Java tutorial
/** * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source * tree and available online at * * */ package; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.Parameters; import org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException; import org.apache.cocoon.environment.ObjectModelHelper; import org.apache.cocoon.environment.Request; import org.apache.cocoon.environment.SourceResolver; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateFormatUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.dspace.authorize.AuthorizeManager; import org.dspace.content.Bitstream; import org.dspace.content.Collection; import org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager; import org.dspace.core.I18nUtil; import org.dspace.core.LogManager; import org.dspace.eperson.Group; import org.dspace.eperson.Subscribe; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import cz.cuni.mff.ufal.DSpaceApi; import cz.cuni.mff.ufal.lindat.utilities.hibernate.LicenseDefinition; import cz.cuni.mff.ufal.lindat.utilities.hibernate.LicenseResourceUserAllowance; import cz.cuni.mff.ufal.lindat.utilities.hibernate.UserMetadata; import cz.cuni.mff.ufal.lindat.utilities.hibernate.UserRegistration; import cz.cuni.mff.ufal.lindat.utilities.interfaces.IFunctionalities; /** * Display a form that allows the user to edit their profile. There are two * cases in which this can be used: 1) when an existing user is attempting to * edit their own profile, and 2) when a new user is registering for the first * time. * * There are several parameters this transformer accepts: * * email - The email address of the user registering for the first time. * * registering - A boolean value to indicate whether the user is registering for * the first time. * * retryInformation - A boolean value to indicate whether there was an error * with the user's profile. * * retryPassword - A boolean value to indicate whether there was an error with * the user's password. * * allowSetPassword - A boolean value to indicate whether the user is allowed to * set their own password. * * based on class by Scott Phillips * modified for LINDAT/CLARIN */ public class EditProfile extends AbstractDSpaceTransformer { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(EditProfile.class); /** Language string used: */ private static final Message T_title_create = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.title_create"); private static final Message T_title_update = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.title_update"); private static final Message T_dspace_home = message("xmlui.general.dspace_home"); private static final Message T_trail_new_registration = message("xmlui.EPerson.trail_new_registration"); private static final Message T_trail_update = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.trail_update"); private static final Message T_head_create = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.head_create"); private static final Message T_head_update = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.head_update"); private static final Message T_email_address = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.email_address"); private static final Message T_first_name = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.first_name"); private static final Message T_error_required = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.error_required"); private static final Message T_last_name = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.last_name"); private static final Message T_auto_filled_in = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.auto_filled_in"); private static final Message T_usermetadata_head = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.usermetadata.head"); private static final Message T_telephone = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.telephone"); private static final Message T_login = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.last_login"); private static final Message T_language = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.language"); private static final Message T_create_password_instructions = message( "xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.create_password_instructions"); private static final Message T_update_password_instructions = message( "xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.update_password_instructions"); private static final Message T_password = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.password"); private static final Message T_error_invalid_password = message( "xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.error_invalid_password"); private static final Message T_confirm_password = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.confirm_password"); private static final Message T_error_unconfirmed_password = message( "xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.error_unconfirmed_password"); private static final Message T_submit_update = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.submit_update"); private static final Message T_submit_create = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.submit_create"); private static final Message T_subscriptions = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.subscriptions"); private static final Message T_subscriptions_help = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.subscriptions_help"); private static final Message T_email_subscriptions = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.email_subscriptions"); private static final Message T_select_collection = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.select_collection"); private static final Message T_head_auth = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.head_auth"); // private static final Message T_head_identify = // message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.head_identify"); private static final Message T_head_security = message("xmlui.EPerson.EditProfile.head_security"); private static Locale[] supportedLocales = getSupportedLocales(); static { Arrays.sort(supportedLocales, new Comparator<Locale>() { @Override public int compare(Locale a, Locale b) { return a.getDisplayName().compareTo(b.getDisplayName()); } }); } /** The email address of the user registering for the first time. */ private String email; /** Determine if the user is registering for the first time */ private boolean registering; /** * Determine if the user is allowed to set their own password UFAL: this is * not correct, if you have local accounts enabled it will be always TRUE * */ private boolean allowSetPassword; /** A list of fields in error */ private java.util.List<String> errors; @Override public void setup(SourceResolver resolver, Map objectModel, String src, Parameters parameters) throws ProcessingException, SAXException, IOException { super.setup(resolver, objectModel, src, parameters); = parameters.getParameter("email", "unknown"); this.registering = parameters.getParameterAsBoolean("registering", false); this.allowSetPassword = parameters.getParameterAsBoolean("allowSetPassword", false); String errors = parameters.getParameter("errors", ""); if (errors.length() > 0) { this.errors = Arrays.asList(errors.split(",")); } else { this.errors = new ArrayList<String>(); } // Ensure that the email variable is set. if (eperson != null) { = eperson.getEmail(); } } @Override public void addPageMeta(PageMeta pageMeta) throws WingException { // Set the page title if (registering) { pageMeta.addMetadata("title").addContent(T_title_create); } else { pageMeta.addMetadata("title").addContent(T_title_update); } pageMeta.addTrailLink(contextPath + "/", T_dspace_home); if (registering) { pageMeta.addTrail().addContent(T_trail_new_registration); } else { pageMeta.addTrail().addContent(T_trail_update); } } // // private boolean isAdmin() throws SQLException { return AuthorizeManager.isAdmin(context); } private Text add_key_pair(String item_name, Message key, String value, List identity, Message error) throws WingException { return add_key_pair(item_name, key, value, null, identity, error, false); } // key, help, error can be null private Text add_key_pair(String item_name, Message key, String value, Message help, List identity, Message error, boolean auto_filled) throws WingException { Text text = identity.addItem().addText(item_name); text.setValue(value); // Message vs String hack (we would have to have more methods otherwise) if (null != key) { text.setLabel(key); } if (null != help) { text.setHelp(help); } if (null != error) { text.addError(error); } // mandatory means it will be overwritten during every login if (auto_filled || (!registering && !ConfigurationManager.getBooleanProperty("xmlui.user.editmetadata", true))) { text.setDisabled(); } return text; } // error messages // private Message get_error(java.util.List<String> errors, String key, Message err_msg) { return errors.contains(key) ? err_msg : null; } // // private void add_subscriptions(List form) throws WingException, SQLException { List subscribe = form.addList("subscriptions", List.TYPE_FORM, "alert alert-admin"); subscribe.setHead(T_subscriptions); subscribe.addItem(T_subscriptions_help); Collection[] currentList = Subscribe.getSubscriptions(context, context.getCurrentUser()); Collection[] possibleList = Collection.findAll(context); Select subscriptions = subscribe.addItem().addSelect("subscriptions"); subscriptions.setLabel(T_email_subscriptions); subscriptions.setHelp(""); subscriptions.enableAddOperation(); subscriptions.enableDeleteOperation(); subscriptions.addOption(-1, T_select_collection); for (Collection possible : possibleList) { String name = possible.getMetadata("name"); if (name.length() > 50) { name = name.substring(0, 47) + "..."; } subscriptions.addOption(possible.getID(), name); } for (Collection collection : currentList) { subscriptions.addInstance().setOptionSelected(collection.getID()); } } private void add_set_password(List form, boolean cause_admin) throws WingException { List security = form.addList("security", List.TYPE_FORM, cause_admin ? "alert alert-admin" : ""); security.setHead(T_head_security); if (registering) { security.addItem().addContent(T_create_password_instructions); } else { security.addItem().addContent(T_update_password_instructions); } Field password = security.addItem().addPassword("password"); password.setLabel(T_password); if (registering) { password.setRequired(); } if (errors.contains("password")) { password.addError(T_error_invalid_password); } Field passwordConfirm = security.addItem().addPassword("password_confirm"); passwordConfirm.setLabel(T_confirm_password); if (registering) { passwordConfirm.setRequired(); } if (errors.contains("password_confirm")) { passwordConfirm.addError(T_error_unconfirmed_password); } } private void add_list_of_groups(Division profile) throws SQLException, WingException { // Add a list of groups that this user is apart of. Group[] memberships = Group.allMemberGroups(context, context.getCurrentUser()); // Not a member of any groups then don't do anything. if (!(memberships.length > 0)) return; List list = profile.addDivision("memberships_div", "alert").addList("memberships", List.TYPE_SIMPLE); list.setHead(T_head_auth); for (Group group : memberships) { list.addItem(group.getName()); } } private void add_language(List identity, String defaultLanguage) throws WingException { if (!ConfigurationManager.getBooleanProperty("lr", "lr.xmlui.user.showlanguage", true)) { identity.addItem().addHidden("language") .setValue((defaultLanguage == null || defaultLanguage.equals("")) ? I18nUtil.DEFAULTLOCALE.toString() : defaultLanguage); } else { Select lang = identity.addItem().addSelect("language"); lang.setLabel(T_language); if (supportedLocales.length > 0) { for (Locale lc : supportedLocales) { lang.addOption(lc.toString(), lc.getDisplayName()); } } else { lang.addOption(I18nUtil.DEFAULTLOCALE.toString(), I18nUtil.DEFAULTLOCALE.getDisplayName()); } lang.setOptionSelected( (defaultLanguage == null || defaultLanguage.equals("")) ? I18nUtil.DEFAULTLOCALE.toString() : defaultLanguage); if (!registering && !ConfigurationManager.getBooleanProperty("xmlui.user.editmetadata", true)) { lang.setDisabled(); } } } private void add_additional_metadata(List identity) throws SQLException, WingException { if (eperson == null) { identity.addLabel(null, "alert alert-admin") .addContent("Cannot fetch private metadata - eperson is null!"); return; } // last login String last_login = eperson.getLoggedIn() != null ? eperson.getLoggedIn() : "Not logged in yet"; List lastlogin = identity.addList("lastlogin", List.TYPE_FORM, "alert"); lastlogin.addLabel("Last Login"); lastlogin.addItem(last_login); List meta_form = identity.addList("usermetadata", List.TYPE_FORM, "alert alert-danger"); meta_form.setHead(T_usermetadata_head); Map<String, String> metadata = DSpaceApi.getUserMetadata(eperson); if (metadata == null) { identity.addLabel(null, "alert alert-error") .addContent("Cannot fetch private metadata - metadata is null!"); return; } for (Map.Entry<String, String> item : metadata.entrySet()) { // we want label from String not Message so set it manually add_key_pair(item.getKey(), null, item.getValue(), meta_form, null).setLabel(item.getKey()); } } private void add_signed_licenses(Division profile) throws WingException { try { IFunctionalities functionalityManager = DSpaceApi.getFunctionalityManager(); functionalityManager.openSession(); java.util.List<LicenseResourceUserAllowance> licenses = functionalityManager .getSignedLicensesByUser(eperson.getID()); // hack for group by ///////// /* java.util.List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(); java.util.List<LicenseResourceUserAllowance> licenses_group_by = new ArrayList<LicenseResourceUserAllowance>(); for (LicenseResourceUserAllowance license : licenses) { String createdOn = DateFormatUtils.format(license.getCreatedOn(), "ddMMyyyyhhmm"); String epersonID = "" + license.getUserRegistration().getEpersonId(); String licenseID = "" + license.getLicenseResourceMapping().getLicenseDefinition().getLicenseId(); String key = createdOn + ":" + epersonID + ":" + licenseID; if(!keys.contains(key)) { keys.add(key); licenses_group_by.add(license); } } */ ///////////////////////////// if (licenses != null && licenses.size() > 0) { Table wftable = profile.addTable("singed-licenses", 1, 6); Row wfhead = wftable.addRow(Row.ROLE_HEADER); // table items - because of GUI not all columns could be shown wfhead.addCellContent("ID"); wfhead.addCellContent("DATE"); wfhead.addCellContent("LICENSE"); wfhead.addCellContent("ITEM"); wfhead.addCellContent("BITSTREAM"); wfhead.addCellContent("EXTRA METADATA"); for (LicenseResourceUserAllowance license : licenses) { int bitstreamID = license.getLicenseResourceMapping().getBitstreamId(); LicenseDefinition ld = license.getLicenseResourceMapping().getLicenseDefinition(); UserRegistration ur = license.getUserRegistration(); Date signingDate = license.getCreatedOn(); Row r = wftable.addRow(null, null, "font_smaller bold"); String id = DateFormatUtils.format(signingDate, "yyyyMMddhhmmss") + "-" + ur.getEpersonId() + "-" + bitstreamID; r.addCellContent(id); r.addCellContent(DateFormatUtils.format(signingDate, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); r.addCell().addXref(ld.getDefinition(), ld.getName()); Bitstream bitstream = Bitstream.find(context, bitstreamID); org.dspace.content.Item item = (org.dspace.content.Item) bitstream.getParentObject(); String base = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("dspace.url"); StringBuffer itemLink = new StringBuffer().append(base).append(base.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") .append("/handle/").append(item.getHandle()); r.addCell().addXref(itemLink.toString(), "" + item.getID()); StringBuffer bitstreamLink = new StringBuffer().append(base) .append(base.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/").append("bitstream/handle/") .append(item.getHandle()).append("/") .append(URLEncoder.encode(bitstream.getName(), "UTF8")).append("?sequence=") .append(bitstream.getSequenceID()); r.addCell().addXref(bitstreamLink.toString(), "" + bitstream.getID()); Cell c = r.addCell(); java.util.List<UserMetadata> extraMetaData = functionalityManager .getUserMetadata_License(ur.getEpersonId(), license.getTransactionId()); for (UserMetadata metadata : extraMetaData) { c.addHighlight("label label-info font_smaller") .addContent(metadata.getMetadataKey() + ": " + metadata.getMetadataValue()); } } } else { profile.addPara(null, "alert").addContent("Not signed any licenses yet."); } functionalityManager.closeSession(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) { profile.addPara(null, "alert alert-error").addContent("No items - " + e1.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e2) { profile.addPara(null, "alert alert-error").addContent("Exception - " + e2.toString()); } } // // @Override public void addBody(Body body) throws WingException, SQLException { // Log that we are viewing a profile, "view_profile", "")); Request request = ObjectModelHelper.getRequest(objectModel); // get parameters from submitted form or directly from eperson // String defaultFirstName = "", defaultLastName = "", defaultPhone = ""; String defaultLanguage = null; if (request.getParameter("submit") != null) { defaultFirstName = request.getParameter("first_name"); defaultLastName = request.getParameter("last_name"); defaultPhone = request.getParameter("phone"); defaultLanguage = request.getParameter("language"); } else if (eperson != null) { defaultFirstName = eperson.getFirstName(); defaultLastName = eperson.getLastName(); defaultPhone = eperson.getMetadata("phone"); defaultLanguage = eperson.getLanguage(); } // local vs shibbie user? String netid = eperson.getNetid(); boolean has_netid = netid != null && !netid.isEmpty(); boolean has_password = eperson.getPasswordHash() != null && !eperson.getPasswordHash().isEmpty(); boolean is_probably_local_user = eperson == null ? false : has_password && !has_netid; String action = contextPath; if (registering) { action += "/register"; } else { action += "/profile"; } Division profile = body.addInteractiveDivision("information", action, Division.METHOD_POST, "primary"); if (registering) { profile.setHead(T_head_create); } else { profile.setHead(T_head_update); } // Add the progress list if we are registering a new user if (registering) { EPersonUtils.registrationProgressList(profile, 2); } List form = profile.addList("form", List.TYPE_FORM); List identity = form.addList("identity", List.TYPE_FORM); // identity.setHead(T_head_identify); // Email identity.addLabel(T_email_address); Item email_i = identity.addItem(null, "alert"); email_i.addContent(email); // First name add_key_pair("first_name", T_first_name, defaultFirstName, T_auto_filled_in, identity, get_error(errors, "first_name", T_error_required), !is_probably_local_user).setRequired(true); // Last name add_key_pair("last_name", T_last_name, defaultLastName, T_auto_filled_in, identity, get_error(errors, "last_name", T_error_required), !is_probably_local_user).setRequired(true); // Phone add_key_pair("phone", T_telephone, defaultPhone, identity, get_error(errors, "phone", T_error_required)); // Language // add_language(identity, defaultLanguage); // utilities metadata // - for now only for admins if (isAdmin()) { add_additional_metadata(identity); } // Subscriptions // if (!registering && isAdmin()) { add_subscriptions(form); } // Passwords // boolean added_pass = false; if (allowSetPassword) { if (is_probably_local_user || registering) { add_set_password(form, false); } } // indicate that we have the pass available *only* because we are admins if (!added_pass && isAdmin()) { add_set_password(form, true); } // Controls // Button submit = form.addItem().addButton("submit"); if (registering) { submit.setValue(T_submit_update); } else { submit.setValue(T_submit_create); } // Groups // if (!registering) { add_list_of_groups(profile); } Division signed = profile.addDivision("signed-licenses", "well well-light"); signed.setHead("Licenses you signed"); add_signed_licenses(signed); // profile.addHidden("eperson-continue").setValue(knot.getId()); } /** * Recycle */ @Override public void recycle() { = null; this.errors = null; super.recycle(); } /** * get the available Locales for the User Interface as defined in dspace.cfg * property xmlui.supported.locales returns an array of Locales or null * * @return an array of supported Locales or null */ private static Locale[] getSupportedLocales() { String ll = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("xmlui.supported.locales"); if (ll != null) { return I18nUtil.parseLocales(ll); } else { Locale result[] = new Locale[1]; result[0] = I18nUtil.DEFAULTLOCALE; return result; } } }