Java tutorial
package org.drools.guvnor.client.modeldriven.ui; /* * Copyright 2005 JBoss Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.drools.guvnor.client.common.ClickableLabel; import org.drools.guvnor.client.common.DirtyableComposite; import org.drools.guvnor.client.common.DirtyableFlexTable; import org.drools.guvnor.client.common.ImageButton; import org.drools.guvnor.client.common.SmallLabel; import org.drools.guvnor.client.modeldriven.HumanReadable; import org.drools.guvnor.client.modeldriven.SuggestionCompletionEngine; import org.drools.guvnor.client.modeldriven.brl.CompositeFieldConstraint; import org.drools.guvnor.client.modeldriven.brl.FactPattern; import org.drools.guvnor.client.modeldriven.brl.FieldConstraint; import org.drools.guvnor.client.modeldriven.brl.IPattern; import org.drools.guvnor.client.modeldriven.brl.SingleFieldConstraint; import org.drools.guvnor.client.modeldriven.ui.factPattern.Connectives; import org.drools.guvnor.client.modeldriven.ui.factPattern.PopupCreator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This is the new smart widget that works off the model. * @author Michael Neale * */ public class FactPatternWidget extends DirtyableComposite { private FactPattern pattern; private SuggestionCompletionEngine completions; private RuleModeller modeller; private DirtyableFlexTable layout = new DirtyableFlexTable(); private Connectives connectives; private PopupCreator popupCreator; private boolean bindable; public FactPatternWidget(RuleModeller mod, IPattern p, SuggestionCompletionEngine com, boolean canBind) { this.pattern = (FactPattern) p; this.completions = com; this.modeller = mod; this.bindable = canBind; this.connectives = new Connectives(); this.connectives.setCompletions(completions); this.connectives.setModeller(modeller); this.connectives.setPattern(pattern); this.popupCreator = new PopupCreator(); this.popupCreator.setBindable(bindable); this.popupCreator.setCompletions(completions); this.popupCreator.setModeller(modeller); this.popupCreator.setPattern(pattern); layout.setWidget(0, 0, getPatternLabel()); FlexCellFormatter formatter = layout.getFlexCellFormatter(); formatter.setAlignment(0, 0, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); formatter.setStyleName(0, 0, "modeller-fact-TypeHeader"); ArrayList sortedConst = sortConstraints(pattern.getFieldConstraints()); pattern.setFieldConstraints(sortedConst); drawConstraints(sortedConst); if (bindable) layout.setStyleName("modeller-fact-pattern-Widget"); initWidget(layout); } /** * Render a hierarchy of constraints, hierarchy here means constaints that may * themselves depend on members of constraint objects. With this code, the GUI * enables clicking rules of the form: * * $result = RoutingResult( NerOption.types contains "arzt" ) * * @param sortedConst a sorted list of constraints to display. * */ private void drawConstraints(ArrayList sortedConst) { final DirtyableFlexTable table = new DirtyableFlexTable(); layout.setWidget(1, 0, table); List parents = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < sortedConst.size(); i++) { int tabs = -1; FieldConstraint current = (FieldConstraint) sortedConst.get(i); if (current instanceof SingleFieldConstraint) { SingleFieldConstraint single = (SingleFieldConstraint) current; FieldConstraint parent = single.parent; for (int j = 0; j < parents.size(); j++) { FieldConstraint storedParent = (FieldConstraint) parents.get(j); if (storedParent != null && storedParent.equals(parent)) { tabs = j + 1; for (int k = j + 1; k < parents.size(); k++) { parents.remove(j + 1); } parents.add(current); break; } } if (tabs < 0) { tabs = 0; parents.add(current); } } renderFieldConstraint(table, i, current, true, tabs); //now the clear icon final int currentRow = i; Image clear = new ImageButton("images/delete_item_small.gif"); clear.setTitle("Remove this whole restriction"); clear.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { if (Window.confirm("Remove this item?")) { pattern.removeConstraint(currentRow); modeller.refreshWidget(); } } }); table.setWidget(currentRow, 5, clear); } } /** * Sort the rule constraints such that parent rules are inserted directly before * their child rules. * @param constraints the list of inheriting constraints to sort. * @return a sorted list of constraints ready for display. * */ private ArrayList sortConstraints(FieldConstraint[] constraints) { ArrayList sortedConst = new ArrayList(constraints.length); for (int i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) { FieldConstraint current = constraints[i]; if (current instanceof SingleFieldConstraint) { SingleFieldConstraint single = (SingleFieldConstraint) current; int index = sortedConst.indexOf(single.parent); if (single.parent == null) { sortedConst.add(single); } else if (index >= 0) { sortedConst.add(index + 1, single); } else { insertSingleFieldConstraint(single, sortedConst); } } else { sortedConst.add(current); } } return sortedConst; } /** * Recursively add constraints and their parents. * @param sortedConst the array to fill. * @param fieldConst the constraint to investigate. * */ private void insertSingleFieldConstraint(SingleFieldConstraint fieldConst, ArrayList sortedConst) { if (fieldConst.parent instanceof SingleFieldConstraint) { insertSingleFieldConstraint((SingleFieldConstraint) fieldConst.parent, sortedConst); } sortedConst.add(fieldConst); } /** * This will render a field constraint into the given table. * The row is the row number to stick it into. */ private void renderFieldConstraint(final DirtyableFlexTable inner, int row, FieldConstraint constraint, boolean showBinding, int tabs) { //if nesting, or predicate, then it will need to span 5 cols. if (constraint instanceof SingleFieldConstraint) { renderSingleFieldConstraint(modeller, inner, row, (SingleFieldConstraint) constraint, showBinding, tabs); } else if (constraint instanceof CompositeFieldConstraint) { inner.setWidget(row, 0, compositeFieldConstraintEditor((CompositeFieldConstraint) constraint)); inner.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(row, 0, 5); } } /** * This will show the constraint editor - allowing field constraints to be nested etc. */ private Widget compositeFieldConstraintEditor(final CompositeFieldConstraint constraint) { HorizontalPanel horiz = new HorizontalPanel(); String desc = null; Image edit = new ImageButton("images/edit_tiny.gif"); edit.setTitle("Add a field to this nested constraint."); ClickListener click = new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { popupCreator.showPatternPopupForComposite(w, constraint); } }; edit.addClickListener(click); if (constraint.compositeJunctionType.equals(CompositeFieldConstraint.COMPOSITE_TYPE_AND)) { desc = "All of:"; } else { desc = "Any of:"; } //HorizontalPanel ab = new HorizontalPanel(); //ab.setStyleName( "composite-fact-pattern" ); horiz.add(edit); horiz.add(new ClickableLabel(desc, click)); //horiz.add( ab ); FieldConstraint[] nested = constraint.constraints; DirtyableFlexTable inner = new DirtyableFlexTable(); inner.setStyleName("modeller-inner-nested-Constraints"); if (nested != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nested.length; i++) { this.renderFieldConstraint(inner, i, nested[i], false, 0); //add in remove icon here... final int currentRow = i; Image clear = new ImageButton("images/delete_item_small.gif"); clear.setTitle("Remove this (nested) restriction"); clear.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { if (Window.confirm("Remove this item from nested constraint?")) { constraint.removeConstraint(currentRow); modeller.refreshWidget(); } } }); inner.setWidget(i, 5, clear); } } horiz.add(inner); return horiz; } /** * Applies a single field constraint to the given table, and start row. */ private void renderSingleFieldConstraint(final RuleModeller modeller, final DirtyableFlexTable inner, int row, final SingleFieldConstraint constraint, boolean showBinding, int tabs) { if (constraint.constraintValueType != SingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_PREDICATE) { inner.setWidget(row, 0, fieldLabel(constraint, showBinding, tabs * 20)); inner.setWidget(row, 1, operatorDropDown(constraint)); inner.setWidget(row, 2, valueEditor(constraint, constraint.fieldType)); inner.setWidget(row, 3, connectives.connectives(constraint, constraint.fieldType)); Image addConnective = new ImageButton("images/add_connective.gif"); addConnective.setTitle("Add more options to this fields values."); addConnective.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { constraint.addNewConnective(); modeller.refreshWidget(); } }); inner.setWidget(row, 4, addConnective); } else if (constraint.constraintValueType == SingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_PREDICATE) { inner.setWidget(row, 0, predicateEditor(constraint)); inner.getFlexCellFormatter().setColSpan(row, 0, 5); } } /** * This provides an inline formula editor, not unlike a spreadsheet does. */ private Widget predicateEditor(final SingleFieldConstraint c) { HorizontalPanel pred = new HorizontalPanel(); pred.setWidth("100%"); Image img = new Image("images/function_assets.gif"); img.setTitle("This is a formula expression that is evaluated to be true or false."); pred.add(img); if (c.value == null) { c.value = ""; } final TextBox box = new TextBox(); box.setText(c.value); box.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(Widget w) { c.value = box.getText(); modeller.makeDirty(); } }); box.setWidth("100%"); pred.add(box); return pred; } /** * This returns the pattern label. */ private Widget getPatternLabel() { HorizontalPanel horiz = new HorizontalPanel(); Image edit = new ImageButton("images/edit_tiny.gif"); edit.setTitle("Add a field to this condition, or bind a varible to this fact."); ClickListener click = new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { popupCreator.showPatternPopup(w, pattern.factType, null); } }; edit.addClickListener(click); if (pattern.boundName != null) { horiz.add(new ClickableLabel(pattern.factType + " <b>[" + pattern.boundName + "]</b>", click)); } else { horiz.add(new ClickableLabel(pattern.factType, click)); } horiz.add(edit); return horiz; } private Widget valueEditor(final SingleFieldConstraint c, String factType) { //String type = this.modeller.getSuggestionCompletions().getFieldType( factType, c.fieldName ); return new ConstraintValueEditor(pattern, c.fieldName, c, this.modeller, c.fieldType); } private Widget operatorDropDown(final SingleFieldConstraint c) { String[] ops = completions.getOperatorCompletions(pattern.factType, c.fieldName); final ListBox box = new ListBox(); box.addItem("--- please choose ---", ""); for (int i = 0; i < ops.length; i++) { String op = ops[i]; box.addItem(HumanReadable.getOperatorDisplayName(op), op); if (op.equals(c.operator)) { box.setSelectedIndex(i + 1); } } box.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void onChange(Widget w) { c.operator = box.getValue(box.getSelectedIndex()); if (c.operator.equals("")) c.operator = null; modeller.makeDirty(); } }); return box; } /** * get the field widget. This may be a simple label, or it may * be bound (and show the var name) or a icon to create a binding. * It will only show the binding option of showBinding is true. */ private Widget fieldLabel(final SingleFieldConstraint con, boolean showBinding, int padding) {//, final Command onChange) { HorizontalPanel ab = new HorizontalPanel(); ab.setStyleName("modeller-field-Label"); if (!con.isBound()) { if (bindable && showBinding) { ClickListener click = new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { //showBindFieldPopup(w, con); SingleFieldConstraint constraint = con; String[] fields = completions.getFieldCompletions(con.fieldType); if (fields != null) { popupCreator.showPatternPopup(w, con.fieldType, con); } else { popupCreator.showBindFieldPopup(w, con); } } }; Image bind = new ImageButton("images/edit_tiny.gif", "Give this field a variable name that can be used elsewhere."); DOM.setStyleAttribute(bind.getElement(), "marginLeft", "" + padding + "pt"); bind.addClickListener(click); ab.add(new ClickableLabel(con.fieldName, click)); ab.add(bind); } else { ab.add(new SmallLabel(con.fieldName)); } } else { ab.add(new SmallLabel(con.fieldName)); ab.add(new SmallLabel(" <b>[" + con.fieldBinding + "]</b>")); } return ab; } public boolean isDirty() { return layout.hasDirty(); } }