Java tutorial
/** * diqube: Distributed Query Base. * * Copyright (C) 2015 Bastian Gloeckle * * This file is part of diqube. * * diqube is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.diqube.server.queryremote; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.diqube.cluster.ClusterManager; import org.diqube.cluster.connection.Connection; import org.diqube.cluster.connection.ConnectionException; import org.diqube.cluster.connection.ConnectionPool; import org.diqube.cluster.connection.SocketListener; import org.diqube.config.Config; import org.diqube.config.ConfigKey; import org.diqube.context.AutoInstatiate; import; import; import org.diqube.execution.ExecutablePlan; import org.diqube.execution.ExecutablePlanFromRemoteBuilderFactory; import org.diqube.execution.TableRegistry; import org.diqube.execution.cache.ColumnShardCacheRegistry; import org.diqube.execution.cache.WritableColumnShardCache; import org.diqube.execution.env.ExecutionEnvironment; import org.diqube.execution.env.querystats.QueryableColumnShard; import org.diqube.function.IntermediaryResult; import org.diqube.queries.QueryRegistry; import org.diqube.queries.QueryRegistry.QueryExceptionHandler; import org.diqube.queries.QueryRegistry.QueryPercentHandler; import org.diqube.queries.QueryRegistry.QueryResultHandler; import org.diqube.queries.QueryStats; import org.diqube.queries.QueryUuidProvider; import org.diqube.remote.base.thrift.RNodeAddress; import org.diqube.remote.base.thrift.RUUID; import org.diqube.remote.base.thrift.RValue; import org.diqube.remote.base.util.RUuidUtil; import org.diqube.remote.base.util.RValueUtil; import org.diqube.remote.cluster.ClusterQueryServiceConstants; import org.diqube.remote.cluster.RClusterQueryStatsUtil; import org.diqube.remote.cluster.RIntermediateAggregationResultUtil; import org.diqube.remote.cluster.thrift.ClusterQueryService; import org.diqube.remote.cluster.thrift.RClusterQueryStatistics; import org.diqube.remote.cluster.thrift.RExecutionException; import org.diqube.remote.cluster.thrift.RExecutionPlan; import org.diqube.remote.cluster.thrift.ROldNewIntermediateAggregationResult; import org.diqube.remote.query.thrift.QueryService; import org.diqube.server.querymaster.QueryServiceHandler; import org.diqube.server.queryremote.RemoteExecutionPlanExecutor.RemoteExecutionPlanExecutionCallback; import org.diqube.server.util.ExecutablePlanQueryStatsUtil; import org.diqube.threads.ExecutorManager; import org.diqube.util.Holder; import org.diqube.util.Pair; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; /** * Implements {@link ClusterQueryService}, which is the cluster-side API to distribute the execution of queries. * * This means that this service - in contrast to {@link QueryService} and its {@link QueryServiceHandler} - will not be * called by users (or the UI) directly. * * When executing queries, the of this service methods will be called on the "query remote" nodes. * * @author Bastian Gloeckle */ @AutoInstatiate public class ClusterQueryServiceHandler implements ClusterQueryService.Iface { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClusterQueryServiceHandler.class); /** * The executionUuids we are using by the queryUuids. THis contains only those executionUuids of queries which are * being executed currently. Additionally this map contains the "resultConnection" that was opened for the given * query. */ private Map<UUID, Pair<UUID, Connection<?>>> executionUuidsAndResultConnections = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); @Inject private TableRegistry tableRegistry; @Inject private ExecutablePlanFromRemoteBuilderFactory executablePlanBuilderFactory; @Inject private ExecutorManager executorManager; @Inject private ConnectionPool connectionPool; @Inject private QueryRegistry queryRegistry; @Inject private QueryUuidProvider queryUuidProvider; @Inject private ClusterManager clusterManager; @Inject private ColumnShardCacheRegistry tableCacheRegistry; @Config(ConfigKey.CONCURRENT_TABLE_SHARD_EXECUTION_PER_QUERY) private int numberOfTableShardsToExecuteConcurrently; /** * Starts executing a {@link RExecutionPlan} on all {@link TableShard}s on this node, which act as "query remote" * node. * * Please note that the results of this call will be available through a {@link QueryResultHandler} which can be * registered at {@link QueryRegistry}. */ @Override public void executeOnAllLocalShards(RExecutionPlan executionPlan, RUUID remoteQueryUuid, RNodeAddress resultAddress) throws TException { Object connSync = new Object(); Connection<ClusterQueryService.Client> resultConnection; ClusterQueryService.Iface resultService; UUID queryUuid = RUuidUtil.toUuid(remoteQueryUuid); // The executionUuid we will use for the all executors executing something started by this API call. UUID executionUuid = queryUuidProvider.createNewExecutionUuid(queryUuid, "remote-" + queryUuid); if (resultAddress.equals(clusterManager.getOurHostAddr().createRemote())) { // implement short cut if we should answer to the local node, i.e. the query master is running on this node, too. // This is a nice implementation for unit tests, too. resultConnection = null; resultService = this; } else { SocketListener resultSocketListener = new SocketListener() { @Override public void connectionDied() { // Connection to result node died. The node will automatically be removed from ClusterManager and the // connection will automatically be handled. logger.error( "Result node of query {} execution {} ({}) died unexpectedly. It will not receive any " + "results of the execution any more, cancelling execution.", queryUuid, executionUuid, resultAddress); executionUuidsAndResultConnections.remove(queryUuid); queryRegistry.unregisterQueryExecution(queryUuid, executionUuid); executorManager.shutdownEverythingOfQueryExecution(queryUuid, executionUuid); // this will kill our thread! } }; try { resultConnection = connectionPool.reserveConnection(ClusterQueryService.Client.class, ClusterQueryServiceConstants.SERVICE_NAME, resultAddress, resultSocketListener); } catch (ConnectionException | InterruptedException e) { logger.error( "Could not open connection to the result node for query {} execution {} ({}). Will not start " + "executing anything.", queryUuid, executionUuid, resultAddress); return; } resultService = resultConnection.getService(); } executionUuidsAndResultConnections.put(queryUuid, new Pair<>(executionUuid, resultConnection)); RemoteExecutionPlanExecutor executor = new RemoteExecutionPlanExecutor(tableRegistry, executablePlanBuilderFactory, executorManager, queryRegistry, numberOfTableShardsToExecuteConcurrently); // Exception handler that handles exceptions that are thrown during execution (one handler for all TableShards!) // This can also close all resources, if parameters "null,null" are passed. QueryExceptionHandler exceptionHandler = new QueryExceptionHandler() { @Override public void handleException(Throwable t) { if (t != null) { logger.error("Exception while executing query {} execution {}", queryUuid, executionUuid, t); RExecutionException ex = new RExecutionException(); ex.setMessage(t.getMessage()); try { resultService.executionException(remoteQueryUuid, ex); } catch (TException e) { // swallow, the resultSocketListener handles this. } } // shutdown everything for all TableShards. if (resultConnection != null) { synchronized (connSync) { connectionPool.releaseConnection(resultConnection); } } executionUuidsAndResultConnections.remove(queryUuid); queryRegistry.unregisterQueryExecution(queryUuid, executionUuid); executorManager.shutdownEverythingOfQueryExecution(queryUuid, executionUuid); // this will kill our thread! } }; Holder<List<ExecutablePlan>> executablePlansHolder = new Holder<>(); Pair<Runnable, List<ExecutablePlan>> prepareRes = executor.prepareExecution(queryUuid, executionUuid, executionPlan, new RemoteExecutionPlanExecutionCallback() { @Override public void newGroupIntermediaryAggregration(long groupId, String colName, ROldNewIntermediateAggregationResult result, short percentDone) { synchronized (connSync) { try { resultService.groupIntermediateAggregationResultAvailable(remoteQueryUuid, groupId, colName, result, percentDone); } catch (TException e) { logger.error("Could not send new group intermediaries to client for query {}", queryUuid, e); exceptionHandler.handleException(null); } } } @Override public void newColumnValues(String colName, Map<Long, RValue> values, short percentDone) { synchronized (connSync) { try { logger.trace("Constructed final column values, sending them now."); resultService.columnValueAvailable(remoteQueryUuid, colName, values, percentDone); } catch (TException e) { logger.error("Could not send new group intermediaries to client for query {}", queryUuid, e); exceptionHandler.handleException(null); } } } @Override public void executionDone() { // gather final stats queryRegistry.getOrCreateCurrentStatsManager().setCompletedNanos(System.nanoTime()); for (ExecutablePlan plan : executablePlansHolder.getValue()) new ExecutablePlanQueryStatsUtil() .publishQueryStats(queryRegistry.getCurrentStatsManager(), plan); // send stats RClusterQueryStatistics remoteStats = RClusterQueryStatsUtil .createRQueryStats(queryRegistry.getCurrentStatsManager().createQueryStats()); logger.trace("Sending query statistics of {} to query master: {}", queryUuid, remoteStats); synchronized (connSync) { try { resultService.queryStatistics(remoteQueryUuid, remoteStats); } catch (TException e) { logger.error("Could not send statistics to client for query {}", queryUuid, e); } } // update table cache with the results of this query execution. Note that if this query execution loaded // specific columns from the cache, they will be available in the ExecutionEnv as "temporary columns" - and // we will present them to the cache again right away. With this mechanism the cache can actively count the // usages of specific columns and therefore tune what it should cache and what not. WritableColumnShardCache tableCache = tableCacheRegistry .getColumnShardCache(executionPlan.getTable()); if (tableCache != null) {"Updating the table cache with results of query {}, execution {}", queryUuid, executionUuid); for (ExecutablePlan plan : executablePlansHolder.getValue()) { ExecutionEnvironment env = plan.getDefaultExecutionEnvironment(); Map<String, List<QueryableColumnShard>> tempColShards = env .getAllTemporaryColumnShards(); for (String colName : tempColShards.keySet()) { ColumnShard tempCol = Iterables.getLast(tempColShards.get(colName)) .getDelegate(); tableCache.registerUsageOfColumnShardPossiblyCache(env.getFirstRowIdInShard(), tempCol); } } } synchronized (connSync) { try { resultService.executionDone(remoteQueryUuid); } catch (TException e) { logger.error("Could not send 'done' to client for query {}", queryUuid, e); } } exceptionHandler.handleException(null); } }); if (prepareRes == null) { // we cannot execute anything, probably the TableShards were just unloaded. long now = System.nanoTime(); queryRegistry.getOrCreateCurrentStatsManager().setStartedNanos(now); queryRegistry.getOrCreateCurrentStatsManager().setCompletedNanos(now); synchronized (connSync) { "As there's nothing to execute for query {} execution {}, sending empty stats and an executionDone", queryUuid, executionUuid); resultService.queryStatistics(remoteQueryUuid, RClusterQueryStatsUtil .createRQueryStats(queryRegistry.getCurrentStatsManager().createQueryStats())); resultService.executionDone(remoteQueryUuid); } exceptionHandler.handleException(null); return; } executablePlansHolder.setValue(prepareRes.getRight()); // prepare to launch the execution in a different Thread Executor threadPool = executorManager.newQueryFixedThreadPoolWithTimeout(1, "query-remote-master-" + queryUuid + "-%d", queryUuid, executionUuid); queryRegistry.registerQueryExecution(queryUuid, executionUuid, exceptionHandler, false); // start execution of ExecutablePlan(s) asynchronously. queryRegistry.getOrCreateStatsManager(queryUuid, executionUuid).setStartedNanos(System.nanoTime()); threadPool.execute(prepareRes.getLeft()); } /** * New group intermediate aggregations are available for a given queryId. * * This method will be called as result from calling * {@link #executeOnAllShards(RExecutionPlan, RUUID, RNodeAddress, boolean)} on another node. */ @Override public void groupIntermediateAggregationResultAvailable(RUUID remoteQueryUuid, long groupId, String colName, ROldNewIntermediateAggregationResult result, short percentDoneDelta) throws TException { logger.trace("Received new group intermediary values in service. Constructing final objects to work on..."); IntermediaryResult<Object, Object, Object> oldRes = null; if (result.isSetOldResult()) oldRes = RIntermediateAggregationResultUtil.buildIntermediateAggregationResult(result.getOldResult()); IntermediaryResult<Object, Object, Object> newRes = null; if (result.isSetNewResult()) newRes = RIntermediateAggregationResultUtil.buildIntermediateAggregationResult(result.getNewResult()); UUID queryUuid = RUuidUtil.toUuid(remoteQueryUuid); for (QueryPercentHandler handler : queryRegistry.getQueryPercentHandlers(queryUuid)) handler.newRemoteCompletionPercentDelta(percentDoneDelta); for (QueryResultHandler handler : queryRegistry.getQueryResultHandlers(queryUuid)) handler.newIntermediaryAggregationResult(groupId, colName, oldRes, newRes); } /** * New column values are available for a given queryId. * * This method will be called as result from calling * {@link #executeOnAllShards(RExecutionPlan, RUUID, RNodeAddress, boolean)} on another node. */ @Override public void columnValueAvailable(RUUID remoteQueryUuid, String colName, Map<Long, RValue> valuesByRowId, short percentDoneDelta) throws TException { logger.trace("Received new column values in service. Constructing final objects to work on..."); Map<Long, Object> values = new HashMap<>(); for (Entry<Long, RValue> remoteEntry : valuesByRowId.entrySet()) values.put(remoteEntry.getKey(), RValueUtil.createValue(remoteEntry.getValue())); UUID queryUuid = RUuidUtil.toUuid(remoteQueryUuid); for (QueryPercentHandler handler : queryRegistry.getQueryPercentHandlers(queryUuid)) handler.newRemoteCompletionPercentDelta(percentDoneDelta); for (QueryResultHandler handler : queryRegistry.getQueryResultHandlers(queryUuid)) handler.newColumnValues(colName, values); } /** * An execution that was started with {@link #executeOnAllShards(RExecutionPlan, RUUID, RNodeAddress, boolean)} was * completed successfully. */ @Override public void executionDone(RUUID remoteQueryUuid) throws TException { for (QueryResultHandler handler : queryRegistry.getQueryResultHandlers(RUuidUtil.toUuid(remoteQueryUuid))) handler.oneRemoteDone(); } /** * An execution that was started with {@link #executeOnAllShards(RExecutionPlan, RUUID, RNodeAddress, boolean)} ended * with an exception. */ @Override public void executionException(RUUID remoteQueryUuid, RExecutionException executionException) throws TException { for (QueryResultHandler handler : queryRegistry.getQueryResultHandlers(RUuidUtil.toUuid(remoteQueryUuid))) handler.oneRemoteException(executionException.getMessage()); } /** * We are asked to cancel the execution of the given query. */ @Override public void cancelExecution(RUUID remoteQueryUuid) throws TException { UUID queryUuid = RUuidUtil.toUuid(remoteQueryUuid); Pair<UUID, Connection<?>> p = executionUuidsAndResultConnections.get(queryUuid); if (p != null) { UUID executionUuid = p.getLeft();"We were asked to cancel execution of query {} which has exection {}. Doing that.", queryUuid, executionUuid); if (p.getRight() != null) connectionPool.releaseConnection(p.getRight()); executionUuidsAndResultConnections.remove(queryUuid); queryRegistry.unregisterQueryExecution(queryUuid, executionUuid); executorManager.shutdownEverythingOfQueryExecution(queryUuid, executionUuid); // this will kill our thread! } } @Override public void queryStatistics(RUUID remoteQueryUuid, RClusterQueryStatistics remoteStats) throws TException { UUID queryUuid = RUuidUtil.toUuid(remoteQueryUuid); QueryStats stats = RClusterQueryStatsUtil.createQueryStats(remoteStats); queryRegistry.remoteQueryStatsAvailable(queryUuid, stats); } }