Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package org.dmu.expertiserecognition; import*; import static org.dmu.expertiserecognition.ScopusServlet.checkJsonElement; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Iterator; /** * * @author ruben */ class ResultsInfo { int totalResults; int startIndex; int itemsPerPage; } class Affil { String affilName; String affilCity; String affilCountry; Affil() { affilName = ""; affilCity = ""; affilCountry = ""; } } class Entry { String title; String publicationName; String issn; String doi; String citation; String year; ArrayList<String> authors; ArrayList<Affil> affils; double sjr; double impactFactor; double h5index; double eigenFactor; int citedby; Entry() { affils = new ArrayList<>(); authors = new ArrayList<>(); title = ""; publicationName = ""; issn = ""; doi = ""; citation = ""; } } public class ScopusSearcher { private static final String scopusApiKey = "43e2792c40dbfd6f3b423840c8f6d82c"; private static final int resultsLimit = 5000; private final DoiFullAuthorList dfal; int respCode; String respContent; int startYear; int endYear; ResultsInfo resultsInfo; JsonArray entries; public ScopusSearcher() { respCode = 0; respContent = ""; endYear = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1; startYear = endYear - 2; resultsInfo = new ResultsInfo(); dfal = new DoiFullAuthorList(); } public ScopusResults search(SearchQuery sq) throws Exception { String searchstr = sq.query; ScopusResults res = new ScopusResults(); externalGet(sq); res.responseCode = respCode; res.response = respContent; res.searchTerm = searchstr; res.yearsRange = (endYear + 1 - sq.years) + " - " + endYear; if (respCode != 200) return res; extractResults(); res.totalResults = resultsInfo.totalResults; if (resultsInfo.totalResults > resultsLimit) { res.responseCode = -999; res.response = "Please narrow search. Too many results returned: " + resultsInfo.totalResults; return res; } System.out.println("Search term = " + searchstr); printResultsInfo(resultsInfo); res.analyzeEntries(extractEntries(entries)); while (resultsInfo.startIndex + resultsInfo.itemsPerPage < resultsInfo.totalResults) { externalGet(sq, resultsInfo.startIndex + resultsInfo.itemsPerPage); res.responseCode = respCode; res.response = respContent; if (respCode != 200) return res; extractResults(); printResultsInfo(resultsInfo); res.analyzeEntries(extractEntries(entries)); } res.convertAllMapsToSortedLists(); System.out.println("Search completed"); res.updateTimestamp(); return res; } private static void printResultsInfo(ResultsInfo resultsInfo) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("startIndex = "); sb.append(resultsInfo.startIndex); sb.append(", itemsPerPage = "); sb.append(resultsInfo.itemsPerPage); sb.append(", totalResults = "); sb.append(resultsInfo.totalResults); System.out.println(sb); } private void extractResults() { JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonObject jsonMain = parser.parse(respContent).getAsJsonObject(); JsonObject resultHeader = jsonMain.get("search-results").getAsJsonObject(); entries = resultHeader.get("entry").getAsJsonArray(); resultsInfo.totalResults = resultHeader.get("opensearch:totalResults").getAsInt(); resultsInfo.itemsPerPage = resultHeader.get("opensearch:itemsPerPage").getAsInt(); resultsInfo.startIndex = resultHeader.get("opensearch:startIndex").getAsInt(); } private ArrayList<Entry> extractEntries(JsonArray jsonArr) throws Exception { Iterator<JsonElement> iter = jsonArr.iterator(); JsonObject jsonEntry; ArrayList<Entry> entries1 = new ArrayList<>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { jsonEntry =; entries1.add(extractEntry(jsonEntry)); } return entries1; } private Entry extractEntry(JsonObject jsonEntry) throws Exception { Entry entry = new Entry(); if (checkJsonElement(jsonEntry.get("dc:title"))) entry.title = jsonEntry.get("dc:title").getAsString(); String creator = ""; if (checkJsonElement(jsonEntry.get("dc:creator"))) creator = jsonEntry.get("dc:creator").getAsString(); if (checkJsonElement(jsonEntry.get("prism:publicationName"))) entry.publicationName = jsonEntry.get("prism:publicationName").getAsString(); if (checkJsonElement(jsonEntry.get("prism:issn"))) entry.issn = jsonEntry.get("prism:issn").getAsString(); if (checkJsonElement(jsonEntry.get("prism:doi"))) entry.doi = jsonEntry.get("prism:doi").getAsString(); if (checkJsonElement(jsonEntry.get("prism:coverDate"))) { entry.year = jsonEntry.get("prism:coverDate").getAsString().substring(0, 4); } JsonArray jsonAffils = new JsonArray(); if (checkJsonElement(jsonEntry.get("citedby-count"))) entry.citedby = jsonEntry.get("citedby-count").getAsInt(); if (checkJsonElement(jsonEntry.get("affiliation"))) jsonAffils = jsonEntry.get("affiliation").getAsJsonArray(); Iterator<JsonElement> iter = jsonAffils.iterator(); JsonObject jsonAffil; Affil aff; while (iter.hasNext()) { aff = new Affil(); jsonAffil =; if (checkJsonElement(jsonAffil.get("affilname"))) aff.affilName = jsonAffil.get("affilname").getAsString(); if (checkJsonElement(jsonAffil.get("affiliation-city"))) aff.affilCity = jsonAffil.get("affiliation-city").getAsString(); if (checkJsonElement(jsonAffil.get("affiliation-country"))) aff.affilCountry = jsonAffil.get("affiliation-country").getAsString(); entry.affils.add(aff); } doiResults dr = dfal.getAuthorListFromDoi(entry.doi, creator); entry.authors = dr.authList; entry.citation = dr.citation; if ((entry.doi != null) && (entry.doi.isEmpty() == false)) entry.year = dr.year; entry.sjr = JournalRankDB.getInstance().querySJR(entry.title, entry.issn); entry.impactFactor = JournalRankDB.getInstance().queryIF(entry.title, entry.issn); entry.h5index = JournalRankDB.getInstance().queryGSC(entry.title, entry.issn); entry.eigenFactor = 1000 * JournalRankDB.getInstance().queryEF(entry.title, entry.issn); return entry; } private int externalGet(SearchQuery sq) throws Exception { return externalGet(sq, 0); } private int externalGet(SearchQuery sq, int startidx) throws Exception { respCode = 0; respContent = ""; StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(""); url.append("?query="); url.append(URLEncoder.encode(sq.query, "UTF-8")); url.append("&date="); url.append(endYear + 1 - sq.years); url.append("-"); url.append(endYear); url.append("&start="); url.append(startidx); url.append("&suppressNavLinks=true"); URL obj = new URL(url.toString()); HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection(); // optional default is GET con.setRequestMethod("GET"); //add request header con.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json"); con.setRequestProperty("X-ELS-APIKey", scopusApiKey); respCode = con.getResponseCode(); StringBuffer response; try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()))) { String inputLine; response = new StringBuffer(); while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) { response.append(inputLine); } } respContent = response.toString(); return respCode; } }