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Here is the source code for


 * diqube: Distributed Query Base.
 * Copyright (C) 2015 Bastian Gloeckle
 * This file is part of diqube.
 * diqube is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package org.diqube.execution.steps;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NavigableSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedDeque;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import org.diqube.execution.ColumnVersionBuiltHelper;
import org.diqube.execution.consumers.AbstractThreadedColumnBuiltConsumer;
import org.diqube.execution.consumers.AbstractThreadedColumnVersionBuiltConsumer;
import org.diqube.execution.consumers.AbstractThreadedRowIdConsumer;
import org.diqube.execution.consumers.ColumnBuiltConsumer;
import org.diqube.execution.consumers.ColumnVersionBuiltConsumer;
import org.diqube.execution.consumers.DoneConsumer;
import org.diqube.execution.consumers.GenericConsumer;
import org.diqube.execution.consumers.OrderedRowIdConsumer;
import org.diqube.execution.consumers.RowIdConsumer;
import org.diqube.execution.exception.ExecutablePlanBuildException;
import org.diqube.executionenv.ExecutionEnvironment;
import org.diqube.executionenv.VersionedExecutionEnvironment;
import org.diqube.executionenv.querystats.QueryableColumnShard;
import org.diqube.queries.QueryRegistry;
import org.diqube.util.ArrayViewLongList;
import org.diqube.util.Pair;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


 * Orders the incoming row IDs by the values of potentially multiple columns, ascending or descending.
 * <p>
 * Any order step can have a LIMIT set which will cut off the results after the amount of rows. If a limit is specified,
 * a limitStart may be specified, denoting the first index of the row IDs to return. If <b>both</b> these values are
 * unset, <i>softLimit</i> may be set. A soft limit is needed for cluster nodes which might be able to order only by a
 * subset of the columns that actually need to be ordered according to the users request. That might happen if the ORDER
 * BY contained a column which is based on a group aggregation function - as remotes do not have the final grouped
 * aggregation values available, they obviously cannot order by them. We nevertheless want to faciliate using limits as
 * well as possible also on cluster nodes already to reduce the data transfers to the query master and the memory
 * consumption on the query master. Therefore there is a soft limit, which will cut off any results, too, following
 * these requirements:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If softLimit is set, this step will try to return only softLimit number of rows, just like when LIMIT is set.
 * <li>If, though, there are any rows after sorting which would be cut off, but whose values of the ordered columns is
 * equal to any of the rows that are not cut off, then these rows will be contained in the result, too. This then
 * enables these "equal" rows to be sorted further by the query master and then being cut off correctly.
 * <li>As the rowIDs are ordered already before executing the cut-off, this step only inspects the last row that is not
 * cut-off and compares that to any rows marked for cut-off - if there are equal rows, they will be included.
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * When this step is executed on the query master, there will usually be (at least) one
 * {@link ColumnVersionBuiltConsumer} wired. This means that the ordering will take place on the intermediary column
 * values of a {@link VersionedExecutionEnvironment}. In that case, the actual cut-off by any limits is not executed
 * while working on those intermediary column, but only when the columns have been built fully. This is because each
 * value in each of the interesting columns might change arbitrarily in a intermediary column and we therefore cannot
 * guarantee that a rowId that looks like not being cut-off in the first run, might get values that would force us to
 * not cut-off that row ID in a later execution.
 * <p>
 * The columns that are ordered by are expected to be {@link StandardColumnShard}s.
 * <p>
 * Input: 1 {@link RowIdConsumer}, optionally multiple {@link ColumnBuiltConsumer}s, optionally multiple
 * {@link ColumnVersionBuiltConsumer}s <br>
 * Output: {@link RowIdConsumer} and/or {@link OrderedRowIdConsumer}
 * @author Bastian Gloeckle
public class OrderStep extends AbstractThreadedExecutablePlanStep {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OrderStep.class);

    private AtomicBoolean columnBuiltInputIsDone = new AtomicBoolean(false);
     * Interesting only, if ColumnBuiltConsumer is wired. Then it contains the names of the columns we still wait for to
     * be fully built.
    private Set<String> columnsThatNeedToBeBuilt;
     * <code>true</code> when all columns this step is waiting for have been built and are available in
     * {@link #defaultEnv} .
    private AtomicBoolean allColumnsBuilt = new AtomicBoolean(false);

    private AbstractThreadedColumnBuiltConsumer columnBuiltConsumer = new AbstractThreadedColumnBuiltConsumer(
            this) {
        protected void doColumnBuilt(String colName) {

            if (columnsThatNeedToBeBuilt.isEmpty())

        protected void allSourcesAreDone() {

     * The newest available {@link VersionedExecutionEnvironment} which should be used to query values of columns. This
     * will be set only if a {@link ColumnVersionBuiltConsumer} is wired.
    private VersionedExecutionEnvironment newestTemporaryEnv = null;

    private AbstractThreadedColumnVersionBuiltConsumer columnVersionBuiltConsumer = new AbstractThreadedColumnVersionBuiltConsumer(
            this) {
        protected void allSourcesAreDone() {
            // we rely on ColumnBuiltConsumer to report the final build.

        protected synchronized void doColumnBuilt(VersionedExecutionEnvironment env, String colName,
                Set<Long> adjustedRowIds) {
            if (newestTemporaryEnv == null)
                newestTemporaryEnv = env;
            else if (newestTemporaryEnv.getVersion() < env.getVersion())
                newestTemporaryEnv = env;

    private AtomicBoolean rowIdSourceIsEmpty = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    /** input rowIDs as reported by input {@link RowIdConsumer}. */
    private ConcurrentLinkedDeque<Long> rowIds = new ConcurrentLinkedDeque<>();

    private AbstractThreadedRowIdConsumer rowIdConsumer = new AbstractThreadedRowIdConsumer(this) {
        public void allSourcesAreDone() {

        protected void doConsume(Long[] rowIds) {
            for (long rowId : rowIds)
     * current version of sorted row IDs. This array may be longer than how many values are actually available. See
     * {@link #sortedRowIdsLength}.
    private Long[] sortedRowIds = new Long[0];
    /** Number of valid entries in {@link #sortedRowIds}. See {@link #resizeArrayForLength(Long[], int)}. */
    private int sortedRowIdsLength = 0;
     * maximum value of {@link #sortedRowIdsLength} that we should consider when taking into account the LIMIT and
     * {@link #limitStart}. Only valid of {@link #softLimit} is <code>null</code>!
    private Long sortedRowIdsMaxLength;
    private Long limitStart;
    private Long softLimit;

     * Creates a {@link SortComparator} that sorts according to the requested parameters. This can be called as soon as
     * all columns that this {@link OrderStep} is interested have been created (= {@link #columnBuiltConsumer} in the
     * given {@link ExecutionEnvironment}
    private Function<ExecutionEnvironment, SortComparator> headComparatorProvider;
     * List of columns to sort by, just like the user specified it in the query. Pair is col Name to boolean (true if ASC,
     * false if DESC).
    private List<Pair<String, Boolean>> sortCols;
    /** A Set with just the names of the columns to sort by (unordered). */
    private Set<String> sortColSet;

    private ExecutionEnvironment defaultEnv;

     * row IDs that were reported as active by the input {@link RowIdConsumer}, but which have not yet been inspected
     * because there are no values available for all columns at these rows. This is only interesting if there are
     * {@link ColumnVersionBuiltConsumer}s wired (= only on query master).
    private NavigableSet<Long> notYetProcessedRowIds = new TreeSet<>();

     * @param sortCols
     *          List of Pairs of which columns should be sorted after (in that order!). Left side of the pair is the
     *          column name, right side is <code>true</code> if sorted should be ascending, <code>false</code> if
     *          descending.
     * @param limit
     *          if not <code>null</code>, a limit on the resulting set of row IDs will be applied, that means at most that
     *          many rows will be returned (taking into account the ordering, of course).
     * @param limitStart
     *          if not <code>null</code>, not the _first_ (limit) row IDs will be returned, but the ones starting at index
     *          limitStart. This cannot be set, if limit is <code>null</code>.
     * @param softLimit
     *          If both limit and limitStart are null, this field might be set, otherwise it needs to be <code>null</code>
     *          . For a description, see class comment.
    public OrderStep(int stepId, QueryRegistry queryRegistry, ExecutionEnvironment defaultEnv,
            List<Pair<String, Boolean>> sortCols, Long limit, Long limitStart, Long softLimit) {
        super(stepId, queryRegistry);
        this.defaultEnv = defaultEnv;
        this.sortCols = sortCols;
        this.limitStart = limitStart;
        this.softLimit = softLimit;
        if (limit != null) {
            sortedRowIdsMaxLength = limit;
            if (limitStart != null)
                sortedRowIdsMaxLength += limitStart;

    public void initialize() {
        sortColSet = -> p.getLeft()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
        columnsThatNeedToBeBuilt = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(sortColSet);
        for (Iterator<String> it = columnsThatNeedToBeBuilt.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
            if (defaultEnv.getColumnShard( != null)

        // factory method for comparators based on a specific env.
        headComparatorProvider = (executionEnvironment) -> {
            SortComparator headComparator = null;
            SortComparator lastComparator = null;
            for (Pair<String, Boolean> sortCol : sortCols) {
                String colName = sortCol.getLeft();
                boolean sortAsc = sortCol.getRight();

                QueryableColumnShard column = executionEnvironment.getColumnShard(colName);
                ColumnValueIdResolver resolver = (rowId) -> column.resolveColumnValueIdForRow(rowId);

                SortComparator newComparator = new SortComparator(resolver, sortAsc);
                if (lastComparator != null)
                    headComparator = newComparator;
                lastComparator = newComparator;
            return headComparator;

    protected void validateOutputConsumer(GenericConsumer consumer) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (!(consumer instanceof DoneConsumer) && !(consumer instanceof OrderedRowIdConsumer)
                && !(consumer instanceof RowIdConsumer))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only OrderedRowIdConsumer and RowIdConsumer accepted.");

    protected void execute() {
        // intermediateRun = true if NOT all final versions of all columns have been built and are available in defaultEnv
        // -> we only have intermediary values!
        boolean intermediateRun = !(columnBuiltConsumer.getNumberOfTimesWired() == 0 || allColumnsBuilt.get());

        if (columnBuiltConsumer.getNumberOfTimesWired() > 0 && columnBuiltInputIsDone.get()
                && !allColumnsBuilt.get()) {
            logger.debug("Ordering needs to wait for a column to be built, but it won't be built. Skipping.");
            forEachOutputConsumerOfType(GenericConsumer.class, c -> c.sourceIsDone());

        ExecutionEnvironment env;
        if (!intermediateRun) {
            env = defaultEnv;
        } else {
            env = newestTemporaryEnv;
            if (env == null)
            // we'll be sorting on a version of the Env that contains only intermediate columns. Check if we have at least
            // some values for all interesting columns.
            boolean allColsAvailable = -> env.getColumnShard(colName) != null);
            if (!allColsAvailable)

        // new row IDs we ought to order into the result.
        NavigableSet<Long> activeRowIdsSet = new TreeSet<>();
        Long tmpNextRowId;
        while ((tmpNextRowId = rowIds.poll()) != null)

        SortComparator headComparator = headComparatorProvider.apply(env);

        if (intermediateRun) {
            // Make sure that we only order those rows, where we have values for all columns.
            // Please note the following:
            // We only make sure that each column contains /any/ value on the row IDs, these might be as well default values
            // filled in by SparseColumnShardBuilder! We therefore might order based on "wrong" values here. But this is not
            // as important, because as soon as we have correct values and the orderStep is executed again (either still in
            // 'intermediary' mode or in 'isLastRun' mode) the row will be ordered correctly.
            new ColumnVersionBuiltHelper().publishActiveRowIds(env, sortColSet, activeRowIdsSet,
        } else {
            if (notYetProcessedRowIds.size() > 0) {

                "Starting to order based on Env {}, having active RowIDs (limt) {}, not yet processed (limit) {}. intermediateRun: {}",
                env, Iterables.limit(activeRowIdsSet, 100), Iterables.limit(notYetProcessedRowIds, 100),

        if (activeRowIdsSet.size() > 0) {

            Long[] activeRowIds = activeRowIdsSet.toArray(new Long[activeRowIdsSet.size()]);

            // be sure that we have enough space in the array
            sortedRowIds = resizeArrayForLength(sortedRowIds, sortedRowIdsLength + activeRowIds.length);

            // add new values to the array and use insertion sort to put them at the right sorted locations
            System.arraycopy(activeRowIds, 0, sortedRowIds, sortedRowIdsLength, activeRowIds.length);
            sortedRowIdsLength += activeRowIds.length;

        // Use default JVM sorting, which implements a TimSort at least in OpenJDK - this executes very well even on
        // partly sorted arrays (which is [mostly] true in our case if the execute method is executed at least twice).
        // -
        // Execute this in each run. This is needed, as either there were new rowIds added or some rows changed their values
        // (otherwise execute() would not be called). Therefore we always need to sort the array.
        // TODO #8 support sorting only /some/ elements in case we're based on intermediary values.
        Arrays.sort(sortedRowIds, 0, sortedRowIdsLength, headComparator);

        // cutOffPoint = first index in sortedRowIds that would be cut off by a limit/softLimit clause. null otherwise.
        Integer cutOffPoint = null;

        // Find cut off point according to limit/softLimit.
        if (softLimit == null) {
            if (sortedRowIdsMaxLength != null && sortedRowIdsLength > sortedRowIdsMaxLength) {
                // we have a LIMIT set but our sorted array is already longer. Cut its length to save some memory.

                // remember point to cut off at
                cutOffPoint = sortedRowIdsMaxLength.intValue();
        } else {
            if (sortedRowIdsLength > softLimit) {
                // we are above the soft limit!
                Long lastContainedRowId = sortedRowIds[softLimit.intValue() - 1];
                int softLength = softLimit.intValue();
                // linearily search those rows which should be included in the result although they would have been cut-off.
                while (softLength < sortedRowIdsLength
                        &&, sortedRowIds[softLength]) == 0)

                logger.trace("Hit soft limit {}, using length {}", softLimit.intValue(), softLength);

                // remember point to cut off at
                cutOffPoint = softLength;

        // inform RowIdConsumers about new row IDs
        if (activeRowIdsSet.size() > 0) {
            if (intermediateRun) {
                // if this is an intermediary run, make sure that we report all rowIds to subsequent steps, as we did not
                // actually execute the cut-off.
                Long[] rowIds = -> new Long[l]);
                forEachOutputConsumerOfType(RowIdConsumer.class, c -> c.consume(rowIds));
            } else {
                // This is a last run. This means that sorting is now based on the defaultEnv and that none of the columns might
                // change its values anymore.
                // If there were new rowIds, we need to report only those that actually are included inside
                // the result value (and are not cut-off).
                Long[] rowIdsToBeOutput;

                if (cutOffPoint != null)
                    rowIdsToBeOutput = findRowIdsToBeOutputOnCutOff(activeRowIdsSet, cutOffPoint);
                    rowIdsToBeOutput = -> new Long[l]);

                // report all row IDs so subsequent RowID consumers can handle them. We might report too much rowIDs here.
                forEachOutputConsumerOfType(RowIdConsumer.class, c -> c.consume(rowIdsToBeOutput));

        if (!intermediateRun && cutOffPoint != null)
            // execute cut off if we're not in an intermediate run. While in an intermediate run we're based on arbitrary
            // versions of the column (see ColumnVersionBuiltConsumer). This means that the values of all interesting rows
            // in all columns might change arbitrarily. Therefore we cannot execute a cut-off in that case, as a row that
            // we'd cut off now might change its value later on so we'd actually need to include it. On the other hand, not
            // only that row might change its value, but all other rows might change their values and force that row to be
            // inside the result set - but if we cut it off before, there's no chance to recover it. So we execute no
            // cut-off in that case.
            sortedRowIdsLength = cutOffPoint;

        logger.trace("Ordering result (limit): {}",
                Iterables.limit(Arrays.asList(sortedRowIds), Math.min(20, sortedRowIdsLength)));

        final Integer finalIntendedCutOffPoint = cutOffPoint;

        // output sorted result in each run - it might be that we did not have new row IDs, but the value of specific row
        // IDs were changed and therefore we have a now ordering (after sorting above) - we should publicize that.
        forEachOutputConsumerOfType(OrderedRowIdConsumer.class, new Consumer<OrderedRowIdConsumer>() {
            public void accept(OrderedRowIdConsumer orderedConsumer) {
                int startIdx;
                int length;
                if (limitStart != null) {
                    startIdx = limitStart.intValue();
                    length = sortedRowIdsLength - limitStart.intValue();
                } else {
                    startIdx = 0;
                    length = sortedRowIdsLength;

                if (intermediateRun && finalIntendedCutOffPoint != null) {
                    // we did not execute a cut-off, as we're in an intermediary run. So do at least a 'virtual cut-off' here, by
                    // only reporting those rows inside the intendedCutOffPoint to the steps interested in the ordering.
                    length -= sortedRowIdsLength - finalIntendedCutOffPoint;

                if (length < 0 || startIdx >= sortedRowIds.length) {
                    // ensure that we do not pass on invalid values to ArrayViewLongList.
                    startIdx = 0;
                    length = 0;

                orderedConsumer.consumeOrderedRowIds(new ArrayViewLongList(sortedRowIds, startIdx, length));

        // check if we're done.
        if (!intermediateRun && rowIdSourceIsEmpty.get() && rowIds.isEmpty()) {
            forEachOutputConsumerOfType(GenericConsumer.class, c -> c.sourceIsDone());

     * Find those rowIDs that were in activeRowIdsSet, but which will be cut-off when using the given cut-off-point.
     * <p>
     * This needs to be executed before executing a cutOff (=adjusting {@link #sortedRowIdsLength}), as this method needs
     * that value.
     * @param activeRowIdsSet
     *          The source set of row IDs.
     * @param cutOffPoint
     *          The first index in {@link #sortedRowIds} that will be cut-off.
     * @return the row IDs to be reported as newly added. These will be all the longs in activeRowIdsSet which are NOT cut
     *         off.
    private Long[] findRowIdsToBeOutputOnCutOff(Set<Long> activeRowIdsSet, int cutOffPoint) {
        Set<Long> rowIdsBeingCutOff = new HashSet<>();
        for (int i = cutOffPoint; i < sortedRowIdsLength; i++)
        logger.trace("Cutting off {} results because of (soft) limit clause: (limt) {}",
                sortedRowIdsLength - cutOffPoint, Iterables.limit(rowIdsBeingCutOff, 100));

        return Sets.difference(activeRowIdsSet, rowIdsBeingCutOff).stream().toArray(l -> new Long[l]);

    protected List<GenericConsumer> inputConsumers() {
        return Arrays
                .asList(new GenericConsumer[] { rowIdConsumer, columnBuiltConsumer, columnVersionBuiltConsumer });

    protected void validateWiredStatus() throws ExecutablePlanBuildException {
        // there may be an arbitrary number of ColumnBuiltConsumers, but there has to be at least the RowIdConsumer
        if (rowIdConsumer.getNumberOfTimesWired() == 0)
            throw new ExecutablePlanBuildException("RowIdConsumer is not wired.");

    private Long[] resizeArrayForLength(Long[] longArray, int requestedNewLength) {
        if (longArray != null && requestedNewLength <= longArray.length)
            return longArray;

        int newLength;
        int highestBit = Integer.highestOneBit(requestedNewLength);
        if (highestBit == 0)
            highestBit = 1;
        if ((highestBit << 1) > requestedNewLength)
            newLength = highestBit << 1;
            newLength = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

        Long[] resultArray = new Long[newLength];
        if (longArray != null)
            System.arraycopy(longArray, 0, resultArray, 0, longArray.length);

        return resultArray;

     * Resolves a row ID to a Column value ID.
    private interface ColumnValueIdResolver {
        public long resolveColumnValueId(long rowId);

     * A {@link Comparator} that compared the column value IDs of the rowIDs that are expected to be provided to the
     * {@link #compare(Long, Long)} method. If the column value IDs are equal, the comparator may forward the decision to
     * another {@link SortComparator} - this enables us to implement a detailed sorting using multiple columns after each
     * other.
    private class SortComparator implements Comparator<Long> {

        private ColumnValueIdResolver columnValueIdResolver;
        private SortComparator delegateComparatorOnEqual = null;
        private int orderFactor;

        public SortComparator(ColumnValueIdResolver columnValueIdResolver, boolean sortAscending) {
            this.columnValueIdResolver = columnValueIdResolver;
            orderFactor = (sortAscending) ? 1 : -1;

        public int compare(Long rowId1, Long rowId2) {
            long colValue1 = columnValueIdResolver.resolveColumnValueId(rowId1);
            long colValue2 = columnValueIdResolver.resolveColumnValueId(rowId2);
            if (colValue1 == colValue2) {
                if (delegateComparatorOnEqual != null)
                    return, rowId2);
                return 0;
            return orderFactor *, colValue2);

        public void setDelegateComparatorOnEqual(SortComparator delegateComparatorOnEqual) {
            this.delegateComparatorOnEqual = delegateComparatorOnEqual;

    protected String getAdditionalToStringDetails() {
        return "sortCols=" + sortCols;