Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2007, Plutext Pty Ltd. * * This file is part of Docx4all. Docx4all is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. Docx4all is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Docx4all. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.util.List; import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import javax.swing.JEditorPane; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.event.CaretEvent; import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; import net.sf.vfsjfilechooser.utils.VFSURIParser; import net.sf.vfsjfilechooser.utils.VFSUtils; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileObject; import org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.docx4all.swing.ExternalHyperlinkDialog; import org.docx4all.swing.WordMLTextPane; import org.docx4all.swing.text.DocumentElement; import org.docx4all.swing.text.WordMLDocument; import org.docx4all.swing.text.WordMLFragment; import org.docx4all.swing.text.WordMLFragment.ElementMLRecord; import org.docx4all.ui.main.Constants; import org.docx4all.ui.main.ToolBarStates; import org.docx4all.ui.main.WordMLEditor; import; import org.docx4all.util.AuthenticationUtil; import org.docx4all.util.DocUtil; import org.docx4all.util.PreferenceUtil; import org.docx4all.util.XmlUtil; import org.docx4all.vfs.FileNameExtensionFilter; import org.docx4all.xml.ElementML; import org.docx4all.xml.ElementMLFactory; import org.docx4all.xml.HyperlinkML; import org.docx4all.xml.ParagraphML; import org.docx4j.XmlUtils; import org.docx4j.openpackaging.exceptions.InvalidFormatException; import org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage; import org.jdesktop.application.Action; import org.jdesktop.application.ResourceMap; /** * @author Jojada Tirtowidjojo - 21/11/2008 */ public class HyperlinkMenu extends UIMenu { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HyperlinkMenu.class); private final static HyperlinkMenu _instance = new HyperlinkMenu(); /** * The binding key used for this ViewMenu object when passed into scripting * environment */ public final static String SCRIPT_BINDING_KEY = ""; // ========== // MENU Names // ========== // Used as an argument to JMenu.setName(). // Therefore it can be used in .properties file // to configure Hyperlink Menu property in the menu bar /** * The name of JMenu object that hosts Hyperlink menu in the menu bar */ public final static String HYPERLINK_MENU_NAME = "hyperlinkMenu"; // ============ // ACTION Names // ============ // The string value of each action name must be the same as // the method name annotated by @Action tag. // Action name is used to configure Menu/Button Action property // in .properties file and get an Action object out of // Swing Application Framework /** * The action name of Link To New Document menu */ public final static String INSERT_EXTERNAL_LINK_ACTION_NAME = "insertExternalLink"; public final static String EDIT_EXTERNAL_LINK_ACTION_NAME = "editExternalLink"; public final static String INSERT_INTERNAL_LINK_ACTION_NAME = "insertInternalLink"; public final static String EDIT_INTERNAL_LINK_ACTION_NAME = "editInternalLink"; public final static String OPEN_LINKED_DOCUMENT_ACTION_NAME = "openLinkedDocument"; private static final String[] _menuItemActionNames = { INSERT_EXTERNAL_LINK_ACTION_NAME, EDIT_EXTERNAL_LINK_ACTION_NAME, SEPARATOR_CODE, INSERT_INTERNAL_LINK_ACTION_NAME, EDIT_INTERNAL_LINK_ACTION_NAME }; public static HyperlinkMenu getInstance() { return _instance; } private HyperlinkMenu() { ;// singleton } public String[] getMenuItemActionNames() { String[] names = new String[_menuItemActionNames.length]; System.arraycopy(_menuItemActionNames, 0, names, 0, _menuItemActionNames.length); return names; } public String getMenuName() { return HYPERLINK_MENU_NAME; } @Action public void insertExternalLink() { WordMLEditor editor = WordMLEditor.getInstance(WordMLEditor.class); WordMLTextPane textpane = (WordMLTextPane) editor.getCurrentEditor(); WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) textpane.getDocument(); textpane.saveCaretText(); HyperlinkML linkML = ElementMLFactory.createEmptyHyperlinkML(); String temp = textpane.getSelectedText(); if (temp != null && temp.length() > 0) { linkML.setDisplayText(temp); } ResourceMap rm = editor.getContext().getResourceMap(getClass()); temp = rm.getString(Constants.VFSJFILECHOOSER_DOCX_FILTER_DESC); if (temp == null || temp.length() == 0) { temp = "Docx Files (.docx)"; } FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter(temp, Constants.DOCX_STRING); final String sourceFilePath = (String) doc.getProperty(WordMLDocument.FILE_PATH_PROPERTY); ExternalHyperlinkDialog dialog = new ExternalHyperlinkDialog(editor, sourceFilePath, linkML, filter); dialog.pack(); dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(editor.getMainFrame()); dialog.setSize(new Dimension(510, 355)); dialog.setVisible(true); if (dialog.getValue() == ExternalHyperlinkDialog.OK_BUTTON_TEXT && linkML.getDummyTarget().lastIndexOf("/.docx") == -1) { //Because linkML is still detached, //we keep its dummy target value. //When linkML has been attached/pasted //we'll set its target to this dummy value. temp = linkML.getDummyTarget(); ElementMLRecord[] records = new ElementMLRecord[] { new ElementMLRecord(linkML, false) }; WordMLFragment fragment = new WordMLFragment(records); int start = textpane.getSelectionStart(); try { doc.lockWrite(); textpane.replaceSelection(fragment); DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getRunMLElement(start); final HyperlinkML hyperML = ((HyperlinkML) elem.getElementML().getParent()); //hyperML has now been attached/pasted. //Remember to set its target value. hyperML.setTarget(temp); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { FileObject sourceFile = VFSUtils.getFileSystemManager().resolveFile(sourceFilePath); openLinkedDocument(sourceFile, hyperML, true); } catch (FileSystemException exc) { ;//should not happen } } }); } finally { doc.unlockWrite(); } } } private WordprocessingMLPackage createNewEmptyPackage(WordprocessingMLPackage source) throws FileSystemException { WordprocessingMLPackage thePack = null; boolean copyMainDocumentPart = false; boolean copyStyleDefPart = true; boolean copyDocPropsCustomPart = true; try { thePack = XmlUtil.createNewPackage(source, copyMainDocumentPart, copyStyleDefPart, copyDocPropsCustomPart); } catch (InvalidFormatException exc) { throw new FileSystemException(exc); } return thePack; } private boolean createInFileSystem(FileObject fo, WordprocessingMLPackage source) throws FileSystemException { boolean success = false; WordprocessingMLPackage newPack = createNewEmptyPackage(source); if (newPack != null) { String targetPath = fo.getName().getURI(); FileMenu.getInstance().createInFileSystem(fo); success = FileMenu.getInstance().save(newPack, targetPath, OPEN_LINKED_DOCUMENT_ACTION_NAME); if (!success) { fo.delete(); } } return success; } @Action public void editExternalLink() { WordMLEditor editor = WordMLEditor.getInstance(WordMLEditor.class); WordMLTextPane textpane = (WordMLTextPane) editor.getCurrentEditor(); textpane.saveCaretText(); int caretPos = textpane.getCaretPosition(); WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) textpane.getDocument(); DocumentElement elem = (DocumentElement) doc.getRunMLElement(caretPos); if (elem != null && elem.getElementML().getParent() instanceof HyperlinkML) { final HyperlinkML hyperML = (HyperlinkML) elem.getElementML().getParent(); int offsWithinLink = caretPos - elem.getStartOffset(); ResourceMap rm = editor.getContext().getResourceMap(getClass()); String filterDesc = rm.getString(Constants.VFSJFILECHOOSER_DOCX_FILTER_DESC); if (filterDesc == null || filterDesc.length() == 0) { filterDesc = "Docx Files (.docx)"; } FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter(filterDesc, Constants.DOCX_STRING); final String sourceFilePath = (String) doc.getProperty(WordMLDocument.FILE_PATH_PROPERTY); ExternalHyperlinkDialog dialog = new ExternalHyperlinkDialog(editor, sourceFilePath, hyperML, filter); dialog.pack(); dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(editor.getMainFrame()); dialog.setSize(new Dimension(510, 355)); dialog.setVisible(true); if (dialog.getValue() == ExternalHyperlinkDialog.OK_BUTTON_TEXT && hyperML.getTarget().lastIndexOf("/.docx") == -1) { doc.refreshParagraphs(caretPos, 1); if (offsWithinLink <= hyperML.getDisplayText().length()) { //Caret position does not change textpane.setCaretPosition(caretPos); } else { textpane.setCaretPosition(caretPos - (offsWithinLink - hyperML.getDisplayText().length())); } SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { FileObject sourceFile = VFSUtils.getFileSystemManager().resolveFile(sourceFilePath); openLinkedDocument(sourceFile, hyperML, true); } catch (FileSystemException exc) { ;//should not happen } } }); } } } @Action public void insertInternalLink() { } @Action public void editInternalLink() { } public void openLinkedDocument(FileObject sourceFile, HyperlinkML linkML) { openLinkedDocument(sourceFile, linkML, false); } public void openLinkedDocument(FileObject sourceFile, HyperlinkML linkML, boolean autoCreateLinkedDocument) { if (autoCreateLinkedDocument && linkML.getWordprocessingMLPackage() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HyperlinkML parameter"); } final WordMLEditor editor = WordMLEditor.getInstance(WordMLEditor.class); final ResourceMap rm = editor.getContext().getResourceMap(getClass()); String title = rm.getString(OPEN_LINKED_DOCUMENT_ACTION_NAME + ".Action.text"); String errMsg = null; String targetFilePath = HyperlinkML.encodeTarget(linkML, sourceFile, false); if (targetFilePath.startsWith("file://")) { // local file try { FileObject fo = VFSUtils.getFileSystemManager().resolveFile(targetFilePath); if (!fo.exists()) { if (autoCreateLinkedDocument) { boolean success = createInFileSystem(fo, linkML.getWordprocessingMLPackage()); if (!success) { // needs not display additional error message. fo = null; } } else { fo = null; errMsg = rm.getString(OPEN_LINKED_DOCUMENT_ACTION_NAME + ".file.not.found.message", targetFilePath); } } if (fo != null) { editor.createInternalFrame(fo); final String sourceUri = sourceFile.getName().getURI(); final String targetUri = fo.getName().getURI(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { editor.tileLayout(sourceUri, targetUri); } }); } } catch (FileSystemException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); errMsg = rm.getString(OPEN_LINKED_DOCUMENT_ACTION_NAME + ".io.error.message", targetFilePath); } } else if (targetFilePath.startsWith("webdav://")) { try { boolean recordAsLastOpenUrl = false; WordprocessingMLPackage newPackage = createNewEmptyPackage(linkML.getWordprocessingMLPackage()); if (autoCreateLinkedDocument && newPackage == null) { //cannot create a new WordprocessingMLPackage. //This is an unlikely situation. //Avoid creating new linked document. //TODO: probably display a message ? autoCreateLinkedDocument = false; } FileObject fo = openWebdavDocument(targetFilePath, recordAsLastOpenUrl, autoCreateLinkedDocument, newPackage, OPEN_LINKED_DOCUMENT_ACTION_NAME); if (fo != null) { final String sourceUri = sourceFile.getName().getURI(); final String targetUri = fo.getName().getURI(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { editor.tileLayout(sourceUri, targetUri); } }); } else { //Does not need to display additional error message. //openWebdavDocument() must have displayed all necessary //messages. } } catch (FileSystemException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); errMsg = rm.getString(OPEN_LINKED_DOCUMENT_ACTION_NAME + ".io.error.message", targetFilePath); } } else { errMsg = rm.getString(OPEN_LINKED_DOCUMENT_ACTION_NAME + ".unsupported.protocol.message", targetFilePath); } if (errMsg != null) { editor.showMessageDialog(title, errMsg, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } /** * Opens a webdav document pointed by vfsWebdavUrl parameter in its own * internal frame. * * vfsWebdavUrl is a VFS Webdav URL that points to a webdav document. * It may or may not contain user credentials information. * For example: * <> webdav:// Homes/someone/AFile.docx * <> webdav:// Homes/someone/AFile.docx * <> webdav:// Homes/someone/AFile.docx * * In the event that vfsWebdavUrl does not have user credentials or its user credentials * is invalid then this method will cycle through each known user credential found in * VFSJFileChooser Bookmark in order to find an authorised user. If no such user can be * found then an authentication challenge dialog will be displayed and user has three * attempts to authenticate himself. * * @param vfsWebdavUrl a VFS Webdav Url in its friendly format. * @param recordAsLastOpenUrl a boolean flag that indicates whether vfsWebdavUrl * should be recorded as the last open url. * @param createNewIfNotFound a boolean flag that indicates whether a new webdav * document at vfsWebdavUrl should be created if it has not existed. * @param newPackage a WordprocessingMLPackage that will become the content of * newly created webdav document. This parameter must be supplied when * createNewIfNotFound parameter is true. * @param callerActionName an Action name that can be used as a key to get * resource properties in relation to dialog messages. * @return FileObject of the opened document */ public FileObject openWebdavDocument(String vfsWebdavUrl, boolean recordAsLastOpenUrl, boolean createNewIfNotFound, WordprocessingMLPackage newPackage, String callerActionName) { if (!vfsWebdavUrl.startsWith("webdav://")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a webdav uri"); } if (createNewIfNotFound && newPackage == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid newPackage parameter"); } final WordMLEditor editor = WordMLEditor.getInstance(WordMLEditor.class); final ResourceMap rm = editor.getContext().getResourceMap(getClass()); VFSURIParser uriParser = new VFSURIParser(vfsWebdavUrl, false); if (uriParser.getUsername() != null && uriParser.getUsername().length() > 0 && uriParser.getPassword() != null && uriParser.getPassword().length() > 0) { //vfsWebdavUrl has user credentials. try { FileObject fo = VFSUtils.getFileSystemManager().resolveFile(vfsWebdavUrl); if (fo.exists()) { if (recordAsLastOpenUrl) { Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(FileMenu.class); String lastFileUri = fo.getName().getURI(); prefs.put(Constants.LAST_OPENED_FILE, lastFileUri); PreferenceUtil.flush(prefs); }"\n\n Opening " + fo.getName().getURI()); editor.createInternalFrame(fo); return fo; } } catch (FileSystemException exc) { ; } } String temp = rm.getString(Constants.VFSJFILECHOOSER_DEFAULT_WEBDAV_FOLDER_BOOKMARK_NAME); if (temp == null || temp.length() == 0) { temp = "Default Webdav Folder"; } else { temp = temp.trim(); } List<String> userCredentials = org.docx4all.vfs.VFSUtil.collectUserCredentialsFromBookmark(uriParser, temp); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(uriParser.getHostname()); if (uriParser.getPortnumber() != null && uriParser.getPortnumber().length() > 0) { sb.append(":"); sb.append(uriParser.getPortnumber()); } sb.append(uriParser.getPath()); temp = sb.toString();//hostname[:port] and path vfsWebdavUrl = "webdav://" + temp; //Try each known userCredential to resolve a FileObject FileObject theFile = null; for (String uc : userCredentials) { sb.delete(0, sb.length()); sb.append("webdav://"); sb.append(uc); sb.append("@"); sb.append(temp); try { theFile = VFSUtils.getFileSystemManager().resolveFile(sb.toString()); if (theFile.exists()) { break; } else { theFile = null; } } catch (FileSystemException exc) { theFile = null; } } if (theFile != null) { //theFile exists if (recordAsLastOpenUrl) { Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(FileMenu.class); String lastFileUri = theFile.getName().getURI(); prefs.put(Constants.LAST_OPENED_FILE, lastFileUri); PreferenceUtil.flush(prefs); }"\n\n Opening " + theFile.getName().getURI()); editor.createInternalFrame(theFile); } else { //Cannot get theFile yet. //Get user to authenticate himself. String title = rm.getString(callerActionName + ".Action.text"); String errMsg = null; Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(FileMenu.class); try { theFile = AuthenticationUtil.userAuthenticationChallenge(editor, vfsWebdavUrl, title); if (theFile == null) { //user may have cancelled the authentication challenge //or unsuccessfully authenticated himself. //Because AuthenticationUtil.userAuthenticationChallenge() //has displayed authentication failure message, we do //not need to do anything here. } else if (theFile.exists()) { String lastFileUri = theFile.getName().getURI(); if (recordAsLastOpenUrl) { prefs.put(Constants.LAST_OPENED_FILE, lastFileUri); } //Record lastFileUri in bookmark. //Use file name as bookmark entry title. int idx = lastFileUri.lastIndexOf("/"); org.docx4all.vfs.VFSUtil.addBookmarkEntry(lastFileUri.substring(idx + 1), new VFSURIParser(lastFileUri, false));"\n\n Opening " + lastFileUri); editor.createInternalFrame(theFile); } else if (createNewIfNotFound) { boolean success = createInFileSystem(theFile, newPackage); if (success) { String lastFileUri = theFile.getName().getURI(); if (recordAsLastOpenUrl) { prefs.put(Constants.LAST_OPENED_FILE, lastFileUri); } //Record lastFileUri in bookmark. //Use file name as bookmark entry title. int idx = lastFileUri.lastIndexOf("/"); org.docx4all.vfs.VFSUtil.addBookmarkEntry(lastFileUri.substring(idx + 1), new VFSURIParser(lastFileUri, false));"\n\n Opening " + lastFileUri); editor.createInternalFrame(theFile); } else { theFile = null; errMsg = rm.getString(callerActionName + "", vfsWebdavUrl); } } else { theFile = null; errMsg = rm.getString(callerActionName + ".file.not.found.message", vfsWebdavUrl); } } catch (FileSystemException exc) { exc.printStackTrace(); theFile = null; errMsg = rm.getString(callerActionName + "", vfsWebdavUrl); } finally { PreferenceUtil.flush(prefs); } if (errMsg != null) { theFile = null; editor.showMessageDialog(title, errMsg, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } return theFile; } //openWebdavDocument() protected JMenuItem createMenuItem(String actionName) { JMenuItem theItem = super.createMenuItem(actionName); theItem.setEnabled(false); WordMLEditor editor = WordMLEditor.getInstance(WordMLEditor.class); ToolBarStates toolbarStates = editor.getToolbarStates(); if (INSERT_EXTERNAL_LINK_ACTION_NAME.equals(actionName)) { toolbarStates.addPropertyChangeListener(ToolBarStates.CARET_UPDATE_PROPERTY_NAME, new InsertHyperlinkEnabler(theItem)); } else if (EDIT_EXTERNAL_LINK_ACTION_NAME.equals(actionName)) { toolbarStates.addPropertyChangeListener(ToolBarStates.CARET_UPDATE_PROPERTY_NAME, new EditHyperlinkEnabler(theItem)); } return theItem; } private static class InsertHyperlinkEnabler extends CaretUpdateEnabler { InsertHyperlinkEnabler(JMenuItem item) { super(item); } protected boolean isMenuEnabled(CaretEvent caretEvent) { boolean isEnabled = false; if (caretEvent != null) { WordMLEditor wmlEditor = WordMLEditor.getInstance(WordMLEditor.class); JEditorPane source = (JEditorPane) caretEvent.getSource(); if (source instanceof WordMLTextPane && source == wmlEditor.getView(wmlEditor.getEditorViewTabTitle())) { WordMLTextPane textpane = (WordMLTextPane) source; WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) textpane.getDocument(); int start = textpane.getSelectionStart(); int end = textpane.getSelectionEnd(); if (start == end) { //no selection isEnabled = canInsert(doc, start); } else { isEnabled = canInsert(doc, start, end); } } } return isEnabled; } private boolean canInsert(WordMLDocument doc, int offset) { boolean canInsert = true; WordMLDocument.TextElement elem = DocUtil.getInputAttributeElement(doc, offset, null); if (elem != null && elem.getStartOffset() < offset && offset < elem.getEndOffset()) { ElementML runML = elem.getElementML().getParent(); canInsert = elem.isEditable() && (runML.getParent() instanceof ParagraphML); } return canInsert; } private boolean canInsert(WordMLDocument doc, int start, int end) { boolean canInsert = false; try { String s = doc.getText(start, (end - start)); canInsert = (s.indexOf(Constants.NEWLINE) == -1); } catch (BadLocationException exc) { //ignore } return canInsert; } } //InsertHyperlinkEnabler inner class private static class EditHyperlinkEnabler extends CaretUpdateEnabler { EditHyperlinkEnabler(JMenuItem item) { super(item); } protected boolean isMenuEnabled(CaretEvent caretEvent) { boolean isEnabled = false; if (caretEvent != null) { WordMLEditor wmlEditor = WordMLEditor.getInstance(WordMLEditor.class); JEditorPane source = (JEditorPane) caretEvent.getSource(); if (source instanceof WordMLTextPane && source == wmlEditor.getView(wmlEditor.getEditorViewTabTitle())) { WordMLTextPane textpane = (WordMLTextPane) source; if (textpane.getSelectionStart() == textpane.getSelectionEnd()) { //no selection WordMLDocument doc = (WordMLDocument) textpane.getDocument(); int offset = textpane.getCaretPosition(); WordMLDocument.TextElement elem = DocUtil.getInputAttributeElement(doc, offset, null); if (elem != null && elem.getStartOffset() < offset && offset < elem.getEndOffset()) { ElementML runML = elem.getElementML().getParent(); isEnabled = (runML.getParent() instanceof HyperlinkML); } } } } return isEnabled; } } //EditHyperlinkEnabler inner class }// HyperlinkMenu class