Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2006-2010 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * *******************************************************************************/ package org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.resources.util; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Properties; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.core.logging.SOALogger; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.core.resources.constants.SOAProjectConstants; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.core.resources.constants.SOAProjectConstants.ServiceLayer; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.core.resources.constants.SOAProjectConstants.SupportedProjectType; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.resources.model.ISOAProject; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.resources.model.ISOAProjectResolver; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.resources.model.SOAConsumerMetadata; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.resources.model.SOAImplMetadata; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.resources.model.SOAIntfMetadata; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.resources.model.SOAIntfProject; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.resources.model.SOAProjectEclipseMetadata; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.resources.model.SOAProjectResolverFactory; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.soatools.configtool.ConfigTool; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.utils.lang.StringUtil; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.utils.plugin.WorkspaceUtil; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; /** * The Class SOAServiceUtil. * * @author smathew * * Utility class for processing project properties The Project does not carry * information like the WSDL location. It will be calculated using the existing * project properties. The core calculation of the majority of functions inside * this class is based on the properties file. It handles all SOA interface, * implementation and consumer projects. Any new utility for these projects * should be added here. */ public class SOAServiceUtil { private static final SOALogger logger = SOALogger.getLogger(); /** * Compute admin name. * * @param serviceName the service name * @param domainClassifier the domain classifier * @param serviceVersion the service version * @return the string */ public static String computeAdminName(String serviceName, String domainClassifier, String serviceVersion) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(serviceName)) return SOAProjectConstants.EMPTY_STRING; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(domainClassifier)) { //Marketplace organization result.append(StringUtils.capitalize(domainClassifier)); } result.append(serviceName); result.append(SOAProjectConstants.MAJOR_VERSION_PREFIX); result.append(SOAServiceUtil.getServiceMajorVersion(serviceVersion)); return result.toString(); } /** * Generate interface class name. * * @param adminName the admin name * @param servicePackageName the service package name * @return the string */ public static String generateInterfaceClassName(String adminName, String servicePackageName) { return StringUtils.isBlank(servicePackageName) ? adminName : servicePackageName + SOAProjectConstants.CLASS_NAME_SEPARATOR + adminName; } /** * Generate package name prefix. * * @param targetNamespace the target namespace * @return the string */ public static String generatePackageNamePrefix(String targetNamespace) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(targetNamespace)) { return ConfigTool.getDefaultPackageNameFromNamespace(targetNamespace); } return ""; } /** * Generate service package name. * * @param serviceName the service name * @param packageNamePrefix the package name prefix * @return the string */ public static String generateServicePackageName(String serviceName, String packageNamePrefix) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(serviceName)) return StringUtil.toString(packageNamePrefix); return StringUtil.toString(packageNamePrefix, SOAProjectConstants.CLASS_NAME_SEPARATOR, serviceName.toLowerCase(Locale.US)); } /** * Generate service impl class name. * * @param serviceName the service name * @param adminName the admin name * @param targetNamespace the target namespace * @return the string */ public static String generateServiceImplClassName(String serviceName, String adminName, String targetNamespace) { return generateServiceImplPackageName(serviceName, adminName, generatePackageNamePrefix(targetNamespace)); } /** * Generate service impl package name. * * @param serviceName the service name * @param adminName the admin name * @param packageNamePrefix the package name prefix * @return the string */ public static String generateServiceImplPackageName(String serviceName, String adminName, String packageNamePrefix) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(packageNamePrefix)) return ""; if (StringUtils.isBlank(serviceName)) return StringUtil.toString(packageNamePrefix, SOAProjectConstants.CLASS_NAME_SEPARATOR, SOAProjectConstants.IMPL_PROJECT_SUFFIX.toLowerCase(), ".Service", SOAProjectConstants.IMPL_PROJECT_SUFFIX); return StringUtil.toString(packageNamePrefix, SOAProjectConstants.CLASS_NAME_SEPARATOR, serviceName.toLowerCase(), SOAProjectConstants.CLASS_NAME_SEPARATOR, SOAProjectConstants.IMPL_PROJECT_SUFFIX.toLowerCase(), SOAProjectConstants.CLASS_NAME_SEPARATOR, adminName, SOAProjectConstants.IMPL_PROJECT_SUFFIX); } /** * Gets the WSDL from the given interface project, It scans the project and * look for the WSDL in the designated location if the project is created * from WSDL. Remember Now SOA supports only services from WSDL. After the * above mentioned checks it calls the method * * @param project the project * @return the wsdl file * @link {@link SOAServiceUtil}{@link #getWsdlFile(IProject, String)} */ public static IFile getWsdlFile(SOAIntfProject project) { if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.entering(project); IFile result = null; SOAIntfMetadata metadata = project.getMetadata(); SOAProjectEclipseMetadata eclipseMetadata = project.getEclipseMetadata(); if (metadata.getSourceType().equals(SOAProjectConstants.InterfaceSourceType.WSDL)) { if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.debug("The source type of this intf project is WSDL->", project.getProject()); result = getWsdlFile(eclipseMetadata.getProject(), metadata.getServiceName()); } if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.exiting(result); return result; } /** * Wrapper over the linked method. Does not check if the service was created * from WSDL or java. Client to check it. First it find out the project in * the work space with the given name and will invoke the linked method. * * @param serviceName the service name * @return the wsdl file * @link {@link SOAServiceUtil}{@link #getWsdlFile(IProject, String)} */ public static IFile getWsdlFile(String serviceName) { if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.entering(serviceName); IProject project = WorkspaceUtil.getProject(serviceName); final IFile result = getWsdlFile(project, serviceName); if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.exiting(result); return result; } /** * Gets the WSDL from the given eclipse project, It scans the project and * look for the WSDL in the designated location. It just looks for the WSDL * in the given eclipse project and does not have any SOA specific logic * except for the location. If the project is null and is not accessible * this will return null, so that way it is null safe but clients are * supposed to handle the null graciously. * * @param project the project * @param serviceName the service name * @return the wsdl file */ public static IFile getWsdlFile(final IProject project, final String serviceName) { if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.entering(project, serviceName); IFile result = null; try { if (project == null || project.isAccessible() == false || serviceName == null) return result; return result = project.getFile(SOAIntfProject.META_SRC_WSDL + WorkspaceUtil.PATH_SEPERATOR + serviceName + WorkspaceUtil.PATH_SEPERATOR + serviceName + ".wsdl"); } finally { if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.exiting(result); } } /** * Gets the sOA eclipse metadata. * * @param project the project * @return the sOA eclipse metadata */ public static SOAProjectEclipseMetadata getSOAEclipseMetadata(IProject project) { return SOAProjectEclipseMetadata.create(project.getName(), project.getLocation().removeLastSegments(1)); } /** * Loads the SOA project from the given eclipse project, first it checks the * type of project that is whether it is an interface, implementation or * consumer and then load the rest of the project values from the * corresponding configuration file(properties file). For implementation * projects, the service configuration might not be loaded properly, because * the interface project name is missing. In such a case, please load the * service configuration yourself. * * @param project the project * @param natureId the nature id * @return the iSOA project * @throws Exception the exception */ public static ISOAProject loadSOAProject(final IProject project, String natureId) throws Exception { if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.entering(project); ISOAProject result = null; if (project == null || project.exists() == false || project.isAccessible() == false) return result; project.refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, null); final SOAProjectEclipseMetadata eclipseMetadata = getSOAEclipseMetadata(project); if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.debug("Loading turmeric project->", project); final ISOAProjectResolver<?> resolver = SOAProjectResolverFactory.getSOAProjectResolver(natureId); if (resolver != null) result = resolver.loadProject(eclipseMetadata); else logger.warning("can not find project resolver for nature ID: ", natureId); if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.exiting(result); return result; } /** * Loads SOAIntfMedata from Pure Wrapper * over the linked method. * * @param metadata the metadata * @return the sOA intf metadata * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws CoreException the core exception * @see {@link SOAServiceUtil}{@link #getSOAIntfMetadata(SOAProjectEclipseMetadata, SOAIntfMetadata)} */ public static SOAIntfMetadata getSOAIntfMetadata(SOAProjectEclipseMetadata metadata) throws IOException, CoreException { return getSOAIntfMetadata(metadata, null); } /** * Loads the SOA interface project properties from the given meta data * object. It can tolerate a null SOAIntfMetadata but meta data is not * supposed to be null. Not null safe, Clients should handle the exceptions. * It does not fail with an invalid properties file meaning an absence of a * property will not cause this function to fail, It just makes the * corresponding property empty. * * @param metadata the metadata * @param intfMetadata the intf metadata * @return the sOA intf metadata * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws CoreException the core exception */ public static SOAIntfMetadata getSOAIntfMetadata(SOAProjectEclipseMetadata metadata, SOAIntfMetadata intfMetadata) throws IOException, CoreException { if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.entering(metadata, intfMetadata); if (intfMetadata == null) { intfMetadata = SOAIntfMetadata.create(SOAProjectConstants.InterfaceSourceType.JAVA); } final IFile file = SOAIntfUtil.getIntfProjectPropFile(metadata.getProject()); if (file.isAccessible() == false) { logger.warning("The interface project's property file[", file.getLocation(), "] is not accessible, returning an empty instance of SOAIntfMetadata."); return SOAIntfMetadata.create(SOAProjectConstants.InterfaceSourceType.JAVA); } final Properties properties = new Properties(); InputStream io = null; try { io = file.getContents(); properties.load(io); if (SOAProjectConstants.PROPS_INTF_SOURCE_TYPE_WSDL .equals(StringUtils.trim(properties.getProperty(SOAProjectConstants.PROPS_INTF_SOURCE_TYPE)))) { intfMetadata.setSourceType(SOAProjectConstants.InterfaceSourceType.WSDL); } final String typeNamespace = StringUtils .trim(properties.getProperty(SOAProjectConstants.PROPS_KEY_TYPE_NAMESPACE)); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(typeNamespace)) { intfMetadata.setTypeNamespace(typeNamespace); } if (properties.containsKey(SOAProjectConstants.PROP_KEY_SERVICE_VERSION)) { intfMetadata.setServiceVersion( StringUtils.trim(properties.getProperty(SOAProjectConstants.PROP_KEY_SERVICE_VERSION))); } if (properties.containsKey(SOAProjectConstants.PROP_KEY_SERVICE_INTERFACE_CLASS_NAME)) { intfMetadata.setServiceInterface(StringUtils .trim(properties.getProperty(SOAProjectConstants.PROP_KEY_SERVICE_INTERFACE_CLASS_NAME))); } if (properties.containsKey(SOAProjectConstants.PROP_KEY_SERVICE_LAYER)) { intfMetadata.setServiceLayer( StringUtils.trim(properties.getProperty(SOAProjectConstants.PROP_KEY_SERVICE_LAYER))); } if (properties.containsKey(SOAProjectConstants.PROP_KEY_NON_XSD_FORMATS)) { intfMetadata.setServiceNonXSDProtocols( StringUtils.trim(properties.getProperty(SOAProjectConstants.PROP_KEY_NON_XSD_FORMATS))); } final String strTypeFolding = StringUtils .trim(properties.getProperty(SOAProjectConstants.PROPS_KEY_TYPE_FOLDING)); intfMetadata.setTypeFolding(Boolean.valueOf(strTypeFolding)); final String domainName = StringUtils .trim(properties.getProperty(SOAProjectConstants.PROPS_SERVICE_DOMAIN_NAME)); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(domainName)) { intfMetadata.setServiceDomainName(domainName); } final String nsPart = StringUtils .trim(properties.getProperty(SOAProjectConstants.PROPS_SERVICE_NAMESPACE_PART)); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nsPart)) { intfMetadata.setServiceNamespacePart(nsPart); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(io); } if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.exiting(intfMetadata); return intfMetadata; } /** * Loads meta data from Pure Wrapper over * the linked method. * * @param metadata the metadata * @return the sOA impl metadata * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws CoreException the core exception * @see {@link SOAServiceUtil}{@link #getSOAImplMetadata(IProject))} */ public static SOAImplMetadata getSOAImplMetadata(SOAProjectEclipseMetadata metadata) throws IOException, CoreException { if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.entering(metadata); final SOAImplMetadata implMetadata = getSOAImplMetadata(metadata.getProject()); if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.exiting(implMetadata); return implMetadata; } /** * Loads the SOA implementation project properties from the given IProject * object. It can tolerate a null SOAImplMetadata but meta data is not * supposed to be null. Not null safe, Clients should handle the exceptions. * It does not fail with an invalid properties file meaning an absence of a * property will not cause this function to fail, It just makes the * corresponding property empty. * * @param project the project * @return the sOA impl metadata * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws CoreException the core exception */ public static SOAImplMetadata getSOAImplMetadata(final IProject project) throws IOException, CoreException { if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.entering(project); final IFile file = project.getFile(SOAProjectConstants.PROPS_FILE_SERVICE_IMPL); if (file.isAccessible() == false) { logger.warning("The implementation project's property file[", file.getLocation(), "] is not accessible, returning an empty instance of SOAImplMetadata."); return SOAImplMetadata.create(project.getName(), SOAProjectConstants.DEFAULT_BASE_CONSUMER_SOURCE_DIRECTORY); } Properties properties = new Properties(); InputStream io = null; SOAImplMetadata implMetadata = null; try { io = file.getContents(); properties.load(io); final String baseConsumerDir = StringUtils .trim(properties.getProperty(SOAProjectConstants.PROPS_IMPL_BASE_CONSUMER_SRC_DIR)); implMetadata = SOAImplMetadata.create(project.getName(), baseConsumerDir); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(io); } if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.exiting(implMetadata); return implMetadata; } /** * This function creates the SOA related meta data for the given project * from Pure Wrapper over the linked * method. * * @param metadata the metadata * @return the sOA consumer metadata * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws CoreException Suresh changed this * @see {@link SOAServiceUtil}{@link #getSOAConsumerMetadata(IProject))} */ public static SOAConsumerMetadata getSOAConsumerMetadata(SOAProjectEclipseMetadata metadata) throws IOException, CoreException { if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.entering(metadata); SOAConsumerMetadata consumerMetadata = getSOAConsumerMetadata(metadata.getProject()); if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.exiting(consumerMetadata); return consumerMetadata; } /** * Loads the SOA consumer project properties from the given IProject object. * It can tolerate a null SOAConsumerMetadata but meta data is not supposed * to be null. Not null safe, Clients should handle the exceptions. It does * not fail with an invalid properties file meaning an absence of a property * will not cause this function to fail, It just makes the corresponding * property empty. * * @param project the project * @return the sOA consumer metadata * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws CoreException the core exception */ public static SOAConsumerMetadata getSOAConsumerMetadata(final IProject project) throws IOException, CoreException { if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.entering(project); final IFile file = project.getFile(SOAProjectConstants.PROPS_FILE_SERVICE_CONSUMER); Properties properties = new Properties(); InputStream input = null; try { input = file.getContents(); properties.load(input); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(input); } String baseConsumerDir = StringUtils .trim(properties.getProperty(SOAProjectConstants.PROPS_IMPL_BASE_CONSUMER_SRC_DIR)); SOAConsumerMetadata consumerMetadata = SOAConsumerMetadata.create(project.getName(), baseConsumerDir); final String envMapper = StringUtils.trim(properties.getProperty(SOAProjectConstants.PROPS_ENV_MAPPER)); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(envMapper)) { consumerMetadata.setEnvMapper(envMapper); } final String clientName = properties.getProperty(SOAProjectConstants.PROPS_KEY_CLIENT_NAME, project.getName()); final String consumerId = properties.getProperty(SOAProjectConstants.PROPS_KEY_CONSUMER_ID, null); consumerMetadata.setClientName(clientName); consumerMetadata.setConsumerId(consumerId); consumerMetadata.setZeroConfig(Boolean.valueOf(StringUtils.trim( properties.getProperty(SOAProjectConstants.PROPS_SUPPORT_ZERO_CONFIG, Boolean.FALSE.toString())))); if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.exiting(consumerMetadata); return consumerMetadata; } /** * Returns true if the given project has one of the natures passed. Not null * safe. If the project is not accessible, the API will fail and clients are * supposed to handle it. * * @param project the project * @param natureIDs the nature i ds * @return true, if successful * @throws CoreException the core exception */ public static boolean hasNatures(final IProject project, final String... natureIDs) throws CoreException { for (String natureId : natureIDs) { if (project.hasNature(natureId)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks if the given string is a valid service layer string, Now two * checks are performed, empty and non numeric. * * @param layer the layer * @return true, if is valid service layer */ public static boolean isValidServiceLayer(final String layer) { return StringUtils.isNotBlank(layer) && StringUtils.isNumeric(layer) == false; } /** * It first use the string based non SOA specific basic validation and it it * passes then it will do the domain specific validation using the linked * method for both the layers passed. * * @param layer the layer * @param dependencyLayer the dependency layer * @return true, if successful * @see SOAServiceUtil#validateServiceLayer(ServiceLayer, ServiceLayer) */ public static boolean validateServiceLayer(final String layer, final String dependencyLayer) { if (isValidServiceLayer(layer) == false || isValidServiceLayer(dependencyLayer) == false) return false; return validateServiceLayer(ServiceLayer.value(layer), ServiceLayer.value(dependencyLayer)); } /** * Does the SOA specific service layer validation specified in the SOA ERD. * The API is null safe and returns false if any of the layer passed is * null. * * @param layer the layer * @param dependencyLayer the dependency layer * @return true, if successful */ public static boolean validateServiceLayer(final ServiceLayer layer, final ServiceLayer dependencyLayer) { if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.entering(layer, dependencyLayer); boolean result = false; try { if (layer == null || dependencyLayer == null) return result; // This is eBay Marketplaces service layering policy for SOA // Framework // 1.8+ as per ERD // The relationship is greater than or equal (ordinal value) unless // its // the Business layer. if (ServiceLayer.BUSINESS.ordinal() == layer.ordinal() && ServiceLayer.BUSINESS.ordinal() == dependencyLayer.ordinal()) return result; return result = layer.ordinal() >= dependencyLayer.ordinal(); } finally { if (SOALogger.DEBUG) logger.exiting(result); } } /** * Gets the consumer folder for a given eclipse project. This API works for * both implementation projects and consumer projects. The meta data object * will have the directory name and it makes an eclipse API call on the * project. * * @param project the project * @param projectType the project type * @return the base consumer folder * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred. * @throws CoreException the core exception */ public static IFolder getBaseConsumerFolder(final IProject project, SupportedProjectType projectType) throws IOException, CoreException { if (SupportedProjectType.IMPL.equals(projectType)) { final SOAImplMetadata metadata = getSOAImplMetadata(project); if (metadata != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(metadata.getBaseConsumerSrcDir())) { return project.getFolder(metadata.getBaseConsumerSrcDir()); } } else if (SupportedProjectType.CONSUMER.equals(projectType)) { final SOAConsumerMetadata metadata = getSOAConsumerMetadata(project); if (metadata != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(metadata.getBaseConsumerSrcDir())) { return project.getFolder(metadata.getBaseConsumerSrcDir()); } } return project.getFolder(SOAProjectConstants.FOLDER_SRC); } /** * Gets the invokeable service layer. * * @param layerName the layer name * @return the invokeable service layer */ public static List<String> getInvokeableServiceLayer(String layerName) { List<String> layers = new ArrayList<String>(); ServiceLayer layer = ServiceLayer.value(layerName); switch (layer) { case COMMON: layers.add(; break; case INTERMEDIATE: layers.add(; layers.add(; break; case BUSINESS: layers.add(; layers.add(; break; } return layers; } /** * Get the major version of the given service version. * @param version * @return */ public static String getServiceMajorVersion(String version) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(version)) return "1"; return StringUtils.substringBefore(version, "."); } }