Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * */ package org.dspace.core; import mockit.NonStrictExpectations; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.dspace.AbstractUnitTest; import org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeException; import org.dspace.authorize.factory.AuthorizeServiceFactory; import org.dspace.authorize.service.AuthorizeService; import org.dspace.core.exception.DatabaseSchemaValidationException; import org.dspace.eperson.EPerson; import org.dspace.eperson.Group; import org.dspace.eperson.factory.EPersonServiceFactory; import org.dspace.eperson.service.EPersonService; import org.dspace.eperson.service.GroupService; import org.junit.Test; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.UUID; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; /** * Perform some basic unit tests for Context Class * @author tdonohue */ public class ContextTest extends AbstractUnitTest { protected AuthorizeService authorizeService = AuthorizeServiceFactory.getInstance().getAuthorizeService(); protected EPersonService ePersonService = EPersonServiceFactory.getInstance().getEPersonService(); protected GroupService groupService = EPersonServiceFactory.getInstance().getGroupService(); /** * Test of getDBConnection method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testGetDBConnection() throws SQLException { DBConnection connection = context.getDBConnection(); assertThat("testGetDBConnection 0", connection, notNullValue()); assertThat("testGetDBConnection 1", connection.isSessionAlive(), equalTo(true)); } /** * Test of getDBConnection method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testSchemaValidation() throws SQLException { try { //Stop the current kernel and database destroy(); destroyKernel(); //Create a new Kernel but do not init the database. This should trigger missing table validation errors initKernel(); init(); //If we get here without exception, the validation did not happen fail(); } catch (DatabaseSchemaValidationException ex) { assertTrue(StringUtils.isNotBlank(ex.getMessage())); assertTrue(StringUtils.contains(ex.getMessage(), "Missing table")); } finally { //restore correct state destroy(); destroyKernel(); initKernel(); initDatabase(); init(); } } /** * Test of setCurrentUser method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testSetCurrentUser() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException { new NonStrictExpectations(authorizeService.getClass()) { { // Allow Admin permissions - needed to create a new EPerson authorizeService.isAdmin((Context) any); result = true; } }; EPerson oldUser = context.getCurrentUser(); // Create a dummy EPerson to set as current user EPerson newUser = ePersonService.create(context); newUser.setFirstName(context, "Jane"); newUser.setLastName(context, "Doe"); newUser.setEmail(""); newUser.setCanLogIn(true); newUser.setLanguage(context, I18nUtil.getDefaultLocale().getLanguage()); context.setCurrentUser(newUser); assertThat("testSetCurrentUser 0", context.getCurrentUser(), notNullValue()); assertThat("testSetCurrentUser 1", context.getCurrentUser(), equalTo(newUser)); // Restore the previous current user context.setCurrentUser(oldUser); } /** * Test of getCurrentUser method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testGetCurrentUser() { //NOTE: 'eperson' is initialized by AbstractUnitTest & set as the "currentUser" there assertThat("testGetCurrentUser 0", context.getCurrentUser(), notNullValue()); assertThat("testGetCurrentUser 1", context.getCurrentUser(), equalTo(eperson)); } /** * Test of getCurrentLocale method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testGetCurrentLocale() { //NOTE: CurrentLocale is not initialized in AbstractUnitTest. So it should be DEFAULTLOCALE assertThat("testGetCurrentLocale 0", context.getCurrentLocale(), notNullValue()); assertThat("testGetCurrentLocale 1", context.getCurrentLocale(), equalTo(I18nUtil.DEFAULTLOCALE)); } /** * Test of setCurrentLocale method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testSetCurrentLocale() { //Get previous value Locale oldLocale = context.getCurrentLocale(); //Set a new, non-English value Locale newLocale = Locale.FRENCH; context.setCurrentLocale(newLocale); assertThat("testSetCurrentLocale 0", context.getCurrentLocale(), notNullValue()); assertThat("testSetCurrentLocale 1", context.getCurrentLocale(), equalTo(newLocale)); // Restore previous value context.setCurrentLocale(oldLocale); } /** * Test of ignoreAuthorization method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testIgnoreAuthorization() { // Turn off authorization context.turnOffAuthorisationSystem(); assertThat("testIgnoreAuthorization 0", context.ignoreAuthorization(), equalTo(true)); // Turn it back on context.restoreAuthSystemState(); assertThat("testIgnoreAuthorization 1", context.ignoreAuthorization(), equalTo(false)); } /** * Test of turnOffAuthorisationSystem method, of class Context. */ /*@Test public void testTurnOffAuthorisationSystem() { // Already tested in testIgnoreAuthorization() }*/ /** * Test of restoreAuthSystemState method, of class Context. */ /*@Test public void testRestoreAuthSystemState() { // Already tested in testIgnoreAuthorization() }*/ /** * Test of setIgnoreAuthorization method, of class Context. */ /*@Test public void testSetIgnoreAuthorization() { // Deprecated method }*/ /** * Test of setExtraLogInfo method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testSetExtraLogInfo() { // Get the previous value String oldValue = context.getExtraLogInfo(); // Set a new value String newValue = "This is some extra log info"; context.setExtraLogInfo(newValue); assertThat("testSetExtraLogInfo 0", context.getExtraLogInfo(), notNullValue()); assertThat("testSetExtraLogInfo 1", context.getExtraLogInfo(), equalTo(newValue)); } /** * Test of getExtraLogInfo method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testGetExtraLogInfo() { // Extra log info has a default value of "", and AbstractUnitTest doesn't change it String defaultValue = ""; assertThat("testGetExtraLogInfo 0", context.getExtraLogInfo(), notNullValue()); assertThat("testGetExtraLogInfo 1", context.getExtraLogInfo(), equalTo(defaultValue)); } /** * Test of complete method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testComplete() throws SQLException { // To test complete() we need a new Context object Context instance = new Context(); // By default, we should have a new DB connection, so let's make sure it is there assertThat("testComplete 0", instance.getDBConnection(), notNullValue()); assertThat("testComplete 1", instance.getDBConnection().isSessionAlive(), equalTo(true)); assertThat("testComplete 2", instance.isValid(), equalTo(true)); // Now, call complete(). This should set DB connection to null & invalidate context instance.complete(); assertThat("testComplete 3", instance.getDBConnection(), nullValue()); assertThat("testComplete 4", instance.isValid(), equalTo(false)); // Cleanup our new context cleanupContext(instance); // TODO: May also want to test that complete() is calling commit()? } /** * Test of complete method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testComplete2() throws SQLException { // To test complete() we need a new Context object Context instance = new Context(); // Call complete twice. The second call should NOT throw an error // and effectively does nothing instance.complete(); instance.complete(); // Cleanup our new context cleanupContext(instance); } /** * Test of abort method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testAbort() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException { new NonStrictExpectations(authorizeService.getClass()) { { // Allow Admin permissions - needed to create a new EPerson authorizeService.isAdmin((Context) any); result = true; } }; // To test abort() we need a new Context object Context instance = new Context(); // Create a new EPerson (DO NOT COMMIT IT) String createdEmail = ""; EPerson newUser = ePersonService.create(instance); newUser.setFirstName(context, "Susan"); newUser.setLastName(context, "Doe"); newUser.setEmail(createdEmail); newUser.setCanLogIn(true); newUser.setLanguage(context, I18nUtil.getDefaultLocale().getLanguage()); // Abort our context instance.abort(); // Ensure the context is no longer valid assertThat("testAbort 0", instance.isValid(), equalTo(false)); // Open a new context, let's make sure that EPerson isn't there Context newInstance = new Context(); EPerson found = ePersonService.findByEmail(newInstance, createdEmail); assertThat("testAbort 1", found, nullValue()); // Cleanup our contexts cleanupContext(instance); cleanupContext(newInstance); } /** * Test of abort method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testAbort2() throws SQLException { // To test abort() we need a new Context object Context instance = new Context(); // Call abort twice. The second call should NOT throw an error // and effectively does nothing instance.abort(); instance.abort(); // Cleanup our context cleanupContext(instance); } /** * Test of isValid method, of class Context. */ /*@Test public void testIsValid() { // This is already tested by testComplete() and testAbort() }*/ /** * Test of isReadOnly method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testIsReadOnly() throws SQLException { // Our default context should NOT be read only assertThat("testIsReadOnly 0", context.isReadOnly(), equalTo(false)); // Create a new read-only context Context instance = new Context(Context.Mode.READ_ONLY); assertThat("testIsReadOnly 1", instance.isReadOnly(), equalTo(true)); //When in read-only, we only support abort(). instance.abort(); // Cleanup our context cleanupContext(instance); } /** * Test that commit cannot be called when the context is in read-only mode */ @Test public void testIsReadOnlyCommit() throws SQLException { // Create a new read-only context Context instance = new Context(Context.Mode.READ_ONLY); assertThat("testIsReadOnly 1", instance.isReadOnly(), equalTo(true)); try { //When in read-only, calling commit() should result in an error instance.commit(); fail(); } catch (Exception ex) { assertTrue(ex instanceof UnsupportedOperationException); } instance.abort(); // Cleanup our context cleanupContext(instance); } /** * Test of getCacheSize method, of class Context. */ /*@Test public void testGetCacheSize() { // Tested in testClearCache() }*/ /** * Test of setSpecialGroup method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testSetSpecialGroup() throws SQLException { // To test special groups we need a new Context object Context instance = new Context(); // Pass in random integers (need not be valid group IDs) UUID groupID1 = UUID.randomUUID(); UUID groupID2 = UUID.randomUUID(); instance.setSpecialGroup(groupID1); instance.setSpecialGroup(groupID2); assertThat("testSetSpecialGroup 0", instance.inSpecialGroup(groupID1), equalTo(true)); assertThat("testSetSpecialGroup 1", instance.inSpecialGroup(groupID2), equalTo(true)); assertThat("testSetSpecialGroup 2", instance.inSpecialGroup(UUID.randomUUID()), equalTo(false)); // Cleanup our context cleanupContext(instance); } /** * Test of inSpecialGroup method, of class Context. */ /*@Test public void testInSpecialGroup() { // tested in testSetSpecialGroup }*/ /** * Test of getSpecialGroups method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testGetSpecialGroups() throws SQLException, AuthorizeException { new NonStrictExpectations(authorizeService.getClass()) { { // Allow Admin permissions - needed to create a new Group authorizeService.isAdmin((Context) any); result = true; } }; // To test special groups we need a new Context object Context instance = new Context(); // Create a new group & add it as a special group Group group = groupService.create(instance); UUID groupID = group.getID(); instance.setSpecialGroup(groupID); // Also add Administrator group as a special group Group adminGroup = groupService.findByName(instance, Group.ADMIN); UUID adminGroupID = adminGroup.getID(); instance.setSpecialGroup(adminGroupID); // Now get our special groups List<Group> specialGroups = instance.getSpecialGroups(); assertThat("testGetSpecialGroup 0", specialGroups.size(), equalTo(2)); assertThat("testGetSpecialGroup 1", specialGroups.get(0), equalTo(group)); assertThat("testGetSpecialGroup 1", specialGroups.get(1), equalTo(adminGroup)); // Cleanup our context cleanupContext(instance); } /** * Test of finalize method, of class Context. */ @Test public void testFinalize() throws Throwable { // We need a new Context object Context instance = new Context(); instance.finalize(); // Finalize is like abort()...should invalidate our context assertThat("testSetSpecialGroup 0", instance.isValid(), equalTo(false)); // Cleanup our context cleanupContext(instance); } }