Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * The contents of this file are subject to the license and copyright
 * detailed in the LICENSE and NOTICE files at the root of the source
 * tree and available online at

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.dspace.content.MetadataSchema;
import org.dspace.core.Utils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Class representing a line in an input form.
 * @author Brian S. Hughes, based on work by Jenny Toves, OCLC
public class DCInput {

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DCInput.class);

     * the DC element name
    private String dcElement = null;

     * the DC qualifier, if any
    private String dcQualifier = null;

     * the DC namespace schema
    private String dcSchema = null;

     * the input language
    private boolean language = false;

     * the language code use for the input
    private static final String LanguageName = "common_iso_languages";

     * the language list and their value
    private List<String> valueLanguageList = null;

     * a label describing input
    private String label = null;

     * the input type
    private String inputType = null;

     * is input required?
    private boolean required = false;

     * if required, text to display when missing
    private String warning = null;

     * is input repeatable?
    private boolean repeatable = false;

     * 'hint' text to display
    private String hint = null;

     * if input list-controlled, name of list
    private String valueListName = null;

     * if input list-controlled, the list itself
    private List<String> valueList = null;

     * if non-null, visibility scope restriction
    private String visibility = null;

     * if non-null, readonly out of the visibility scope
    private String readOnly = null;

     * the name of the controlled vocabulary to use
    private String vocabulary = null;

     * is the entry closed to vocabulary terms?
    private boolean closedVocabulary = false;

     * the regex to comply with, null if nothing
    private String regex = null;

     * allowed document types
    private List<String> typeBind = null;

     * The scope of the input sets, this restricts hidden metadata fields from
     * view during workflow processing.
    public static final String WORKFLOW_SCOPE = "workflow";

     * The scope of the input sets, this restricts hidden metadata fields from
     * view by the end user during submission.
    public static final String SUBMISSION_SCOPE = "submit";

     * Class constructor for creating a DCInput object based on the contents of
     * a HashMap
     * @param fieldMap named field values.
     * @param listMap  value-pairs map, computed from the forms definition XML file
    public DCInput(Map<String, String> fieldMap, Map<String, List<String>> listMap) {
        dcElement = fieldMap.get("dc-element");
        dcQualifier = fieldMap.get("dc-qualifier");

        // Default the schema to dublin core
        dcSchema = fieldMap.get("dc-schema");
        if (dcSchema == null) {
            dcSchema = MetadataSchema.DC_SCHEMA;

        //check if the input have a language tag
        language = Boolean.valueOf(fieldMap.get("language"));
        valueLanguageList = new ArrayList();
        if (language) {
            String languageNameTmp = fieldMap.get("value-pairs-name");
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(languageNameTmp)) {
                languageNameTmp = LanguageName;
            valueLanguageList = listMap.get(languageNameTmp);

        String repStr = fieldMap.get("repeatable");
        repeatable = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(repStr) || "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(repStr);
        label = fieldMap.get("label");
        inputType = fieldMap.get("input-type");
        // these types are list-controlled
        if ("dropdown".equals(inputType) || "qualdrop_value".equals(inputType) || "list".equals(inputType)) {
            valueListName = fieldMap.get("value-pairs-name");
            valueList = listMap.get(valueListName);
        hint = fieldMap.get("hint");
        warning = fieldMap.get("required");
        required = (warning != null && warning.length() > 0);
        visibility = fieldMap.get("visibility");
        readOnly = fieldMap.get("readonly");
        vocabulary = fieldMap.get("vocabulary");
        regex = fieldMap.get("regex");
        String closedVocabularyStr = fieldMap.get("closedVocabulary");
        closedVocabulary = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(closedVocabularyStr)
                || "yes".equalsIgnoreCase(closedVocabularyStr);

        // parsing of the <type-bind> element (using the colon as split separator)
        typeBind = new ArrayList<String>();
        String typeBindDef = fieldMap.get("type-bind");
        if (typeBindDef != null && typeBindDef.trim().length() > 0) {
            String[] types = typeBindDef.split(",");
            for (String type : types) {


     * Is this DCInput for display in the given scope? The scope should be
     * either "workflow" or "submit", as per the input forms definition. If the
     * internal visibility is set to "null" then this will always return true.
     * @param scope String identifying the scope that this input's visibility
     *              should be tested for
     * @return whether the input should be displayed or not
    public boolean isVisible(String scope) {
        return (visibility == null || visibility.equals(scope));

     * Is this DCInput for display in readonly mode in the given scope?
     * If the scope differ from which in visibility field then we use the out attribute
     * of the visibility element. Possible values are: hidden (default) and readonly.
     * If the DCInput is visible in the scope then this methods must return false
     * @param scope String identifying the scope that this input's readonly visibility
     *              should be tested for
     * @return whether the input should be displayed in a readonly way or fully hidden
    public boolean isReadOnly(String scope) {
        if (isVisible(scope)) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return readOnly != null && readOnly.equalsIgnoreCase("readonly");

     * Get the repeatable flag for this row
     * @return the repeatable flag
    public boolean isRepeatable() {
        return repeatable;

     * Alternate way of calling isRepeatable()
     * @return the repeatable flag
    public boolean getRepeatable() {
        return isRepeatable();

     * Get the input type for this row
     * @return the input type
    public String getInputType() {
        return inputType;

     * Get the DC element for this form row.
     * @return the DC element
    public String getElement() {
        return dcElement;

     * Get the DC namespace prefix for this form row.
     * @return the DC namespace prefix
    public String getSchema() {
        return dcSchema;

     * Get the warning string for a missing required field, formatted for an
     * HTML table.
     * @return the string prompt if required field was ignored
    public String getWarning() {
        return warning;

     * Is there a required string for this form row?
     * @return true if a required string is set
    public boolean isRequired() {
        return required;

     * Get the DC qualifier for this form row.
     * @return the DC qualifier
    public String getQualifier() {
        return dcQualifier;

     * Get the language for this form row.
     * @return the language state
    public boolean getLanguage() {
        return language;

     * Get the hint for this form row, formatted for an HTML table
     * @return the hints
    public String getHints() {
        return hint;

     * Get the label for this form row.
     * @return the label
    public String getLabel() {
        return label;

     * Get the name of the pairs type
     * @return the pairs type name
    public String getPairsType() {
        return valueListName;

     * Get the name of the pairs type
     * @return the pairs type name
    public List getPairs() {
        return valueList;

     * Get the list of language tags
     * @return the list of language

    public List<String> getValueLanguageList() {
        return valueLanguageList;

     * Get the name of the controlled vocabulary that is associated with this
     * field
     * @return the name of associated the vocabulary
    public String getVocabulary() {
        return vocabulary;

     * Set the name of the controlled vocabulary that is associated with this
     * field
     * @param vocabulary the name of the vocabulary
    public void setVocabulary(String vocabulary) {
        this.vocabulary = vocabulary;

     * Gets the display string that corresponds to the passed storage string in
     * a particular display-storage pair set.
     * @param pairTypeName Name of display-storage pair set to search
     * @param storedString the string that gets stored
     * @return the displayed string whose selection causes storageString to be
     * stored, null if no match
    public String getDisplayString(String pairTypeName, String storedString) {
        if (valueList != null && storedString != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < valueList.size(); i += 2) {
                if (storedString.equals(valueList.get(i + 1))) {
                    return valueList.get(i);
        return null;

     * Gets the stored string that corresponds to the passed display string in a
     * particular display-storage pair set.
     * @param pairTypeName    Name of display-storage pair set to search
     * @param displayedString the string that gets displayed
     * @return the string that gets stored when displayString gets selected,
     * null if no match
    public String getStoredString(String pairTypeName, String displayedString) {
        if (valueList != null && displayedString != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < valueList.size(); i += 2) {
                if (displayedString.equals(valueList.get(i))) {
                    return valueList.get(i + 1);
        return null;

     * The closed attribute of the vocabulary tag for this field as set in
     * submission-forms.xml
     * {@code
     * <field>
     * .....
     * <vocabulary closed="true">nsrc</vocabulary>
     * </field>
     * }
     * @return the closedVocabulary flags: true if the entry should be restricted
     * only to vocabulary terms, false otherwise
    public boolean isClosedVocabulary() {
        return closedVocabulary;

     * Decides if this field is valid for the document type
     * @param typeName Document type name
     * @return true when there is no type restriction or typeName is allowed
    public boolean isAllowedFor(String typeName) {
        if (typeBind.size() == 0) {
            return true;

        return typeBind.contains(typeName);

    public String getScope() {
        return visibility;

    public String getRegex() {
        return regex;

    public String getFieldName() {
        return Utils.standardize(this.getSchema(), this.getElement(), this.getQualifier(), ".");

    public boolean isQualdropValue() {
        if ("qualdrop_value".equals(getInputType())) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean validate(String value) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
            try {
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(regex)) {
                    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);
                    if (!pattern.matcher(value).matches()) {
                        return false;
            } catch (PatternSyntaxException ex) {
                log.error("Regex validation failed!", ex.getMessage());


        return true;