Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2016 eBay Software Foundation. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the MIT license. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.ebayopensource.winder.quartz; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.ebayopensource.common.config.InjectProperty; import org.ebayopensource.winder.*; import org.quartz.*; import org.quartz.impl.DefaultThreadExecutor; import org.quartz.impl.DirectSchedulerFactory; import org.quartz.impl.JobDetailImpl; import org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.Constants; import org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX; import org.quartz.impl.matchers.GroupMatcher; import org.quartz.plugins.history.LoggingJobHistoryPlugin; import org.quartz.plugins.history.LoggingTriggerHistoryPlugin; import org.quartz.simpl.CascadingClassLoadHelper; import org.quartz.simpl.SimpleInstanceIdGenerator; import org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool; import org.quartz.spi.SchedulerPlugin; import org.quartz.spi.ThreadPool; import org.quartz.utils.DBConnectionManager; import org.quartz.utils.PoolingConnectionProvider; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import static org.ebayopensource.winder.StatusEnum.CANCELLED; import static org.ebayopensource.winder.StatusEnum.PAUSED; import static org.ebayopensource.winder.StatusEnum.SUBMITTED; import static org.ebayopensource.winder.quartz.QuartzWinderConstants.*; import static org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.Constants.COL_JOB_DATAMAP; /** * Schedule Manager * * @author Sheldon Shao on 10/16/16. * @version 1.0 */ public class QuartzSchedulerManager<TI extends TaskInput> implements WinderSchedulerManager<TI> { private Scheduler quartzScheduler = null; private WinderEngine engine; @InjectProperty(name = "winder.scheduler.step_interval") private int defaultStepInterval = 10; //Seconds @InjectProperty(name = "winder.scheduler.max_job_duration") private int defaultMaxJobDuration = (int) TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(7); //Seconds private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QuartzSchedulerManager.class); private WinderJobDetailFactory jobDetailFactory; private boolean inMemoryScheduler = false; public QuartzSchedulerManager(WinderEngine engine) { this.engine = engine; this.jobDetailFactory = engine.getJobDetailFactory(); init(); } private String dataSourceName; private void init() { WinderConfiguration configuration = engine.getConfiguration(); DirectSchedulerFactory factory = DirectSchedulerFactory.getInstance(); int numThreads = configuration.getInt("winder.quartz.numThreads", 50); String quartzType = configuration.getString("winder.quartz.scheduler_type"); dataSourceName = configuration.getString("winder.quartz.datasource"); Scheduler scheduler = null; boolean inMemoryScheduler = false; try { if ("IN_MEMORY_SCHEDULER".equals(quartzType) || (quartzType == null && dataSourceName == null)) { factory.createVolatileScheduler(numThreads); scheduler = factory.getScheduler(); inMemoryScheduler = true; if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Scheduler manager starting IN_MEMORY_SCHEDULER"); } } else { ThreadPool threadPool = new SimpleThreadPool(numThreads, Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); threadPool.initialize(); String instanceId = (new SimpleInstanceIdGenerator()).generateInstanceId(); DBConnectionManager dbMgr = DBConnectionManager.getInstance(); int poolSize = configuration.getInt("winder.quartz.ds.pool_size", numThreads + 15); String jdbcUrl = dataSourceName; if ("ds".equals(dataSourceName)) { // String jdbcDriver = configuration.getString("winder.quartz.ds.driver"); jdbcUrl = configuration.getString("winder.quartz.ds.url"); String jdbcUser = configuration.getString("winder.quartz.ds.username"); String jdbcPassword = configuration.getString("winder.quartz.ds.password"); String validate = configuration.getString("winder.quartz.ds.validate_sql", "SELECT 1 /* ping */"); PoolingConnectionProvider pooling = new PoolingConnectionProvider(jdbcDriver, jdbcUrl, jdbcUser, jdbcPassword, poolSize, validate); dbMgr.addConnectionProvider(dataSourceName, pooling); } else { log.warn("Please make sure the data source:" + dataSourceName + " has already been initialized in somewhere else"); } boolean enableQuartz = configuration.getBoolean("winder.quartz.enable", true); if (enableQuartz) { String tablePrefix = configuration.getString("winder.quartz.ds.table_prefix", "WINDER_"); reformat(SELECT_JOBS_LIMIT, tablePrefix); reformat(SELECT_JOBS_LIMIT_BY_DATE_RANGE, tablePrefix); reformat(SELECT_JOBS_LIMIT_LIKE, tablePrefix); reformat(SELECT_JOBS_LIMIT_LIKE_BY_DATE_RANGE, tablePrefix); int checkInterval = configuration.getInt("winder.quartz.checkin_interval", 7500); String clusterName = engine.getClusterName(); JobStoreTX jdbcJobStore = new WinderJobStoreTx(); jdbcJobStore.setDataSource(dataSourceName); jdbcJobStore.setTablePrefix(tablePrefix); jdbcJobStore.setIsClustered(true); jdbcJobStore.setClusterCheckinInterval(checkInterval); String hostName; try { InetAddress inet = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); hostName = inet.getHostName(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { hostName = "unknownHost"; } jdbcJobStore.setInstanceId(hostName); jdbcJobStore.setDriverDelegateClass("org.ebayopensource.winder.quartz.WinderJDBCDelegate"); jdbcJobStore.setThreadPoolSize(poolSize); // To fix the quartz misfire issue DefaultThreadExecutor executor = new DefaultThreadExecutor(); long idleWaitTime = configuration.getLong("winder.quartz.idle_wait_time", 30000L); long dbFailureRetryInterval = configuration.getLong("winder.quartz.db_failure_retry_interval", 10000L); long batchTimeWindow = configuration.getLong("winder.quartz.batch_time_window", 1000L); boolean enableQuartzPlugins = configuration.getBoolean("winder.quartz.plugins.enable", false); if (enableQuartzPlugins) { Map<String, SchedulerPlugin> schedulerPluginMap = new HashMap<String, SchedulerPlugin>(); schedulerPluginMap.put("LoggingTriggerHistoryPlugin", new LoggingTriggerHistoryPlugin()); schedulerPluginMap.put("LoggingJobHistoryPlugin", new LoggingJobHistoryPlugin()); factory.createScheduler(clusterName, instanceId, threadPool, executor, jdbcJobStore, schedulerPluginMap, null, 0, idleWaitTime, dbFailureRetryInterval, false, null, numThreads, batchTimeWindow); } else { factory.createScheduler(clusterName, instanceId, threadPool, executor, jdbcJobStore, null, null, 0, idleWaitTime, dbFailureRetryInterval, false, null, numThreads, batchTimeWindow); } scheduler = factory.getScheduler(clusterName); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Scheduler manager starting with:" + jdbcUrl); } } else { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"Scheduler manager disabled!"); } } } this.quartzScheduler = scheduler; this.inMemoryScheduler = inMemoryScheduler; } catch (Exception e) { if (log.isErrorEnabled()) { log.error("Failure initializing quartz", e); } throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to initialize quartz", e); } } public int getDefaultStepInterval() { return defaultStepInterval; } public void setDefaultStepInterval(int defaultStepInterval) { this.defaultStepInterval = defaultStepInterval; } public long getDefaultMaxJobDuration() { return defaultMaxJobDuration; } public void setDefaultMaxJobDuration(int defaultMaxJobDuration) { this.defaultMaxJobDuration = defaultMaxJobDuration; } @Override public WinderJobDetail getJobDetail(JobId jobId) throws WinderScheduleException { JobKey key = getKey(jobId); try { JobDetail qjd = quartzScheduler.getJobDetail(key); if (qjd instanceof WinderJobDetail) { return (WinderJobDetail) qjd; } else { return new QuartzJobDetail(engine, jobId, qjd); } } catch (SchedulerException e) { throw new WinderScheduleException("Retrieving job detail error", e); } } @Override public WinderJobDetail getJobDetail(String jobId) throws WinderScheduleException { return getJobDetail(WinderUtil.toJobId(jobId)); } protected JobKey getKey(JobId jobId) { if (jobId instanceof QuartzJobId) { return ((QuartzJobId) jobId).getKey(); } else { return new JobKey(jobId.getName(), jobId.getGroup()); } } @Override public void unscheduleJob(JobId jobId) throws WinderScheduleException { List<? extends Trigger> triggers = null; try { triggers = quartzScheduler.getTriggersOfJob(getKey(jobId)); } catch (SchedulerException se) { throw new WinderScheduleException("Querying triggers exception", se); } if (triggers == null) { return; } for (Trigger trigger : triggers) { try { quartzScheduler.unscheduleJob(trigger.getKey()); } catch (SchedulerException e) { throw new WinderScheduleException("Unscheduleing job exception", e); } } } @Override public void updateJobData(WinderJobDetail job) throws WinderScheduleException { try { quartzScheduler.addJob((JobDetail) job, true); } catch (SchedulerException e) { throw new WinderScheduleException("Change job data exception", e); } } @Override public JobId scheduleChildJob(TI input, WinderJobContext parentJobCtx) throws WinderScheduleException { Class clazz = input.getJobClass(); if (clazz == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Need job class "); } String owner = parentJobCtx.getJobSummary().getOwner(); if (input.getJobOwner() == null) { input.setJobOwner(owner); } WinderJobDetail jd = jobDetailFactory.createJobDetail(input); if (jd instanceof QuartzJobDetail) { ((QuartzJobDetail) jd).setParentJobId(parentJobCtx.getJobId()); } JobId jobId = jd.getJobId(); // Create trigger Trigger t = createStagedTrigger(input.getStepInterval(), input.getJobDuration(), input.getJobScheduleTime(), jobId); // Child job was scheduled, add child job id to list in parent context parentJobCtx.getJobDetail().addChildJobIds(jd.getJobId()); // schedule job try { quartzScheduler.scheduleJob((JobDetail) jd, t); updateJobDetail(parentJobCtx.getJobDetail()); } catch (SchedulerException e) { throw new WinderScheduleException("Error scheduling job", e); } return jobId; } @Override public boolean doneYet(List<WinderJobDetail> childJobDetails) { if (childJobDetails == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Details array cannot be null"); } for (WinderJobDetail detail : childJobDetails) { if (detail == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Details cannot be null"); } switch (detail.getStatus()) { case EXECUTING: case CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS: case PAUSED: // assumption that CANCEL if really done case SUBMITTED: return false; // these mean the job isn't done default: continue; // keep checking } } return true; } @Override public JobId scheduleJob(TI input) throws WinderScheduleException { WinderJobDetail jd = jobDetailFactory.createJobDetail(input); Date jobStartTime = input.getJobScheduleTime(); Trigger t = createStagedTrigger(input.getStepInterval(), input.getJobDuration(), jobStartTime, jd.getJobId()); try { quartzScheduler.scheduleJob((JobDetail) jd, t); } catch (SchedulerException e) { throw new WinderScheduleException("Scheduling simple job exception", e); } return jd.getJobId(); } protected String triggerName(JobId jobId) { return TRIGGER_NAME_PREFIX + jobId.getName(); } protected String cronJobTriggerName(JobId jobId) { return TRIGGER_NAME_PREFIX + jobId.toString(); } protected Trigger createStagedTrigger(int stageIntervalSec, int maxTimeForJobSec, Date startTime, JobId jobId) { return TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity(triggerName(jobId), jobId.getGroup()) .forJob(jobId.getName(), jobId.getGroup()).startAt(startTime) .endAt(new Date(startTime.getTime() + maxTimeForJobSec * 1000)).withSchedule(SimpleScheduleBuilder .simpleSchedule().withIntervalInSeconds(stageIntervalSec).repeatForever()) .build(); } @Override public void rescheduleJob(JobId jobId, Date jobStartTime, int stageIntervalSec, int maxTimeForJobSec) throws WinderScheduleException { if (jobStartTime == null) { jobStartTime = new Date(); } String triggerName = triggerName(jobId); String triggerGroup = jobId.getGroup(); Trigger t = createStagedTrigger(stageIntervalSec, maxTimeForJobSec, jobStartTime, jobId); rescheduleJob(triggerName, triggerGroup, jobId, jobStartTime, t, true, null); } @Override public void rescheduleCronJob(JobId jobId, Date jobStartTime, String cronExpression) throws WinderScheduleException { if (jobStartTime == null) { jobStartTime = new Date(); } String triggerName = cronJobTriggerName(jobId); String triggerGroup = TRIGGER_GROUP_CRON; Trigger t = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity(triggerName, triggerGroup) .forJob(jobId.getName(), jobId.getGroup()).startAt(jobStartTime) .withSchedule(CronScheduleBuilder.cronSchedule(cronExpression)).build(); rescheduleJob(triggerName, triggerGroup, jobId, jobStartTime, t, true, null); } private void rescheduleJob(String triggerName, String triggerGroup, JobId jobId, Date jobStartTime, Trigger t, boolean hasTrigger, WinderJobDetail jobDetails) throws WinderScheduleException { JobDetail jd = null; if (jobDetails == null) { jobDetails = getJobDetail(jobId); } jd = (JobDetail) jobDetails; JobDataMap jobMap = jd.getJobDataMap(); jobMap.put(KEY_JOB_START_DATE, jobStartTime.getTime()); // reset the status changeJobStatus(jobDetails, SUBMITTED); try { if (hasTrigger) { quartzScheduler.rescheduleJob(new TriggerKey(triggerName, triggerGroup), t); } else { quartzScheduler.scheduleJob(t); } } catch (SchedulerException se) { throw new WinderScheduleException("Scheduling job " + jobId + " exception", se); } } @Override public JobId scheduleCronJob(TI input, String cronExpression) throws WinderScheduleException { WinderJobDetail jd = jobDetailFactory.createJobDetail(input); JobId jobId = jd.getJobId(); Date startTime = input.getJobScheduleTime(); Trigger t = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().withIdentity(cronJobTriggerName(jobId), TRIGGER_GROUP_CRON) .forJob(jobId.getName(), jobId.getGroup()).startAt(startTime) .withSchedule(CronScheduleBuilder.cronSchedule(cronExpression)).build(); try { quartzScheduler.scheduleJob((JobDetail) jd, t); } catch (SchedulerException e) { throw new WinderScheduleException("Scheduling cron job exception", e); } return jobId; } @Override public void pauseJob(JobId jobId) throws WinderScheduleException { WinderJobDetail d = checkJobStatusChange(jobId, PAUSED, new StatusEnum[] { StatusEnum.SUBMITTED, StatusEnum.PAUSED, StatusEnum.ERROR, StatusEnum.EXECUTING }); try { quartzScheduler.pauseJob(getKey(jobId)); } catch (SchedulerException e) { throw new WinderScheduleException("Pausing job exception", e); } changeJobStatus(d, StatusEnum.PAUSED); } @Override public void resumeJob(JobId jobId, StatusEnum newStatus, String message, Boolean autoPause, String user) throws WinderScheduleException { // Cases message // 1. regular Resume "" // 2. Resume with awaitingforAction "" // 3. Cancel(by owner) with awaitingForAction(during paused) "" // 4. Cancel(by LOM) with awaitingForAction(during paused) "someMessage" // 5. Regular Cancel(during paused) "" WinderJobDetail jobDetail = checkJobStatusChange(jobId, newStatus, new StatusEnum[] { PAUSED }); String jobStatusMessage; String actionMsg = (newStatus.equals(StatusEnum.CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS)) ? "cancelled" : "resumed"; jobStatusMessage = "Job " + actionMsg + " by: " + user + ". "; if (jobDetail.isAwaitingForAction() || (newStatus.equals(StatusEnum.CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(message))) { UserActionType action = (newStatus.equals(StatusEnum.CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS)) ? UserActionType.CANCELLED : UserActionType.RESUMED; message = StringUtils.isEmpty(message) ? jobStatusMessage : message; markAlert(jobId, jobDetail, action, message, user); jobDetail.setAwaitingForAction(false); updateJobData(jobDetail); } try { quartzScheduler.resumeJob(getKey(jobId)); } catch (SchedulerException e) { throw new WinderScheduleException("Resuming job error", e); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(jobStatusMessage)) { changeJobStatus(jobDetail, newStatus, jobStatusMessage, autoPause); } else { changeJobStatus(jobDetail, newStatus); } } public void markAlert(JobId jobId, WinderJobDetail jobDetail, UserActionType action, String message, String user) throws WinderScheduleException { if (jobDetail == null) { jobDetail = getJobDetail(jobId); } boolean awaitingForAction = action.equals(UserActionType.PAUSED); jobDetail.setAwaitingForAction(awaitingForAction); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(message)) { message = "Job " + action.toString().toLowerCase() + " by " + user + " ."; } jobDetail.addUserAction(action, message, user); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("The alert is being updated in job details. JobId : " + jobId + ", action : " + action + ", awaitingForAction : " + awaitingForAction); } updateJobDetail(jobDetail); } protected void updateJobDetail(WinderJobDetail jobDetail) throws WinderScheduleException { try { quartzScheduler.addJob((JobDetail) jobDetail, true); } catch (SchedulerException e) { throw new WinderScheduleException("Change job data exception", e); } } @Override public void cancelJob(JobId jobId, boolean force) throws WinderScheduleException { WinderJobDetail jobDetail = checkJobStatusChange(jobId, CANCELLED, force ? null : new StatusEnum[] { StatusEnum.SUBMITTED, CANCELLED, StatusEnum.CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS, PAUSED, StatusEnum.ERROR, StatusEnum.UNKNOWN, StatusEnum.EXECUTING }); unscheduleJob(jobId); changeJobStatus(jobDetail, CANCELLED); } @Override public void markCancelInProgress(JobId jobId, String message, String user) throws WinderScheduleException { //This will work, check Job for race condition resolution WinderJobDetail jobDetail = checkJobStatusChange(jobId, StatusEnum.CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS, new StatusEnum[] { StatusEnum.SUBMITTED, StatusEnum.PAUSED, StatusEnum.ERROR, StatusEnum.EXECUTING, StatusEnum.CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS }); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(message)) { changeJobStatus(jobDetail, StatusEnum.CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS, "Job Cancelled by: " + user + ".", null); markAlert(jobId, jobDetail, UserActionType.CANCELLED, message, user); } else { changeJobStatus(jobDetail, StatusEnum.CANCEL_IN_PROGRESS); } } @Override public boolean successChildJob(List<WinderJobDetail> childJobDetails) { if (childJobDetails == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Details array cannot be null"); } for (int i = 0; i < childJobDetails.size(); i++) { WinderJobDetail detail = childJobDetails.get(i); if (detail == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Details cannot be null"); } switch (detail.getStatus()) { case COMPLETED: case CANCELLED: return true; default: return false; } } return true; } @Override public List<WinderJobDetail> listJobDetails(JobFilter filter) throws WinderScheduleException { if (!inMemoryScheduler) { return selectJobs(filter); } else { return fetchInMemory(filter); } } public List<WinderJobDetail> fetchInMemory(JobFilter filter) throws WinderScheduleException { List<WinderJobDetail> jobs = new ArrayList<>(); // start making queries boolean hasDateRange = false; Date start = filter.getStart(); long startTime = 0, endTime = 0; if (start != null) { hasDateRange = true; startTime = start.getTime(); endTime = (filter.getEnd() == null) ? System.currentTimeMillis() : filter.getEnd().getTime(); } try { List<String> groupNames = quartzScheduler.getJobGroupNames(); for (String group : groupNames) { JobKeyField keyField = filter.getKeyField(); boolean matched = false; if (keyField == JobKeyField.JOB_GROUP) { if (filter.isLike()) { matched = group.contains(filter.getValue()); } else { matched = group.equals(filter.getValue()); } } else if (keyField == JobKeyField.ALL) { matched = true; } GroupMatcher<JobKey> groupMatcher = GroupMatcher.groupEquals(group); Set<JobKey> keys = quartzScheduler.getJobKeys(groupMatcher); for (JobKey key : keys) { if (!matched) { //Job NAME String jobName = key.getName(); if (filter.isLike()) { matched = jobName.contains(filter.getValue()); } else { matched = jobName.equals(filter.getValue()); } } if (matched) { WinderJobDetail jobDetail = getJobDetail(new QuartzJobId(key, engine.getClusterName())); if (hasDateRange) { long date = jobDetail.getCreated().getTime(); if (date >= startTime && date < endTime) { jobs.add(jobDetail); } } else { jobs.add(jobDetail); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("Error fetching groups & jobs ", ex); throw new WinderScheduleException("Error fetching groups & jobs ", ex); } return limit(jobs, filter); } private static void reformat(String[] array, String prefix) { for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { array[i] = array[i].replace("{0}", prefix); } } private final String[] SELECT_JOBS_LIMIT = new String[] { "SELECT * FROM {0}JOB_DETAILS ORDER BY JOB_CREATED DESC LIMIT ?, ?", "SELECT * FROM {0}JOB_DETAILS WHERE JOB_NAME = ? ORDER BY JOB_CREATED DESC LIMIT ?, ?", "SELECT * FROM {0}JOB_DETAILS WHERE JOB_GROUP = ? ORDER BY JOB_CREATED DESC LIMIT ?, ?" }; private final String[] SELECT_JOBS_LIMIT_BY_DATE_RANGE = new String[] { "SELECT * FROM {0}JOB_DETAILS WHERE JOB_CREATED >= ? AND JOB_CREATED < ? ORDER BY JOB_CREATED DESC LIMIT ?, ?", "SELECT * FROM {0}JOB_DETAILS WHERE JOB_NAME = ? AND JOB_CREATED >= ? AND JOB_CREATED < ? ORDER BY JOB_CREATED DESC LIMIT ?, ?", "SELECT * FROM {0}JOB_DETAILS WHERE JOB_GROUP = ? AND JOB_CREATED >= ? AND JOB_CREATED < ? ORDER BY JOB_CREATED DESC LIMIT ?, ?" }; private final String[] SELECT_JOBS_LIMIT_LIKE = new String[] { "SELECT * FROM {0}JOB_DETAILS ORDER BY JOB_CREATED DESC LIMIT ?, ?", "SELECT * FROM {0}JOB_DETAILS WHERE JOB_NAME LIKE '%?%' ORDER BY JOB_CREATED DESC LIMIT ?, ?", "SELECT * FROM {0}JOB_DETAILS WHERE JOB_GROUP LIKE '%?%' ORDER BY JOB_CREATED DESC LIMIT ?, ?" }; private final String[] SELECT_JOBS_LIMIT_LIKE_BY_DATE_RANGE = new String[] { "SELECT * FROM {0}JOB_DETAILS WHERE JOB_CREATED >= ? AND JOB_CREATED < ? ORDER BY JOB_CREATED DESC LIMIT ?, ?", "SELECT * FROM {0}JOB_DETAILS WHERE JOB_CREATED >= ? AND JOB_CREATED < ? AND JOB_NAME LIKE '%?%' ORDER BY JOB_CREATED DESC LIMIT ?, ?", "SELECT * FROM {0}JOB_DETAILS WHERE JOB_CREATED >= ? AND JOB_CREATED < ? AND JOB_GROUP LIKE '%?%' ORDER BY JOB_CREATED DESC LIMIT ?, ?" }; public List<WinderJobDetail> selectJobs(JobFilter filter) throws WinderScheduleException { List<WinderJobDetail> jobs = new ArrayList<>(); Connection connection = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; CascadingClassLoadHelper cascadingClassLoadHelper = new CascadingClassLoadHelper(); cascadingClassLoadHelper.initialize(); ResultSet rs = null; try { connection = DBConnectionManager.getInstance().getConnection(dataSourceName); // start making queries boolean hasDateRange = false; Date start = filter.getStart(); Timestamp startTime = null, endTime = null; if (start != null) { hasDateRange = true; startTime = new Timestamp(start.getTime()); endTime = (filter.getEnd() == null) ? new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()) : new Timestamp(filter.getEnd().getTime()); } String[] sqls = null; if (filter.isLike()) { sqls = hasDateRange ? SELECT_JOBS_LIMIT_LIKE_BY_DATE_RANGE : SELECT_JOBS_LIMIT_LIKE; } else { sqls = hasDateRange ? SELECT_JOBS_LIMIT_BY_DATE_RANGE : SELECT_JOBS_LIMIT; } JobKeyField keyField = filter.getKeyField(); ps = connection.prepareStatement(sqls[keyField.ordinal()]); if (hasDateRange) { if (keyField == JobKeyField.ALL) { ps.setTimestamp(1, startTime); ps.setTimestamp(2, endTime); ps.setInt(3, filter.getOffset()); ps.setInt(4, filter.getLimit()); } else { if (filter.isLike()) { ps.setTimestamp(1, startTime); ps.setTimestamp(2, endTime); ps.setString(3, filter.getValue()); ps.setInt(4, filter.getOffset()); ps.setInt(5, filter.getLimit()); } else { ps.setString(1, filter.getValue()); ps.setTimestamp(2, startTime); ps.setTimestamp(3, endTime); ps.setInt(4, filter.getOffset()); ps.setInt(5, filter.getLimit()); } } } else { if (keyField == JobKeyField.ALL) { ps.setInt(1, filter.getOffset()); ps.setInt(2, filter.getLimit()); } else { ps.setString(1, filter.getValue()); ps.setInt(2, filter.getOffset()); ps.setInt(3, filter.getLimit()); } } rs = ps.executeQuery(); while ( { QuartzJobDetail jobDetail = makeJobDetail(cascadingClassLoadHelper, rs); jobs.add(jobDetail); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new WinderScheduleException("Job listing failed", e); } finally { close(rs); close(ps); close(connection); } return jobs; } private QuartzJobDetail makeJobDetail(CascadingClassLoadHelper cascadingClassLoadHelper, ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException { JobDetailImpl jobDetail = new JobDetailImpl(); String groupName = rs.getString(Constants.COL_JOB_GROUP); String jobName = rs.getString(Constants.COL_JOB_NAME); jobDetail.setName(jobName); jobDetail.setGroup(groupName); jobDetail.setDescription(rs.getString(Constants.COL_DESCRIPTION)); jobDetail.setJobClass(cascadingClassLoadHelper.loadClass(rs.getString(Constants.COL_JOB_CLASS), Job.class)); jobDetail.setDurability(rs.getBoolean(Constants.COL_IS_DURABLE)); jobDetail.setRequestsRecovery(rs.getBoolean(Constants.COL_REQUESTS_RECOVERY)); Map<?, ?> map = (Map<?, ?>) getObjectFromBlob(rs, COL_JOB_DATAMAP); if (map != null) { jobDetail.setJobDataMap(new JobDataMap(map)); } JobId jobId = new QuartzJobId(groupName, jobName, engine.getClusterName()); QuartzJobDetail quartzJobDetail = new QuartzJobDetail(engine, jobId, jobDetail, rs.getTimestamp(WinderJDBCDelegate.COL_JOB_CREATED)); return quartzJobDetail; } private Object getObjectFromBlob(ResultSet rs, String colName) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException, SQLException { Object obj = null; Blob blobLocator = rs.getBlob(colName); if (blobLocator != null && blobLocator.length() != 0) { InputStream binaryInput = blobLocator.getBinaryStream(); if (null != binaryInput) { if (binaryInput instanceof ByteArrayInputStream && ((ByteArrayInputStream) binaryInput).available() == 0) { //do nothing } else { ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(binaryInput); try { obj = in.readObject(); } finally { in.close(); } } } } return obj; } private static void close(ResultSet rs) { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn("Error when closing Result Set", e); } } } private static void close(Statement statement) { if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn("Error when closing PreparedStatement", e); } } } private static void close(Connection connection) { if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn("Error when closing the JDBC connection", e); } } } private List<WinderJobDetail> limit(List<WinderJobDetail> jobs, JobFilter filter) { int skip = filter.getOffset(); int limit = filter.getLimit(); List<WinderJobDetail> result = new ArrayList<>(); int size = jobs.size(); skip = skip < 0 ? 0 : skip > size ? size : skip; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (i < skip) { continue; } if (limit > 0 && result.size() == limit) { break; } result.add(jobs.get(i)); } return result; } private void changeJobStatus(WinderJobDetail d, StatusEnum newStatus) throws WinderScheduleException { changeJobStatus(d, newStatus, null, null); } private WinderJobDetail checkJobStatusChange(JobId jobId, StatusEnum newStatus, StatusEnum[] oldStatuses) throws WinderScheduleException { WinderJobDetail jd = getJobDetail(jobId); if (jd == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("job does not exist for id=" + jobId); } // If old status was not unknown, validate if (oldStatuses != null) { StatusEnum currentStatus = jd.getStatus(); boolean match = false; StringBuilder possibles = new StringBuilder(); for (StatusEnum e : oldStatuses) { if (e == currentStatus) { match = true; break; } else { possibles.append(' ').append(; } } if (!match) { String msg; if (oldStatuses.length == 1) { msg = "Unexpected status. Expected" + possibles + " but found " + currentStatus + " for " + jobId; } else { msg = "Unexpected status. Expected one of (" + possibles + " ) but found " + currentStatus + " for " + jobId; } throw new WinderScheduleException(msg); } } return jd; } // NOTE: this must be called after checkJobStatusChange is done!! private void changeJobStatus(WinderJobDetail d, StatusEnum newStatus, String jobStatusMessage, Boolean autoPause) throws WinderScheduleException { if (autoPause != null) { d.setAutoPause(autoPause); } d.setStatus(newStatus); JobDetail qjd = (JobDetail) d; qjd.getJobDataMap().put(KEY_IS_REPLACE_JOB, "y"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(jobStatusMessage)) { d.addUpdate(newStatus, jobStatusMessage); } if ((CANCELLED == newStatus) || (StatusEnum.ERROR == newStatus)) { // set end date if the job is canceled or errored d.setEndTime(new Date()); } updateJobDetail(d); } public void start() { if (quartzScheduler != null) { try { quartzScheduler.start(); } catch (SchedulerException e) { log.warn("Starting quartz exception", e); } } } public void stop() { if (quartzScheduler != null) { try { quartzScheduler.shutdown(true); } catch (SchedulerException e) { log.warn("Stopping quartz exception", e); } } } }