Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * */ package org.dspace.resourcesync; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParser; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.dspace.content.Collection; import org.dspace.content.Community; import org.dspace.content.DSpaceObject; import org.dspace.content.factory.ContentServiceFactory; import org.dspace.content.service.CollectionService; import org.dspace.content.service.CommunityService; import org.dspace.content.service.SiteService; import org.dspace.utils.DSpace; import org.dspace.core.Constants; import org.dspace.core.Context; import org.dspace.handle.factory.HandleServiceFactory; import org.openarchives.resourcesync.ResourceSync; import org.openarchives.resourcesync.ResourceSyncDescription; import org.openarchives.resourcesync.ResourceSyncDescriptionIndex; /** * @author Richard Jones * @author Andrea Bollini (andrea.bollini at * @author Andrea Petrucci (andrea.petrucci at */ public class ResourceSyncGenerator { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ResourceSyncGenerator.class); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("i", "init", false, "Create a fresh ResourceSync description of this repository - this will remove any previous ResourceSync documents"); options.addOption("u", "update", false, "Update the Change List ResourceSync document with the changes since this script last ran"); options.addOption("r", "rebase", false, "Update the Resource List ResourceSync document to reflect the current state of the archive, and bring the Change List up to the same level"); CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser(); CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); Context context = new Context(); List<String> handles = buildHandleForResourceSync(context); SiteService siteService = ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getSiteService(); String siteHandle = siteService.findSite(context).getHandle(); ResourceSyncGenerator rsg = new ResourceSyncGenerator(context, siteHandle, handles, null); try { if (cmd.hasOption("i")) { rsg.init(context); } else if (cmd.hasOption("u")) { rsg.update(context); } else if (cmd.hasOption("r")) { rsg.rebase(context); } else { HelpFormatter hf = new HelpFormatter(); hf.printHelp("ResourceSyncGenerator", "Manage ResourceSync documents for DSpace", options, ""); } } finally { context.abort(); } } private Map<String, UrlManager> ums; public static final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); public static final SimpleDateFormat sdfChangeList = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HHmmss"); private Context context; private boolean resourceDump = false; private boolean changeDump = false; private String outdir; private List<String> handles = null; private Date fromChangeDump = null; private String siteHandle; public static List<String> buildHandleForResourceSync(Context context) throws SQLException { SiteService siteService = ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getSiteService(); CommunityService communityService = ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getCommunityService(); CollectionService collectionService = ContentServiceFactory.getInstance().getCollectionService(); String capabilityList = new DSpace().getConfigurationService().getProperty("resourcesync.capabilitylists"); String handleSite = siteService.findSite(context).getHandle(); List<String> handles = new ArrayList<String>(); if (capabilityList.equals("top")) { List<Community> communities = communityService.findAllTop(context); for (Community c : communities) { handles.add(c.getHandle()); } handles.add(handleSite); } else if (capabilityList.equals("all")) { handles.add(handleSite); List<Community> communities = communityService.findAll(context); for (Community c : communities) { handles.add(c.getHandle()); } List<Collection> collections = collectionService.findAll(context); for (Collection c : collections) { handles.add(c.getHandle()); } } else if (capabilityList.equals("site")) { handles.add(handleSite); } else { String[] handle = capabilityList.split("\\s+"); for (String h : handle) { DSpaceObject dso = HandleServiceFactory.getInstance().getHandleService().resolveToObject(context, h); if (dso == null) { log.error("The handle isn't valid " + h); } else if (dso.getType() == Constants.ITEM) { log.error("Can't use ResourceSync with handle of item " + h); } else { handles.add(h); } } } return handles; } public ResourceSyncGenerator(Context context, String siteHandle, List<String> handles, Date fromChangeDump) throws IOException { this.siteHandle = siteHandle; this.handles = handles; this.ums = new HashMap<String, UrlManager>(); for (String h : handles) { this.ums.put(h, new UrlManager(siteHandle, h)); } this.context = context; this.resourceDump = new DSpace().getConfigurationService() .getBooleanProperty("resourcesync.resourcedump.enable"); this.outdir = new DSpace().getConfigurationService().getProperty("resourcesync.dir"); if (this.outdir == null) { throw new IOException("No configuration for resourcesync.dir"); } this.fromChangeDump = fromChangeDump; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // methods to be used to interact with the generator ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void init(Context context) throws IOException, SQLException, ParseException { this.changeDump = false; // make sure that the directory exists, and that it is empty this.ensureResourceSyncDirectory(); this.emptyResourceSyncDirectory(); // generate the description index document this.generateResourceSyncDescriptionIndex(handles); for (String handle : this.handles) { // generate the resource list this.generateResourceList(handle); // generate the description document this.generateResourceSyncDescription(handle); // should we generate a resource dump? if (this.resourceDump) { this.generateResourceDump(handle); } // generate the capability list (with a resource list, without a change list, and maybe with a resource dump) this.generateCapabilityList(true, false, this.resourceDump, false, this.changeDump, handle); // generate the blank changelist as a placeholder for the next iteration this.generateBlankChangeList(handle); } } public void update(Context context) throws IOException, SQLException, ParseException { this.changeDump = true; // check the directory is there this.ensureResourceSyncDirectory(); // generate the latest changelist // String clFilename = this.generateLatestChangeList(); // add to the change list archive String clFilename = null; HashMap<String, String> clFilenameList = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String handle : this.handles) { List<ResourceSyncEvent> rseListFiltered = new ArrayList<ResourceSyncEvent>(); rseListFiltered = getChange(handle); // generate the latest changelist clFilename = this.generateLatestChangeList(handle, rseListFiltered); clFilenameList.put(handle, clFilename); if (this.resourceDump) { this.generateChangeDump(handle, rseListFiltered); //this.generateResourceDump(handle); } // update the last modified date in the capability list (and add the // changelistarchive if necessary) this.updateCapabilityList(handle); } this.addChangeListToArchive(clFilenameList, handles); } public void rebase(Context context) throws IOException, SQLException, ParseException { this.changeDump = false; // make sure that the directory exists, and that it is empty this.ensureResourceSyncDirectory(); this.emptyResourceSyncDirectory(); // generate the description index document this.generateResourceSyncDescriptionIndex(handles); String clFilename = null; HashMap<String, String> clFilenameList = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String handle : this.handles) { // generate the resource list this.generateResourceList(handle); // generate the description document this.generateResourceSyncDescription(handle); List<ResourceSyncEvent> rseListFiltered = new ArrayList<ResourceSyncEvent>(); rseListFiltered = getChange(handle); // generate the latest changelist clFilename = this.generateLatestChangeList(handle, rseListFiltered); clFilenameList.put(handle, clFilename); // should we generate a resource dump? if (this.resourceDump) { this.generateResourceDump(handle); } // generate the capability list (with a resource list, without a change list, and maybe with a resource dump) this.updateCapabilityList(handle); } this.addChangeListToArchive(clFilenameList, handles); } public List<ResourceSyncEvent> getChange(String handle) { Date from = null; try { if (fromChangeDump == null) { from = this.getLastChangeListDate(handle); } else { from = fromChangeDump; } } catch (ParseException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } Date to = new Date(); List<ResourceSyncEvent> rseList = new ArrayList<ResourceSyncEvent>(); ResourceSyncAuditService auditService = new ResourceSyncAuditService(); rseList = auditService.listEvents(from, to, handle); return rseList; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // file management utility methods ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void ensureResourceSyncDirectory() throws IOException { // make sure our output directory exists this.ensureDirectory(this.outdir); } private void ensureDirectory(String dir) throws IOException { File od = new File(dir); if (!od.exists()) { od.mkdir(); } if (!od.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException(dir + " exists, but is not a directory"); } } private void emptyResourceSyncDirectory() throws IOException { this.emptyDirectory(this.outdir); } private void deleteFolder(File folder) { File[] files = folder.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File f : files) { if (f.isDirectory()) { deleteFolder(f); } else { f.delete(); } } } folder.delete(); } private void emptyDirectory(String outdir) { File out = new File(outdir); File[] files = out.listFiles(); if (files == null) { return; } for (File f : files) { if (f.isDirectory()) { deleteFolder(f); } else { f.delete(); } } } private FileOutputStream getFileOutputStream(String filename) throws IOException { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(this.outdir + File.separator + filename)); return fos; } private FileOutputStream getFileOutputStream(String filename, String handle) throws IOException { String rsdFile = getOutdir(handle) + File.separator + filename; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(rsdFile)); return fos; } private String getOutdir(String handle) { if (handle != null && !(siteHandle.equals(handle))) { return this.outdir + File.separator + handle.replaceAll("/", "-"); } return this.outdir; } private void deleteFile(String filename) { File old = new File(this.outdir + File.separator + filename); if (old.exists()) { old.delete(); } } private String getLastChangeDumpName(String handle) throws ParseException { String filename = null; Date from = new Date(0); File dir; if (handle != siteHandle) { dir = new File(this.outdir + File.separator + handle.replace("/", "-")); } else { dir = new File(this.outdir); } File[] files = dir.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File f : dir.listFiles()) { if (FileNames.isChangeDump(f)) { String dr = FileNames.changeDumpDate(f); Date possibleFrom = ResourceSyncGenerator.sdfChangeList.parse(dr); if (possibleFrom.getTime() > from.getTime()) { from = possibleFrom; filename = f.getName(); } } } } return filename; } private String getLastChangeListName(String handle) throws ParseException { String filename = null; Date from = new Date(0); File dir; if (handle != siteHandle) { dir = new File(this.outdir + File.separator + handle.replace("/", "-")); } else { dir = new File(this.outdir); } File[] files = dir.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File f : dir.listFiles()) { if (FileNames.isChangeList(f)) { String dr = FileNames.changeListDate(f); Date possibleFrom = ResourceSyncGenerator.sdfChangeList.parse(dr); if (possibleFrom.getTime() > from.getTime()) { from = possibleFrom; filename = f.getName(); } } } } return filename; } private Date getLastChangeListDate(String handle) throws ParseException { File dir = new File(getOutdir(handle)); Date from = new Date(0); File[] files = dir.listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (File f : dir.listFiles()) { if (FileNames.isChangeList(f)) { String dr = FileNames.changeListDate(f); Date possibleFrom = ResourceSyncGenerator.sdfChangeList.parse(dr); if (possibleFrom.getTime() > from.getTime()) { from = possibleFrom; } } } } return from; } private boolean fileExists(String filename) { String path = this.outdir + File.separator + filename; File file = new File(path); return file.exists() && file.isFile(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // private document generation methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void generateResourceSyncDescriptionIndex(List<String> handles) throws IOException { FileOutputStream fos = this.getFileOutputStream(FileNames.resourceSyncDocumentIndex); // no need for a DSpace-specific implementation, it is so simple ResourceSyncDescriptionIndex desc = new ResourceSyncDescriptionIndex(ResourceSync.CAPABILITY_RESOURCESYNC); for (String h : handles) { desc.addSourceDescription((this.ums.get(h).resourceSyncDescription())); } desc.serialise(fos); fos.close(); } private void generateResourceSyncDescription(String handle) throws IOException { FileOutputStream fos = this.getFileOutputStream(FileNames.resourceSyncDocument, handle); // no need for a DSpace-specific implementation, it is so simple ResourceSyncDescription desc = new ResourceSyncDescription(); desc.addCapabilityList(this.ums.get(handle).capabilityList()); desc.serialise(fos); fos.close(); } private void updateCapabilityList(String handle) throws IOException, ParseException { // just regenerate the capability list in its entirity this.generateCapabilityList(true, false, this.resourceDump, true, this.changeDump, handle); } private void generateCapabilityList(boolean resourceList, boolean changeListArchive, boolean resourceDump, boolean changeList, boolean changeDump, String handle) throws IOException, ParseException { // get the latest change list if there is one and we want one String changeListUrl = null; String changeDumpUrl = null; if (changeList) { String clFilename = this.getLastChangeListName(handle); changeListUrl = this.ums.get(handle).changeList(clFilename); } if (changeDump) { String cdFilename = this.getLastChangeDumpName(handle); changeDumpUrl = this.ums.get(handle).changeDump(cdFilename); } FileOutputStream fos = this.getFileOutputStream(FileNames.capabilityList, handle); DSpaceCapabilityList dcl = new DSpaceCapabilityList(this.context, resourceList, changeListArchive, resourceDump, changeList, changeDump, changeListUrl, changeDumpUrl, ums.get(handle)); dcl.serialise(fos); fos.close(); } private void generateResourceList(String handle) throws SQLException, IOException { String directoryName; String path; if (!handle.equals(siteHandle)) { directoryName = handle.replace("/", "-"); path = new DSpace().getConfigurationService().getProperty("resourcesync.resourcesync.dir"); path = path.concat("/" + directoryName); File directory = new File(path); directory.mkdir(); } FileOutputStream fos = this.getFileOutputStream(File.separator + FileNames.resourceList, handle); DSpaceResourceList drl = new DSpaceResourceList(this.context); drl.serialise(fos, handle, this.ums.get(handle)); fos.close(); } private void generateResourceDump(String handle) throws IOException, SQLException { if (handle.equals(siteHandle)) { this.deleteFile(FileNames.resourceDump); this.deleteFile(FileNames.resourceDumpZip); } DSpaceResourceDump drd = new DSpaceResourceDump(this.context); drd.serialise(getOutdir(handle), handle, ums.get(handle)); } private void generateChangeDump(String handle, List<ResourceSyncEvent> rseList) throws IOException, SQLException { DSpaceChangeDump drd = new DSpaceChangeDump(this.context); drd.serialiseChangeDump(getOutdir(handle), ums.get(handle), rseList); } public void generateChangeDump(String handle, List<ResourceSyncEvent> rseList, OutputStream os) throws IOException, SQLException { DSpaceChangeDump drd = new DSpaceChangeDump(this.context); drd.serialiseChangeDump(getOutdir(handle), ums.get(handle), rseList, os); } private String generateLatestChangeList(String handle, List<ResourceSyncEvent> rseListFiltered) throws ParseException, IOException, SQLException { Date from = this.getLastChangeListDate(handle); Date to = new Date(); String tr = sdfChangeList.format(to); String filename = FileNames.changeList(tr); FileOutputStream fos = this.getFileOutputStream(filename, handle); DSpaceChangeList dcl = new DSpaceChangeList(this.context, from, to, ums.get(handle)); //TO-DO dcl.serialiseForDump(fos, ums.get(handle), rseListFiltered); return filename; } private void generateBlankChangeList(String handle) throws IOException, SQLException, ParseException { Date to = new Date(); String tr = ResourceSyncGenerator.sdfChangeList.format(to); FileOutputStream fos = this.getFileOutputStream(FileNames.changeList(tr), handle); // generate the changelist for the period (which is of 0 length) DSpaceChangeList dcl = new DSpaceChangeList(this.context, to, to, ums.get(handle)); dcl.serialise(fos); fos.close(); } private void addChangeListToArchive(HashMap<String, String> filename, List<String> handles) throws IOException, ParseException { DSpaceChangeListArchive dcla = new DSpaceChangeListArchive(this.context); dcla.setUm(ums.get(siteHandle)); FileOutputStream fos = this.getFileOutputStream(FileNames.changeListArchive, siteHandle); for (String handle : handles) { // get the URL of the new changelist String loc = this.ums.get(handle).changeList(filename.get(handle)); // get the date of the new changelist (it is encoded in the filename) String dr = FileNames.changeListDate(filename.get(handle)); Date date = ResourceSyncGenerator.sdfChangeList.parse(dr); dcla.addChangeList(loc, date); } dcla.serialise(fos); fos.close(); } }