Source code

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package org.drugepi.table;

import java.util.*;

import org.drugepi.PharmacoepiTool;
import org.drugepi.table.TableRowCol.RowColTypes;

 * Creation of basic tables for epidemiology.
 * Tables are added using the {@link #addTable(String, String)} method.  Rows and columns are then defined,
 * and values added to cells.  Tables are then rendered to HTML using {@link #writeHtmlToFile(String, String)}.
 * @author Jeremy A. Rassen
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @author jeremy
public class TableCreator extends PharmacoepiTool {
    Map<String, Table> tables;

     * Constructor for TableCreator.
    public TableCreator() {
        this.tables = new HashMap<String, Table>();

     * Add a table definition.
     * @param tableId      Unique ID of this table.
     * @param description   Description of this table, to print as the table header.
    public void addTable(String tableId, String description) {
        tableId = TableElement.makeId(tableId);

        Table t = new Table(tableId, description);
        tables.put(tableId, t);

     * Add a header-style row to a table.
     * @param tableId   ID of the table.
     * @param parentId   ID of the row's parent.
     * @param id      Unique ID of the row.
     * @param description   Description of the row, to print as the row's text in the table output.
    public void addHeaderRowToTable(String tableId, String parentId, String id, String description) {
        this.addRowToTable(tableId, parentId, id, description, RowColTypes.HEADER);

     * Add a normal-style row to a table.
     * @param tableId   ID of the table.
     * @param parentId   ID of the row's parent.
     * @param id      Unique ID of the row.
     * @param description   Description of the row, to print as the row's text in the table output.
    public void addRowToTable(String tableId, String parentId, String id, String description) {
        this.addRowToTable(tableId, parentId, id, description, RowColTypes.NORMAL);

     * Sets the table description.
     * @param tableId      ID of the table.
     * @param description   The rows title, to print above the first table row.
    public void setTableDescription(String tableId, String description) {
        tableId = TableElement.makeId(tableId);
        Table t = this.tables.get(tableId);
        if (t == null) {
            System.out.printf("Table %s not found.\n", tableId);

        t.description = description;

     * Sets the text that appears above the first row.
     * @param tableId      ID of the table.
     * @param description   The rows title, to print above the first table row.
    public void setRowsTitle(String tableId, String description) {
        tableId = TableElement.makeId(tableId);
        Table t = this.tables.get(tableId);
        if (t == null) {
            System.out.printf("Table %s not found.\n", tableId);

        t.rowsTitle = description;

    private void addRowToTable(String tableId, String parentId, String id, String description, RowColTypes rcType) {
        tableId = TableElement.makeId(tableId);
        parentId = TableElement.makeId(parentId);
        id = TableElement.makeId(id);

        Table t = this.tables.get(tableId);
        if (t == null) {
            System.out.printf("Table %s not found.\n", tableId);

        TableRowCol r = new TableRowCol(id, description, rcType);
        if ((parentId != null) && (!parentId.trim().contentEquals("."))) {
            TableRowCol parent = t.rowsMap.get(parentId);

            if (parent != null) {
                r.parent = parent;
            } else
                System.out.printf("Attempt to add to non-existent parent %s\n", parentId);

     * Add a normal-style column to a table.
     * @param tableId   ID of the table.
     * @param parentId   ID of the column's parent.
     * @param id      Unique ID of the column.
     * @param description   Description of the column, to print as the column's text in the table output.
    public void addColToTable(String tableId, String parentId, String id, String description) {
        this.addColToTable(tableId, parentId, id, description, RowColTypes.NORMAL);

     * Add a header-style column to a table.
     * @param tableId   ID of the table.
     * @param parentId   ID of the column's parent.
     * @param id      Unique ID of the column.
     * @param description   Description of the column, to print as the column's text in the table output.
    public void addHeaderColToTable(String tableId, String parentId, String id, String description) {
        this.addColToTable(tableId, parentId, id, description, RowColTypes.HEADER);

    private void addColToTable(String tableId, String parentId, String id, String description, RowColTypes rcType) {
        tableId = TableElement.makeId(tableId);
        parentId = TableElement.makeId(parentId);
        id = TableElement.makeId(id);

        Table t = this.tables.get(tableId);
        if (t == null) {
            System.out.printf("Table %s not found.\n", tableId);

        TableRowCol c = new TableRowCol(id, description, rcType);
        if ((parentId != null) && (!parentId.trim().contentEquals("."))) {
            TableRowCol parent = t.colsMap.get(parentId);
            c.parent = parent;


     * Add a cell to the table.
     * @param tableId   ID of the table.
     * @param rowId      ID of the row.
     * @param colId      ID of the column.
     * @param description    Description of the column, to print as the cell's text in the table output.
    public void addCellToTable(String tableId, String rowId, String colId, String description) {
        tableId = TableElement.makeId(tableId);
        rowId = TableElement.makeId(rowId);
        colId = TableElement.makeId(colId);

        Table t = this.tables.get(tableId);
        if (t == null) {
            System.out.printf("Table %s not found.\n", tableId);

        TableCell c = new TableCell(rowId, colId, description);
        c.row = t.rowsMap.get(rowId);
        c.col = t.colsMap.get(colId);

     * Add a footnote to the table.
     * @param tableId   ID of the table.
     * @param rowId      ID of the row (leave blank for a footnote on a column label).
     * @param colId      ID of the column (leave blank for a footnote on a row label).
     * @param footnoteSymbol    The footnote symbol.
     * @param description    The footnote text.
    public void addFootnoteToTable(String tableId, String rowId, String colId, String footnoteSymbol,
            String description) {
        tableId = TableElement.makeId(tableId);
        rowId = TableElement.makeId(rowId);
        colId = TableElement.makeId(colId);

        Table t = this.tables.get(tableId);
        if (t == null) {
            System.out.printf("Table %s not found.\n", tableId);

        TableElement e = null;

        if ((rowId == null) || (rowId.length() == 0))
            e = t.colsMap.get(colId);
        else if ((colId == null) || (colId.length() == 0))
            e = t.rowsMap.get(rowId);
            e = t.cells.get(TableCell.getCellId(rowId, colId));

        if (e == null)

        TableFootnote f = new TableFootnote(footnoteSymbol, description);

     * Get the number of cells in a table.
     * @param tableId   ID of the table.   
     * @return         Number of cells in the table.
    public int getNumCells(String tableId) {
        tableId = TableElement.makeId(tableId);

        Table t = this.tables.get(tableId);
        if (t == null)
            System.out.printf("Table %s not found.\n", tableId);

        return t.cells.size();

    private String tableToHtml(String tableId) throws Exception {
        tableId = TableElement.makeId(tableId);

        Table t = this.tables.get(tableId);
        if (t == null)
            System.out.printf("Table %s not found.\n", tableId);
        return t.toHtml();

     * Render a table as HTML and then write the HTML to a file.
     * @param tableId      ID of the table.
     * @param outputDirectory   Directory where the file should be placed.  The file will be named
     *                      with the table's ID.
     * @throws Exception
    public void writeHtmlToFile(String tableId, String outputDirectory) throws Exception {
        tableId = TableElement.makeId(tableId);

        String html = this.tableToHtml(tableId);

        String outputPath = (new File(outputDirectory)).getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + tableId + ".html";

        BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputPath));

     * Render all tables as HTML and then write the HTML to files.
     * @param tableId      ID of the table.
     * @param outputDirectory   Directory where the file should be placed.  The file will be named
     *                      with the table's ID.
     * @throws Exception
    public void writeAllHtmlToFile(String outputDirectory) throws Exception {
        for (Table table : tables.values()) {
            this.writeHtmlToFile(, outputDirectory);

    private void createTableFromSheet(Sheet sheet) throws Exception {
        String tableId = sheet.getSheetName();
        String description = sheet.getSheetName();

        Row firstRow = sheet.getRow(0);

        if (firstRow == null) {
            System.out.println("Sheet is empty.");

        this.addTable(tableId, description);
        System.out.printf("Table Creator added table: %s\n", tableId);

        LinkedHashMap<String, String> footnoteDefs = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
        LinkedHashMap<String, Cell> footnoteLinks = new LinkedHashMap<String, Cell>();

        for (Row row : sheet) {
            if (row != null) {
                boolean rowIsEmpty = true;

                for (Cell cell : row) {
                    if (!ExcelUtils.cellIsEmpty(cell)) {
                        rowIsEmpty = false;

                        if (ExcelUtils.cellIsTableDescription(cell)) {
                            this.setTableDescription(tableId, cell.getStringCellValue());

                        if (ExcelUtils.cellIsRowHeader(cell)) {
                            this.setRowsTitle(tableId, cell.getStringCellValue());

                        if (ExcelUtils.cellIsColumnDefinition(cell)) {
                            Cell parentCell = ExcelUtils.getColumnParentCell(sheet, row, cell);
                            RowColTypes rcType = (ExcelUtils.cellIsBold(cell) ? RowColTypes.HEADER
                                    : RowColTypes.NORMAL);

                            this.addColToTable(tableId, ExcelUtils.getCellId(parentCell),
                                    ExcelUtils.getCellId(cell), ExcelUtils.getCellContents(cell), rcType);

                            //                     System.out.printf("Added %s column %s, ID = %s, parent = %s\n",
                            //                           (rcType == RowColTypes.HEADER ? "header" : "normal"),
                            //                           ExcelUtils.getCellContents(cell),
                            //                           ExcelUtils.getCellId(cell), 
                            //                           ExcelUtils.getCellId(ExcelUtils.getColumnParentCell(sheet, row, parentCell)));

                            String footnoteRef = ExcelUtils.getCellFootnoteReference(cell);
                            if (footnoteRef != null)
                                footnoteLinks.put(footnoteRef, cell);

                        if (ExcelUtils.cellIsRowDefinition(cell)) {
                            Cell parentCell = ExcelUtils.getRowParentCell(sheet, row, cell);

                            RowColTypes rcType = (ExcelUtils.cellIsBold(cell) ? RowColTypes.HEADER
                                    : RowColTypes.NORMAL);

                            this.addRowToTable(tableId, ExcelUtils.getCellId(parentCell),
                                    ExcelUtils.getCellId(cell), ExcelUtils.getCellContents(cell), rcType);

                            //                     System.out.printf("Added %s row %s, ID = %s, parent = %s\n",
                            //                           (rcType == RowColTypes.HEADER ? "header" : "normal"),
                            //                           ExcelUtils.getCellContents(cell),
                            //                           ExcelUtils.getCellId(cell), 
                            //                           ExcelUtils.getCellId(parentCell));

                            String footnoteRef = ExcelUtils.getCellFootnoteReference(cell);
                            if (footnoteRef != null)
                                footnoteLinks.put(footnoteRef, cell);

                        if (ExcelUtils.cellIsFootnoteDefinition(cell)) {
                            String footnoteRef = ExcelUtils.getCellFootnoteDefinitionReference(cell);
                            String footnoteText = ExcelUtils.getCellFootnoteDefinitionText(cell);

                            if ((footnoteRef != null) && (footnoteText != null)) {
                                footnoteDefs.put(footnoteRef, footnoteText);

                                System.out.printf("Noted footnote definition %s : %s\n", footnoteRef, footnoteText);


                if (rowIsEmpty) {
                    this.addRowToTable(tableId, null, ExcelUtils.getRowId(row), "");
                    //               System.out.println("Added blank row");

        if (footnoteDefs.size() > 0) {
            for (String footnoteRef : footnoteDefs.keySet()) {
                Cell referredCell = footnoteLinks.get(footnoteRef);
                if (referredCell != null) {

                    String rowId = null;
                    String colId = null;
                    String id = ExcelUtils.getCellId(referredCell);
                    if (ExcelUtils.cellIsRowDefinition(referredCell))
                        rowId = id;
                    else if (ExcelUtils.cellIsColumnDefinition(referredCell))
                        colId = id;

                    this.addFootnoteToTable(tableId, rowId, colId, footnoteRef, footnoteDefs.get(footnoteRef));

                    //               System.out.printf("Added footnote %s to R[%s], C[%s] -- %s\n", 
                    //                     footnoteRef, rowId, colId, footnoteDefs.get(footnoteRef));

    private void fillTableInSheet(Sheet sheet, Table t) throws Exception {
        Row firstRow = sheet.getRow(0);

        if (firstRow == null) {
            System.out.println("Sheet is empty.");

        // Find four cells:
        Cell columnDefBottomLeft = null;
        Cell columnDefBottomRight = null;
        Cell rowDefTopRight = null;
        Cell rowDefBottomRight = null;

        for (Row row : sheet) {
            if (row != null) {
                for (Cell cell : row) {
                    // We are iterating top to bottom, left to right
                    if (ExcelUtils.cellIsColumnDefinition(cell)) {
                        // get the last cell that is on the left side
                        if ((columnDefBottomLeft == null)
                                || (cell.getColumnIndex() <= columnDefBottomLeft.getColumnIndex()))
                            columnDefBottomLeft = cell;

                        // get the last cell that is on the right side
                        if ((columnDefBottomRight == null)
                                || (cell.getColumnIndex() >= columnDefBottomRight.getColumnIndex()))
                            columnDefBottomRight = cell;


                    if (ExcelUtils.cellIsRowDefinition(cell)) {
                        // get the first cell that is on the right side
                        if ((rowDefTopRight == null) || (cell.getColumnIndex() > rowDefTopRight.getColumnIndex()))
                            rowDefTopRight = cell;

                        // get the last cell that is on the right side
                        if ((rowDefBottomRight == null)
                                || (cell.getColumnIndex() >= rowDefBottomRight.getColumnIndex()))
                            rowDefBottomRight = cell;

        if ((columnDefBottomLeft == null) || (columnDefBottomRight == null) || (rowDefTopRight == null)
                || (rowDefBottomRight == null))

        int rowFillStart = rowDefTopRight.getRowIndex();
        int rowFillEnd = rowDefBottomRight.getRowIndex();
        int colFillStart = columnDefBottomLeft.getColumnIndex();
        int colFillEnd = columnDefBottomRight.getColumnIndex();

        for (int rowIndex = rowFillStart; rowIndex <= rowFillEnd; rowIndex++) {
            Row row = sheet.getRow(rowIndex);
            for (int colIndex = colFillStart; colIndex <= colFillEnd; colIndex++) {
                Cell columnParent = ExcelUtils.getContainerColumnCell(sheet, rowIndex, colIndex);
                Cell rowParent = ExcelUtils.getContainerRowCell(sheet, rowIndex, colIndex);

                if ((columnParent != null) && (rowParent != null)) {
                    Cell cell = row.getCell(colIndex);
                    if (cell == null)
                        cell = row.createCell(colIndex);

                    String colId = TableElement.makeId(ExcelUtils.getCellId(columnParent));
                    String rowId = TableElement.makeId(ExcelUtils.getCellId(rowParent));
                    String cellId = TableCell.getCellId(rowId, colId);

                    TableCell c = t.cells.get(cellId);
                    if ((c != null) && (c.description.length() > 0))
                        ExcelUtils.setCellValue(cell, c.description);

        CellStyleLookup csl = new CellStyleLookup();
        for (Row row : sheet) {
            if (row != null) {
                for (Cell cell : row) {
                    if (ExcelUtils.cellIsStringOrBlank(cell)) {
                        String id = ExcelUtils.getCellId(cell);
                        if (id != null)

                    ExcelUtils.restyleCell(csl, cell);

     * Generate table formats by reading an Excel file.  Each sheet in the Excel file will 
     * serve as a table template.
     * @param workbookName  Name of the Excel workbook (.xls or .xlsx) with the defined tables.
     * @throws Exception
    public void createTablesFromWorkbook(String workbookName) throws Exception {
        InputStream s = new FileInputStream(workbookName);

        Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(s);
        for (int i = 0; i < workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); i++) {
            Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(i);

     * Replace the shell table in an Excel file with data from tables.
     * @param inWorkbookName  Name of the Excel workbook (.xls or .xlsx) with the defined tables.
     * @param outWorkbookName  Name of the Excel workbook (.xls or .xlsx) to use for output.  Any existing file will be replaced.
     * @throws Exception
    public void writeTablesToWorkbook(String inWorkbookName, String outWorkbookName) throws Exception {
        InputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream(inWorkbookName);

        Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(fileIn);
        for (int i = 0; i < workbook.getNumberOfSheets(); i++) {
            Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(i);
            String tableId = TableElement.makeId(sheet.getSheetName());
            Table t = this.tables.get(tableId);
            if (t != null)
                this.fillTableInSheet(sheet, t);

        FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(outWorkbookName);

    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();

        for (Table table : this.tables.values()) {

        return output.toString();