Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright
 * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source
 * tree and available online at

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.dspace.core.Context;
import org.dspace.discovery.IndexingService;
import org.dspace.discovery.SearchServiceException;
import org.dspace.workflow.factory.WorkflowServiceFactory;
import org.flywaydb.core.Flyway;
import org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException;
import org.flywaydb.core.api.MigrationInfo;
import org.flywaydb.core.api.callback.FlywayCallback;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.dbsupport.DbSupport;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.dbsupport.DbSupportFactory;
import org.flywaydb.core.internal.dbsupport.SqlScript;

 * Utility class used to manage the Database. This class is used by the
 * DatabaseManager to initialize/upgrade/migrate the Database. It can also
 * be called via the commandline as necessary to get information about
 * the database.
 * <p>
 * Currently, we use Flyway DB ( for database management.
 * @see
 * @author Tim Donohue
public class DatabaseUtils {
    /** log4j category */
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DatabaseUtils.class);

    // Our Flyway DB object (initialized by setupFlyway())
    private static Flyway flywaydb;

    // When this temp file exists, the "checkReindexDiscovery()" method will auto-reindex Discovery
    // Reindex flag file is at [dspace]/solr/search/conf/reindex.flag
    // See also setReindexDiscovery()/getReindexDiscover()
    private static final String reindexDiscoveryFilePath = DSpaceServicesFactory.getInstance()
            .getConfigurationService().getProperty("dspace.dir") + File.separator + "solr" + File.separator
            + "search" + File.separator + "conf" + File.separator + "reindex.flag";

    // Types of databases supported by DSpace. See getDbType()
    public static final String DBMS_POSTGRES = "postgres";
    public static final String DBMS_ORACLE = "oracle";
    public static final String DBMS_H2 = "h2";

     * Commandline tools for managing database changes, etc.
     * @param argv the command line arguments given
    public static void main(String[] argv) {
        // Usage checks
        if (argv.length < 1) {
            System.out.println("\nDatabase action argument is missing.");
            System.out.println("Valid actions: 'test', 'info', 'migrate', 'repair', 'validate' or 'clean'");
            System.out.println("\nOr, type 'database help' for more information.\n");

        try {
            // Get a reference to our configured DataSource
            DataSource dataSource = getDataSource();

            // Point Flyway API to our database
            Flyway flyway = setupFlyway(dataSource);

            // "test" = Test Database Connection
            if (argv[0].equalsIgnoreCase("test")) {
                // Try to connect to the database
                System.out.println("\nAttempting to connect to database");
                try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection()) {
                    System.out.println("Connected successfully!");

                    // Print basic database connection information

                    // Print any database warnings/errors found (if any)
                    boolean issueFound = printDBIssues(connection);

                    // If issues found, exit with an error status (even if connection succeeded).
                    if (issueFound)
                } catch (SQLException sqle) {
                    System.err.println("\nError running 'test': ");
                    System.err.println(" - " + sqle);
                    System.err.println("\nPlease see the DSpace documentation for assistance.\n");
            } else if (argv[0].equalsIgnoreCase("info") || argv[0].equalsIgnoreCase("status")) {
                try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection()) {
                    // Print basic Database info

                    // Get info table from Flyway
                    System.out.println("\n" + MigrationInfoDumper.dumpToAsciiTable(;

                    // If Flyway is NOT yet initialized, also print the determined version information
                    // NOTE: search is case sensitive, as flyway table name is ALWAYS lowercase,
                    // See:
                    if (!tableExists(connection, flyway.getTable(), true)) {
                                "\nNOTE: This database is NOT yet initialized for auto-migrations (via Flyway).");
                        // Determine which version of DSpace this looks like
                        String dbVersion = determineDBVersion(connection);
                        if (dbVersion != null) {
                                    "\nYour database looks to be compatible with DSpace version " + dbVersion);
                            System.out.println("All upgrades *after* version " + dbVersion
                                    + " will be run during the next migration.");
                                    "\nIf you'd like to upgrade now, simply run 'dspace database migrate'.");

                    // Print any database warnings/errors found (if any)
                    boolean issueFound = printDBIssues(connection);

                    // If issues found, exit with an error status
                    if (issueFound)
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    System.err.println("Info exception:");
            } else if (argv[0].equalsIgnoreCase("migrate")) {
                try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection()) {
                    System.out.println("\nDatabase URL: " + connection.getMetaData().getURL());

                    // "migrate" allows for an OPTIONAL second argument:
                    //    - "ignored" = Also run any previously "ignored" migrations during the migration
                    //    - [version] = ONLY run migrations up to a specific DSpace version (ONLY FOR TESTING)
                    if (argv.length == 2) {
                        if (argv[1].equalsIgnoreCase("ignored")) {
                                    "Migrating database to latest version AND running previously \"Ignored\" migrations... (Check logs for details)");
                            // Update the database to latest version, but set "outOfOrder=true"
                            // This will ensure any old migrations in the "ignored" state are now run
                            updateDatabase(dataSource, connection, null, true);
                        } else {
                            // Otherwise, we assume "argv[1]" is a valid migration version number
                            // This is only for testing! Never specify for Production!
                            String migrationVersion = argv[1];
                            BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

                            System.out.println("You've specified to migrate your database ONLY to version "
                                    + migrationVersion + " ...");
                                    "\nWARNING: It is highly likely you will see errors in your logs when the Metadata");
                                    "or Bitstream Format Registry auto-update. This is because you are attempting to");
                            System.out.println("use an OLD version " + migrationVersion
                                    + " Database with a newer DSpace API. NEVER do this in a");
                                    "PRODUCTION scenario. The resulting old DB is only useful for migration testing.\n");

                            System.out.print("Are you SURE you only want to migrate your database to version "
                                    + migrationVersion + "? [y/n]: ");
                            String choiceString = input.readLine();

                            if (choiceString.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
                                System.out.println("Migrating database ONLY to version " + migrationVersion
                                        + " ... (Check logs for details)");
                                // Update the database, to the version specified.
                                updateDatabase(dataSource, connection, migrationVersion, false);
                            } else {
                                System.out.println("No action performed.");
                    } else {
                                .println("Migrating database to latest version... (Check dspace logs for details)");
                        updateDatabase(dataSource, connection);
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    System.err.println("Migration exception:");
            // "repair" = Run Flyway repair script
            else if (argv[0].equalsIgnoreCase("repair")) {
                try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();) {
                    System.out.println("\nDatabase URL: " + connection.getMetaData().getURL());
                            "Attempting to repair any previously failed migrations (or mismatched checksums) via FlywayDB... (Check dspace logs for details)");
                } catch (SQLException | FlywayException e) {
                    System.err.println("Repair exception:");
            // "validate" = Run Flyway validation to check for database errors/issues
            else if (argv[0].equalsIgnoreCase("validate")) {
                try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();) {
                    System.out.println("\nDatabase URL: " + connection.getMetaData().getURL());
                            "Attempting to validate database status (and migration checksums) via FlywayDB...");
                            "No errors thrown. Validation succeeded. (Check dspace logs for more details)");
                } catch (SQLException | FlywayException e) {
                    System.err.println("Validation exception:");
            // "clean" = Run Flyway clean script
            else if (argv[0].equalsIgnoreCase("clean")) {
                // If clean is disabled, return immediately
                if (flyway.isCleanDisabled()) {
                            "\nWARNING: 'clean' command is currently disabled, as it is dangerous to run in Production scenarios!");
                            "\nIn order to run a 'clean' you first must enable it in your DSpace config by specifying 'db.cleanDisabled=false'.\n");

                try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection()) {
                    String dbType = getDbType(connection);

                    // Not all Postgres user accounts will be able to run a 'clean',
                    // as only 'superuser' accounts can remove the 'pgcrypto' extension.
                    if (dbType.equals(DBMS_POSTGRES)) {
                        // Check if database user has permissions suitable to run a clean
                        if (!PostgresUtils.checkCleanPermissions(connection)) {
                            String username = connection.getMetaData().getUserName();
                            // Exit immediately, providing a descriptive error message
                            System.out.println("\nERROR: The database user '" + username
                                    + "' does not have sufficient privileges to run a 'database clean' (via Flyway).");
                                    "\nIn order to run a 'clean', the database user MUST have 'superuser' privileges");
                            System.out.println("OR the '" + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO
                                    + "' extension must be installed in a separate schema (see documentation).");
                            System.out.println("\nOptionally, you could also manually remove the '"
                                    + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO + "' extension first (DROP EXTENSION "
                                    + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO + " CASCADE;), then rerun the 'clean'");

                    BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

                    System.out.println("\nDatabase URL: " + connection.getMetaData().getURL());
                            "There is NO turning back from this action. Backup your DB before continuing.");
                    if (dbType.equals(DBMS_ORACLE)) {
                        System.out.println("\nORACLE WARNING: your RECYCLEBIN will also be PURGED.\n");
                    } else if (dbType.equals(DBMS_POSTGRES)) {
                        System.out.println("\nPOSTGRES WARNING: the '" + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO
                                + "' extension will be dropped if it is in the same schema as the DSpace database.\n");
                    System.out.print("Do you want to PERMANENTLY DELETE everything from your database? [y/n]: ");
                    String choiceString = input.readLine();

                    if (choiceString.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) {
                        System.out.println("Scrubbing database clean... (Check dspace logs for details)");
                        cleanDatabase(flyway, dataSource);
                    } else {
                        System.out.println("No action performed.");
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    System.err.println("Clean exception:");
            } else {
                System.out.println("\nUsage: database [action]");
                System.out.println("Valid actions: 'test', 'info', 'migrate', 'repair' or 'clean'");
                        " - test          = Performs a test connection to database to validate connection settings");
                        " - info / status = Describe basic info/status about database, including validating the compatibility of this database");
                System.out.println(" - migrate       = Migrate the database to the latest version");
                        " - repair        = Attempt to repair any previously failed database migrations or checksum mismatches (via Flyway repair)");
                        " - validate      = Validate current database's migration status (via Flyway validate), validating all migration checksums.");
                        " - clean         = DESTROY all data and tables in database (WARNING there is no going back!). Requires 'db.cleanDisabled=false' setting in config.");

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("Caught exception:");

     * Print basic information about the current database to System.out.
     * This is utilized by both the 'test' and 'info' commandline options.
     * @param connection current database connection
     * @throws SQLException if database error occurs
    private static void printDBInfo(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        // Get basic Database info from connection
        DatabaseMetaData meta = connection.getMetaData();
        String dbType = getDbType(connection);
        System.out.println("\nDatabase Type: " + dbType);
        System.out.println("Database URL: " + meta.getURL());
        System.out.println("Database Schema: " + getSchemaName(connection));
        System.out.println("Database Username: " + meta.getUserName());
        System.out.println("Database Software: " + meta.getDatabaseProductName() + " version "
                + meta.getDatabaseProductVersion());
        System.out.println("Database Driver: " + meta.getDriverName() + " version " + meta.getDriverVersion());

        // For Postgres, report whether pgcrypto is installed
        // (If it isn't, we'll also write out warnings...see below)
        if (dbType.equals(DBMS_POSTGRES)) {
            boolean pgcryptoUpToDate = PostgresUtils.isPgcryptoUpToDate();
            Double pgcryptoVersion = PostgresUtils.getPgcryptoInstalledVersion(connection);
            System.out.println("PostgreSQL '" + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO + "' extension installed/up-to-date? "
                    + pgcryptoUpToDate + " "
                    + ((pgcryptoVersion != null) ? "(version=" + pgcryptoVersion + ")" : "(not installed)"));

     * Print any warnings about current database setup to System.err (if any).
     * This is utilized by both the 'test' and 'info' commandline options.
     * @param connection current database connection
     * @return boolean true if database issues found, false otherwise
     * @throws SQLException if database error occurs
    private static boolean printDBIssues(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        boolean issueFound = false;

        // Get the DB Type
        String dbType = getDbType(connection);

        // For PostgreSQL databases, we need to check for the 'pgcrypto' extension.
        // If it is NOT properly installed, we'll need to warn the user, as DSpace will be unable to proceed.
        if (dbType.equals(DBMS_POSTGRES)) {
            // Get version of pgcrypto available in this postgres instance
            Double pgcryptoAvailable = PostgresUtils.getPgcryptoAvailableVersion(connection);

            // Generic requirements message
            String requirementsMsg = "\n** DSpace REQUIRES PostgreSQL >= " + PostgresUtils.POSTGRES_VERSION
                    + " AND " + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO + " extension >= " + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO_VERSION
                    + " **\n";

            // Check if installed in PostgreSQL & a supported version
            if (pgcryptoAvailable != null && pgcryptoAvailable.compareTo(PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO_VERSION) >= 0) {
                // We now know it's available in this Postgres. Let's see if it is installed in this database.
                Double pgcryptoInstalled = PostgresUtils.getPgcryptoInstalledVersion(connection);

                // Check if installed in database, but outdated version
                if (pgcryptoInstalled != null && pgcryptoInstalled.compareTo(PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO_VERSION) < 0) {
                    System.out.println("\nWARNING: Required PostgreSQL '" + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO
                            + "' extension is OUTDATED (installed version=" + pgcryptoInstalled
                            + ", available version = " + pgcryptoAvailable + ").");
                            "To update it, please connect to your DSpace database as a 'superuser' and manually run the following command: ");
                    System.out.println("\n  ALTER EXTENSION " + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO + " UPDATE TO '"
                            + pgcryptoAvailable + "';\n");
                    issueFound = true;
                } else if (pgcryptoInstalled == null) // If it's not installed in database
                    System.out.println("\nWARNING: Required PostgreSQL '" + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO
                            + "' extension is NOT INSTALLED on this database.");
                            "To install it, please connect to your DSpace database as a 'superuser' and manually run the following command: ");
                    System.out.println("\n  CREATE EXTENSION " + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO + ";\n");
                    issueFound = true;
            // Check if installed in Postgres, but an unsupported version
            else if (pgcryptoAvailable != null && pgcryptoAvailable.compareTo(PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO_VERSION) < 0) {
                System.out.println("\nWARNING: UNSUPPORTED version of PostgreSQL '" + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO
                        + "' extension found (version=" + pgcryptoAvailable + ").");
                System.out.println("Make sure you are running a supported version of PostgreSQL, and then install "
                        + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO + " version >= " + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO_VERSION);
                System.out.println("The '" + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO
                        + "' extension is often provided in the 'postgresql-contrib' package for your operating system.");
                issueFound = true;
            } else if (pgcryptoAvailable == null) // If it's not installed in Postgres
                System.out.println("\nWARNING: PostgreSQL '" + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO
                        + "' extension is NOT AVAILABLE. Please install it into this PostgreSQL instance.");
                System.out.println("The '" + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO
                        + "' extension is often provided in the 'postgresql-contrib' package for your operating system.");
                        "Once the extension is installed globally, please connect to your DSpace database as a 'superuser' and manually run the following command: ");
                System.out.println("\n  CREATE EXTENSION " + PostgresUtils.PGCRYPTO + ";\n");
                issueFound = true;
        return issueFound;

     * Setup/Initialize the Flyway API to run against our DSpace database
     * and point at our migration scripts.
     * @param datasource
     *      DataSource object initialized by DatabaseManager
     * @return initialized Flyway object
    private synchronized static Flyway setupFlyway(DataSource datasource) {
        ConfigurationService config = DSpaceServicesFactory.getInstance().getConfigurationService();

        if (flywaydb == null) {
            try (Connection connection = datasource.getConnection()) {
                // Initialize Flyway DB API (, used to perform DB migrations
                flywaydb = new Flyway();

                // Default cleanDisabled to "true" (which disallows the ability to run 'database clean')
                flywaydb.setCleanDisabled(config.getBooleanProperty("db.cleanDisabled", true));

                // Migration scripts are based on DBMS Keyword (see full path below)
                String dbType = getDbType(connection);

                // Determine location(s) where Flyway will load all DB migrations
                ArrayList<String> scriptLocations = new ArrayList<String>();

                // First, add location for custom SQL migrations, if any (based on DB Type)
                // e.g. [dspace.dir]/etc/[dbtype]/
                // (We skip this for H2 as it's only used for unit testing)
                if (!dbType.equals(DBMS_H2)) {
                    scriptLocations.add("filesystem:" + config.getProperty("dspace.dir") + "/etc/" + dbType);

                // Also add the Java package where Flyway will load SQL migrations from (based on DB Type)
                scriptLocations.add("" + dbType);

                // Also add the Java package where Flyway will load Java migrations from
                // NOTE: this also loads migrations from any sub-package

                //Add all potential workflow migration paths
                List<String> workflowFlywayMigrationLocations = WorkflowServiceFactory.getInstance()

                // Now tell Flyway which locations to load SQL / Java migrations from
      "Loading Flyway DB migrations from: " + StringUtils.join(scriptLocations, ", "));
                flywaydb.setLocations(scriptLocations.toArray(new String[scriptLocations.size()]));

                // Set flyway callbacks (i.e. classes which are called post-DB migration and similar)
                // In this situation, we have a Registry Updater that runs PRE-migration
                // NOTE: DatabaseLegacyReindexer only indexes in Legacy Lucene & RDBMS indexes. It can be removed once those are obsolete.
                List<FlywayCallback> flywayCallbacks = DSpaceServicesFactory.getInstance().getServiceManager()
                flywaydb.setCallbacks(flywayCallbacks.toArray(new FlywayCallback[flywayCallbacks.size()]));
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                log.error("Unable to setup Flyway against DSpace database", e);

        return flywaydb;

     * Ensures the current database is up-to-date with regards
     * to the latest DSpace DB schema. If the scheme is not up-to-date,
     * then any necessary database migrations are performed.
     * <P>
     * FlywayDB ( is used to perform database migrations.
     * If a Flyway DB migration fails it will be rolled back to the last
     * successful migration, and any errors will be logged.
     * @throws SQLException if database error
     *      If database cannot be upgraded.
    public static synchronized void updateDatabase() throws SQLException {
        // Get our configured dataSource
        DataSource dataSource = getDataSource();

        try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection()) {
            // Upgrade database to the latest version of our schema
            updateDatabase(dataSource, connection);

     * Ensures the current database is up-to-date with regards
     * to the latest DSpace DB schema. If the scheme is not up-to-date,
     * then any necessary database migrations are performed.
     * <P>
     * FlywayDB ( is used to perform database migrations.
     * If a Flyway DB migration fails it will be rolled back to the last
     * successful migration, and any errors will be logged.
     * @param datasource
     *      DataSource object (retrieved from DatabaseManager())
     * @param connection
     *      Database connection
     * @throws SQLException if database error
     *      If database cannot be upgraded.
    protected static synchronized void updateDatabase(DataSource datasource, Connection connection)
            throws SQLException {
        // By default, upgrade to the *latest* version and never run migrations out-of-order
        updateDatabase(datasource, connection, null, false);

     * Ensures the current database is up-to-date with regards
     * to the latest DSpace DB schema. If the scheme is not up-to-date,
     * then any necessary database migrations are performed.
     * <P>
     * FlywayDB ( is used to perform database migrations.
     * If a Flyway DB migration fails it will be rolled back to the last
     * successful migration, and any errors will be logged.
     * @param datasource
     *      DataSource object (retrieved from DatabaseManager())
     * @param connection
     *      Database connection
     * @param targetVersion
     *      If specified, only migrate the database to a particular *version* of DSpace. This is mostly just useful for testing.
     *      If null, the database is migrated to the latest version.
     * @param outOfOrder
     *      If true, Flyway will run any lower version migrations that were previously "ignored".
     *      If false, Flyway will only run new migrations with a higher version number.
     * @throws SQLException if database error
     *      If database cannot be upgraded.
    protected static synchronized void updateDatabase(DataSource datasource, Connection connection,
            String targetVersion, boolean outOfOrder) throws SQLException {
        try {
            // Setup Flyway API against our database
            Flyway flyway = setupFlyway(datasource);

            // Set whethe Flyway will run migrations "out of order". By default, this is false,
            // and Flyway ONLY runs migrations that have a higher version number.

            // If a target version was specified, tell Flyway to ONLY migrate to that version
            // (i.e. all later migrations are left as "pending"). By default we always migrate to latest version.
            if (!StringUtils.isBlank(targetVersion)) {

            // Does the necessary Flyway table ("schema_version") exist in this database?
            // If not, then this is the first time Flyway has run, and we need to initialize
            // NOTE: search is case sensitive, as flyway table name is ALWAYS lowercase,
            // See:
            if (!tableExists(connection, flyway.getTable(), true)) {
                // Try to determine our DSpace database version, so we know what to tell Flyway to do
                String dbVersion = determineDBVersion(connection);

                // If this is a fresh install, dbVersion will be null
                if (dbVersion == null) {
                    // Initialize the Flyway database table with defaults (version=1)
                } else {
                    // Otherwise, pass our determined DB version to Flyway to initialize database table
                    flyway.setBaselineDescription("Initializing from DSpace " + dbVersion + " database schema");

            // Determine pending Database migrations
            MigrationInfo[] pending =;

            // As long as there are pending migrations, log them and run migrate()
            if (pending != null && pending.length > 0) {
      "Pending DSpace database schema migrations:");
                for (MigrationInfo info : pending) {
          "\t" + info.getVersion() + " " + info.getDescription() + " " + info.getType() + " "
                            + info.getState());

                // Run all pending Flyway migrations to ensure the DSpace Database is up to date

                // Flag that Discovery will need reindexing, since database was updated
            } else
      "DSpace database schema is up to date");
        } catch (FlywayException fe) {
            // If any FlywayException (Runtime) is thrown, change it to a SQLException
            throw new SQLException("Flyway migration error occurred", fe);

     * Clean the existing database, permanently removing all data and tables
     * <P>
     * FlywayDB ( is used to clean the database
     * @param flyway
     *      Initialized Flyway object
     * @param dataSource
     *      Initialized DataSource
     * @throws SQLException if database error
     *      If database cannot be cleaned.
    private static synchronized void cleanDatabase(Flyway flyway, DataSource dataSource) throws SQLException {
        try {
            // First, run Flyway's clean command on database.
            // For MOST database types, this takes care of everything

            try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection()) {
                // Get info about which database type we are using
                String dbType = getDbType(connection);

                // If this is Oracle, the only way to entirely clean the database
                // is to also purge the "Recyclebin". See:
                if (dbType.equals(DBMS_ORACLE)) {
                    PreparedStatement statement = null;
                    try {
                        statement = connection.prepareStatement("PURGE RECYCLEBIN");
                    } finally {
                        if (statement != null && !statement.isClosed())
        } catch (FlywayException fe) {
            // If any FlywayException (Runtime) is thrown, change it to a SQLException
            throw new SQLException("Flyway clean error occurred", fe);

     * Attempt to determine the version of our DSpace database,
     * so that we are able to properly migrate it to the latest schema
     * via Flyway
     * <P>
     * This determination is performed by checking which table(s) exist in
     * your database and matching them up with known tables that existed in
     * different versions of DSpace.
     * @param connection
     *          Current Database Connection
     * @throws SQLException if DB status cannot be determined
     * @return DSpace version as a String (e.g. "4.0"), or null if database is empty
    private static String determineDBVersion(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        // First, is this a "fresh_install"?  Check for an "item" table.
        if (!tableExists(connection, "Item")) {
            // Item table doesn't exist. This database must be a fresh install
            return null;

        // We will now check prior versions in reverse chronological order, looking
        // for specific tables or columns that were newly created in each version.

        // Is this pre-DSpace 5.0 (with Metadata 4 All changes)? Look for the "resource_id" column in the "metadatavalue" table
        if (tableColumnExists(connection, "metadatavalue", "resource_id")) {
            return "5.0.2014.09.26"; // This version matches the version in the SQL migration for this feature

        // Is this pre-DSpace 5.0 (with Helpdesk plugin)? Look for the "request_message" column in the "requestitem" table
        if (tableColumnExists(connection, "requestitem", "request_message")) {
            return "5.0.2014.08.08"; // This version matches the version in the SQL migration for this feature

        // Is this DSpace 4.x? Look for the "Webapp" table created in that version.
        if (tableExists(connection, "Webapp")) {
            return "4.0";

        // Is this DSpace 3.x? Look for the "versionitem" table created in that version.
        if (tableExists(connection, "versionitem")) {
            return "3.0";

        // Is this DSpace 1.8.x? Look for the "bitstream_order" column in the "bundle2bitstream" table
        if (tableColumnExists(connection, "bundle2bitstream", "bitstream_order")) {
            return "1.8";

        // Is this DSpace 1.7.x? Look for the "dctyperegistry_seq" to NOT exist (it was deleted in 1.7)
        // NOTE: DSPACE 1.7.x only differs from 1.6 in a deleted sequence.
        if (!sequenceExists(connection, "dctyperegistry_seq")) {
            return "1.7";

        // Is this DSpace 1.6.x? Look for the "harvested_collection" table created in that version.
        if (tableExists(connection, "harvested_collection")) {
            return "1.6";

        // Is this DSpace 1.5.x? Look for the "collection_item_count" table created in that version.
        if (tableExists(connection, "collection_item_count")) {
            return "1.5";

        // Is this DSpace 1.4.x? Look for the "Group2Group" table created in that version.
        if (tableExists(connection, "Group2Group")) {
            return "1.4";

        // Is this DSpace 1.3.x? Look for the "epersongroup2workspaceitem" table created in that version.
        if (tableExists(connection, "epersongroup2workspaceitem")) {
            return "1.3";

        // Is this DSpace 1.2.x? Look for the "Community2Community" table created in that version.
        if (tableExists(connection, "Community2Community")) {
            return "1.2";

        // Is this DSpace 1.1.x? Look for the "Community" table created in that version.
        if (tableExists(connection, "Community")) {
            return "1.1";

        // IF we get here, something went wrong! This database is missing a LOT of DSpace tables
        throw new SQLException(

     * Determine if a particular database table exists in our database
     * @param connection
     *          Current Database Connection
     * @param tableName
     *          The name of the table
     * @return true if table of that name exists, false otherwise
    public static boolean tableExists(Connection connection, String tableName) {
        //By default, do a case-insensitive search
        return tableExists(connection, tableName, false);

     * Determine if a particular database table exists in our database
     * @param connection
     *          Current Database Connection
     * @param tableName
     *          The name of the table
     * @param caseSensitive
     *          When "true", the case of the tableName will not be changed.
     *          When "false, the name may be uppercased or lowercased based on DB type.
     * @return true if table of that name exists, false otherwise
    public static boolean tableExists(Connection connection, String tableName, boolean caseSensitive) {
        boolean exists = false;
        ResultSet results = null;

        try {
            // Get the name of the Schema that the DSpace Database is using
            // (That way we can search the right schema)
            String schema = getSchemaName(connection);

            // Get information about our database.
            DatabaseMetaData meta = connection.getMetaData();

            // If this is not a case sensitive search
            if (!caseSensitive) {
                // Canonicalize everything to the proper case based on DB type
                schema = canonicalize(connection, schema);
                tableName = canonicalize(connection, tableName);

            // Search for a table of the given name in our current schema
            results = meta.getTables(null, schema, tableName, null);
            if (results != null && {
                exists = true;
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Error attempting to determine if table " + tableName + " exists", e);
        } finally {
            try {
                // ensure the ResultSet gets closed
                if (results != null && !results.isClosed())
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                // ignore it

        return exists;

     * Determine if a particular database column exists in our database
     * @param connection
     *          Current Database Connection
     * @param tableName
     *          The name of the table
     * @param columnName
     *          The name of the column in the table
     * @return true if column of that name exists, false otherwise
    public static boolean tableColumnExists(Connection connection, String tableName, String columnName) {
        boolean exists = false;
        ResultSet results = null;

        try {
            // Get the name of the Schema that the DSpace Database is using
            // (That way we can search the right schema)
            String schema = getSchemaName(connection);

            // Canonicalize everything to the proper case based on DB type
            schema = canonicalize(connection, schema);
            tableName = canonicalize(connection, tableName);
            columnName = canonicalize(connection, columnName);

            // Get information about our database.
            DatabaseMetaData meta = connection.getMetaData();

            // Search for a column of that name in the specified table & schema
            results = meta.getColumns(null, schema, tableName, columnName);
            if (results != null && {
                exists = true;
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Error attempting to determine if column " + columnName + " exists", e);
        } finally {
            try {
                // ensure the ResultSet gets closed
                if (results != null && !results.isClosed())
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                // ignore it

        return exists;

     * Determine if a particular database sequence exists in our database
     * @param connection
     *          Current Database Connection
     * @param sequenceName
     *          The name of the table
     * @return true if sequence of that name exists, false otherwise
    public static boolean sequenceExists(Connection connection, String sequenceName) {
        boolean exists = false;
        PreparedStatement statement = null;
        ResultSet results = null;
        // Whether or not to filter query based on schema (this is DB Type specific)
        boolean schemaFilter = false;

        try {
            // Get the name of the Schema that the DSpace Database is using
            // (That way we can search the right schema)
            String schema = getSchemaName(connection);

            // Canonicalize everything to the proper case based on DB type
            schema = canonicalize(connection, schema);
            sequenceName = canonicalize(connection, sequenceName);

            // Different database types store sequence information in different tables
            String dbtype = getDbType(connection);
            String sequenceSQL = null;
            switch (dbtype) {
            case DBMS_POSTGRES:
                // Default schema in PostgreSQL is "public"
                if (schema == null) {
                    schema = "public";
                // PostgreSQL specific query for a sequence in a particular schema
                sequenceSQL = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM pg_class, pg_namespace "
                        + "WHERE pg_class.relnamespace=pg_namespace.oid " + "AND pg_class.relkind='S' "
                        + "AND pg_class.relname=? " + "AND pg_namespace.nspname=?";
                // We need to filter by schema in PostgreSQL
                schemaFilter = true;
            case DBMS_ORACLE:
                // Oracle specific query for a sequence owned by our current DSpace user
                // NOTE: No need to filter by schema for Oracle, as Schema = User
                sequenceSQL = "SELECT COUNT(1) FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name=?";
            case DBMS_H2:
                // In H2, sequences are listed in the "information_schema.sequences" table
                // SEE:
                throw new SQLException("DBMS " + dbtype + " is unsupported.");

            // If we have a SQL query to run for the sequence, then run it
            if (sequenceSQL != null) {
                // Run the query, passing it our parameters
                statement = connection.prepareStatement(sequenceSQL);
                statement.setString(1, sequenceName);
                if (schemaFilter) {
                    statement.setString(2, schema);
                results = statement.executeQuery();

                // If results are non-zero, then this sequence exists!
                if (results != null && && results.getInt(1) > 0) {
                    exists = true;
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Error attempting to determine if sequence " + sequenceName + " exists", e);
        } finally {
            try {
                // Ensure statement gets closed
                if (statement != null && !statement.isClosed())
                // Ensure ResultSet gets closed
                if (results != null && !results.isClosed())
            } catch (SQLException e) {
                // ignore it

        return exists;

     * Execute a block of SQL against the current database connection.
     * <P>
     * The SQL is executed using the Flyway SQL parser.
     * @param connection
     *            Current Database Connection
     * @param sqlToExecute
     *            The actual SQL to execute as a String
     * @throws SQLException if database error
     *            If a database error occurs
    public static void executeSql(Connection connection, String sqlToExecute) throws SQLException {
        try {
            // Create a Flyway DbSupport object (based on our connection)
            // This is how Flyway determines the database *type* (e.g. Postgres vs Oracle)
            DbSupport dbSupport = DbSupportFactory.createDbSupport(connection, false);

            // Load our SQL string & execute via Flyway's SQL parser
            SqlScript script = new SqlScript(sqlToExecute, dbSupport);
        } catch (FlywayException fe) {
            // If any FlywayException (Runtime) is thrown, change it to a SQLException
            throw new SQLException("Flyway executeSql() error occurred", fe);

     * Get the Database Schema Name in use by this Connection, so that it can
     * be used to limit queries in other methods (e.g. tableExists()).
     * @param connection
     *     Current Database Connection
     * @return Schema name as a string, or "null" if cannot be determined or unspecified
     * @throws SQLException
     *     An exception that provides information on a database access error or other errors.
    public static String getSchemaName(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        String schema = null;

        // Try to get the schema from the DB connection itself.
        // As long as the Database driver supports JDBC4.1, there should be a getSchema() method
        // If this method is unimplemented or doesn't exist, it will throw an exception (likely an AbstractMethodError)
        try {
            schema = connection.getSchema();
        } catch (Exception | AbstractMethodError e) {

        // If we don't know our schema, let's try the schema in the DSpace configuration
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(schema)) {
            schema = canonicalize(connection,

        // Still blank? Ok, we'll find a "sane" default based on the DB type
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(schema)) {
            String dbType = getDbType(connection);

            if (dbType.equals(DBMS_POSTGRES)) {
                // For PostgreSQL, the default schema is named "public"
                // See:
                schema = "public";
            } else if (dbType.equals(DBMS_ORACLE)) {
                // For Oracle, default schema is actually the user account
                // See:
                DatabaseMetaData meta = connection.getMetaData();
                schema = meta.getUserName();
            } else // For H2 (in memory), there is no such thing as a schema
                schema = null;

        return schema;

     * Return the canonical name for a database identifier based on whether this
     * database defaults to storing identifiers in uppercase or lowercase.
     * @param connection 
     *     Current Database Connection
     * @param dbIdentifier 
     *     Identifier to canonicalize (may be a table name, column name, etc)
     * @return The canonical name of the identifier.
     * @throws SQLException
     *     An exception that provides information on a database access error or other errors.
    public static String canonicalize(Connection connection, String dbIdentifier) throws SQLException {
        // Avoid any null pointers
        if (dbIdentifier == null)
            return null;

        DatabaseMetaData meta = connection.getMetaData();

        // Check how this database stores its identifiers, etc.
        // i.e. lowercase vs uppercase (by default we assume mixed case)
        if (meta.storesLowerCaseIdentifiers()) {
            return StringUtils.lowerCase(dbIdentifier);

        } else if (meta.storesUpperCaseIdentifiers()) {
            return StringUtils.upperCase(dbIdentifier);
        } else // Otherwise DB doesn't care about case
            return dbIdentifier;

     * Whether or not to tell Discovery to reindex itself based on the updated
     * database.
     * <P>
     * Whenever a DB migration occurs this is set to "true" to ensure the
     * Discovery index is updated. When Discovery initializes it calls
     * checkReindexDiscovery() to reindex if this flag is true.
     * <P>
     * Because the DB migration may be initialized by commandline or any one of
     * the many DSpace webapps, setting this to "true" actually writes a temporary
     * file which lets Solr know when reindex is needed.
     * @param reindex true or false
    public static synchronized void setReindexDiscovery(boolean reindex) {
        File reindexFlag = new File(reindexDiscoveryFilePath);

        // If we need to flag Discovery to reindex, we'll create a temporary file to do so.
        if (reindex) {
            try {
                //If our flag file doesn't exist, create it as writeable to all
                if (!reindexFlag.exists()) {
                    reindexFlag.setWritable(true, false);
            } catch (IOException io) {
                log.error("Unable to create Discovery reindex flag file " + reindexFlag.getAbsolutePath()
                        + ". You may need to reindex manually.", io);
        } else // Otherwise, Discovery doesn't need to reindex. Delete the temporary file if it exists
            //If our flag file exists, delete it
            if (reindexFlag.exists()) {
                boolean deleted = reindexFlag.delete();
                if (!deleted)
                    log.error("Unable to delete Discovery reindex flag file " + reindexFlag.getAbsolutePath()
                            + ". You may need to delete it manually.");

     * Whether or not reindexing is required in Discovery.
     * <P>
     * Because the DB migration may be initialized by commandline or any one of
     * the many DSpace webapps, this checks for the existence of a temporary
     * file to know when Discovery/Solr needs reindexing.
     * @return whether reindex flag is true/false
    public static boolean getReindexDiscovery() {
        // Simply check if the flag file exists
        File reindexFlag = new File(reindexDiscoveryFilePath);
        return reindexFlag.exists();

     * Method to check whether we need to reindex in Discovery (i.e. Solr). If
     * reindexing is necessary, it is performed. If not, nothing happens.
     * <P>
     * This method is called by Discovery whenever it initializes a connection
     * to Solr.
     * @param indexer
     *          The actual indexer to use to reindex Discovery, if needed
     * @see org.dspace.discovery.SolrServiceImpl
    public static synchronized void checkReindexDiscovery(IndexingService indexer) {
        // We only do something if the reindexDiscovery flag has been triggered
        if (getReindexDiscovery()) {
            // Kick off a custom thread to perform the reindexing in Discovery
            // (See ReindexerThread nested class below)
            ReindexerThread go = new ReindexerThread(indexer);

     * Internal class to actually perform re-indexing in a separate thread.
     * (See checkReindexDiscovery() method)>
    private static class ReindexerThread extends Thread {
        private final IndexingService indexer;

         * Constructor. Pass it an existing IndexingService
         * @param is
        ReindexerThread(IndexingService is) {
            this.indexer = is;

         * Actually perform Reindexing in Discovery/Solr.
         * This is synchronized so that only one thread can get in at a time.
        public void run() {
            synchronized (this.indexer) {
                // Make sure reindexDiscovery flag is still true
                // If multiple threads get here we only want to reindex ONCE
                if (DatabaseUtils.getReindexDiscovery()) {
                    Context context = null;
                    try {
                        context = new Context();
                                "Post database migration, reindexing all content in Discovery search and browse engine");

                        // Reindex Discovery completely
                        // Force clean all content
                        // Recreate the entire index (overwriting existing one)
                        // Rebuild spell checker (which is based on index)

              "Reindexing is complete");
                    } catch (SearchServiceException sse) {
                                "Unable to reindex content in Discovery search and browse engine. You may need to reindex manually.",
                    } catch (SQLException | IOException e) {
                        log.error("Error attempting to reindex all contents for search/browse", e);
                    } finally {
                        // Reset our indexing flag. Indexing is done or it threw an error,
                        // Either way, we shouldn't try again.

                        // Clean up our context, if it still exists
                        if (context != null && context.isValid())

     * Determine the type of Database, based on the DB connection.
     * @param connection current DB Connection
     * @return a DB keyword/type (see DatabaseUtils.DBMS_* constants)
     * @throws SQLException if database error
    public static String getDbType(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        DatabaseMetaData meta = connection.getMetaData();
        String prodName = meta.getDatabaseProductName();
        String dbms_lc = prodName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
        if (dbms_lc.contains("postgresql")) {
            return DBMS_POSTGRES;
        } else if (dbms_lc.contains("oracle")) {
            return DBMS_ORACLE;
        } else if (dbms_lc.contains("h2")) // Used for unit testing only
            return DBMS_H2;
        } else {
            return dbms_lc;

     * Get a reference to the configured DataSource (which can be used to
     * initialize the database using Flyway).
     * <P>
     * This is NOT public, as we discourage direct connections to the database
     * which bypass Hibernate. Only Flyway should be allowed a direct connection.
     * @return DataSource
    protected static DataSource getDataSource() {
        // DataSource is configured via our ServiceManager (i.e. via Spring).
        return DSpaceServicesFactory.getInstance().getServiceManager().getServiceByName("dataSource",

     * In case of a unit test the flyway db is cached to long leading to exceptions, we need to clear the object
    public static void clearFlywayDBCache() {
        flywaydb = null;

     * Returns the current Flyway schema_version being used by the given database.
     * (i.e. the version of the highest numbered migration that this database has run)
     * @param connection current DB Connection
     * @return version as string
     * @throws SQLException if database error occurs
    public static String getCurrentFlywayState(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        PreparedStatement statement = connection
                .prepareStatement("SELECT \"version\" FROM \"schema_version\" ORDER BY \"version\" desc");
        ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery();;
        return resultSet.getString("version");

     * Return the DSpace version that this Flyway-enabled database reports to be compatible with.
     * The version is retrieved from Flyway, and parsed into a Double to represent an actual
     * DSpace version number (e.g. 5.0, 6.0, etc)
     * @param connection current DB Connection
     * @return reported DSpace version as a Double
     * @throws SQLException if database error occurs
    public static Double getCurrentFlywayDSpaceState(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        String flywayState = getCurrentFlywayState(connection);
        Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("^([0-9]*\\.[0-9]*)(\\.)?.*").matcher(flywayState);
        if (matcher.matches()) {
            return Double.parseDouble(;
        return null;