Java tutorial
package org.drools.brms.client.packages; /* * Copyright 2005 JBoss Inc * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import org.drools.brms.client.common.DirtyableComposite; import org.drools.brms.client.common.FormStyleLayout; import org.drools.brms.client.common.FormStylePopup; import org.drools.brms.client.common.GenericCallback; import org.drools.brms.client.common.ImageButton; import org.drools.brms.client.common.LoadingPopup; import org.drools.brms.client.rpc.PackageConfigData; import org.drools.brms.client.rpc.RepositoryServiceAsync; import org.drools.brms.client.rpc.RepositoryServiceFactory; import org.drools.brms.client.rpc.SnapshotInfo; import org.drools.brms.client.table.SortableTable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This contains a list of packages and their deployment snapshots. * * @author Michael Neale */ public class PackageSnapshotView extends Composite { private RepositoryServiceAsync service; private TabPanel tab; private FlexTable layout; public static final String LATEST_SNAPSHOT = "LATEST"; public PackageSnapshotView() { layout = new FlexTable(); tab = new TabPanel(); tab.setWidth("100%"); tab.setHeight("100%"); VerticalPanel vert = new VerticalPanel(); vert.add(layout); Button rebuild = new Button("Rebuild snapshot binaries"); rebuild.setTitle( "Rebuilding the binaries may be needed if the BRMS software was updated. Otherwise it should not be needed."); rebuild.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget arg0) { if (Window.confirm( "Rebuilding the snapshot binaries will take some time, and only needs to be done if" + " the BRMS itself has been updated recently. This will also cause the rule agents to load the rules anew." + " Are you sure you want to do this?")) { LoadingPopup.showMessage("Rebuilding snapshots. Please wait, this may take some time..."); RepositoryServiceFactory.getService().rebuildSnapshots(new GenericCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object data) { LoadingPopup.close(); Window.alert("Snapshots were rebuilt successfully."); } }); } } }); vert.add(rebuild); tab.add(vert, "<img src='images/package_snapshot.gif'>Snapshots</a>", true); layout.getCellFormatter().setWidth(0, 0, "28%"); service = RepositoryServiceFactory.getService(); refreshPackageList(); layout.setWidth("100%"); initWidget(tab); tab.selectTab(0); } private void refreshPackageList() { LoadingPopup.showMessage("Loading package list..."); service.listPackages(new GenericCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object data) { PackageConfigData[] list = (PackageConfigData[]) data; addPackages(list); LoadingPopup.close(); } }); } private void addPackages(final PackageConfigData[] list) { Tree snapTree = new Tree(); VerticalPanel packages = new VerticalPanel(); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { final String pkgName = list[i].name; TreeItem item = makeItem(pkgName, "images/package_snapshot.gif", new Command() { public void execute() { showPackage(pkgName); } }); snapTree.addItem(item); } packages.add(snapTree); HTML refresh = new HTML("Refresh list: <img src='images/refresh.gif'/>"); //Image refresh = new Image("images/refresh.gif"); refresh.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { refreshPackageList(); } }); snapTree.addTreeListener(new TreeListener() { public void onTreeItemSelected(TreeItem item) { DeferredCommand.add((Command) item.getUserObject()); } public void onTreeItemStateChanged(TreeItem a) { } }); packages.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); packages.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); packages.add(refresh); packages.setStyleName("snapshot-List"); layout.setWidget(0, 0, packages); layout.getCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); } /** * This will load up the list of snapshots for a package. */ private void showPackage(final String pkgName) { LoadingPopup.showMessage("Loading snapshots..."); service.listSnapshots(pkgName, new GenericCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object data) { SnapshotInfo[] list = (SnapshotInfo[]) data; renderListOfSnapshots(pkgName, list); LoadingPopup.close(); } }); } /** * This will render the snapshot list. */ protected void renderListOfSnapshots(String pkgName, SnapshotInfo[] list) { FormStyleLayout right = new FormStyleLayout("images/snapshot.png", "Labelled snapshots for package: " + pkgName); FlexTable table = new FlexTable(); table.setText(0, 1, "Name"); table.setText(0, 2, "Comment"); table.getRowFormatter().setStyleName(0, SortableTable.styleListHeader); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { int row = i + 1; Label name = new Label(list[i].name); table.setWidget(row, 0, new Image("images/package_snapshot_item.gif")); table.setWidget(row, 1, name); table.setWidget(row, 2, new Label(list[i].comment)); table.setWidget(row, 3, getOpenSnapshotButton(pkgName, name.getText(), list[i].uuid)); table.setWidget(row, 4, getCopyButton(pkgName, name.getText())); table.setWidget(row, 5, getDeleteButton(name.getText(), pkgName)); if (i % 2 == 0) { table.getRowFormatter().setStyleName(i + 1, SortableTable.styleEvenRow); } } right.setWidth("100%"); //right.setHeight( "100%" ); right.addRow(table); table.setWidth("100%"); right.setStyleName(SortableTable.styleList); layout.setWidget(0, 1, right); layout.getFlexCellFormatter().setVerticalAlignment(0, 1, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); } private Button getCopyButton(final String packageName, final String snapshotName) { final FormStylePopup copy = new FormStylePopup("images/snapshot.png", "Copy snapshot " + snapshotName); final TextBox box = new TextBox(); copy.addAttribute("New label:", box); Button ok = new Button("OK"); copy.addAttribute("", ok); ok.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { service.copyOrRemoveSnapshot(packageName, snapshotName, false, box.getText(), new GenericCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object data) { showPackage(packageName); copy.hide(); } }); } }); Button btn = new Button("Copy"); btn.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { copy.setPopupPosition((DirtyableComposite.getWidth() - copy.getOffsetWidth()) / 2, 100);; } }); return btn; } private Button getOpenSnapshotButton(final String pkgName, final String snapshotName, final String uuid) { Button but = new Button("Open"); but.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { openPackageSnapshot(pkgName, snapshotName, uuid); } }); return but; } private Button getDeleteButton(final String snapshotName, final String pkgName) { Button btn = new Button("Delete"); btn.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { boolean confirm = Window.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete the snapshot labelled [" + snapshotName + "] from the package [" + pkgName + "] ?"); if (!confirm) { return; } else { service.copyOrRemoveSnapshot(pkgName, snapshotName, true, null, new GenericCallback() { public void onSuccess(Object data) { showPackage(pkgName); } }); } } }); return btn; } private TreeItem makeItem(String name, String icon, Object command) { TreeItem item = new TreeItem(); item.setHTML("<img src=\"" + icon + "\">" + name + "</a>"); item.setUserObject(command); return item; } /** * This opens the package viewer, showing the contents of that snapshot. */ private void openPackageSnapshot(final String pkgName, final String snapshotName, final String uuid) { FlexTable viewLayout = new FlexTable(); String msg = "<b>Viewing snapshot labelled: </b>" + snapshotName + " for package " + pkgName + ". This should not be edited."; HorizontalPanel horiz = new HorizontalPanel(); horiz.add(new HTML(msg)); Image close = new ImageButton("images/close.gif"); close.setTitle("Close this view"); close.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget w) { tab.remove(1); tab.selectTab(0); } }); horiz.add(close); viewLayout.setWidget(0, 0, horiz); FlexCellFormatter formatter = viewLayout.getFlexCellFormatter(); formatter.setStyleName(0, 0, "editable-Surface"); viewLayout.setWidget(1, 0, new PackageManagerView(uuid, snapshotName)); viewLayout.setWidth("100%"); viewLayout.setHeight("100%"); if (tab.getWidgetCount() > 1) { tab.remove(1); } tab.add(viewLayout, "<img src='images/package_snapshot_item.gif'> " + pkgName + " [" + snapshotName + "]", true); tab.selectTab(1); } }