Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright
 * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source
 * tree and available online at

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.UUID;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.dspace.content.Collection;
import org.dspace.content.Item;
import org.dspace.content.MetadataValue;
import org.dspace.core.Constants;
import org.dspace.core.I18nUtil;
import org.dspace.core.Utils;

 * Miscellaneous utility methods
 * @author Robert Tansley
 * @author Mark Diggory
 * @version $Revision$
public class Util {
    // cache for source version result
    private static String sourceVersion = null;

    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Util.class);

     * Utility method to convert spaces in a string to HTML non-break space
     * elements.
     * @param s
     *            string to change spaces in
     * @return the string passed in with spaces converted to HTML non-break
     *         spaces
    public static String nonBreakSpace(String s) {
        StringBuffer newString = new StringBuffer();

        for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
            char ch = s.charAt(i);

            if (ch == ' ') {
            } else {

        return newString.toString();

     * Encode a bitstream name for inclusion in a URL in an HTML document. This
     * differs from the usual URL-encoding, since we want pathname separators to
     * be passed through verbatim; this is required so that relative paths in
     * bitstream names and HTML references work correctly.
     * <P>
     * If the link to a bitstream is generated with the pathname separators
     * escaped (e.g. "%2F" instead of "/") then the Web user agent perceives it
     * to be one pathname element, and relative URI paths within that document
     * containing ".." elements will be handled incorrectly.
     * <P>
     * @param stringIn
     *            input string to encode
     * @param encoding
     *            character encoding, e.g. UTF-8
     * @return the encoded string
     * @throws if encoding error
    public static String encodeBitstreamName(String stringIn, String encoding)
            throws {
        // FIXME: This should be moved elsewhere, as it is used outside the UI
        if (stringIn == null) {
            return "";

        StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();

        final String[] pctEncoding = { "%00", "%01", "%02", "%03", "%04", "%05", "%06", "%07", "%08", "%09", "%0a",
                "%0b", "%0c", "%0d", "%0e", "%0f", "%10", "%11", "%12", "%13", "%14", "%15", "%16", "%17", "%18",
                "%19", "%1a", "%1b", "%1c", "%1d", "%1e", "%1f", "%20", "%21", "%22", "%23", "%24", "%25", "%26",
                "%27", "%28", "%29", "%2a", "%2b", "%2c", "%2d", "%2e", "%2f", "%30", "%31", "%32", "%33", "%34",
                "%35", "%36", "%37", "%38", "%39", "%3a", "%3b", "%3c", "%3d", "%3e", "%3f", "%40", "%41", "%42",
                "%43", "%44", "%45", "%46", "%47", "%48", "%49", "%4a", "%4b", "%4c", "%4d", "%4e", "%4f", "%50",
                "%51", "%52", "%53", "%54", "%55", "%56", "%57", "%58", "%59", "%5a", "%5b", "%5c", "%5d", "%5e",
                "%5f", "%60", "%61", "%62", "%63", "%64", "%65", "%66", "%67", "%68", "%69", "%6a", "%6b", "%6c",
                "%6d", "%6e", "%6f", "%70", "%71", "%72", "%73", "%74", "%75", "%76", "%77", "%78", "%79", "%7a",
                "%7b", "%7c", "%7d", "%7e", "%7f", "%80", "%81", "%82", "%83", "%84", "%85", "%86", "%87", "%88",
                "%89", "%8a", "%8b", "%8c", "%8d", "%8e", "%8f", "%90", "%91", "%92", "%93", "%94", "%95", "%96",
                "%97", "%98", "%99", "%9a", "%9b", "%9c", "%9d", "%9e", "%9f", "%a0", "%a1", "%a2", "%a3", "%a4",
                "%a5", "%a6", "%a7", "%a8", "%a9", "%aa", "%ab", "%ac", "%ad", "%ae", "%af", "%b0", "%b1", "%b2",
                "%b3", "%b4", "%b5", "%b6", "%b7", "%b8", "%b9", "%ba", "%bb", "%bc", "%bd", "%be", "%bf", "%c0",
                "%c1", "%c2", "%c3", "%c4", "%c5", "%c6", "%c7", "%c8", "%c9", "%ca", "%cb", "%cc", "%cd", "%ce",
                "%cf", "%d0", "%d1", "%d2", "%d3", "%d4", "%d5", "%d6", "%d7", "%d8", "%d9", "%da", "%db", "%dc",
                "%dd", "%de", "%df", "%e0", "%e1", "%e2", "%e3", "%e4", "%e5", "%e6", "%e7", "%e8", "%e9", "%ea",
                "%eb", "%ec", "%ed", "%ee", "%ef", "%f0", "%f1", "%f2", "%f3", "%f4", "%f5", "%f6", "%f7", "%f8",
                "%f9", "%fa", "%fb", "%fc", "%fd", "%fe", "%ff" };

        byte[] bytes = stringIn.getBytes(encoding);

        for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
            // Any unreserved char or "/" goes through unencoded
            if ((bytes[i] >= 'A' && bytes[i] <= 'Z') || (bytes[i] >= 'a' && bytes[i] <= 'z')
                    || (bytes[i] >= '0' && bytes[i] <= '9') || bytes[i] == '-' || bytes[i] == '.' || bytes[i] == '_'
                    || bytes[i] == '~' || bytes[i] == '/') {
                out.append((char) bytes[i]);
            } else if (bytes[i] >= 0) {
                // encode other chars (byte code < 128)
            } else {
                // encode other chars (byte code > 127, so it appears as
                // negative in Java signed byte data type)
                out.append(pctEncoding[256 + bytes[i]]);
        log.debug("encoded \"" + stringIn + "\" to \"" + out.toString() + "\"");

        return out.toString();

    /** Version of encodeBitstreamName with one parameter, uses default encoding
     * <P>
     * @param stringIn
     *                input string to encode
     * @return the encoded string
     * @throws if encoding error
    public static String encodeBitstreamName(String stringIn) throws {
        return encodeBitstreamName(stringIn, Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING);

      * Formats the file size. Examples:
      *  - 50 = 50B
      *  - 1024 = 1KB
      *  - 1,024,000 = 1MB etc
      *  The numbers are formatted using java Locales
      * @param in The number to convert
      * @return the file size as a String
    public static String formatFileSize(double in) {
        // Work out the size of the file, and format appropriatly
        // FIXME: When full i18n support is available, use the user's Locale
        // rather than the default Locale.
        NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.getDefault());
        DecimalFormat df = (DecimalFormat) nf;
        if (in < 1024) {
            return df.format(in) + " " + "B";
        } else if (in < 1024000) {
            in = in / 1024;
            return df.format(in) + " " + "kB";
        } else if (in < 1024000000) {
            in = in / 1024000;
            return df.format(in) + " " + "MB";
        } else {
            in = in / 1024000000;
            return df.format(in) + " " + "GB";

     * Obtain a parameter from the given request as an int. <code>-1</code> is
     * returned if the parameter is garbled or does not exist.
     * @param request
     *            the HTTP request
     * @param param
     *            the name of the parameter
     * @return the integer value of the parameter, or -1
    public static int getIntParameter(HttpServletRequest request, String param) {
        String val = request.getParameter(param);

        try {
            return Integer.parseInt(val.trim());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Problem with parameter
            return -1;

     * Obtain a parameter from the given request as a UUID. <code>null</code> is
     * returned if the parameter is garbled or does not exist.
     * @param request
     *            the HTTP request
     * @param param
     *            the name of the parameter
     * @return the integer value of the parameter, or -1
    public static UUID getUUIDParameter(HttpServletRequest request, String param) {
        String val = request.getParameter(param);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(val)) {
            return null;

        try {
            return UUID.fromString(val.trim());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // at least log this error to make debugging easier
            // do not silently return null only.
            log.warn("Unable to recoginze UUID from String \"" + val + "\". Will return null.", e);
            // Problem with parameter
            return null;

     * Obtain a List of UUID parameters from the given request as an UUID. null
     * is returned if parameter doesn't exist. <code>null</code> is returned in
     * position of the list if that particular value is garbled.
     * @param request
     *            the HTTP request
     * @param param
     *            the name of the parameter
     * @return list of UUID or null
    public static List<UUID> getUUIDParameters(HttpServletRequest request, String param) {
        String[] request_values = request.getParameterValues(param);

        if (request_values == null) {
            return null;

        List<UUID> return_values = new ArrayList<UUID>(request_values.length);

        for (String s : request_values) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Problem with parameter, stuff null in the list

        return return_values;

     * Obtain an array of int parameters from the given request as an int. null
     * is returned if parameter doesn't exist. <code>-1</code> is returned in
     * array locations if that particular value is garbled.
     * @param request
     *            the HTTP request
     * @param param
     *            the name of the parameter
     * @return array of integers or null
    public static int[] getIntParameters(HttpServletRequest request, String param) {
        String[] request_values = request.getParameterValues(param);

        if (request_values == null) {
            return null;

        int[] return_values = new int[request_values.length];

        for (int x = 0; x < return_values.length; x++) {
            try {
                return_values[x] = Integer.parseInt(request_values[x]);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // Problem with parameter, stuff -1 in this slot
                return_values[x] = -1;

        return return_values;

     * Obtain a parameter from the given request as a boolean.
     * <code>false</code> is returned if the parameter is garbled or does not
     * exist.
     * @param request
     *            the HTTP request
     * @param param
     *            the name of the parameter
     * @return the integer value of the parameter, or -1
    public static boolean getBoolParameter(HttpServletRequest request, String param) {
        return ((request.getParameter(param) != null) && request.getParameter(param).equals("true"));

     * Get the button the user pressed on a submitted form. All buttons should
     * start with the text <code>submit</code> for this to work. A default
     * should be supplied, since often the browser will submit a form with no
     * submit button pressed if the user presses enter.
     * @param request
     *            the HTTP request
     * @param def
     *            the default button
     * @return the button pressed
    public static String getSubmitButton(HttpServletRequest request, String def) {
        Enumeration e = request.getParameterNames();

        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            String parameterName = (String) e.nextElement();

            if (parameterName.startsWith("submit")) {
                return parameterName;

        return def;

     * Gets Maven version string of the source that built this instance.
     * @return string containing version, e.g. "1.5.2"; ends in "-SNAPSHOT" for development versions.
    public static String getSourceVersion() {
        if (sourceVersion == null) {
            Properties constants = new Properties();

            InputStream cis = null;
            try {
                cis = Util.class.getResourceAsStream("/META-INF/maven/org.dspace/dspace-api/");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            } finally {
                if (cis != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        log.error("Unable to close input stream", e);

            sourceVersion = constants.getProperty("version", "none");
        return sourceVersion;

     * Get a list of all the respective "displayed-value(s)" from the given
     * "stored-value(s)" for a specific metadata field of a DSpace Item, by
     * reading submission-forms.xml
     * @param item
     *            The Dspace Item
     * @param values
     *            A Metadatum[] array of the specific "stored-value(s)"
     * @param schema
     *            A String with the schema name of the metadata field
     * @param element
     *            A String with the element name of the metadata field
     * @param qualifier
     *            A String with the qualifier name of the metadata field
     * @param locale locale
     * @return A list of the respective "displayed-values"
     * @throws SQLException if database error
     * @throws DCInputsReaderException if reader error

    public static List<String> getControlledVocabulariesDisplayValueLocalized(Item item, List<MetadataValue> values,
            String schema, String element, String qualifier, Locale locale)
            throws SQLException, DCInputsReaderException {
        List<String> toReturn = new ArrayList<String>();
        DCInput myInputs = null;
        boolean myInputsFound = false;
        String formFileName = I18nUtil.getInputFormsFileName(locale);
        String col_handle = "";

        Collection collection = item.getOwningCollection();

        if (collection == null) {
            // set an empty handle so to get the default input set
            col_handle = "";
        } else {
            col_handle = collection.getHandle();

        // Read the input form file for the specific collection
        DCInputsReader inputsReader = new DCInputsReader(formFileName);

        List<DCInputSet> inputSets = inputsReader.getInputsByCollectionHandle(col_handle);

        for (DCInputSet inputSet : inputSets) {
            // Replace the values of Metadatum[] with the correct ones in case
            // of
            // controlled vocabularies         
            String currentField = Utils.standardize(schema, element, qualifier, ".");

            if (inputSet != null) {

                int fieldsNums = inputSet.getNumberFields();

                for (int p = 0; p < fieldsNums; p++) {

                    DCInput[] inputs = inputSet.getFields();

                    if (inputs != null) {

                        for (int i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
                            String inputField = Utils.standardize(inputs[i].getSchema(), inputs[i].getElement(),
                                    inputs[i].getQualifier(), ".");
                            if (currentField.equals(inputField)) {

                                myInputs = inputs[i];
                                myInputsFound = true;

                    if (myInputsFound)

            if (myInputsFound) {

                for (MetadataValue value : values) {

                    String pairsName = myInputs.getPairsType();
                    String stored_value = value.getValue();
                    String displayVal = myInputs.getDisplayString(pairsName, stored_value);

                    if (displayVal != null && !"".equals(displayVal)) {


        return toReturn;