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 * Copyright (c) 2005, 2015 IBM Corporation and others.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
 *     Brad Reynolds - bugs 159539, 140644, 159940, 116920, 159768
 *     Matthew Hall - bugs 118516, 124684, 218269, 260329, 252732, 146906,
 *                    278550
 *     Boris Bokowski - bug 218269
package org.eclipse.core.databinding;

import java.util.Iterator;

import org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.ObservableTracker;
import org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Observables;
import org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Realm;
import org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.IObservableList;
import org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.WritableList;
import org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.set.IObservableSet;
import org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.IObservableValue;
import org.eclipse.core.internal.databinding.ValidationStatusMap;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;

 * A DataBindingContext is the point of contact for the creation and management
 * of {@link Binding bindings}, and aggregates validation statuses of its
 * bindings, or more generally, its validation status providers.
 * <p>
 * A DataBindingContext provides the following abilities:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Ability to create bindings between
 * {@link IObservableValue observable values}.</li>
 * <li>Ability to create bindings between
 * {@link IObservableList observable lists}.</li>
 * <li>Access to the bindings created by the instance.</li>
 * <li>Access to the list of validation status providers (this includes all
 * bindings).</li>
 * </ul>
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * Multiple contexts can be used at any point in time. One strategy for the
 * management of contexts is the aggregation of validation statuses. For example
 * an <code>IWizardPage</code> could use a single context and the statuses
 * could be aggregated to set the page status and fulfillment. Each page in the
 * <code>IWizard</code> would have its own context instance.
 * </p>
 * @since 1.0
public class DataBindingContext {
    private WritableList bindings;
    private WritableList validationStatusProviders;

     * Unmodifiable version of {@link #bindings} for public exposure.
    private IObservableList unmodifiableBindings;
     * Unmodifiable version of {@link #validationStatusProviders} for public
     * exposure.
    private IObservableList unmodifiableStatusProviders;

    private IObservableMap validationStatusMap;

    private Realm validationRealm;

     * Creates a data binding context, using the current default realm for the
     * validation observables.
     * @see Realm
    public DataBindingContext() {

     * Creates a data binding context using the given realm for the validation
     * observables.
     * @param validationRealm
     *            the realm to be used for the validation observables
     * @see Realm
    public DataBindingContext(Realm validationRealm) {
        Assert.isNotNull(validationRealm, "Validation realm cannot be null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        this.validationRealm = validationRealm;

        try {
            bindings = new WritableList(validationRealm);
            unmodifiableBindings = Observables.unmodifiableObservableList(bindings);

            validationStatusProviders = new WritableList(validationRealm);
            unmodifiableStatusProviders = Observables.unmodifiableObservableList(validationStatusProviders);

            validationStatusMap = new ValidationStatusMap(validationRealm, bindings);
        } finally {

     * Creates a {@link Binding} to synchronize the values of two
     * {@link IObservableValue observable values}. This method is an alias for
     * <code>bindValue(targetObservableValue, modelObservableValue, null,
     * null)</code>.
     * @param targetObservableValue
     *            target value, commonly a UI widget
     * @param modelObservableValue
     *            model value
     * @return created binding
     * @since 1.2
    public final Binding bindValue(IObservableValue targetObservableValue, IObservableValue modelObservableValue) {
        return bindValue(targetObservableValue, modelObservableValue, null, null);

     * Creates a {@link Binding} to synchronize the values of two
     * {@link IObservableValue observable values}. During synchronization
     * validation and conversion can be employed to customize the process. For
     * specifics on the customization of the process see
     * {@link UpdateValueStrategy}.
     * @param targetObservableValue
     *            target value, commonly a UI widget
     * @param modelObservableValue
     *            model value
     * @param targetToModel
     *            strategy to employ when the target is the source of the change
     *            and the model is the destination
     * @param modelToTarget
     *            strategy to employ when the model is the source of the change
     *            and the target is the destination
     * @return created binding
     * @see UpdateValueStrategy
    public final Binding bindValue(IObservableValue targetObservableValue, IObservableValue modelObservableValue,
            UpdateValueStrategy targetToModel, UpdateValueStrategy modelToTarget) {
        UpdateValueStrategy targetToModelStrategy = targetToModel != null ? targetToModel
                : createTargetToModelUpdateValueStrategy(targetObservableValue, modelObservableValue);
        UpdateValueStrategy modelToTargetStrategy = modelToTarget != null ? modelToTarget
                : createModelToTargetUpdateValueStrategy(modelObservableValue, targetObservableValue);
        targetToModelStrategy.fillDefaults(targetObservableValue, modelObservableValue);
        modelToTargetStrategy.fillDefaults(modelObservableValue, targetObservableValue);
        ValueBinding result = new ValueBinding(targetObservableValue, modelObservableValue, targetToModelStrategy,
        return result;

     * Returns an update value strategy to be used for copying values from the
     * from value to the to value. Clients may override.
     * @param fromValue
     * @param toValue
     * @return a update value strategy
    protected UpdateValueStrategy createModelToTargetUpdateValueStrategy(IObservableValue fromValue,
            IObservableValue toValue) {
        return new UpdateValueStrategy();

     * Returns an update value strategy to be used for copying values from the
     * from value to the to value. Clients may override.
     * @param fromValue
     * @param toValue
     * @return a update value strategy
    protected UpdateValueStrategy createTargetToModelUpdateValueStrategy(IObservableValue fromValue,
            IObservableValue toValue) {
        return new UpdateValueStrategy();

     * Creates a {@link Binding} to synchronize the values of two
     * {@link IObservableList observable lists}. This method is an alias for
     * <code>bindList(targetObservableList, modelObservableList, null,
     * null)</code>.
     * @param targetObservableList
     *            target list, commonly a list representing a list in the UI
     * @param modelObservableList
     *            model list
     * @return created binding
     * @see UpdateListStrategy
     * @since 1.2
    public final Binding bindList(IObservableList targetObservableList, IObservableList modelObservableList) {
        return bindList(targetObservableList, modelObservableList, null, null);

     * Creates a {@link Binding} to synchronize the values of two
     * {@link IObservableList observable lists}. During synchronization
     * validation and conversion can be employed to customize the process. For
     * specifics on the customization of the process see
     * {@link UpdateListStrategy}.
     * @param targetObservableList
     *            target list, commonly a list representing a list in the UI
     * @param modelObservableList
     *            model list
     * @param targetToModel
     *            strategy to employ when the target is the source of the change
     *            and the model is the destination
     * @param modelToTarget
     *            strategy to employ when the model is the source of the change
     *            and the target is the destination
     * @return created binding
     * @see UpdateListStrategy
    public final Binding bindList(IObservableList targetObservableList, IObservableList modelObservableList,
            UpdateListStrategy targetToModel, UpdateListStrategy modelToTarget) {
        UpdateListStrategy targetToModelStrategy = targetToModel != null ? targetToModel
                : createTargetToModelUpdateListStrategy(targetObservableList, modelObservableList);
        UpdateListStrategy modelToTargetStrategy = modelToTarget != null ? modelToTarget
                : createModelToTargetUpdateListStrategy(modelObservableList, targetObservableList);
        targetToModelStrategy.fillDefaults(targetObservableList, modelObservableList);
        modelToTargetStrategy.fillDefaults(modelObservableList, targetObservableList);
        ListBinding result = new ListBinding(targetObservableList, modelObservableList, targetToModelStrategy,
        return result;

     * @param modelObservableList
     * @param targetObservableList
     * @return an update list strategy
    protected UpdateListStrategy createModelToTargetUpdateListStrategy(IObservableList modelObservableList,
            IObservableList targetObservableList) {
        return new UpdateListStrategy();

     * @param targetObservableList
     * @param modelObservableList
     * @return an update list strategy
    protected UpdateListStrategy createTargetToModelUpdateListStrategy(IObservableList targetObservableList,
            IObservableList modelObservableList) {
        return new UpdateListStrategy();

     * Creates a {@link Binding} to synchronize the values of two
     * {@link IObservableSet observable sets}. This method is an alias for
     * <code>bindSet(targetObservableValue, modelObservableValue, null,
     * null)</code>.
     * @param targetObservableSet
     *            target set, commonly a set representing a set in the UI
     * @param modelObservableSet
     *            model set
     * @return created binding
     * @since 1.2
    public final Binding bindSet(IObservableSet targetObservableSet, IObservableSet modelObservableSet) {
        return bindSet(targetObservableSet, modelObservableSet, null, null);

     * Creates a {@link Binding} to synchronize the values of two
     * {@link IObservableSet observable sets}. During synchronization
     * validation and conversion can be employed to customize the process. For
     * specifics on the customization of the process see
     * {@link UpdateSetStrategy}.
     * @param targetObservableSet
     *            target set, commonly a set representing a set in the UI
     * @param modelObservableSet
     *            model set
     * @param targetToModel
     *            strategy to employ when the target is the source of the change
     *            and the model is the destination
     * @param modelToTarget
     *            strategy to employ when the model is the source of the change
     *            and the target is the destination
     * @return created binding
     * @since 1.1
    public final Binding bindSet(IObservableSet targetObservableSet, IObservableSet modelObservableSet,
            UpdateSetStrategy targetToModel, UpdateSetStrategy modelToTarget) {
        if (targetToModel == null)
            targetToModel = createTargetToModelUpdateSetStrategy(targetObservableSet, modelObservableSet);
        if (modelToTarget == null)
            modelToTarget = createModelToTargetUpdateSetStrategy(modelObservableSet, targetObservableSet);
        targetToModel.fillDefaults(targetObservableSet, modelObservableSet);
        modelToTarget.fillDefaults(modelObservableSet, targetObservableSet);
        SetBinding result = new SetBinding(targetObservableSet, modelObservableSet, targetToModel, modelToTarget);
        return result;

     * @param targetObservableSet
     * @param modelObservableSet
     * @return a default set update strategy
     * @since 1.1
    protected UpdateSetStrategy createTargetToModelUpdateSetStrategy(IObservableSet targetObservableSet,
            IObservableSet modelObservableSet) {
        return new UpdateSetStrategy();

     * @param modelObservableSet
     * @param targetObservableSet
     * @return a default set update strategy
     * @since 1.1
    protected UpdateSetStrategy createModelToTargetUpdateSetStrategy(IObservableSet modelObservableSet,
            IObservableSet targetObservableSet) {
        return new UpdateSetStrategy();

     * Disposes of this data binding context and all bindings and validation
     * status providers that were added to this context. This method must be
     * called in the {@link #getValidationRealm() validation realm}.
    public final void dispose() {
        Binding[] bindingArray = (Binding[]) bindings.toArray(new Binding[bindings.size()]);
        for (int i = 0; i < bindingArray.length; i++) {
        ValidationStatusProvider[] statusProviderArray = (ValidationStatusProvider[]) validationStatusProviders
                .toArray(new ValidationStatusProvider[validationStatusProviders.size()]);
        for (int i = 0; i < statusProviderArray.length; i++) {
            if (!statusProviderArray[i].isDisposed())

     * Returns an unmodifiable {@link IObservableList} &lt; {@link Binding} &gt;
     * of all bindings in order by time of addition.
     * @return an unmodifiable {@link IObservableList} &lt; {@link Binding} &gt;
     *         of all bindings
    public final IObservableList getBindings() {
        return unmodifiableBindings;

     * Returns an unmodifiable {@link IObservableList} &lt;
     * {@link ValidationStatusProvider} &gt; of all validation status providers
     * in order by time of addition.
     * @return an unmodifiable {@link IObservableList} &lt;
     *         {@link ValidationStatusProvider} &gt; of all validation status
     *         providers
     * @since 1.1
    public final IObservableList getValidationStatusProviders() {
        return unmodifiableStatusProviders;

     * Returns an {@link IObservableMap} &lt; {@link Binding}, {@link IStatus}
     * &gt; mapping from bindings to current validation statuses. The keys of the
     * map are the bindings returned by {@link #getBindings()}, and the values
     * are the current IStatus objects for each binding.
     * @return the observable map from bindings to status objects.
     * @deprecated as of 1.1, please use {@link #getValidationStatusProviders()}
    public final IObservableMap getValidationStatusMap() {
        return validationStatusMap;

     * Adds the given binding to this data binding context. This will also add
     * the given binding to the list of validation status providers.
     * @param binding
     *            The binding to add.
     * @see #addValidationStatusProvider(ValidationStatusProvider)
     * @see #getValidationStatusProviders()
    public void addBinding(Binding binding) {

     * Adds the given validation status provider to this data binding context.
     * @param validationStatusProvider
     *            The validation status provider to add.
     * @since 1.1
    public void addValidationStatusProvider(ValidationStatusProvider validationStatusProvider) {

     * Updates all model observable objects to reflect the current state of the
     * target observable objects.
    public final void updateModels() {
        for (Iterator it = bindings.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Binding binding = (Binding);

     * Updates all target observable objects to reflect the current state of the
     * model observable objects.
    public final void updateTargets() {
        for (Iterator it = bindings.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Binding binding = (Binding);

     * Removes the given binding.
     * @param binding
     * @return <code>true</code> if was associated with the context,
     *         <code>false</code> if not
    public boolean removeBinding(Binding binding) {
        return bindings.remove(binding) && removeValidationStatusProvider(binding);

     * Removes the validation status provider.
     * @param validationStatusProvider
     * @return <code>true</code> if was associated with the context,
     *         <code>false</code> if not
     * @since 1.1
    public boolean removeValidationStatusProvider(ValidationStatusProvider validationStatusProvider) {
        return validationStatusProviders.remove(validationStatusProvider);

     * Returns the validation realm.
     * @return the realm for the validation observables
     * @see Realm
    public final Realm getValidationRealm() {
        return validationRealm;