Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2013 Spanish Minister of Education, Culture and Sport * * written by MasMedios * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or as soon they will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * * You may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.dspace.installer_edm; import org.dspace.authenticate.AuthenticationManager; import org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException; import org.dspace.content.*; import org.dspace.content.authority.MetadataAuthorityManager; import org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager; import org.dspace.core.Context; import org.dspace.eperson.EPerson; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import*; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.Normalizer; import java.text.Normalizer.Form; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; /** * @class InstallerEDMBase * * Clase base con variables estticas y mtodos que se usan en todas las clases que ejecutan pasos * */ public abstract class InstallerEDMBase implements Observer { /** * clase que lanza el instalador */ protected static InstallerEDM installerEDM; /** * ruta del directorio de dspace */ protected static String DspaceDir = null; /** * ruta del directorio base de tomcat */ protected static String TomcatBase = null; /** * directorio base de tomcat */ protected static File TomcatBaseFile = null; /** * ruta del directorio datos de askosi */ protected static String AskosiDataDir; /** * verbosidad */ protected static boolean verbose = false; /** * debug para mostrar ms mensajes */ protected static boolean debug = false; /** * contexto de dspace */ protected static Context context = null; /** * idioma paa los mensajes y los elementos dc */ protected static String language = null; /** * conjunto de pasos del instalador */ protected static Set<Integer> stepsSet = new HashSet<Integer>(); /** * clase para mostrar los mensajes */ protected static InstallerEDMDisplay installerEDMDisplay = null; /** * ruta del directorio del instalador */ protected static String myInstallerDirPath = null; /** * ruta del directorio de trabajo del instalador */ protected static String myInstallerWorkDirPath = null; /** * separador del sistema de ficheros del sistema */ protected static String fileSeparator = System.getProperty("file.separator"); /** * flujo de datos de entrada para las preguntas */ protected static InputStreamReader isr = null; /** * buffer para el flujo de entrada */ protected static BufferedReader br = null; /** * uri del esquema DC */ protected final String DCSCHEMA = ""; /** * objeto esquema de dspace {@link MetadataSchema} */ protected MetadataSchema dcSchema = null; /** * array con los metadatos de elementos dc */ protected static ArrayList<MetadataField> metadataFields; /** * conjunto de elementos dc que no son autoridades */ protected static Set<String> elementsNotAuthSet = new HashSet<String>(); /** * paso actual */ protected int currentStepGlobal; /** * objeto usuario de dspace {@link EPerson} */ protected static EPerson eperson; /** * nombre del usuario */ protected static String user; /** * clave del usuario */ protected static String password; /** * palabra de respuesta afirmativa */ protected static String answerYes; /** * nombre de la base de datos */ protected static String dbName = null; /** * administrador de autoridades de dspace {@link MetadataAuthorityManager} */ protected static MetadataAuthorityManager metadataAuthorityManager = null; /** * conjunto de elementos con autoridad de dspace.cfg */ protected static Set<String> elementsAuthDspaceCfg = null; /** * tabla hash de elementos dc como clave y el POJO de la autoridad {@link InstallerEDMAuthBO} de valor */ protected static HashMap<String, InstallerEDMAuthBO> authBOHashMap; /** * elementos dc que no pueden ser autoridad */ protected static final String[] elementsNotAuth = { "identifier.uri", "date.accessioned", "date.available", "date.issued", "description.provenance", "type" }; /** * archivos en el directorio packages para validar por firma md5 */ protected static final String[] packages = { "ASKOSI.jar", "", "", "commons-dbcp.jar", "commons-pool.jar", "", "", "EDMExport.war", "", "jaxb-xalan-1.5.jar", "jsr311-api-1.1.1.jar", "jstl-1.2.jar", "log4j.jar", "openrdf-alibaba-2.0-beta6.jar", "openrdf-sesame-2.3.2-onejar.jar", "DIM2EDM.xsl", "jdom-1.0.jar" }; /** * firma md5 de los archivos en packages */ protected static final String[] packagesMD5 = { "f800262e9587383fa0dbd8f748cc831e", "ab932907d73a8031cb266d20d341a6e2", "0bffffb990ea99eb02a989d346454d8e", "2666cfeb7be74b1c2d8a1665ae21192c", "01f9bed60e2f88372132d34040ee81bb", "f294fbef3d4b05942803cdc881be4466", "05e622edf9972b5bf9f044bd8873283b", "d63478280e38d1fc3b9aaa458237af82", "ac0e35b7978eb4b7d155d7d5f0122a8b", "261968cebe30ffe8adcc201ad0bfa395", "c9803468299ec255c047a280ddec510f", "51e15f798e69358cb893e38c50596b9b", "599b8ba07d1d04f0ea34414e861d7ad1", "1f699edb215bcee75cb6f0616fa56993", "3054aa9109f78903852d38991b5a4ea8", "429d5c7aeaadf81ec4604798d22ce78c", "0b8f97de82fc9529b1028a77125ce4f8" }; /** * Constructor con parmetro el paso actual, llama al constructor sin parmetros * * @param currentStepGlobal paso actual */ public InstallerEDMBase(int currentStepGlobal) { this(); this.currentStepGlobal = currentStepGlobal; } /** * Constructor, inicia el contexto de dspace e inicializa las variables estticas */ public InstallerEDMBase() { try { if (context == null) { context = new Context(); if (dbName == null) dbName = ConfigurationManager.getProperty(""); InstallerEDMDAO.setContext(context); InstallerEDMDAO.setDbName(dbName); Collections.addAll(elementsNotAuthSet, elementsNotAuth); } if (context == null || !(context instanceof Context)) throw new Exception("Impossible to create dspace context."); if (metadataAuthorityManager == null) metadataAuthorityManager = MetadataAuthorityManager.getManager(); if (installerEDMDisplay == null) installerEDMDisplay = new InstallerEDMDisplayImpl(); if (isr == null) isr = new InputStreamReader(; if (br == null) br = new BufferedReader(isr); if (myInstallerDirPath == null) myInstallerDirPath = new File(".").getAbsolutePath(); if (myInstallerWorkDirPath == null) myInstallerWorkDirPath = myInstallerDirPath + fileSeparator + "work"; File myInstallerWorkDirFile = new File(myInstallerWorkDirPath); if (!myInstallerWorkDirFile.exists()) myInstallerWorkDirFile.mkdir(); if (elementsAuthDspaceCfg == null) loadAuthDspaceCfg(); checkDspaceDC(); if (language == null) language = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("default.language"); if (language == null) language = "en"; answerYes = installerEDMDisplay.getQuestion(0, "answer.yes"); } catch (SQLException e) { installerEDMDisplay.showLn(); installerEDMDisplay.showQuestion(0, ""); showException(e); } catch (Exception e) { showException(e); } } /** * Asigna el idioma * * @param language idioma */ public void setLanguage(String language) { InstallerEDMBase.language = language; } /** * Asigna el objeto que inicia el instalador * * @param installerEDM {@link InstallerEDM} */ public void setInstallerEDMBase(InstallerEDM installerEDM) { InstallerEDMBase.installerEDM = installerEDM; } /** * Asigna la ruta de dspace * * @param DspaceDir ruta de dspace */ public void setDspaceDir(String DspaceDir) { InstallerEDMBase.DspaceDir = DspaceDir; } /** * Asigna la ruta de tomcat * * @param TomcatBase ruta de tomcat */ public void setTomcatBase(String TomcatBase) { InstallerEDMBase.TomcatBase = TomcatBase; } /** * Asigna la ruta de datos de askosi * * @param askosiDataDir ruta de datos de askosi */ public void setAskosiDataDir(String askosiDataDir) { AskosiDataDir = askosiDataDir; } /** * Asigna la verbosidad * * @param verbose verbosidad */ public void setVerbose(boolean verbose) { InstallerEDMBase.verbose = verbose; } /** * Asigna debug * * @param debug */ public void setDebug(boolean debug) { InstallerEDMBase.debug = debug; } /** * recoge el esquena DC * * @throws SQLException */ private void checkDspaceDC() throws SQLException { if (dcSchema == null) dcSchema = MetadataSchema.findByNamespace(context, DCSCHEMA); } /** * Recoge todos los elementos DC * * @throws SQLException */ protected void checkDspaceMetadataDC() throws SQLException { MetadataField[] metadataFieldsArr = MetadataField.findAllInSchema(context, dcSchema.getSchemaID()); if (metadataFields != null) { metadataFields.clear(); metadataFields = null; } metadataFields = new ArrayList<MetadataField>(Arrays.asList(metadataFieldsArr)); } /** * devuelve la lista de POJOs de autoridades * * @return lista de POJOs de autoridades */ public HashMap<String, InstallerEDMAuthBO> getAuthBOHashMap() { return authBOHashMap; } /** * devuelve el esquema dc * * @return esquema dc {@link MetadataSchema} */ public MetadataSchema getDcSchema() { return dcSchema; } /** * devuelve el objeto de visualizar mensajes * * @return objeto de visualizar mensajes {@link InstallerEDMDisplayImpl} */ public static InstallerEDMDisplayImpl getInstallerEDMDisplay() { return (InstallerEDMDisplayImpl) installerEDMDisplay; } /** * Salida del instalador por seal recibida * * @param o observador de seales * @param arg seal */ @Override public void update(Observable o, Object arg) { System.out.println("Received signal: " + arg); System.exit(0); } /** * quitar acentos a una cadena * * @param text cadena original * @return cadena sin acentos */ public String removeAccents(String text) { if (text != null) text = text.replaceAll(" +", "_"); return text == null ? null : Normalizer.normalize(text, Form.NFD).replaceAll("\\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+", ""); }//removeAccents /** * validar un cadena como uri * * @param uriStr cadena original * @return validez de la uri */ protected boolean isValidURI(String uriStr) { try { URI uri = new URI(uriStr); uri.toURL(); return true; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { return false; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { return false; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return false; } } /** * hora actual en formato yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss * * @return cadena con la hora actual */ protected String getTime() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.getTime(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); return sdf.format(cal.getTime()); } /** * Inicializar authBOHashMap */ protected void initAuthBOHashMap() { if (authBOHashMap == null) authBOHashMap = new HashMap<String, InstallerEDMAuthBO>(); else authBOHashMap.clear(); } /** * autenticacin de un usuario en dspace * * @return validez del usuario */ protected boolean loginUser() { installerEDMDisplay.showQuestion(0, "authentication"); String userAux = null; String passwordAux; int step = 1; while (true) { if (step == 1) installerEDMDisplay.showQuestion(0, "email.user"); else if (step == 2) installerEDMDisplay.showQuestion(0, "password.user"); String response = null; try { response = br.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { showException(e); return false; } if (response == null || response.length() == 0) continue; response = response.trim(); switch (step) { case 1: userAux = response; step++; break; case 2: passwordAux = response; int status = 0; try { status = AuthenticationManager.authenticate(context, userAux, passwordAux, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { showException(e); } if (status == 1) { eperson = context.getCurrentUser(); user = userAux; password = passwordAux; return true; } else { installerEDMDisplay.showQuestion(0, "invalid.user"); step = 1; } break; } } } /** * busca en un tem si su tipo es de una autoridad SKOS_AUTH * * @param item objeto item de dspace {@link Item} * @return si es una autoridad */ protected boolean searchSkosAuthTypeItem(Item item) { DCValue[] listDCTypeValues = item.getMetadata(dcSchema.getName(), "type", null, language); if (listDCTypeValues.length > 0) { for (DCValue dcTypeValue : listDCTypeValues) { if (dcTypeValue.value.equals("SKOS_AUTH")) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * busca en un tem si su campo autoridad tiene el handle del tem y por lo tanto es una autoridad * * @param item objeto item de dspace {@link Item} * @return si es una autoridad */ protected boolean searchSkosAuthItem(Item item) { if (searchSkosAuthTypeItem(item)) return true; DCValue[] listDCValues = item.getMetadata(dcSchema.getName() + ".*.*"); if (listDCValues.length > 0) { for (DCValue dcValue : listDCValues) { String dcValueName = dcValue.element + ((dcValue.qualifier != null && !dcValue.qualifier.isEmpty()) ? "." + dcValue.qualifier : ""); if (elementsNotAuthSet.contains(dcValueName) || dcValueName.equals("type")) continue; if (dcValue.authority == null || dcValue.authority.isEmpty()) continue; if (dcValue.authority.equals(item.getHandle())) return true; } } return false; } /** * busca en todas las colecciones los elementos dc que son de autoridades * * @param authDCElements lista de elementos dc * @throws SQLException */ protected void checkAllSkosAuthElements(ArrayList<MetadataField> authDCElements) throws SQLException { org.dspace.content.Collection[] listCollections = org.dspace.content.Collection.findAll(context); if (debug) installerEDMDisplay.showQuestion(0, "checkAllSkosAuthElements.searching.elements", new String[] { String.valueOf(listCollections.length) }); if (listCollections.length > 0) { for (org.dspace.content.Collection collection : listCollections) { if (debug) installerEDMDisplay.showQuestion(0, "checkAllSkosAuthElements.searching.elements.collection", new String[] { collection.getName(), collection.getHandle() }); ItemIterator iter = collection.getAllItems(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Item item =; if (debug) installerEDMDisplay.showQuestion(0, "checkAllSkosAuthElements.searching.elements.item", new String[] { item.getName(), item.getHandle() }); else installerEDMDisplay.showProgress('.'); if (searchSkosAuthItem(item)) checkSkosAuthItem(authDCElements, item); } } } } /** * busca en un tem si tiene ciertos elementos dc de autoridades, crea un POJO de autoridad {@link InstallerEDMAuthBO} y lo aade a authBOHashMap. * Como se crea el elemento title para cada tem de autoridad con el valor del elemento real de la autoridad, se comprueba cuntos elementos hay y si slo * existe uno y es el title, se supone que es el elemento de la autoridad, si no no se almacena porque slo est para que tenga ttulo el tem. * * @param authDCElements lista de elementos dc * @param item objeto item de dspace {@link Item} */ protected void checkSkosAuthItem(ArrayList<MetadataField> authDCElements, Item item) { DCValue[] listDCValues = item.getMetadata(dcSchema.getName() + ".*.*"); if (debug) installerEDMDisplay.showQuestion(0, "checkSkosAuthItem.elements", new String[] { Integer.toString(listDCValues.length) }); if (listDCValues.length > 0) { Community community = null; org.dspace.content.Collection collection = null; try { org.dspace.content.Collection[] collections = item.getCollections(); if (collections.length > 0) collection = collections[0]; Community[] communities = item.getCommunities(); if (communities.length > 0) community = communities[0]; } catch (SQLException e) { showException(e); } MetadataField titleMetadataField = null; int numElements = 0; for (DCValue dcValue : listDCValues) { if (dcValue.value == null || dcValue.value.isEmpty()) continue; String dcValueName = dcValue.element + ((dcValue.qualifier != null && !dcValue.qualifier.isEmpty()) ? "." + dcValue.qualifier : ""); if (!elementsNotAuthSet.contains(dcValueName)) { numElements++; if (!authBOHashMap.containsKey(dcValueName)) { MetadataField metadataField = new MetadataField(dcSchema, dcValue.element, dcValue.qualifier, null); if (dcValue.element.equals("title") && dcValue.qualifier == null) { titleMetadataField = metadataField; continue; } if (debug) installerEDMDisplay.showQuestion(0, "checkSkosAuthItem.element", new String[] { dcValueName }); InstallerEDMAuthBO installerEDMAuthBO = new InstallerEDMAuthBO(item, community, collection, dcSchema, metadataField); authBOHashMap.put(dcValueName, installerEDMAuthBO); authDCElements.add(metadataField); } } } if (numElements == 1 && titleMetadataField != null && !authBOHashMap.containsKey("title")) { System.out.println(numElements); if (debug) installerEDMDisplay.showQuestion(0, "checkSkosAuthItem.element", new String[] { "title" }); InstallerEDMAuthBO installerEDMAuthBO = new InstallerEDMAuthBO(item, community, collection, dcSchema, titleMetadataField); authBOHashMap.put("title", installerEDMAuthBO); authDCElements.add(titleMetadataField); } } } /** * busca el elemento dc con cierto nombre y calificador * * @param name nombre y calificador * @return elemento dc {@link MetadataField} */ protected MetadataField findElementDC(String name) { int pos = name.indexOf("."); try { String element = (pos > 0) ? name.substring(0, pos) : name; String qualifier = (pos > 0) ? name.substring(pos + 1) : null; if (debug) installerEDMDisplay.showQuestion(0, "findElementDC", new String[] { Integer.toString(dcSchema.getSchemaID()), element, qualifier }); MetadataField elementMD = MetadataField.findByElement(context, dcSchema.getSchemaID(), element, qualifier); return elementMD; } catch (SQLException e) { showException(e); } catch (AuthorizeException e) { showException(e); } return null; } /** * busca los elementos dc con cierto nombre y calificador * * @param name nombre y calificador * @return lista de elementos dc {@link MetadataField} */ protected ArrayList<MetadataField> findElementsDC(String name) { int pos = name.indexOf("."); try { String element = (pos > 0) ? name.substring(0, pos) : name; String qualifier = (pos > 0) ? name.substring(pos + 1) : null; if (debug) installerEDMDisplay.showQuestion(0, "findElementDC", new String[] { Integer.toString(dcSchema.getSchemaID()), element, qualifier }); ArrayList<MetadataField> elementsMD = null; if (qualifier != null && qualifier.equals("*")) { elementsMD = listAllDCElementsFromName(element); } else { MetadataField elementMD = MetadataField.findByElement(context, dcSchema.getSchemaID(), element, qualifier); if (elementMD != null) { elementsMD = new ArrayList<MetadataField>(); elementsMD.add(elementMD); } } if (elementsMD == null || elementsMD.size() == 0) { return null; } else { return elementsMD; } } catch (SQLException e) { showException(e); } catch (AuthorizeException e) { showException(e); } return null; } /** * devuelve una lista de elementos dc con un elemento * * @param name nombre del elemento * @return lista de elementos */ protected ArrayList<MetadataField> listAllDCElementsFromName(String name) { ArrayList<MetadataField> elements = new ArrayList<MetadataField>(); for (MetadataField metadataField : metadataFields) { String nameF = metadataField.getElement(); if (name.equals(nameF)) elements.add(metadataField); } return elements; } /** * saca formateado en dos columnas por pantalla los elementos dc de una lista * * @param arrFields lista de elementos dc */ protected void listAllDCElements(ArrayList<MetadataField> arrFields) { int i = 1; for (MetadataField metadataField : arrFields) { String qualifier = metadataField.getQualifier(); int elementLength = metadataField.getElement().length() + ((qualifier != null) ? qualifier.length() + 1 : 0); int padding = 80 - elementLength; if (i % 2 == 1) { System.out.printf("%s%s%" + padding + "s", metadataField.getElement(), (qualifier != null) ? "." + qualifier : "", " "); } else { System.out.printf("%s%s", metadataField.getElement(), (qualifier != null) ? "." + qualifier : ""); System.out.printf("%n"); } i++; } System.out.flush(); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); } /** * saca formateado en dos columnas por pantalla las cadenas de una lista * * @param list lista de cadenas */ protected void listAllStrings(List<String> list) { int i = 1; for (String element : list) { int padding = 80 - element.length(); if (i % 2 == 1) { System.out.printf("%s%" + padding + "s", element, " "); } else { System.out.printf("%s", element); System.out.printf("%n"); } i++; } System.out.flush(); System.out.println(""); System.out.println(""); } /** * copia un fichero a otro * * @param dspaceFileFile fichero original * @param dspaceFileNewFile fichero destino * @param prefixMessage prefijo para el cdigo de los mensajes * @throws IOException */ protected void copyDspaceFile2Work(File dspaceFileFile, File dspaceFileNewFile, String prefixMessage) throws IOException { installerEDMDisplay.showLn(); installerEDMDisplay.showQuestion(currentStepGlobal, prefixMessage + ".add", new String[] { myInstallerWorkDirPath, dspaceFileFile.getAbsolutePath() }); if (dspaceFileNewFile.exists()) { installerEDMDisplay.showQuestion(currentStepGlobal, prefixMessage + ".file.exists", new String[] { dspaceFileNewFile.getAbsolutePath() }); String response = null; do { response = br.readLine(); if (response == null) continue; response = response.trim(); if (response.length() == 0 || response.equalsIgnoreCase(answerYes)) { dspaceFileNewFile.delete(); break; } else return; } while (true); }, dspaceFileNewFile); } /** * carga de dspace.cfg los elementos dc que estn controlados como autoridades, i.e., tienen la propiedad authority.controlled */ protected void loadAuthDspaceCfg() { elementsAuthDspaceCfg = new HashSet<String>(); Properties properties = new Properties(); InputStream is = null; try { String name = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("dspace.dir") + "/config/dspace.cfg"; File file = new File(name); if (file.exists() && file.canRead()) { is = file.toURI().toURL().openStream(); properties.load(is); for (Enumeration pe = properties.propertyNames(); pe.hasMoreElements();) { String key = (String) pe.nextElement(); if (key.startsWith("authority.controlled.")) { String field = key.substring("authority.controlled.".length()); int dot = field.indexOf(46); if (dot < 0) continue; String schema = field.substring(0, dot); String element = field.substring(dot + 1); String qualifier = null; dot = element.indexOf(46); if (dot >= 0) { qualifier = element.substring(dot + 1); element = element.substring(0, dot); } StringBuilder fkeySB = new StringBuilder(element); if (qualifier != null) fkeySB.append(".").append(qualifier); String fkey = fkeySB.toString(); if (ConfigurationManager.getBooleanProperty(key, true)) elementsAuthDspaceCfg.add(fkey); } } } } catch (IOException e) { showException(e); } finally { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { showException(e); } } } } /** * Obtiene un documento jdom de una fuente de entrada de datos, e.g.: un fichero * * @param IS fuente de entrada de datos * @return documento jdom * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException */ protected Document getDocumentFromInputSource(InputSource IS) throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); return builder.parse(IS); } /** * muestra la excepcin y su mensaje si verbose y la pila si debug * * @param e excepcin */ protected void showException(Exception e) { if (verbose) installerEDMDisplay.showMessage(e.getMessage()); if (debug) e.printStackTrace(); } }