Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * */ package; import mockit.Mock; import mockit.MockClass; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.SQLWarning; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Time; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.ConnectionFactory; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.DriverManagerConnectionFactory; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolableConnectionFactory; import org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDriver; import org.apache.commons.pool.ObjectPool; import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPool; import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericKeyedObjectPoolFactory; import org.apache.commons.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager; import org.dspace.core.Context; /** * Mocks a DatabaseManager so unit tests can be run without a real DB connection * The code is basically the same as the original DatabaseManager but it * establishes a connection to an in-memory database. * * @author pvillega */ @MockClass(realClass = DatabaseManager.class) public class MockDatabaseManager { /** log4j category */ private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DatabaseManager.class); /** True if initialization has been done */ private static boolean initialized = false; private static Map<String, String> insertSQL = new HashMap<String, String>(); private static boolean isOracle = false; private static boolean isPostgres = false; static { if ("oracle".equals(ConfigurationManager.getProperty(""))) { isOracle = true; isPostgres = false; } else { isOracle = false; isPostgres = true; } } /** Name to use for the pool */ private static String poolName = "dspacepool"; /** * This regular expression is used to perform sanity checks * on database names (i.e. tables and columns). * * Regular expressions can be slow to solve this in the future we should * probably create a system where we don't pass in column and table names to these low * level database methods. This approach is highly exploitable for injection * type attacks because we are unable to determine where the input came from. Instead * we could pass in static integer constants which are then mapped to their sql name. */ private static final Pattern DB_SAFE_NAME = Pattern.compile("^[a-zA-Z_1-9.]+$"); /** * A map of database column information. The key is the table name, a * String; the value is an array of ColumnInfo objects. */ private static Map<String, Map<String, ColumnInfo>> info = new HashMap<String, Map<String, ColumnInfo>>(); /** * It allows us to print information on the pool, for debugging purposes */ private static ObjectPool connectionPool; /** * Constructor */ @Mock public void $init() { } /** * Static initializer */ @Mock public void $clinit() { } /** * Set the constraint check to deferred (commit time) * * @param context * The context object * @param constraintName * the constraint name to deferred * @throws SQLException */ @Mock public static void setConstraintDeferred(Context context, String constraintName) throws SQLException { Statement statement = null; try { statement = context.getDBConnection().createStatement(); statement.execute("SET REFERENTIAL_INTEGRITY FALSE"); statement.close(); } finally { if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { } } } } /** * Set the constraint check to immediate (every query) * * @param context * The context object * @param constraintName * the constraint name to check immediately after every query * @throws SQLException */ @Mock public static void setConstraintImmediate(Context context, String constraintName) throws SQLException { Statement statement = null; try { statement = context.getDBConnection().createStatement(); statement.execute("SET REFERENTIAL_INTEGRITY TRUE"); statement.close(); } finally { if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { } } } } /** * Return an iterator with the results of the query. The table parameter * indicates the type of result. If table is null, the column names are read * from the ResultSetMetaData. * * @param context * The context object * @param table * The name of the table which results * @param query * The SQL query * @param parameters * A set of SQL parameters to be included in query. The order of * the parameters must correspond to the order of their reference * within the query. * @return A TableRowIterator with the results of the query * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock public static TableRowIterator queryTable(Context context, String table, String query, Object... parameters) throws SQLException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Running query \"").append(query).append("\" with parameters: "); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(parameters[i].toString()); } log.debug(sb.toString()); } PreparedStatement statement = context.getDBConnection().prepareStatement(query); try { loadParameters(statement, parameters); TableRowIterator retTRI = new TableRowIterator(statement.executeQuery(), canonicalize(table)); retTRI.setStatement(statement); return retTRI; } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException s) { } } throw sqle; } } /** * Return an iterator with the results of the query. * * @param context * The context object * @param query * The SQL query * @param parameters * A set of SQL parameters to be included in query. The order of * the parameters must correspond to the order of their reference * within the query. * @return A TableRowIterator with the results of the query * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock public static TableRowIterator query(Context context, String query, Object... parameters) throws SQLException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(parameters[i].toString()); } log.debug("Running query \"" + query + "\" with parameters: " + sb.toString()); } PreparedStatement statement = context.getDBConnection().prepareStatement(query); try { loadParameters(statement, parameters); TableRowIterator retTRI = new TableRowIterator(statement.executeQuery()); retTRI.setStatement(statement); return retTRI; } catch (SQLException sqle) { if (statement != null) try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException s) { } throw sqle; } } /** * Return the single row result to this query, or null if no result. If more * than one row results, only the first is returned. * * @param context * Current DSpace context * @param query * The SQL query * @param parameters * A set of SQL parameters to be included in query. The order of * the parameters must correspond to the order of their reference * within the query. * @return A TableRow object, or null if no result * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock public static TableRow querySingle(Context context, String query, Object... parameters) throws SQLException { TableRow retRow = null; TableRowIterator iterator = null; try { iterator = query(context, query, parameters); retRow = (!iterator.hasNext()) ? null :; } finally { if (iterator != null) iterator.close(); } return (retRow); } /** * Return the single row result to this query, or null if no result. If more * than one row results, only the first is returned. * * @param context * Current DSpace context * @param table * The name of the table which results * @param query * The SQL query * @param parameters * A set of SQL parameters to be included in query. The order of * the parameters must correspond to the order of their reference * within the query. * @return A TableRow object, or null if no result * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock public static TableRow querySingleTable(Context context, String table, String query, Object... parameters) throws SQLException { TableRow retRow = null; TableRowIterator iterator = queryTable(context, canonicalize(table), query, parameters); try { retRow = (!iterator.hasNext()) ? null :; } finally { if (iterator != null) iterator.close(); } return (retRow); } /** * Execute an update, insert or delete query. Returns the number of rows * affected by the query. * * @param context * Current DSpace context * @param query * The SQL query to execute * @param parameters * A set of SQL parameters to be included in query. The order of * the parameters must correspond to the order of their reference * within the query. * @return The number of rows affected by the query. * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock public static int updateQuery(Context context, String query, Object... parameters) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement statement = null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Running query \"").append(query).append("\" with parameters: "); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(parameters[i].toString()); } log.debug(sb.toString()); } try { statement = context.getDBConnection().prepareStatement(query); loadParameters(statement, parameters); return statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { } } } } /** * Create a new row in the given table, and assigns a unique id. * * @param context * Current DSpace context * @param table * The RDBMS table in which to create the new row * @return The newly created row */ @Mock public static TableRow create(Context context, String table) throws SQLException { TableRow row = new TableRow(canonicalize(table), getColumnNames(table)); insert(context, row); return row; } /** * Find a table row by its primary key. Returns the row, or null if no row * with that primary key value exists. * * @param context * Current DSpace context * @param table * The table in which to find the row * @param id * The primary key value * @return The row resulting from the query, or null if no row with that * primary key value exists. * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock public static TableRow find(Context context, String table, int id) throws SQLException { String ctable = canonicalize(table); return findByUnique(context, ctable, getPrimaryKeyColumn(ctable), new Integer(id)); } /** * Find a table row by a unique value. Returns the row, or null if no row * with that primary key value exists. If multiple rows with the value * exist, one is returned. * * @param context * Current DSpace context * @param table * The table to use to find the object * @param column * The name of the unique column * @param value * The value of the unique column * @return The row resulting from the query, or null if no row with that * value exists. * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock public static TableRow findByUnique(Context context, String table, String column, Object value) throws SQLException { String ctable = canonicalize(table); if (!DB_SAFE_NAME.matcher(ctable).matches()) throw new SQLException("Unable to execute select query because table name (" + ctable + ") contains non alphanumeric characters."); if (!DB_SAFE_NAME.matcher(column).matches()) throw new SQLException("Unable to execute select query because column name (" + column + ") contains non alphanumeric characters."); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("select * from ").append(ctable).append(" where ").append(column) .append(" = ? "); return querySingleTable(context, ctable, sql.toString(), value); } /** * Delete a table row via its primary key. Returns the number of rows * deleted. * * @param context * Current DSpace context * @param table * The table to delete from * @param id * The primary key value * @return The number of rows deleted * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock public static int delete(Context context, String table, int id) throws SQLException { String ctable = canonicalize(table); return deleteByValue(context, ctable, getPrimaryKeyColumn(ctable), new Integer(id)); } /** * Delete all table rows with the given value. Returns the number of rows * deleted. * * @param context * Current DSpace context * @param table * The table to delete from * @param column * The name of the column * @param value * The value of the column * @return The number of rows deleted * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock public static int deleteByValue(Context context, String table, String column, Object value) throws SQLException { String ctable = canonicalize(table); if (!DB_SAFE_NAME.matcher(ctable).matches()) throw new SQLException("Unable to execute delete query because table name (" + ctable + ") contains non alphanumeric characters."); if (!DB_SAFE_NAME.matcher(column).matches()) throw new SQLException("Unable to execute delete query because column name (" + column + ") contains non alphanumeric characters."); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("delete from ").append(ctable).append(" where ").append(column) .append(" = ? "); return updateQuery(context, sql.toString(), value); } /** * Obtain an RDBMS connection. * * @return A new database connection. * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs, or a connection cannot be * obtained. */ @Mock public static Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { initialize(); //we need to find who creates so many connections Throwable t = new Throwable(); StackTraceElement[] elements = t.getStackTrace(); String callers = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(elements.length, 4); i++) { callers += " > " + elements[i].getClassName() + ":" + elements[i].getMethodName(); } //uncomment to see the infromation on callers //" ("+connectionPool.getNumActive()+" "+connectionPool.getNumIdle()+")"); return DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:apache:commons:dbcp:" + poolName); } /** * Release resources associated with this connection. * * @param c * The connection to release */ @Mock public static void freeConnection(Connection c) { //we check who frees the connection Throwable t = new Throwable(); StackTraceElement[] elements = t.getStackTrace(); String callers = ""; for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(elements.length, 4); i++) { callers += " > " + elements[i].getClassName() + ":" + elements[i].getMethodName(); } //uncomment to see the infromation on callers //" ("+connectionPool.getNumActive()+" "+connectionPool.getNumIdle()+")"); try { if (c != null) { c.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.warn(e.getMessage()); } } /** * Create a table row object that can be passed into the insert method, not * commonly used unless the table has a referential integrity constraint. * * @param table * The RDBMS table in which to create the new row * @return The newly created row * @throws SQLException */ @Mock public static TableRow row(String table) throws SQLException { return new TableRow(canonicalize(table), getColumnNames(table)); } /** * Insert a table row into the RDBMS. * * @param context * Current DSpace context * @param row * The row to insert * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock public static void insert(Context context, TableRow row) throws SQLException { int newID = -1; String table = row.getTable(); Statement statement = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { // Get an ID (primary key) for this row by using the "getnextid" // SQL function in H2 database String myQuery = "SELECT NEXTVAL('" + table + "_seq') AS result"; statement = context.getDBConnection().createStatement(); rs = statement.executeQuery(myQuery);; newID = rs.getInt(1); } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { } } if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { } } } if (newID < 0) throw new SQLException("Unable to retrieve sequence ID"); // Set the ID in the table row object row.setColumn(getPrimaryKeyColumn(table), newID); Collection<ColumnInfo> info = getColumnInfo(table); String sql = insertSQL.get(table); if (sql == null) { StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder().append("INSERT INTO ").append(table).append(" ( "); boolean firstColumn = true; for (ColumnInfo col : info) { if (firstColumn) { sqlBuilder.append(col.getName()); firstColumn = false; } else { sqlBuilder.append(",").append(col.getName()); } } sqlBuilder.append(") VALUES ( "); // Values to insert firstColumn = true; for (int i = 0; i < info.size(); i++) { if (firstColumn) { sqlBuilder.append("?"); firstColumn = false; } else { sqlBuilder.append(",").append("?"); } } // Watch the syntax sqlBuilder.append(")"); sql = sqlBuilder.toString(); insertSQL.put(table, sql); } execute(context.getDBConnection(), sql.toString(), info, row); } /** * Update changes to the RDBMS. Note that if the update fails, the values in * the row will NOT be reverted. * * @param context * Current DSpace context * @param row * The row to update * @return The number of rows affected (1 or 0) * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock public static int update(Context context, TableRow row) throws SQLException { String table = row.getTable(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder().append("update ").append(table).append(" set "); List<ColumnInfo> columns = new ArrayList<ColumnInfo>(); ColumnInfo pk = getPrimaryKeyColumnInfo(table); Collection<ColumnInfo> info = getColumnInfo(table); String separator = ""; for (ColumnInfo col : info) { // Only update this column if it has changed if (!col.isPrimaryKey()) { if (row.hasColumnChanged(col.getName())) { sql.append(separator).append(col.getName()).append(" = ?"); columns.add(col); separator = ", "; } } } // Only execute the update if there is anything to update if (columns.size() > 0) { sql.append(" where ").append(pk.getName()).append(" = ?"); columns.add(pk); return executeUpdate(context.getDBConnection(), sql.toString(), columns, row); } return 1; } /** * Delete row from the RDBMS. * * @param context * Current DSpace context * @param row * The row to delete * @return The number of rows affected (1 or 0) * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock public static int delete(Context context, TableRow row) throws SQLException { String pk = getPrimaryKeyColumn(row); if (row.isColumnNull(pk)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Primary key value is null"); } return delete(context, row.getTable(), row.getIntColumn(pk)); } /** * Return metadata about a table. * * @param table * The name of the table * @return An array of ColumnInfo objects * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock static Collection<ColumnInfo> getColumnInfo(String table) throws SQLException { Map<String, ColumnInfo> cinfo = getColumnInfoInternal(table); return (cinfo == null) ? null : cinfo.values(); } /** * Return info about column in table. * * @param table * The name of the table * @param column * The name of the column * @return Information about the column * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock static ColumnInfo getColumnInfo(String table, String column) throws SQLException { Map<String, ColumnInfo> info = getColumnInfoInternal(table); return (info == null) ? null : info.get(column); } /** * Return the names of all the columns of the given table. * * @param table * The name of the table * @return The names of all the columns of the given table, as a List. Each * element of the list is a String. * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock static List<String> getColumnNames(String table) throws SQLException { List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); Collection<ColumnInfo> info = getColumnInfo(table); for (ColumnInfo col : info) { results.add(col.getName()); } return results; } /** * Return the names of all the columns of the ResultSet. * * @param meta * The ResultSetMetaData * @return The names of all the columns of the given table, as a List. Each * element of the list is a String. * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock static List<String> getColumnNames(ResultSetMetaData meta) throws SQLException { List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); int columns = meta.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { results.add(meta.getColumnLabel(i + 1)); } return results; } /** * Return the canonical name for a table. * * @param table * The name of the table. * @return The canonical name of the table. */ @Mock static String canonicalize(String table) { // Oracle expects upper-case table names if (isOracle) { return (table == null) ? null : table.toUpperCase(); } // default database postgres wants lower-case table names return (table == null) ? null : table.toLowerCase(); } //////////////////////////////////////// // SQL loading methods //////////////////////////////////////// /** * Load SQL into the RDBMS. * * @param sql * The SQL to load. * throws SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock public static void loadSql(String sql) throws SQLException { try { loadSql(new StringReader(sql)); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } /** * Load SQL from a reader into the RDBMS. * * @param r * The Reader from which to read the SQL. * @throws SQLException * If a database error occurs * @throws IOException * If an error occurs obtaining data from the reader */ @Mock public static void loadSql(Reader r) throws SQLException, IOException { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(r); StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); String SQL = null; String line = null; Connection connection = null; Statement statement = null; try { connection = getConnection(); connection.setAutoCommit(true); statement = connection.createStatement(); boolean inquote = false; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { // Look for comments int commentStart = line.indexOf("--"); String input = (commentStart != -1) ? line.substring(0, commentStart) : line; // Empty line, skip if (input.trim().equals("")) { continue; } // Put it on the SQL buffer sql.append(input.replace(';', ' ')); // remove all semicolons // from sql file! // Add a space sql.append(" "); // More to come? // Look for quotes int index = 0; int count = 0; int inputlen = input.length(); while ((index = input.indexOf("'", count)) != -1) { // Flip the value of inquote inquote = !inquote; // Move the index count = index + 1; // Make sure we do not exceed the string length if (count >= inputlen) { break; } } // If we are in a quote, keep going // Note that this is STILL a simple heuristic that is not // guaranteed to be correct if (inquote) { continue; } int endMarker = input.indexOf(";", index); if (endMarker == -1) { continue; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Running database query \"" + sql + "\""); } SQL = sql.toString(); try { // Use execute, not executeQuery (which expects results) or // executeUpdate boolean succeeded = statement.execute(SQL); } catch (SQLWarning sqlw) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Got SQL Warning: " + sqlw, sqlw); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { String msg = "Got SQL Exception: " + sqle; String sqlmessage = sqle.getMessage(); // These are Postgres-isms: // There's no easy way to check if a table exists before // creating it, so we always drop tables, then create them boolean isDrop = ((SQL != null) && (sqlmessage != null) && (SQL.toUpperCase().startsWith("DROP")) && (sqlmessage.indexOf("does not exist") != -1)); // Creating a view causes a bogus warning boolean isNoResults = ((SQL != null) && (sqlmessage != null) && ((SQL.toUpperCase().startsWith("CREATE VIEW")) || (SQL.toUpperCase().startsWith("CREATE FUNCTION"))) && (sqlmessage.indexOf("No results were returned") != -1)); // If the messages are bogus, give them a low priority if (isDrop || isNoResults) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(msg, sqle); } } // Otherwise, we need to know! else { if (log.isEnabledFor(Level.WARN)) { log.warn(msg, sqle); } } } // Reset SQL buffer sql = new StringBuffer(); SQL = null; } } finally { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } if (statement != null) { statement.close(); } } } //////////////////////////////////////// // Helper methods //////////////////////////////////////// /** * Convert the current row in a ResultSet into a TableRow object. * * @param results * A ResultSet to process * @param table * The name of the table * @return A TableRow object with the data from the ResultSet * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock static TableRow process(ResultSet results, String table) throws SQLException { return process(results, table, null); } /** * Convert the current row in a ResultSet into a TableRow object. * * @param results * A ResultSet to process * @param table * The name of the table * @param pColumnNames * The name of the columns in this resultset * @return A TableRow object with the data from the ResultSet * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock static TableRow process(ResultSet results, String table, List<String> pColumnNames) throws SQLException { String dbName = ConfigurationManager.getProperty(""); ResultSetMetaData meta = results.getMetaData(); int columns = meta.getColumnCount() + 1; // If we haven't been passed the column names try to generate them from the metadata / table List<String> columnNames = pColumnNames != null ? pColumnNames : ((table == null) ? getColumnNames(meta) : getColumnNames(table)); TableRow row = new TableRow(canonicalize(table), columnNames); // Process the columns in order // (This ensures maximum backwards compatibility with // old JDBC drivers) for (int i = 1; i < columns; i++) { String name = meta.getColumnName(i); int jdbctype = meta.getColumnType(i); if (jdbctype == Types.BIT || jdbctype == Types.BOOLEAN) { row.setColumn(name, results.getBoolean(i)); } else if ((jdbctype == Types.INTEGER) || (jdbctype == Types.NUMERIC) || (jdbctype == Types.DECIMAL)) { // If we are using oracle if ("oracle".equals(dbName)) { // Test the value from the record set. If it can be represented using an int, do so. // Otherwise, store it as long long longValue = results.getLong(i); if (longValue <= (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE) row.setColumn(name, (int) longValue); else row.setColumn(name, longValue); } else row.setColumn(name, results.getInt(i)); } else if (jdbctype == Types.BIGINT) { row.setColumn(name, results.getLong(i)); } else if (jdbctype == Types.DOUBLE) { row.setColumn(name, results.getDouble(i)); } else if (jdbctype == Types.CLOB && "oracle".equals(dbName)) { // Support CLOBs in place of TEXT columns in Oracle row.setColumn(name, results.getString(i)); } else if (jdbctype == Types.VARCHAR) { /*try { byte[] bytes = results.getBytes(i); if (bytes != null) { String mystring = new String(results.getBytes(i), "UTF-8"); row.setColumn(name, mystring); } else { row.setColumn(name, results.getString(i)); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // do nothing, UTF-8 is built in! }*/ //removing issue with H2 and getBytes row.setColumn(name, results.getString(i)); } else if (jdbctype == Types.DATE) { row.setColumn(name, results.getDate(i)); } else if (jdbctype == Types.TIME) { row.setColumn(name, results.getTime(i)); } else if (jdbctype == Types.TIMESTAMP) { row.setColumn(name, results.getTimestamp(i)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported JDBC type: " + jdbctype + " (" + name + ")"); } if (results.wasNull()) { row.setColumnNull(name); } } // Now that we've prepped the TableRow, reset the flags so that we can detect which columns have changed row.resetChanged(); return row; } /** * Return the name of the primary key column. We assume there's only one * primary key per table; if there are more, only the first one will be * returned. * * @param row * The TableRow to return the primary key for. * @return The name of the primary key column, or null if the row has no * primary key. * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock public static String getPrimaryKeyColumn(TableRow row) throws SQLException { return getPrimaryKeyColumn(row.getTable()); } /** * Return the name of the primary key column in the given table. We assume * there's only one primary key per table; if there are more, only the first * one will be returned. * * @param table * The name of the RDBMS table * @return The name of the primary key column, or null if the table has no * primary key. * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock protected static String getPrimaryKeyColumn(String table) throws SQLException { ColumnInfo cinfo = getPrimaryKeyColumnInfo(table); return (cinfo == null) ? null : cinfo.getName(); } /** * Return column information for the primary key column, or null if the * table has no primary key. We assume there's only one primary key per * table; if there are more, only the first one will be returned. * * @param table * The name of the RDBMS table * @return A ColumnInfo object, or null if the table has no primary key. * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock static ColumnInfo getPrimaryKeyColumnInfo(String table) throws SQLException { Collection<ColumnInfo> cinfo = getColumnInfo(canonicalize(table)); for (ColumnInfo info : cinfo) { if (info.isPrimaryKey()) { return info; } } return null; } /** * Execute SQL as a PreparedStatement on Connection. Bind parameters in * columns to the values in the table row before executing. * * @param connection * The SQL connection * @param sql * The query to execute * @param columns * The columns to bind * @param row * The row * @return The number of rows affected by the query. * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock private static void execute(Connection connection, String sql, Collection<ColumnInfo> columns, TableRow row) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement statement = null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Running query \"" + sql + "\""); } try { statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); loadParameters(statement, columns, row); statement.execute(); } finally { if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { } } } } @Mock private static int executeUpdate(Connection connection, String sql, Collection<ColumnInfo> columns, TableRow row) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement statement = null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Running query \"" + sql + "\""); } try { statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); loadParameters(statement, columns, row); return statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { } } } } /** * Return metadata about a table. * * @param table * The name of the table * @return An map of info. * @exception SQLException * If a database error occurs */ @Mock private static Map<String, ColumnInfo> getColumnInfoInternal(String table) throws SQLException { String ctable = canonicalize(table); Map<String, ColumnInfo> results = info.get(ctable); if (results != null) { return results; } results = retrieveColumnInfo(ctable); info.put(ctable, results); return results; } /** * Read metadata about a table from the database. * * @param table * The RDBMS table. * @return A map of information about the columns. The key is the name of * the column, a String; the value is a ColumnInfo object. * @exception SQLException * If there is a problem retrieving information from the * RDBMS. */ @Mock private static Map<String, ColumnInfo> retrieveColumnInfo(String table) throws SQLException { Connection connection = null; ResultSet pkcolumns = null; ResultSet columns = null; try { String schema = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("db.schema"); String catalog = null; int dotIndex = table.indexOf("."); if (dotIndex > 0) { catalog = table.substring(0, dotIndex); table = table.substring(dotIndex + 1, table.length()); log.warn("catalog: " + catalog); log.warn("table: " + table); } connection = getConnection(); DatabaseMetaData metadata = connection.getMetaData(); Map<String, ColumnInfo> results = new HashMap<String, ColumnInfo>(); //H2 database has no limit or is unknown, so the result is 0. We //have to comment to avoid errors //int max = metadata.getMaxTableNameLength(); //String tname = (table.length() >= max) ? table // .substring(0, max - 1) : table; pkcolumns = metadata.getPrimaryKeys(catalog, schema, table); Set<String> pks = new HashSet<String>(); while ( pks.add(pkcolumns.getString(4)); columns = metadata.getColumns(catalog, schema, table, null); while ( { String column = columns.getString(4); ColumnInfo cinfo = new ColumnInfo(); cinfo.setName(column); cinfo.setType((int) columns.getShort(5)); if (pks.contains(column)) { cinfo.setIsPrimaryKey(true); } results.put(column, cinfo); } return results; } finally { if (pkcolumns != null) { try { pkcolumns.close(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { } } if (columns != null) { try { columns.close(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { } } if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (SQLException sqle) { } } } } /** * Provide a means for a (web) application to cleanly terminate the connection pool. * @throws SQLException */ @Mock public static synchronized void shutdown() throws SQLException { if (initialized) { initialized = false; // Get the registered DBCP pooling driver PoolingDriver driver = (PoolingDriver) DriverManager.getDriver("jdbc:apache:commons:dbcp:"); // Close the named pool if (driver != null) driver.closePool(poolName); } } /** * Initialize the DatabaseManager. */ @Mock private static synchronized void initialize() throws SQLException { if (initialized) { return; } try { // Register basic JDBC driver Class.forName(ConfigurationManager.getProperty("db.driver")); // Register the DBCP driver Class.forName("org.apache.commons.dbcp.PoolingDriver"); // Read pool configuration parameter or use defaults // Note we check to see if property is null; getIntProperty returns // '0' if the property is not set OR if it is actually set to zero. // But 0 is a valid option... int maxConnections = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("db.maxconnections"); if (ConfigurationManager.getProperty("db.maxconnections") == null) { maxConnections = 30; } int maxWait = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("db.maxwait"); if (ConfigurationManager.getProperty("db.maxwait") == null) { maxWait = 5000; } int maxIdle = ConfigurationManager.getIntProperty("db.maxidle"); if (ConfigurationManager.getProperty("db.maxidle") == null) { maxIdle = -1; } boolean useStatementPool = ConfigurationManager.getBooleanProperty("db.statementpool", true); // Create object pool connectionPool = new GenericObjectPool(null, // PoolableObjectFactory // - set below maxConnections, // max connections GenericObjectPool.WHEN_EXHAUSTED_BLOCK, maxWait, // don't // block // more than 5 // seconds maxIdle, // max idle connections (unlimited) true, // validate when we borrow connections from pool false // don't bother validation returned connections ); // ConnectionFactory the pool will use to create connections. ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new DriverManagerConnectionFactory( ConfigurationManager.getProperty("db.url"), ConfigurationManager.getProperty("db.username"), ConfigurationManager.getProperty("db.password")); // // Now we'll create the PoolableConnectionFactory, which wraps // the "real" Connections created by the ConnectionFactory with // the classes that implement the pooling functionality. // String validationQuery = "SELECT 1"; // Oracle has a slightly different validation query if ("oracle".equals(ConfigurationManager.getProperty(""))) { validationQuery = "SELECT 1 FROM DUAL"; } GenericKeyedObjectPoolFactory statementFactory = null; if (useStatementPool) { // The statement Pool is used to pool prepared statements. GenericKeyedObjectPool.Config statementFactoryConfig = new GenericKeyedObjectPool.Config(); // Just grow the pool size when needed. // // This means we will never block when attempting to // create a query. The problem is unclosed statements, // they can never be reused. So if we place a maximum // cap on them, then we might reach a condition where // a page can only be viewed X number of times. The // downside of GROW_WHEN_EXHAUSTED is that this may // allow a memory leak to exist. Both options are bad, // but I'd prefer a memory leak over a failure. // // Perhaps this decision should be derived from config parameters? statementFactoryConfig.whenExhaustedAction = GenericObjectPool.WHEN_EXHAUSTED_GROW; statementFactory = new GenericKeyedObjectPoolFactory(null, statementFactoryConfig); } PoolableConnectionFactory poolableConnectionFactory = new PoolableConnectionFactory(connectionFactory, connectionPool, statementFactory, validationQuery, // validation query false, // read only is not default for now false); // Autocommit defaults to none // Obtain a poolName from the config, default is "dspacepool" if (ConfigurationManager.getProperty("db.poolname") != null) { poolName = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("db.poolname"); } // // Finally, we get the PoolingDriver itself... // PoolingDriver driver = (PoolingDriver) DriverManager.getDriver("jdbc:apache:commons:dbcp:"); // // ...and register our pool with it. // if (driver != null) driver.registerPool(poolName, connectionPool); //preload the contents of the database String s = new String(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String schemaPath = System.getProperty("db.schema.path"); if (null == schemaPath) throw new IllegalArgumentException("System property db.schema.path must be defined"); FileReader fr = new FileReader(new File(schemaPath)); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); while ((s = br.readLine()) != null) { //we skip white lines and comments if (!"".equals(s.trim()) && !s.trim().startsWith("--")) { sb.append(s); } } br.close(); //we use ";" as a delimiter for each request. This assumes no triggers //nor other calls besides CREATE TABLE, CREATE SEQUENCE and INSERT //exist in the file String[] stmts = sb.toString().split(";"); //stablish the connection using the pool Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:apache:commons:dbcp:" + poolName); Statement st = con.createStatement(); for (int i = 0; i < stmts.length; i++) { // we ensure that there is no spaces before or after the request string // in order to not execute empty statements if (!stmts[i].trim().equals("")) { st.executeUpdate(stmts[i]); log.debug("Loading into database: " + stmts[i]); } } //commit changes con.commit(); con.close(); // Old SimplePool init //DriverManager.registerDriver(new SimplePool()); initialized = true; } catch (SQLException se) { // Simply throw up SQLExceptions throw se; } catch (Exception e) { // Need to be able to catch other exceptions. Pretend they are // SQLExceptions, but do log log.warn("Exception initializing DB pool", e); throw new SQLException(e.toString()); } } /** * Iterate over the given parameters and add them to the given prepared statement. * Only a select number of datatypes are supported by the JDBC driver. * * @param statement * The unparameterized statement. * @param parameters * The parameters to be set on the statement. */ @Mock protected static void loadParameters(PreparedStatement statement, Object[] parameters) throws SQLException { statement.clearParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { // Select the object we are setting. Object parameter = parameters[i]; int idx = i + 1; // JDBC starts counting at 1. if (parameter == null) { throw new SQLException("Attempting to insert null value into SQL query."); } if (parameter instanceof String) { statement.setString(idx, (String) parameters[i]); } else if (parameter instanceof Integer) { int ii = ((Integer) parameter).intValue(); statement.setInt(idx, ii); } else if (parameter instanceof Double) { double d = ((Double) parameter).doubleValue(); statement.setDouble(idx, d); } else if (parameter instanceof Float) { float f = ((Float) parameter).floatValue(); statement.setFloat(idx, f); } else if (parameter instanceof Short) { short s = ((Short) parameter).shortValue(); statement.setShort(idx, s); } else if (parameter instanceof Long) { long l = ((Long) parameter).longValue(); statement.setLong(idx, l); } else if (parameter instanceof Date) { Date date = (Date) parameter; statement.setDate(idx, date); } else if (parameter instanceof Time) { Time time = (Time) parameter; statement.setTime(idx, time); } else if (parameter instanceof Timestamp) { Timestamp timestamp = (Timestamp) parameter; statement.setTimestamp(idx, timestamp); } else { throw new SQLException("Attempting to insert unknown datatype (" + parameter.getClass().getName() + ") into SQL statement."); } } } @Mock private static void loadParameters(PreparedStatement statement, Collection<ColumnInfo> columns, TableRow row) throws SQLException { int count = 0; for (ColumnInfo info : columns) { count++; String column = info.getName(); int jdbctype = info.getType(); if (row.isColumnNull(column)) { statement.setNull(count, jdbctype); } else { switch (jdbctype) { case Types.BIT: case Types.BOOLEAN: statement.setBoolean(count, row.getBooleanColumn(column)); break; case Types.INTEGER: if (isOracle) { statement.setLong(count, row.getLongColumn(column)); } else { statement.setInt(count, row.getIntColumn(column)); } break; case Types.NUMERIC: case Types.DECIMAL: statement.setLong(count, row.getLongColumn(column)); // FIXME should be BigDecimal if TableRow supported that break; case Types.BIGINT: statement.setLong(count, row.getLongColumn(column)); break; case Types.CLOB: if (isOracle) { // Support CLOBs in place of TEXT columns in Oracle statement.setString(count, row.getStringColumn(column)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported JDBC type: " + jdbctype); } break; case Types.VARCHAR: statement.setString(count, row.getStringColumn(column)); break; case Types.DATE: statement.setDate(count, new java.sql.Date(row.getDateColumn(column).getTime())); break; case Types.TIME: statement.setTime(count, new Time(row.getDateColumn(column).getTime())); break; case Types.TIMESTAMP: statement.setTimestamp(count, new Timestamp(row.getDateColumn(column).getTime())); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported JDBC type: " + jdbctype); } } } } }