Java tutorial
/* * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * */ package; import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation; import org.duracloud.account.db.model.AccountRights; import org.duracloud.account.db.model.DuracloudUser; import org.duracloud.account.db.model.Role; import org.duracloud.account.db.repo.DuracloudRepoMgr; import org.duracloud.account.db.repo.DuracloudRightsRepo; import; import org.duracloud.common.error.DuraCloudRuntimeException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /** * @author Andrew Woods * Date: 4/5/11 */ public abstract class BaseAccessDecisionVoter implements AccessDecisionVoter<MethodInvocation> { protected Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BaseAccessDecisionVoter.class); private DuracloudRepoMgr repoMgr; public BaseAccessDecisionVoter(DuracloudRepoMgr repoMgr) { this.repoMgr = repoMgr; } /** * This abstract method returns the class for which this voter has interest. * * @return class of target service interface */ protected abstract Class<?> getTargetService(); @Override public boolean supports(ConfigAttribute attribute) { log.trace("supports attribute{}", attribute.getAttribute()); return true; } @Override public boolean supports(Class<?> clazz) { log.trace("supports {}", clazz.getName()); return MethodInvocation.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz); } protected boolean supportsTarget(MethodInvocation invocation) { Class<?>[] interfaces = invocation.getThis().getClass().getInterfaces(); if (null == interfaces || interfaces.length == 0) { return false; } for (Class<?> c : interfaces) { if (c.equals(getTargetService())) { return true; } } return false; } protected SecuredRule getRule(Collection<ConfigAttribute> atts) { if (null == atts || atts.size() != 1) { throw new DuraCloudRuntimeException("Invalid security att " + atts); } return new SecuredRule(atts.iterator().next().getAttribute()); } protected Collection<String> getUserRoles(Authentication authentication) { Set<String> roles = new HashSet<String>(); for (GrantedAuthority authority : authentication.getAuthorities()) { roles.add(authority.getAuthority()); } return roles; } protected int voteHasRole(String role, Collection<String> userRoles) { return userRoles.contains(role) ? ACCESS_GRANTED : ACCESS_DENIED; } protected int voteUserHasRoleOnAccount(DuracloudUser user, String role, Long acctId) { log.trace("Does user {} have role {} on acct {}?", new Object[] { user.getId(), role, acctId }); AccountRights rights = getUserRightsForAcct(user.getId(), acctId); if (null == rights) { return ACCESS_DENIED; } Set<Role> acctRoles = rights.getRoles(); log.trace("Roles found: {}", acctRoles); if (acctRoles != null && acctRoles.size() > 0) { for (Role acctRole : acctRoles) { if (role.equals(acctRole.authority().getAuthority())) { return ACCESS_GRANTED; } } } return ACCESS_DENIED; } protected int voteUserHasRoleOnAcctToUpdateOthersRoles(Long userId, Long acctId, Long otherUserId, Set<Role> otherRoles) { log.trace("Voting if user {} has roles on acct {} to manage {}.", new Object[] { userId, acctId, otherUserId }); AccountRights rights = getUserRightsForAcct(userId, acctId); AccountRights other = getUserRightsForAcct(otherUserId, acctId); if (null == rights || null == other) { log.warn("No rights found for users {}, {} on acct {}", new Object[] { userId, otherUserId, acctId }); return ACCESS_DENIED; } boolean existing = hasVote(voteRolesAreSufficientToUpdateOther(rights.getRoles(), other.getRoles())); boolean updates = hasVote(voteRolesAreSufficientToUpdateOther(rights.getRoles(), otherRoles)); log.trace("Are {} sufficient to update both {} and {}?", new Object[] { rights.getRoles(), other.getRoles(), otherRoles }); return existing && updates ? ACCESS_GRANTED : ACCESS_DENIED; } protected int voteRolesAreSufficientToUpdateOther(Set<Role> roles, Set<Role> other) { if (null == roles || null == other) { log.warn("Null roles one or more {}, {}", roles, other); return ACCESS_DENIED; } Role otherHighestRole = Role.highestRole(other); if (null == otherHighestRole) { log.warn("No highest role found for {}", other); return ACCESS_DENIED; } boolean userHasRole = roles.contains(otherHighestRole); log.trace("Roles {} has permission to manage other {}", roles, otherHighestRole); return userHasRole ? ACCESS_GRANTED : ACCESS_DENIED; } protected boolean hasVote(int vote) { return vote == ACCESS_GRANTED; } protected int numUsersForAccount(Long acctId) { Set<AccountRights> rights = new HashSet<>(repoMgr.getRightsRepo().findByAccountId(acctId)); return (null != rights) ? rights.size() : 0; } protected AccountRights getUserRightsForAcct(Long userId, Long acctId) { DuracloudRightsRepo rightsRepo = repoMgr.getRightsRepo(); AccountRights rights = rightsRepo.findByAccountIdAndUserId(acctId, userId); return rights; } protected Set<AccountRights> getAllUserRightsForAcct(Long acctId) { DuracloudRightsRepo rightsRepo = repoMgr.getRightsRepo(); Set<AccountRights> rights = null; return new HashSet<>(rightsRepo.findByAccountId(acctId)); } protected int voteMyUserId(DuracloudUser user, Long userId) { return user.getId().equals(userId) ? ACCESS_GRANTED : ACCESS_DENIED; } protected int voteMyUsername(DuracloudUser user, String username) { return user.getUsername().equals(username) ? ACCESS_GRANTED : ACCESS_DENIED; } protected DuracloudUser getCurrentUser(Authentication authentication) { Object principal = authentication.getPrincipal(); if (principal instanceof String) { log.trace("Unknown user {}", principal); DuracloudUser user = new DuracloudUser(); user.setUsername((String) principal); return user; } else { return (DuracloudUser) principal; } } protected String asString(int decision) { String s = "unknown"; switch (decision) { case ACCESS_DENIED: return "ACCESS_DENIED"; case ACCESS_ABSTAIN: return "ACCESS_ABSTAIN"; case ACCESS_GRANTED: return "ACCESS_GRANTED"; } return s; } @Override public final int vote(Authentication authentication, MethodInvocation invocation, Collection<ConfigAttribute> attributes) { if (!supportsTarget(invocation)) { return castVote(ACCESS_ABSTAIN, invocation); } // Collect target method arguments Object[] methodArgs = invocation.getArguments(); // Collect user making the call. DuracloudUser user = getCurrentUser(authentication); if (user.isRootUser()) { return ACCESS_GRANTED; } // Collect security constraints on method. SecuredRule securedRule = getRule(attributes); String role = securedRule.getRole().name(); SecuredRule.Scope scope = securedRule.getScope(); return voteImpl(authentication, invocation, attributes, methodArgs, user, securedRule, role, scope); } protected int castVote(int decision, MethodInvocation invocation) { String methodName = invocation.getMethod().getName(); String className = invocation.getThis().getClass().getSimpleName(); log.trace("{}.{}() = {}", new Object[] { className, methodName, asString(decision) }); return decision; } protected abstract int voteImpl(Authentication authentication, MethodInvocation invocation, Collection<ConfigAttribute> attributes, Object[] methodArgs, DuracloudUser user, SecuredRule securedRule, String role, SecuredRule.Scope scope); }