Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Red Hat, Inc. * This program and the accompanying materials are made * available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which is available at * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * Red Hat, Inc. - initial API and implementation */ package org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.constant.TestTimeoutsConstants.ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.constant.TestTimeoutsConstants.LOADER_TIMEOUT_SEC; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.constant.TestTimeoutsConstants.LOAD_PAGE_TIMEOUT_SEC; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.constant.TestTimeoutsConstants.REDRAW_UI_ELEMENTS_TIMEOUT_SEC; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.constant.TestTimeoutsConstants.WIDGET_TIMEOUT_SEC; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.ACTIVE_LINES_XPATH; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.ACTIVE_TAB_FILE_NAME; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.ALL_TABS_XPATH; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.ASSIST_CONTENT_CONTAINER; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.AUTOCOMPLETE_CONTAINER; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.AUTOCOMPLETE_PROPOSAL_DOC_ID; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.CONTEXT_MENU; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.DEBUGGER_BREAKPOINT_CONDITION; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.DEBUGGER_BREAKPOINT_DISABLED; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.DEBUGGER_BREAK_POINT_ACTIVE; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.DEBUGGER_BREAK_POINT_INACTIVE; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.DEBUGGER_PREFIX_XPATH; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.DEFINED_EDITOR_ACTIVE_LINE_XPATH_TEMPLATE; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.EDITOR_TABS_PANEL; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.HIGHLIGHT_ITEM_PATTERN; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.HOVER_POPUP_XPATH; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.IMPLEMENTATIONS_ITEM; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.IMPLEMENTATION_CONTAINER; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.ITEM_TAB_LIST; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.LANGUAGE_SERVER_REFACTORING_RENAME_FIELD_CSS; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.ORION_ACTIVE_EDITOR_CONTAINER_XPATH; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.ORION_CONTENT_ACTIVE_EDITOR_XPATH; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.POSITION_CURSOR_NUMBER; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.PROPOSITION_CONTAINER; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.PUNCTUATION_SEPARATOR; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.RULER_ANNOTATIONS; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.RULER_FOLDING; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.RULER_LINES; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.RULER_OVERVIEW; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.SELECTED_ITEM_IN_EDITOR; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.SIGNATURES_CONTAINER; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.TAB_CONTEXT_MENU_BODY; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.TAB_FILE_CLOSE_ICON; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.TAB_FILE_NAME_AND_STYLE; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.TAB_FILE_NAME_XPATH; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.TAB_LIST_BUTTON; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.TAB_WITH_UNSAVED_STATUS; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.TEXT_VIEW_RULER; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.TEXT_VIEW_TOOLTIP; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.Locators.TOOLTIP_TITLE_CSS; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.TabColor.BLUE; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.TabColor.FOCUSED_DEFAULT; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.TabColor.GREEN; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.TabColor.UNFOCUSED_DEFAULT; import static org.eclipse.che.selenium.pageobject.CodenvyEditor.TabColor.YELLOW; import static org.openqa.selenium.Keys.ALT; import static org.openqa.selenium.Keys.ARROW_UP; import static org.openqa.selenium.Keys.CONTROL; import static org.openqa.selenium.Keys.DELETE; import static org.openqa.selenium.Keys.END; import static org.openqa.selenium.Keys.ENTER; import static org.openqa.selenium.Keys.ESCAPE; import static org.openqa.selenium.Keys.F6; import static org.openqa.selenium.Keys.HOME; import static org.openqa.selenium.Keys.LEFT_CONTROL; import static org.openqa.selenium.Keys.SHIFT; import static org.openqa.selenium.Keys.SPACE; import static; import static; import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Supplier; import org.eclipse.che.commons.lang.Pair; import org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.SeleniumWebDriver; import org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.action.ActionsFactory; import org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.constant.TestTimeoutsConstants; import org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.utils.WaitUtils; import org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.webdriver.SeleniumWebDriverHelper; import org.eclipse.che.selenium.core.webdriver.WebDriverWaitFactory; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Keys; import org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; @Singleton public class CodenvyEditor { public static final String CLOSE_ALL_TABS = "gwt-debug-contextMenu/closeAllEditors"; public static final String VCS_RULER = "//div[@class='ruler vcs']/div[not(contains(@style,'visibility: hidden'))]"; public static final Logger LOG = getLogger(CodenvyEditor.class); protected final SeleniumWebDriver seleniumWebDriver; protected final Loader loader; protected final ActionsFactory actionsFactory; protected final AskForValueDialog askForValueDialog; private final TestWebElementRenderChecker testWebElementRenderChecker; private final SeleniumWebDriverHelper seleniumWebDriverHelper; private final WebDriverWaitFactory webDriverWaitFactory; @Inject public CodenvyEditor(SeleniumWebDriver seleniumWebDriver, Loader loader, ActionsFactory actionsFactory, AskForValueDialog askForValueDialog, TestWebElementRenderChecker testWebElementRenderChecker, SeleniumWebDriverHelper seleniumWebDriverHelper, WebDriverWaitFactory webDriverWaitFactory) { this.seleniumWebDriver = seleniumWebDriver; this.loader = loader; this.actionsFactory = actionsFactory; this.askForValueDialog = askForValueDialog; this.testWebElementRenderChecker = testWebElementRenderChecker; this.seleniumWebDriverHelper = seleniumWebDriverHelper; this.webDriverWaitFactory = webDriverWaitFactory; PageFactory.initElements(seleniumWebDriver, this); } /** Interface introduce base locators for DOM navigation inside editor */ public interface Locators { String CONTEXT_MENU = "//div[@id='menu-lock-layer-id']/div[2]"; String EDITOR_TABS_PANEL = "gwt-debug-multiSplitPanel-tabsPanel"; String ACTIVE_LINE_NUMBER = "gwt-debug-cursorPosition"; String DEFINED_EDITOR_ACTIVE_LINE_XPATH_TEMPLATE = "(//div[@id='gwt-debug-editorPartStack-contentPanel'])[%s]" + "//div[@id='gwt-debug-cursorPosition']"; String TAB_CONTEXT_MENU_BODY = "//*[@id='gwt-debug-contextMenu/closeAllEditors']/parent::tbody"; String POSITION_CURSOR_NUMBER = "//div[@id='gwt-debug-editorPartStack-contentPanel']//div[text()='%s']"; String ACTIVE_EDITOR_ENTRY_POINT = "//div[@id='gwt-debug-editorPartStack-contentPanel']//div[@active]"; String ORION_ACTIVE_EDITOR_CONTAINER_XPATH = ACTIVE_EDITOR_ENTRY_POINT + "//div[@class='textviewContent' and @contenteditable='true']"; String ORION_CONTENT_ACTIVE_EDITOR_XPATH = ORION_ACTIVE_EDITOR_CONTAINER_XPATH + "/div"; String ACTIVE_LINES_XPATH = "//div[@class='textviewSelection']/preceding::div[@class='annotationLine currentLine'][1]"; String ACTIVE_LINE_HIGHLIGHT_CLASSNAME = "annotationLine currentLine"; String ACTIVE_TAB_FILE_NAME = "//div[@active]/descendant::div[text()='%s']"; String ACTIVE_TAB_UNSAVED_FILE_NAME = "//div[@active and @unsaved]//div[text()='%s']"; String TAB_FILE_NAME_XPATH = "//div[@id='gwt-debug-multiSplitPanel-tabsPanel']//div[text()='%s']"; String TAB_FILE_NAME_AND_STYLE = "//div[@id='gwt-debug-multiSplitPanel-tabsPanel']//div[text()='%s' and @style='%s']"; String TAB_FILE_CLOSE_ICON = "//div[@id='gwt-debug-editorMultiPartStack-contentPanel']//div[@id='gwt-debug-multiSplitPanel-tabsPanel']//div[text()='%s']/following::div[1]"; String ALL_TABS_XPATH = "//div[@id='gwt-debug-editorMultiPartStack-contentPanel']//div[@id='gwt-debug-multiSplitPanel-tabsPanel']//div[string-length(text())>0]"; String TAB_WITH_UNSAVED_STATUS = "//div[@id='gwt-debug-editor-tab' and @unsaved]//div[text()='%s']"; String SELECTED_ITEM_IN_EDITOR = "//div[@contenteditable='true']//span[contains(text(), '%s')]"; String ASSIST_CONTENT_CONTAINER = "//div[@class='contentassist']/following-sibling::div"; String AUTOCOMPLETE_CONTAINER = "//div[text()='Proposals:']//following::div/ulist"; String PROPOSITION_CONTAINER = "//div[@id='gwt_root']/following::div/ulist"; String SHOW_HINTS_POP_UP = "//div[@id='signaturesContent']"; String RULER_ANNOTATIONS = "//div[@class='ruler annotations']"; String RULER_OVERVIEW = "//div[@class='ruler overview']"; String RULER_LINES = "//div[@class='ruler lines']"; String RULER_FOLDING = "//div[@class='ruler folding']"; String IMPLEMENTATION_CONTAINER = "//div[contains(text(), 'Choose Implementation of %s')]/parent::div"; String IMPLEMENTATION_CONTENT = "//div[contains(text(), 'Choose Implementation of')]/following::div"; String IMPLEMENTATIONS_ITEM = "//div[contains(text(), 'Choose Implementation of')]/following::span[text()='%s']"; String PUNCTUATION_SEPARATOR = "//span[contains(@class,'punctuation separator space')]"; String TEXT_VIEW_RULER = "//div[@class='textviewInnerRightRuler']"; String TAB_LIST_BUTTON = "gwt-debug-editorMenu"; String ITEM_TAB_LIST = "//div[@class='popupContent']//div[text()='%s']/parent::div"; String NOTIFICATION_PANEL_ID = "gwt-debug-leftNotificationGutter"; String DEBUGGER_PREFIX_XPATH = "//div[@class[contains(., 'rulerLines')] and text()='%d']"; String DEBUGGER_BREAK_POINT_INACTIVE = "//div[@class='breakpoint inactive' and text()='%d']"; String DEBUGGER_BREAK_POINT_ACTIVE = "//div[@class='breakpoint active' and text()='%d']"; String DEBUGGER_BREAKPOINT_CONDITION = "//div[@class='breakpoint %s condition' and text()='%d']"; String DEBUGGER_BREAKPOINT_DISABLED = "//div[@class='breakpoint disabled' and text()='%d']"; String TEXT_VIEW_TOOLTIP = "//div[contains(@class, 'textviewTooltip')]"; String AUTOCOMPLETE_PROPOSAL_DOC_POPUP = "//div[@id='gwt-debug-content-assist-doc-popup']//div[@class='gwt-HTML']"; String HIGHLIGHT_ITEM_PATTERN = "//li[@selected='true']//span[text()='%s']"; String TOOLTIP_TITLE_CSS = "span.tooltipTitle"; String TEXT_TO_MOVE_CURSOR_XPATH = ORION_ACTIVE_EDITOR_CONTAINER_XPATH + "//span[contains(text(),'%s')]"; String HOVER_POPUP_XPATH = "//div[@class='textviewTooltip' and contains(@style,'visibility: visible')]"; String AUTOCOMPLETE_PROPOSAL_DOC_ID = "gwt-debug-content-assistant-doc-popup"; String LANGUAGE_SERVER_REFACTORING_RENAME_FIELD_CSS = "input.orionCodenvy"; String FOCUSED_TAB_XPATH_TEMPLATE = "//div[@id='gwt-debug-editor-tab-title' and text()='%s']" + "//parent::div[@id='gwt-debug-editor-tab' and @focused]"; String SIGNATURES_CONTAINER = "//div[text()='Signatures:']//following::div/ulist"; } public enum TabActionLocator { CLOSE("contextMenu/Close")), CLOSE_ALL("contextMenu/Close All")), CLOSE_OTHER("contextMenu/Close Other")), CLOSE_ALL_BUT_PINNED("contextMenu/Close All But Pinned")), REOPEN_CLOSED_TAB("contextMenu/Reopen Closed Tab")), PIN_UNPIN_TAB("contextMenu/Pin/Unpin Tab")), SPLIT_VERTICALLY("contextMenu/Split Pane In Two Columns")), SPLIT_HORIZONTALLY("contextMenu/Split Pane In Two Rows")); @SuppressWarnings("ImmutableEnumChecker") private final By id; TabActionLocator(By id) { = id; } private By get() { return; } } /** Editor`s markers types */ public enum MarkerLocator { ERROR_OVERVIEW("//div[@class='ruler annotations']/div[@class='annotation error']"), WARNING_OVERVIEW( "//div[@class='ruler annotations']/div[@class='annotation warning']"), TASK_OVERVIEW( "//div[@class='ruler annotations']/div[@class='annotation task']"), ERROR( "//div[@class='ruler overview']/div[@class='annotationOverview error']"), WARNING( "//div[@class='ruler overview']/div[@class='annotationOverview warning']"), INFO( "//div[@class='annotationHTML info']"); private final String locator; MarkerLocator(String locator) { this.locator = locator; } private String get() { return this.locator; } } /** Editor's context menu items */ public enum ContextMenuLocator { REFACTORING("contextMenu/Refactoring")), REFACTORING_MOVE("contextMenu/Refactoring/Move")), REFACTORING_RENAME("contextMenu/Refactoring/Rename")), UNDO("contextMenu/Undo")), REDO("contextMenu/Redo")), FORMAT("contextMenu/Format")), QUICK_DOC("contextMenu/Quick Documentation")), QUICK_FIX("contextMenu/Quick Fix")), FIND_DEFINITION( "contextMenu/Find Definition")), NAVIGATE_FILE_STRUCTURE("contextMenu/Navigate File Structure")), FIND("contextMenu/Find")), OPEN_ON_GITHUB("contextMenu/Open on GitHub")), CLOSE("contextMenu/Close")); @SuppressWarnings("ImmutableEnumChecker") private final By itemLocator; ContextMenuLocator(By itemLocator) { this.itemLocator = itemLocator; } private By get() { return this.itemLocator; } } public enum TabColor { YELLOW("color: rgb(224, 185, 29);"), GREEN("color: rgb(114, 173, 66);"), BLUE( "color: rgb(49, 147, 212);"), FOCUSED_DEFAULT( "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)"), UNFOCUSED_DEFAULT("rgba(170, 170, 170, 1)"); private final String color; TabColor(String color) { this.color = color; } private String get() { return this.color; } } @FindAll({ @FindBy(id = Locators.ACTIVE_LINE_NUMBER) }) private List<WebElement> activeLineNumbers; @FindBy(xpath = AUTOCOMPLETE_CONTAINER) private WebElement autocompleteContainer; @FindBy(xpath = PROPOSITION_CONTAINER) private WebElement propositionContainer; @FindBy(xpath = TEXT_VIEW_TOOLTIP) private WebElement textViewTooltip; @FindBy(xpath = ASSIST_CONTENT_CONTAINER) private WebElement assistContentContainer; @FindBy(xpath = Locators.IMPLEMENTATION_CONTENT) private WebElement implementationContent; @FindBy(xpath = ACTIVE_LINES_XPATH) private WebElement activeLineXpath; @FindBy(xpath = Locators.SHOW_HINTS_POP_UP) private WebElement showHintsPopUp; @FindBy(xpath = ORION_ACTIVE_EDITOR_CONTAINER_XPATH) private WebElement activeEditorContainer; @FindBy(xpath = Locators.AUTOCOMPLETE_PROPOSAL_DOC_POPUP) private WebElement autocompleteProposalDocPopup; @FindBy(xpath = ALL_TABS_XPATH) private WebElement someOpenedTab; @FindBy(css = TOOLTIP_TITLE_CSS) private WebElement tooltipTitle; @FindBy(xpath = HOVER_POPUP_XPATH) private WebElement hoverPopup; @FindBy(id = AUTOCOMPLETE_PROPOSAL_DOC_ID) private WebElement proposalDoc; @FindBy(css = LANGUAGE_SERVER_REFACTORING_RENAME_FIELD_CSS) private WebElement languageServerRenameField; @FindBy(xpath = SIGNATURES_CONTAINER) private WebElement signaturesContainer; /** * Waits until specified {@code editorTab} is presented, selected, focused and editor activated. * * @param editorTab title of the editor tab */ public void waitEditorReadiness(String editorTab) { waitTabIsPresent(editorTab); waitTabSelection(0, editorTab); waitTabFocusing(0, editorTab); waitActive(); } /** * Waits during {@code timeout} until current editor's tab is ready to work. * * @param timeout waiting time in seconds */ public void waitActive(int timeout) { loader.waitOnClosed(); seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(activeEditorContainer, timeout); } /** Waits until current editor's tab is ready to work. */ public void waitActive() { waitActive(ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** * Gets visible text from active editor's tab * * @return visible text from editor's tab */ public String getVisibleTextFromEditor() { waitActive(); List<WebElement> lines = seleniumWebDriverHelper .waitPresenceOfAllElements(By.xpath(ORION_CONTENT_ACTIVE_EDITOR_XPATH), ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC); return getTextFromOrionLines(lines); } /** * Gets visible text from specified {@code line}. * * @param editorLine number of line for getting text * @return visible text from specified line */ public String getVisibleText(int editorLine) { if (0 == editorLine) { String errorMessage = format( "Specified line: \"%s\" does not exist. The editor numeration starts from \"1\". " + "Please specify correct line.", editorLine); throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(errorMessage); } final int lineIndex = editorLine - 1; final List<String> editorVisibleText = asList(getVisibleTextFromEditor().split("\n")); final String lineText = editorVisibleText.get(lineIndex); return lineText; } /** * Waits until visible text from specified {@code editorLine} contains {@code expectedText}. * * @param editorLine number of line for getting text * @param expectedText text which should be present in specified line */ public void waitVisibleText(int editorLine, String expectedText) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitSuccessCondition(driver -> getVisibleText(editorLine).contains(expectedText)); } /** * Waits until visible text from specified {@code editorLine} equals to {@code expectedText}. * * @param line number of line for getting text * @param expectedText text which should be present in specified line */ public void waitVisibleTextEqualsTo(int line, String expectedText) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitSuccessCondition(driver -> getVisibleText(line).equals(expectedText)); } /** * Gets visible text from split editor's tab with specified {@code indexOfEditor}. * * @param indexOfEditor index of editor's tab which should be read, starting from "1" * @return visible text from chosen editor's tab */ public String getTextFromSplitEditor(int indexOfEditor) { waitActive(); List<WebElement> inner = seleniumWebDriverHelper .waitPresenceOfAllElements(By.xpath(ORION_ACTIVE_EDITOR_CONTAINER_XPATH), ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC) .get(indexOfEditor - 1).findElements(By.tagName("div")); return getTextFromOrionLines(inner); } private void waitForText(String expectedText, int timeout, Supplier<String> textProvider) { String[] result = new String[1]; webDriverWaitFactory.get(timeout).ignoring(StaleElementReferenceException.class).withMessage( () -> "Timeout waiting for txt, expected= '" + expectedText + "', actual='" + result[0] + "'") .until((ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) driver -> { result[0] = textProvider.get(); return result[0].contains(expectedText); }); } /** * Waits during {@code timeout} until specified {@code expectedText} is present in editor. * * @param expectedText text which should be present in the editor * @param timeout waiting time in seconds */ public void waitTextIntoEditor(final String expectedText, final int timeout) { waitForText(expectedText, timeout, () -> getVisibleTextFromEditor()); } /** * Waits until specified {@code expectedText} is present in editor. * * @param expectedText text which should be present in the editor */ public void waitTextIntoEditor(final String expectedText) { waitTextIntoEditor(expectedText, WIDGET_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** * Waits during {@code timeout} until specified {@code expectedText} is present in the editor's * tab with defined {@code indexOfEditor}. * * @param indexOfEditor index of editor's tab, text from which should be checked, numeration * starts from "1" * @param timeout waiting time in seconds */ public void waitTextInDefinedSplitEditor(int indexOfEditor, final int timeout, String expectedText) { waitForText(expectedText, timeout, () -> getTextFromSplitEditor(indexOfEditor)); } /** * wait text in tooltip pop-up (after clicking or hovering warning/error marker) * * @param expectedText the expected text into tooltip pop-up */ public void waitTextInToolTipPopup(String expectedText) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitTextContains(tooltipTitle, expectedText); } /** Get text from hover popup */ public String getTextFromHoverPopup() { return seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibilityAndGetText(hoverPopup); } /** wait full matching of text in hover popup */ public void waitTextInHoverPopUpEqualsTo(String expectedText) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(hoverPopup); // waits until text in popup is equals to specified seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitTextEqualsTo(hoverPopup, expectedText); } public void waitHoverPopupAppearance() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(hoverPopup); } /** * wait text in hover pop-up (after hovering on text) * * @param expectedText the expected text into hover pop-up */ public void waitTextInHoverPopup(String expectedText) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitTextContains(hoverPopup, expectedText); } /** * Waits during {@code timeout} until specified {@code text} is not present in the editor's tab * with defined {@code indexOfEditor}. * * @param indexOfEditor index of editor's tab, text from which should be checked, numeration * starts from "1" * @param timeout waiting time in seconds * @param text text which should not be present in the chosen editor's tab */ public void waitTextIsNotPresentInDefinedSplitEditor(int indexOfEditor, final int timeout, String text) { webDriverWaitFactory.get(timeout).until( (ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) driver -> !getTextFromSplitEditor(indexOfEditor).contains(text)); } /** * Waits until {@code text} is not present in editor. * * @param text text which should not be present in the editor */ public void waitTextNotPresentIntoEditor(final String text) { webDriverWaitFactory.get() .until((ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) webDriver -> !(getVisibleTextFromEditor().contains(text))); } /** * Waits until editor's tab with specified {@code nameOfFile} is closed. * * @param nameOfFile title of the editor's tab */ public void waitWhileFileIsClosed(String nameOfFile) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(format(TAB_FILE_NAME_XPATH, nameOfFile)), ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** * Waits until changes in the editor's tab with specified {@code nameFile} is saved and closes * this tab. * * @param nameFile title of the editor's tab which should be checked */ public void closeFileByNameWithSaving(String nameFile) { loader.waitOnClosed(); selectTabByName(nameFile); waitTabFileWithSavedStatus(nameFile); clickOnCloseFileIcon(nameFile); waitWhileFileIsClosed(nameFile); loader.waitOnClosed(); } /** * Waits visibility of the "Close" icon in the editor's tab with specified {@code fileName} and * clicks on it. * * @param fileName title of the editor's tab which should be closed */ public void clickOnCloseFileIcon(String fileName) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(By.xpath(format(TAB_FILE_CLOSE_ICON, fileName))); } /** * Checks that at list one editor's tab is opened. * * @return true - if at list one tab is opened in the editor, false - if not */ public boolean isAnyTabsOpened() { return seleniumWebDriverHelper.isVisible(someOpenedTab); } /** Gets all open editor's tabs and closes they with checking the files saving */ public void closeAllTabs() { loader.waitOnClosed(); seleniumWebDriverHelper .waitVisibilityOfAllElements(By.xpath(ALL_TABS_XPATH), REDRAW_UI_ELEMENTS_TIMEOUT_SEC) .forEach(tab -> closeFileByNameWithSaving(tab.getText())); seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(ALL_TABS_XPATH), REDRAW_UI_ELEMENTS_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** Closes all tabs by using context menu */ public void closeAllTabsByContextMenu() { List<WebElement> tabs = seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibilityOfAllElements(By.xpath(ALL_TABS_XPATH), REDRAW_UI_ELEMENTS_TIMEOUT_SEC); WebElement tab = seleniumWebDriverHelper .waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(TAB_FILE_CLOSE_ICON, tabs.get(tabs.size() - 1).getText()))); seleniumWebDriverHelper.moveCursorToAndContextClick(tab); testWebElementRenderChecker.waitElementIsRendered(By.xpath(TAB_CONTEXT_MENU_BODY)); seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(; seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(ALL_TABS_XPATH)); } /** * Opens context menu for editor's tab with specified {@code tabName}. * * @param tabName title of the editor's tab */ public void openAndWaitContextMenuForTabByName(String tabName) { WebElement tab = seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(TAB_FILE_CLOSE_ICON, tabName))); seleniumWebDriverHelper.moveCursorToAndContextClick(tab); testWebElementRenderChecker.waitElementIsRendered(By.xpath(TAB_CONTEXT_MENU_BODY)); } /** * Runs action for tab from the context menu. * * @param tabAction item from tab's context menu */ public void runActionForTabFromContextMenu(TabActionLocator tabAction) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(tabAction.get()); } /** * Types {@code text} into orion editor with pause 1 sec. * * @param text text which should be typed */ public void typeTextIntoEditor(String text) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.sendKeys(text); } /** * Types specified {@code text} into editor without pause for saving. * * @param text text which should be typed */ public void typeTextIntoEditorWithoutDelayForSaving(String text) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.sendKeys(text); } /** * Types specified {@code text} into defined editor's {@code line}. * * @param text text which should be typed * @param line the line's number where text should be typed */ public void typeTextIntoEditor(String text, int line) { setCursorToLine(line); typeTextIntoEditor(text); } /** * Sets cursor to specified {@code positionLine} and checks the result * * @param positionLine line's number where cursor should be placed */ public void setCursorToLine(int positionLine) { loader.waitOnClosed(); seleniumWebDriverHelper.sendKeys(Keys.chord(CONTROL, "l")); askForValueDialog.waitFormToOpen(); loader.waitOnClosed(); askForValueDialog.typeAndWaitText(String.valueOf(positionLine)); loader.waitOnClosed(); askForValueDialog.clickOkBtn(); askForValueDialog.waitFormToClose(); waitActive(); expectedNumberOfActiveLine(positionLine); } /** * Sets cursor to specified {@code positionLine} and {@code positionChar} and checks result. * * @param positionLine line's number where cursor should be placed * @param positionChar char's number where cursor should be placed */ public void goToCursorPositionVisible(int positionLine, int positionChar) { openGoToLineFormAndSetCursorToPosition(positionLine, positionChar); waitActive(); waitSpecifiedValueForLineAndChar(positionLine, positionChar); } /** * Sets cursor to specified {@code positionLine} and {@code positionChar} and checks result. * * @param positionLine line's number where cursor should be placed * @param positionChar char's number where cursor should be placed */ public void goToPosition(int positionLine, int positionChar) { goToPosition(0, positionLine, positionChar); } public void goToPosition(int editorIndex, int positionLine, int positionChar) { openGoToLineFormAndSetCursorToPosition(positionLine, positionChar); waitActive(); waitCursorPosition(editorIndex, positionLine, positionChar); } /** * Select text in defined interval * * @param fromLine beginning of first line for selection * @param numberOfLine end of first line for selection */ public void selectLines(int fromLine, int numberOfLine) { Actions action = seleniumWebDriverHelper.getAction(seleniumWebDriver); setCursorToLine(fromLine); action.keyDown(SHIFT).perform(); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfLine; i++) { typeTextIntoEditor(Keys.ARROW_DOWN.toString()); } action.keyUp(SHIFT).perform(); action.sendKeys(Keys.END.toString()).keyUp(SHIFT).perform(); } /** * Sets cursor to specified {@code positionLine} and {@code positionChar}. * * @param positionLine line's number where cursor should be placed * @param positionChar char's number where cursor should be placed */ private void openGoToLineFormAndSetCursorToPosition(int positionLine, int positionChar) { loader.waitOnClosed(); seleniumWebDriverHelper.sendKeys(Keys.chord(CONTROL, "l")); askForValueDialog.waitFormToOpen(); loader.waitOnClosed(); askForValueDialog.typeAndWaitText(String.valueOf(positionLine) + ":" + String.valueOf(positionChar)); loader.waitOnClosed(); askForValueDialog.clickOkBtn(); askForValueDialog.waitFormToClose(); } /** * Launches code assistant by "ctrl" + "space" keys combination and waits until container is * opened. */ public void launchAutocompleteAndWaitContainer() { launchAutocomplete(); waitAutocompleteContainer(); } /** Launches code assistant by "ctrl" + "space" keys pressing. */ public void launchAutocomplete() { Actions action = actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver); action.keyDown(CONTROL).perform(); typeTextIntoEditor(SPACE.toString()); action.keyUp(CONTROL).perform(); } /** Closes autocomplete container by "Escape" button and checks that container is closed. */ public void closeAutocomplete() { typeTextIntoEditor(ESCAPE.toString()); waitAutocompleteContainerIsClosed(); } /** Waits until autocomplete form is opened. */ public void waitAutocompleteContainer() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(autocompleteContainer, ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** Waits until autocomplete form is closed. */ public void waitAutocompleteContainerIsClosed() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(AUTOCOMPLETE_CONTAINER)); } /** * Waits specified {@code expectedProposal} in autocomplete container. * * @param expectedProposal text which should be present in the container */ public void waitProposalIntoAutocompleteContainer(final String expectedProposal) { webDriverWaitFactory.get(ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC) .until((ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) webDriver -> getAllVisibleTextFromAutocomplete() .contains(expectedProposal)); } /** * Waits specified {@code proposals} in autocomplete container. * * @param expectedProposals text which should be present in the container */ public void waitProposalsIntoAutocompleteContainer(List<String> expectedProposals) { expectedProposals.forEach(proposal -> { waitProposalIntoAutocompleteContainer(proposal); }); } /** * Waits a marker with specified {@code markerLocator} on the defined {@code position} * * @param markerLocator marker's type, defined in {@link MarkerLocator} * @param position line`s number where marker is expected */ public void waitMarkerInPosition(MarkerLocator markerLocator, int position) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(markerLocator.get(), position)), ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC); setCursorToLine(position); expectedNumberOfActiveLine(position); } /** Waits for "no Git change" markers in the opened editor. */ public void waitNoGitChangeMarkers() { waitGitMarkerInPosition("", 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * Waits for "Git insertion" marker between {@code startLine} and {@code endLine}, inclusive. * * @param startLine line number of the markers start * @param endLine line number of the markers end */ public void waitGitInsertionMarkerInPosition(int startLine, int endLine) { waitGitMarkerInPosition("git-change-marker insertion", startLine, endLine); } /** * Waits for "Git modification" marker between {@code startLine} and {@code endLine} including * this two lines. * * @param startLine line number of the markers start * @param endLine line number of the markers end */ public void waitGitModificationMarkerInPosition(int startLine, int endLine) { waitGitMarkerInPosition("git-change-marker modification", startLine, endLine); } /** * Waits for "Git deletion" marker in the specified {@code line}. * * @param line line's number where the marker should be displayed */ public void waitGitDeletionMarkerInPosition(int line) { waitGitMarkerInPosition("git-change-marker deletion", line, line); } /** * Wait specific git marker at giving positions. Since operation is not atomic the {@link * StaleElementReferenceException} might occur. That's why it is necessary to give one more try * until throwing an exception. * * @param marker the marker to wait * @param startLine the first line of git marker * @param endLine the last line of git marker */ public void waitGitMarkerInPosition(String marker, int startLine, int endLine) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitNoExceptions(() -> seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitSuccessCondition(webDriver -> { List<String> classAttrs; for (int i = 0;; i++) { try { classAttrs = getListGitMarkers().stream().map(webElement -> webElement.getAttribute("class")) .collect(toList()); break; } catch (StaleElementReferenceException e) { if (i == 2) { throw e; } } } for (int i = 0; i < classAttrs.size(); i++) { if (startLine - 1 <= i && i <= endLine - 1) { if (!marker.equals(classAttrs.get(i))) { return false; } } } return true; }, REDRAW_UI_ELEMENTS_TIMEOUT_SEC), StaleElementReferenceException.class); } /** * Gets the list of git markers web-elements in the editor. * * @return the list of git markers web-elements */ private List<WebElement> getListGitMarkers() { return seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibilityOfAllElements(By.xpath(VCS_RULER)); } /** * Waits marker with specified {@code markerLocator} on the defined {@code line} and click on it * * @param markerLocator marker's type, defined in {@link MarkerLocator} * @param line line's number, where marker is expected */ public void clickOnMarker(MarkerLocator markerLocator, int line) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(By.xpath(format(markerLocator.get(), line))); } /** * Waits marker with specified {@code markerLocator} on the defined {@code line number} and move * cursor to it. * * @param markerLocator marker's type, defined in {@link MarkerLocator} * @param line line's number, where marker is expected */ public void moveToMarker(MarkerLocator markerLocator, int line) { WebElement marker = seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(markerLocator.get(), line))); seleniumWebDriverHelper.moveCursorTo(marker); } /** * Waits until marker with specified {@code markerLocator} be invisible on the defined {@code * position} * * @param markerLocator marker's type, defined in {@link MarkerLocator} * @param position line's number, where marker should not be displayed */ public void waitMarkerInvisibility(MarkerLocator markerLocator, int position) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(format(markerLocator.get(), position)), ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC); expectedNumberOfActiveLine(position); } /** * Waits until all markers with specified {@code markerLocator} be invisible * * @param markerLocator marker's type, defined in {@link MarkerLocator} */ public void waitAllMarkersInvisibility(MarkerLocator markerLocator) { waitAllMarkersInvisibility(markerLocator, WIDGET_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** * Waits until all markers with specified {@code markerLocator} be invisible * * @param markerLocator marker's type, defined in {@link MarkerLocator} * @param timeout is timeout in seconds defined by user */ public void waitAllMarkersInvisibility(MarkerLocator markerLocator, int timeout) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(markerLocator.get()), timeout); } /** * Waits until at list one marker with specified {@code markerLocator} be visible * * @param markerLocator marker's type, defined in {@link MarkerLocator} */ public void waitCodeAssistMarkers(MarkerLocator markerLocator) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitNoExceptions(() -> waitMarkers(markerLocator), StaleElementReferenceException.class); } private void waitMarkers(MarkerLocator markerLocator) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibilityOfAllElements(By.xpath(markerLocator.get()), ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** @return text from autocomplete */ public String getAllVisibleTextFromAutocomplete() { waitAutocompleteContainer(); return autocompleteContainer.getText(); } /** Scroll autocomplete form to the bottom */ public void scrollAutocompleteFormToBottom() { webDriverWaitFactory.get(ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC) .until(ExpectedConditions .visibilityOfElementLocated(By.xpath(Locators.AUTOCOMPLETE_CONTAINER + "/li[2]"))) .sendKeys(Keys.END); } /** * Selects specified {@code item} in the autocomplete proposal container, and presses "ENTER". * * @param item item in the autocomplete proposal container. */ public void enterAutocompleteProposal(String item) { selectAutocompleteProposal(item); seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(HIGHLIGHT_ITEM_PATTERN, item))); seleniumWebDriverHelper.sendKeys(ENTER.toString()); } /** * Selects specified {@code item} in the autocomplete container and sends double click to item. * * @param item item in the autocomplete proposal container. */ public void selectItemIntoAutocompleteAndPerformDoubleClick(String item) { selectAutocompleteProposal(item); seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(HIGHLIGHT_ITEM_PATTERN, item))); seleniumWebDriverHelper.doubleClick(); } /** * Selects specified {@code item} in the autocomplete container. * * @param item item from autocomplete container. */ public void selectAutocompleteProposal(String item) { seleniumWebDriverHelper .waitAndClick(By.xpath(format(AUTOCOMPLETE_CONTAINER + "/li/span[text()='%s']", item))); } /** * Selects composite {@code item} in the autocomplete container. It works when autocomplete item * contains many <span> elements. * * @param item item from autocomplete container. */ public void selectCompositeAutocompleteProposal(String item) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(By.xpath(format(AUTOCOMPLETE_CONTAINER + "/li/span[.='%s']", item))); } /** * Moves mouse to the marker with specified {@code markerLocator} and waits until "assist content * container" is visible. * * @param markerLocator marker's type, defined in {@link MarkerLocator} */ public void moveToMarkerAndWaitAssistContent(MarkerLocator markerLocator) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.moveCursorTo(By.xpath(markerLocator.get())); waitAnnotationCodeAssistIsOpen(); } /** Waits until annotations code assist is opened. */ public void waitAnnotationCodeAssistIsOpen() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(assistContentContainer, ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** Waits until annotations code assist is closed. */ public void waitAnnotationCodeAssistIsClosed() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(ASSIST_CONTENT_CONTAINER)); } /** Waits until specified {@code expectedText} is present in annotation code assist. */ public void waitTextIntoAnnotationAssist(final String expectedText) { webDriverWaitFactory.get(ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC).until((ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) webDriver -> { return seleniumWebDriverHelper .waitVisibilityOfAllElements(By.xpath(ASSIST_CONTENT_CONTAINER + "//span")).stream() .map(item -> item.getText().contains(expectedText)).collect(toList()).contains(true); }); } /** * Waits until specified {@code expectedText} is present in proposition assist panel. * * @param expectedText expected text in error proposition */ public void waitTextIntoFixErrorProposition(final String expectedText) { webDriverWaitFactory.get(ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC) .until((ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) webDriver -> getAllVisibleTextFromProposition() .contains(expectedText)); } /** * Gets all visible text from proposition container. * * @return text from proposition assist container */ public String getAllVisibleTextFromProposition() { waitPropositionAssistContainer(); return seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibilityAndGetText(propositionContainer); } /** Waits until assist proposition container is opened. */ public void waitPropositionAssistContainer() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(PROPOSITION_CONTAINER), ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** Waits until assist proposition container is closed */ public void waitErrorPropositionPanelClosed() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(PROPOSITION_CONTAINER)); } /** Launches the "code assist proposition" container */ public void launchPropositionAssistPanel() { loader.waitOnClosed(); Actions action = actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver); action.keyDown(ALT).perform(); action.sendKeys(ENTER).perform(); action.keyUp(ALT).perform(); waitPropositionAssistContainer(); } /** Launches the "code assist proposition" container in JS files */ public void launchPropositionAssistPanelForJSFiles() { loader.waitOnClosed(); Actions action = actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver); action.keyDown(LEFT_CONTROL).perform(); action.sendKeys(SPACE).perform(); action.keyUp(LEFT_CONTROL).perform(); } /** * Applies the first item in the "assist proposition" container by single click and performs * double click to it. */ public void selectFirstItemIntoFixErrorPropByDoubleClick() { String tmpLocator = PROPOSITION_CONTAINER + "/li"; seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(By.xpath(tmpLocator)); seleniumWebDriverHelper.moveCursorToAndDoubleClick(By.xpath(tmpLocator)); waitErrorPropositionPanelClosed(); } /** * Applies the first item in the "assist proposition" container by single click and sends "enter" * key to it. */ public void selectFirstItemIntoFixErrorPropByEnter() { String tmpLocator = PROPOSITION_CONTAINER + "/li"; seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(By.xpath(tmpLocator)); seleniumWebDriverHelper.moveCursorToAndDoubleClick(By.xpath(tmpLocator)); waitErrorPropositionPanelClosed(); } /** * Applies specified {@code item} in the assist proposition container by moving cursor and * performs double click on item. * * @param item visible name of the item which should be applied */ public void enterTextIntoFixErrorPropByDoubleClick(String item) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.moveCursorToAndDoubleClick( By.xpath(format(PROPOSITION_CONTAINER + "/li/span[text()=\"%s\"]", item))); } /** * Applies specified {@code item} in the proposition container by single click and sends "Enter" * key to it. * * @param item visible name of the item which should be applied */ public void enterTextIntoFixErrorPropByEnter(String item) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick( propositionContainer.findElement(By.xpath(format("//li//span[text()=\"%s\"]", item)))); seleniumWebDriverHelper.sendKeys(ENTER.toString()); } /** * Applies specified {@code item} with defined {@code description} in Js file editor by single * click and sends "Enter" key to it. * * @param item visible name of the item which should be applied */ public void enterTextIntoFixErrorPropByEnterForJsFiles(String item, String description) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick( By.xpath(format("//span[text()='%s']/span[text()='%s']/ancestor::div[1]", description, item))); } /** Invokes the 'Show hints' popup panel. */ public void callShowHintsPopUp() { actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver).keyDown(CONTROL).sendKeys("p").keyUp(CONTROL).perform(); } /** Waits until the 'Show hints' popup panel is opened. */ public void waitShowHintsPopUpOpened() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(showHintsPopUp); } /** Waits until the 'Show hints' popup panel is closed. */ public void waitShowHintsPopUpClosed() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(Locators.SHOW_HINTS_POP_UP)); } /** * Waits expected text in the 'Show hints' popup panel. * * @param expText text which should be present in the popup panel */ public void waitExpTextIntoShowHintsPopUp(String expText) { webDriverWaitFactory.get() .until((ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) webDriver -> getTextFromShowHintsPopUp().contains(expText)); } /** Gets visible text from the 'Show hints' popup panel. */ public String getTextFromShowHintsPopUp() { testWebElementRenderChecker.waitElementIsRendered(By.xpath(Locators.SHOW_HINTS_POP_UP)); return seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibilityAndGetText(showHintsPopUp); } /** * Waits while open file tab with specified name becomes without '*' unsaved status. * * @param nameOfFile title of the tab which should be checked */ public void waitTabFileWithSavedStatus(String nameOfFile) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(format(TAB_WITH_UNSAVED_STATUS, nameOfFile)), ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** * Waits active tab with specified {@code nameOfFile}. * * @param nameOfFile title of the tab which should be checked */ public void waitActiveTabFileName(String nameOfFile) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitPresence(By.xpath(format(ACTIVE_TAB_FILE_NAME, nameOfFile))); } /** Checks that all files have been closed. (Checks disappearance of all text areas and tabs) */ public void waitWhileAllFilesWillClosed() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility( By.xpath("//div[@id='gwt-debug-editorPartStack-tabsPanel']//div[text()]"), ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC); seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(ORION_ACTIVE_EDITOR_CONTAINER_XPATH)); } /** * Selects editor's tab with specified {@code nameOfFile}. * * @param nameOfFile title of the tab which should be selected */ public void selectTabByName(String nameOfFile) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(By.xpath(format(TAB_FILE_NAME_XPATH, nameOfFile))); waitTabSelection(0, nameOfFile); } /** * Waits until editor's tab with specified {@code fileName} and {@code tabColor} is visible. * * @param fileName title of the tab which should be checked * @param tabColor color which editor's tab should be colored by */ public void waitTabWithNameAndColor(String fileName, TabColor tabColor) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(TAB_FILE_NAME_AND_STYLE, fileName, tabColor.get()))); } /** * Waits until editor's tab with specified {@code fileName} is in yellow color. * * @param fileName title of editor's tab which should be checked */ public void waitYellowTab(String fileName) { waitTabWithNameAndColor(fileName, YELLOW); } /** * Waits until editor's tab with specified {@code fileName} is in green color. * * @param fileName title of editor's tab which should be checked */ public void waitGreenTab(String fileName) { waitTabWithNameAndColor(fileName, GREEN); } /** * Waits until editor's tab with specified {@code fileName} is in blue color. * * @param fileName title of editor's tab which should be checked */ public void waitBlueTab(String fileName) { waitTabWithNameAndColor(fileName, BLUE); } /** * Waits until editor's tab with specified {@code fileName} is in default color. * * <p>Note! Default color depends on tab's focus. * * @param fileName title of editor's tab which should be checked */ public void waitDefaultColorTab(final String fileName) { waitActive(); final String expectedColor = waitTabVisibilityAndCheckFocus(fileName) ? FOCUSED_DEFAULT.get() : UNFOCUSED_DEFAULT.get(); webDriverWaitFactory.get() .until((ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) webDriver -> seleniumWebDriverHelper .waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(TAB_FILE_NAME_XPATH, fileName))).getCssValue("color") .equals(expectedColor)); } /** * Waits until editor's tab with specified {@code fileName} is visible and focused. * * @param fileName title of editor's tab which should be checked * @return true - if tab is focused, false - if not */ public boolean waitTabVisibilityAndCheckFocus(String fileName) { return null != seleniumWebDriverHelper .waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(TAB_FILE_NAME_XPATH + "/parent::div", fileName))) .getAttribute("focused"); } /** * Waits until editor's tab with specified {@code nameOfFile} is not presented. * * @param nameOfFile title of editor's tab which should be checked */ public void waitTabIsNotPresent(String nameOfFile) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(format(TAB_FILE_NAME_XPATH, nameOfFile)), ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** * Gets value of the "path" attribute from {@link WebElement} which defined by {@code * nameOfOpenedFile}. * * @param nameOfOpenedFile title of file from which "path" attribute should be got * @return value of the "path" attribute */ public String getAssociatedPathFromTheTab(String nameOfOpenedFile) { return seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(TAB_FILE_NAME_XPATH, nameOfOpenedFile))) .getAttribute("path"); } /** * Waits until editor's tab with specified {@code nameOfFile} is present in editor. * * @param nameOfFile name of editor's tab which should be checked */ public void waitTabIsPresent(String nameOfFile) { waitTabIsPresent(nameOfFile, LOAD_PAGE_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** * Waits during {@code timeout} until editor's tab with specified {@code nameOfFile} is present in * editor. * * @param nameOfFile title of editor's tab which should be checked * @param timeout waiting time in seconds */ public void waitTabIsPresent(String nameOfFile, int timeout) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibilityOfAllElements(By.xpath(format(TAB_FILE_NAME_XPATH, nameOfFile)), timeout); loader.waitOnClosed(); } /** * Deletes line with specified {@code numberOfLine}. * * @param numberOfLine number of line which should be deleted */ public void selectLineAndDelete(int numberOfLine) { Actions action = actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver); setCursorToLine(numberOfLine); typeTextIntoEditor(HOME.toString()); action.keyDown(SHIFT).perform(); typeTextIntoEditor(END.toString()); action.keyUp(SHIFT).perform(); typeTextIntoEditor(DELETE.toString()); loader.waitOnClosed(); } /** Deletes current editor's line. */ public void selectLineAndDelete() { Actions action = actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver); typeTextIntoEditor(HOME.toString()); action.keyDown(SHIFT).perform(); typeTextIntoEditor(END.toString()); action.keyUp(SHIFT).perform(); typeTextIntoEditor(DELETE.toString()); } /** Deletes current editor's line by "Ctrl"+"D" keys pressing. */ public void deleteCurrentLine() { actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver).keyDown(CONTROL).sendKeys("d").keyUp(CONTROL).perform(); loader.waitOnClosed(); } /** Deletes current line by "Ctrl"+"D" keys pressing and inserts new line instead. */ public void deleteCurrentLineAndInsertNew() { actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver).keyDown(CONTROL).sendKeys("d").keyUp(CONTROL) .sendKeys(ARROW_UP).sendKeys(END).sendKeys(ENTER).perform(); } /** Deletes all editor's content by "Ctrl"+"A" keys pressing and "Delete" key pressing. */ public void deleteAllContent() { actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver).keyDown(CONTROL).sendKeys("a").keyUp(CONTROL) .sendKeys(DELETE).perform(); waitEditorIsEmpty(); } /** Waits until the IDE line panel with numbers of lines is visible. */ public void waitDebugerLineIsVisible(int line) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(DEBUGGER_PREFIX_XPATH, line))); } /** * Waits until breakpoint with inactive state is in defined {@code position}. * * @param position number of line where breakpoint should be present */ public void waitBreakPointWithInactiveState(int position) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(DEBUGGER_BREAK_POINT_INACTIVE, position))); } /** * Sets breakpoint on specified {@code position} in the IDE breakpoint panel. * * @param position number of line where breakpoint should be placed */ public void setInactiveBreakpoint(int position) { waitActive(); waitDebugerLineIsVisible(position); seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(By.xpath(format(DEBUGGER_PREFIX_XPATH, position))); waitBreakPointWithInactiveState(position); } /** * Sets breakpoint on specified {@code position} in the IDE breakpoint panel and waits on active * state of it. * * @param position number of line where breakpoint should be placed */ public void setBreakPointAndWaitActiveState(int position) { waitActive(); waitDebugerLineIsVisible(position); seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(By.xpath(format(DEBUGGER_PREFIX_XPATH, position))); waitActiveBreakpoint(position); } /** * Sets breakpoint to the specified {@code position} in the editor. * * @param position number of line where breakpoint should be placed */ public void setBreakpoint(int position) { waitActive(); waitDebugerLineIsVisible(position); seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(By.xpath(format(DEBUGGER_PREFIX_XPATH, position))); } /** * Waits until breakpoint with active state is in defined {@code position}. * * @param position number of line where breakpoint should be placed */ public void waitActiveBreakpoint(int position) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(DEBUGGER_BREAK_POINT_ACTIVE, position)), LOADER_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** * Waits until breakpoint with inactive state is in defined {@code position}. * * @param position number of line where breakpoint should be placed */ public void waitInactiveBreakpoint(int position) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(DEBUGGER_BREAK_POINT_INACTIVE, position)), LOADER_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** * Waits until breakpoint with specified {@code activeState} is present in defined {@code * lineNumber}. * * @param lineNumber number of line where breakpoint should be placed * @param activeState state of breakpoint */ public void waitConditionalBreakpoint(int lineNumber, boolean activeState) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility( By.xpath(format(DEBUGGER_BREAKPOINT_CONDITION, activeState ? "active" : "inactive", lineNumber)), LOADER_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** * Waits until breakpoint with "disabled" status is present in the line with specified {@code * lineNumber}. * * @param lineNumber number of line where breakpoint should be placed */ public void waitDisabledBreakpoint(int lineNumber) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(DEBUGGER_BREAKPOINT_DISABLED, lineNumber)), LOADER_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** Waits until current editor's tab is without visible text. */ public void waitEditorIsEmpty() { webDriverWaitFactory.get(ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC) .until((ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) driver -> getVisibleTextFromEditor().isEmpty()); } /** Waits until javadoc popup is opened. */ public void waitJavaDocPopUpOpened() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(TEXT_VIEW_TOOLTIP), ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** Waits until javadoc popup is closed */ public void waitJavaDocPopUpClosed() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(TEXT_VIEW_TOOLTIP)); } /** Waits until {@code expectedText} is present in javadoc's popup body */ public void checkTextToBePresentInJavaDocPopUp(String expectedText) { waitTextInJavaDoc(expectedText); } /** * Waits until {@code expectedText} is present in javadoc's body. * * <p>Note! Sometimes javadoc displays with delays, in this case empty frame displaying first, and * method waits {@code expectedText} in this empty frame even if javadoc with {@code expectedText} * was loaded successfully. That's why frame switching is used in the wait logic. * * @param expectedText visible text which should be present in javadoc */ private void waitTextInJavaDoc(String expectedText) { webDriverWaitFactory.get().until((ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) driver -> { if (waitAndCheckTextPresenceInJavaDoc(expectedText)) { return true; } return false; }); } /** * Waits until javadoc body is visible and checks presence of {@code expectedText}. * * <p>Note! {@link SeleniumWebDriver} should be switched to the javadoc frame. * * @param expectedText text which should be present in javadoc body * @return true - if {@code expectedText} is present in javadoc body, false - if not */ public boolean waitAndCheckTextPresenceInJavaDoc(String expectedText) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.moveCursorTo(By.xpath(TEXT_VIEW_TOOLTIP)); return seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(TEXT_VIEW_TOOLTIP)).getText().contains(expectedText); } /** * Checks text after clicking on link in javadoc's popup * * @param text text which should be present in the page which opened after clicking on the link * @param textLink visible link's text */ public void checkTextAfterGoToLinkInJavaDocPopUp(String text, String textLink) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndSwitchToFrame(By.xpath(TEXT_VIEW_TOOLTIP)); WebElement link = seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format("//a[text()='%s']", textLink))); webDriverWaitFactory.get() .until((ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) driver -> !link.getAttribute("href").isEmpty()); seleniumWebDriver.get(link.getAttribute("href")); webDriverWaitFactory.get().until(textToBePresentInElementLocated(By.tagName("body"), text)); seleniumWebDriver.navigate().back(); seleniumWebDriver.switchTo().parentFrame(); } /** Opens javadoc's popup */ public void openJavaDocPopUp() { loader.waitOnClosed(); actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver).keyDown(CONTROL).sendKeys(Keys.chord("q")).keyUp(CONTROL) .perform(); } /** * Checks visibility state of the java doc popup. * * @return {@code true} if the container is visible, otherwise returns {@code false} */ public boolean isTooltipPopupVisible() { return seleniumWebDriverHelper.isVisible(By.xpath(TEXT_VIEW_TOOLTIP)); } /** * Waits until {@code expectedText} is present in the current active line of the current tab. * * @param expectedText text which should be present in the checking line */ public void waitTextElementsActiveLine(final String expectedText) { waitActive(); webDriverWaitFactory.get().until((ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) driver -> seleniumWebDriverHelper .waitVisibilityAndGetText(By.xpath(ACTIVE_LINES_XPATH)).contains(expectedText)); } /** * Gets current cursor position, it means line's number and char's number. * * @return cursor position which defined in line's {@link Pair#first} number and char's {@link * Pair#second} number. */ public Pair<Integer, Integer> getCurrentCursorPosition() { waitActive(); WebElement currentActiveElement = -> webElement.isDisplayed()) .findFirst().get(); return getCursorPositionFromWebElement(currentActiveElement); } public Pair<Integer, Integer> getCurrentCursorPosition(int editorIndex) { int adoptedIndexOfEditor = editorIndex + 1; String editorActiveLineXpath = format(DEFINED_EDITOR_ACTIVE_LINE_XPATH_TEMPLATE, adoptedIndexOfEditor); List<WebElement> positionWidget = seleniumWebDriverHelper .waitPresenceOfAllElements(By.xpath(editorActiveLineXpath)); String cursorPosition = -> !element.getText().isEmpty()).findFirst() .get().getText(); List<String> lineAndCharPosition = asList(cursorPosition.split(":")); int positionRow = Integer.parseInt(lineAndCharPosition.get(0)); int positionChar = Integer.parseInt(lineAndCharPosition.get(1)); return new Pair<>(positionRow, positionChar); } /** * Waits active and focused editor's tab and gets cursor position. * * <p>Note! Before usage, ensure the checking editor's tab is active. * * @return cursor position which defined in line's number and char's number. */ public Pair<Integer, Integer> getCursorPositionsFromActive() { String xpathToCurrentActiveCursorPosition = "//div[@active and @focused]/parent::div[@id='gwt-debug-multiSplitPanel-tabsPanel']/div[@active and @focused]/parent::div[@id='gwt-debug-multiSplitPanel-tabsPanel']/parent::div/parent::div/following-sibling::div//div[@active]//div[@id='gwt-debug-cursorPosition']"; waitActive(); return getCursorPositionFromWebElement( seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(xpathToCurrentActiveCursorPosition))); } /** * Waits until cursor is placed in the position which specified {@code linePosition} and {@code * charPosition}. * * @param linePosition line's number where cursor should be placed * @param charPosition char's position where cursor should be placed */ public void waitCursorPosition(final int linePosition, final int charPosition) { waitCursorPosition(0, linePosition, charPosition); } public void waitCursorPosition(final int editorIndex, final int linePosition, final int charPosition) { webDriverWaitFactory.get().until((ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) webDriver -> { Pair<Integer, Integer> position = getCurrentCursorPosition(editorIndex); return (linePosition == position.first) && (charPosition == position.second); }); } private Pair<Integer, Integer> getCursorPositionFromWebElement(WebElement webElement) { int[] currentCursorPositions = asList(webElement.getText().split(":")).stream().mapToInt(Integer::parseInt) .toArray(); return new Pair<Integer, Integer>(currentCursorPositions[0], currentCursorPositions[1]); } /** Gets number of the current line where cursor is placed */ public int getPositionVisible() { waitActive(); return getCurrentCursorPosition().first; } /** * Checks that active line has specified {@code lineNumber}. * * @param lineNumber line's number which should be active */ public void expectedNumberOfActiveLine(final int lineNumber) { waitActive(); webDriverWaitFactory.get().until((ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) driver -> lineNumber == getPositionVisible()); } /** * Gets number of the char's position on which cursor is placed. * * @return number of the char's position on which cursor is placed */ public int getPositionOfChar() { return getCurrentCursorPosition().second; } /** * Waits until cursor is placed in specified {@code linePosition} and {@code charPosition}. * * @param linePosition line's number where cursor is expected * @param charPosition char's number where cursor is expected */ public void waitSpecifiedValueForLineAndChar(final int linePosition, final int charPosition) { int[] lastPos = new int[] { -1, -1 }; webDriverWaitFactory.get().withMessage(() -> { return String.format("Expected (%d, %d), but was (%d, %d)", linePosition, charPosition, lastPos[0], lastPos[1]); }).until((ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) webDriver -> { lastPos[0] = getPositionVisible(); lastPos[1] = getPositionOfChar(); return (lastPos[0] == linePosition) && (lastPos[1] == charPosition); }); } /** * Waits until cursor is placed in specified {@code lineAndChar} position. * * @param lineAndChar expected line and char position in format "1:25" */ public void waitSpecifiedValueForLineAndChar(String lineAndChar) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(POSITION_CURSOR_NUMBER, lineAndChar))); } /** Launches refactor for local variables by keyboard */ public void launchLocalRefactor() { loader.waitOnClosed(); actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver).keyDown(SHIFT).sendKeys(F6).keyUp(SHIFT).perform(); loader.waitOnClosed(); } /** * The first invocation of launchLocalRefactor() runs local refactoring, the second invocation * opens "Refactor" form. */ public void launchRefactorForm() { launchLocalRefactor(); launchLocalRefactor(); } /** * Clicks on the selected element in the editor. * * @param nameElement visible name of the element */ public void clickOnSelectedElementInEditor(String nameElement) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(By.xpath(format(SELECTED_ITEM_IN_EDITOR, nameElement))); waitActive(); } /** * Waits until the 'Implementation(s)' form is opened. * * @param fileName is name of the selected file */ public void waitImplementationFormIsOpen(String fileName) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(IMPLEMENTATION_CONTAINER, fileName))); } /** Waits until the 'Implementation(s)' form is closed */ public void waitImplementationFormIsClosed(String fileName) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(format(IMPLEMENTATION_CONTAINER, fileName))); } /** Launches the 'Implementation(s)' form by keyboard */ public void launchImplementationFormByKeyboard() { loader.waitOnClosed(); actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver).keyDown(CONTROL).keyDown(ALT).sendKeys("b").keyUp(ALT) .keyUp(CONTROL).perform(); } /** Performs "Escape" button pushing. Mainly, may be used for closing forms in the editor. */ public void cancelFormInEditorByEscape() { typeTextIntoEditor(ESCAPE.toString()); } /** * Waits until {@code expectedText} text is present in the 'Implementation' form. * * @param expectedText text which should be present in the form */ public void waitTextInImplementationForm(String expectedText) { webDriverWaitFactory.get().until( (ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) driver -> getTextFromImplementationForm().contains(expectedText)); } /** Gets visible text from the 'Implementation(s)' form. */ public String getTextFromImplementationForm() { return seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(implementationContent).getText(); } /** * Performs double click on the specified {@code itemName} in the 'Implementation' form. * * @param itemName visible name of the element which should be clicked */ public void chooseImplementationByDoubleClick(String itemName) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.moveCursorToAndDoubleClick(By.xpath(format(IMPLEMENTATIONS_ITEM, itemName))); } /** * Selects specified {@code itemName} in the 'Implementation' form. * * @param itemName visible name of the element which should be clicked */ public void selectImplementationByClick(String itemName) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(By.xpath(format(IMPLEMENTATIONS_ITEM, itemName))); } /** * Checks that specified {@code text} is present only once. * * @param text text which should be checked * @return true - if text is present only once, false - if not */ public boolean checkWhatTextLinePresentOnce(String text) { String visibleTextFromEditor = getVisibleTextFromEditor(); int index = visibleTextFromEditor.indexOf(text); if (index > 0) { return !visibleTextFromEditor.substring(index + 1, visibleTextFromEditor.length()).contains(text); } return false; } /** * Clicks on web element by Xpath * * @param xPath is Xpath of web element */ public void clickOnElementByXpath(String xPath) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(By.xpath(xPath)); } /** * Gets quantity of visible markers with specified {@code markerLocator} * * @param markerLocator marker's type, defined in {@link MarkerLocator} * @return markers quantity */ public int getMarkersQuantity(MarkerLocator markerLocator) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(RULER_OVERVIEW)); return seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibilityOfAllElements(By.xpath(markerLocator.get())).size(); } /** * Waits {@code quantity} of specified {@code markerLocator} during {@code timeout}. * * @param markerLocator type of the expected markers * @param quantity expected quantity of the markers * @param timeout time in seconds for waiting expected quantity of the markers */ public void waitMarkersQuantity(MarkerLocator markerLocator, int quantity, int timeout) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitSuccessCondition(driver -> quantity == getMarkersQuantity(markerLocator), timeout); } /** * Waits {@code quantity} of specified {@code markerLocator}. * * @param markerLocator type of the expected markers * @param quantity expected quantity of the markers */ public void waitMarkersQuantity(MarkerLocator markerLocator, int quantity) { waitMarkersQuantity(markerLocator, quantity, LOAD_PAGE_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** * Waits quantity of specified {@code markerLocator} between {@code lowerBound} and {@code * upperBound} values during {@code timeout}. * * @param markerLocator type of the expected markers * @param lowerBound the lower bound of the markers quantity (including specified value) * @param upperBound the upper bound of the markers quantity (including specified value) * @param timeout time in seconds for waiting expected quantity of the markers */ public void waitMarkersQuantityBetween(MarkerLocator markerLocator, int lowerBound, int upperBound, int timeout) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitSuccessCondition(driver -> { final int markersQuantity = getMarkersQuantity(markerLocator); return lowerBound <= markersQuantity && upperBound >= markersQuantity; }); } /** * Waits quantity of specified {@code markerLocator} between {@code lowerBound} and {@code * upperBound} values. * * @param markerLocator type of the expected markers * @param lowerBound the lower bound of the markers quantity * @param upperBound the upper bound of the markers quantity */ public void waitMarkersQuantityBetween(MarkerLocator markerLocator, int lowerBound, int upperBound) { waitMarkersQuantityBetween(markerLocator, lowerBound, upperBound, TestTimeoutsConstants.LOAD_PAGE_TIMEOUT_SEC); } /** * Waits until annotations with specified {@code markerLocator} visible * * @param markerLocator marker's type, defined in {@link MarkerLocator} */ public void waitAnnotationsAreNotPresent(MarkerLocator markerLocator) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(markerLocator.get())); } /** * Removes all file's content since specified {@code numberOfLine} to the end of file. * * @param numberOfLine number of line since which the file's content should be removed */ public void removeLineAndAllAfterIt(int numberOfLine) { setCursorToLine(numberOfLine); actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver).keyDown(CONTROL).keyDown(SHIFT).sendKeys(END).keyUp(CONTROL) .keyUp(SHIFT).sendKeys(DELETE).perform(); } /** Waits until the ruler overview is present. */ public void waitRulerOverviewIsPresent() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(RULER_OVERVIEW)); } /** Waits until the ruler overview is not present. */ public void waitRulerOverviewIsNotPresent() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(RULER_OVERVIEW)); } /** Waits until the ruler annotation is present. */ public void waitRulerAnnotationsIsPresent() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(RULER_ANNOTATIONS)); } /** Waits until the ruler annotation is not present. */ public void waitRulerAnnotationsIsNotPresent() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(RULER_ANNOTATIONS)); } /** Waits until the ruler line is present. */ public void waitRulerLineIsPresent() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(RULER_LINES)); } /** Waits until the ruler line is not present. */ public void waitRulerLineIsNotPresent() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(RULER_LINES)); } /** Waits until the ruler folding is present. */ public void waitRulerFoldingIsPresent() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(RULER_FOLDING)); } /** Waits until the ruler folding is not present. */ public void waitRulerFoldingIsNotPresent() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(RULER_FOLDING)); } /** Waits until the all punctuation separators are present. */ public void waitAllPunctuationSeparatorsArePresent() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibilityOfAllElements(By.xpath(PUNCTUATION_SEPARATOR)); } /** Waits until the all punctuation separators are not present. */ public void waitAllPunctuationSeparatorsAreNotPresent() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(PUNCTUATION_SEPARATOR)); } /** Waits until the text view ruler is present. */ public void waitTextViewRulerIsPresent() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(TEXT_VIEW_RULER)); } /** Waits until the text view ruler is not present. */ public void waitTextViewRulerIsNotPresent() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(TEXT_VIEW_RULER)); } /** * Changes width of the editor's window. * * @param xOffset horizontal move offset. */ public void changeWidthWindowForEditor(int xOffset) { WebElement moveElement = seleniumWebDriverHelper .waitVisibility(By.xpath("//div[@id='gwt-debug-navPanel']/parent::div/following::div[1]")); actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver).dragAndDropBy(moveElement, xOffset, 0).perform(); } /** * Opens list of the tabs. * * <p>Note! This is possible if opened tabs don't fit in the tab bar. */ public void openTabList() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(; } /** * Waits until the editor's tab with specified {@code tabName} is present in the tab list. * * @param tabName title of the editor's tab which should be checked */ public void waitTabIsPresentInTabList(String tabName) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(ITEM_TAB_LIST, tabName))); } /** * Waits until the tab with specified {@code tabName} is not present in the tab list. * * @param tabName title of the editor's tab which should be checked */ public void waitTabIsNotPresentInTabList(String tabName) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(format(ITEM_TAB_LIST, tabName))); } public void waitCountTabsWithProvidedName(int countTabs, String tabName) { webDriverWaitFactory.get().until( (ExpectedCondition<Boolean>) driver -> countTabs == getAllTabsWithProvidedName(tabName).size()); } /** * Clicks on the tab with specified {@code tabName} in the tab list. * * @param tabName title of the editor's tab which should be checked */ public void clickOnTabInTabList(String tabName) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(By.xpath(format(ITEM_TAB_LIST, tabName))); } /** * Selects window of certain {@code index} of split editor's tab with specified {@code tabName}. * * @param index index of the window of split tab which should be selected, starting from "0" * @param tabName title of the editor's tab which is split */ public void selectTabByIndexEditorWindow(int index, String tabName) { selectTab(index, tabName); waitTabSelection(index, tabName); seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitSuccessCondition(driver -> { if (isTabFocused(index, tabName)) { return true; } selectTab(index, tabName); return false; }); } private void selectTab(int index, String tabName) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitPresenceOfAllElements(By.xpath(format(TAB_FILE_NAME_XPATH, tabName))).get(index) .click(); } public boolean isTabSelected(int editorIndex, String tabTitle) { return null != getEditorTabs(tabTitle).get(editorIndex).getAttribute("active"); } public boolean isTabFocused(int editorIndex, String tabTitle) { return null != getEditorTabs(tabTitle).get(editorIndex).getAttribute("focused"); } public void waitTabSelection(int editorIndex, String tabTitle) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitSuccessCondition(driver -> isTabSelected(editorIndex, tabTitle)); } public void waitTabSelection(String tabTitle) { waitTabSelection(0, tabTitle); } public void waitTabFocusing(int editorIndex, String tabTitle) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitSuccessCondition(driver -> isTabFocused(editorIndex, tabTitle)); } private List<WebElement> getEditorTabs(String tabTitle) { final String editorTabXpathTemplate = "//div[@id='gwt-debug-editor-tab']//div[text()='%s']//parent::div[@id='gwt-debug-editor-tab']"; final String editorTabXpath = format(editorTabXpathTemplate, tabTitle); return seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibilityOfAllElements(By.xpath(editorTabXpath)); } /** * Selects window of certain {@code index} of split editor's tab with specified {@code tabName} * and opens context menu for this tab. * * @param index index of the window which should be selected, starting from "0" * @param tabName title of the editor's tab for which menu should be opened */ public void selectTabByIndexEditorWindowAndOpenMenu(int index, String tabName) { List<WebElement> windowList = seleniumWebDriverHelper .waitPresenceOfAllElements(By.xpath(format(TAB_FILE_CLOSE_ICON, tabName))); actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver).contextClick(windowList.get(index)).perform(); } /** * Checks the editor's tab with specified {@code tabName} is present only once in the editor. * * @param tabName title of the editor's tab for which menu should be opened */ public boolean tabIsPresentOnce(String tabName) { return 1 == seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitPresenceOfAllElements( .filter(element -> element.getText().contains(tabName)).collect(toList()).size(); } /** * Auxiliary method for reading text from Orion editor. * * @param lines List of WebElements that contain text (mostly <div> tags after * ORION_ACTIVE_EDITOR_CONTAINER_XPATH locator) * @return the normalized text */ private String getTextFromOrionLines(List<WebElement> lines) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); try { stringBuilder = waitLinesElementsPresenceAndGetText(lines); } // If an editor do not attached to the DOM (we will have state element exception). We wait // attaching 2 second and try to read text again. catch (WebDriverException ex) { WaitUtils.sleepQuietly(2); stringBuilder.setLength(0); stringBuilder = waitLinesElementsPresenceAndGetText(lines); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } private StringBuilder waitLinesElementsPresenceAndGetText(List<WebElement> lines) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); lines.forEach(line -> { List<WebElement> nestedElements = line.findElements(By.tagName("span")); for (int a = 0; a < nestedElements.size(); a++) { webDriverWaitFactory.get() .until(presenceOfNestedElementLocatedBy(line, By.xpath(format("span[%s]", a + 1)))); } nestedElements.remove(nestedElements.size() - 1); nestedElements.forEach(elem -> stringBuilder.append(elem.getText())); stringBuilder.append("\n"); }); return stringBuilder.deleteCharAt(stringBuilder.length() - 1); } /** Opens context menu into editor */ public void openContextMenuInEditor() { actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver) .contextClick(seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(activeEditorContainer)).perform(); waitContextMenu(); } /** * Opens context menu for the specified {@code selectedItem} in the editor. * * @param selectedElement visible text in the editor on which context click should be performed */ public void openContextMenuOnElementInEditor(String selectedElement) { actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver).contextClick( seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(format(SELECTED_ITEM_IN_EDITOR, selectedElement)))) .perform(); waitContextMenu(); } /** Waits until context menu form is opened. */ public void waitContextMenu() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(By.xpath(CONTEXT_MENU)); } /** Waits until context menu form is not present. */ public void waitContextMenuIsNotPresent() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(By.xpath(CONTEXT_MENU)); } /** Check if context menu is visible. */ public boolean isContextMenuPresent() { return seleniumWebDriverHelper.isVisible(By.xpath(CONTEXT_MENU)); } /** * Clicks on {@code item} in context menu. * * @param item editor context menu item which defined in {@link ContextMenuLocator} */ public void clickOnItemInContextMenu(ContextMenuLocator item) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndClick(item.get()); loader.waitOnClosed(); } private List<WebElement> getAllTabsWithProvidedName(String tabName) { return seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibilityOfAllElements( By.xpath(format("//div[@id='gwt-debug-multiSplitPanel-tabsPanel']//div[text()='%s']", tabName))); } public void moveCursorToText(String text) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.moveCursorTo(By.xpath(format(Locators.TEXT_TO_MOVE_CURSOR_XPATH, text))); } public void waitProposalDocumentationHTML(String expectedText, int timeout) { waitForText(expectedText, timeout, () -> getProposalDocumentationHTML()); } public void waitProposalDocumentationHTML(String expectedText) { waitProposalDocumentationHTML(expectedText, LOAD_PAGE_TIMEOUT_SEC); } public String getProposalDocumentationHTML() { return seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(proposalDoc).findElement(By.tagName("div")) .getAttribute("innerHTML"); } /** enter the 'Ctrl + F12' */ public void enterCtrlF12() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.pressCtrlF12(); } /** press the key 'Arrow Up' */ public void pressArrowUp() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.pressArrowUp(); } /** press the key 'Arrow Down' */ public void pressArrowDown() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.pressArrowDown(); } /** press the key 'Enter' */ public void pressEnter() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.pressEnter(); } /** Type the comment line in the file by keyboard */ public void launchCommentCodeFeature() { actionsFactory.createAction(seleniumWebDriver).keyDown(CONTROL).sendKeys("/").keyUp(CONTROL).perform(); } /** * wait renaming field in the Editor (usually it field is used by language servers), type new * value and wait closing of the field * * @param renameValue */ public void doRenamingByLanguageServerField(String renameValue) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.setValue(languageServerRenameField, renameValue); seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitAndSendKeysTo(languageServerRenameField, Keys.ENTER.toString()); } public void waitSignaturesContainer() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitVisibility(signaturesContainer, ELEMENT_TIMEOUT_SEC); } public void closeSignaturesContainer() { typeTextIntoEditor(ESCAPE.toString()); waitSignaturesContainerIsClosed(); } public void waitSignaturesContainerIsClosed() { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitInvisibility(signaturesContainer); } public String getAllVisibleTextFromSignaturesContainer() { waitSignaturesContainer(); return signaturesContainer.getText(); } /** * Waits specified {@code expectedProposal} in signatures container. * * @param expectedProposal text which should be present in the container */ public void waitProposalIntoSignaturesContainer(final String expectedProposal) { seleniumWebDriverHelper.waitTextContains(signaturesContainer, expectedProposal); } }