Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation * * See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at * * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 */ package; import; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Consumer; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.eclipse.ditto.model.base.auth.AuthorizationContext; import org.eclipse.ditto.model.connectivity.Connection; import org.eclipse.ditto.model.connectivity.ConnectivityModelFactory; import org.eclipse.ditto.model.connectivity.ConnectivityStatus; import org.eclipse.ditto.model.connectivity.Enforcement; import org.eclipse.ditto.model.connectivity.HeaderMapping; import org.eclipse.ditto.model.connectivity.Target; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.ditto.signals.commands.connectivity.exceptions.ConnectionFailedException; import com.newmotion.akka.rabbitmq.ChannelActor; import com.newmotion.akka.rabbitmq.ChannelCreated; import com.newmotion.akka.rabbitmq.CreateChannel; import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP; import com.rabbitmq.client.AlreadyClosedException; import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel; import com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory; import com.rabbitmq.client.DefaultConsumer; import com.rabbitmq.client.Delivery; import com.rabbitmq.client.Envelope; import com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalException; import com.rabbitmq.client.impl.DefaultExceptionHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import akka.pattern.Patterns; import scala.Option; import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext; import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration; /** * Actor which handles connection to AMQP 0.9.1 server. */ public final class RabbitMQClientActor extends BaseClientActor { private static final String RMQ_CONNECTION_ACTOR_NAME = "rmq-connection"; private static final String CONSUMER_CHANNEL = "consumer-channel"; private static final String PUBLISHER_CHANNEL = "publisher-channel"; private static final String CONSUMER_ACTOR_PREFIX = "consumer-"; private final RabbitConnectionFactoryFactory rabbitConnectionFactoryFactory; private final Map<String, String> consumedTagsToAddresses; private final Map<String, ActorRef> consumerByAddressWithIndex; @Nullable private ActorRef rmqConnectionActor; private ActorRef rmqPublisherActor; /* * This constructor is called via reflection by the static method propsForTest. */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private RabbitMQClientActor(final Connection connection, final ConnectivityStatus connectionStatus, final RabbitConnectionFactoryFactory rabbitConnectionFactoryFactory, final ActorRef conciergeForwarder) { super(connection, connectionStatus, conciergeForwarder); this.rabbitConnectionFactoryFactory = rabbitConnectionFactoryFactory; consumedTagsToAddresses = new HashMap<>(); consumerByAddressWithIndex = new HashMap<>(); rmqConnectionActor = null; } /* * This constructor is called via reflection by the static method props(Connection, ActorRef). */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") private RabbitMQClientActor(final Connection connection, final ConnectivityStatus connectionStatus, final ActorRef conciergeForwarder) { this(connection, connectionStatus, ConnectionBasedRabbitConnectionFactoryFactory.getInstance(), conciergeForwarder); } /** * Creates Akka configuration object for this actor. * * @param connection the connection. * @param conciergeForwarder the actor used to send signals to the concierge service. * @return the Akka configuration Props object. */ public static Props props(final Connection connection, final ActorRef conciergeForwarder) { return Props.create(RabbitMQClientActor.class, validateConnection(connection), connection.getConnectionStatus(), conciergeForwarder); } /** * Creates Akka configuration object for this actor. * * @param connection the connection. * @param connectionStatus the desired status of the. * @param conciergeForwarder the actor used to send signals to the concierge service. * @param rabbitConnectionFactoryFactory the ConnectionFactory Factory to use. * @return the Akka configuration Props object. */ static Props propsForTests(final Connection connection, final ConnectivityStatus connectionStatus, final ActorRef conciergeForwarder, final RabbitConnectionFactoryFactory rabbitConnectionFactoryFactory) { return Props.create(RabbitMQClientActor.class, validateConnection(connection), connectionStatus, rabbitConnectionFactoryFactory, conciergeForwarder); } private static Connection validateConnection(final Connection connection) { // the target addresses must have the format exchange/routingKey for RabbitMQ connection.getTargets().stream().map(Target::getAddress).forEach(RabbitMQTarget::fromTargetAddress); return connection; } @Override protected FSMStateFunctionBuilder<BaseClientState, BaseClientData> inConnectedState() { return super.inConnectedState().event(ClientConnected.class, BaseClientData.class, (event, data) -> { // when connection is lost, the library (ChannelActor) will automatically reconnect // without the state of this actor changing. But we will receive a new ClientConnected message // that we can use to bind our consumers to the channels. allocateResourcesOnConnection(event); return stay(); }); } @Override protected CompletionStage<Status.Status> doTestConnection(final Connection connection) { // should be smaller than the global testing timeout to be able to send a response final Duration createChannelTimeout = clientConfig.getTestingTimeout().dividedBy(10L).multipliedBy(8L); final Duration internalReconnectTimeout = clientConfig.getTestingTimeout(); // does explicitly not test the consumer so we won't consume any messages by accident. return connect(connection, createChannelTimeout, internalReconnectTimeout); } @Override protected void doConnectClient(final Connection connection, @Nullable final ActorRef origin) { final boolean consuming = isConsuming(); final ActorRef self = getSelf(); // #connect() will only create the channel for the the producer, but not the consumer. We need to split the // connecting timeout to work for both channels before the global connecting timeout happens. // We choose about 45% of the global connecting timeout for this final Duration splittedDuration = clientConfig.getConnectingMinTimeout().dividedBy(100L).multipliedBy(45L); final Duration internalReconnectTimeout = clientConfig.getConnectingMinTimeout(); connect(connection, splittedDuration, internalReconnectTimeout).thenAccept( status -> createConsumerChannelAndNotifySelf(status, consuming, self, splittedDuration)); } @Override protected void doDisconnectClient(final Connection connection, @Nullable final ActorRef origin) { getSelf().tell((ClientDisconnected) () -> Optional.ofNullable(origin), origin); } @Override protected void allocateResourcesOnConnection(final ClientConnected clientConnected) { // nothing to do here } @Override protected CompletionStage<Status.Status> startConsumerActors(final ClientConnected clientConnected) { if (clientConnected instanceof RmqConsumerChannelCreated) { final RmqConsumerChannelCreated rmqConsumerChannelCreated = (RmqConsumerChannelCreated) clientConnected; startCommandConsumers(rmqConsumerChannelCreated.getChannel()); } return super.startConsumerActors(clientConnected); } @Override protected void cleanupResourcesForConnection() { log.debug("cleaning up"); stopCommandConsumers(); stopChildActor(rmqPublisherActor); stopChildActor(rmqConnectionActor); rmqConnectionActor = null; } @Override protected ActorRef getPublisherActor() { return rmqPublisherActor; } private static Optional<ConnectionFactory> tryToCreateConnectionFactory( final RabbitConnectionFactoryFactory factoryFactory, final Connection connection, final RabbitMQExceptionHandler rabbitMQExceptionHandler) { try { return Optional.of(factoryFactory.createConnectionFactory(connection, rabbitMQExceptionHandler)); } catch (final Throwable throwable) { // error creating factory; return early.) rabbitMQExceptionHandler.exceptionHandler.accept(throwable); return Optional.empty(); } } private static Object messageFromConnectionStatus(final Status.Status status) { if (status instanceof Status.Failure) { final Status.Failure failure = (Status.Failure) status; return new ImmutableConnectionFailure(null, failure.cause(), null); } else { return (ClientConnected) Optional::empty; } } private CompletionStage<Status.Status> connect(final Connection connection, final Duration createChannelTimeout, final Duration internalReconnectTimeout) { final CompletableFuture<Status.Status> future = new CompletableFuture<>(); if (rmqConnectionActor == null) { // complete the future if something went wrong during creation of the connection-factory-factory final RabbitMQExceptionHandler rabbitMQExceptionHandler = new RabbitMQExceptionHandler( throwable -> future.complete(new Status.Failure(throwable))); final Optional<ConnectionFactory> connectionFactoryOpt = tryToCreateConnectionFactory( rabbitConnectionFactoryFactory, connection, rabbitMQExceptionHandler); if (connectionFactoryOpt.isPresent()) { final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = connectionFactoryOpt.get(); final Props props = com.newmotion.akka.rabbitmq.ConnectionActor.props(connectionFactory, FiniteDuration.apply(internalReconnectTimeout.getSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS), (rmqConnection, connectionActorRef) -> {"Established RMQ connection: {}", rmqConnection); return null; }); rmqConnectionActor = startChildActorConflictFree(RMQ_CONNECTION_ACTOR_NAME, props); rmqPublisherActor = startRmqPublisherActor(); // create publisher channel final CreateChannel createChannel = CreateChannel .apply(ChannelActor.props((channel, channelActor) -> { "Did set up publisher channel: {}. Telling the publisher actor the new channel", channel); // provide the new channel to the publisher after the channel was connected (also includes reconnects) if (rmqPublisherActor != null) { final ChannelCreated channelCreated = new ChannelCreated(channelActor); rmqPublisherActor.tell(channelCreated, channelActor); } return null; }), Option.apply(PUBLISHER_CHANNEL)); final Scheduler scheduler = getContext().system().scheduler(); final ExecutionContext dispatcher = getContext().dispatcher(); Patterns.ask(rmqConnectionActor, createChannel, createChannelTimeout).handle((reply, throwable) -> { if (throwable != null) { future.complete(new Status.Failure(throwable)); } else { // waiting for "final RabbitMQExceptionHandler rabbitMQExceptionHandler" to get its chance to // complete the future with an Exception before we report Status.Success right now // so delay this by 1 second -- // with Java 9 this could be done more elegant with "orTimeout" or "completeOnTimeout" methods: scheduler.scheduleOnce(Duration.ofSeconds(1L), () -> future.complete(new Status.Success("channel created")), dispatcher); } return null; }); } } else { log.debug("Connection <{}> is already open.", connectionId()); future.complete(new Status.Success("already connected")); } return future; } private void createConsumerChannelAndNotifySelf(final Status.Status status, final boolean consuming, final ActorRef self, final Duration createChannelTimeout) { if (consuming && status instanceof Status.Success && null != rmqConnectionActor) { // send self the created channel final CreateChannel createChannel = CreateChannel.apply(ChannelActor.props(, Option.apply(CONSUMER_CHANNEL)); // connection actor sends ChannelCreated; use an ASK to swallow the reply in which we are disinterested Patterns.ask(rmqConnectionActor, createChannel, createChannelTimeout); } else { final Object selfMessage = messageFromConnectionStatus(status); self.tell(selfMessage, self); } } private ActorRef startRmqPublisherActor() { stopChildActor(rmqPublisherActor); final Props publisherProps = RabbitMQPublisherActor.props(connectionId(), getTargetsOrEmptyList()); return startChildActorConflictFree(RabbitMQPublisherActor.ACTOR_NAME, publisherProps); } @Override protected CompletionStage<Status.Status> startPublisherActor() { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(DONE); } private void stopCommandConsumers() { consumedTagsToAddresses.clear(); consumerByAddressWithIndex.forEach((addressWithIndex, child) -> stopChildActor(child)); consumerByAddressWithIndex.clear(); } private void startCommandConsumers(final Channel channel) {"Starting to consume queues..."); ensureQueuesExist(channel); stopCommandConsumers(); startConsumers(channel); } private void startConsumers(final Channel channel) { getSourcesOrEmptyList().forEach(source -> source.getAddresses().forEach(sourceAddress -> { for (int i = 0; i < source.getConsumerCount(); i++) { final String addressWithIndex = sourceAddress + "-" + i; final AuthorizationContext authorizationContext = source.getAuthorizationContext(); final Enforcement enforcement = source.getEnforcement().orElse(null); final HeaderMapping headerMapping = source.getHeaderMapping().orElse(null); final ActorRef consumer = startChildActorConflictFree(CONSUMER_ACTOR_PREFIX + addressWithIndex, RabbitMQConsumerActor.props(sourceAddress, getMessageMappingProcessorActor(), authorizationContext, enforcement, headerMapping, connectionId())); consumerByAddressWithIndex.put(addressWithIndex, consumer); try { final String consumerTag = channel.basicConsume(sourceAddress, false, new RabbitMQMessageConsumer(consumer, channel, sourceAddress)); log.debug("Consuming queue <{}>, consumer tag is <{}>.", addressWithIndex, consumerTag); consumedTagsToAddresses.put(consumerTag, addressWithIndex); } catch (final IOException e) { connectionLogger.failure("Failed to consume queue {0}: {1}", addressWithIndex, e.getMessage()); log.warning("Failed to consume queue <{}>: <{}>", addressWithIndex, e.getMessage()); } } })); } private void ensureQueuesExist(final Channel channel) { final Collection<String> missingQueues = new ArrayList<>(); getSourcesOrEmptyList().forEach(consumer -> consumer.getAddresses().forEach(address -> { try { channel.queueDeclarePassive(address); } catch (final IOException e) { missingQueues.add(address); log.warning("The queue <{}> does not exist.", address); } catch (final AlreadyClosedException e) { if (!missingQueues.isEmpty()) { // Our client will automatically close the connection if a queue does not exists. This will // cause an AlreadyClosedException for the following queue (e.g. ['existing1', 'notExisting', -->'existing2']) // That's why we will ignore this error if the missingQueues list isn't empty. log.warning( "Received exception of type {} when trying to declare queue {}. This happens when a previous " + "queue was missing and thus the connection got closed.", e.getClass().getName(), address); } else { log.error("Exception while declaring queue {}", address, e); throw e; } } })); if (!missingQueues.isEmpty()) { log.warning("Stopping RMQ client actor for connection <{}> as queues to connect to are missing: <{}>", connectionId(), missingQueues); connectionLogger.failure("Can not connect to RabbitMQ as queues are missing: {0}", missingQueues); throw ConnectionFailedException.newBuilder(connectionId()) .description("The queues " + missingQueues + " to connect to are missing.").build(); } } /** * Custom exception handler which handles exception during connection. */ private static final class RabbitMQExceptionHandler extends DefaultExceptionHandler { private final Consumer<Throwable> exceptionHandler; private RabbitMQExceptionHandler(final Consumer<Throwable> exceptionHandler) { this.exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler; } @Override public void handleUnexpectedConnectionDriverException(final com.rabbitmq.client.Connection conn, final Throwable exception) { // establishing the connection was not possible (maybe wrong host, port, credentials, ...) exceptionHandler.accept(exception); } } private static final class RmqConsumerChannelCreated implements ClientConnected { private final Channel channel; private RmqConsumerChannelCreated(final Channel channel) { = channel; } private Channel getChannel() { return channel; } @Override public Optional<ActorRef> getOrigin() { return Optional.empty(); } } private static final class SendChannel implements FI.Apply2<Channel, ActorRef, Object> { private final ActorRef recipient; private SendChannel(final ActorRef recipient) { this.recipient = recipient; } private static SendChannel to(final ActorRef recipient) { return new SendChannel(recipient); } @Override public Object apply(final Channel channel, final ActorRef channelActor) { recipient.tell(new RmqConsumerChannelCreated(channel), channelActor); return channel; } } /** * Custom consumer which is notified about different events related to the connection in order to track connectivity * status. */ private final class RabbitMQMessageConsumer extends DefaultConsumer { private final ActorRef consumerActor; private final String address; /** * Constructs a new instance and records its association to the passed-in channel. * * @param consumerActor the ActorRef to the consumer actor * @param channel the channel to which this consumer is attached * @param address the address of the consumer */ private RabbitMQMessageConsumer(final ActorRef consumerActor, final Channel channel, final String address) { super(channel); this.consumerActor = consumerActor; this.address = address; updateSourceStatus(ConnectivityStatus.OPEN, "Consumer initialized at " +; } @Override public void handleDelivery(final String consumerTag, final Envelope envelope, final AMQP.BasicProperties properties, final byte[] body) { ConnectionLogUtil.enhanceLogWithConnectionId(log, connectionId()); try { consumerActor.tell(new Delivery(envelope, properties, body), RabbitMQClientActor.this.getSelf()); } catch (final Exception e) { connectionLogger.failure("Failed to process delivery {0}: {1}", envelope.getDeliveryTag(), e.getMessage());"Failed to process delivery <{}>: {}", envelope.getDeliveryTag(), e.getMessage()); } finally { try { getChannel().basicAck(envelope.getDeliveryTag(), false); } catch (final IOException e) { connectionLogger.failure("Failed to ack delivery {0}: {1}", envelope.getDeliveryTag(), e.getMessage());"Failed to ack delivery <{}>: {}", envelope.getDeliveryTag(), e.getMessage()); } } } @Override public void handleConsumeOk(final String consumerTag) { super.handleConsumeOk(consumerTag); ConnectionLogUtil.enhanceLogWithConnectionId(log, connectionId()); final String consumingQueueByTag = consumedTagsToAddresses.get(consumerTag); if (null != consumingQueueByTag) { connectionLogger.success("Consume OK for consumer queue {0}", consumingQueueByTag);"Consume OK for consumer queue <{}> on connection <{}>.", consumingQueueByTag, connectionId()); } updateSourceStatus(ConnectivityStatus.OPEN, "Consumer started at " +; } @Override public void handleCancel(final String consumerTag) throws IOException { super.handleCancel(consumerTag); ConnectionLogUtil.enhanceLogWithConnectionId(log, connectionId()); final String consumingQueueByTag = consumedTagsToAddresses.get(consumerTag); if (null != consumingQueueByTag) { connectionLogger.failure("Consumer with queue {0} was cancelled. This can happen for example " + "when the queue was deleted.", consumingQueueByTag); log.warning("Consumer with queue <{}> was cancelled on connection <{}>. This can happen for " + "example when the queue was deleted.", consumingQueueByTag, connectionId()); } updateSourceStatus(ConnectivityStatus.FAILED, "Consumer for queue cancelled at " +; } @Override public void handleShutdownSignal(final String consumerTag, final ShutdownSignalException sig) { super.handleShutdownSignal(consumerTag, sig); ConnectionLogUtil.enhanceLogWithConnectionId(log, connectionId()); final String consumingQueueByTag = consumedTagsToAddresses.get(consumerTag); if (null != consumingQueueByTag) { connectionLogger.failure( "Consumer with queue <{}> shutdown as the channel or the underlying connection has " + "been shut down.", consumingQueueByTag); log.warning("Consumer with queue <{}> shutdown as the channel or the underlying connection has " + "been shut down on connection <{}>.", consumingQueueByTag, connectionId()); } updateSourceStatus(ConnectivityStatus.FAILED, "Channel or the underlying connection has been shut down at " +; } @Override public void handleRecoverOk(final String consumerTag) { super.handleRecoverOk(consumerTag); ConnectionLogUtil.enhanceLogWithConnectionId(log, connectionId());"Recovered OK for consumer with tag <{}> on connection <{}>", consumerTag, connectionId()); getSelf().tell((ClientConnected) Optional::empty, getSelf()); } private void updateSourceStatus(final ConnectivityStatus connectionStatus, final String statusDetails) { consumerActor .tell(ConnectivityModelFactory.newStatusUpdate(InstanceIdentifierSupplier.getInstance().get(), connectionStatus, address, statusDetails,, ActorRef.noSender()); } } }