Source code

Java tutorial


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 * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright
 * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source
 * tree and available online at

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Iterator;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.dspace.authenticate.AuthenticationMethod;
import org.dspace.authenticate.ShibAuthentication;
import org.dspace.authenticate.factory.AuthenticateServiceFactory;
import org.dspace.authenticate.service.AuthenticationService;
import org.dspace.eperson.EPerson;
import org.dspace.eperson.factory.EPersonServiceFactory;
import org.dspace.eperson.service.EPersonService;
import org.dspace.utils.DSpace;

 * Root of RESTful api. It provides login and logout. Also have method for
 * printing every method which is provides by RESTful api.
 * @author Rostislav Novak (Computing and Information Centre, CTU in Prague)
public class RestIndex {
    protected EPersonService epersonService = EPersonServiceFactory.getInstance().getEPersonService();
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RestIndex.class);

     * Return html page with information about REST api. It contains methods all
     * methods provide by REST api.
     * @param servletContext
     *     Context of the servlet container.
     * @return HTML page which has information about all methods of REST API.
    public String sayHtmlHello(@Context ServletContext servletContext) {
        // TODO Better graphics, add arguments to all methods. (limit, offset, item and so on)
        return "<html><title>DSpace REST - index</title>" + "<body>" + "<h1>DSpace REST API</h1>" + "Server path: "
                + servletContext.getContextPath() + "<h2>Index</h2>" + "<ul>" + "<li>GET / - Return this page.</li>"
                + "<li>GET /test - Return the string \"REST api is running\" for testing purposes.</li>"
                + "<li>POST /login - Method for logging into the DSpace RESTful API. You must post the parameters \"email\" and \"password\". Example: \"email=test@dspace&password=pass\". Returns a JSESSIONID cookie which can be used for future authenticated requests.</li>"
                + "<li>POST /logout - Method for logging out of the DSpace RESTful API. The request must include the \"rest-dspace-token\" token</li> header."
                + "</ul>" + "<h2>Communities</h2>" + "<ul>"
                + "<li>GET /communities - Return an array of all communities in DSpace.</li>"
                + "<li>GET /communities/top-communities - Returns an array of all top-leve communities in DSpace.</li>"
                + "<li>GET /communities/{communityId} - Returns a community with the specified ID.</li>"
                + "<li>GET /communities/{communityId}/collections - Returns an array of collections of the specified community.</li>"
                + "<li>GET /communities/{communityId}/communities - Returns an array of subcommunities of the specified community.</li>"
                + "<li>POST /communities - Create a new top-level community. You must post a community.</li>"
                + "<li>POST /communities/{communityId}/collections - Create a new collection in the specified community. You must post a collection.</li>"
                + "<li>POST /communities/{communityId}/communities - Create a new subcommunity in the specified community. You must post a community.</li>"
                + "<li>PUT /communities/{communityId} - Update the specified community.</li>"
                + "<li>DELETE /communities/{communityId} - Delete the specified community.</li>"
                + "<li>DELETE /communities/{communityId}/collections/{collectionId} - Delete the specified collection in the specified community.</li>"
                + "<li>DELETE /communities/{communityId}/communities/{communityId2} - Delete the specified subcommunity (communityId2) in the specified community (communityId).</li>"
                + "</ul>" + "<h2>Collections</h2>" + "<ul>"
                + "<li>GET /collections - Return all DSpace collections in array.</li>"
                + "<li>GET /collections/{collectionId} - Return a collection with the specified ID.</li>"
                + "<li>GET /collections/{collectionId}/items - Return all items of the specified collection.</li>"
                + "<li>POST /collections/{collectionId}/items - Create an item in the specified collection. You must post an item.</li>"
                + "<li>POST /collections/find-collection - Find a collection by name.</li>"
                + "<li>PUT /collections/{collectionId} </li> - Update the specified collection. You must post a collection."
                + "<li>DELETE /collections/{collectionId} - Delete the specified collection from DSpace.</li>"
                + "<li>DELETE /collections/{collectionId}/items/{itemId} - Delete the specified item (itemId) in the specified collection (collectionId). </li>"
                + "</ul>" + "<h2>Items</h2>" + "<ul>" + "<li>GET /items - Return a list of items.</li>"
                + "<li>GET /items/{item id} - Return the specified item.</li>"
                + "<li>GET /items/{item id}/metadata - Return metadata of the specified item.</li>"
                + "<li>GET /items/{item id}/bitstreams - Return bitstreams of the specified item.</li>"
                + "<li>POST /items/find-by-metadata-field - Find items by the specified metadata value.</li>"
                + "<li>POST /items/{item id}/metadata - Add metadata to the specified item.</li>"
                + "<li>POST /items/{item id}/bitstreams - Add a bitstream to the specified item.</li>"
                + "<li>PUT /items/{item id}/metadata - Update metadata in the specified item.</li>"
                + "<li>DELETE /items/{item id} - Delete the specified item.</li>"
                + "<li>DELETE /items/{item id}/metadata - Clear metadata of the specified item.</li>"
                + "<li>DELETE /items/{item id}/bitstreams/{bitstream id} - Delete the specified bitstream of the specified item.</li>"
                + "</ul>" + "<h2>Bitstreams</h2>" + "<ul>"
                + "<li>GET /bitstreams - Return all bitstreams in DSpace.</li>"
                + "<li>GET /bitstreams/{bitstream id} - Return the specified bitstream.</li>"
                + "<li>GET /bitstreams/{bitstream id}/policy - Return policies of the specified bitstream.</li>"
                + "<li>GET /bitstreams/{bitstream id}/retrieve - Return the contents of the specified bitstream.</li>"
                + "<li>POST /bitstreams/{bitstream id}/policy - Add a policy to the specified bitstream.</li>"
                + "<li>PUT /bitstreams/{bitstream id}/data - Update the contents of the specified bitstream.</li>"
                + "<li>PUT /bitstreams/{bitstream id} - Update metadata of the specified bitstream.</li>"
                + "<li>DELETE /bitstreams/{bitstream id} - Delete the specified bitstream from DSpace.</li>"
                + "<li>DELETE /bitstreams/{bitstream id}/policy/{policy_id} - Delete the specified bitstream policy.</li>"
                + "</ul>" + "<h2>Hierarchy</h2>" + "<ul>"
                + "<li>GET /hierarchy - Return hierarchy of communities and collections in tree form. Each object is minimally populated (name, handle, id) for efficient retrieval.</li>"
                + "</ul>" + "<h2>Metadata and Schema Registry</h2>" + "<ul>"
                + "<li>GET /registries/schema - Return the list of metadata schemas in the registry</li>"
                + "<li>GET /registries/schema/{schema_prefix} - Returns the specified metadata schema</li>"
                + "<li>GET /registries/schema/{schema_prefix}/metadata-fields/{element} - Returns the metadata field within a schema with an unqualified element name</li>"
                + "<li>GET /registries/schema/{schema_prefix}/metadata-fields/{element}/{qualifier} - Returns the metadata field within a schema with a qualified element name</li>"
                + "<li>POST /registries/schema/ - Add a schema to the schema registry</li>"
                + "<li>POST /registries/schema/{schema_prefix}/metadata-fields - Add a metadata field to the specified schema</li>"
                + "<li>GET /registries/metadata-fields/{field_id} - Return the specified metadata field</li>"
                + "<li>PUT /registries/metadata-fields/{field_id} - Update the specified metadata field</li>"
                + "<li>DELETE /registries/metadata-fields/{field_id} - Delete the specified metadata field from the metadata field registry</li>"
                + "<li>DELETE /registries/schema/{schema_id} - Delete the specified schema from the schema registry</li>"
                + "</ul>" + "<h2>Query/Reporting Tools</h2>" + "<ul>"
                + "<li>GET /reports - Return a list of report tools built on the rest api</li>"
                + "<li>GET /reports/{nickname} - Return a redirect to a specific report</li>"
                + "<li>GET /filters - Return a list of use case filters available for quality control reporting</li>"
                + "<li>GET /filtered-collections - Return collections and item counts based on pre-defined filters</li>"
                + "<li>GET /filtered-collections/{collection_id} - Return items and item counts for a collection based on pre-defined filters</li>"
                + "<li>GET /filtered-items - Retrieve a set of items based on a metadata query and a set of filters</li>"
                + "</ul>" + "</body></html> ";

     * Method only for testing whether the REST API is running.
     * @return String "REST api is running."
    public String test() {
        return "REST api is running.";

     * Method to login a user into REST API.
     * @return Returns response code OK and a token. Otherwise returns response
     *         code FORBIDDEN(403).
    @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
    public Response login() {
        //If you can get here, you are authenticated, the actual login is handled by spring security
        return Response.ok().build();

    @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
    public Response shibbolethLogin() {
        //If you can get here, you are authenticated, the actual login is handled by spring security
        return Response.ok().build();

    @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
    public Response shibbolethLoginEndPoint() {
        org.dspace.core.Context context = null;
        try {
            context = Resource.createContext();
            AuthenticationService authenticationService = AuthenticateServiceFactory.getInstance()
            Iterator<AuthenticationMethod> authenticationMethodIterator = authenticationService
            while (authenticationMethodIterator.hasNext()) {
                AuthenticationMethod authenticationMethod =;
                if (authenticationMethod instanceof ShibAuthentication) {
                    //TODO: Perhaps look for a better way of handling this ?
           currentRequest = new DSpace().getRequestService()
                    String loginPageURL = authenticationMethod.loginPageURL(context,
                            currentRequest.getHttpServletRequest(), currentRequest.getHttpServletResponse());
                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(loginPageURL)) {
        } catch (ContextException | SQLException | IOException e) {
            Resource.processException("Shibboleth endpoint error:  " + e.getMessage(), context);
        } finally {
            if (context != null && context.isValid()) {

        return Response.ok().build();

     * Method to logout a user from DSpace REST API. Removes the token and user from
     * TokenHolder.
     * @param headers
     *            Request header which contains the header named
     *            "rest-dspace-token" containing the token as value.
     * @return Return response OK, otherwise BAD_REQUEST, if there was a problem with
     *         logout or the token is incorrect.
    @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
    public Response logout(@Context HttpHeaders headers) {
        //If you can get here, you are logged out, this actual logout is handled by spring security
        return Response.ok().build();

     * Method to check current status of the service and logged in user.
     * okay: true | false
     * authenticated: true | false
     * epersonEMAIL:
     * epersonNAME: John Doe
     * @param headers
     *     Request header which contains the header named
     *     "rest-dspace-token" containing the token as value.
     * @return status the Status object with information about REST API
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
     *     The Character Encoding is not supported.
    @Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
    public Status status(@Context HttpHeaders headers) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        org.dspace.core.Context context = null;

        try {
            context = Resource.createContext();
            EPerson ePerson = context.getCurrentUser();

            if (ePerson != null) {
                //DB EPerson needed since token won't have full info, need context
                EPerson dbEPerson = epersonService.findByEmail(context, ePerson.getEmail());

                Status status = new Status(dbEPerson.getEmail(), dbEPerson.getFullName());
                return status;
        } catch (ContextException e) {
            Resource.processException("Status context error: " + e.getMessage(), context);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            Resource.processException("Status eperson db lookup error: " + e.getMessage(), context);
        } finally {

        //fallback status, unauth
        return new Status();