Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2014 Tasktop Technologies and others. * All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the * Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Gunnar Wagenknecht - initial API and implementation */ package org.eclipse.ebr.maven; import static java.lang.String.format; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.CharEncoding.UTF_8; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4; import static org.eclipse.ebr.maven.TemplateHelper.getTemplate; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.SortedMap; import org.eclipse.ebr.maven.eclipseip.KnownLicense; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrBuilder; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact; import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession; import org.apache.maven.model.License; import org.apache.maven.model.MailingList; import org.apache.maven.model.Model; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log; /** * A utility for working with licenses. */ public class AboutFilesUtil extends LicenseProcessingUtility { private static final String REQUIRES_FORCE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE = "Please set the forceDownload property to true in order to download it again (eg. '-DforceDownload=true' via command line)."; private static final String ABOUT_HTML = "about.html"; private final boolean forceDownload; public AboutFilesUtil(final Log log, final MavenSession mavenSession, final boolean force, final boolean forceDownload) { super(log, mavenSession, force); this.forceDownload = forceDownload; } private void appendAndDownloadLicenseInfo(final StrBuilder text, final File downloadDir, final Artifact artifact, final List<License> licenses) throws MojoExecutionException { boolean first = true; for (final Iterator<License> stream = licenses.iterator(); stream.hasNext();) { final License license =; if (!first && !stream.hasNext()) { text.append(" and "); } else if (!first && stream.hasNext()) { text.append(", "); } else { first = false; } final String localLicenseFile = getLocalLicenseFile(downloadDir, license); final String url = license.getUrl(); boolean wroteUrl = false; String licenseFileName = null; if (null != localLicenseFile) { // prefer configured local if available getLog().info( format("Using local license file (%s) for '%s'.", localLicenseFile, license.getName())); licenseFileName = localLicenseFile; } else if (isPotentialWebUrl(url)) { // try download if we have a web url try { final URL licenseUrl = toUrl(url); // parse as url to avoid surprises text.append("<a href=\"").append(licenseUrl.toExternalForm()).append("\" target=\"_blank\">"); wroteUrl = true; try { getLog().info(format("Downloading license '%s' (%s).", license.getName(), licenseUrl.toExternalForm())); licenseFileName = downloadLicenseFile(downloadDir, license, licenseUrl); getLog().info(format(" -> %s.", licenseFileName)); } catch (final IOException e) { licenseFileName = null; getLog().debug(e); getLog().warn(format( "Unable to download license file from '%s'. Please add manually to recipe project. %s", licenseUrl.toExternalForm(), e.getMessage())); } } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { getLog().debug(e); getLog().warn( format("Invalid license url '%s' in artifact pom '%s'.", url, artifact.getFile())); } } text.append(escapeHtml4(license.getName())); if (wroteUrl) { text.append("</a>"); } if (licenseFileName != null) { text.append(" (<a href=\"").append(licenseFileName).append("\" target=\"_blank\">") .append(FilenameUtils.getName(licenseFileName)).append("</a>)"); } } } private void appendIssueTrackingInfo(final StrBuilder text, final Artifact artifact, final Model artifactPom) { final String url = artifactPom.getIssueManagement().getUrl(); if (isPotentialWebUrl(url)) { try { final URL issueTrackingUrl = toUrl(url); // parse as URL to avoid surprises text.append("Bugs or feature requests can be made in the project issue tracking system at "); text.append("<a href=\"").append(issueTrackingUrl.toExternalForm()).append("\" target=\"_blank\">"); text.append(escapeHtml4(removeWebProtocols(url))); text.append("</a>."); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { getLog().debug(e); getLog().warn(format("Invalide project issue tracking url '%s' in artifact pom '%s'.", url, artifact.getFile())); } } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(url)) { text.append("Bugs or feature requests can be made in the project issue tracking system at "); text.append(escapeHtml4(url)).append('.'); } } private void appendMailingListInfo(final StrBuilder text, final Artifact artifact, final Model artifactPom) { boolean first = true; for (final Iterator<MailingList> stream = artifactPom.getMailingLists().iterator(); stream.hasNext();) { final MailingList mailingList =; if (!first && !stream.hasNext()) { text.append(" or "); } else if (!first && stream.hasNext()) { text.append(", "); } else { first = false; } text.append(escapeHtml4(mailingList.getName())); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(mailingList.getPost())) { text.append(" <").append(escapeHtml4(mailingList.getPost())).append(">"); } final String url = mailingList.getArchive(); if (isPotentialWebUrl(url)) { try { final URL archiveUrl = toUrl(url); // parse as URL to avoid surprises text.append(" (<a href=\"").append(archiveUrl.toExternalForm()) .append("\" target=\"_blank\">archive</a>)"); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { getLog().debug(e); getLog().warn(format("Invalide mailing list archive url '%s' in artifact pom '%s'.", url, artifact.getFile())); } } } } private String downloadLicenseFile(final File licenseOutputDir, final License license, final URL licenseUrl) throws IOException { String licenseFileName = "about_files/" + sanitizeFileName(license.getName()).toUpperCase(); final String existingLicense = findExistingLicenseFile(licenseOutputDir, licenseFileName); if (existingLicense != null) { if (!forceDownload) { getLog().info(format("Found existing license file at '%s'. %s", existingLicense, REQUIRES_FORCE_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE)); return existingLicense; } else if (getMavenSession().isOffline()) { getLog().warn(format("Re-using existing license file at '%s'. Maven is offline.", existingLicense)); return existingLicense; } } else if (getMavenSession().isOffline()) throw new IOException("Maven is offline."); try (CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClients.createDefault()) { final HttpGet get = new HttpGet(licenseUrl.toExternalForm()); get.setHeader("Accept", "text/plain,text/html"); try (final CloseableHttpResponse response = client.execute(get)) { if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) throw new IOException(format("Download failed: %s", response.getStatusLine().toString())); final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); if (entity == null) throw new IOException("Download faild. Empty respose."); try (final InputStream is = entity.getContent()) { final ContentType contentType = ContentType.getOrDefault(entity); if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(contentType.getMimeType(), "text/plain")) { licenseFileName = licenseFileName + ".txt"; } else if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(contentType.getMimeType(), "text/html")) { licenseFileName = licenseFileName + ".html"; } else { getLog().warn(format( "Unexpected content type (%s) returned by remote server. Falling back to text/plain.", contentType)); licenseFileName = licenseFileName + ".txt"; } final FileOutputStream os = FileUtils .openOutputStream(new File(licenseOutputDir, licenseFileName)); try { IOUtils.copy(is, os); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(os); } } } } return licenseFileName; } private String findExistingLicenseFile(final File licenseOutputDir, final String licenseFileName) { for (final String extension : Arrays.asList(".txt", ".html")) { if (new File(licenseOutputDir, licenseFileName + extension).isFile()) return licenseFileName + extension; } return null; } public void generateAboutHtmlFile(final SortedMap<Artifact, Model> dependencies, final File outputDirectory) throws MojoExecutionException { final File aboutHtmlFile = new File(outputDirectory, ABOUT_HTML); if (aboutHtmlFile.isFile() && !isForce()) { getLog().warn(format("Found existing about.html file at '%s'. %s", aboutHtmlFile, REQUIRES_FORCE_TO_OVERRIDE_MESSAGE)); return; } String aboutHtmlText = readAboutHtmlTemplate(); aboutHtmlText = StringUtils.replaceEach(aboutHtmlText, new String[] { // @formatter:off "@DATE@", "@THIRD_PARTY_INFO@" }, new String[] { DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG, Locale.US).format(new Date()), getThirdPartyInfo(dependencies, outputDirectory) }); // @formatter:on try { FileUtils.writeStringToFile(aboutHtmlFile, aboutHtmlText, UTF_8); } catch (final IOException e) { getLog().debug(e); throw new MojoExecutionException( format("Unable to write about.html file '%s'. %s", aboutHtmlFile, e.getMessage())); } } private String getDevelopedByInfo(final Artifact artifact, final Model artifactPom) { final StrBuilder developedByInfo = new StrBuilder(); // prefer organization if available if (null != artifactPom.getOrganization()) { final String url = artifactPom.getOrganization().getUrl(); boolean wroteUrl = false; if (isPotentialWebUrl(url)) { try { final URL organizationUrl = toUrl(url); // parse as URL to avoid surprises developedByInfo.append("<a href=\"").append(organizationUrl.toExternalForm()) .append("\" target=\"_blank\">"); wroteUrl = true; } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { getLog().debug(e); getLog().warn(format("Invalide organization url '%s' in artifact pom '%s'.", url, artifact.getFile())); } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(artifactPom.getOrganization().getName())) { developedByInfo.append(escapeHtml4(artifactPom.getOrganization().getName())); } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(url)) { developedByInfo.append(escapeHtml4(removeWebProtocols(url))); } if (wroteUrl) { developedByInfo.append("</a>"); } } // use to developers if no organization is available if (developedByInfo.isEmpty()) { if (!artifactPom.getDevelopers().isEmpty()) { appendDeveloperInfo(developedByInfo, artifactPom); } else { getLog().warn(format( "Neither organization nor developer information is available for artifact '%s:%s:%s'. Please fill in manually.", artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion())); developedByInfo.append("someone"); } } return developedByInfo.toString(); } private String getLicenseInfo(final Artifact resolvedPomArtifact, final Model artifactPom, final File resourcesDir) throws MojoExecutionException { final StrBuilder licenseInfo = new StrBuilder(); final KnownLicense knownLicense = getLicense(resolvedPomArtifact); List<License> licenses = artifactPom.getLicenses(); if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) { getLog().debug("Collecting license information..."); getLog().debug(" known license: " + knownLicense); if ((licenses != null) && !licenses.isEmpty()) { for (final License license : licenses) { getLog().debug(format(" pom license: %s (%s)", license.getName(), license.getUrl())); } } else { getLog().debug(" pom license: none"); } } if ((knownLicense != null) && isDualOrMoreLicensed(licenses)) { getLog().debug("Detected dual license ... electing to use package under: " + knownLicense); licenseInfo.append( "Though this package is dually licensed, the Eclipse Foundation elects to use the package under the "); appendAndDownloadLicenseInfo(licenseInfo, resourcesDir, resolvedPomArtifact, Arrays.asList(knownLicense.toMavenLicense())); licenseInfo.append(" license."); } else if ((knownLicense != null) || !licenses.isEmpty()) { if (knownLicense != null) { getLog().debug("Overruling pom license with known license " + knownLicense); licenses = Arrays.asList(knownLicense.toMavenLicense()); } licenseInfo.append(escapeHtml4(artifactPom.getName())) .append(" is provided to you under the terms and conditions of the "); appendAndDownloadLicenseInfo(licenseInfo, resourcesDir, resolvedPomArtifact, licenses); if (licenses.size() == 1) { licenseInfo.append(" license."); } else { licenseInfo.append(" licenses."); } } else { getLog().warn(format( "No licensing information found for artifact %s:%s:%s. Please fill in information in about.html manually!", artifactPom.getGroupId(), artifactPom.getArtifactId(), artifactPom.getVersion())); licenseInfo.append(escapeHtml4(artifactPom.getName())) .append(" is distributed without licensing information."); if (!artifactPom.getDevelopers().isEmpty()) { licenseInfo.append("Please contact the "); if (artifactPom.getDevelopers().size() == 1) { licenseInfo.append("developer "); } else { licenseInfo.append("developers "); } appendDeveloperInfo(licenseInfo, artifactPom); licenseInfo.append(" for further information"); } } return licenseInfo.toString(); } private String getLocalLicenseFile(final File licenseOutputDir, final License license) throws MojoExecutionException { final String localLicenseFile = getLicenseFile(license.getName()); if (localLicenseFile == null) return null; // no local license configures final String licenseFileName = "about_files/" + localLicenseFile; final File licenseFile = new File(licenseOutputDir, licenseFileName); getLog().debug( format("Searching for existing local license file '%s' at '%s'.", licenseFileName, licenseFile)); if (!licenseFile.isFile()) throw new MojoExecutionException( format("Local license file '%s' configured for license '%s' not found at '%s'.", localLicenseFile, license.getName(), licenseFileName)); return licenseFileName; } private String getOriginInfo(final Artifact artifact, final Model artifactPom) { final StrBuilder originInfo = new StrBuilder(); { final String url = artifactPom.getUrl(); if (isPotentialWebUrl(url)) { try { final URL organizationUrl = toUrl(url); // parse as URL to avoid surprises originInfo.append(escapeHtml4(artifactPom.getName())) .append(" including its source is available from "); originInfo.append("<a href=\"").append(organizationUrl.toExternalForm()) .append("\" target=\"_blank\">"); originInfo.append(escapeHtml4(removeWebProtocols(url))); originInfo.append("</a>."); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { getLog().debug(e); getLog().warn( format("Invalide project url '%s' in artifact pom '%s'.", url, artifact.getFile())); } } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(url)) { originInfo.append(escapeHtml4(artifactPom.getName())) .append(" including its source is available from "); originInfo.append(escapeHtml4(url)).append('.'); } } // fall-back to Maven coordinates if (originInfo.isEmpty()) { getLog().warn(format( "No project origin information is available for artifact '%s:%s:%s'. Please fill in manually.", artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion())); originInfo.append(escapeHtml4(artifactPom.getName())).append(" is available from Maven as "); originInfo.append(escapeHtml4(artifact.getGroupId())).append(':') .append(escapeHtml4(artifact.getArtifactId())).append(':') .append(escapeHtml4(artifact.getVersion())).append('.'); } // include additional contact information if available if (null != artifactPom.getIssueManagement()) { originInfo.append(' '); appendIssueTrackingInfo(originInfo, artifact, artifactPom); } if (!artifactPom.getMailingLists().isEmpty()) { originInfo.append(" The following"); if (artifactPom.getMailingLists().size() == 1) { originInfo.append(" mailing list"); } else { originInfo.append(" mailing lists"); } originInfo.append(" can be used to communicate with the project communities: "); appendMailingListInfo(originInfo, artifact, artifactPom); originInfo.append("."); } return originInfo.toString(); } private String getThirdPartyInfo(final SortedMap<Artifact, Model> dependencies, final File outputDirectory) throws MojoExecutionException { final StrBuilder thirdPartyInfoText = new StrBuilder(); for (final Entry<Artifact, Model> entry : dependencies.entrySet()) { String thirdPartyInfo = readThirdPartyHtmlTemplate(); final Artifact artifact = entry.getKey(); final Model artifactPom = entry.getValue(); thirdPartyInfo = StringUtils.replaceEach(thirdPartyInfo, new String[] { // @formatter:off "@DEPENDENCY_HEADLINE@", "@DEPENDENCY_BY@", "@DEPENDENCY_NAME@", "@DEPENDENCY_LICENSING@", "@DEPENDENCY_ORIGIN@" }, new String[] { escapeHtml4(artifactPom.getName()), getDevelopedByInfo(artifact, artifactPom), escapeHtml4(artifactPom.getName()), getLicenseInfo(artifact, artifactPom, outputDirectory), getOriginInfo(artifact, artifactPom) }); // @formatter:on thirdPartyInfoText.append(thirdPartyInfo); } return thirdPartyInfoText.toString(); } private String readAboutHtmlTemplate() throws MojoExecutionException { try { return IOUtils.toString(getTemplate("recipe-about.html"), UTF_8); } catch (final Exception e) { getLog().debug(e); throw new MojoExecutionException(format("Error reading about.html template: %s", e.getMessage())); } } private String readThirdPartyHtmlTemplate() throws MojoExecutionException { try { return IOUtils.toString(getTemplate("recipe-about-3rdparty.html"), UTF_8); } catch (final Exception e) { getLog().debug(e); throw new MojoExecutionException(format("Error reading 3rd party info template: %s", e.getMessage())); } } private String sanitizeFileName(final String name) { final StrBuilder result = new StrBuilder(); for (final char c : name.toCharArray()) { if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c) || (c == '+') || (c == '-') || (c == '.')) { result.append(c); } else { result.append('_'); } } return result.toString(); } }