Java tutorial
package org.drools.guvnor.client.packages; /* * Copyright 2005 JBoss Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.drools.guvnor.client.categorynav.CategoryExplorerWidget; import org.drools.guvnor.client.categorynav.CategorySelectHandler; import org.drools.guvnor.client.common.FormStylePopup; import org.drools.guvnor.client.common.GenericCallback; import org.drools.guvnor.client.common.ImageButton; import org.drools.guvnor.client.common.InfoPopup; import org.drools.guvnor.client.common.LoadingPopup; import org.drools.guvnor.client.common.PrettyFormLayout; import org.drools.guvnor.client.common.SmallLabel; import org.drools.guvnor.client.common.StatusChangePopup; import org.drools.guvnor.client.common.ValidationMessageWidget; import org.drools.guvnor.client.rpc.PackageConfigData; import org.drools.guvnor.client.rpc.RepositoryServiceFactory; import org.drools.guvnor.client.rpc.ValidatedResponse; import org.drools.guvnor.client.rulelist.EditItemEvent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This is the package editor and viewer for package configuration. * This is ALL NEW AND IMPROVED ! This one is actually used. * * @author Michael Neale */ public class PackageEditor2 extends PrettyFormLayout { private PackageConfigData conf; private HTML status; protected ValidatedResponse previousResponse; private Command close; private Command refreshPackageList; private EditItemEvent editEvent; public PackageEditor2(PackageConfigData data, Command close, Command refreshPackageList, EditItemEvent editEvent) { this.conf = data; this.close = close; this.refreshPackageList = refreshPackageList; this.editEvent = editEvent; //setStyleName( "package-Editor" ); setWidth("100%"); refreshWidgets(); } private void refreshWidgets() { clear(); FlexTable headerWidgets = new FlexTable(); headerWidgets.setWidget(0, 0, new HTML("<b>Package name:</b>")); headerWidgets.setWidget(0, 1, new Label(; if (!conf.isSnapshot) { //headerWidgets.setWidget(1, 1, modifyWidgets() ); headerWidgets.setWidget(1, 0, modifyWidgets()); headerWidgets.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(1, 0, 2); } addHeader("images/package_large.png", headerWidgets); //addHeader( "images/package_large.png", headerWidgets ); startSection("Configuration"); addRow(warnings()); addAttribute("Configuration:", header()); addAttribute("Description:", description()); addAttribute("Category Rules:", getAddCatRules()); addAttribute("", getShowCatRules()); if (!conf.isSnapshot) { Button save = new Button("Save and validate configuration"); save.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { doSaveAction(null); } }); addAttribute("", save); } endSection(); if (!conf.isSnapshot) { startSection("Build and validate"); addRow(new PackageBuilderWidget(this.conf, editEvent)); endSection(); } startSection("Information"); if (!conf.isSnapshot) { addAttribute("Last modified:", new Label(getDateString(conf.lastModified))); } addAttribute("Last contributor:", new Label(this.conf.lasContributor)); addAttribute("Date created:", new Label(getDateString(this.conf.dateCreated))); Button buildSource = new Button("Show package source"); buildSource.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { PackageBuilderWidget.doBuildSource(conf.uuid,; } }); addAttribute("View source for package:", buildSource); HTML html = new HTML("<a href='" + getDownloadLink(this.conf) + "' target='_blank'>Download source</a>"); addAttribute("Download package source:", html); status = new HTML(); HorizontalPanel statusBar = new HorizontalPanel(); Image editState = new ImageButton("images/edit.gif"); editState.setTitle("Change status."); editState.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { showStatusChanger(w); } }); statusBar.add(status); if (!this.conf.isSnapshot) { statusBar.add(editState); } setState(conf.state); addAttribute("Status:", statusBar); endSection(); } private Widget getShowCatRules() { if (conf.catRules != null && conf.catRules.size() > 0) { VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); for (Iterator i = conf.catRules.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.add(new SmallLabel("All rules for Category: \"<u>")); hp.add(new SmallLabel((String) entry.getValue())); hp.add(new SmallLabel("\"</u> will now extend Rule: \"<u>")); hp.add(new SmallLabel((String) entry.getKey())); hp.add(new SmallLabel("</u>\"")); hp.add(getRemoveCatRulesIcon((String) entry.getKey())); vp.add(hp); } return (vp); } return new HTML(" "); } private Image getRemoveCatRulesIcon(final String rule) { Image remove = new Image("images/delete_item_small.gif"); remove.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { if (Window.confirm("Remove this Category Rule?")) { conf.catRules.remove(rule); refreshWidgets(); } } }); return remove; } private Widget getAddCatRules() { Image add = new ImageButton("images/new_item.gif"); add.setTitle( "Add a Category Rule to the Package, to automatically add rule LHS to all rules in this category."); add.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { showCatRuleSelector(w); } }); HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.add(add); hp.add(new InfoPopup("Category parent rules", "This allows you to set 'parent rules' for a category." + " Any rules appearing in the given category will 'extend' the rule specified - ie inherit the conditions/LHS. ")); return hp; } private void addToCatRules(String category, String rule) { if (null != category && null != rule) { if (conf.catRules == null) { conf.catRules = new HashMap<String, String>(); } conf.catRules.put(rule, category); } } protected void showCatRuleSelector(Widget w) { final FormStylePopup pop = new FormStylePopup("images/config.png", "Add a Category Rule to the Package"); final Button addbutton = new Button("OK"); final TextBox ruleName = new TextBox(); final CategoryExplorerWidget exw = new CategoryExplorerWidget(new CategorySelectHandler() { public void selected(String selectedPath) { //not needed } }); ruleName.setVisibleLength(15); addbutton.setTitle("Create Category Rule."); addbutton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { if (exw.getSelectedPath().length() > 0 && ruleName.getText().trim().length() > 0) { addToCatRules(exw.getSelectedPath(), ruleName.getText()); } refreshWidgets(); pop.hide(); } }); pop.addAttribute("All the rules in category: ", exw); pop.addAttribute("Will extend the rule called: ", ruleName); pop.addAttribute("", addbutton);; } private String getDateString(Date d) { if (d != null) return d.toLocaleString(); else return ""; } private Widget warnings() { if (this.previousResponse != null && this.previousResponse.hasErrors) { Image img = new Image("images/warning.gif"); HorizontalPanel h = new HorizontalPanel(); h.add(img); HTML msg = new HTML("<b>There were errors validating this package configuration."); h.add(msg); Button show = new Button("View errors"); show.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { ValidationMessageWidget wid = new ValidationMessageWidget(previousResponse.errorHeader, previousResponse.errorMessage);; } }); h.add(show); return h; } else { return new SimplePanel(); } } /** * Get a download link for the binary package. */ public static String getDownloadLink(PackageConfigData conf) { String hurl = GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "package/" +; if (!conf.isSnapshot) { hurl = hurl + "/" + SnapshotView.LATEST_SNAPSHOT + ".drl"; } else { hurl = hurl + "/" + conf.snapshotName + ".drl"; } final String uri = hurl; return uri; } protected void showStatusChanger(Widget w) { final StatusChangePopup pop = new StatusChangePopup(conf.uuid, true); pop.setChangeStatusEvent(new Command() { public void execute() { setState(pop.getState()); } });; } private void setState(String state) { status.setHTML("<b>" + state + "</b>"); } /** * This will get the save widgets. */ private Widget modifyWidgets() { HorizontalPanel horiz = new HorizontalPanel(); Button copy = new Button("Copy"); copy.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { showCopyDialog(); } }); horiz.add(copy); Button rename = new Button("Rename"); rename.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { showRenameDialog(); } }); horiz.add(rename); Button archive = new Button("Archive"); archive.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { if (Window.confirm("Are you sure you want to archive (remove) this package?")) { conf.archived = true; Command ref = new Command() { public void execute() { close.execute(); refreshPackageList.execute(); } }; doSaveAction(ref); } } }); horiz.add(archive); return horiz; } private void showRenameDialog() { final FormStylePopup pop = new FormStylePopup("images/new_wiz.gif", "Rename the package"); pop.addRow(new HTML("<i>Rename the package. A new unique name is required.</i>")); final TextBox name = new TextBox(); pop.addAttribute("New package name:", name); Button ok = new Button("OK"); pop.addAttribute("", ok); ok.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { RepositoryServiceFactory.getService().renamePackage(conf.uuid, name.getText(), new GenericCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object data) { refreshPackageList.execute(); = name.getText(); refreshWidgets(); Window.alert("Package renamed successfully."); pop.hide(); } }); } });; } /** * Will show a copy dialog for copying the whole package. */ private void showCopyDialog() { final FormStylePopup pop = new FormStylePopup("images/new_wiz.gif", "Copy the package"); pop.addRow(new HTML("<i>Copy the package and all its assets. A new unique name is required.</i>")); final TextBox name = new TextBox(); pop.addAttribute("New package name:", name); Button ok = new Button("OK"); pop.addAttribute("", ok); ok.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { if (!PackageNameValidator.validatePackageName(name.getText())) { Window.alert("Not a valid package name."); return; } RepositoryServiceFactory.getService().copyPackage(, name.getText(), new GenericCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object data) { refreshPackageList.execute(); Window.alert("Package copied successfully."); pop.hide(); } }); } });; } protected void doCopyPackage(String name) { } private void doSaveAction(final Command refresh) { LoadingPopup.showMessage("Saving package configuration. Please wait ..."); RepositoryServiceFactory.getService().savePackage(this.conf, new GenericCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object data) { previousResponse = (ValidatedResponse) data; reload(); LoadingPopup.showMessage("Package configuration updated successfully, refreshing content cache..."); SuggestionCompletionCache.getInstance().refreshPackage(, new Command() { public void execute() { if (refresh != null) { refresh.execute(); } LoadingPopup.close(); } }); } }); } /** * Will refresh all the data. */ private void reload() { LoadingPopup.showMessage("Refreshing package data..."); RepositoryServiceFactory.getService().loadPackageConfig(this.conf.uuid, new GenericCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object data) { LoadingPopup.close(); conf = (PackageConfigData) data; refreshWidgets(); } }); } private Widget externalURI() { final TextBox box = new TextBox(); box.setWidth("100%"); box.setText(this.conf.externalURI); box.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(Widget w) { conf.externalURI = box.getText(); } }); return box; } private Widget header() { return new PackageHeaderWidget(this.conf); // final TextArea area = new TextArea(); // area.setWidth( "100%" ); // area.setVisibleLines( 8 ); // // area.setCharacterWidth( 100 ); // // area.setText( this.conf.header ); // area.addChangeListener( new ChangeListener() { // public void onChange(Widget w) { // conf.header = area.getText(); // } // }); // // // // HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); // panel.add( area ); // // VerticalPanel vert = new VerticalPanel(); // // Image max = new Image("images/max_min.gif"); // max.addClickListener( new ClickListener() { // public void onClick(Widget w) { // if (area.getVisibleLines() != 32) { // area.setVisibleLines( 32 ); // } else { // area.setVisibleLines( 8 ); // } // } // } ); // max.setTitle( "Increase view area." ); // vert.add( max ); // // Image newImport = new Image("images/new_import.gif"); // newImport.addClickListener( new ClickListener() { // public void onClick(Widget w) { // area.setText( area.getText( ) + "\n" + // "import <your class here>"); // conf.header = area.getText(); // } // }); // vert.add( newImport ); // newImport.setTitle( "Add a new Type/Class import to the package." ); // // Image newGlobal = new Image("images/new_global.gif"); // newGlobal.addClickListener( new ClickListener() { // public void onClick(Widget w) { // area.setText( area.getText() + "\n" + // "global <your class here> <variable name>"); // conf.header = area.getText(); // } // }); // newGlobal.setTitle( "Add a new global variable declaration." ); // vert.add( newGlobal ); // // Image newFactTemplate = new Image("images/fact_template.gif"); // newFactTemplate.addClickListener( new ClickListener() { // public void onClick(Widget w) { // final FactTemplateWizard wiz = new FactTemplateWizard(); // wiz.setOKClick( new Command() { // public void execute() { // area.setText( area.getText() + "\n" + // wiz.getTemplateText() ); // conf.header = area.getText(); // // } // } ); //; // } // }); // newFactTemplate.setTitle( "Add a new fact template." ); // //vert.add( newFactTemplate ); // // panel.setWidth( "100%" ); // // panel.add( vert ); // return panel; } // private HorizontalPanel expandableTextArea(final TextArea area) { // HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); // panel.add( area ); // // Image max = new Image("images/max_min.gif"); // max.setTitle( "Increase view area" ); // // panel.add( max ); // max.addClickListener( new ClickListener() { // public void onClick(Widget w) { // if (area.getVisibleLines() != 32) { // area.setVisibleLines( 32 ); // } else { // area.setVisibleLines( 8 ); // } // } // } ); // return panel; // } private Widget description() { final TextBox box = new TextBox(); box.setText(conf.description); box.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(Widget arg0) { conf.description = box.getText(); } }); box.setVisibleLength(64); return box; } }