Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Jens Lehmann * * This file is part of DL-Learner. * * DL-Learner is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DL-Learner is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package org.dllearner.cli; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.dllearner.cli.DocumentationGeneratorMeta.GlobalDoc; import org.dllearner.configuration.spring.editors.ConfigHelper; import org.dllearner.core.*; import org.dllearner.core.config.ConfigOption; import org.dllearner.utilities.Files; import org.reflections.Reflections; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLClass; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * * @author Jens Lehmann * */ @SuppressWarnings("StringConcatenationInsideStringBufferAppend") public class DocumentationGenerator { static { if (System.getProperty("log4j.configuration") == null) System.setProperty("log4j.configuration", ""); AnnComponentManager.setReflectionScanner(new Reflections()); org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(AnnComponentManager.class).setLevel(Level.DEBUG); } private AnnComponentManager cm = AnnComponentManager.getInstance(); private static final Map<Class, String> varNameMapping = new HashMap<>(); static { varNameMapping.put(LearningAlgorithm.class, "la"); varNameMapping.put(LearningProblem.class, "lp"); varNameMapping.put(KnowledgeSource.class, "ks"); varNameMapping.put(AbstractReasonerComponent.class, "reasoner"); varNameMapping.put(org.dllearner.core.Heuristic.class, "h"); varNameMapping.put(org.dllearner.refinementoperators.RefinementOperator.class, "op"); } public String getConfigDocumentationString() { String doc = ""; doc += "This file contains an automatically generated files of all components and their config options.\n\n"; Set<Class<?>> componentsDone = new HashSet<>(); Class<?>[] nonComponentClasses = { CLI.class, GlobalDoc.class }; // go through all types of components and write down their documentation List<Class> coreComps = Arrays.asList(AnnComponentManager.coreComponentClasses); Collections.reverse(coreComps); LinkedList<String> cc = new LinkedList<>(); doc += "*************************\n" + "* Non-component classes *\n" + "*************************\n\n"; for (Class<?> comp : nonComponentClasses) { if (componentsDone.contains(comp)) continue; doc += getComponentConfigString(comp, Class.class); componentsDone.add(comp); } for (Class<?> cats : coreComps) { ComponentAnn ann = cats.getAnnotation(ComponentAnn.class); String name = cats.getSimpleName(); if (ann != null) { name =; } StringBuilder sc = new StringBuilder(); sc.append("\n" + Strings.repeat("*", name.length() + 4) + "\n" + "* " + name + " *\n" + Strings.repeat("*", name.length() + 4) + "\n\n"); for (Class<? extends Component> comp : cm.getComponentsOfType(cats)) { if (componentsDone.contains(comp)) continue; sc.append(getComponentConfigString(comp, cats)); componentsDone.add(comp); } cc.addFirst(sc.toString()); } doc += StringUtils.join(cc, "\n"); for (Class<?> comp : cm.getComponents()) { StringBuilder sc = new StringBuilder(); if (!componentsDone.contains(comp)) { if (componentsDone.contains(comp)) continue; sc.append(getComponentConfigString(comp, Component.class)); componentsDone.add(comp); } if (sc.length() != 0) { doc += "\n********************\n" + "* Other Components *\n" + "********************\n\n" + sc.toString(); } } return doc; } /** * Writes documentation for all components available in this * <code>ComponentManager</code> instance. It goes through * all components (sorted by their type) and all the configuration * options of the components. Explanations, default values, allowed * values for the options are collected and the obtained string is * written in a file. * @param file The documentation file. */ public void writeConfigDocumentation(File file) { Files.createFile(file, getConfigDocumentationString()); } private String getComponentConfigString(Class<?> component, Class<?> category) { // heading + anchor StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String klass = component.getName(); String header = "component: " + klass; String description = ""; String catString = "component"; String usage = null; // some information about the component if (Component.class.isAssignableFrom(component)) { Class<? extends Component> ccomp = (Class<? extends Component>) component; header = "component: " + AnnComponentManager.getName(ccomp) + " (" + klass + ") v" + AnnComponentManager.getVersion(ccomp); description = AnnComponentManager.getDescription(ccomp); catString =, category.getSimpleName()); ComponentAnn catAnn = category.getAnnotation(ComponentAnn.class); if (catAnn != null) { catString = catAnn.shortName(); } for (Entry<Class, String> entry : varNameMapping.entrySet()) { Class cls = entry.getKey(); if (cls.isAssignableFrom(component)) { catString = entry.getValue(); } } usage = "conf file usage: " + catString + ".type = \"" + AnnComponentManager.getShortName(ccomp) + "\"\n"; } else { ComponentAnn ann = component.getAnnotation(ComponentAnn.class); if (ann != null) { header = "component: " + + " (" + klass + ") v" + ann.version(); } description = ann.description(); if (component.equals(GlobalDoc.class)) { catString = ""; usage = ""; } else { catString = "cli"; usage = "conf file usage: " + catString + ".type = \"" + klass + "\"\n"; } } header += "\n" + Strings.repeat("=", header.length()) + "\n"; sb.append(header); if (description.length() > 0) { sb.append(description + "\n"); } sb.append("\n"); sb.append(usage + "\n"); optionsTable(sb, component, catString); return sb.toString(); } private void optionsTable(StringBuilder sb, Class<?> component, String catString) { // generate table for configuration options Map<Field, Class<?>> options = ConfigHelper.getConfigOptionTypes(component); for (Entry<Field, Class<?>> entry : options.entrySet()) { String optionName = AnnComponentManager.getName(entry.getKey()); ConfigOption option = entry.getKey().getAnnotation(ConfigOption.class); String type = entry.getValue().getSimpleName(); if (entry.getValue().equals(OWLClass.class)) { type = "IRI"; } String exampleValue = !option.exampleValue().isEmpty() ? option.exampleValue() : option.defaultValue(); Set<Class> noQuoteClasses = Sets.<Class>newHashSet(boolean.class, int.class, long.class, float.class, double.class, short.class, List.class, Set.class, Map.class); Set<Class> collectionClasses = Sets.<Class>newHashSet(List.class, Set.class); Set<Class> mapClasses = Sets.<Class>newHashSet(Map.class); boolean needsQuotes = !noQuoteClasses.contains(entry.getValue()); boolean isCollection = collectionClasses.contains(entry.getValue()); boolean isMap = mapClasses.contains(entry.getValue()); if (needsQuotes) { exampleValue = "\"" + exampleValue + "\""; } else if (isCollection && exampleValue.isEmpty()) { exampleValue = "{" + exampleValue + "}"; } else if (isMap && exampleValue.isEmpty()) { exampleValue = "[]"; } sb.append("option name: " + optionName + "\n" + "description: " + option.description() + "\n" + "type: " + type + "\n" + "required: " + option.required() + "\n" + "default value: " + option.defaultValue() + "\n" + "conf file usage: " + (catString.isEmpty() ? "" : catString + ".") + optionName + " = " + exampleValue + "\n"); sb.append("\n"); } } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { File file = new File("doc/configOptions.txt"); DocumentationGenerator dg = new DocumentationGenerator(); dg.writeConfigDocumentation(file); System.out.println("Done"); } }