Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2016, Jens Lehmann
 * This file is part of DL-Learner.
 * DL-Learner is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * DL-Learner is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package org.dllearner.utilities;

import org.dllearner.core.AbstractReasonerComponent;
import org.dllearner.utilities.datastructures.SortedSetTuple;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.util.*;

 * TODO: JavaDoc
 * @author Jens Lehmann
public class Helper {

    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Helper.class);
    private static final OWLDataFactory df = new OWLDataFactoryImpl();

    public static String prettyPrintNanoSeconds(long nanoSeconds) {
        return prettyPrintNanoSeconds(nanoSeconds, false, false);

    // formatiert Nano-Sekunden in einen leserlichen String
    public static String prettyPrintNanoSeconds(long nanoSeconds, boolean printMicros, boolean printNanos) {
        // String str = "";
        // long seconds = 0;
        // long milliSeconds = 0;
        // long microseconds = 0;

        long seconds = nanoSeconds / 1000000000;
        nanoSeconds = nanoSeconds % 1000000000;

        long milliSeconds = nanoSeconds / 1000000;
        nanoSeconds = nanoSeconds % 1000000;

        // Mikrosekunden werden immer angezeigt, Sekunden nur falls grer 0
        String str = "";
        if (seconds > 0)
            str = seconds + "s ";
        str += milliSeconds + "ms";

        if (printMicros) {
            long microSeconds = nanoSeconds / 1000;
            nanoSeconds = nanoSeconds % 1000;
            str += " " + microSeconds + "usec";
        if (printNanos) {
            str += " " + nanoSeconds + "ns";

        return str;

    public static String prettyPrintMilliSeconds(long milliSeconds) {

        long seconds = milliSeconds / 1000;
        milliSeconds = milliSeconds % 1000;

        // Mikrosekunden werden immer angezeigt, Sekunden nur falls grer 0
        String str = "";
        if (seconds > 0)
            str = seconds + "s ";
        str += milliSeconds + "ms";

        return str;

    public static <T> Set<T> intersectionTuple(Set<T> set, SortedSetTuple<T> tuple) {
        Set<T> ret = Sets.intersection(set, tuple.getPosSet());
        return ret;

    // Umwandlung von Menge von Individuals auf Menge von Strings
    public static SortedSet<OWLIndividual> getIndividualSet(Collection<String> individuals) {
        return -> df.getOWLNamedIndividual(IRI.create(s)))

    public static SortedSetTuple<OWLIndividual> getIndividualTuple(SortedSetTuple<String> tuple) {
        return new SortedSetTuple<>(getIndividualSet(tuple.getPosSet()), getIndividualSet(tuple.getNegSet()));

    public static SortedSetTuple<String> getStringTuple(SortedSetTuple<OWLIndividual> tuple) {
        return new SortedSetTuple<>(getStringSet(tuple.getPosSet()), getStringSet(tuple.getNegSet()));

    // Umwandlung von Menge von Individuals auf Menge von Strings
    public static SortedSet<String> getStringSet(Collection<OWLIndividual> individuals) {

    public static Map<String, SortedSet<String>> getStringMap(
            Map<OWLIndividual, SortedSet<OWLIndividual>> roleMembers) {
        Map<String, SortedSet<String>> ret = new TreeMap<>();
        for (OWLIndividual i : roleMembers.keySet()) {
            ret.put(i.toStringID(), getStringSet(roleMembers.get(i)));
        return ret;

    // concepts case 1: no ignore or allowed list
    public static <T extends OWLEntity> Set<T> computeEntities(AbstractReasonerComponent rs,
            EntityType<T> entityType) {
        // if there is no ignore or allowed list, we just ignore the concepts
        // of uninteresting namespaces
        if (entityType == EntityType.CLASS) {
            return (Set<T>) rs.getClasses();
        } else if (entityType == EntityType.OBJECT_PROPERTY) {
            return (Set<T>) rs.getObjectProperties();
        } else if (entityType == EntityType.DATA_PROPERTY) {
            return (Set<T>) rs.getDatatypeProperties();
        return null;

    // concepts case 1: no ignore or allowed list
    public static Set<OWLClass> computeConcepts(AbstractReasonerComponent rs) {
        // if there is no ignore or allowed list, we just ignore the concepts
        // of uninteresting namespaces
        Set<OWLClass> concepts = rs.getClasses();
        //      Helper.removeUninterestingConcepts(concepts);
        return concepts;

    public static <T extends OWLEntity> Set<T> computeEntitiesUsingIgnoreList(AbstractReasonerComponent rs,
            EntityType<T> entityType, Set<T> ignoredEntites) {
        Set<T> entities;

        if (entityType == EntityType.CLASS) {
            entities = (Set<T>) rs.getClasses();
        } else if (entityType == EntityType.OBJECT_PROPERTY) {
            entities = (Set<T>) rs.getObjectProperties();
        } else if (entityType == EntityType.DATA_PROPERTY) {
            entities = (Set<T>) rs.getDatatypeProperties();
        } else {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Entity type " + entityType + " currently not supported.");

        entities = new TreeSet<>(entities);

        for (T entity : ignoredEntites) {
            boolean success = entities.remove(entity);
            if (!success) {
                logger.warn("Warning: Ignored entity " + entity + " does not exist in knowledge base.");
        return entities;

    // concepts case 2: ignore list
    public static Set<OWLClass> computeConceptsUsingIgnoreList(AbstractReasonerComponent rs,
            Set<OWLClass> ignoredConcepts) {
        Set<OWLClass> concepts = new TreeSet<>(rs.getClasses());
        //      Helper.removeUninterestingConcepts(concepts);
        for (OWLClass ac : ignoredConcepts) {
            boolean success = concepts.remove(ac);
            if (!success)
                logger.warn("Warning: Ignored concept " + ac + " does not exist in knowledge base.");
        return concepts;

     * Checks whether the roles exist in background knowledge
     * @param roles The roles to check.
     * @return The first non-existing role or null if they are all in the
     * background knowledge.
    public static OWLObjectProperty checkRoles(AbstractReasonerComponent rs, Set<OWLObjectProperty> roles) {
        Set<OWLObjectProperty> existingRoles = rs.getObjectProperties();
        for (OWLObjectProperty ar : roles) {
            if (!existingRoles.contains(ar))
                return ar;
        return null;

     * Checks whether the entities exist in background knowledge
     * @param entities The entities to check.
     * @return The first non-existing entity or null if they are all in the
     * background knowledge.
    public static <T extends OWLEntity> T checkEntities(AbstractReasonerComponent rs, Set<T> entities) {
        Set<T> existingEntities = (Set<T>) computeEntities(rs, entities.iterator().next().getEntityType());
        for (T entity : entities) {
            if (!existingEntities.contains(entity))
                return entity;
        return null;

     * Checks whether the roles exist in background knowledge
     * @param concepts The concepts to check.
     * @return The first non-existing role or null if they are all in the
     * background knowledge.
    public static OWLClass checkConcepts(AbstractReasonerComponent rs, Set<OWLClass> concepts) {
        Set<OWLClass> existingConcepts = rs.getClasses();
        for (OWLClass ar : concepts) {
            if (!existingConcepts.contains(ar))
                return ar;
        return null;
