Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2011, 2014 Diamond Light Source Ltd.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *    Peter Chang - initial API and implementation and/or initial documentation

package org.eclipse.dataset;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;

class InterpolatedPoint {

    Dataset realPoint;
    Dataset coordPoint;

    public InterpolatedPoint(Dataset realPoint, Dataset coordPoint) {
        this.realPoint = realPoint;
        this.coordPoint = coordPoint;

    public Dataset getRealPoint() {
        return realPoint;

    public Dataset getCoordPoint() {
        return coordPoint;

    public String toString() {
        String realString = "[ " + realPoint.getDouble(0);
        for (int i = 1; i < realPoint.getShapeRef()[0]; i++) {
            realString += " , " + realPoint.getDouble(i);
        realString += " ]";

        String coordString = "[ " + coordPoint.getDouble(0);
        for (int i = 1; i < coordPoint.getShapeRef()[0]; i++) {
            coordString += " , " + coordPoint.getDouble(i);
        coordString += " ]";

        return realString + " : " + coordString;


public class InterpolatorUtils {

    public static Dataset regridOld(Dataset data, Dataset x, Dataset y, Dataset gridX, Dataset gridY)
            throws Exception {

        DoubleDataset result = new DoubleDataset(gridX.getShapeRef()[0], gridY.getShapeRef()[0]);

        IndexIterator itx = gridX.getIterator();

        // need a list of lists to store points
        ArrayList<ArrayList<InterpolatedPoint>> pointList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<InterpolatedPoint>>();

        while (itx.hasNext()) {
            // Add a list to contain all the points which we find
            pointList.add(new ArrayList<InterpolatedPoint>());

            int xindex = itx.index;
            double xPos = gridX.getDouble(xindex);

            IndexIterator ity = gridY.getIterator();
            while (ity.hasNext()) {
                int yindex = ity.index;
                System.out.println("Testing : " + xindex + "," + yindex);
                double yPos = gridX.getDouble(yindex);
                result.set(getInterpolated(data, x, y, xPos, yPos), yindex, xindex);

        return result;

    public static Dataset selectDatasetRegion(Dataset dataset, int x, int y, int xSize, int ySize) {
        int startX = x - xSize;
        int startY = y - ySize;
        int endX = x + xSize + 1;
        int endY = y + ySize + 1;

        int shapeX = dataset.getShapeRef()[0];
        int shapeY = dataset.getShapeRef()[1];

        // Do edge checking
        if (startX < 0) {
            startX = 0;
            endX = 3;

        if (endX > shapeX) {
            endX = shapeX;
            startX = endX - 3;

        if (startY < 0) {
            startY = 0;
            endY = 3;

        if (endY > shapeY) {
            endY = shapeY;
            startY = endY - 3;

        int[] start = new int[] { startX, startY };
        int[] stop = new int[] { endX, endY };

        return dataset.getSlice(start, stop, null);

    private static double getInterpolated(Dataset val, Dataset x, Dataset y, double xPos, double yPos)
            throws Exception {

        // initial guess
        Dataset xPosDS = x.getSlice(new int[] { 0, 0 }, new int[] { x.getShapeRef()[0], 1 }, null).isubtract(xPos);
        int xPosMin = xPosDS.minPos()[0];
        Dataset yPosDS = y.getSlice(new int[] { xPosMin, 0 }, new int[] { xPosMin + 1, y.getShapeRef()[1] }, null)
        int yPosMin = yPosDS.minPos()[0];

        // now search around there 5x5

        Dataset xClipped = selectDatasetRegion(x, xPosMin, yPosMin, 2, 2);
        Dataset yClipped = selectDatasetRegion(y, xPosMin, yPosMin, 2, 2);

        // first find the point in the arrays nearest to the point
        Dataset xSquare = Maths.subtract(xClipped, xPos).ipower(2);
        Dataset ySquare = Maths.subtract(yClipped, yPos).ipower(2);

        Dataset total = Maths.add(xSquare, ySquare);

        int[] pos = total.minPos();

        // now pull out the region around that point, as a 3x3 grid   
        Dataset xReduced = selectDatasetRegion(x, pos[0], pos[1], 1, 1);
        Dataset yReduced = selectDatasetRegion(y, pos[0], pos[1], 1, 1);
        Dataset valReduced = selectDatasetRegion(val, pos[0], pos[1], 1, 1);

        return getInterpolatedResultFromNinePoints(valReduced, xReduced, yReduced, xPos, yPos);

    private static double getInterpolatedResultFromNinePoints(Dataset val, Dataset x, Dataset y, double xPos,
            double yPos) throws Exception {

        // First build the nine points
        InterpolatedPoint p00 = makePoint(x, y, 0, 0);
        InterpolatedPoint p01 = makePoint(x, y, 0, 1);
        InterpolatedPoint p02 = makePoint(x, y, 0, 2);
        InterpolatedPoint p10 = makePoint(x, y, 1, 0);
        InterpolatedPoint p11 = makePoint(x, y, 1, 1);
        InterpolatedPoint p12 = makePoint(x, y, 1, 2);
        InterpolatedPoint p20 = makePoint(x, y, 2, 0);
        InterpolatedPoint p21 = makePoint(x, y, 2, 1);
        InterpolatedPoint p22 = makePoint(x, y, 2, 2);

        // now try every connection and find points that intersect with the interpolated value
        ArrayList<InterpolatedPoint> points = new ArrayList<InterpolatedPoint>();

        InterpolatedPoint A = get1DInterpolatedPoint(p00, p10, 0, xPos);
        InterpolatedPoint B = get1DInterpolatedPoint(p10, p20, 0, xPos);
        InterpolatedPoint C = get1DInterpolatedPoint(p00, p01, 0, xPos);
        InterpolatedPoint D = get1DInterpolatedPoint(p10, p11, 0, xPos);
        InterpolatedPoint E = get1DInterpolatedPoint(p20, p21, 0, xPos);
        InterpolatedPoint F = get1DInterpolatedPoint(p01, p11, 0, xPos);
        InterpolatedPoint G = get1DInterpolatedPoint(p11, p21, 0, xPos);
        InterpolatedPoint H = get1DInterpolatedPoint(p01, p02, 0, xPos);
        InterpolatedPoint I = get1DInterpolatedPoint(p11, p12, 0, xPos);
        InterpolatedPoint J = get1DInterpolatedPoint(p21, p22, 0, xPos);
        InterpolatedPoint K = get1DInterpolatedPoint(p02, p12, 0, xPos);
        InterpolatedPoint L = get1DInterpolatedPoint(p12, p22, 0, xPos);

        // Now add any to the list which are not null
        if (A != null)
        if (B != null)
        if (C != null)
        if (D != null)
        if (E != null)
        if (F != null)
        if (G != null)
        if (H != null)
        if (I != null)
        if (J != null)
        if (K != null)
        if (L != null)

        // if no intercepts, then retun NaN;
        if (points.size() == 0)
            return Double.NaN;

        InterpolatedPoint bestPoint = null;

        // sort the points by y
        Collections.sort(points, new Comparator<InterpolatedPoint>() {

            public int compare(InterpolatedPoint o1, InterpolatedPoint o2) {
                return (int) Math.signum(o1.realPoint.getDouble(1) - o2.realPoint.getDouble(1));

        // now we have all the points which fit the x criteria, Find the points which fit the y
        for (int a = 1; a < points.size(); a++) {
            InterpolatedPoint testPoint = get1DInterpolatedPoint(points.get(a - 1), points.get(a), 1, yPos);
            if (testPoint != null) {
                bestPoint = testPoint;

        if (bestPoint == null) {
            return Double.NaN;

        // now we have the best point, we can calculate the weights, and positions
        int xs = (int) Math.floor(bestPoint.getCoordPoint().getDouble(0));
        int ys = (int) Math.floor(bestPoint.getCoordPoint().getDouble(1));

        double xoff = bestPoint.getCoordPoint().getDouble(0) - xs;
        double yoff = bestPoint.getCoordPoint().getDouble(1) - ys;

        // check corner cases
        if (xs == 2) {
            xs = 1;
            xoff = 1.0;

        if (ys == 2) {
            ys = 1;
            yoff = 1.0;

        double w00 = (1 - xoff) * (1 - yoff);
        double w10 = (xoff) * (1 - yoff);
        double w01 = (1 - xoff) * (yoff);
        double w11 = (xoff) * (yoff);

        // now using the weights, we can get the final interpolated value
        double result = val.getDouble(xs, ys) * w00;
        result += val.getDouble(xs + 1, ys) * w10;
        result += val.getDouble(xs, ys + 1) * w01;
        result += val.getDouble(xs + 1, ys + 1) * w11;

        return result;

    private static InterpolatedPoint makePoint(Dataset x, Dataset y, int i, int j) {
        DoubleDataset realPoint = new DoubleDataset(new double[] { x.getDouble(i, j), y.getDouble(i, j) }, 2);
        DoubleDataset coordPoint = new DoubleDataset(new double[] { i, j }, 2);
        return new InterpolatedPoint(realPoint, coordPoint);

     * Gets an interpolated position when only dealing with 1 dimension for the interpolation.
     * @param p1
     *            Point 1
     * @param p2
     *            Point 2
     * @param interpolationDimension
     *            The dimension in which the interpolation should be carried out
     * @param interpolatedValue
     *            The value at which the interpolated point should be at in the chosen dimension
     * @return the new interpolated point.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    private static InterpolatedPoint get1DInterpolatedPoint(InterpolatedPoint p1, InterpolatedPoint p2,
            int interpolationDimension, double interpolatedValue) throws IllegalArgumentException {

        checkPoints(p1, p2);

        if (interpolationDimension >= p1.getRealPoint().getShapeRef()[0]) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimention is too large for these datasets");

        double p1_n = p1.getRealPoint().getDouble(interpolationDimension);
        double p2_n = p2.getRealPoint().getDouble(interpolationDimension);
        double max = Math.max(p1_n, p2_n);
        double min = Math.min(p1_n, p2_n);

        if (interpolatedValue < min || interpolatedValue > max || min == max) {
            return null;

        double proportion = (interpolatedValue - min) / (max - min);

        return getInterpolatedPoint(p1, p2, proportion);

     * Gets an interpolated point between 2 points given a certain proportion
     * @param p1
     *            the initial point
     * @param p2
     *            the final point
     * @param proportion
     *            how far the new point is along the path between P1(0.0) and P2(1.0)
     * @return a new point which is the interpolated point
    private static InterpolatedPoint getInterpolatedPoint(InterpolatedPoint p1, InterpolatedPoint p2,
            double proportion) {

        checkPoints(p1, p2);

        if (proportion < 0 || proportion > 1.0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Proportion must be between 0 and 1");

        Dataset p1RealContribution = Maths.multiply(p1.getRealPoint(), (1.0 - proportion));
        Dataset p2RealContribution = Maths.multiply(p2.getRealPoint(), (proportion));

        Dataset realPoint = Maths.add(p1RealContribution, p2RealContribution);

        Dataset p1CoordContribution = Maths.multiply(p1.getCoordPoint(), (1.0 - proportion));
        Dataset p2CoordContribution = Maths.multiply(p2.getCoordPoint(), (proportion));

        Dataset coordPoint = Maths.add(p1CoordContribution, p2CoordContribution);

        return new InterpolatedPoint(realPoint, coordPoint);

     * Checks to see if 2 points have the same dimensionality
     * @param p1
     *            Point 1
     * @param p2
     *            Point 2
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
    private static void checkPoints(InterpolatedPoint p1, InterpolatedPoint p2) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (!p1.getCoordPoint().isCompatibleWith(p2.getCoordPoint())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Datasets do not match");

    private static Dataset getTrimmedAxis(Dataset axis, int axisIndex, InterpolatedPoint p1, InterpolatedPoint p2) {
        double startPoint = p1.getRealPoint().getDouble(axisIndex);
        double endPoint = p2.getRealPoint().getDouble(axisIndex);

        // swap if needed
        if (startPoint > endPoint) {
            startPoint = p2.getRealPoint().getDouble(axisIndex);
            endPoint = p1.getRealPoint().getDouble(axisIndex);

        int start = getTrimmedAxisStart(axis, startPoint);
        int end = getTrimmedAxisEnd(axis, start, endPoint);

        return axis.getSlice(new int[] { start }, new int[] { end }, null);

    private static int getTrimmedAxisStart(Dataset axis, double startPoint) {
        for (int i = 0; i < axis.getShapeRef()[0]; i++) {
            if (axis.getDouble(i) > startPoint)
                return i;
        // if we get to here then the start point is higher than the whole system
        return -1;

    private static int getTrimmedAxisEnd(Dataset axis, int startPos, double endPoint) {
        for (int i = startPos; i < axis.getShapeRef()[0]; i++) {
            if (axis.getDouble(i) > endPoint)
                return i - 1;
        // if we get to here then the end point is higher than the whole system
        return axis.getShapeRef()[0];

    public static Dataset remap1D(Dataset dataset, Dataset axis, Dataset outputAxis) {
        DoubleDataset data = new DoubleDataset(outputAxis.getShapeRef());
        for (int i = 0; i < outputAxis.getShapeRef()[0]; i++) {
            double point = outputAxis.getDouble(i);
            double position = getRealPositionAsIndex(axis, point);
            if (position >= 0.0) {
                data.set(Maths.interpolate(dataset, position), i);
            } else {
                data.set(Double.NaN, i);

        return data;

    // TODO need to make this work with reverse number lists
    private static double getRealPositionAsIndex(Dataset dataset, double point) {
        for (int j = 0; j < dataset.getShapeRef()[0] - 1; j++) {
            double end = dataset.getDouble(j + 1);
            double start = dataset.getDouble(j);
            //TODO could make this check once outside the loop with a minor assumption.
            if (start < end) {
                if ((end > point) && (start <= point)) {
                    // we have a bounding point
                    double proportion = ((point - start) / (end - start));
                    return j + proportion;
            } else {
                if ((end < point) && (start >= point)) {
                    // we have a bounding point
                    double proportion = ((point - start) / (end - start));
                    return j + proportion;
        return -1.0;

    public static Dataset remapOneAxis(Dataset dataset, int axisIndex, Dataset corrections,
            Dataset originalAxisForCorrection, Dataset outputAxis) {
        int[] stop = dataset.getShape();
        int[] start = new int[stop.length];
        int[] step = new int[stop.length];
        int[] resultSize = new int[stop.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < start.length; i++) {
            start[i] = 0;
            step[i] = 1;
            resultSize[i] = stop[i];

        resultSize[axisIndex] = outputAxis.getShapeRef()[0];
        DoubleDataset result = new DoubleDataset(resultSize);

        step[axisIndex] = dataset.getShapeRef()[axisIndex];
        IndexIterator iter = dataset.getSliceIterator(start, stop, step);

        int[] pos = iter.getPos();
        int[] posEnd = new int[pos.length];
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < posEnd.length; i++) {
                posEnd[i] = pos[i] + 1;
            posEnd[axisIndex] = stop[axisIndex];
            // get the dataset
            Dataset slice = dataset.getSlice(pos, posEnd, null).squeeze();
            int[] correctionPos = new int[pos.length - 1];
            int index = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < pos.length; j++) {
                if (j != axisIndex) {
                    correctionPos[index] = pos[j];
            Dataset axis = Maths.subtract(originalAxisForCorrection, corrections.getDouble(correctionPos));
            Dataset remapped = remap1D(slice, axis, outputAxis);

            int[] ref = ArrayUtils.clone(pos);

            for (int k = 0; k < result.getShapeRef()[axisIndex]; k++) {
                ref[axisIndex] = k;
                result.set(remapped.getDouble(k), ref);

        return result;

    public static Dataset remapAxis(Dataset dataset, int axisIndex, Dataset originalAxisForCorrection,
            Dataset outputAxis) {
        if (!dataset.isCompatibleWith(originalAxisForCorrection)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Datasets must be of the same shape");

        int[] stop = dataset.getShapeRef();
        int[] start = new int[stop.length];
        int[] step = new int[stop.length];
        int[] resultSize = new int[stop.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < start.length; i++) {
            start[i] = 0;
            step[i] = 1;
            resultSize[i] = stop[i];

        resultSize[axisIndex] = outputAxis.getShapeRef()[0];
        DoubleDataset result = new DoubleDataset(resultSize);

        step[axisIndex] = dataset.getShapeRef()[axisIndex];
        IndexIterator iter = dataset.getSliceIterator(start, stop, step);

        int[] pos = iter.getPos();
        int[] posEnd = new int[pos.length];
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < posEnd.length; i++) {
                posEnd[i] = pos[i] + 1;
            posEnd[axisIndex] = stop[axisIndex];

            // get the dataset
            Dataset slice = dataset.getSlice(pos, posEnd, null).squeeze();
            Dataset axis = originalAxisForCorrection.getSlice(pos, posEnd, null).squeeze();

            Dataset remapped = remap1D(slice, axis, outputAxis);

            int[] ref = ArrayUtils.clone(pos);

            for (int k = 0; k < result.shape[axisIndex]; k++) {
                ref[axisIndex] = k;
                result.set(remapped.getDouble(k), ref);

        return result;

    public static Dataset regrid(Dataset data, Dataset x, Dataset y, Dataset gridX, Dataset gridY) {

        // apply X then Y regridding
        Dataset result = remapAxis(data, 1, x, gridX);
        result = remapAxis(result, 0, y, gridY);

        return result;