Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2017 the original author or authors. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * */ package org.eclipse.buildship.core.launch.internal; import java.util.Set; import; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfiguration; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathAttribute; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathEntry; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot; import org.eclipse.buildship.core.CorePlugin; /** * Represents the scope associated with the current launch configuration. * * @author Donat Csikos */ public abstract class LaunchConfigurationScope { /** * Launch configuration scope that doesn't filter any entries. */ public static final LaunchConfigurationScope INCLUDE_ALL = new IncludeAllLaunchConfigurationScope(); /** * Returns {@code true} if the classpath entry is part of this scope. * * @param entry the target classpath entry * @param scopes the name of the scopes to look for * * @return whether the scopes contain the the entry's dependency scope */ public abstract boolean isEntryIncluded(IClasspathEntry entry); /** * Creates a launch configuration scope from the target launch configuration. If the scope * information cannot be calculated then the result scope doesn't filter any entries. * * @param configuration the target launch configuration * @return the created scope */ public static LaunchConfigurationScope from(ILaunchConfiguration configuration) { Set<String> result = Sets.newHashSet(); try { Set<IPackageFragmentRoot> soureFolders = SupportedLaunchConfigType.collectSourceFolders(configuration); for (IPackageFragmentRoot sourceFolder : soureFolders) { Set<String> scope = scopesFor(sourceFolder.getRawClasspathEntry()); if (scope == null) { return INCLUDE_ALL; } result.addAll(scope); } return new FilteringLaunchConfigurationScope(result); } catch (CoreException e) { CorePlugin.logger().warn("Cannot collect dependency scope information for launch configuration " + configuration.getName(), e); return INCLUDE_ALL; } } private static Set<String> scopesFor(IClasspathEntry entry) { for (IClasspathAttribute attribute : entry.getExtraAttributes()) { if (attribute.getName().equals("gradle_scope")) { return Sets.newHashSet(attribute.getValue().split(",")); } } return null; } private static Set<String> usedByScopesFor(IClasspathEntry entry) { for (IClasspathAttribute attribute : entry.getExtraAttributes()) { if (attribute.getName().equals("gradle_used_by_scope")) { return Sets.newHashSet(attribute.getValue().split(",")); } } return null; } /** * Doesn't filter any entries. */ private static final class IncludeAllLaunchConfigurationScope extends LaunchConfigurationScope { @Override public boolean isEntryIncluded(IClasspathEntry entry) { return true; } } /** * Filters entries if they are not used by the represented scopes. */ private static final class FilteringLaunchConfigurationScope extends LaunchConfigurationScope { private final Set<String> scopes; public FilteringLaunchConfigurationScope(Set<String> scopes) { this.scopes = scopes; } @Override public boolean isEntryIncluded(IClasspathEntry entry) { if (this.scopes == null || this.scopes.isEmpty()) { return true; } Set<String> entryUsedByScopes = usedByScopesFor(entry); if (entryUsedByScopes == null || entryUsedByScopes.isEmpty()) { return true; } return !Sets.intersection(this.scopes, entryUsedByScopes).isEmpty(); } } }