position of the vertical segment. */
        private double bottomYPos;
        /** Outgoing dependencies are pointing to hyper-edges that must lay right of this hyper edge. */
        private final List<Dependency> outgoing = Lists.newArrayList();
        /** Incoming dependencies are pointing to hyper-edges that must lay left of this hyper edge. */
        private final List<Dependency> incoming = Lists.newArrayList();
        /** Used to mark nodes in the cycle breaker. */
        private int mark;
        /** Determines how many elements are depending on this. */
        private int inweight;
        /** Determines how many elements this element is depending on. */
        private int outweight;
        /** the rank determines the horizontal distance to the preceding layer. */
        private int rank;

        * Constructor for a 1:n hyper-edge.
         * @param singlePort The one and only source port.
         * @param edges All edges that shall be part of this hyper-edge paired with the side 
         * (LEFT or RIGHT) they are laying on.
         * @param sourceSide The side of the source.
        public SplineHyperEdge(final LPort singlePort, final Set<Pair<SideToProcess, LEdge>> edges,
                final SideToProcess sourceSide) {
            if (sourceSide == SideToProcess.LEFT) {
            } else {

            double yMinPosOfTarget = Double.MAX_VALUE;
            double yMaxPosOfTarget = Double.MIN_VALUE;

            for (final Pair<SideToProcess, LEdge> pair : edges) {
                final SideToProcess side = pair.getFirst();
                final LEdge edge = pair.getSecond();

                LPort targetPort = edge.getSource();
                if (targetPort.equals(singlePort)) {
                    targetPort = edge.getTarget();

                if (side == SideToProcess.LEFT) {
                } else {

                final double yPosOfTarget = targetPort.getAbsoluteAnchor().y;
                yMinPosOfTarget = Math.min(yMinPosOfTarget, yPosOfTarget);
                yMaxPosOfTarget = Math.max(yMaxPosOfTarget, yPosOfTarget);

            final double yPosOfSingleSide = singlePort.getAbsoluteAnchor().y;

            // set the relevant positions 
            setRelevantPositions(yPosOfSingleSide, yMinPosOfTarget, yMaxPosOfTarget);

            for (final Pair<SideToProcess, LEdge> pair : edges) {
            isStraight = false;

         * Constructor for a hyper-edges consisting of a single edge.
         * This MAY be a straight edge.
         * @param edge The straight edge that shall be the one and only element of this hyper-edge.
         * @param sourceSide On witch Layer (LEFT or RIGHT) lays the source port.
         * @param targetSide On witch Layer (LEFT or RIGHT) lays the target port.
        public SplineHyperEdge(final LEdge edge, final SideToProcess sourceSide, final SideToProcess targetSide) {
            // adding left and right ports
            if (sourceSide == SideToProcess.LEFT) {
            } else {
            if (targetSide == SideToProcess.LEFT) {
            } else {

            // adding the edges

            // setting relevant positions
            final double sourceY = edge.getSource().getAbsoluteAnchor().y;
            final double targetY = edge.getTarget().getAbsoluteAnchor().y;
            setRelevantPositions(sourceY, targetY, targetY);

            isStraight = isStraight(edge.getSource().getAbsoluteAnchor().y, edge.getTarget().getAbsoluteAnchor().y);

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public int compareTo(final SplineHyperEdge other) {
            return this.mark - other.mark;

         * Sets the {@code centerYPos} to a appropriate value.
         * @param sourceY The y-value of the source point.
         * @param targetYMin The y-value of lowest target point.
         * @param targetYMax The y-value of the highest target point.
        private void setRelevantPositions(final double sourceY, final double targetYMin, final double targetYMax) {
            if (sourceY < targetYMin) {
                // source lays below all target ports
                centerYPos = ONE_HALF * (sourceY + targetYMin);
                topYPos = RELEVANT_POS_MID_RATE * centerYPos + RELEVANT_POS_OUTER_RATE * sourceY;
                bottomYPos = RELEVANT_POS_MID_RATE * centerYPos + RELEVANT_POS_OUTER_RATE * targetYMin;
            } else {
                // source lays above all target ports
                centerYPos = ONE_HALF * (sourceY + targetYMax);
                topYPos = RELEVANT_POS_MID_RATE * centerYPos + RELEVANT_POS_OUTER_RATE * targetYMax;
                bottomYPos = RELEVANT_POS_MID_RATE * centerYPos + RELEVANT_POS_OUTER_RATE * sourceY;


     * A dependency between two SplineHyperEdges.
     * A dependency pointing from Edge A to edge B means that edge A must lay left of edge B to
     * minimize the number of edge crossings.
     * A dependency with the weight of 0 means that the number of edge crossings does not vary, if the
     * position of the two hyper-edges is swapped. BUT the two hyper-edges share a vertical segment,
     * so they may not lay on the same x-coordinate as this would result in an overlapping segment. 
     * @author tit
    private final class Dependency {
        /** The source of the dependency. (Should lay left) */
        private SplineHyperEdge source;
        /** The target of the dependency. (Should lay right) */
        private SplineHyperEdge target;
        /** The weight of the dependency. */
        private final int weight;

         * Creates a dependency from the given source to the given target.
         * @param source the dependency source
         * @param target the dependency target
         * @param weight weight of the dependency
        Dependency(final SplineHyperEdge source, final SplineHyperEdge target, final int weight) {
            this.source = source;
   = target;
            this.weight = weight;

         * {@inheritDoc}
        public String toString() {
            return source + " ->(" + weight + ") " + target;

     * Pretty small enumeration used to define witch side to process.
     * @author tit
    private enum SideToProcess {
        /** Process the left side. */
        /** Process the right side. */