Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014 Actuate Corporation. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Actuate Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package; import java.awt.Color; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.lowagie.text.Font; /** * This class is used use to generate PPTX shapes. * */ public class PPTXCanvas { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PPTXCanvas.class.getName()); private final Presentation presentation; private final IPart part; private final ImageManager imageManager; private final OOXmlWriter writer; private float scale = 1; public PPTXCanvas(Presentation presentation, IPart part, OOXmlWriter writer) { this.presentation = presentation; this.part = part; this.imageManager = (ImageManager) part.getPackage().getExtensionData(); this.writer = writer; } public PPTXCanvas(PPTXCanvas canvas, OOXmlWriter writer) { this.presentation = canvas.presentation; this.part = canvas.part; this.imageManager = canvas.imageManager; this.writer = writer; this.clipStack = canvas.clipStack; } /** * @param startX * @param startY * @param endX * @param endY * @param width * @param color * @param lineStyle * * pre: all are set in EMU units */ public void drawLine(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, int width, Color color, int lineStyle) { if (color == null || width == 0f || lineStyle == BorderInfo.BORDER_STYLE_NONE) { return; } writer.openTag("p:cxnSp"); writer.openTag("p:nvCxnSpPr"); writer.openTag("p:cNvPr"); int shapeId = nextShapeId(); writer.attribute("id", shapeId); writer.attribute("name", "Line " + shapeId); writer.closeTag("p:cNvPr"); writer.openTag("p:cNvCxnSpPr"); writer.closeTag("p:cNvCxnSpPr"); writer.openTag("p:nvPr"); writer.closeTag("p:nvPr"); writer.closeTag("p:nvCxnSpPr"); writer.openTag("p:spPr"); setPosition(startX, startY, endX - startX, endY - startY); writer.openTag("a:prstGeom"); writer.attribute("prst", "line"); writer.closeTag("a:prstGeom"); setProperty(color, width, lineStyle); writer.closeTag("p:spPr"); writer.closeTag("p:cxnSp"); } public void drawText(String text, int textX, int textY, int width, int height, String fontName, float fontSize, int fontStyle, Color color, boolean isUnderline, boolean isLineThrough, HyperlinkDef link) { writer.openTag("p:sp"); writer.openTag("p:nvSpPr"); writer.openTag("p:cNvPr"); int shapeId = nextShapeId(); writer.attribute("id", shapeId); writer.attribute("name", "TextBox " + shapeId); writer.closeTag("p:cNvPr"); writer.openTag("p:cNvSpPr"); writer.attribute("txBox", "1"); writer.closeTag("p:cNvSpPr"); writer.openTag("p:nvPr"); writer.closeTag("p:nvPr"); writer.closeTag("p:nvSpPr"); writer.openTag("p:spPr"); setPosition(textX, textY, width + 1, height); writer.openTag("a:prstGeom"); writer.attribute("prst", "rect"); writer.closeTag("a:prstGeom"); writer.closeTag("p:spPr"); writer.openTag("p:txBody"); writer.openTag("a:bodyPr"); writer.attribute("wrap", "none"); writer.attribute("lIns", "0"); writer.attribute("tIns", "0"); writer.attribute("rIns", "0"); writer.attribute("bIns", "0"); writer.attribute("rtlCol", "0"); writer.closeTag("a:bodyPr"); writer.openTag("a:p"); writer.openTag("a:r"); setTextProperty(fontName, fontSize, fontStyle, color, isUnderline, isLineThrough, link); writer.openTag("a:t"); writeText(text); writer.closeTag("a:t"); writer.closeTag("a:r"); writer.closeTag("a:p"); writer.closeTag("p:txBody"); writer.closeTag("p:sp"); } /** * Word have extra limitation on text in run: a. it must following xml * format. b. no ]]> so , we need replace all &, <,> in the text * * @param text */ void writeText(String text) { int length = text.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length * 2); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char ch = text.charAt(i); switch (ch) { case '&': sb.append("&"); break; case '>': sb.append(">"); break; case '<': sb.append("<"); break; default: sb.append(ch); } } writer.cdata(sb.toString()); } public void drawImage(String uri, String extension, int imageX, int imageY, int height, int width, String helpText, HyperlinkDef link) throws IOException { byte[] imageData = EmitterUtil.getImageData(uri); IPart imagePart = imageManager.getImagePart(part, uri, imageData).getPart(); drawImage(imagePart, imageX, imageY, height, width, helpText, true, link); } public void drawImage(String imageId, byte[] imageData, String extension, int imageX, int imageY, int height, int width, String helpText, HyperlinkDef link) throws IOException { drawImage(imageId, imageData, extension, imageX, imageY, height, width, helpText, true, link); } private void drawImage(String imageId, byte[] imageData, String extension, int imageX, int imageY, int height, int width, String helpText, boolean stretch, HyperlinkDef link) throws IOException { IPart imagePart = imageManager.getImagePart(part, imageId, imageData).getPart(); drawImage(imagePart, imageX, imageY, height, width, helpText, stretch, link); } private Crop checkCrop(int x, int y, int width, int height) { if (clipStack.isEmpty()) { return null; } ClipArea clip = clipStack.peek(); int left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0; if (x < clip.x) { left = (int) ((clip.x - x) / (float) width * 100000); } if (y < clip.y) { top = (int) ((clip.y - y) / (float) height * 100000); } if (x + width > clip.x + clip.width) { right = (int) (((x + width) - (clip.x + clip.width)) / (float) width * 100000); } if (y + height > clip.y + clip.height) { bottom = (int) (((y + height) - (clip.y + clip.height)) / (float) height * 100000); } if (left != 0 || right != 0 || top != 0 || bottom != 0) { return new Crop(left, right, top, bottom); } return null; } private class Crop { int left, right, top, bottom; Crop(int left, int right, int top, int bottom) { this.left = left; this.right = right; = top; this.bottom = bottom; } } private void drawImage(IPart imagePart, int imageX, int imageY, int height, int width, String helpText, boolean stretch, HyperlinkDef link) { String relationshipId = imagePart.getRelationshipId(); writer.openTag("p:pic"); writer.openTag("p:nvPicPr"); writer.openTag("p:cNvPr"); int shapeId = nextShapeId(); writer.attribute("id", shapeId); writer.attribute("name", "Image " + shapeId); writer.attribute("descr", helpText); setHyperlink(link); writer.closeTag("p:cNvPr"); writer.openTag("p:cNvPicPr"); writer.openTag("a:picLocks"); writer.attribute("noChangeAspect", "1"); writer.closeTag("a:picLocks"); writer.closeTag("p:cNvPicPr"); writer.openTag("p:nvPr"); writer.closeTag("p:nvPr"); writer.closeTag("p:nvPicPr"); writer.openTag("p:blipFill"); Crop crop = checkCrop(imageX, imageY, width, height); if (crop != null) { writer.attribute("rotWithShape", "1"); } writer.openTag("a:blip"); writer.attribute("r:embed", relationshipId); writer.closeTag("a:blip"); if (crop != null) { writer.openTag("a:srcRect"); if ( != 0) writer.attribute("t",; if (crop.left != 0) writer.attribute("l", crop.left); if (crop.right != 0) writer.attribute("r", crop.right); if (crop.bottom != 0) writer.attribute("b", crop.bottom); writer.closeTag("a:srcRect"); } if (stretch) { writer.openTag("a:stretch"); // writer.openTag("a:fillRect"); // writer.closeTag("a:fillRect"); writer.closeTag("a:stretch"); } writer.closeTag("p:blipFill"); writer.openTag("p:spPr"); if (crop == null) { setPosition(imageX, imageY, width, height); } else { ClipArea clip = clipStack.peek(); int pX = Math.max(clip.x, imageX); int pY = Math.max(clip.y, imageY); int pWidth = Math.min(imageX + width, clip.x + clip.width) - pX; int pHeight = Math.min(imageY + height, clip.y + clip.height) - pY; pHeight = pHeight < 0 ? 0 : pHeight; pWidth = pWidth < 0 ? 0 : pWidth; setPosition(pX, pY, pWidth, pHeight); } writer.openTag("a:prstGeom"); writer.attribute("prst", "rect"); writer.closeTag("a:prstGeom"); writer.closeTag("p:spPr"); writer.closeTag("p:pic"); } public void drawBackgroundColor(Color color, int x, int y, int width, int height) { if (color != null) { writer.openTag("p:sp"); writer.openTag("p:nvSpPr"); writer.openTag("p:cNvPr"); int shapeId = nextShapeId(); writer.attribute("id", shapeId); writer.attribute("name", "Rectangle " + shapeId); writer.closeTag("p:cNvPr"); writer.openTag("p:cNvSpPr"); writer.closeTag("p:cNvSpPr"); writer.openTag("p:nvPr"); writer.closeTag("p:nvPr"); writer.closeTag("p:nvSpPr"); writer.openTag("p:spPr"); setPosition(x, y, width, height); writer.openTag("a:prstGeom"); writer.attribute("prst", "rect"); writer.closeTag("a:prstGeom"); setBackgroundColor(color); writer.closeTag("p:spPr"); writer.closeTag("p:sp"); } } public void drawBackgroundImage(int x, int y, int width, int height, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int repeat, String imageURI, byte[] imageData, int offsetX, int offsetY) { if (imageURI == null || imageURI.length() == 0) { return; } if (imageData == null || imageData.length == 0) { return; } try { if (!imageManager.hasImage(imageURI)) { image = EmitterUtil.parseImage(imageData, null, null); imageData = image.getData(); } ImagePart imagePartInfo = imageManager.getImagePart(part, imageURI, imageData); Image imageInfo = imagePartInfo.getImageInfo(); float originalImageWidth = imageWidth != 0 ? imageWidth : imageInfo.getWidth(); float originalImageHeight = imageHeight != 0 ? imageHeight : imageInfo.getHeight(); originalImageHeight = Math.min(originalImageHeight, height); originalImageWidth = Math.min(originalImageWidth, width); Position areaPosition = new Position(x, y); Position areaSize = new Position(width, height); Position imagePosition = new Position(x + offsetX, y + offsetY); Position imageSize = new Position(originalImageWidth, originalImageHeight); BackgroundImageLayout layout = new BackgroundImageLayout(areaPosition, areaSize, imagePosition, imageSize); Collection positions = layout.getImagePositions(repeat); Iterator iterator = positions.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Position position = (Position); fillRectangleWithImage(imagePartInfo, (int) OOXmlUtil.convertPointerToEmus(position.getX()), (int) OOXmlUtil.convertPointerToEmus(position.getY()), (int) OOXmlUtil.convertPointerToEmus(originalImageWidth), (int) OOXmlUtil.convertPointerToEmus(originalImageHeight), 0, 0); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } } private float getImageRange(float maxRange, float offset, float imageSize) { float result = imageSize; if (offset < 0) { result = Math.max(0, imageSize + offset); } else if (offset + imageSize > maxRange) { result = Math.max(0, maxRange - offset); } return result; } private boolean isOutOfRange(float maxRange, float offset, float imageSize) { return offset <= 0 - imageSize || offset >= maxRange; } private void fillRectangleWithImage(ImagePart imageInfo, int x, int y, int width, int height, int offsetX, int offsetY) { writer.openTag("p:sp"); writer.openTag("p:nvSpPr"); writer.openTag("p:cNvPr"); int shapeId = nextShapeId(); writer.attribute("id", shapeId); writer.attribute("name", "Rectangle " + shapeId); writer.closeTag("p:cNvPr"); writer.openTag("p:cNvSpPr"); writer.closeTag("p:cNvSpPr"); writer.openTag("p:nvPr"); writer.closeTag("p:nvPr"); writer.closeTag("p:nvSpPr"); writer.openTag("p:spPr"); setPosition(x, y, width, height); writer.openTag("a:prstGeom"); writer.attribute("prst", "rect"); writer.closeTag("a:prstGeom"); setBackgroundImg(imageInfo.getPart().getRelationshipId(), offsetX, offsetY, BackgroundImageInfo.NO_REPEAT); // hardcore the repeat type writer.openTag("a:ln"); writer.openTag("a:noFill"); writer.closeTag("a:noFill"); writer.closeTag("a:ln"); writer.closeTag("p:spPr"); writer.closeTag("p:sp"); } public void setBackgroundImg(String relationshipid, int offsetX, int offsetY) { setBackgroundImg(relationshipid, offsetX, offsetY, BackgroundImageInfo.REPEAT); } public void setBackgroundImg(String relationshipid, int offsetX, int offsetY, int repeatmode) { if (relationshipid == null || repeatmode < BackgroundImageInfo.NO_REPEAT || repeatmode > BackgroundImageInfo.REPEAT || repeatmode == BackgroundImageInfo.REPEAT_X || repeatmode == BackgroundImageInfo.REPEAT_Y) {// cases that are not supported: log on exception return; } writer.openTag("a:blipFill"); writer.attribute("dpi", "0"); writer.attribute("rotWithShape", "1"); writer.openTag("a:blip"); writer.attribute("r:embed", relationshipid); writer.closeTag("a:blip"); switch (repeatmode) { case BackgroundImageInfo.REPEAT: writer.openTag("a:tile"); writer.attribute("tx", offsetX); writer.attribute("ty", offsetY); writer.closeTag("a:tile"); break; case BackgroundImageInfo.NO_REPEAT: writer.openTag("a:stretch"); writer.openTag("a:fillRect"); writer.attribute("b", offsetY); writer.attribute("r", offsetX); writer.closeTag("a:fillRect"); writer.closeTag("a:stretch"); break; } writer.closeTag("a:blipFill"); } private void setTextProperty(String fontName, float fontSize, int fontStyle, Color color, boolean isUnderline, boolean isLineThrough, HyperlinkDef link) { writer.openTag("a:rPr"); writer.attribute("lang", "en-US"); writer.attribute("altLang", "zh-CN"); writer.attribute("dirty", "0"); writer.attribute("smtClean", "0"); if (isLineThrough) { writer.attribute("strike", "sngStrike"); } if (isUnderline) { writer.attribute("u", "sng"); } writer.attribute("sz", (int) (fontSize * 100)); boolean isItalic = (fontStyle & Font.ITALIC) != 0; boolean isBold = (fontStyle & Font.BOLD) != 0; if (isItalic) { writer.attribute("i", 1); } if (isBold) { writer.attribute("b", 1); } setBackgroundColor(color); setTextFont(fontName); setHyperlink(link); writer.closeTag("a:rPr"); } void setHyperlink(HyperlinkDef link) {//TODO: set links for bookmark if (link != null) { String hyperlink = null; try { hyperlink = URLEncoder.encode(link.getLink(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ue) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ue.getLocalizedMessage(), ue); } if (hyperlink != null) { if (hyperlink.startsWith("\"") && hyperlink.endsWith("\"")) { hyperlink = hyperlink.substring(1, hyperlink.length() - 1); } writer.openTag("a:hlinkClick"); writer.attribute("r:id", part.getHyperlinkId(hyperlink)); if (link.getTooltip() != null) { writer.attribute("tooltip", link.getTooltip()); } writer.closeTag("a:hlinkClick"); } } } public void setBookmark(String bmk_relationshipid) { if (bmk_relationshipid != null) { writer.openTag("a:hlinkClick"); writer.attribute("r:id", bmk_relationshipid); writer.attribute("action", "ppaction://hlinksldjump"); writer.closeTag("a:hlinkClick"); } } private void setTextFont(String fontName) { writer.openTag("a:latin"); writer.attribute("typeface", fontName); writer.attribute("pitchFamily", "18"); writer.attribute("charset", "0"); writer.closeTag("a:latin"); writer.openTag("a:cs"); writer.attribute("typeface", fontName); writer.attribute("pitchFamily", "18"); writer.attribute("charset", "0"); writer.closeTag("a:cs"); } public void setBackgroundColor(Color color) { if (color != null) { writer.openTag("a:solidFill"); writer.openTag("a:srgbClr"); writer.attribute("val", EmitterUtil.getColorString(color)); writer.closeTag("a:srgbClr"); writer.closeTag("a:solidFill"); } } public void setPosition(int startX, int startY, int width, int height) { setPosition('a', startX, startY, width, height); } public void setPosition(char tagtype, int startX, int startY, int width, int height) { writer.openTag(tagtype + ":xfrm"); writer.openTag("a:off"); writer.attribute("x", startX); writer.attribute("y", startY); writer.closeTag("a:off"); writer.openTag("a:ext"); writer.attribute("cx", width); writer.attribute("cy", height); writer.closeTag("a:ext"); writer.closeTag(tagtype + ":xfrm"); } public void setProperty(Color color, int width, int style) { //module for outline line style writer.openTag("a:ln"); writer.attribute("w", width); if (style == { writer.attribute("cmpd", "dbl"); } setBackgroundColor(color); // the other line styles, e.g. 'ridge', 'outset', 'groove', 'insert' // is NOT supported now and all regarded with default style, i.e, solid. switch (style) { case setStyle("solid"); break; case setStyle("dash"); break; case setStyle("sysDash"); break; default: setStyle("solid"); break; } writer.closeTag("a:ln"); } private void setStyle(String lineStyle) { writer.openTag("a:prstDash"); writer.attribute("val", lineStyle); writer.closeTag("a:prstDash"); } public Presentation getPresentation() { return presentation; } private String getSlideUri(int slideIndex) { return "slides/slide" + slideIndex + ".xml"; } private int nextShapeId() // change to public { return presentation.getNextShapeId(); } public void drawText(String text, int textX, int textY, int width, int height, TextStyle textStyle, HyperlinkDef link) { FontInfo fontInfo = textStyle.getFontInfo(); String fontName = fontInfo.getFontName(); float fontSize = fontInfo.getFontSize(); int fontStyle = fontInfo.getFontStyle(); Color color = textStyle.getColor(); drawText(text, textX, textY, width, height, fontName, fontSize, fontStyle, color, textStyle.isUnderline(), textStyle.isLinethrough(), link); } private Stack<ClipArea> clipStack = new Stack<ClipArea>(); private class ClipArea { int x, y, width, height; ClipArea(int x, int y, int width, int height) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; } } public void startClip(int startX, int startY, int width, int height) { if (clipStack.isEmpty()) { clipStack.push(new ClipArea(startX, startY, width, height)); } else { ClipArea parent = clipStack.peek(); int newX = Math.max(parent.x, startX); int newY = Math.max(parent.y, startY); int newWidth = Math.min(startX + width, parent.x + parent.width) - newX; int newHeight = Math.min(startY + height, parent.y + parent.height) - newY; clipStack.push(new ClipArea(newX, newY, newWidth, newHeight)); } } public void endClip() { clipStack.pop(); } public OOXmlWriter getWriter() { return writer; } protected void writeMarginProperties(int top, int right, int bottom, int left) { writer.attribute("marL", left); writer.attribute("marR", right); writer.attribute("marT", top); writer.attribute("marB", bottom); } public String getImageRelationship(BackgroundImageInfo bgimginfo) { if (bgimginfo == null) { return null; } String imageURI = bgimginfo.getUrl(); byte[] imageData = bgimginfo.getImageData(); String relationshipid = null; try { if (!imageManager.hasImage(imageURI)) { image = EmitterUtil.parseImage(imageData, null, null); //image does not exist if (image == null) { return null; } imageData = image.getData(); } ImagePart imagePartInfo = imageManager.getImagePart(part, imageURI, imageData); relationshipid = imagePartInfo.getPart().getRelationshipId(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } return relationshipid; } protected int getScaledValue(float value) { return (int) (value * scale); } public void setScale(float newscale) { scale = newscale; } }